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HEWITT RHONDA HEWITT rl aw > ry . Y faa 77 1 0 0 5 0 7 8 | are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as Exhibit 'A' attached hereto. WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs, and assigns as follows: . INSTALLATION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS The owner(s) of the above described property, their suc- 6ENETS, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any future Local Improvement District (LID) or city initia- ted proposal, and pay their fair share therefore, for the purposes of providing the necessary off-site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improve- ments shall include but may not be limited to the installa- ; Re ae tion of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving, Sarrmbaney gewers, storm sewers, undergrounding of utilities, and street lighting. ee sini’ Vga a These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105(6) ( \\ far ga We aah eg ‘ : fee ath of. Titve IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renton. { sity ns eT Rais ens et \ ieee are yin Oe 3 oo WO rh fp ds cae his, DURATION These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2025. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these covenants, the portion of CO Q the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improve- ‘ oO) ments as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton ’ ~ shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. ! | Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely aff d by said breach. Jon Habe) Xekhies) Krnbar’ tok Q 2 (ean ) a STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) On this aie day of SEPTEMEER «7 19 id before me TOM LAMBRO DEBRA J. LAMBRO personally appeared » ’ FLOYD L. HEWITT RHONDA HEW!TT the person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said person(s) for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Wit, a . oa OC I - - 5 - 7 7 , 00 2 6 2 77 1 0 0 5 0 7 5 1 — A fF “4 ee ~ ad ot v i ha) Y) Ne r thes ta'ue. ; of Washin§ton, resiatiig ats iD Bs : FILED for Record at Request 01 wrarcind won bes ars a J. cr 5 2 oo WT i 4 Tat NA eT SN RT Lag NON RET RR IMRT PLENTTSES YN! PPE RE WME AT SON ARHET PAN EI AGATE RTE RPP N A PRI, I a | ? DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, TOM LAMBRO ; DEBRA J. LAMBRO FLOYD L. HEWITT RHONDA HEWITT ’ are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton County of King, State of Washington, described as Exhibit 'A' attached hereto. WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs, and assigns as follows: INSTALLATION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS The owner(s) of the above described property, their suc- cessors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any future Local Improvement District (LID) or city initia- ted proposal, and pay their fair share therefore, for the purposes of providing the necessary off-site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improve- ments shall include but may not be limited to the installa- tion of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving, Sanmetery eewers, storm sewers, undergrounding of utilities, and street lighting. These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105(6) of Title IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renton. DURATION These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2025. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these covenants, the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improve- ments as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely aff d by said breach. . LK YQ, ) £ Lepr Show / 0) Os z wo}. / Vie v1. byes La dt hace ALL Weaieel STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) On this 22ND day of SEPTEMBER , 19 77 77 , before me TOM LAMBRO DEBRA J. LAMBRO personally appeared ’ ’ FLOYD L. HEWITT RHONDA HEWITT 9 b] PY > the person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said person(s) for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. )D _ Pd ; P. Gauls NLS LL Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at “vere cece & THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR @ LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER L. RICK BEELER, 235-2593 September 28, 1977 Mr. Floyd Hewitt RE: File No. Short Plat 073-77 662 Sunset Boulevard N.E. W-074-77 Renton, WA - 98055 Mr. Tom Lambro L3vid. NeB. L2th #201: Bellevue, WA 98005 Dear Mr. Hewitt and Mr. Lambro: This is to notify you that the above referenced requests, which were approved subject to conditions as noted on the Examiner's report of September 14, 1977, have not been appealed within the time period set by ordinance, and therefore, this application is considered final and is being submitted to the City Clerk effective this date for permanent filing. Sincerely, see } * \ Ca ewer ~ — L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner LRB:mp oleae vel Mead, City Clerk Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) ) County of King ) Marilyn J. Petersen , being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 14thday of September , 19 77 , affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below-entitled application or petition. ~ ) . a 7, ’ i J. / hictey wy) i Vers C4 oto Jv rh Sub ibed d this = a £ J2o7y C , ubscribed and sworn \Y ay oO Seelemibe 19 CC Nocak So, \ aca We Wa? Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton Application, Petition or Case: Hewitt & Lambro, Short Plat #073-77, W-074-77 (The minutes contain a List of the parties of record) September 14, 1977 . OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION, APPLICANT: Floyd Hewitt and Tom Lambro FILE NO. Short Plat 073-77 res W-074-77 LOCATION: The northeast corner of N.E. 17th Street at Kennewick Place N.E. between N.E. 28th Street and N.E. 27th Street. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of a proposed three-lot short plat, together with a waiver of off-site improvements along N.E. 28th Street, an existing unimproved half-street located along the northerly boundary of the subject site. SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Approval with conditions.of Short Plat; RECOMMENDATION: Denial of Waiver. Hearing Examiner: Approval with conditions of Short Plat; Approval of Waiver. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department staff report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on September 6, 1977. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on September 13, 1977 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were sworn. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and one of the applicants, Mr. Hewitt, had received and reviewed the Planning Department report. Mr. Lambro indicated that although he had not received a copy of the report by mail, he had had the opportunity to review it. The report was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. Michael Smith, Planning Department, reviewed Exhibit #1, and entered the following additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #2: Assessor's Map Exhibit #3: Short Plat Map Exhibit #4: Letter from Applicants, received August 31, 1977, regarding Waiver Mr. Smith read Exhibit #4 into the record and clarified a legal opinion from the City Attorney regarding improvements to roadway where developed property produced traffic, and cited previous applications for short plat requests, Petet and Langdon. The Examiner asked for clarification on the location of an existing stream. Mr. Smith explained the stream extends 15 feet from the southwest corner of Lot B and approximately 19 to 30 feet from the northeast corner of Lot A in a northerly direction. In response to the Examiner's question regarding the status of N.E. 28th Street west of Kennewick Place N.E., Mr. Smith reported that it was a developed right-of-way connecting with Jones Avenue N.E. The Examiner inquired about existing traffic problems at said intersection. Mr. Smith stated that because of sight-distance problems and an existing downgrade of the street causing excessive speeds, unspecific traffic problems may exist at the intersection. The Examiner noted that the width of pavement was sufficient at the location. The Examiner asked the applicants if they concurred in Exhibit #1. Responding