HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA81-037 OF RA, �$ THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 , a BARBARA'. Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 9° FRED J. KAUFMAN, 235-2593 O P 9�rFD SEP1���� June 1 , 1981 TO: Roger Blaylock, Associate Planner FROM: Fred Kaufman, Hearing Examiner RE: Restrictive Covenants for Cedar Ridge Associates I have reviewed the covenants and find no mention of a preclusion of a transfer, sale or other conveyance of the common areas without consent of the City Council . If such preclusion appears on the face of the plat, that would be sufficient. I have reviewed. the covenants only to the extent that conditions specifically required by this office be included, and have not otherwise reviewed the language contained within the covenants. Such review should be done by your office in consultation with the City Attorney's office. If I can assist you further in this matter, please do not hesitate to call . Fred J. K u man JUN 1 1981 P KING D f OF RA, 0 THE CITY OF RENTON U t$ 0 Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0-9 co• 235- 2550 0,9gT�D SEp-co* MEMORANDUM DATE : 29 MAY 1981 TO: FRED J. KAUFMAN, HEARING EXAMINER FROM: ROGER J. BLAYLOCK, ASSOCIATE PLANNER (/'ZI; SUBJECT FINAL. REVIEW CEDAR RIDGE RESIDENTIAL PARK ASSOCIATION, INC. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Cedar Ridge Residential P.U.D. is approaching the final stage of approval for signatures prior to filing. The apllicant has submitted the revised restrictive covenants for review in light of the Hearing Examiner ' s decision on the Final PUD. Please review as soon as possible. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF CEDAR ,RIDGE RESIDENTIAL PARK ASSOCIATION, INC. • In compliance with the requirements of Title 24, Revised Code of Washington, the undersigned, all of whom are residents of the state of Washington and all of whom are of full age , have this day voluntarily associated themselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation not for profit and do hereby certify: ARTICLE I The name of the corporation is Cedar Ridge Residential Park Association, Inc. , hereafter called the "Association. " ARTICLE II The principal office of the Association is located at 1900 South Puget Drive, Suite 210 , Renton, Washington. ARTICLE III Delbert C. Bennett, whose address is 1900 South Puget Drive, Suite 210, Renton, Washington, is hereby appointed the initial registered agent of this Association. ARTICLE IV PURPOSE AND POWERS OF THE ASSOCIATION This Association does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit to the members thereof, and the specific purposes for P which it is formed are to provide for maintenance, preservation and architectural control of the residence Lots and Common Area within that certain tract of property described in Exhibit A attached hereto, and to promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents within the above-described property and any additions thereto as may hereafter be brought within the jurisdiction of this Association for this purpose to: (a) exercise all of the powers and privileges and to perform all of the duties and obligations of the Associa- tion as set forth in that certain Declaration of Cove- nants, Conditions and Restrictions, hereinafter called the "Declaration," applicable to the property and recorded or to be recorded in the Office of King County Auditor and as the same may be amended from time to time as therein pro- vided, said Declaration being incorporated herein as if set forth at length; (b) fix, levy, collect and enforce payment by any lawful means, all charges or assessments pursuant to the terms of the Declaration; to pay all expenses in connec- tion therewith and all office and other expenses incident to the conduct of the business of the Association, includ- ing all licenses, taxes or governmental charges levied or imposed against the property of the Association; ( c) acquire (by gift, purchase or otherwise) , own, hold, improve, build upon, operate, maintain, convey, 2 sell, lease, transfer, dedicate for public use or other- wise dispose of real or personal property in connection with the affairs of the Association; (d) borrow money, and with the assent of seventy- five percent ( 75%) of the members as outlined in Sec- tion 11 . 