In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 62, Laws of 1973.
H.B. 621, the Contractor shall secure anyopermitS or licenses
required by, and comply fully with all pr visions of the follow-
ing laws, ordinances, and resolutions:
Ki! _-Ounty Ordinance No. 1527 requires Building and Land
n i !,e, I Dpment ,,,--yc)-n-a-n-a-gy--(Fr-aulics Division review of grading
and filling permits and unclassified use permits in flood
storm drain
hazard areas. Resol u tion No. 36230 establishes
design standards to be incorporated into i pro,ject design stand-
ards to be incorporated into project des gn by Engineering
Services. Reivew by Hydraulics Division.
KiLig nt, Ordinance No 800 No. goo No. 1006 and Resolution d
C3-ug 'U 0.' 1 0. an 0. containe
W6. 87 visions or disposi-
in King t-ou-n-ty-Code Titles 13 anu 10 are pro
tion of refuse and litter in a licensed disp sal site and pro-
vide penalties for failure to comply. Revie by Division of
Solid Waste.
jol tTal �'SIISX Reg!�l t n.j: A regu-
2Hn4 pollytZ s om all
P! t to c.nt"_Of tFe ii[.Siol .1 air Col Sound Air pollution
sources within the jurisdiction of the Puge
C Pierce, Snohomish, and Kitsap Counties) in
ontrol Agency (King 0.94.
accordance with the �ashington Clean Air Act, R.C.W. 7
W.A.C. 18-02: Requires operators of stationary sources of air
,E-o-ntaminants to maintain records of emissions, periodically re-
port to the state information concerning these emissions from
his operations, and to make such information available to the
public. See Puget Sound pollution Control Agency Regulation I.
R.C.W. 90.48: Enacted to maintain the highest possible standards
to ensure the purity of all water of the State consistent with -
public health and public enjoyment thereof ' the propagation a-..0
protecting of wildlife birds, game, fish, and other aquatic
development of the State and to that
life, an'd the industrill d reLsonable methods
end require the use of all known available an
by industries and others to prevent and control the pollution Of
it is unlawful to throw,
the waters of the State of Washington. r of this
drain, run or otherwise discharge into any of the wate 0. tend
State any organic or inorganic matter that shall cause
to cause pollution of such waters. The law also provides for
civil penalties of $5,000/day . for each violation. for handling
R.C.W. 70.95: Establishes uniform statewide program
solid wastes which will prevent land, air and water pollution.
Makes it unlawfui to dump or deposit solid wastes onto or under
the surface of the ground Or into the waters of this State except
at a solid waste disposal site for which there is a valid permit.