was: Floyd Hewitt 662 Sunset Boulevard N.E. Renton, WA 98055 ~ 4 » ' @ we Short Plat 073-77 Page Two W-074-77 Mr. Hewitt indicated his concurrence in the report, but wished to question certain city Procedures. Regarding the recommendation to sign restrictive covenants to participate in a future local improvement district, he asked if the property owners would forfeit rights in condemnation procedure if the roadway were dedicated and property reclaimed. The Examiner explained that restrictive covenants ensured the city of the agreement of property owners to participate in formation of a future LID, but did not waive rights of owners to receive compensation for other procedures involving the roadway. Mr. Hewitt asked for further clarification of the definition of a waiver of improvements. The Examiner explained that the city's Subdivision Ordinance requires installation of off-site improvements of curbs, gutters and sidewalks on any unimproved street abutting an improved public right-of-way. Such improvements on a short plat request, he stated, could be deferred for an indefinite period of time. The Examiner asked the other applicant if he concurred in Exhibit #1. Responding was: Tom Lambro 13711 N.E. 12th #201 Bellevue, WA 98005 Mr. Lambro indicated his concurrence in the report. The Examiner asked Mr. Smith for additions, corrections or modifications to Exhibit #1. Mr. Smith indicated he had no further comments. The Examiner restated factors involved in the waiver process to the applicants, and asked for further comments regarding the application. Since there were none, the hearing on Item # Short Plat 073-77 and W-074-77 was closed by the Examiner at 9:30 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: Ct 1. The request is for approval of a three-lot short plat and waiver of off-site improvements along N.E. 28th Street at the location of the north corner of the intersection of Kennewick Place N.E. and N.E. 27th Street. 2. The Planning Department report accurately sets forth the issues, applicable policies and provisions, findings of fact, and departmental recommendations in this matter, is uncontested, and is hereby attached as Exhibit #1 and incorporated in this report by reference as set forth in full therein. ~Y 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended by R.C.W. 43.21.C., the proposal has been determined by Gordon Y. Ericksen, responsible official, to be exempt from the threshold determination and E.I.S. requirements. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development and no adverse comment was expressed. 5. There was no opposition to the proposal expressed. 6. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. 7. The proposal is compatible with the required setbacks and lot coverage requirements of Section 4-706 (R-1) and Chapter 11, Subdivision Ordinance, Title Iv. 8. Adequate provision has been made for vehicular access safety on N.E. 27th Street. 9. Adequate provisions can and will be made for retention, preservation and protection of the existing stream in the general area between Lots and and B. 10. N.E. 28th Street is a half-street with natural constraints imposing problems for future completion as a full street. The proposed lots will access only to N.E. 27th Street. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposal conforms to the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies contained in the Land Use Report and those of the Renton Urban Area document. 2. Access to and improvement of N.E. 28th Street is unreasonable at this time. It is possible, however remotely, that this street may be improved to city standards. But currently the street is of inadequate right-of-way and no other off-site a 4 Short Plat 073-77 Page Three W-074-77 improvements exist in the adjacent area (Section 9-1105.6.B). Requiring these improvements would necessitate dedication of 25 feet of right-of-way which would in all probability preclude the proposal (Section 9-1109.1.A.). 3. The lot sizes and proposed access are responsive to the natural and man-made constraints on the site. DECISION: Based upon the record, testimony and evidence presented at the public hearing, it is the decision of the Examiner to: 1. Approve the application as submitted in Exhibit #3 subject to Public Works Department approval of retention and protection facilities of the existing stream. 2. Approve the Waiver subject to covenant to participate in an L.I.D. on an equitable and fair share basis for improvement of N.E. 28th Street. ORDERED THIS 14th day of September, 1977. L. Rick Beeler Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 14th day of September, 1977 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Floyd Hewitt Tom Lambro TRANSMITTED THIS 14th day of September, 1977 to the following: t Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti i Council President George J. Perry f Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director : Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Ron Nelson, Building Division Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before September 28, 1977. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, : error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, , after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the City Clerk's office, first floor of City Hall, or same may be purchased at cost in said office. RECEIVED CITY QF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT HEARING EXAMINER PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER SEP 131977 PM PUBLIC HEARING ~~. SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 a TT t APPLICANT: FLOYD HEWITT AND TOM LAMBRO EXHIBIT NO./ PYLE Noe @73-77, SHORT PLAT ITEM NO. #4 073-77 W-074-77, WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS re — Ui) -07¢-29 A, SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of a proposed three-lot short plat, together with a waiver of off-site improvements along N.E. 28th Street, an existing unimproved half-street located along the northerly boundary of the subject site. B, GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: HOWARD R. MYERS 2. Apolieanti FLOYD HEWITT AND TOM LAMBRO 3. Location: The northeast corner of N.E. 17th Street at Kennewick Place N.E. between N.E. 28th Street and N.E. 27th Street. 4. Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Planning Department. 5. Size of Property: .63 acres 6. Access: Via N.E. 27th Street. 7. Existing Zoning: G-7200, General Classification District, Single Family Residence, minimum lot size 7200 square feet. 8. Existing Zoning G-7200 in the Area: 9. Comprehensive Single Family Residential Land Use Plan: 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Record-Chronicle and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City ordinance. C, PURPOSE OF REQUEST: To allow subdivision of the subject site into three (3) parcels and development of single family residences in each parcel. D. HISTORY/BACKGROUND: The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance No. 1818 dated March 17, 1968. The site is the last remaining unsubdivided, undeveloped parcel of land within the block bounded by N.E. 27th Street and N.E. 28th Street on the south and north and Aberdeen Avenue N.E. and Kennewick Place N.E. on the east and west. N.E. 27th Street has been recently improved to City standards along the entire frontage of the subject site. N.E. 28th Street is an existing half-street created by subdivision of the block while in King County jurisdiction. E, PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1. Topography: The site is relatively level. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 PAGE TWO RE: FLOYD HEWITT AND TOM LAMBRO SHORT PLAT APPLICATION NO. 073-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-074-77 2. Soils: Indianola Loamy Fine Sand (InC). Permeability is rapid; runoff is slow to medium; and erosion hazard is slight to moder- ate. This soil is used for timber and urban development. The existence of a small stream on the subject site may require additional soils and geology analysis prior to building con- struction on proposed Lot "A". 3. Vegetation: The site consists of various scrub brush and trees. 4. Wildlife: Existing vegetation on the site provides suitable habitat for birds and small mammals. 