5 of the Declaration, mortgage, pledge, deed in trust, or hypothecate any or all of its real or personal property as security for money borrowed or debts incurred; (e) have and to exercise any and all powers, rights and privileges which a corporation organized under the Non-Profit Corporation Law of the State of Washington by law may now or hereafter have or exercise. ARTICLE V MEMBERSHIP Every person or entity who is a record owner of a fee or undivided fee interest in any Lot which is subject by covenants of record to assessment by the Association, including contract purchasers, shall be a member of the Association. The fore- going is not intended to include g g persons or entities who hold an interest merely as security for the performance of an obli- gation. Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any Lot which is subject to assess- ment by the Association. 3 ARTICLE VI VOTING RIGHTS Each Owner of a Lot in the Project ( including Declarant) shall be a member of the Association and shall be entitled to one membership for each Lot so owned; provided, that if a Lot has been sold on contract, the contract purchaser shall exer- cise the right of the Owner, including the casting of the vote. When more than one person holds an interest in any Lot, all such persons shall be members. One member shall be designated as the voting member. The vote for such Lot shall be exercised as they determine, but in no event shall more than one vote be cast with respect to any lot. ARTICLE VII BOARD OF DIRECTORS The affairs of this Association shall , upon termination of Declarant' s management pursuant to Section 5. 1 of the Declara- tion, be managed by a Board of not less than three (3 ) nor more than nine (9 ) Directors, who need not be members of the Asso- ciation. The initial Board shall be comprised of five (5) members. The number of directors may by changed by amendment of the Bylaws of the Association. The names and addresses of the persons who are to act in the capacity of directors until the selection of their successors are: Delbert C. Bennett 1900 South Puget Drive Renton, Washington Michael L. Smith 1900 South Puget Drive Renton, Washington 4 Terrell E. Harman P.O. Box 967 Puyallup, Washington James M. Whitacre P.O. Box 967 Puyallup, Washington Jerry B. Sword P.O.' Box 967 Puyallup, Washington At the first annual meeting the members shall elect one director for a term of one year, two directors for a term of two years and two directors for a term of three years; and at each annual meeting thereafter the members shall elect the number of directors equal to the number of directors whose term shall expire that. year. ARTICLE VIII DISSOLUTION The Association may be dissolved with the assent given in writing and" signed by not less than seventy-five percent (75% ) of the members or first mortgagees, as provided in Section 11 . 5 of the Declaration. Upon dissolution of the Association, other than incident" to a merger or consolidation, the assets of the Association shall be dedicated to an appropriate public agency to be used for purposes similar to those for which this Asso- ciation was created. In the event that such dedication is refused acceptance, such assets shall be granted, conveyed and assigned to any nonprofit corporation, association, trust or other organization to be devoted to such similar purposes. 5 4 • ARTICLE IX DURATION The corporation shall exist perpetually. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS Amendment of these Articles shall require the assent of seventy-five percent ( 75%) of the entire membership. ARTICLE XI FHA/VA APPROVAL Until such time as Declarant shall have surrendered man- agement control to the Association pursuant to Section 5. 