HomeMy WebLinkAbout25corporate seal and deliver its promissory noteuor
note, upon auch terms, including (but not excl -ivelY)
time, amount and rmte of interest as MAY be agreed
upon; :nd to execute and deliver under its corporate
I r property mortgages, chattel mortgages,
66a:1 such
loan agreements, financing statement. or r
.1hZr,instruments As -hall be necessary 0 expedient
in h borrowing of money, including Powers Of it
attorn:yt:irected to said Bank and authorizing
to ex u In the name of :his corporatlOngu.ra.ties.
the B:nk as Payee, and to xecute gener I
RESOLVED, that the person above specified
are h.R shy author ize nd r:d to draw draft
and ac:ept.ance : and to discount Znd tr:n:f rut
nk r t pledge (but not o mor g 9: less
ut:ori::dcund:r the foregoing paragraph) with
.; " for the payment
:O,a , 0
d k 11 teral security
all OZ any of the In '"' Int:crepresenting to
so crrowvpd� or as co terA. a urity J7 couppor
of general guaranties, such assets Of whi.h
. :his
c rporation i a the own r or in which it h n
0 r .Pd
interest, an they consider neces:ary 0.. iont
for that purpose; and in the fur heron of such
discounting or pledging, to execute upon any
negot able or non-negotiable instruments , or in
conjunction therewith ' suc t.ropulcha (:Ament-,
endor: 'ments, assignments, d '. r..:1e:9z
di !)ri;h:dyfr so genera g'aranties autho;ixed
a= 0 n thereof, as be required; and
to .:hall
to execute and deliver id bank financing
.tat. collateral agreements and such
e = nt:,,general
a r nt f any and ev:ry character, except
g Ame foregoing
agre nts specifically esign.ted in th
paragraphs, an stid Bank shall require i: relation
to such discount ng orlpleaging of said assets,
or any thereof or i re &tion to the cc !I:ctionfor
sale thereto; all such acts to be in th alse 0
this corporation, and with or without its corporate
rURTWER RESOLVED hat this resolution
u athal!signated
con:�it te . con�itnuing author ity to a d d n
per on. to act on behal r of this corporati :nd
th re d authority granted io �h
e 84 'v'r'�a=.ph: f his resoluti�n shall
foregoing 0 t
continue until rev,oked by th is corporation and
formal written not ice of such rev cation shall
have been given to said bank, all such powers and
authority heretofore granted under a 'Imilar re.olu-
t ion. being hereby terminated and revoked.
rURTHER RESOLVED, that the secretary of thi :.d
corpora tion bel:nd he hereby in authorized
dire ad to de ver to 00 idibank a copy of this
It . pr perly ce if Ad by hi in ev idence
resolut io rt
of the lut�orioty of said per.onx to borrow money
And to :xecute and deliver th :trument:Ov:o,e
.P.Cifi d and secure Payment Zh!nr of as a
0: moti," duly A nd seconded, the following
. -!d.:Ied:
resolution a unar,�Imou Y
RES D th t each officer of his corpornion be
.ndOLVEh;reboy is authorized andtAmpowerd 0