5. Water: A small stream presently crosses a small portion of the southwest corner of Lot "B" flowing north onto Lot "A" and towards a point approximately 30 feet west of the northeast corner of Lot "A". The stream continues northward onto adjacent properties and eventually flows into May Creek. 6. Land Use: There are existing single family residences located east of the subject site, the majority of which gain access from N.E. 27th Street. However, several homes have been constructed along N.E. 28th Street near its intersection with Aberdeen Avenue N.E. Single family residences also exist south of the subject site and N.E. 27th Street. There is an existing single family residence located north of the subject site. Kennydale Elementary School exists north and west of the subject site across Kennewick Place N.E. There is a certain amount of undeveloped property located north of the subject site. F, NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The area is primarily single family residential in nature. G. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Water and Sewer: An existing 8 inch water main and a 12 inch water main are located along N.E. 27th Street. There are an 8 inch sanitary sewer line and a 12 inch sanitary sewer line along N.E. 27th Street. A 15 inch storm sewer is located along N.E. 27th Street. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the Renton Fire Department as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit: Metro Transit Route No. 42 operates along N.E. 27th Street connecting with the existing freeway system. 4. Schools: The subject site is located across Kennewick Place N.E. from the existing Kennydale Elementary School, within 1’; miles of McKnight Middle School, and within 3 miles of Hazen High School. 5. Parks: The existing Kennydale Elementary School site provides a certain amount of outdoor recreation area. The Kennydale Lions Park is located approximately one-half mile east of the subject site. H, APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF ThE ZONING CODE: 1. Section 4-729, G, General Classification District. 2. Section 4-706, R-1, Residence Single Family. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 PAGE THREE RE: if FLOYD HEWITT AND TOM LAMBRO SHORT PLAT APPLICATION NO. 073-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-074-77 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS: 1. Subdivision Regulations, Section 9-1105, Plat Requirements for Short Subdivisions. 2. Land Use Report, 1965, pages 17 and 18, Objectives, and page 11, Residential. 3. Policy Statement, Comprehensive Plan, Renton Urban Area, 1965, page 5, D, Subdivision of Land, and page 6, E, Traffic-ways. IMPACTS ON THE NATURAL SYSTEMS: Development of the subject site will disturb soil and vegetation and increase water runoff. However, these impacts will be minor and can be mitigated through proper development controls. SOCIAL IMPACTS: Transition of the subject site from its undeveloped state to single family residential will create additional social interactions within the neighborhood. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43.21C, the sub- ject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination and EIS requirements of SEPA. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A vicinity map and site map are attached. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: City of Renton Building Division City of Renton Engineering Division City of Renton Utilities Division City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division City of Renton Fire Department PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: Oa P w W w n r r e ‘w e e « 1. The proposed short plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, existing zoning, and existing uses in the area. 2. The proposed short plat is also consistent with the Land Use Report, 1965, Objectives, pages 17 and 18. 3. The proposed lot sizes all exceed the minimum 7200 square feet size requirement of the G-7200 zone. Lot "A" = 9676+sq. ft.; Lot "B" = 8891+ sq. ft.; and Lot "C" = 8839+ sq. ft. Lot "A" is platted wider and larger than the other lots due to its location on the corner of N.E. 27th and Kennewick Place N.E. 4. Because of traffic speeds, volume, and impaired site distance at this corner, N.E. 28th Street is relatively unusable for access purposes to the subject site and general area. Driveway locations on N.E. 27th Street should be positioned as far east of the cor- ner as possible to allow for maximum site distance. The appli- cant is proposing a common driveway usage adjacent to Lot "B," PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 PAGE FOUR RE: FLOYD HEWITT AND TOM LAMBRO SHORT PLAT APPLICATION NO. 073-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-074-77 which would serve both Lot "B" and Lot "A" via a proposed 12 foot easement. This is acceptable and will help to reduce possible safety problems for ingress/egress to Lot "A". 5. An existing creek flows north from under N.E. 27th Street across the southwest corner of Lot "B" and generally toward a point approximately 30 feet west of the northeast corner of Lot "A". The plat as proposed creates minimal conflict between the creek and the buildable areas of the lots. The creek will be bridged for driveway purposes only. The applicant has stated that he will maintain the creek in its present state, enhancing it as part of his yard and landscaping area. Certain methods, including rock rip-rap, should be utilized to maintain the integrity of the stream banks during peak run-off periods. Section 9-1108, Title IX, provides for retention of significant natural features within a proposed plat. Given the existence of the creek, additional soils and geology testing may be necessary on Lot "A" prior to building permit approval. 6. The subject site is adjacent to N.E. 28th Street, an unimproved half-street. The east end of this street extending from Aber- deen Avenue N.E. provides access for several single family residences. However, because of the topography and the location of its intersection with Kennewick Place N.E. at a "blind spot," where access and sight distance for safe traffic movements are highly questionable, the west end of N.E. 28th Street near Kennewick Place N.E. is considered unsuitable for access. If -it were a viable access road, the south half (25 feet) of N.E. 28th Street might require dedication, thereby substantially reducing the developability of the subject site and creating an unsafe intersection situation. No similar dedication has been previously required on any properties east of the subject site. 7. Alternate access to undeveloped properties north and east of the subject site have been previously reviewed for potential develop- ment proposals. Access would either be provided along the former Pacific Coast Railroad right-of-way or by Aberdeen Avenue N.E. and N.E. 28th Street. 8. Suitable utilities are available to the subject site. 9. There is a strip of undeveloped N.E. 27th Street right-of-way, approximately 13 feet in width, which exists between the inside edge of the sidewalk and the front (southerly) property line of the subject site. This should be maintained by the adjacent property owners in a manner consistent with the proposed resi- dential use. 10. All off-site improvements exist along N.E. 27th Street. 11. An existing deteriorated small house is located on Lot "A" and should be removed prior to development. P, PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the short plat as proposed based on the above analysis subject to: 1. Final Traffic Engineering Division approval of curb cuts for driveway locations to provide maximum safety for ingress/egress to the subject lots. 2. Retention and enhancement of the natural character of the creek and provision of bank stabilization methods to be approved by the Public Works Department. This may include provision of suitable rock rip-rap along the stream banks. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 PAGE FIVE RE: FLOYD HEWITT AND TOM LAMBRO SHORT PLAT APPLICATION NO. 073-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-074-77 3. Final Public Works Department approval of bridging or other methods for a driveway across the existing stream. 4. Final Building Division approval of soils and geology suit- ability for development on the subject site. This may require the need for a soils/geology/hydrology report by a qualified engineer. 