1 of the Declaration, the following actions will require the prior approval of the Federal Housing Administration or the Veterans Administration: annexation of additional properties, mergers and consolidations, mortgaging of Common Area, dedication of Common Area, dissolution and amendment of these Articles. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, for the purpose of forming this cor- poration under the laws of the State of Washington, we, the 6 undersigned, constituting the incorporators of this Association, have executed these Articles of Incorporation this day of , 1981 . CEDAR RIDGE ASSOCIATES By Its STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me to me known to be the of Cedar Ridge Associates, the corporation described in the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that was authorized to execute the said instrument on behalf of the corporation. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of , 1981 . Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at • M5BT1-3 GDH:kj 5/26/81 7 G ='24fit== r-lVal KFr;l1.-{sti1 1 1 A 1,.... - V- -. 4 eongldrtAl *:***: :*:#:*:#: MAP CHECK *****:*:.*:$:* fzire_1 5: 000 . 000 5 . 00100 � � OIt NE 1 43 45✓ Sss . 3 911✓ *********:$: MAP CHECK :** :***:t*** 5: 568 . 131 5: 017 . 151 1 5: +00 . 000 5: 0011 . 000 SE 89 56 _7 400 . 170, 3 c c 7 7 NE 6 58 30t, 1 F, _ 70Ei:- � ! -1tr . r?7 5: 41. i . _�1 5: 125 . 7 2 5: 015 . 3E:6 NE 1 4.3 45v 250 . 110v NE - 4 17 . , 5. �#'_'4 . _ $ 3 29 35k'- 95 . 000w 3 5, 136 . 528' 5, 109 . 774 SE 89 56 37 ✓ 1329 . 810, 5 5: 8 1 E, . 425 r�. 754 . 677 SW _ 14 08 . 101 . 060 4 5: 0 35 . 629 5: 104 . 070 SW 1 4125 5 , . 1 .30 ✓ r. 5: '�= . �G7 E • 7 . :�52 SW7 1 06 04 1 10 . OE70 v' L 5 5, 000 . 004i 5: Ei00 • 11A0 SW 71 06 04 1712 . 57 0 7 4: 728 . _27 5: 1 1 8 . 7 04 1 5: 000 . 000 000 . 000 • RADIAL E:RG ( IN OUT) SE 4 36 4t, SW 49 14 13 NE 45 40 20 . 000 CLOSING LINE 432 . 760 DIST TRAY DELTA L - 3 34 13:v R 2899 . 650✓ 1 SO A 18 ? .y0 ` 1 : 615: 02.9 . 437 PRECISION Ei , r.E:t• C r.5 7' T 7 TANGENT BRG ( IN OUT) AREA 11001 SF . 2525 ACRES NW 40 45 27 NW 44 19 40- RADIUS POINT , 2, 835 . 764 2.: 922 . ?f 8 TRAVERSE CHORD : ' NW 42 32 34 . ' 1C0 . 657, 9 4, 861 . 930 4, q96 . 555 i NW 44 19 4= ✓ 1 147 . 410 • II -qpL � I{" . 141 4: 964 . 51 9 4: 896 . 345 :***:***: *:4: MAP CHECK: **$:*:;#:$.4.4.* :#: NE 71 06 04 '- 109 . 5601 - 11 5. 000 . 006, 4: _99y 999_ 1 5: 000 . 001_i 5: 00 . kik11_i 1 5: 000 _ 000 5: 000 . 000 SW 71 06 04 17 1 2 . 5 70 ✓" SE 1 1 04 L 9 -. 00 CLOSING LINE RADIAL ERG ( IN :; OUT) 5. 22 . 836 DIST TRAV I SW 49 14 33 , NE 48 29 43L 925: 157 . 525 PRECISION DELTA , - 0 44 50, R' 289• . 650 .. A 3 7 . 31 6 C 37 . 815 T 18 . 908 AREA 133€955 SF 30 . 6923 ACRES TANGENT DRG ( IN & OUT) NW 40 45 27 NW 41 30 17 RADIUS POINT 55 ' . 238 1 : 1:113 . 2 TRAVERSE CHORD : NW 41 07 52 1•1 i� ' 4 4: 473 . 783 3: 354 . 877 NE 71 06 04 i.- 1740 . 030 im- 0•'7 .i77 `I: 111_i 1 1115 SW 1 41 25 ; 7 . _.90 6 5. 01111 . 11u1' 5: 000 . 110E 1 5: 000 . 000 5: 4j00 , 000 SW 34 50 13 . 004 CLOSING LINE 3: 527 . 806 DIST TRAY ; 851 : 958 . r 6,5 PRECISION AREA 60426 SF 1 . 3872 ACRES TRAVERSE CHORD : / f _ 4 g, .Glr4- ,.'i..; SW 5, 420 . 136 , 4 1 46 15 . Pi 1 S �: �#�0 . 1364, 685 . 260 • ******4*** MAP ` HECK :t1***: *4*** SW 13 26 55 •� 7G_i 1 5, k+4=1t_1 , C1�_ik� S, kiDo-� . kiF�� 16 5. 391 . 571 ✓ 4, 67R . 430:� RADIAL BRG ( IH & OUT) . NE 67 36 27 253 . 110Y NW 76 33 051-' SE 1 32 '23 �- 5: 096 . 422 5: 234 . 024 - • DELTA a 75 00 42..R 9R . 000 L RADIAL BRG ( IN & OUT) NW 23 331/ SE 85 16 5t.�O A 128 . 3 c C 119 . 333 T 75 . 14 DELTA - 2 53 23/ R 132 . 0ci ✓ TANGENT ERG I N c: OUT ' A 144 . 888 i_ 137 . 723 T 80 . 715 `-'W 13 26 55SW 88 27 37 RADIUS POINT TANGENT BRG ( IN & OUT) 5: 41.4 . 363 4, 583 . 117 NE 67 36 7� NE 4 43 04/ • - RADIUS POINT TRAVERSE CHORD :50 57 16 1 19 . .