HomeMy WebLinkAboutShort Plat File No 25-76 374 315 3718 | _ ee N PACIFIC const Nest, j 319 HN L joules SCHUMACHER WAIVER 273 | 262 | 253 382 380 PraNE Tie ry | se aa WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: C. R. SCHUMACHER; Appl. No. W-867-76; Application for Waiver of Off-site Improvements for a Four !ot Short Plat; property located on the east side of Jones Ave. N.E. +100 feet north of N.E. 24th St. APPLICANT C. R. SCHUMACHER TOTAL AREA +0.9 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS Jones Ave. N.E. EXISTING ZONING G-7200 EXISTING USE Vacant Property PROPOSED USE Three Single Family Lots COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Single Family Residential COMMENTS STOP STOP STOP STOP. OTOP! DOCUMENTS UNDER THIS NOTICE HAVE BEEN MICROFILMED, DO NOT REMOVE NOTICE FROM FILE. NEW FILING SHOULD BE ADDED ON TOP OF NOTICE. PAGES REMOVED UNDER THE NOTICE FOR COPYING MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SAME PLACE UNDER THE NOTICE. STOP! STOP STOP STOP STOP BEGINNING OF FILE we 6 Salone - Sekhar her é PUBLIC WORKS September 28, 1977 c. Application for Permit to Use Public Right-of-Way, Donald C. Richards (Representing the Owner, William Reed), 539 Raymond Place Nw- - My. Richards, on behalf of WilTiam Reed, requested the Board's approval for use of City right-of-way for the installation of a 14-foot rockery for retention purposes. He provided a photograph showing the site and the right-of-way in question and drawings depicting the layout of the rockery and parking area with and without use of public right-of-way. The existing roadway is 32 feet wide from curb to curb, with approximately 9 feet remaining between the curb and the property line. Mr. Richards proposed to construct the retaining wall in such a manner that there would be adequate space for a sidewalk to be installed at a future date. reviewing the matter, tt wae moved by VEL BENNETT, seconded by x SY ERICKSEN, that the Board grant a permit for the rockery to be fustatled tn aeeordance with the plans which were presented, utilizing 4 z of publie right-of-way and leaving & feet adjacent to the curb for “ature stdewatk tnxetailation, subjeet to the foilowing addittonal conditions: 1) Proper provtstons for drainage; £) Driveway to be constructed to City standards so that grade util match future walkway; Hold jiarmlese agreement to be attached to permit. ®, LTEMS UNDER STUDY improvement Requirements, Vicinity NE 24th 4 Jones Avenue NE (Schumacher)--The Board continued Its discussion of the matter of off-site taprovements on Jones Avenue NE in the vicinity of NE 24th Street. Nel Bennett reported that in the case of the Reeves short-plat, the Board granted a deferment pending completion of the sanitary sewer LID which was anticipated in that area or for a period of two years, whichever was less, The two-year deferment expired in August, 1977. This deferment was subject ta the posting of a bond, although a bond was never filed with the City, fhe Planning Commission granted an indefinite deferment of off-site improvements for the C. R. Schumacher plat. This action was contingent upon the filing of restrictive covenants to ensure installation of improvements at a future date. The Declaration of Restrictive Covenants which was executed provides for participation in the installation of improvements whether accomplished by means of an LID or other City-initiated proposal. Pollowing dtecussion, tt was moved by DEL BENNETT, seconded by GWEN MARSHALL, that Mp. Reeves be notified that the two-year term of his deferment has exptred and the City its new requirtng the installation of off-site improvements. MOPFION CARRIED, Jt was subsequently moved by DEL BENNETT, seconded by GORDON FRICKSEN, that the Board advtse the owner of the Schumacher short-plat that the Ctty ie now inictating an tmprovement program whieh will require the installation of off-site improvements in accordance with City standards and the previsions of the Peclaration of Restrictive Covenants. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Bennett requested that the Chairman direct a letter to the City Attorney requesting a legal opinion concerning the continuing liability on the part of the original applicant for installation of deferred improvements in situations where he failed to perform under the conditions of the deferment (i.e., post a bond) and, in particular, when ownership of the property has subsequently changed. , 't was moved by GORDON ERICKSEN and seconded that the Board tinittate an update of all off-site improvement deferments and direct the Engineering uteton te revtew them and provide recommendations, MOTION CARRIED. aw Ae Bake : OY Sele lis ——— to or 47C EC s ita nm +4 ‘Y =Shr- Renton City Council 9/19/77 Page 4 Old Business - Continued - Planning & Development Committee Report - Continued Signs Senior Citizen's Center Off-Site ; Improvements \ Area of NE 24th St. bli Traffic Check NE 24th St. and Aberdeen Ave. NE Slides Shown re NE 24th St. and Aberdeen Ave. NE V The committee report noted study completed on the proposed B-2 Local Business Zone, as recommended by the Planning Commission and recommended that the proposed zone be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for proper legislative action. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Council President Perry reported action taken on removal of political signs on public right-of-way following 9/12/77 Council meeting and complaint received. Council President Perry presented letter from Renton School District 403, Supt. Kohlwes in reply to inquiry following 9/12/77 Council _meeting concerning future and continued use of Sartori as a center for senior citizens. The Letter from Supt. Kohlwes reported discus- sion with the Board and advised the Renton School District would be willing to enter into a long term contractual lease with the City for use of Sartroi facilities as a Senior Citizen's Center, specific duration undetermined at present, no difficulty with multi-year lease agreement. The letter noted need for reasonable cancellation clause in event of any sudden change in circumstances, anticipating six- months notice; also no commitment at this time for allocation of additional space for expansion, which position will be re-evaluated at future date. )Council President Perry presented letter from Planning Director Ericksen re off-site improvements at NE 24th and Jones Ave. NE, which had been requested due to discussion at 9/12/77 Council meeting regarding walkways and crossing in the vicinity of NE 24th and Aberdeen Ave NE, as questioned by Vicky Seegmiller. Letter from the Planning Director regarding C.R. Schumacher request for waiver of off-site improvements, N.E. 24th and Jones Ave. N.E. north- east corner, whichwas heard by the Planning Commission 5/26/76 at a public hearing, and Planning Commission granted an indefinite defer- ral, subject to filing of restrictive covenants to insure participa- tion in an LID at future date. The letter explains the decision was based on Public Works Dept. report and explained the covenants providing for a local improvement district, indicate improvements may be initiated by the City and property owners agree to pay fair share. Council President Perry explained Council's responsibility to set policy for development of curbs, gutter and sidewalks. Council President Perry presented letter from Police Chief Darby (which had been held from the agenda for reading at this time) concerning complaints received about traffic problems at the inter- section of NE 24th St. and Aberdeen Ave. NE and reported that the Engineering Dept. has recorded two accidents at this intersection since information recorded 1-1-66. First accident 7/72 bike rider ran top sign and ran into side of passing vehicle; second accident 9/26/76 small child ran diagonally across intersection into path of southbound vehicle. The letter reported five radar checks at this intersection during past month for one hour duration minimum, two cita- tions issued, both parties living in the area. The ‘etter stated plans to continue to monitor this intersection unless directed other- wise, however, did not feel continuing to spend this amount of time was justifiable when more demanding traffic problems exist in other sections of the City and City has limited manpower. Deputy Public Works Director Bennett presented slides of the Aberdeen Ave. NE and NE 24th intersection following the reading of Traffic Engineering Report for said intersection with chronological sum- mary of events of the intersection, listing improvements installed: four-way flashing overhead light, crosswalk on downhill side of the intersection (to allow more site distance), advance warning signs and parking signs. The report further reviewed committee and Council action of 2/14/77 concurring in earlier recommendation of the Public Works Committee and the Administration to deny the request. The report further review traffic accidents, traffic counts and explained Renton City Council 9/19/77 Page 3 Consent Agenda - Continued Police Auction Fire Fighting Foam Consent Agenda Approved Letter from Police Chief Darby reported the Auction for disposi- tion of unclaimed property will be conducted 10/4/77 at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday in the Police Department in accordance with RCW 63-32. _ Legal publication will be made along with public service news item. Information. Letter from Fire Chief Geissler, in reply to Councilman Stredicke's request of 9/12/77, reported quantities of foam on first run engine at Station #1 and on the aerial truck at Station #1, plus foam in storage at Station #2. The letter reported 50 gallons of light water foam has been requested in the 1978 budget, as well as applicators for new apparatus, and noted plans to convert older apparatus into a tanker foam truck after arrival of new equipment. The letter noted storage of foam at some facilities within district, such as oil companies; also noting that in the event of a major incident the City would not have enough foam, however would call for mutual aid from Boeing, Sea-Tac Airport, Tukwila, Kent, Seattle, Bellevue and others that would give the capability of controlling and extin- guishing a fire. Information. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PREPARED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS James E. Davis Request for Latecomer re Water Main Parking Conditions Petition Re Human Rights & Affairs Ordinance Claim for Damages OLD BUSINESS Planning & Development Committee Report Letter from James E. Davis, 10222 128th Ave. SE, Renton, requested latecomer's agreement for SE 104th St. for a period of 10 years. Mr. Davis' letter explained moving to his property east of Duvall Ave. NE at the end of SE 104th St. and need for 8" water main from Duvall NE east to such point for connection to residence. The letter enclosed drawing and estimated cost for water line $10,480 including engineering. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Letter from Police Chief Darby reported parking conditions in the area of Bryant Motors, Bronson Way, as requested 9/12/77 at Council Meeting in order to determine if the reported parking viola- tions have been corrected or of an unusual volume for such business. Checks were made daily September 13, through 16, three or four times during the day, and reported four violations. The letter noted that check did not reveal major parking problem, however, the department will continue to monitor the area and take action when parking violations are detected. Petition bearing 150 signatures was filed reporting trust in the Mayor and City Council for producing and maintaining a community free from harmful legislations. The report stated the acceptance of the ordinance concerning homosexuality would be a breach of faith residents have placed in officials to keep community and schools clear of unwanted element. Having determined the petition is in connection with Human Rights & Affairs Commission public hearing 9/22/77, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER PETITION TO THE HUMAN RIGHTS & AFFAIRS COMMISSION. CARRIED. Claim for Damages was filed by Rudolph H. Seppi, 1036 SW 4th Pl., in amount of $102 for damage to vegetation, alleging damage due to spraying of chemicals to kill blackberries on public right-of-way. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, REFER CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Planning & Development Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report noting review of Council referral for consideration of need for higher than minimal standards for construction of federally funded apartments. The report recommended change in city require- ments is not necessary unless there are specific concerns that the committee is not aware of. The report further noted apartments of this type are required to meet standards established by City code and federal regulations and are subject to staff review. wf. le Renton City Council 9/19/77 Page 5 Old Business - Continued Intersection Pmain subject of concern being reduction of the existing grade. Aberdeen Ave NE | The report listed alternative cuts of 3, 4 and 5 feet; the existing and NE 24th St. sight distance 220 ft.; safe stopping distance at 30 MPH with wet pavement conditions - 217 ft. The report listed cost of $45,694 for 3-ft cut increasing ‘sight distance to 250 ft. and safe stopping distance to 307 ft. at 30 MPH; also giving similar facts for other grade changes and noting possible damage to driveways of abutting properties; installing larger sized watermain as proposed in the Comprehensive Water Improvements Plan to reduce cost; instituting a local improvement district for street improvement if property owners so inclined. The report concluded that present sight distance of 220 ft. provides sufficient sight distance to provide the safe stop- ping distance, that increase in sight distance by lowering the grade of Aberdeen Ave. is not justified and recommended that the speed limit be reduced from 30 to 25 MPH to increase sight distance at relatively no cost. Following the showing of slides of the area, Deputy Public Works Director Bennett discussed number of vehicles per day using streets under discussion: 307 per day on NE 24th, 770 cars per day on Aberdeen Ave. NE. Bennett explained high accident locations of last year, five of which are scheduled for improvement: Benson Road and S. Puget Drive, 17 accidents 1976, 15 in 1975; Rainier Ave. S. and S. Grady Way; NE Sunset Blvd and Duvall (SE 138th) with high pedestrian traffic from Hazen High, 12 accidents in 1976. Bennett noted that upon Council direction, priorities could be changed and the funds diverted. Public Works Director Gonnason explained possibility of installing 16-inch watermain in combination with reduction of grade on Aberdeen NE, however, probiem of dainage to abutting property still existed and ability to enter and exit driveways safely. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION TO REDUCE SPEED LIMIT ON ABERDEEN AVE. NE. FROM 30 MPH TO 25 MPH. CARRIED. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECONDED BY THORPE, CITY TAKE WHATEVER ACTION NECESSARY TO CONNECT CROSSWALK TO MARKED WALKWAY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NE 24th ST. AND ABERDEEN AVE. NE. CARRIED. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND SHINPOCH, NO PARKING SIGNS BE POSTED ON NE 24th WHERE WALKWAY IS DESIGNATED. CARRIED. Aberdeen NE MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND BY CLYMER, THAT DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Speed Limit REPORT BACK WITH PROPOSAL FOR REMEDY TO THE PROBLEM OF NEW DEVELOP- Reduced MENTS ON JONES AVE. NE, TO FILL IN DITCHES AND PROVIDE WALKWAY. Mayor Delaurenti noted Public Works has been asked to furnish recom- mendation and costs. CARRIED. MOVED BY TIIORPE, SECOND PERRY, STAFF BE DIRECTED TO MEET WITH PEOPLE IN THE AREA OF NE 24th AND ABERDEEN NE TO DISCUSS PROBLEMS INCLUDING REDUCTION OF GRADE. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF OFF- SITE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Commendation Council President Perry commended Staff for cooperation and helpfulness last week while he assumed duties of Mayor pro tem. Meeting The time nearing scheduled closing time of 11:00 p.m., it was MOVED Continued BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONTINUE MEETING FOR 15 MINUTES. CARRIED. Renton Hill MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL PLACE A 90-DAY MORATORIUM Building ON ALL BUILDING PERMITS EXCEPT FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES ON Moratorium RENTON HILL TO INCLUDE AREA BOUNDED BY POWERLINE RIGHT-OF-WAY ON SOUTH, FAI-405 FREEWAY ON NORTH AND WEST AND CEDAR RIVER CN THE EAST FOR THE PURPOSE OF REVIEW OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Councilman Clymer asked for consideration of width of lots, ingress and egress, noting many residents are worried about further development on Renton Hill and the impact. CARRIED. Public Services Public Services Committee report was submitted by committee member Committee Report Stredicke noting meeting with Russ Brown, Brown Equipment Co., regard- ing his request for reduction of the street vacation fee for Thomas Ave. SW, and the City's policy of charging half the appraised value as a vacation fee. The Committee determined that the established policy is valid and should not be modified because the petitioner is not ready to utilize the property, and further that no hardship exists and the best interest of the City taxpayers would not be served by a fee reduction. The committee recommended that Council adhere Thomas Ave. Street Vacation Renton City Council 9/19/77 Page 6 Old Business - Continued Thomas Ave. SW Street Vacation Comprehensive Plan Review 1Oy3/77 Valley General Area to the policy of requiring the payment of one-half of the appraised value, in this case, the amount of $9,000. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Council President Perry discussed notification of persons in the southern portion of the City as concerns public hearing scheduled 10/3/77 for review of the Planning Commission recommendation on the South Renton planning area, and opposed individual mailings to those persons outside the city limits not interested in annexing to the City. Councilman Stredicke requested five additiona! pest- ings in that area, explaining King County takes the City's Compre- hensive Pian into consideration for such areas. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Committee Report Ordinance Adopting Title 9A Criminal Code Resolution #2134 Fund Transfer from Forward Thrust Resolution #2135 Opposing Name Change of Renton District Court New Business Emergency Vehicle Fees ADJOURNMENT Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recommending first reading of an ordinance which adopts by reference Title 9A of the Washington Criminal Code, Crimes and Punishments. Following first reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. The committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution providing for the transfer of funds as a loan in amount of $900,000 from the Forward Thrust Street Fund to be repaid not later than 12/31/77 at 43% per annum for purposes of cash flow. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution opposing the name change of the King County District Court System known as the “Renton District Court" to the "Central District Court." The resolution stated name change would be confusing and would represent the loss of a name long established and familiar. Follow- ing reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ AND FORWARD TO THE KING COUNCIL COUNCIL. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke called attention to ambulance fee of $91.50 for transporting patient from Highlands to Valley General Hospital, being basic fee of $67.50 with $2.00 per mile fee added; noting City aid car fee of $22.50. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF AMBULANCE AND AID CAR FEES 10 THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR DISCUSSION. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. : / / j Z M ‘7 Z, ( ike A. Mead, City Eferk GS. ferry oF ooo aD } THE CITY OF RENTON Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 (=) ss CHARLES J. DELAURENT|, MAYOR @ PLANNING DEPARTMENT hd 235-2550 & ep sepre™ MEMORANDUM September 19, 1977 TQ: George Perry Council President FROM: Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director RE: C. R. SCHUMACHER REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, N.E. 24TH AND JONES AVENUE N.E. Pursuant to discussion at the Council meeting of September 12, 1977, I have reviewed the matter of off-site improvements relative to property located at N.E. 24th and Jones Ave. N.E. The property in question, at the northeast corner of the intersection, was short platted on April 27, 1976, by C. R. Schumacher. The request for Waiver of Off-site Improvements was heard by the Planning Commission at its May 26, 1976, public hearing meeting. The action of the Planning Commission was to grant an indefinite deferral, subject to the filing of restrictive covenants to insure participation in an LID for such improvements at a future date. (Note attached Planning Commission minutes and restrictive covenants.) The Planning Commission based its decision on the Public Works Department report attached. It should be noted that the restrictive covenants, in addition to providing for a local improvements district, indicate that improvements may be initiated by the City and that the prop- erty owners agree to pay their proportionate fair share. These covenants run with the land to the year 2025; and such obligations imposed by the covenants would be assumed by the new property owner, when the property is sold. GYE:wr Attachments cc: Mayor Public Works Director City Clerk INZeEEORPF TCE CORRESPONDEACE Date May 7, 3976 TOs Planning Department FROM: Tom Touma, Design Engineer SUBJECT: C. 2. Schumacher Short Plat It is recommended that installation of off-site improvements for this plat be deferred until such time as proper grade and drainage on Jones Ave. N.E. can be established. It is further recommended that the developer post a bond in an amount to be determined by the City to guarantee future installation of the off-site improvements pending creation and completion of an L.I.D. or for a period of two years, whichever is less. This proposed plat is within the boundary of a proposed sanitary sewer Lele Dis P trv, J boxcar RE:sn Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 26, 1976 Page Five 4. NEM BUSINESS: SITE APPROVAL: A, od. W. UNDERWOOD; Appl. No. SA-868-76; Site Approval for a Warehouse in an M-P zone; property located on the east side of Lind Ave. S.W. across from S.W. 10th St. A briefing was provided by the Planning Director, who discussed the following factors: location and size of the site, provisions for parking and landscaping, ele- vations of the proposed structure, and compliance with ordinance requirements. The Chairman invited a presentation from the applicant. Marston Price, representing Bazemore Associates Archi- tects, advised that he would be willing to answer ques- tions. Discussion among the Commissioners ensued with regard to the following considerations: provision for addi- tional parking, landscaping, and screening; provision for outside storage area; height limitation of the proposed fencing; exterior treatment of the structure; and the nature of the business. Mr. Price stated that the business will be devoted to warehousing and distri- bution of hardware for growing plants and that there would be no manufacturing. The Chairman called for audience response, but received none. IT WAS THEN MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY GAR- RISON, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CAR- RIED. Following further discussion and due deliberation, IT WAS ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY GIST, THAT THE J. W. UNDERWOOD APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: i. LIMITATION OF THE HEIGHT OF THE STORAGE MATER- ITAL IN THE OUTDOOR STORAGE AREA TO NO GREATER THAN 10 FEET. 2s PLANNING DEPARTMENT'S FINAL APPROVAL OF THE LANDSCAPE PLAN AND OUTDOOR STORAGE AREAS, INCLUD- ING THE SCREENING OF THE OUTDOOR WASTE AREA. 3. THE ADDITION OF FOUR (4) PARKING STALLS IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL. WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: SM 1B, C. R. SCHUMACHER; Appl. No. W-867-76; Application for Waiver of Off-site Improvements for a Four Lot Short Plat; property located on the east side of Jones Ave. N.E. +100 feet north of N.E. 24th St. Mr. Ericksen gave a brief review of the application for Waiver, noting its relationship to a short plat consist- ing of three lots located in the Kennydale area and that the waiver would pertain to the Jones Ave. frontage. Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 26, 1976 Page Six The Planning Director advised that the Public Works Department recommended that off-site improvements in the area be deferred until such time as proper grades and drainage on Jones Ave. N.E. can be established. He also reported that the proposed plat is within the boundary of a proposed sanitary sewer L.I.D. Council policy relative to development of off-site improvements was noted. The Chairman called for comment from the applicant. Fred Callen, 300 Renton Ave. South, real estate broker for the applicant advised that they had talked to the Engineering Division regarding the proposed L.I.D., and they anticipate no problems. He also stated that he felt the owner would be agreeable to the filing of restrictive covenants running with the land regarding the waiver or deferral of off-site improve- ments. Audience comment was invited, but none was offered. IT WAS THEN MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY GARRISON, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Following further discussion and deliberation, IT WAS ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY WIK, THAT THE PLANNING COM- MISSION GRANT AN INDEFINITE DEFERRAL OF THE INSTALLATION OF THE OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE C. R. SCHUMACHER SHORT SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO THE FILING OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS RUNNING WITH THE LAND REQUIRING THE OWNER OF THE EXISTING LOTS TO PARTICIPATE IN AN L.IT.D. FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS, IF ONE IS FORMED FOR THIS AREA IN THE FUTURE. MOTION CARRIED. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE: A, FIELD TRIP It was decided that a field trip would not be necessary. BR, COMMITTEE REPORTS SPECIAL STUDIES COMMITTEE Chairman Wik tentatively scheduled a committee meeting to consider the Floyd Perrotti special permit application for June 1 or June 3, depending upon the availabil,ity of plans reflecting the proposed revisions. LAND USE COMMITTEE Chairman Teegarden reminded the committee of their meet- ing on June 2 to continue their study of the new zoning ordinance. C, PROPOSED PLANNING COMMISSION CALENDAR REVISION AND BY-LAWS The Planning Director directed the Commissioner's atten- tion to the proposed Planning Commission calendar which had been revised in accordance with their requests. He noted that a copy of a revision to the by-laws reflecting those changes was also included. Discussion followed, and the following action was taken: ACTION: MOVED BY WIK, SECONDED BY WALKER, TO ADOPT THE REVISED 1976 SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS. MOTION CARRIED. DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, (AT) 55 BR TORS, TNO. , are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, descnibed as Exhibit 'A' attached hereto. WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs, and assigns as follows: INSTALLATION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS The owner(s) of the above described property, their suc- cessors, heirs and assigns, hereby-agree and covenant to participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any future Local Improvement District (LID) or city initia- ted proposal, and pay their fair share therefore, for the purposes of providing the necessary off-site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improve- ments shall include but may not be limited to the installa- tion of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, undergrounding of utilities, and street lighting. These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105(6) of Title IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renton. . DURATION These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2025. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these covenants, the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improve- ments as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. COfl inca PLES. i) \ oy ) . -~ \ iS wi Adeeb es 4 / ode F cde CAA Bee CEs : AY Lo ULLAL Td ’ ie x# e 4 i STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) On this sixth day of —_ Jniy , 19:77, before me personally appeared %. GC. Johnson » President > Marecaret © Johnson » oece Of Johnson *% Sons Builders,» Inc. the person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said person(s) for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. a Z LI: Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at - i BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Page 2 June 2, 1976 4. REFERRALS FROM CITY COUNCIL: None 5. REFERRALS FROM DEPARTMENTS Schumacher Request to Install Temporary Septic Tank System for Proposed Short Plat--The Chairman read a letter received May 28 from Ben Schumacher requesting permission for a temporary septic tank installation for his three-lot subdivision. In his letter, Mr. Schumacher explained that the nearest sewer in the area is approximately 800 feet to the north of the property. The existing sewer line is uphill and would require a pump station if a connection were made. The sanitary sewer system proposed through an LID will be designed as a total gravity flow system. Mike Smith pointed out the location of the proposed short plat-- north of NE 24th Street on Jones Avenue NE. The property is zoned G-7200. He reported that the Planning Commission granted an indefinite deferment of off-site improvements subject to the filing of restrictive covenants and the owner's agreement to participate in any future LID for development of the area. The Health Department is still reviewing percolation tests of the property. Tom Touma described the sewer service in the area and reported plans for the creation of an LID to provide service to the unsewered area. It was subsequently moved by WARREN GONNASON, seconded by GENE COULON, that the Board of Public Works authorize the temporary septte tank tnetallation, subject to the filing of restrictive covenants as recommended by the Planning Department and the owner's agreement to support an LID for sanitary sewer service,and also subject to the approval of the Health Department. MOTION CARRIED. 6. ITEMS UNDER STUDY a. Pacific Northwest Bell Request for Underground Wirin Variance, Adjacent to and East of 2023 Kirkland Place NE--Clint Morgan introduced Gordon Erlywine of Pacific Northwest Bell who was present to answer questions concerning PNB's request for an underground wiring variance for a portion of a project through a steep ravine area. Mr. Erlywine indicated that PNB weighed the erosion and scarring effects of undergrounding against the potential vandalism and problems with trees which might be experienced with the overhead installation and determined that the underground installation would be impractical. He indicated that cost was not the primary consideration in this case. PNB has a 10-foot easement for their installation. In order to bring in the necessary equipment for an underground installation, 15 feet would probably be required. It was moved by WARREN GONNASON, seconded by GWEN MARSHALL, that a temporary variance be allowed as requested by Pacifie Northwest Bell, subject to provisions for underground conversion at such time in the future as the area develops or tt ts required by public ownershtp in the event the property ts acquired for public use. MOTION CARRIED. b. Paragraph 1 of April 8 Letter from Victoria Park Homeowners Association fie: SR 515--Traffie Engineering Division and Planning Department to report. 7. COMMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: None 8. ADJOURNMENT--Meeting adjourned at 9:55 a.m. Del Bennett, Chairman 77 0 7 2- T H 2 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, TS ty gh see Ero po, 3 are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washinyton, described as Exhibit ‘A’ attached hereto. WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to jmpose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs, and assigns as follows: INSTALLATION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS The owner(s) of tne above described property, their suc- cessors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to \. participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any future Local Improvement District (LID) or city initia- 5 p ted proposal, and pay their fair share therefore, for the purposes of providing the necessary off-site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improve- ments shall include but may not be limited to the installa- tion of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, undergrounding of utilities, and street lighting. These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105(6) of Tittle IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renton. DURATION These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2025. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these covenants, the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improve- ments as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. KOs, Do 6 _ Cb fa, ee - _f” ix & > . —_ aa f =F i htAAy cht tC € j fies ty ha! ’ eo HE STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KiNG ) Gn this sigth day of Tully , 1977, before me personally appeared %. %, Jo uison » PURI Aaa ’ 2 > the person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said person(s) for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. eal | YW (9s Z Lettre Notary Public in and for the ate of Washington, residing at ° ; . = Ea woe TEN 200 MILL AVE Geyear. . ” Bai _ oie E. SOU a CITY OF RENTON PLAT APPLICATION NeF er, Le ée 7 vcr x? fe LE a SO Pag rar VsHort PLAT FILE NO.Short (44¢_25-FL MAJOR PLAT DATE REC'D 4l-2 7 -PL FEE $59. RECEIPT NO. S4EY SM NO. _ TENTATIVE ___ PRELIMINARY ___ PINAL PUD NO. APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7: aL. Plat Name & Location OWA Ad CAEL. Sno] Js BE TAALNRS ME ColeR Me 2a2Sr & Sones Aye WE No. Lots 3 Total Acreage 6.¢% zoning G@- 7200 Owner_C.@ , Sawsenacufele Phone_F9/ - S885" Address @7."5 Gox 40 - Covupra, Was PESO Engineer KEMMIETH J ON eR Phone 255-5050 Address FO. Bor 2258 kenwton, C04SHy FROSS Underground Utilities: ‘ Yes No Not Installed Telephone _ A es Electric __ —t~S=Ssw i Street Lights Lf a Natural Gas _ —— —— TV Cable el Sanitation & Water: L7 City Water /_/ Water District No. Sanitary Sewers Dry Sewers MI N I S Septic Tanks Vicinity and plat maps as required by Subdivision Ordinance > || LO« dell. L2s DATE REFERRED TO: ENGINEERING PARKS BUILDING | — HEALTH TRAFFIC ENG. : STATE HIGHWAY FIRE COUNTY PLANNING BD. PUBLIC WORKS OTHER STAFF ACTION: ____ SHORT PLAT APPROVED SC DENTED ___ TENTATIVE PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED_ PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: ____ PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED ___ FINAL PLAT APPEALED __ __ EXPIRED CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ____ PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED ___ FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED DEFERRED IMPROVEMENTS: DATE DATE BOND NO. & TYPE GRANTED EXPIRES AMOUNT Planning Dept. Rev. 12/71 AFFIDAVIT , < I, G : L VWAHU MACHER , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me ) —_—_ this % 3 aay of —S Aa! ' 19 Jé , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at 2440 * Ke Z. batten ZI L hough (Name of Notary Public) Signature of Owner) 7 . ert Ss By ye (Address) creep XC Len a pote 143%) (City)f~ / (State) GESOl a, 7 4G] —S EKO “(Telephone) (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify thatthe foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be. thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and.regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such.application. f (p : = oo , e f J Vi Date Received yz LD By: d Aft of [4 ——— CUES SOLS Renton Planning Dept. 2-73 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING a a Earbara. Cempssna SB At swocctiseesnapaaamanes being first duly swornon oath, deposes and says that she isthe chief clerk THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four (4) times a week. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- paper published four (4) times a week in Kent, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, . Petitions... as it was published in regular issues (and not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period screnfanies GAY OF in. cncsren cman mar arininnnenies seieeeenanineienmmtianenantey lO poccman DOLMGALES inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of 29699 iz has been paid in fullatthe rateof per folio of one hundred words for the first insertion and __ per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent insertion. a Subscribed and sworn to before me this —— May............, 19.76 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Kent, King County. — Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th, 1955. — Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING CQMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLAN- NING COMMISSION AT ITS REG- ULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON MAY. 26, 1976, AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING TITIONS: Y ii REZONE FROM G TO RP-2,, file No. R-862-76, property located on the east side of Park Ave. N. ‘plus or de! 100 feet north of N. 30th St. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CON- “STRUCT AN APARTMENT | COMPLEX (4-plex) IN R-2 5 ' ZONE, file No. SP-863-76; _ property located on the SE corn- er of Meadow Ave. 'N. and N. 3rd St. vs 3. SITE APPROVAL FOR A » WAREHOUSE IN AN M-P ZONE, file No. SA-868-76; property located on the east side of Lind Ave. S.W. across. from: LW. 10th’St. rf WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IM-. PROVEMENTS FOR A FOUR LOT SHORT PLAT IN A G-7200 ZONE; FILE No. W,867-76; property located on the east side of Jones Ave: N.E. plus or minus 100 feet north of N.E. 24th St. Legal descriptions ofall ap- plications noted above on Hie in the Planning Department. SPALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLAN- NING COMMISSION MEETING ON MAY .26, 1976 secs ig TO THEIR : patie . JOAN WALKER, SECRETARY RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION Published in the Renton Record- Chronicle May 16, 1976. R3789. 