5. Removal of the existing deteriorated house on Lot. "A" prior to development. The Planning Department also recommends denial of the subject waiver request and approval of an indefinite deferral of the off-site improvements except the required utilities, subject to the applicant agreeing to participate in any future LID or City initiated action for such improvements, and filing covenants with the land so stating such agreement. 7 uk fF va fa VW AIWEE 2/7 . - ee i OFT SATE f[WMPLEVENMMISNT S NE 2EFA SA, ad * Dre ail ety Pr 4 whe tPA 2, Da ie ae 7 Pare Jere. ate No APY OME Se aS Betbd ry & pecans Ol, NM CE 2ELL SA, tes: fLa Pprt/ejea Le jew Liekce.’ fa VoxD,, . 248 INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: Larne Deg. mass a FROM: Shay, Dergd . ae an CLd Fhoyok Wert Ten Qerdane |NTER-OFF ICE MEMO m3 Phamninay begt DATE Seg ie aes FROM: yng, Degh cuauect: Women 4 oF att danger head \\ atk / Taam : {'$ ee CFP REL eT Ae eee) ue a iwi a. PMLA AL PCVIEW | BEQUEST £B ENGINEERING Ne OyUrene A en’) ee a a FF TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION _ jrAv CuTILITIES DIVISION ~ —, Xun FIRE DEPARTMENT > HEALTH DEPARTMENT 4 FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT AfewtAge <quitat Contact Person RE: Etoyp ewan LAMBEO - Stopr PLAT tt ©73-77 Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by ; g 2/77 with your written recommendation. Your response will be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. Thank you, PLANNING DEPARTMENT cee ieee Hy : eras MLA AL PeVIEW ReQues . aT _ a eee i: ~ GveL IC WORKS DIRECTOR At Oa: DIVISION” SS ae oe Gi, ENGINEERING DIVISTON ra 2 RAFF IC ENGINEERING DIVISION > — ra UTILITIES DIVISIQN )o\< Xe Cree DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT AciheL <i Contact Person RE: fLeye Hew TT ATO LAME pO LAWS OC OCT: SG CMPIOVEMGNTS Aeng he 22ST, fice Ff wW-ort-22 Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by ol _l+7 with your written Sennen ate Your response will be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. Thank you, PLANNING DEPARTMENT i le wy a ~ g6rH of. ~ — ro cb z Loy %. $a oe — p- | c aw A. iS Bie WL a zafe—J 2u(z) NE 28TH ST | CJ CO ioj0 ¢ Lith of. od J U w sy 3 . i G-7200— mt qj y we aoa. 4 ; L les =e : 3 s Cl UO , Gg sYq | a ashe | 0D < 7 i? o Ugo} = x SCALE 1% 200° AP sup Jeor sue FLOYD HEwigy [TOM LAMBRO sHoke PAT NO. 073-77 Ew z is x 7 + am +p Some 4 omy fina os PY RENTON City LIMITS t < | i P-| == | ‘ | | > ; 5 j Y @ eel ow x N Fe 2 H i ‘ ; ; Py iy = | 1 abd i | ; fs ——|il aes, | 2a A 54 + Be 223 a | z| { : lz a! i frp me a * bk I He i i i I olbbccal ae = ee ‘ Moapdie veg: ee ee ras = Giewye: oo evanens BAG 6 ” 7 ; ' Jaistale ld | cote TTA aT gs) eta] aT Set ie ‘i [ dnt CREEP] i on a a \\ , 12) , 1} “ jyUtd lee, ae fi 14 >| ENE 23eosT i | oz 2531 | 242 3 4 fs aa w | ‘og | 34 eBd 24 we r= 1 i : i a Zz. N | | ; k Leke2 Si pee aang oT “nee wl | I roo a || i. oo eb fee dl : i Re at ‘ ' 4 + Pox Lg 1S Hi 3) 1. - STE : | 328 - apes “fp MCR Base ar - A im : > 3 (os i ae a! | 12 203 bS2 243 pg, EET, % jet 293 84 2, . 6. *2 42 4 —~ aye hin ioe 4 r : is. . i oo >t 4 +! cana | mone : iB 2 | | H L 4 18 i +S) 5 La Jc fad it 3 ee ~ aie a) a N_ 20TH st 9 ry cere Ot oa a a RO tm han | pi od. EA Grito hd. Fae | H | oo 73 3 — a? Vy 2 | r * iu 72] n 3 i OY SHORT PLAT - WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: FLOYD HEWITT/TOM LAMBRO, APPLICATION FOR THREE-LOT SHORT PLAT APPROVAL AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS; Files No. 073-77 and W-074-77; property located at N.E. 27th St. and Kennewick Pl. N.E. APPLICANT FLOYD HEWITT/TOM LAMBRO TOTAL AREA +.6 acre PRINCIPAL ACCESS N.E. 27th Street EXISTING ZONING G-7200 EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Single Family Residential COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Single Family Residential COMMENTS . . | if Df. 4 Lae, ei oft, | J il iy Wy ae P i ¢ A . 7. JU fh - ! Kiedy, Of ee Hy Z S md y nee. | lhe eve) his Mie ree A HALL woke %, - Lést ee “ Ge, whe — el £e J, Mu As t Mhak A. 4. an aaa Vie tonseve ace - rind in the glut 6 ; lat Abistrd; J te Ath mew tt V ee ymin Wz hit utah: th fe a C at sent yu fire ref a, X ; CA. = CoP e-7e CES “a, Fy lind apna bg # ce Hh aa 4) eG ik Te Lowe RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON v4 Agred, hie Lert — HEARING EXAMINER SEP 131977 _ PM LCI aveiire BDO Md 1234s 5,6 , & lat a we LLLP l f- fy t en seat Ah en oo f # ’ F Py 2 _—n Ue | _ _| XHIBIT NO. GM NO. 24./4.623-77 wer’ 77 CITY OF RENTON Wa teen ot OFF. ate, ; Layer eV sz CF) ts - - GB yf » vy seme SHORT PLAT PLAT APPLICATION penn nO, Steet £747 2c3- 77 F oa i Se igs MAJOR PLAT Pant Ol REX DATE REC'D. m—fh2 L227 sua oa . Pi a Mall oS " tO “a _ TENTATIVE ic RELL ED fo APPLICATION FEE $(/@0. 7 é PRELIMINARY AUG Zz ENVIRONMENTAL _ —_<. PFVAL L9 1977 REVIEW FEE $ - Vo Titeeemntecene. RECEIPT NO. POPS \ y ad) XY oy SM NO, Nene peor = DEPAEZ PUD NO. >PLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7: Plat Name & Location Z/QyD) MELALT. SHORT (AAT. At &. PIG Se 2 KBuyeentcKe (2. HE No. Lots hd Total Acreage O. 6233 fie. zoning G F200 owner LOYD LKEUHTL. Phone _226-877/ Address__@@ 2 SUWSET ie vid. KALZ£. Underground Utilities: yes No Not Installed Telephone ( ) ( ) ( ) Electric ( -) a) ( ) Street Lights ( -) ( ) ( ) Natural Gas (-) C.J ( ) TV Cable ( ) ( ) ( ) Sanitation & Water: ( “) City Water ( ) Sanitary Sewers ( ) Water District No. ( ) Dry Sewers ( ) Septic Tanks Vicinity and plat maps as required by Subdivision Ordinance. DATE REFERRED TO: ENGINEERING PARKS BUILDING HEALTH TRAFFIC ENG. STATE HIGHWAY FIRE COUNTY PLANNING BD. PUBLIC WORKS OTHER STAFF ACTION: TENTATIVE PLAT APPROVED _— DENTED APPEALED BE XPTRED LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER'S ACTION: SHORT PLAT APPROVED, DENIED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED CITY COUNCIL ACTION: PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED DEFERRED IMPROVEMENTS: DATE DATE BOND NO. AND TYPE GRANTED EXPIRES AMOUNT Planning Dept. LL TR Pav. AFFIDAVIT iy Howne 2 L. vers , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this ¥™ day of August 4 19.77 « Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at duatte WA. 0A. f X Preer Becca EK Gera ny ‘ (yame of Notar¥ Public) (Signature of Ownér) ‘ 400 17 font. £. */0¥ bt Mood lrad G4 N. (Address) (Address) se... / SCrtlbe. LU (City) PE03 (State) SEE -~-OF /3- (Telephone) (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules~amd regulations of the Renton Planning Department 5 ot oe ~ ‘ i governing the £xtingr of aieh application. ~ = /17 A ~~ VT AN 5 A as AL | In, OA ity RELIVE *\ { ELE Gag \ Date Received ~ JF» 1g By: | ; ay a y\ d Ve — Renton Planning Dept. Ny od 2-73 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, _ TOM LAMBRO ; DEBRA J. LAMBRO FLOYD L. HEWITT RHONDA HEWITT ’ > are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as Exhibit 'A' attached hereto. WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs, and assigns as follows: INSTALLATION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS The owner(s) of the above described property, their suc- cessors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any future Local Improvement District (LID) or city initia- ted proposal, and pay their fair share therefore, for the purposes of providing the necessary off-site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improve- ments shall include but may not be limited to the installa- tion of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving, sanmetiery sewers, storm sewers, undergrounding of utilities, and Street lighting. These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105(6) of Title IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renton. DURATION These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2025. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these covenants, the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improve- ments as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining Subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. a X } \ ~ / j ’ 4 / a ie > C- he be. oe v. J a gs rf “ - ra wo -( J) it FF Lf = id oth ea ahs f] [ nice i rT f (f - [ , Llasyd. Mend \ (Bh anle tp Sef STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) Oa tite 22ND day of SEPTEMBER , 19 77 , before me TOM LAMBRO DEBRA J. LAMBRO ; personally appeared ’ > FLOYD L. HEWITT RHONDA HEWITT b] > the person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said person(s) for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. /y eo ~ — Weple Ff Ltd horn! Notary Public in and for the,State of Washington, residing at “pyc ceece.. 