= 3^ • 5: 218 . 469 5, 183 . 7.39 SW 5, 316 . 399 18 5. 316 . 399 4, 585 . 75A TRAVERSE CHORD : RADIAL ERG ( IN & OUT) NE 36 09 46 137 . 727 ' SE 1 32 23 v' NW 10 33 56, 4 5, 207 . 612 5, 315 . 29'2 RADIAL BRG ( IN & OUT) DELTA - 9 01 333, R 234 . 390'- NE 1 7 54 37`` SW 38 55 39 E! A 36 . 924 C 36 . 885 T 18 . 50A DELTA + 21 01 ki t-R 268 . 7'20✓ TANGENT BRG ( IN & OUT:! - A 98 . 572„i 98 . 020 T 49 . 846 'SW 88 ? 3; SW 7 26 84 TANGENT BRG ( IN & OI IT • RADIUS POINT 5: 082 . 093 4. 592 . 048 NW 72 05 23 ✓ NW 51 04 21 ✓ RADIUS POINT TRAVERSE CHORD :5: 463 . 310 5, 397 . 931 'W 83 56 51 36 . 885 20 5: 312 . 509 4, 549 . 070 TRAVERSE CHORD NW 61 34 52 98 . 0'20 SW 79 26 04✓ 120 . _?70✓ 6 5254 . 261 5, 229 . 084 21 5, 290 . 328 4, 430 . 151 • RADIAL BRG ( IN & OUT) NW 551 04 21 / 57 . 50, 312 . 068 3;,' SE 10 33 56, NW 87 06 44 )_ 7 NW 57 27 04 ,/ 112 . 560v DELTA . - 76 32 48L. R 160 . 000 V 8 5, 372.. 628 5, 062 . 637. A 21 3 . 75� C 198 ..212 T 126 . 240 TANGENT BRG ( IN & OUT)NW 42 32 56 ✓ 159 ,670v SW 79 26 04 SW _ 53 16 � 9 490 . 257 •4, 954 . 661 NW 52 17 55/ 30 000 ✓ RADIUS POINT 10 5, 508 . 60.3 4, 930 . 925 5, 1.33 . 041 4: 459 . 489 TRAVERSE CHORD : RADIAL BRG ( IN & OUT) . SW 41 09 40 198 . 212 SW 3; 42 05 1, NW 9 01 20L% �3 5, 141 . 102 4, 299 . 692 DELTA A - 46 43 251/R 1.15 . 0000 ''" A 93 . 780 C 91 . 203 T 49 . 674 SW 2 53 16 ✓ 170 . 76C1; 24 4, 970 . 558 4, 291 . 089 TANGENT BRG (. IN & OUT) RADIAL BRG ( IN NW 52 17 55 SW 80 58 40 SE OUT:} SE 87 06 44,.' SW 60 13 52 Fs'AG I US POINT DELTA d - 32 39 24,-R 138 . 0@0,- 5, 41 f . 614 4, 860 . 597 A 78 655,C 77 . 595 T 4A . 428 TRAVERSE CHORD : NW 75 39 37 '_�1 . 203 TANGENT BRG C. I to & OUT:' 12 5, 531 . 191 ' 4, 842 . 563 SW 2 53 16 SE 29 46 08 SW i4=1 58 :1k1 ,' 4__, . r.18 RADIUS POINT 13 5, 524 . 039 4, 797 . 517 4, 963 . 606 4, 428 . 914 TRAVERSE CHORD : RADIAL ECRU IN & OUT) SE 13 26 26 77 . 595 . SE 9 01 20 ,,/ NW 76 33 05 26 4, 895 . 089 4, 309 . 125 DELTA L - 67 31 45,A 137 . 610v • SE 29 �Fr9. 0; / 32 . 510 : ' A 162 . 188;C: 152 . 962 T 91 . 999 4, 866 . 869869 4, 325 . 267 TANGENT BRG ( I N & OUT) RADIAL ERG t T N & OUT) SW 80 58 40 SW 13 2r, 5 E NE 60 13 52 v' SE 10 54 48 ✓ RADIUS POINT 5, 388 . 131 4, 819 . 097 ' DELTA L - 71. 08 40 JR . 105 . 00G_i � • A 130 . 379 C 122 . 163 T 75 , ki96 / TANGENT BRG ( IN & OUT) Q( 14 912' ' ':-:. `-' SE 29 46 08 NE 79 05 12 ********** MAP CHECK`. ******:#::#:*:#:* RADIUS POINT 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 4: 919 . 002 4, 416 . 410 NW- 19 53 15 - 124 . 310,._-'' TRAVERSE CHORD : 2 5. 116 . 896 4, 957 . 713 SE 65 20 28 122 . 163 29 4: 815 . 901 4. 436 . 289 NE 67 36 27/ 253 . 110 ,,- ' NE 79 05 12 ✓ 3.3 . 930 3 5, 213 . 319 5, 191 . 737 30 4. 822 . 324 4, 469 . 606 RADIAL BRG ( IN & OUT) NW 22 23 3'3 / SE 85 16 56 i/ ' RADIAL BRG ( IN & OBIT) NW 10 54 48 w• SE 42 13 01 v ! DELTA A - 62 53 23. R 132 . 000C A 144 . 888�,'C 137 . 723 T 80 . 715 DELTA A - 31 18 131/R 167 . 000t./ A 91 . 241,,C: 90 . 110 T ' 46 . 790 TANGENT BRG ( IN & OUT) NE 67 36 27t/x NE 4, 43 04 TANGENT BRG ( IN &: OUT) tr NE 79 05 12 / NE . 47 46 59 v RADIUS POINT 5, 335 . 365 5, 141 . 452 RADIUS POINT 4, 986 . 304 4, 437 . 989 TRAVERSE CHORD : - • NE 36 09 46 137 . 723 TRAVERSE CHORD :. 5 5, 324 . 508 5, 273 . 005 NE 63 26 05 • 90 .110 32 4, 862 . 623 . 4, 550 . 202 RADIAL BRG ( IN & OUT) . NE 17 54 37,./ SE 10 00 22 1/ NE 47 46 59 ✓ . 78 .600 y. • : 33 4, 915 . 437 4, 608 _414 • ; DELTA A - 27 54 59vR 268 . 720 A 130 . 929 C: 129 . 638 T 66 . 791 RADIAL BRG ( IN P. OUT) �' SE 42 13 01V NW 3 16 14 ' ! TANGENT BRG ( IN & OUT) SE 72 05 23 / NE 79 59 38 -' DELTA A 38 56 47: R 222 . 000" A 150 . 903' C 148 . 014 T . 78 . 497 RADIUS POINT 5, 580 . 206 5, 355 . 644 TANGENT BRG ( IN & OUT) NE 47 46 59,1 NE 86 43 46 ✓ TRAVERSE CHORD - !. 2E 86 02 53 129 . 638 RADIUS POINT 7 5, 315 . 574 5, 402 . 335 4, 751 . 023 4, 757 . 585 NE 79 59 38.v 122 . 00n ',+' TRAVERSE CHORD : 8 5. 