5 nenecaeekech seen ae CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT WORKSHEET FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Application No. 4272-~ys-7b Negative Dec. Date Received 4-BF-FAE EIS INSTRUCTIONS: The purpose of this information is to assist the vari- ous departments of the City to determine whether an environmental impact statement will be required before approving and issuing a per- mit for a proposed project. Single family residential uses in non sensitive areas are exempt from this requirement as established by Washington Administrative Code 173-34. In addition to the following information, please submit a vicinity map (recommend scale: 1" representing 200' to 800‘) and a site map (rec- ommended scale: 1" representing 10' to 40'). APPLICANT TO PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUIRED IN ITEMS 1 THROUGH 30 BELOW: 1. Name of applicant GR YLMHVMAH ER. 2. Mailing address RTRs Bex GyO _- Oligarqies, LADO. . ann 7) — Cee 4e St | Telephone 471 ~SE&¥S 3. Applicant is: [xlowner {(__jLessee C JContract purchaser [_JOther (specify) 4. Name and address of owner, if other than applicant: Telephone 5. General location of proposed project (give street address if any Or nearest street and intersection Qenine Cre Nn F— gy JU ME 24 4 ST Be ys Os oe 10. Liki Legal description (if lengthy, attach as separate sheet) Jee Irrncapen PAT | / Area O- 33 Dimensions 1/93 X 28Z ’ Intended use of property or project (include details: number of units, volume, etc.): = PRIVATE DWELLING f Bur Lo 3/1 7aS Generally describe the property and existing improvements: UU PRUVEOD YVAICEANT /7imPEe7TY Total construction cost or fair market value of proposed project including additional developments contemplated: Construction dates (month and year) for which permit is requested: Begin End LZ 13. 14. 18 . 16. List any other permits for this project from state, federal, or other local governmental agencies for which you have applied or will apply, including the name of the issuing agency, whether the permit has been applied for, and if so, the date of the applica- tion, whether the application was approved or denied and the date of same, and the number of the application or permit: Date Agency Permit Type Submitted* Number Status** Leave blank if not submitted. ** Approved, denied or pending. Has an Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Assess- ment been prepared for the proposed project? —_— oe a i sito vwith thi | \yes one MG “yes Submit copy with this i Lj environmental impact worksheet. re there similar projects, both public and private, existing or lanned in the immediate area: i | | i a Tre it it} 4 7 x | *T yes ino | idon't know if “yes explain. ! i a Dice Kewes Boker Svea Is the proposed project located in or adjacent to an area or structure having unique or exceptional! historic, cultural, or other values considered important by some sectors of the popu- A | at +f iations i yes iT no ‘i " yes" explain. RH h Is the proposed project located in an area that may be considered sensitive and is subject to erosion, landslides, floods, etc.? | T yt foil ul Tas yes |* no If “yes" expiain. 17. Is the proposed project located in an area that has a number of large trees or other natural landscaped areas, waterways, marshes or wildlife? yes | ebno If "yes" explain. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PROPOSED PROJECT: In the following questions Summarize what the applicant feels will be the environmental impact, both beneficial and adverse, of the proposed project. Consideration should be given to both the human and natural environmental as well as physical, social, and aesthetic aspect. For projects which are part of a more extensive plan, consider the implications of the entire plan and not just the project now being proposed. 18. Land Use: Will the project have a significant effect on land use in the surrounding area? | jyes | Lio Explain: 19. Project Design and Appearance: Will the project design, appear- ance, landscaping, etc., assure the maximum protection for the natural environment? yes |_| no Explain: 20. Ground Contours: Does the proposed project have an effect on the existing ground contours of the project location? [les | |no. Is the project likely to cause erosion or sedimentation? fr jyes [7[no? If "yes" to either, explain. i. ae ae EDs 24. Air Quality: Will construction of the project and use of the completed project have a substantial effect on the existing air quality? (Consider the effect of any gas, chemicals, smoke, dust, particulate matter, and odors)? rr rr | __jyes | “tho If "yes" explain. Water Quality: Will construction of the project and use of the completed project be likely to have an effect on the existing water quality of the area? (Consider the adequacy of drainage and runoff and the likely endpoint of any liauids draining from the project.) [ lyes [ *{no. Is there a good possibility that this project will_require_an expansion of local water and/or sewer facilities? |_lyes ane If "yes" to either, explain. Noise: Will construction of the project or use of the completed project significantly affect the existing noise levels of the area? | |yes ees Will the project be affected by airports, freeways, railroads or other sources of noise? ~— a | |yes [tno If "yes" to either, explain. Population Density: Will a noticeable population change result from this project? (Consider the present density per acre in the surrounding community to the proposed density of the project and including daytime density.) [ |yes [4}nmo. Will the pro- ject cause periodic or temporary fTuctuations in population due to tourism, employment, shopping, schools, etc. [ |yes [=jno. If "yes" to either, explain. 29 « 26. of » 26. ae Effect on Population: Will the proposed action directly or in- directly cause the relocation of a sizeable number of persons or the division or disruption of existing community patterns of liv- ing? |_jyes “no If "yes" explain. Schools and Parks: Will the proposed project have an effect on schools and parks in the area? tl yes | {no If “yes" explein. JQostiale *nRSE 1) Semoo. £ fae OSE Transportation: Will construction of tne project or use of the completed project have a significant impact on transportation in the area? _t yes lrno Explain: —_ Public Use: Will the project be available for use by all sectors of the public? __lyes [ro Explain? ‘Other Impacts: Identify any other beneficial or adverse environ- mental impacts which may result from the construction or comple- tion of the proposed project. KOE PAR ee e | 30. VIEWS OF LOCAL GROUPS: Have you made your plans known to interested community groups or neighbors in the vicinity of the project? [_]yes |v |no If "yes" what are their reactions? If "no" do you intend to contact these people?{ lyes [Jno CERTIFICATION BY OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE The Owner/Representative identified in Item No. 1 or 4 above hereby certifies that the information furnished in this Environmental Work- sheet is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge. X : oe PLL. OWNER [-22- Wa Signature Title Date TO BE FILLED IN BY CITY DEPARTMENTS REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS: ey i oe Department: __ Vey hh s Dyuispde Comments: ; . us a >* hee a Ape Mallee Irs Sores Jane IVE | (Vo Scanlon Sewer Sepuree lta. Suit & /S SL 3 LEBER ET ENS i a Signature of Director or*Authorized Representative “Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS: Department: Comments: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date eo ) TO BE FILLED IN BY CITY DEPARTMENTS REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS: Department: Comments: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS: Department: Comments: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS: Department: Comments: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS: Department: Comments: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date « PA x ae ACTION BY RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL taff review determined that project: Has no significant environmental impact and application should be processed without further consideration of environmental effects. May have significant environmental impact and a complete environmental assessment should be prepared by applicant prior to further action on request for permit. B. Reasons for above conclusion: Signature of Responsible Official or Authorized Representative Date: Form: EIS-1 Planning Department October 15, 1973 Seattle-King County / DEPARTMENT oF Pusiic HEALTH Public Safety Building Seattle, Washington 98104 (206) 625-2161 LAWRENCE BERGNER, M.D., M.P.H. Director of Public Health April 20 ; 1977 Mike Smith Renton Planning Dept. Renton City Hall 200 Mill Ave. So. Renton, WA 98055 RE: Proposed Schumacher Short Plat Dear Mr. Smiths: This department has reviewed the subject short plat and found that it does meet our minimum requirements for sewage dis- posal (as you are aware the application has been held pending review during the winter months because of a high winter water table.) Therefore approval is given by this department. Very truly yours, illiam F. Liening, R.S. Supervising Sanitarian Division of Environmental Health SE District Service Center BEH:lk ec: Fred Callen, Callen Realty DISTRICT HEALTH CENTERS: CENTRAL NORTH EAST SOUTHEAST SOUTHWEST 1000 Public Safety Building 1600 N. E. 150th 15607 N. E. Bellevue- 3001 N. E. 4th St. 10821 8th Ave S. W Seattle 98104 Seattle 98155 Redmond Road Renton 98055 Seattle 98146 Peoenre Qollawie ARNNA ano nenan ae SRA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SING sell SEAT. rut DIVISION (Submit in Triplicate) hr accompanies the building perme application and is prerequisite to the issuance «¢ syctesn Perrnit.) If tne property is within the bouncaries of an operating sewer district or other sewering authori ty, it wil be necessar, to obtain written perinission from that authority allowing use of an individual sewage disposal system. MOR be <7 Lo oP ‘ » f Location of Property -- Street Address 7 aa Oe cries an sant a gr es ra ‘Lite oe, ote FP ddition or Subdivision La ie __ # _— Lot “7 Block (Or attach legal description) Type of Building: New pat Single Family Residence 1 (No. Bedrooms =~ ) Existing [J Other (}) (Specify) “904 Public Safe sty uuthging 98104 15272-15th Northeast 98155 15607 N_E. Believue-Redinond Road, Bellevue 98004 12015 S.£. 128th Street, Renton 98055 ‘SWntzer 32-2055 EMerson 3-47 TUcker 5-12 Alpine 5-349 4 2 » 0; fice r Endl ” = 65 7S (SH 7-1760: 10821-8th S.\W. 98146 CHerry 4-640 - Street Address 7 - - \\ “ rc ee ee Z Guasier a Pee es City-Zip Code ie - tee Phon é _ Street Address Britian ee oe _ City-Zip Code Phone oe 7 . Street Address sO OEM wT ser Tita MS Me na ee City-Zip Code \ - “3 Phone «27-7 = 7 fut Leg Tests (Describe soils encount reveal preferably by FHA’s uniform soil classification system). Minimum depth 48 inches Hole No. bose Sa bec - - Hele No. 2 - Hole No. 3 Hole No. 4 Evidence of Water Tabie, if encountered. (Distance from ground surface) a, i mas: q . scoton te eS em Source of Domestic Water Supply SAY AEs Nats We ee N Percolation Tests (Fail in minutes per inch, bottom 6 inches of test hole) Depth Average Rate Length of Time Soaked Hole No. 1 te- "eo, We NEN, A NS Hole No. 2 | Ges yates, i alin BE See Hole No. 3 te YI aA G45 3 - Hole No. 4 - TASER, a, Nek hs # Hole No. 5 Hole No. 6 (For additional remarks or comments attach letter in triplicate or utilize unused spaces around drawing on reverse side cf application.) . ~" - é ‘ 7 wer} 16 "wk * o # 1”, os 2S ree CE fr lie yh S ture — Designe rie! os ts f e ely ty ignatur esigner _ : : oat i aa DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. (To be filled in by Heal Department) a LfE77 EF flO Accepted +} , aOsstrict Office Use) hs 4 FOV ITT APR Not Accepted {| (Date) (District Sanitarsan) S-AP-118 Rev: 8-10-67 FES 13R15.2 “SOUTHEAS [DISTRICT HEALTH OFFICE v i . N -E-—-— ee as ao = == —==4 m= ye ER ai ig my, we Ant ony 4 2 F is f~ we) c Anr2I~aA ead wis wa PS ONAN OC) po oo . bs) ly is ae 7 oo ni a, I Cc “i Ed" ‘ein Sy 5 UA $ i ey saa EO [oon “ - i \j i“ S | i | | Fe { Sh ee | r ae 7 <5 a 1 Pes hs, ks bel H , x 2s — A < pe “2 Co | ( | tat ; vd Met). y —— i © | | eo atS 5 ao? c mwah pm « = JONES AVE NE (IOS AvVE SE.) DESCRIPTION: PARCE AC “SEE ATTACHED SOOGAL. TANK -7° DRAIN FIELD LINES OC PERC TEST SOIL LOG SCALE 1° =CcO’ PERCS UNLIMITED NEIL GAUNCE CERT. DESIGNER SEATT. SING COUNTY DEPARTMENT Urs ur Pree DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVIC ROOM 904, PUBLIC GAFETY BUILDING repulse in Triplicate) {(Ihis accompanies the building permit application and is prerequisite to the issuance $f the Individual Sen age osa! System Permit.) PO wane nnn nner mene ss i} ee OC ss ef NOTE: If the srepnenty is within the boundaries of an sportieg sewer district or other sewering ot jaw pithy Ae cessary to obtain written permission from that = eeieaehy alone use of an individual sewage dis osal-syt aa ay ng gd a ' Location of Property — Street Address co SF es ies oo . oo Ess atl (Goa oon Koes ie , oy Addition or Subdivision ‘ok # ~~“ A N Lane — Lot <) Block (Or attach legal description) Type of Building: New ime Single Family Residence Fi} (No. Bedrooms “os ) Existing (] Other () (Specify) Seattle Office 904 Public Safety Building 98104 , JUniper 3-2055 North End 15272-15th Northeast 98155 EMerson 3-4765 Eastside 15607 N.E. Bellevue-Redmond Road, Bellevue 98004 TUcker 5-1278 (SH 7-1760) Southeast 12015 S.E. 128th Street, Renton 98055 Alpine 5-3496 Southwest 10821-8th SW. 98146 CHerry 4-6400 _ Street Address \"=.