4 a & sos Q THE CITY OF RENTON S wll , = MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 3 — 2 CHARLES J. DELAURENT!, MAYOR @ PLANNING DEPARTMENT % a 235-2550 % < 7€D sepve™ August 25, 1977 Mr. Floyd Hewitt 662 Sunset Boulevard N.E. Renton, WA 98055 RE: NOTICE OF APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR THREE-LOT SHORT PLAT APPROVAL, FILE NO. 073-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, FILE NO. W-064-77; PROPERTY LOCATED AT N.E. 27TH STREET AND KENNEWICK PLACE N.E. j Dear Mr. Hewitt: The Renton Planning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on August 24, 1977 voc PO Te hearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for September 13, 1977 at 9:00 a.m. Representatives of the applicant are asked to be present. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing. If you have any further questions, please call the Renton Planning Department, 235-2550. Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director f WAL ni Michael L. Smith Associate Planner cc: Tom Lambro 13711 N.E. 12th, #201 Bellevue, WA 98004 Kenneth J. Oyler PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 APPLICANT: FLOYD HEWITT AND TOM LAMBRO FILE NO,:! 073-77, SHORT PLAT A, B, D. E, W-074-77, WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of a proposed three-lot short plat, together with a waiver of off-site improvements along N.E. 28th Street, an existing unimproved half-street located along the northerly boundary of the subject site. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: HOWARD R. MYERS 2. Applicant: FLOYD HEWITT AND TOM LAMBRO 3. Location: The northeast corner of N.E. 17th Street at Kennewick Place N.E. between N.E. 28th Street and N.E. 27th Street. 4. Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Planning Department. 5. Size of Property: -63 acres 6. Access: Via Nik, 27th Street. 7. Existing Zoning: G-7200, General Classification District, Single Family Residence, minimum lot size 7200 square feet. 8. Existing Zoning G-7200 in the Area: 9. Comprehensive Single Family Residential Land Use Plan: 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Record-Chronicle and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City ordinance. PURPOSE OF REQUEST: To allow subdivision of the subject site into three (3) parcels and development of single family residences in each parcel. HISTORY/BACKGROUND : The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance No. 1818 dated March 17, 1968. The site is the last remaining unsubdivided, undeveloped parcel of land within the block bounded by N.E. 27th Street and N.E. 28th Street on the south and north and Aberdeen Avenue N.E. and Kennewick Place N.E. on the east and west. N.E. 27th Street has been recently improved to City standards along the entire frontage of the subject site. N.E. 28th Street is an existing half-street created by subdivision of the block while in King County jurisdiction. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1. Topography: The site is relatively level. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 PAGE TWO ee: FLOYD HEWITT AND TOM LAMBRO SHORT PLAT APPLICATION NO. 073-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-074-77 2. Soils: Indianola Loamy Fine Sand (InC). Permeability is rapid; runoff is slow to medium; and erosion hazard is slight to moder- ate. This soil is used for timber and urban development. The existence of a small stream on the subject site may require additional soils and geology analysis prior to building con- struction on proposed Lot "A". 3. Vegetation: The site consists of various scrub brush and trees. 4. Wildlife: Existing vegetation on the site provides suitable habitat for birds and small mammals. 5. Water: A small stream presently crosses a small portion of the southwest corner of Lot "B" flowing north onto Lot "A" and towards a point approximately 30 feet west of the northeast corner of Lot "A". The stream continues northward onto adjacent properties and eventually flows into May Creek. 6. Land Use: There are existing single family residences located east of the subject site, the majority of which gain access from N.E. 27th Street. However, several homes have been constructed along N.E. 28th Street near its intersection with Aberdeen Avenue N.E. Single family residences also exist south of the subject site and N.E. 27th Street. There is an existing single family residence located north of the subject site. Kennydale Elementary School exists north and west of the subject site across Kennewick Place N.E. There is a certain amount of undeveloped property located north of the subject site. F, NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The area is primarily single family residential in nature. G, PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Water and Sewer: An existing 8 inch water main and a 12 inch water main are located along N.E. 27th Street. There are an 8 inch sanitary sewer line and a 12 inch sanitary sewer line along N.E. 27th Street. A 15 inch storm sewer is located along N.E. 27th Street. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the Renton Fire Department as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit: Metro Transit Route No. 42 operates along N.E. 27th Street connecting with the existing freeway system. 4. Schools: The subject site is located across Kennewick Place N.E. from the existing Kennydale Elementary School, within 1's miles of McKnight Middle School, and within 3 miles of Hazen High School. 5. Parks: The existing Kennydale Elementary School site provides a certain amount of outdoor recreation area. The Kennydale Lions Park is located approximately one-half mile east of the subject site. H, APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. Section 4-729, G, General Classification District. 2 Section 4-706, R-1l1, Residence Single Family. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 PAGE THREE RE: ITT AND TOM LAMBRO SHORT PLAT APPLICATION NO. 073-77 R OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-074-77 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS: 1. Subdivision Regulations, Section 9-1105, Plat Requirements for Short Subdivisions. 2. Land Use Report, 1965, pages 17 and 18, Objectives, and page ll, Residential. 3. Policy Statement, Comprehensive Plan, Renton Urban Area, 1965, page 5, D, Subdivision of Land, and page 6, E, Traffic-ways. IMPACTS ON THE NATURAL SYSTEMS: Development of the subject site will disturb soil and vegetation and increase water runoff. However, these impacts will be minor and can be mitigated through proper development controls. SOCIAL IMPACTS: Transition of the subject site from its undeveloped state to single family residential will create additional social interactions within the neighborhood. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43.21C, the sub- ject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination and EIS requirements of SEPA. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A vicinity map and site map are attached. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: City of Renton Building Division City of Renton Engineering Division City of Renton Utilities Division City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division City of Renton Fire Department PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. The proposed short plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, existing zoning, and existing uses in the area. ON P w W w N n r r e » © 8 « & 2. The proposed short plat is also consistent with the Land Use Report, 1965, Objectives, pages 17 and 18. 