336 . 771 5, 522 . 479 NE 67 15 23 148 . 014 35 4, 97.2 . 661 4, 744 . 919 NE 71 08 51 v 191 . 120 9 5. 398 . 529 5, 703 . 346 NE 86 43 46 v 219 . 49 0 36 4, 985 . 183 4, 964 . 052 NE 83 29 35 /' 12_ . 9 401 v �-• 10 5, 412 . 574 5, 826 . 488 NE 6736 27 .-. 38 . C9U'" 37 4, 999 . 999v 5. 000 . 009 ' SW 1 41 25 / 131 . 000 11 5, 281 . 631 5, 822 . 623 1 5: t 00 . 000 L/ 5. 000 . 000 SW 71 06 04 t, 869 . 49n V NW 80 59 41 12 5, 000 . 004._-- . 5: 000 ..006 . 010 CLOSING LINE 2: 747 . 05'9 DIST TRAV 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 289, 136 . 403 PRECISION SW 57 39 19 . 007 CLOSING LINE AREA 408740 SF ' 9 . 3834 ACRES 2, 090 . 787 D I:=:T TF-.AV I • 2E:2. 761 . 100 PRECISION AREA 135360 SF 3 . 1074 ACRES • • 1 L0-. I i�r f • 4******:***: MAP CHEC►, $:$:$::#: ::#::#::$:** : *:*:***: : : * MAP CHECK : *** **:*** 1 5, DOD . D00 _: 00 1 , 00I;j L-- 1 5, 000 . k1k10v: 5, 4_100 . 000 ,NW 18 533 56.. 7; 000 NW 18 53 ,56 -' 1,55 . 00@ 5, 072 . 849 4, 975 . 060 2 5, 061 . 496 4, 978 . 947 NE 71 06 04 3t. . DDG c^ 7 5, 084 . 509 4 c- c NE 7' 1 064_i4 _��1 . �141I_1 ., 5, 084 . 509 _ .. 009 . 1 1 a 3 5, 077 . 6f)1 5, 026 . 251 , RE 18 53 51, 77 . 00n SE 18 53 56 65 . 000 „ 4 5, 011 . 660 5, 034 . 05q 4 5, 016 . 195 5, 047 . 305 . SW 71 06 04 ,7 36 . 00i0 .i4 71 06 04 50 . 000 5, kiGa . Nt La 5, 000 . 000 5 5, 000 . 000 5,000 . 000 -� 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 1 5, 000 . 000 . 5, 000 . 000 NE D 00 00 NE D 00 Dki 0 . 000 CLOSING LINE 0 . 000 CLOSING LINE 226 . 000 DIST TRAV 230 . 000 DIST TRAV PERFECT CLOSURE PERFECT CLOSURE AREA 2772 SF . 0636 ACRES AREA 3250 SF . 0746 ACRES I—Of S ' j' I--,4 4- v- . **********- MAP CHECK ****:#: :*** : : '***** :**:** MAP CHECK ****4:****:* . 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 1 5, 000 . 000 , 5, 000 . 000 NW 18 53 56 7 0U0 NW 18 53 56 . c rr - t.. !l 1 :! J C�tl ki YI�1... 2 5, 072 . 849 4, 975 . 060 2 5, 061 . 496 4, 978 . 947 NE 71 06 04 ,- 36 . 000 : NE 71 06 04: 50 . 000 y 5, 084 . 509 5, 009 . 119 3 5, 077 . A91 5, 026 . 251 SE 18 53 56 . 1 7 . U00 . SE 18 53 56 i.- 55 . 00U . 4 5, 011 . 660 5, 034 . A59 4 5, 016 : 195 5, 047 . 305 SW 71 06 04 li 36 . 000 v= SW 71 06 04 , 50 . 000 - 5 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 5 5, 000 . 000. 5, 000 . 000 1 5, 000 . 0UU-- 5, 0U . 000 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 NE A 00 AA - NE D 00 00 0 . 000 CLOSING LINE 0 . 000 CLOSING LINE 2 '6 . 000 DIST TRAV • 230 . 000 D I ST TRAV PERFECT CLOSURE PERFECT CLOSURE ' AREA 2772 SF . 0636 ACRES AREA 3250 SF . 0746 ACRES ,......,.,•,, ,11-1-• 7 - / ______.„ _______ • ,.01' / **********: MAP CHECK: * : : ::#* ; * ********** MAP CHECK **********:*: 1 5, 000 . 006 • 5, 000 . 000 • 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 NW Oki 00 00 ---- 47 . 92Ei� NW 40 0000 • 1 . =1 �1 ' 2 5, 036 . 709 . 4, 969 . 198 5, 062 . 050 4, 947 . 934 NE 50 00 00 5 . 000- NE 50 000060 . 4_iVIk1 3 5, 039 . 927 4, 973 . 02S: 3 5, 100 . 617 ` 4, 993 . 897 NW 40 1=10 00 6 . Vlki0,,,- SE 40 �i�ak�, 17 . 000 , 4 5, 044 . 515 4, 969 . 171 4 5, 07 . 594 5, 004 . 824 NE 5 00 00 14 . 140 • SW 50 00 00 1'• 13 . 4=1 k� 5 5: 058 . 605 4: 970 . 403 5 5, 079 . 238 4, 994 . 866 NE 50 00 00 12 . 00A SW 5 04=1 00 15 . 5t,ki • 5 5, 066 . 319 4, 979 . 596 6 5, 063 . 737 4, 993 . 510 NW 40 000 00 , 24 . 000 , 7 5: 084 . 704 4: 964 . 169 SE 40 AA U0, r,6 . 896- 7 5, 012 . 496 5, 036 . 506 j NE 18 .55000t►_i 000 SW 71 06 U4 3R . 590 . . R c 9 74 4, 977 . 958 • 8 4: _ 99 . 97 4: _999 . 996 • 87 . 390 - ' 9 5, 029 . 329 . 5, 034 . 131 , 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . ki00 NE 54 30 35 I SW 20 00 00 ., 21 . 460 - • E • 10 5. 009 . 164 5. 026 . 791 005 CLOSING LINE 292 . 040 GIST TRAV SW 71 06 04 . 28: 310 11 4, 999 . 994 5, 000 . 008 5c�: 355 . 334 PRECISIuN AREA 3634 SF . 0834 ACRES 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 NW 51 08 11 • . 010 CLOSING LINE • 264 . 220 GIST TRAP ' Lc+ /, ,- v 27, 322 . 