\\ SE VS! Sr Owner ew ON Se. City-Zip Code Kevan Se -045-5 Phone fo ; Street Address Builder et A City-Zip Code Phone \ SO Street Address VS Mei <560 “FAWNA designer Ve. Cyr. Cy Cet eS City-Zip Code S49 SRO | Phone f= SF -Leane Soil Log Tests (Describe soils encountered preferably by FHA’s uniform soil classification system). Minimum depth 48 inches Hole No.1 > 71 AA = aici ye Loam Hole No. 2 Sayan” Hole No. 3 Hole No. 4 Evidence of Water Table, if encountered. (Distance from ground surface) SX 7) Source of Domestic Water Supply MAWES LAs afar ~ Percolation Tests (Fall in minutes per inch, bottom 6 inches of test hole) Depth Average Rate Length of Time Soaked Hole No. 1 oe eSénin, ; A. Hole No. 2 T=) ew} ER Bee Wh yee Hole No. 3 Ss — SATS aoe € Hole No. 4_ = ar Aye Hole No. 5 _ Hole No. 6 (For additional remarks or comments attach Bi in triplicate or utilize unused spaces around drawing on reverse side c application.) LS, ‘a . i DML -, Signature — Designer Baa LL! eo ite ~— < a Date DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. (To be filled in by Health Department) (District Office Use) Accepted 4 -#- 40-77 EG EZ fe Not Accepted [] (Date) (District Sanitarian) S-AP- ae a 8-10-67 css1 12 0 . 0 . SEWAGE VISrFUSAL DI1dILIM e i a a To. 1 LO ph SHS TY ae ge Se ‘ oe cami a i Ga MIN i VQ —— | Lo] EMENT-, OPVAIMN a A (mo SCALE ) Na eis \ Fig ©) | ~~ Si taal aniikananhe — = — , (RES SEVE ARTELA OC “— o FRENCH eae a ee | oMN ; ieee ~1S —--——y CO’ = So SS eS | MIN ' > oN | a ee en ea ee Cc: | dea @ ‘ GS 2 7-5 RAYS | | oe’ | ’ FM FL oe = po oul | PINS EL+.s 22 he a) bos , _ ee es’ 5 + Vee , 7 a ' 4 | 1G a ™ , .Y - HzO Oo. 4 ie) i ail woe 0 } / O74 00% za os | i - ud i | PERC’S UNLIMITED GE 2-1567 Robert N. Gaunce winptenfaltey-S8038. \S©”" DRAIN FIELD DOO GAL. TANK DESCRIPTION: WO -75’ LINES PARCEL O PERC TEST @® SOIL LOG SCALE 1”=c.O 200” Sraric: Kine. Gouniy DEPARTMENT OF Pustic HEALT, aN DIVISION GF P NVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVI iS af ah A oN Room G04, Puontin SAFETY BUILDING E\\ t SivS APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAUISYSTAHAR 19 1977 | (Submit ta Tre wee i} i i ) ) Bed 4 : re WS Fama eres \ - . cauisite £ vidual Sosace aS (iluy Bteoipanias lite huhicing parnit apy y: aad is prerequisite to the issuance of HE Andividual Se.aze By jposai Syator? Pept.) ey yy, smiace esse sre ae eesercz = DEF hie = t re H 4 % wo OTe: |. the pro.rty i eaethin the bogadur cs Operating sewer district or cther sawering authonty= “itwitr be neces sary to obtain written pearaission from: that outsority allowing use of an individual sewage disposal syst Location of Proneriy — Strcet Address sy CO Jer teas ee Addition or Subdivister: — : Ss tt Ye EO a Lot _f Block (Or attach lesai descriation) : a . . . . . . aaah ~? Tepe of Building: News “Se Single Family Residence ‘fj. (No. Bedrooms . > 7 c can POS ti a Existing = [4 Other (} (Specify) _ . - — a : Saattle Office line 98104 i {; BBIOS Hie. eo {aC ry Evisaad 3.1 mond Ro ad, Bellevue $8002 TUcker 5-12 ; ens) + Renton 98055 acs 4’e: 4Hy AbpireSeaqos Te ho (Ze CHlerry 4-646. _- Street Address -_ = Gone ee ee ee CCG ity-Zi Code __ Phone 22 ooo Street Address _ i = s ; 7 ; — Ctity-Zip ‘Code — Phone : . , = Street Address eS oe Vedhigner fie et ot te ee _ City Zip Code 2 y te oA Phone =" bs Po Log Tests (Gesernihe sails suconntered preferadiy by LF HA's uniform soil classification syste an), Minimum de: $3 22 1che: Hote No. } fo ee Neer eae a an oe ae Baie No 2 . en Higle Wo. 3 oe Hole No. 4 tvidence of Water Table, if encountered. (Distance from ground surface) = pvr ee wa . a ae ba fp ity .gererross Scurce of Domestic Water Supply CY fed gree i ferculation Tests (Fall in minutes per inch, botiorn 6 inches of test hole) elt Average Rate Length of Time Soaked eee aici ceil RRNA «a a wacedak ‘a ian dal yy “4 Hole No. 1 Hole No. 2 : fb a 9 ai Vs" 3 Hote No. 30 fogttes Swe Hole No. 4 tole Mo, 5 Hole No. 6- —— (fcr additional remarks or comments attach letter in triplicate « or utilize unused spaces around drawing on raverse side of upplication.) ? Pi ae ed a” - wae ot PS . # Qs ag ‘ . ) eee las meas: yb gS . ’ : 3S 5e ta ge 3 : -? a ot AI VY =p of ©: nature — Designer LQ At 7 Bese é eee PE 2 fe Fr ti = V/ Fare . Ff : cel dl Ose 00 NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. (To be filled in by Health Department) i PR (District Office Use) _ eee ee it a aaa Accepted J MB afire 7 of. ee fie EP vet Not Accepted [ ] SOUT pic n (Date) (District Sanitarian) Se ee RT CAST DIS Ties 4 4 sea HEALTH OFFICE ~ — em te ; | i \ © gy © / \ gf Cod. CS es = lp rE MAY ———-—— ; F _ “ a —— = eh) _ ; t bor baa i [> a ' | Lg BLESS ! & “ i i af ¥ { \Al 4 1+ , a Vf . 36.01 ; * te \ —"~ oe ee ee Se ome ep , } ©) - ee oe Bete = me , © | I { qi 26.0! DWRors ‘ | iM am, we De ated ; { rl — AN ‘ i > t { { ic a 2 ! t Ro ogh _ } cae { - - of im Ae a i wrny | MING tin j | | | . _ = i J Fin FL » lo x I } rie : t 2, | “| \ { | LUA i i i ' re+k, i a Daly | ! _ In. Ss aoe ae ; 4 A | ; j ‘ iis : | i l { Li! ' \ a , - ; = | Pole [9243 it - A ai aa = } x ‘ | oS o— ——— => | 5H |Z wos . ; f> > ea *2 Ze ‘ / 7 ‘ - ue :.% N t j Rae oe Lab —o Wes LOC YS Ne ee i ; 7 we WL, GRAVEL (A: << “2-0 ; ~ GMIN, wis be tila === "ey 7 ! : PRENCH PRAWN (NO SCALE) - ~ “20 i 4 R ra OQ+O0OoO 86.53 MM PRENCHS DRAIN TO COUNTY OItcH JONES AVE. NE. GOS AVE SES CRIPTION: Preece C' SEC ATTA RES SOOGAL. TANK ivy DRAIN FIELD LINES C) PERC TEST (9SOIL LOG SCALE 1” =CO' PERCS UNLIMITED NEIL GAUNCE CERT. DESIGNER ~s ee ured tke a we n fe w e r Y — As previously stated, either of the above must be submitted during the wet months. If you have any questions regarding this tag please contact Mr. Heaton at 228-2624, Menday - Thursday, between 7:30 - 9:00 A.M. cc: Fred Callen, Callen Realty Robert N. Gaunce y truly - \ a fh William F. Liening, Supervising canitelian Environmental Health Services Southeast District Health Center ” Mike Smith, Renton Planning Dept. Ron Nelson, Renton Bldg. Div. BEH:ng Encl. 1 Seattle -King County / DEPARTMENT OF Pustic HeactH Public Safety Bullding Seattie, Washington 98104 (206) 563-2550 LAWRENCE BERGNER, N.D., M.P.H. Director of Public Health September 1, 1976 Cy Johnson 13311 S.E. 15l1lst St. Renton, Washington 98055 ’ Dear Mr. Johnson: Recently site applications were submitted for lots A and B of the pro- posed Schumacher Short Plat. Enclosed is a copy of a letter dated May 20, 1976, noting that because of evidence of a high winter water table on this plat, perc tests must be ‘performed and submitted during the months of highest water table (our regulations now define this as January, February or March). Therefore the site applications were dis- approved. You should also be aware that approval of any site application cannot be made prior to final approval of the plat. As Mr. Heaton, Sanitarian with this department, has stated in conversations with Mr. Callen and others, we would accept the following to review for our approval of the plat: 1. A designers report indicating acceptable conditions for on site sewage disposal (a minimum of one perce hole and 1 soil log per lot). or 2. Complete site applications for each lot. Approval of indivi- dual site applications would be withheld until final approval of the plat. COF_ RE * afts DISTRICT HEALTH CENTERS: NORTH 1600 N. E. 150th Seattle 98155 363-4765 EAST 15607 Northeast Bellevue- Redmond Road Bellevue 98008 885-1278 SOUTHEAST 3001 N. E. 4th St. Renton 98055 228-2620 SOUTHWEST 10621 Bth Avenue Southwest Seattle 98146 244.6400 THE CITY OF RENTON 235-2550 sf July 8, 1976 C. R. Schumacher Route 5, Box 440 Olympia, WA 985901 RE: APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT (#25-76) AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS (#W-867-76) Dear Mr. Schumacher: The Renton Planning Commission at its May 26, 1976 public hearing approved an indefinite deferral of the off-site improvement requirements of the Renton Subdivision Ordin- ance pertaining to the proposed shortplat, subject to the Signing and filing of restrictive covenants running with the land. These covenants will insure to the city that the property owner will participate in any future LID or city initiated nroject for such improvements. Attached is the original of the restrictive covenants for your review and signature. Please return the signed cove- nants (signed by all property owners and spouses) to this department. We shall transmit them to the City Clerk for filing with King County. As soon as this is accomplished your deferment will be finalized. On June 2, 1976, the Board of Public Works also authorized the installation of a temporary septic tank sewage disposal system, subject to the filing of restrictive covenants, the Owner's agreement to sign a petition and support an LID for Sanitary sewer service, the installation of a dry sewer on the site, and the approval of the King County Health Depart- ment. As soon as these items have been accomplished the short plat can be signed and filed with the county. If you have MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 CHARLES J. DELAURENT!, MAYOR @® PLANNING DEPARTMENT C. R. Schumacher Olymoia, WA 98501 July 8, 1976 Page Two any questions, please contact this Department or the Public Works Department. MLS:vb Attachments Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Associate cc: Public Works Director Building Division Fred Callen Ericksen Peay PLLA A, he L. Smith Planner DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS , ’ b c) are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton County of King, State of Washington, described as Exhibit '‘'A' attached hereto. WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs, and assigns as follows: INSTALLATION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS The owner(s) of the above described property, their suc- cessors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any future Local Improvement District (LID) or city initia- ted proposal, and pay their fair share therefore, for the purposes of providing the necessary off-site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improve- ments shall include but may not be limited to the installa- tion of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, undergrounding of utilities, and street lighting. These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105(6) of Title IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renton. ’ > > DURATION These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2025. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these covenants, the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improve- ments as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of » 19 » before me personally appeared : ’ > 3 t) 3 ) the person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said person(s) for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at od ( / is ) aa o INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date July 1, 1976 TO: Planning Department FROM: Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Proposed “estrictive Covenant for [Indefinite Deferral of [Improvement for Short Plat We have recieved the proposed restrictive covenant regarding indefinite deferral of improvement for short plat and find its content acceptable. ~ TESitb BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS “Page, 2 June 2, 1976 4. REFERRALS FROM CITY COUNCIL: None 5. REFERRALS FROM DEPARTMENTS Schumacher Request to Install Temporary Septic Tank System for Proposed Short Plat--The Chairman read a letter received May 28 from Ben Schumacher requesting permission for a temporary ’ septic tank installation for his three-lot subdivision. In his letter, Mr. Schumacher explained that the nearest sewer in the area LS approximately 800 feet to the north of the property. The existing sewer line is uphill and would require a pump station if a connection were made. The sanitary sewer system proposed through an LID will be designed as a total gravity flow system. Mike Smith pointed out the location of the proposed short plat-- north of NE 24th Street on Jones Avenue NE. The property is zoned G-7200. He reported that the Planning Commission granted an indefinite deferment of off-site improvements subject to the filing of restrictive covenants and the owner's agreement to participate in any future LID for development of the area. The Health Department is still reviewing percolation tests of the property. Tom Touma described the sewer service in the area and reported plans for the creation of an LID to provide service to the unsewered area. - It was subsequently moved by WARREN GONNASON, seconded by GENE COULON, that the Board of Publte Works authorize the temporary septie tank installation, subject to the filing of restrtiettve covenants as recommended by the Planning Department and the owner's agreement to support an LID for sanitary sewer serviceyand also subject to the approval of the Health Department. MOTION CARRIED. i, 6. ITEMS UNDER STUDY a. Pacific Northwest Bell Request for Underground Wiring Variance, Adjacent to and East of 2023 Kirkland Place NE--Clint Morgan introduced Gordon Erlywine of Pacific Northwest Bell who was present to answer questions concerning PNB's request for an underground wiring variance for a portion of a project through a steep ravine area. Mr. Erlywine indicated that PNB weighed the erosion and scarring effects of undergrounding against the potential vandalism and problems with trees which might be experienced with the overhead installation and determined that the underground installation would be impractical. He indicated that cost was not the primary consideration in this case. PNB: has a 10-foot easement for their installation. In order to bring in the necessary equipment for an underground installation, 15 feet would probably be required. It was moved by WARREN GONNASON, seconded by GWEN MARSHALL, that a temporary vartance be allowed as requested by Pactfie Northwest Bell, subject to provtstons for underground conversion at such time tn the future as the area develops or itt is required by publie ownership tn the event the property ts acquired for public use. MOTION CARRIED. b. Paragraph 1 of April 8 Letter from Victoria Park Homeowners Association Re: SR 515--fraffre Engtneertng Divtserton and Planning Department to report. 7. COMMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: None 8. ADJOURNMENT--Meeting adjourned at 9:55 a.m. Del Bennett, Chairman A aD S THE CITY OF RENTON wd Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 (es) val 2 CHARLES J. DELAURENT|, MAYOR @® PLANNING DEPARTMENT e 235-2550 > we £0 seprt MEMORANDUM June 28, 1976 TO: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney FROM: Michael L. Smith Planning Department RE: PROPOSED RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS FOR INDEFINITE DEFERRAL OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR SHORTPLATS Attached is a final draft of the proposed covenants incorporating all of your previous suggestions. If you have any further comments please advise. MLS :ms Attachment Z A “N ~ y = THE CITY OF RENTON ey - < MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 , = a CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR @ PLANNING DEPARTMENT a ., & 235-2550 ea seme MEMORANDUM June 28, 1976 TO: Public Works Department FROM: Michael L. Smith Planning Department RE: PROPOSED RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS FOR INDEFINITE DEFERRAL OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR SHORTPLATS Attached is a final draft of the proposed covenants regarding shortplats. If you have any comments please advise. MLS :ms Attachment BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Page 2 June 2, 1976 4. REFERRALS FROM CITY COUNCIL: None 5. REFERRALS FROM DEPARTMENTS Schumacher Request to Install Temporary Septic Tank System for Proposed Short Piat--The Chairman read a letter received May 28 from Ben Schumacher requesting permission for a temporary septic tank installation for his three-lot subdivision. In his letter, Mr. Schumacher explained that the nearest sewer in the area is approximately 800 feet to the north of the property. The existing sewer line is uphill and would require a pump station if a connection were made. The sanitary sewer system proposed through an LID will be designed as a total gravity flow system. Mike Smith pointed out the location of the proposed short plat-- north of NE 24th Street on Jones Avenue NE. The property is zoned G-7200. He reported that the Planning Commission granted an indefinite deferment of off-site improvements subject to the filing of restrictive covenants and the owner's agreement to participate in any future LID for development of the area. The Health Department is still reviewing percolation tests of the property. Tom Touma described the sewer service in the area and reported plans for the creation of an LID to provide service to the unsewered area. It was subsequently moved by WARREN GONNASON, seconded by GENE COULON, that the Board of Publte Works authorize the temporary septte tank installation, subject to the filing of restrictive covenants as recommended by the Planning Department and the owner's agreement to support an LID for sanitary sewer service,and also subject to the approval of the Health Department. MOTION CARRIED. 6. ITEMS UNDER STUDY a. Pacific Northwest Bell Request for Underground Wiring Variance, Adjacent to and East of 2023 Kirkland Place NE--CIint Morgan introduced Gordon Erlywine of Pacific Northwest Bell who was present to answer questions concerning PNB's request for an underground wiring variance for a portion of a project through a steep ravine area. Mr. Erlywine indicated that PNB weighed the erosion and scarring effects of undergrounding against the potential vandalism and problems with trees which might be experienced with the overhead installation and determined that the underground installation would be impractical. He indicated that cost was not the primary consideration in this case. PNB has a 10-foot easement for their installation. In order to bring in the necessary equipment for an underground installation, 15 feet would probably be required. It was moved by WARREN GONNASON, seconded by GWEN MARSHALL, that a temporary variance be allowed as requested by Pacific Northweet Bell, subject to provistons for underground converston at such time in the future as the area develops or it is required by public ownership in the event the property ts acquired for public use. MOTION CARRIED. b. Paragraph 1 of April 8 Letter from Victoria Park Homeowners Association Re: SR 515--Traffie Engineering Diviston and Planning Department to report. 7. COMMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: None 8. ADJOURNMENT--Meeting adjourned at 9:55 a.m. Del Bennett, Chairman STAFF REPORT MAY 26, 1976 PAGE FOUR APPLICANT: APPLICATION: LOCATION: ZONING: APP. SEC. OF SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: REQUEST: COMMENTS: DECISION CONSIDERATIONS: C. R. SCHUMACHER WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS NO. W-867-76 Property located on the east side of Jones Ave. N.E. +100 feet north of N.E. 24th St. G-7200 9-1105; 9-1108 Applicant requests waiver of the off-site improvements (curbs, gutters and sidewalks) associated with the Schumacher short plat. 1. There are no curbs, gutters or sidewalks in the immediate vicinity of the Schumacher site. 2. There are curbs and gutters +500' north of the Schumacher site on Jones Road. However, the Reeves short subdivision, which was located directly adjacent to these improve- ments, was not required to extend them along Jones Ave. N.E. because no street design or final street elevation has been established on Jones Ave. by city engineers. 3. An open -drainage ditch exists along Jones Ave. N.E. in front of the Schumacher prop- erty. Recommend granting a deferral of off-site improve- ments associated with the short plat until such time as an L.I.D. or city initiated action is formed in the area subject to the following condi- tions: 1. Culverting the existing drainage ditch along the entire short plat frontage. 2. Filing of restrictive covenants running with the land requiring the owners of the lots in question to participate in an L«isD. for such improvements if one is ever formed for this area in the future. : aohet d CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES INSURANCE TO: City of Renton Board of Fublic “orks me: Teouest for exception f2 Sewer resuirement for p plat. se.tlemens 2 respectfully reaguest Seferrment of the requirenen to en ekisting sanitery seve nearest sewer in the area is OC feet to the North of the property; the existing sewe also uphill, and wonld requi station if 2 connectionewere would se contrary to the Lid which woulé be designed as 4 SYSsteme request thet a tempo sunk srstem be permitted for torres Lot suodivisios, «ff z ticinvute in the peonosed sew such time zs it is developed system will meet ell city an Health Dept. recuirements in provision of dry sewers for to 2 Sanitery sewer. e| 3 nm e Re S t d QM b> og Mm oO bs m3 ie et ra ) hb a SY Ra s To l g a ey ? ¢ Ii Oo @ © bY FB tu 13 @ ade@e ewer cesisn otel gravity Terry septle the proposed goree to pur jer LID, at « The septic tank | Hine County cluding the future connection sincerely, [lew Beh rrnckar RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MEETING MAY 26, 1976 MINUTES PSLRA MEL. MEMBERS PRESENT: nogan Garrison, Sandra Gist, one Mola, ur Scholes, Clark Teegarden, Joan Walker, eyland Wik. COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: None CITY STAFF PRESENT: Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director; 1chae mith, Associate Planner; Willis Roberts, Recording Secretary. The May public hearing meeting of the Renton Planning Com- mission was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Scholes, who led the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. RO C was taken by Secretary Walker. All members responded present. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Chairman called for corrections and additions to the minutes of the May 5, 1976, special public hearing meeting. Noting none, IT WAS MOVED BY WALKER, SECONDED BY WIK, THAT THE MINUTES OF MAY 5, 1976, BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. 3. QLD BUSINESS: REZONE: A, LAURENCE KNUTSEN; Appl. No. R-862-76; Rezone from G to R-2; property located on the east side of Park Ave. N. +100 feet north of N. 30th St. Noting continuation of the review from the April public hearing meeting, the Planning Director provided a brief status concerning activities that had occurred during the interim. These included several Special Studies Committee meetings with both the applicant and residents and the preparation of proposed restrictive covenants applying to setbacks, landscaping, density, design, plan review, bonding, and duration that had received Mr. Knutsen's review and approval. The Chairman invited comment from the applicant. Mr. Knutsen responded that he had no further comments since the previous public hearing. The Chairman then called for the committee report. Com- missioner Wik, Chairman, advised the Commission relative to the committee meetings with the developer and repre- sentatives of the community and referred them to their report of May 13, 1976, in which they recommended appro- val of the rezone request, subject to the filing of restrictive covenants controlling setbacks, landscaping, screening, and density for any development constructed on the site. He stated it is their opinion that the proposal is compatible with the area, conforms to good planning standards, and is in agreement with the Compre- hensive Plan for the area. The proposed restrictive covenants were then read into the record, and it was noted that they met the approval of Mr. Knutsen. Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 26, 1976 Page Two Audience comment was invited by Chairman Scholes. Gene Craig, 3204 Park Ave. N., presented slides depicting the general character of the area. He cited single family homes directly across the street from the subject site and the sharp rise in the roadway in front of the parcel, which they feel constitutes a safety factor for both vehicles and pedestrians. Mr. Craig indicated residential concerns involved intrusion of multi-family housing into a primarily single family area and its future effects, road hazards and traffic congestion, and noise and air pollution. He requested denial and urged review of the comprehensive plan to provide for containment of multi-family designations. Commissioner Wik responded that it was the committee's impression that the containment issue had been resolved during their meeting with the representatives of the community. Norma Craig, 3204 Park Ave. N., displayed a map depicting the number of single family dwellings within the area designated for multi-family use on the comprehensive plan. She referred the Commission to a petition requesting denial of the appli- cation that had been signed by eight out of eleven residents in the area bordered by N. 30th, Park Ave. N., and FAI-405. A brief discussion followed, and it was noted that existing commercial uses on the north side of N. 30th are non-conform- ing uses in a G zone--a carry-over from the County. In addi- tion, the following considerations were cited: history of the comprehensive plan review of the area and appropriate- ness of the multi-family buffer and dimensional requirements of the R-2 zone. Bill Hudson, 808 N. 33rd, recommended applications for rezone be held in abeyance until the comprehensive plan for the entire Kennydale area can be studied. Commissioner Teegarden, Chairman of the Land Use Committee-- formerly called Comprehensive Plan Committee--advised that the comprehensive plan for the northeast quadrant of the city had been under consideration but that it was determined that a revision of the Zoning Ordinance should take precedence. He indicated that the matter would be given first priority, when they are able to return to their study. In addition, the Planning Director reviewed the scope of’ the comprehensive plan and discussed changes in it for that area since 1965. Further comments were invited by the Chairman. Jim Kirkman, 1002 N. 35th St., expressed his concern that the property possibly could be used in conjunction with adjacent sites for a motel development. He was advised that such a proposal would require commercial zoning and entail Planning Commission review. Mr. Kirkman then presented a petition consisting of approximately 200 names requesting re-evalu- ation of the comprehensive plan for the area. Peggy Dubois, 2907 Mountain View Ave. N., noted increased single family construction activity in the area. Catherine Robbins, 1214 N. 34th, also requested preservation of the single family character of the area. Gary Spoor, 3210 Park Ave. N., expressed opposition to the proposed construction of six apartment units, stating that he considered it too high density for the site. Louise Miller, 3114 Park Ave. N., questioned the provisions for access and exit. Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 26, 1976 Page Three Jim Heer, 1030 N. 36th St., citing the need for trust, stated that the Kennydale residents would urge the Plan- ning Commission to delay action on the rezone request until the neighborhood concerns regarding the compre- hensive plan can be addressed. The role of the Planning Commission was described and defined by Chairman Scholes, who noted that the compre- hensive plan is designed to protect the community, and invited participation in its further review. Noting no further comments from the audience, IT WAS MOVED BY GIST, SECONDED BY WALKER, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. Discussion by the Planning Commission followed in which the following factors were considered: the number of residents expressing concern regarding future development in their residential area, concern regarding the apparent lack of communication between the committee and represen- tatives of the community, appropriateness of the requested use for the site, concern for the rights of the applicant, appropriateness of the comprehensive plan for the immediate vicinity of the site, alternative use for the parcel, and the need for assurance that the integrity of the single family residential area would be preserved. On the question, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. IT WAS THEN ACTION: MOVED BY WIK, SECONDED BY GIST, THAT THE COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED REZONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIAL STUDIES COMMITTEE REPORT OF MAY 13, 1976, INCLUDING PROPOSED RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS TO BE REVISED TO PROVIDE HEIGHT LIMITATIONS OF NO MORE THAN 25' OR TWO (2) STORIES AS PER PRESENT R-2 ZONE DIMEN- SIONAL REQUIREMENTS, AS THE REQUEST IS IN AGREEMENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Further discussion by the Planning Commission followed concerning the question of assurance relative to control of future growth, possible study of the comprehensive plan for the area, appropriateness of the natural barrier between the commercial and residential uses, appropriate- ness of the restrictive covenants, and the requirement for review of future development plans for the site. It was noted by Commissioner Teegarden, Chairman of the Land Use Committee, that the comprehensive plan is customarily reviewed in October and that the area would be considered at that time and that Kennydale residents would be invited to participate. On the question, a roll call vote was requested with the following results: GARRISON - AYE GTS? = AYE MOLA - AYE TEEGARDEN - AYE WALKER - AYE WIK - AYE SCHOLES - AYE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 26, 1976 Page Four Further discussion followed, and IT WAS ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY WIK, THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMEND TO THE COUNCIL THAT THEY HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS ISSUE BEFORE MAKING A DECISION ON THE SUB- JECT REZONE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Chairman advised the audience of provisions for appeal and that the application would be forwarded to the Council for consideration on June 7, 1976. A recess was declared at 9:50 p.m. The meeting was resumed at 10:05 p.m. with all members noted above in attendance. SPECIAL PERMIT: B, FLOYD PERROTTI; Appl. No. SP-863-76; Special Permit to construct an apartment complex (4-plex) in an R-2 zone; property located on the SE corner of Meadow Ave. N. and N. 3rd St. The Planning Director reviewed progress on the subject appli- cation, which had been continued from the April public hear- ing and been under study by the Special Studies Committee. He noted submittal of a revised site plan (Alternate "A") which provides for location adjustments of the building, parking, and access. He advised that the structure con- tinues to be planned as a four-plex and that design aspects are under discussion. Slides and aerial photographs of the area and plans were then viewed. Mr. Ericksen noted that the proposal meets the requirements of the R-2 zone. Chairman Scholes invited comments from the applicant. Jack Guinn, Jack Guinn Construction Company, builder for the applicant, advised that Mr. Perrotti had been called out of town and he had been asked to represent him. He stated that he had attended meetings with the Special Studies Committee and staff and had agreed to certain re- visions in design, landscaping, and parking. A brief discussion followed relative to existing trees and shrubbery on the parcel and its possible preservation. Associate Planner Smith provided a review of the proposed design changes, which include adjustment of the roof line, exterior treatment, landscaping, and screening. Mr. Smith noted that there had not been sufficient time to provide an amended drawing indicating these revisions. Discussion followed regarding: acceptance of the proposed building revisions by the applicant's representative, provi- sion for screening from the neighbor to the south, preserva- tion of existing trees, landscaping plans, availability of the final elevation plans, and possible continuation of the hearing until the drawings are completed. Mr. Guinn advised that he could act for the applicant but was limited in the changes he could make due to economic considerations. Following further deliberation, IT WAS ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY GIST, THAT THE MATTER CONTINUE TO BE REVIEWED BY THE SPECIAL STUDIES COMMITTEE AND CONTINUED TO THE JUNE 9, 1976, MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 26, 1976 Page Five 4. NEM BUSINESS: SITE APPROVAL: A, J. W. UNDERWOOD; Appl. No. SA-868-76; Site Approval , for a Warehouse in an M-P zone; property located on the east side of Lind Ave. S.W. across from S.W. 10th St. A briefing was provided by the Planning Director, who discussed the following factors: location and size of the site, provisions for parking and landscaping, ele- vations of the proposed structure, and compliance with ordinance requirements. The Chairman invited a presentation from the applicant. Marston Price, representing Bazemore Associates Archi- tects, advised that he would be willing to answer ques- tions. Discussion among the Commissioners ensued with regard to the following considerations: provision for addi- tional parking, landscaping, and screening; provision for outside storage area; height limitation of the proposed fencing; exterior treatment of the structure; and the nature of the business. Mr. Price stated that the business will be devoted to warehousing and distri- bution of hardware for growing plants and that there would be no manufacturing. The Chairman called for audience response, but received none. IT WAS THEN MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY GAR- RISON, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CAR- RIED. Following further discussion and due deliberation, IT WAS ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY GIST, THAT THE J. W. UNDERWOOD APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: Zs LIMITATION OF THE HEIGHT OF THE STORAGE MATER- IAL IN THE OUTDOOR STORAGE AREA TO NO GREATER THAN 10 FEET. 2) PLANNING DEPARTMENT'S FINAL APPROVAL OF THE LANDSCAPE PLAN AND OUTDOOR STORAGE AREAS, INCLUD- ING THE SCREENING OF THE OUTDOOR WASTE AREA. Bis THE ADDITION OF FOUR (4) PARKING STALLS IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL. WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: > B, C. R. SCHUMACHER; Appl. No. W-867-76; Application for Waiver of Off-site Improvements for a Four Lot Short Plat; property located on the east side of Jones Ave. N.E. +100 feet north of N.E. 24th St. Mr. Ericksen gave a brief review of the application for waiver, noting its relationship to a short plat consist- ing of three lots located in the Kennydale area and that the waiver would pertain to the Jones Ave. frontage. Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 26, 1976 Page Six The Planning Director advised that the Public Works Department recommended that off-site improvements in the area be deferred until such time as proper grades and drainage on Jones Ave. N.E. can be established. He also reported that the proposed plat is within the boundary of a proposed sanitary sewer L.I.D. Council policy relative to development of off-site improvements was noted. The Chairman called for comment from the applicant. Fred Callen, 300 Renton Ave. South, real estate broker for the applicant advised that they had talked to the Engineering Division regarding the proposed L.I.D., and they anticipate no problems. He also stated that he felt the owner would be agreeable to the filing of restrictive covenants running with the land regarding the waiver or deferral of off-site improve- ments. Audience comment was invited, but none was offered. IT WAS THEN MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY GARRISON, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Following further discussion and deliberation, IT WAS ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY WIK, THAT THE PLANNING COM- MISSION GRANT AN INDEFINITE DEFERRAL OF THE INSTALLATION OF THE OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE C. R. SCHUMACHER SHORT SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO THE FILING OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS RUNNING WITH THE LAND REQUIRING THE OWNER OF THE EXISTING LOTS TO PARTICIPATE IN AN L.I.D. FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS, IF ONE ITS FORMED FOR THIS AREA IN THE FUTURE. MOTION CARRIED. 5. | ADMINISTRATIVE: A, FIELD TRIP It was decided that a field trip would not be necessary. B. COMMITTEE REPORTS SPECIAL STUDIES COMMITTEE Chairman Wik tentatively scheduled a committee meeting to consider the Floyd Perrotti special permit application for June 1 or June 3, depending upon the availability of plans reflecting the proposed revisions. LAND USE COMMITTEE Chairman Teegarden reminded the committee of their meet- ing on June 2 to continue their study of the new zoning ordinance. C, PROPOSED PLANNING COMMISSION CALENDAR REVISION AND BY-LAWS The Planning Director directed the Commissioner's atten- tion to the proposed Planning Commission calendar which had been revised in accordance with their requests. He noted that a copy of a revision to the by-laws reflecting those changes was also included. Discussion followed, and the following action was taken: ACTION: MOVED BY WIK, SECONDED BY WALKER, TO ADOPT THE REVISED 1976 SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS. MOTION CARRIED. Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 26, 1976 Page Seven It was decided to continue review of the revised by-laws until the next meeting. D. HABITAT FORUM - VANCOUVER, B.C, Mr. Ericksen advised the Commission of the Habitat Forum currently being held through June 11 at Van- couver, B.C., and noted that it is primarily empha- sizing concerns of developing countries and housing needs. E, OTHER Commissioner Teegarden gave a report concerning the City Council's public hearing regarding amendment of the Comprehensive Plan as it relates to the Cedar River Trail System. The Planning Director advised that the first reading of the ordinance implementing the action is scheduled for June 7, 1976. As there was no further business before the Commission, IT WAS MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY GIST, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. oan Walker, Secretary Arthur Scholes, Chairman C-R. Sathnomachee p- So a (ead 16 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON MAY 26 | , 19 76, AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: 1. REZONE FROM G TO R-2, file No. R-862-76; property located on the east side of Park Ave. N. +100 feet north of N. 30th St. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AN APARTMENT COMPLEX (4-plex) IN R-2 ZONE, file No. SP-863-763; property located on the SE corner of Meadow Ave. N. and N. 3rd St. 3. SITE APPROVAL FOR A WAREHOUSE IN AN M-P ZONE, file No. SA-868-76; property located on the east side of Lind Ave. S.W. across from S.W. 10th St. : 4. WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR A FOUR LOT SHORT PLAT IN A G-7200 ZONE, FILE No. W-867-/76; property located on the east side of Jones Ave. N.E. +100 feet north of N.E. 24th St. Legal descriptions of all applications noted above on file in the Renton Planning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE NVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON MAY 26, 19760 2 AT 8:00 P.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. JOAN WALKER , SECRETARY PUBLISHED May 16, 1976 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION ], WILLIAM C. TURNER » HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn CDM 2 to before me, a Notary Public, SIGNED (YY theyog, t Sfpriw- on thel3th day of May _—_sis, oes anit allio 1976_. fi O72 Lee Me ~ ve be ra TT? a™, i : THE CITY OF RENO! my & = ~ Wy ae C beled ~ MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 96055 3 S 3 a 2 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR © PLANNING DEPARTMENT %, Pi 235-2550 K cram ope 1 DAN Bog wh sj smterma trp Ates Ue eZ Soa LoL i. upon review of the proposed short plat it has Caz attention that you propose individual sewace disposal systems (septic tanks) as opposed to a sanit sewer system. The attached copy of the section of S relating to sanitary sewers indicates that is a sanitary sewer system is required £ L 1,000 feet of existing sewer lines. within approximately 800 feet of an If an exception to the ordinance is need to be submitted in written form for such a deviation. However, we have rece: from the King County Health Department regard: bility of septic tanxs or that as a result of a the site avpears to be a correct, altnough subs peritormed and submitte Or ..arch. Attached ar co tAis problem. MLS ims sy an o a n a e n t te a t s si u l i d p at l a s co u l i s ! ee k ea e a VY OCo Vee mee ee 4: en ee et Wee) Pes iss “@e i y Bice Ve rropert acone on tris nlenwse contuet we ce use ent ad Seattle-King County / DEPARTMENT OF PuBLIGC Public Safety Bullding o | ia p re a | xr Seattle, Washington 98104 (206) § LAWRENCE SERGNER, Director of Public M.D., M.P.H. ; bey + T1O7e tent, Mex 20, 1976 a Renton, Washington 98055 re: Attn: Mike Smith Proposed Schumacher Short Plat Gentlemen: Enelosed is a ccpy of a letter from Robert noting his dines of a high water table on A fiela check showed “that efforts have be-un to lower the water table, but the effects of during the wet months. The Rules and Regul: $ea" Heslth Department reauire that where there is evidence a hich winter water table, percolation tests must be performed and submitted during December, January, February, or March. Therefore, this department cannot give approval to this plat at the vresent time. Very truly yours, j Slr L William F Supervisi Division . Southeast Tr DISTRICT HEALTH CENTERS: NORTH EAST 1600 N. E. Seattle 968155 363-4765 toot 13607 Northeast Believue- Redmond Road Believue 98008 SOUTHEAST BOOIN.E. 4th St. Renton 98055 228-2620 SOUTHWEST 10821 Bth Avenve Soutiwest Seattie 98146 2AaA4a-6400 Renton Planning Commission Meeting May 12, 1976 Page Two drawing will be presented. The Chairman requested that the plans indicate the location of existing trees on the site. 4. NEW BUSINESS: SITE APPROVAL: A, J. W. UNDERWOOD; Appl. No. SA-868-76; Site Approval for a Warehouse in an M-P zone; property located on the east side of Lind Ave. S.W. across from S.W. 10th St. The Planning Director provided a brief description of the planned construction of a distribution warehouse and ship- ping facility. He indicated that the proposal meets ordi- nance requirements with the exception of parking, for which four additional parking stalls are necessary and sufficient land is available. The location of the proposed structure in relation to the railroad was noted. WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: x B, C. R. SCHUMACHER; Appl. No. W-867-76; Application for Waiver cf Off-site Improvements for a Four Lot Short Plat; property located on the east side of Jones Ave. N.E. +100 feet north of N.E. 24th St. Noting that the request is associated with a short plat for three lots, Mr. Ericksen described the property and its vicinity briefly. He reminded the Commission of recent Council policy requesting restrictive covenants in regard to applications for waivers of off-site improve- ments. A short discussion followed relative to existing off-site improvements in the area. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE: A, COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. LAND USE COMMITTEE Chairman Teegarden advised of a change in their next scheduled meeting to May 19th at 7:30 p.m. in order to allow members to attend the Council public hearing relating to the Comprehensive Plan in the Green River Valley area. He also apprised the Commission of recent Council activity in regard to the Zoning and P.U.D. Ordinances. 2. SPECIAL STUDIES COMMITTEE Chairman Wik summarized the review of the pro- posed changes to the Zoning and P.U.D. Ordinances by the Council Planning and Development Committee at their meeting with the business community on May 6th. He advised the Commission of the intent of the suggested revisions and the developer's general reaction to it. B, PROPOSED PLANNING COMMISSION CALENDAR REVISION The Planning Director referred the Commissioners to the proposed 1976 Planning Commission schedule revi- sion, which essentially reverses the dates of the administrative and public hearing meetings and estab- lishes a new application deadline for review. It is Date May 7, 1976 TO: Planning Department FROM: Tom Touma, Design Engineer SUBJECT: C. R. Schumacher Short Plat It is recommended that installation of off-site improvements for this plat be deferred until such time as proper grade and drainage on Jones Ave. N.E. can be established. It is further recommended that the developer post a bond in an amount to be determined by the City to guarantee future installation of the off-site improvements pending creation and completion of an L.I.D. or for a period of two years, whichever is less. This proposed plat is within the boundary of a proposed sanitary sewer Lie L oDis ap pear INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date May 7, 1976 TO: Planning Department FROM: Tom Touma, Design Engineer SUBJECT: C. R. Schumacher Short Plat It is recommended that installation of off-site improvements for this plat be deferred until such time as proper grade and drainage on Jones Ave. N.E. can be established. It is further recommended that the developer post a bond in an amount to be determined by the City to guarantee future installation of the off-site improvements pending creation and completion of an L.I.D. or for a period of two years, whichever is less. This proposed plat is within the boundary of a proposed sanitary sewer L.I.D. Pa ya a * ~ & * PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT i: ee Z BUILDING DIV Z i 3 IVISION 235 +2540 es — jo MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 ke & 4p ws May 4, 1976 £0 septt ay 4, CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR TO: Planning Department FROM: James C. Hanson SUBJECT: C. R. Schumacher Short Plat Two lots in the proposed sub-division do not meet the square footage standards for septic systems per the State Health Department regulations (attached). We recommend the short plat not be approved as proposed and that King County Health Department review this appli- cation and any others served by septic systems. io // / / wt ple ys a JCH/mp cA ae Encl. re: ROVIDED, HOWEVER, That if the public sewer utility's require- ents are leis restrictive, subsections (1) and (2) of this ection shall apply. WAC 248-96-070 ON-SITE SYSTEM MANAGEMENT. (1) When sub- livisions or multiple housing units are designed to have gross lensities that exceed 3.5 housing units or 12 people/acre or taste flows of 1,200 aallons/acre/day, on-site sewage disposal ‘ystems shall not be permitted unless the perpetual maintenance nd management of the sewage disposal systems are under the ‘esponsibility of an approved management system as identified m subsections (2) and (3) of this section. (2) Proposed on-site sewace disposal systems to be located 'ithin the boundary of an operating public sewer utility shall e approved by the sewer utility prior to the issuance of a erm? If the proposed system serves a density greater than hat atified in subsection (1) of this section, the mainten- nce v. the sewage disposal system shall be the responsibility f the sewer utility or dry sewers shall be provided as approved y the department of ecology and applicable public sewer utility aving jurisdiction in accordance with an approved sewage drainage asin plan. (3) Sewage disposal systems serving housing densities nd/or flows exceeding that identified in subsection (1) of this ection and not located within the boundary of an operating ublic sewer utility, shall have an approved perpetual mainten- nce and management system as established under the guidelines eveloped by the secretary, the department of ecology, and the ocal government responsible for public utilities. The guide- ines shall take into account the comprehensive land-use plan or the jurisdictional area and size of development. (4) Within six months after the effective date of these egulations, the secretary shall develop guidelines describing n approved on-site waste management system. WAC _248-96-075 LARGER SYSTEMS. Guidelines governing the evir approval procedure and authority for larger systems hal developed jointly between the department of social and ealtn services, the local health departments, the department f£ ecology, and municipal sewer utilities. However, until such aidelines are established, the following rule shall apply: ; In all cases where the maximum design flow of any on-site isposal system is greater than 14,500 gallons per day, prior > instituting construction of the system, a copy of the con- truction plan shall be submitted to the secretary, who shall 2view the proposed system to determine that its use will be onsistent with protection of the public health. No health fficer shall issue a permit for such a system until it has een approved by the secretary. WAC 248-96-080 PERMIT. (1) No person shall install a ew onrsite sewage disposal system, nor perform major altera- tons, extensions or relocations of an existing system without a eo 8 [248-96--p 5] a valid permit issued by the health cfficer. Permits for alterations or repairs shall be so identified. Application f such permit shall be made in writing in a manner prescribed by the health officer. (2) When applying for a permit to install an on-site sewage disposal system, a construction plan of the proposed system is required. The construction plan shall contain information as required by the health officer in sufficient detail and to a scale which will permit a proper evaluation of the application. Such information should contain the following as a minimum: (a) Name of applicant and legal description of site. (b) Soil logs describing nature and depth of soils. (c) Percolation test data where required. (ad) Anticipated maximum seasonal ground water table. (e) General topography of the site and site drainage characteristics. (£) Distances of proposed system to water supplies, sur- face water, banks or cuts, boundaries of property and structure or other improvements. (g) Distance to public sewer system. WAC 248-96-090 MINIMUM LOT SIZES FOR SUBDIVISIONS. One of the following methods shall be used for determining lot sizes when on-site sewage disposal is used METHOD (1) TABLE I MINIMUM LOT SIZES SOIL TYPE WATER SUPPLY 2 2 3 4 = 6 Public 1* acre 12,500 15,000 18,000 20,000 ---- sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. Individual- Each Lot 2* acres l acre 1 acre 1 acre 2 acres ---- Soil Type Drainage Percolation Rate** General Soil Classification z Excessive Less than 1 Gravel, coarse sand, minute/inch cobbles 2 Good 1 - 4 minutes/inch Sandy soil, some loam, some gravel 3 Fair 5- 9 minutes/inch Finer sand and/or silt, few gravels 4 Poor 10 - 19 minutes/ Mostly silt or clay, inch some sand and shot c] 5 Marginal 20 - 29 minutes/ Silt or clay inch 6 Unacceptable Over 30 minutes/ Gumbo, rock, hardpan, inch clay pan *Lot sizes for soil type 1 can be reduced by the health officer if engineering justification can be provided that shows sicnifi- cant adverse effects on ground water quality will not occur; however, in no case shall the reduced size be less than that for soil type 2. [248-96--p 6] KENNETH J. OYLER CIVIL ENGINEER & LAND SURVEYOR P.O. Box 2258 « Renton, Wa 98055 255-5050 Lpril 26 lannins Sommission uect a waiver of the Vv TJs Ba ye 4 ‘ : Li “ IRreokR a ioe: es es fT, ~ P-Site Imoreverments. There are ro suc fe} 1 are +n «4 a ee eee Bees immieclavs area cnis short plat ty ee ne e