3. The proposed lot sizes all exceed the minimum 7200 square feet size requirement of the G-7200 zone. Lot "A" = 9676+sq. ft.; Lot "B" = 8891+ sq. ft.3; and Lot "C" = 8839+ sq. ft. Lot "A" is platted wider and larger than the other lots due to its location on the corner of N.E. 27th and Kennewick Place N.E. 4. Because of traffic speeds, volume, and impaired site distance at this corner, N.E. 28th Street is relatively unusable for access purposes to the subject site and general area. Driveway locations on N.E. 27th Street should be positioned as far east of the cor- ner as possible to allow for maximum site distance. The appli- cant is proposing a common driveway usage adjacent to Lot "B," PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 19/77 PAGE FOUR RE: FLOYD HEWITT AND TOM LAMBRO SHORT PLAT APPLICATION NO. 073-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-074-77 which would serve both Lot "B" and Lot "A" via a proposed 12 foot easement. This is acceptable and will help to reduce possible safety problems for ingress/egress to Lot "A". An existing creek flows north from under N.E. 27th Street across the southwest corner of Lot "B" and generally toward a point approximately 30 feet west of the northeast corner of Lot "A". The plat as proposed creates minimal conflict between the creek and the buildable areas of the lots. The creek will be bridged for driveway purposes only. The applicant has stated that he will maintain the creek in its present state, enhancing it as part of his yard and landscaping area. Certain methods, including rock rip-rap, should be utilized to maintain the integrity of the stream banks during peak run-off periods. Section 9-1108, Title IX, provides for retention of significant natural features within a proposed plat. Given the existence of the creek, additional soils and geology testing may be necessary on Lot "A" prior to building permit approval. on 6. The subject site is adjacent to N.E. 28th Street, an unimproved half-street. The east end of this street extending from Aber- deen Avenue N.E. provides access for several single family residences. However, because of the topography and the location of its intersection with Kennewick Place N.E. at a "blind spot," where access and sight distance for safe traffic movements are highly questionable, the west end of N.E. 28th Street near Kennewick Place N.E. is considered unsuitable for access. If jt were a viable access road, the south half (25 feet) of N.E. 28th Street might require dedication, thereby substantially reducing the developability of the subject site and creating an unsafe intersection situation. No similar dedication has been previously required on any properties east of the subject site. 7. Alternate access to undeveloped properties north and east of the subject site have been previously reviewed for potential develop- ment proposals. Access would either be provided along the former Pacific Coast Railroad right-of-way or by Aberdeen Avenue N.E. and N.E. 28th Street. 8. Suitable utilities are available to the subject site. 9. There is a strip of undeveloped N.E. 27th Street right-of-way, approximately 13 feet in width, which exists between the inside edge of the sidewalk and the front (southerly) property line of the subject site. This should be maintained by the adjacent property owners in a manner consistent with the proposed resi- dential use. 10. All off-site improvements exist along N.E. 27th Street. 11. An existing deteriorated small house is located on Lot "A" and should be removed prior to development. P, PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the short plat as proposed based on the above analysis subject to: 1. Final Traffic Engineering Division approval of curb cuts for driveway locations to provide maximum safety for ingress/egress to the subject lots. 2. Retention and enhancement of the natural character of the creek and provision of bank stabilization methods to be approved by the Public Works Department. This may include provision of suitable rock rip-rap along the stream banks. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 PAGE FIVE RE: FLOYD HEWITT AND TOM LAMBRO SHORT PLAT APPLICATION NO. 073-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-074-77 3. Final Public Works Department approval of bridging or other methods for a driveway across the existing stream. 4. Final Building Division approval of soils and geology suit- ability for development on the subject site. This may require the need for a soils/geology/hydrology report by a qualified engineer. 5. Removal of the existing deteriorated house on Lot "A" prior to development. The Planning Department also recommends denial of the subject waiver request and approval of an indefinite deferral of the off-site improvements except the required utilities, subject to the applicant agreeing to participate in any future LID or City initiated action for such improvements, and filing covenants with the land so stating such agreement. MEW) IT — WWAIWVEE OfF OFF FF S(T E (29 PCOVEMIENTS. NE 26h SA, | Mind aprpwal o Po het pth Bt yee Plrana.. cms ho (Yr Ouern cals a A 12 a hs Adttiocca Ot, AA CF 22 Y4La, ow Ze; ae ; Z “4 "tf = FRE Bead Ci ee he. Art Fechecce. iss CP, |NTER-OFF ICE MEMO TO: PF Lerner, Degy. ae — FROM: as Dergd ) SUBJECT: Seb ed Foch Gauci om , ee eee i FROM: ©, INTER-OFF ICE MEMO one Lag 2 L477 SUBJECT: (QQ OWA 4 sCo- a Sa Jomgrorrrnsntan Q ~ . LARRAXA ON a oan ¢ © ins S oe \e yee a Fs Lone & ~ wo O% SE YSN oN etiir ‘ — F rebirth o\ ; We “Lt Z\ LF Nd) (| SEP 7 1977 \\ Ye) = ‘ vy ae OY, ia te verde oad vr f ean MAP TMENTAL PEVIEM REQUEST i ee Bz pubLIC WORKS 1 DIRECTOR: BUILOING oIvISION Be ENGINEERING DIVISION _ A UTILITIES DIVISION — OK a a Kun ee —_— HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2 FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT AfewtAg <qurtat Contact Person RE: ELoyp wear (eas LAMBEO - Stopa PLAT ff ©73-77 Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by G 2/77 with your written recommendation. Your response will be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. Thank you, PLANNING DEPARTMENT _. Mf 7 / MLZ Ofe~— ALQUES OTN eT As mV Tr, Patil PAL PeVIEW ie - a ian j}) EVBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR eT ff ay Pt? CBUIL DING DIVISION’ a ye ee f ~~ ~~ ess NGINEERING DIVISTON* ee CRAFFIC € ENGINEERING DIVISION ~ Dl JOR a “SUTLITIES iVisiOn Sl oo ; Kak (FIRE DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ue. Sai Tid Contact Person RE: FLOYD Hess T/A LAM ep = WAWBI CE OFF SiG cHpiCOvEaUS ALong de 2 29, f. fice ff wW-ort-22 Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by ¢l_lr7 with your written oe Your response will be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. | Thank you, PLANNING DEPARTMENT _ a ft ~ PACUFic COAST oe p- | = ind —— | wy “Ee “we ~ stile U al | NE 28TH ST C & 21TH CF wa J U}y rm W Ur 72 — O jz i Oly ee ; < | hes c rol ols Ww alll lias ; 5 ai , G 4 ar a fo | 0 ir CI Ui/o SCALE 12 200° T UB JEcr she FLOYD KONI / TOM LAMBPO SHokg PLAT NO. 073-17 tn e Ny vi e ad i % x DA Y T O N AY i Al a R eciltal ih ae i 1 oo Ne 2aTm oT ; We cm 5 _. H , | ! , r 1 rf | ‘hel: i { ' ‘ een wl : Bots } i 13 {UCL e192 ua, } 4 JON E 23008T yy {| |} 4 5 4/4 | {| ” 34 8 3 © ipa) | xi 5 pee ul 3(6 } } aah , ee wo ow Pap | ul 1 ¢ : oS oe Shas [2 ser z ae a iz! ‘ | Re la) of itt ES . 7 Fi Hf | | | 253 B4 A 203 P50 | e4 ore a tt | 327 | | a lor a | as } ; if a | i | L. nal j i fe Lei vias ee —- ah _ -.- wae ae eae 7 - N __ 20TH 7 aes le PE oe o | | | ip} i wey Ne . 