609 PRECISION *4******** MAP CHECK *********** AREA • 3403 SF . 0781 ACRES, 1 5, 000 . 000 , 5, 000.. 000 NW 40 00 00 66 . 890 . .._ . .. . 2 5, 051 . 241 ,,f 4, 957 . 004 NE 5 0004:i ,✓ 15 . 560 , �.'1'�' � 3 5, 066 . 742 4, 958 . 360 * '*****:*** MAP CHECK ***.4:;#::#: ::#-;#::i:* NE 50 00 00 ✓ 42 . 000 ✓ 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 4 5, 093 . 739 4, 990 . 534 SE . 4000 0024 . 000 - 5, 054 . 728 NE 20 00 00 ,-.-. 58 . 40 -- 5 5, 075 . 354 5, 005 . 961 i -+, 4154 . r 2+� ��c: 4�11� . 19 • SW 50 00 bk�'t" 1' . C14�C1 �• . NW • 00 00 4:R . 5 20:- 6 5, 067 . 640 4, 996 . 768 3 5, 098 . 702 4, 9-+9 . 414 • SW 5 00 00 / NE 65 00 00 3 1 . 350 14 . 140 F" 4 • 5, 111 . 951 5, 027 . 827 7 5, 053 . 554 4, 995 . 536 • SE 40 00 �� ] 6, , k1 0 1 `- SE 25 00 00 53 . 700 , 8 5, 048 . 958 4: 999 . 393 5 5, 067 . 282 5, 050 . 521 SE 70 00 00 , 21A SW 500 k00 00 - 5 4-1414j ` A 5 , 062 . 526 5, t.5�•JG2 J98 - 9 5: 045 . 744 4, 995 . 562 . SE 40000047 . 920v 7 =W 20 00 0► " . 41NV1 / ' 02_6 . 365 5, 041 . 853 5, 045 . 073 10 5, 009 . 035 5: • C SE 25 00 00 v 25 . 1 40 i , W 71 06 04 . 870S 5 , 01 9 . 068 5, 055 . 698, 11' 5, 000 . 008 4, 999 . 99,7 • 1 5, 000 . 000 ~'i, bki4� . k1114_it SW 7 1 06 04 r° 58 . 870 .• 9 5: 000 . 0ki0 5, 000 . 002 SE 19 34 02 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . C�00 ' . 008 CLOSING LINE • 261 . 380 GIST TRA4! SW 73 31 32 • 31 , 781 . 1c;6 PRECISION . 002 CLOSING LINE 300 . 030 GIST TRA'.! AREA 287.3 SF . 0660 ACRES; • 174, .302 . 764 PRECISION AREA 3 484 SF . 0800 ACRES Lof ********** MAP CHECK ***** :*:#:** L I ✓;:. : ' 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 00.0 ********** MAP CHECK **********4: NW 25 00 00 `V 25 . 140 i , 1 5, 000 . 00A 5.. 000 . 000 2 5, 022 . 785 4, 989 . 375 NW 13 00 00 21 . 780 • NE 20 00 00 , . 22 . 000 • 2 5, 021 . 222 4. 995 . 101 3 5. 043 . 458 4, 996 . 900 e NE - = 00 00 ir'• ?r, . 0118 1.-- NW 70 00 00 , _ 2 . 210 3 5, 051 . 752 5: 014 . 178 4 5, 044 . 214 4, 994 . 823 NW 13 00 00 •= 48 . 520 --- NW 25 00 00 57% . 71718 4 5: 099 . 028 5) 003 . 263 5 5.. 092 . 8R2 t 4, 972 , 128 NE 77 00 00 .--- 31 . 35A , NE 65 00 00 .i . _910 / 5 5, 106 . 080 5, 033 . 810 • ' 6 5, 106 . 791 5, 001 . 955 SE 13 00 00 r- 573 . 7A0 - RE 25 00 AO 60 . 450 6 5, 053 . 756 5, 045 . 88q 7 ' 5: 052. 004 5: 02 7 . 502 SE 58 00 00 2 . 210 - SE 70 00 00 2 . 2 10 ^ 5, 052 5 ,c c i tip, 047 . 764 rJ 5, 051 . 249 5, 029 . 579 SW 32 0 0 0 0 . 22 . 000 - SW 20 00 00 ,, 22 . 000 ' 8 5: 0.33 . 928 5, 036 . 105 9 5, 030 . 575 5, 022 . 055 SE 13 00 0►O s,-- 20 . 51A SE 25 00 00 _ • 21 . 910 - . 9 5, 013 . 944 5, 04A . 719 12 5, 010 . 718 • 5, 031 . 314 SW . 71 06 04 43 . 040 -- SW 71 06 04 33 . 100 10 5, 000 . 003 4. 9'99 . 999 11 4, 999 . 997 - 4, 999 . 999 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 1 5: 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 , SE 11 13 52 NE 26 14 46 . 003 CLOSING LINE :003 CLOSING LINE 279 . 110 DIST TRAY 275 . 630 DIST TRAV 81 . 372 . 528 PRECISION 85. 373 . 347 PRECISION - AREA 3341 SF . 0767 ACRES AREA 3310 SF . 0760 ACRES v ! . L0.1.- 12- , . *****:**** : MAP CHECK ***: *****:#: * ****:****: MAP CHECK ****** *** 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 1 5, 000 . 000 5. 000 . 00a. . NW 25 00 00k' 21 . E+1 k1 ,• NH 13 00 00 ,7 0 . 51 n, _ 2 5, 019 . 857 4, 990 . 740 5, 019 . 984 4, 995 . 386 _ i NE 20 00 00 ,_, 22 . 000 - NE 32 00 00 1�' 22 . 000- 1, 3 5, 040 . 53U 4, 998 . 265 3 5, 038 . 641 5, 007 . 044 NW 70 22 001 2 . 210 l NW 58 00 OA t. 2 . 210 " ' 4 5: 041 . 286 4, 996 . 188 4 5, 039 . 813 5, 005 . 170 • NW 25 00 00, 60 . 450 ; NW 13 00 00, 5., .3 7- rwJ0 5 5, 096 . 073 4. 970 . 641 ' ' 5 5, 092 . 136 4, 993 . 090 NE 65 00 OA 37 . 650 NE 77 00 00v 37 . 650 v• 6 5, 111 . 984 5, 004 . 763 6 5, 100 . 606 5: 029 . 775 E 25 00 A0 :• 1-05 . 000 7 5, 016 . 822 5, 049. 138 SE 13 00 00,/ %;6 . C100 =; 5, 016 . 810 5, 049 . 121 SW 71 06 04 51 . 940 ` SW 71 06 04 51 . 92@ 8 4, 999 . 