4 | r “Beck jw, js 4.2] z NG @ang QT, NIB RRAD AT eley< TsT ef SHORT PLAT - WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: FLOYD HEWITT/TOM LAMBRO, APPLICATION FOR THREE-LOT SHORT PLAT APPROVAL AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS; “Files No. property located at N.E. 27th St. and Kennewick Pl. N.E. “O73-77 atid W-074- we APPLICANT FLOYD HEWITT/TOM LAMBRO TOTAL AREA 1.6 acre PRINCIPAL ACCESS N.E. 27th Street EXIS1ING ZONING G-7200 EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Single Family Residential COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Single Family Residential COMMENTS Do OOP IMENTAL FEVIEW REQUEST 2 Gusti WORKS DIRECTOR tie BUILDING DIVISION. oy ENGINEERING DIVISION __ “4, — ae Ai CUTILITIES DIVISION OK — FIRE Tatra HEALTH ART MENT # FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT MMewtAse <qurtat Contact Person RE: Floyp Bewirt “Du LAMBEO - Stopa PAL ff ©73-77 Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by G 2/77 with your written recommendation. Your response will be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. Thank you, PLANING DEPARTMENT UBLIC Ue DIRECTOR » BUILDING DIVISION” —_ _, ifie, _ CENGINEERING DIVISION’ x 2 HAFFIC ENGINEERING OTVISION > a UTILITIES DIVISION roses Xe C FIRE DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT Uc re SwiT Contact Person RE: FLOYe Hew TTL TE LAME pO. LIANE OF OFT SiG Mp IOVEM ENTS Aong he 22ST, fre ff wW-ovt-722 Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by ol lr with your written sree ir 7a Your response will be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. Thank you, PLANNING DEPARTMENT LY? / ee: nied “7 INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: SP Lernurs Deg. aa aa FROM: =_ Deed suBvECT: 29g 4 oy d Flows eee omens INTER-OFF ICE MEMO “ Phamniaa, Dog DATE 2, 1477 FROM: Sy SUBJECT: (UW QKen é 9 ap Somgrcroererentn + all =) 4 , 7, NY Ms ’ . Af SAV Dt ? bY MEW IT — VWYWAIVEE OFF OF FSITE (POV EXIENTS, VE 2FFR SF, bo ep Irou al of hhh Aa BN wep ee Were. ate ho SPYN ORE a LS ef yy 2 ee patie yea ke pre a ae ‘2. Lil D>, cee od Bebbivisre.w 04% NE 28640 Sk tise La cs View LS VED ben. Hee STOP STOP STOP STOP S TOP! DOCUMENTS UNDER THIS NOTICE HAVE BEEN MICROFILMED. DO NOT REMOVE NOTICE FROM FILE. NEW FILING SHOULD BE ADDED ON TOP OF NOTICE. PAGES REMOVED UNDER THE NOTICE FOR COPYING MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SAME PLACE UNDER THE NOTICE. FIA SIRE AEETT EER SSRN CARE AS EERSTE GR o1 OP! STOP STOP STOP STOP AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) ) County of King ) Marilyn J. Petersen , being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the l14thday of September , 19 77 , affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below-entitled application or petition. ~ Dharitay, a TY ‘I Sub ibed d thi - @ f v ’ ubscribed and sworn is ay o Sepe wide 19 TC, a0 2p ‘ts gh ty 6 AVI | i * & \ OE AEC ; i MQ Sy Vacca Sn. \\ Sue y "U0 Notary Public in and for the State... of Washington, residing at Renton = Application, Petition or Case: Hewitt & Lambro, Short Plat #073-77, W-074-77 (The minutes contain a List of the parties of record) September 14, 1977 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION, APPLICANT: Floyd Hewitt and Tom Lambro FILE NO. Short Plat 073-77 W-074-77 LOCATION: The northeast corner of N.E. 17th Street at Kennewick Place N.E. between N.E. 28th Street and N.E. 27th Street. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of a proposed three-lot short plat, together with a waiver of off-site improvements along N.E. 28th Street, an existing unimproved half-street located along the northerly boundary of the subject site. SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Approval with conditions of Short Plat; RECOMMENDATION: Denial of Waiver. Hearing Examiner: Approval with conditions of Short Plat; Approval of Waiver. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department staff report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on September 6, 1977. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on September 13, 1977 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were sworn. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and one of the applicants, Mr. Hewitt, had received and reviewed the Planning Department report. Mr. Lambro indicated that although he had not received a copy of the report by mail, he had had the opportunity to review it. The report was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. Michael Smith, Planning Department, reviewed Exhibit #1, and entered the following additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #2: Assessor's Map Exhibit #3: Short Plat Map Exhibit #4: Letter from Applicants, received August 31, 1977, regarding Waiver Mr. Smith read Exhibit #4 into the record and clarified a legal opinion from the City Attorney regarding improvements to roadway where developed property produced traffic, and cited previous applications for short plat requests, Petet and Langdon. The Examiner asked for clarification on the location of an existing stream. Mr. Smith explained the stream extends 15 feet from the southwest corner of Lot B and approximately 19 to 30 feet from the northeast corner of Lot A in a northerly direction. In response to the Examiner's question regarding the status of N.E. 28th Street west of Kennewick Place N.E., Mr. Smith reported that it was a developed right-of-way connecting with Jones Avenue N.E. The Examiner inquired about existing traffic problems at said intersection. Mr. Smith stated that because of sight-distance problems and an existing downgrade of the street causing excessive speeds, unspecific traffic problems may exist at the intersection. The Examiner noted that the width of pavement was sufficient at the location. The Examiner asked the applicants if they concurred in Exhibit #1. Responding was: Floyd Hewitt 662 Sunset Boulevard N.E. Renton, WA 98055 ey Short Plat 073-77 Page Two W-074-77 Mr. Hewitt indicated his concurrence in the report, but wished to question certain city procedures. Regarding the recommendation to sign restrictive covenants to participate in a future local improvement district, he asked if the property owners would forfeit rights in condemnation procedure if the roadway were dedicated and property reclaimed. The Examiner explained that restrictive covenants ensured the city of the agreement of property owners to participate in formation of a future LID, but did not waive rights of owners to receive compensation for other procedures involving the roadway. Mr. Hewitt asked for further clarification of the definition of a waiver of improvements. The Examiner explained that the city's Subdivision Ordinance requires installation of off-site improvements of curbs, gutters and sidewalks on any unimproved street abutting an improved public right-of-way. Such improvements on a short plat request, he stated, could be deferred for an indefinite period of time. The Examiner asked the other applicant if he concurred in Exhibit #1. Responding was: Tom Lambro 13711 N.E. 12th #201 Bellevue, WA 98005 Mr. Lambro indicated his concurrence in the report. The Examiner asked Mr. Smith for additions, corrections or modifications to Exhibit #1. Mr. Smith indicated he had no further comments. The Examiner restated factors involved in the waiver process to the applicants, and asked for further comments regarding the application. Since there were none, the hearing on Item # Short Plat 073-77 and W-074-77 was closed by the Examiner at 9:30 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS : l. The request is for approval of a three-lot short plat and waiver of off-site improvements along N.E. 28th Street at the location of the north corner of the intersection of Kennewick Place N.E. and N.E. 27th Street. 2. The Planning Department report accurately sets forth the issues, applicable policies and provisions, findings of fact, and departmental recommendations in this matter, is uncontested, and is hereby attached as Exhibit #1 and incorporated in this report by reference as set forth in full therein. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended by R.C.W. 43.21.C., the proposal has been determined by Gordon Y. Ericksen, responsible official, to be exempt from the threshold determination and E.I.S. requirements. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development and no adverse comment was expressed. 5. There was no opposition to the proposal expressed. 6. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. 7. The proposal is compatible with the required setbacks and lot coverage requirements of Section 4-706 (R-1) and Chapter 11, Subdivision Ordinance, Title IV. 8. Adequate provision has been made for vehicular access safety on N.E. 27th Street. 9. Adequate provisions can and will be made for retention, preservation and protection of the existing stream in the general area between Lots and and B. 10. N.E. 28th Street is a half-street with natural constraints imposing problems for future completion as a full street. The proposed lots will access only to N.E. 27th Street. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposal conforms to the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies contained in the Land Use Report and those of the Renton Urban Area document. 