999 4, 999 . 998 8 4, 999 . 993 5, 000 . 000 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 • 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 NE 49 48 13 NW 1 20 21 . 002 CLOSING LINE . 007 CLOSING LINE 301 . 160 DIST TRAY 273 . 990 DIST TRAY i . . 134, 390 . 751 PRECISION 38, 710 . 779 PRECISION AREA 4290 SF . 0985 ACRES AREA 3684 SF . 0846 ACRES • • L-Df- 1; :/ ; ********** MAP CHECK *********** . 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 NW , 18 53 56 !/ 16 . 300 ,<' • 2 5: 015 . 421 4, 994 . 720 NE 26 06 04 36 . 000 3 5: 047 . 750 5, 010 . 559 NW 18 53 56 :. 48 . 52A .. 4 5, 093 . 654 4, 994 . 843 NE 71 06 04 ' .21 . 350 - 1C�/10('� 5 5, 103 . 809 5, 024 . 503 ; i , E,''' , . ********** MAP CHECK ***: :I: :**:I:** - SE 18 53 56 53 . 7A0 U' j 6 • 5, 053 . 003 5: 041 . 897 1 5, 000 . 000 5: 000 . 000 SE 63 53 56 , 2 . 210 NE 19 41 25 _--,— 24 . 000 7 5, 052 . 031 5, 043 . 881 5, 022 . 597 5, 008 . 086 SW 26 06 04 • 22 . 000v NW 25 18 35 1q . 690, 8 5, 029 . 275 5, 034 . 202 3. 5, 040 . 397 4: 999 . 669 • SE 18 53 56 19 . 450 ,/ NE 19 41 25 ,,--- 7 . 58n 9 5, 013 . 873 5, 040 . 502 4 5, 047 . 533 5, 002 . 223 SW 71 06 04 . 4_2 . 810, NW 70_ 18 35 3 . 460•�` 10 5, 000 . 007 5, 000 . 000 5 5: 0.48 . 699 4, 998 . 965 1 5: 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 000 NE 19 41 25 99 . 4'20 6 5, 076 . 399 5, 008 . 878 SE 0 56 12 . 007 CLOSING LINE NW 25 18 35 26 . 980,. 272 . 340 GIST TRAV • 7 5, 100 . 7 4, 997 . 343 38 159 . 940 PRECISION SE 70 18 35 55 _ 340 �- 8 5, 082 . 143' 5: 049 . 448 AREA 3201 SF . 0735 ACRES SW _ ,... .. ..,( �J '�4 ki00 9 4, 993 . 6405, 017 . 776 LD �� M1� ' NW 70 18 35 ,,. 18 . 880 10 5, 000 . 001 5, 000 . 000 *****4**** MAP CHECK ***********: 1 5. 000 . 000 L 5, 000 . 000 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 SE 25 18 34 NW 18 53 56 19 . 450 . 001 CLOSING LINE ��t , 018 . 401 4, 993 . 700 279 . 350 GIST TRAV NE 26 06 A4 ✓ 22 . 0A0 c:• 293, 301 . 955 PRECISION 3 5, 038 . 158 5, 003 . 379 . AREA 3002 SF . 0689 ACRES NW 63 53 56 v- 2 . 210 :a 4 5: 039 . 130 5, 001 . 395 • E NW 18 53 56 ✓ 53 . 70wt` ' 5 5, 089 . 935 4: 984 . 001 ' NE 71 06 04 37 . 650 4�' . ; ' 6 5, 102 . 130 .5, 019 . 622 ' SE 18 53 56 v 90 . 270 f 5, 016 . 726 5, 048 . R60 . 71 06 0 I . SW 4 51 _ 65F=� 8 4, 999 . 997 4, 999 . �94 -, • 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 NE 62 38 49 . 006 CLOSING LINE • 276 . 930 G I'L T TRAV 43, 090 . 992 PRECISION , AREA 3766 SF . . 0865 ACRES . • I'4j ********** MAP CHECK ********** I -; `�*: 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 ********** MAP CHECK *':****:** : : :* NE 19 41 25 106 . 590( 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 00i71 . 000 2 • 5: 100 . 357 5, 035 . 914 _ NE 19 41 25 ?_ . .3_4_C1_ 25 ✓ 2 5, ►021 . 9r5 5, 00, 864 SE 18 35 42 . 19k, - 3 5: 062 . 2 17 5, 053 . 951 NW 25 18 35 4 . 890 SW 1941 25 „ 29 , 4 2C1 3 5: 026 . 396 5: 005 . 774�' 4 5, 034 . 518 5, 044 . 038 r. NE 19 41 25 '. 7 . 58k1�. 8E 70 18 35 •. 4 5, 033 . 533 5, 008 . _28 3 . 460 - 5 5: 033 . 352 5, 047 . 296 NW 70 18 35 SW 19 41 �5 c 5 5, 034 . 698 5: 005 . ►70 r . 580 6 5, 026 . 215 5, 044 . 742 NE 19 41 c 5 ,/' 29 . 790 ' 1;_;N 6 . 5: 062 . 747 5, 015 . 107 SE 25 18 35 4 7 5, 021 . 894 5, 046 . 785 NW 25 18 35 42 1 90•-- SW 19 41 25 �. 12 . 380 , 7 5, 100 . 887 4, 997 . 070 :3 5, 010 . 238 5, 042 . 614 SE 70 18 35• C_18C1 NW 7018 35 13 . 170 8 5, 092 . 436 5, 0 :0 . 684 9 5: 014 . 675 5, 030 . 214 SE 25 18 35✓" %::'6 . 980 c ' SW 19 41 25 ' 12 . 000 • 9 5, 068 . 046 5, 032 . 218 10 5: 003 . 377 5, 026 . 171 SW 19 41 25 L, 29 . 420 1.--•- SE 70 18 35 27 . 500 ' 10 5: 040 . 346 5, 022 . 306 11 4, 994 . 111 5: 052 . 063 SE 70 18 35.. 3 . 460' SW 1_? 41 25 12 . 000 , 11 5, 039 . 18.1 5, 025 . 563 12 4, 982 . 813 5, 048 . 020 !. • SW 19 41 25 L 7 . 580r NW 7018 35 t. 51 . V_11+�0✓ 12 5, 032 . 044 5, 023 . 009 13 4, 999 . 996 5, 000 . 002 SE 25 18 35 19 . 690 1 5: 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 13 5: 014 . 