2. Access to and improvement of N.E. 28th Street is unreasonable at this time. It is possible, however remotely, that this street may be improved to city standards. But currently the street is of inadequate right-of-way and no other off-site Short Plat 073-77 Page Three W-074-77 improvements exist in the adjacent area (Section 9-1105.6.B). Requiring these improvements would necessitate dedication of 25 feet of right-of-way which would in all probability preclude the proposal (Section 9-1109.1.A.). 3. The lot sizes and proposed access are responsive to the natural and man-made constraints on the site. DECISION: Based upon the record, testimony and evidence presented at the public hearing, it is the decision of the Examiner to: 1. Approve the application as submitted in Exhibit #3 subject to Public Works Department approval of retention and protection facilities of the existing stream. 2. Approve the Waiver subject to covenant to participate in an L.I.D. on an equitable and fair share basis for improvement of N.E. 28th Street. ORDERED THIS 14th day of September, 1977. (es —— L. Rick Beeler Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 14th day of September, 1977 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Floyd Hewitt Tom Lambro TRANSMITTED THIS 14th day of September, 1977 to the following: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti Council President George J. Perry Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Ron Nelson, Building Division Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before September 28, 1977. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the City Clerk's office, first floor of City Hall, or same may be purchased at cost in said office. CITY OF RENTON Waree. ef Offs) fe onT a ' _— eee poe PLAT APPLICATION rrne fo. She steak 674-74 MAJOR PLAT Ps OF REGS DATE REC'D. StF 224 TENTATIVE fe allele an oO APPLICATION FREE $ 2&0 <a PRELIMINARY i ENVIRONMENTAL _ eee PRET | AUG 19 J077 REVIEW FEE ¢ Po Ttrneeneaetactsens.. RECEIPT NO. OPS Vy ee SM NO. Ne pEpAR YY " DER D PUD NO. -PLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7: Plat Name & Location ZZ 9QyD MELALT SAORT LAL LAE 27! ST ¢ KEueewtce (2... LE No. Lots fe Total Acreage O62 fe. Zoning (@1 7200 owner _<ZOYD LLEMHTLT Phone 2 26-&77/ address__@@ 2 SOKMWSET “Se VO. KE. Underground Utilities: yes No Not Installed Tolephone ( “) ( ) ( ) Electric ( ) ( °) ( ) Street Lights ( -) ( ) ( ) Natural Gas ( -) { ) ( ) TV Cable ( ) ( ) ( ) Sanitation & Water: ( ’) City Water ( ) Sanitary Sewers ( ) Water District No. ( ) Dry Sewers ( ) Septic Tanks Vicinity and plat maps as required by Subdivision Ordinance. DATE REFERRED TO: ENGINEERING PARKS BUILDING HEALTH TRAFFIC ENG. STATE HIGHWAY FIRE COUNTY PLANNING BD. PUBLIC WORKS OTHER ; STAFF ACTION: TENTATIVE PLAT APPROVED. DENTED APPEALED XP TRED LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER'S ACTION: SHORT PLAT APPROVED, DENIED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED ______ DENIED FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED CITY COUNCIL ACTION: PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED. DENIED FINAL PLAT APPEALED. EXPIRED DEFERRED IMPROVEMENTS: DATE DATE BOND NO. AND TYPE GRANTED EXPIRES AMOUNT Planning Dept. 1/77 Pear. AFFIDAVIT Ly Howne)) kL. MNvers , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this Ys day of t ;, L9 ve ' Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at pute. vp. WHA . rf Fa Greer Hoteath 8 PR Gers (tyame of Notary Public) (Signature of Ownéf) 400 17 tint. £. */0¥ Ct Meodlaad dt M. (Address) CORTES) + ] Nelle. | LO a (City) PL/03 (State) (EF =OF fo. (Telephone) (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules- regulations of the Renton Planning Department Renton Planning Dept. 2=73 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, TOM LAMBRO ; DEBRA J. LAMBRO FLOYD L. HEWITT RHONDA HEW1TT ’ are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton County of King, State of Washington, described as Exhibit '‘'A' attached hereto. WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs, and assigns as follows: INSTALLATION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS The owner(s) of the above described property, their suc- cessors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any future Local Improvement District (LID) or city initia- ted proposal, and pay their fair share therefore, for the purposes of providing the necessary off-site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improve- ments shall include but may not be limited to the installa- tion of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving, sSanmetery sewers, storm sewers, undergrounding of utilities, and Street lighting. These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105(6) of Title IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renton. bd DURATION These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2025. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these covenants, the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improve- ments as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely af f a by said breach. ey t | Yeon Aone) he bass) Kibsal pio Lash A! F thscotl (Bhande Als, Bue STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) Gn this med day of Ser TEMBER » 19 7 ,» before me TOM LAMBRO DEBRA J. LAMBRO personally appeared ’ ’ FLOYD L. HEWITT RHONDA HEWITT cy > the person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said person(s) for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. ’ ; 7? _ OT af Z ORCL A Sr Notary Public in and for the,State of Washington, residing at “yyve pec’ Bp ba oF Re ay > sg . THE CITY OF RENTON 5 > - MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 [=) 3 wl 2 CHARLES J. DELAURENT|, MAYOR @ PLANNING DEPARTMENT % = 235-2550 Ya) cS "4 we £0 seprt August 25, 1977 Mr. Floyd Hewitt 662 Sunset Boulevard N.E. Renton, WA 98055 RE: NOTICE OF APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR THREE-LOT SHORT PLAT APPROVAL, FILE NO. 073-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, FILE NO. W-064-77; PROPERTY LOCATED AT N.E. 27TH STREET AND KENNEWICK PLACE N.E. Dear Mr. Hewitt: The Renton Planning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on August 24, 1977 «--f PUTTS hearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for September 13, 1977 at 9:00 a.m. Representatives of the applicant are asked to be present. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing. If you have any further questions, please call the Renton Planning Department, 235-2550. Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director a i. er Associate Planner cc: Tom Lambro 13711 N.E. 12th, #201 Bellevue, WA 98004 Kenneth J. Oyler oTMreTaAL £ att “ Mili tA iki cVIEW ttl 2 i aa G ao e | eee - oe / UBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ees ‘i BUILDING DIVISION” IP Sa a, LEE ENGINEERING DIVIS TON Ze RAFFIC epee TET, ~ XN O*"\<, AA ut Ties “OIVISIQN aa Kade 2 DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ue et. <a iti Contact Person RE: FLOP Hee TT /AEA LAMEpO- WANE. OF OFF-SITE (MpKoveavi Aron whe 22™ ST, fe _ Ff W-oert-22 Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by ¢lil77 with your written pereney ae Your response will be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. Thank you, PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4 ) i Wh ; : fi Fa /: “ hee Lo. 7 a é 4 / = Date Afr f 7 7 7 ; BV fo. eh TMUNTAL PEVIEM REQUEST SS : ie SS J Gueiic C WORKS DIRECTOR” ‘a ee LE BUILDING DIVISION ———— ae HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT MMcitAge <u tit Contact Person RE: ELoyp wewarrr (ea LAMBEO -_ Stlopr PLAT tf 73-77 Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by g 2/77 with your written recommendation, Your response will be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. Thank you, PLANNING DEPARTMENT VID AA EY YW AIWEE OFF OFFSITE (2 PREVEVIENT WE 2EFA Se. (2 ; PISA AO Dyk ail ot WAIVE Since Sere ate Ai AONE aer a at 3 hve. Brean (ar Bub li vvasanw ew At && LES, a, tts ¢ P Lr at Pett Hex Date yea ke fm a a? EL Tip ad bi Plo SSeverd readet Dlaey te Of ae > —! |NTER-OFF ICE MEMO TO: Warns Se FROM: Wha Dee SUBJECT: (4 ss d eo = a ee Theres etdk / Tason ae DATE Seg Low tat INTER-OFF ICE MEMO r TH: PLominring D y pate Seek 7, 1A77 FROM: Thaw Det , SUBJECT: Sak CL & Fdesoh Ween tt” Tem Lawdane ce Saws <\ SdH CRM wae raquoncdd the hone. VU. Wray Le axrare le ow NE an th Audet % 333 ENDING OF FILE “hut Lat — O77