244 5, 031 . 427 NW 25 18 36 SW 19 41 25 24 . 000 / . 004 CLOSING LINE • 14 4, 991 . 647 5, 023 . 341 322 . 070 GIST TRAY NW 70 18 35 15 . 5, 000 . 000 5: 000 . 000 81 : 175 . 335 PRECISION AREA 3041 SF . 0698 ACRES 1 .): 000 . 000 L,., 5, 000 . 000 NW 25 18 45 . 000 CLOSING LINE 272 . 250 DIST TRAY 2, 232, 909 . 076 PRECISION AREA 1992 SF . 0457 ACRES • • is I , • 1/1 Lof • ' ********** MAP CHECK ***** :***** ********** MAP CHECK *** :******* . 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 NE 19 41 25v 106 . 0A0 2 5, 099 . 802 5, 035 . 715 NE 19 41 25/ 97 . 470 ✓ 2 5, 091 . 771 5, 032 . 841 SE 25 18 35 ✓ 42 . 190 3 5. 061 . 662 5. 053 . 752 SE 25 18 35 ✓ 42 . 190L/ L 5, 053 . 631 5, 050 . 878 SW 19 41 25 . 790 4 5, 033 . 614 5, 043 . 715 SW ' 19 41 25✓ 29 . 420i, 4 5, 025 . 931 5, 040 . 965 SE 70 18 35 3 - 460✓ 5 5, 032 . 448 5, 046 ..972 SE 70 18 .35✓ 3 . 460 I/ 5 5,.. 024 . 765 5, 044 . 223 SW 19 41 25 ✓ 7 . 580 6 5, 025 . 311 5, 044 . 418 SW 19 41 ?5- 7 . 58A 6 5, 017 . 628 5, 041 . F.69 SE 25 18 35✓ 4 :890 7 5. 020 . 890 5, 046 . 509 SE 25 18 35 ✓ 4 . 780 ✓' ' 5, 043 . 712 7 ,1, 013 . 307 r SW 19 41 2 5 ✓ 35 . 340 ,/ ' 4, 987 . 617 • 5, 034 . 601 SW 1941 _25 / _ 12 . 3C.0 _ 8 5, 001 . 651 5, 0139 . 541 NW 70 18 7.5 ✓ 6 . r 50 :✓ 9 4, 999 . 999 5, 000 ,000 NW 70 18 35 13 . 170v • . 9 5, 006 . 088 5, 027 . 141 1 5, 000 . 000 5. 000 . 000 .% ' • SW 19 41 25✓ 12 . 000,i NW 25 18 35 10 4, 994 . 790 5, 023 . 098 . 001 CLOSING LINE 266 . 000 DIST TRAY SE 70 18 35 27 . 500 ,/ • 11 4, 985 . 524 5, 048 . 990. 320, 288 . 783 PRECISION • .SW 19 41 25v 12 . 000 v AREA 300E SF . 0690 ACRES 12 4, 974 . 226 5, 044 . 947 NW 70 18 35 ,, 43 . 120u 13 4, 988 . 7.55 5, 004 . 348 NW 21 09 00 v 12 .•0 50 • ' 1.4 4, 999 . 993 . 5, 000 . 000 1 ' 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 1 _ NW 2 31 50 . 007 CLOSING LINE 317 . 120 DIST TRAY • 44, 803 . 225 PRECISION AREA 3005 $F . 0690 ACRES ll L;d- ''''6 ********** MAP CHECK *********** ********** MAP CHECK *********** 1 5. 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 1 5, 000 . 000 5: 000 . 000 NW 21 09 00 12 . 00Ct -- -' S, 01 1 : 192 �#: 995 . 670 NW 21 09 00 54 . 700 2 5, 051 . 015 4, 980 . 264 • NE 68 51 00 L-- 24 . 000 5, 019 . 851 19 . 851 5, 018 . 054 NW 66 09 002 . 210 `' , 3 5, 051 . 909 4. 978 . 242 NW 21 09 00 48 . 180 . NE ' 23 51 00 22 . 000 4 5, 064 . 7860 5, 000 . 670 4 5, 072 . 030 4, 987 . 138 NW 66 09 00 2 . 210 5 5, 065 . 679 4, 9�- 8 . 64 ; NW 1 09 � 7 . 500 5 5, 097 . 678 4, 977 . 216 NE 23 51 00 22 .000 _ 6 5: 085 . 801 5, 007 . 544 NE 80 28 19 56 . 8606 5: 1►�7 . 0'90 5, 033 . 291 • NW 21 09 00 27 . 500 •7 5, 111 . 448 4, 997 . 622 SW i3 51 00 54 . 230 7 5, 057 . 491 5) 011 . 364 NE 80 28 19 56 . 860 SE 21 09 00 49 . 520 ' 8 5, 120 . 860 5, 053 . 697 8 5, 011 . 307 5: 029 . 231 SW 23 51 00 54 . 230 68. SW 8_51 00 9 . 995 ✓ 31 . 350 9 5: 071 . 261 5, 0.31 . 7 t0 4, 9c19 . 993- SE 21 09 00 55 . 000 1 5, 000 . 0.00 5, 000 . 000 10 5, 019 . 966 5, 051 . 614 ! 1 . SW 68 51 00 55 . 350 HE 55 48 06 ' 11 4, 995 . 995 t- 4, 999 . 993 009 CLOSING LINE 298 . 370 GIST TRAY 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000✓ 34. 228 . 556 PRECISION NE 55 48 06 'AREA 3488 SF . 0801 ACRES A09 CLOSING, LINE 357 . 330 DIST TRAY 40: 992 . 424 PRECISION _._,�-..;.a,....�......._..�._.�_ ..��,�... ..... AREA 3948 SF . 090E ACRES .**********: MAP CHECK ****:$:*:*****: 1,-4 2� 1 D\ • 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 ********** MAP CHECK ***:******** 2 NW 21 09 00 61 . 470 5, 057 . 329 4, 977 . 821 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 NW 66 09 00 2 . 210 NW 21 09 00 74 . 520. • 3 5, 058 ..223 4, 975 . 800 2 5, 069 . 500 4, 973 . 112 I _ _ NE 23 51 00 22 . 000 NE 23 51 00 33 . 900 4 5, 078 . 344 4, 984 . 695 3 5, 100 . 505 4, 986 . 820 NW 21 09 00 27 . 500 NE 80 28 19 28 . 260 5 5, 103 . 992 4, 974 . 773 . 4 5, 105 . 183 5, 014 . 690 NE 80 28 19 33 . 600 SE 21 09 00 27 . 500 6 5, 109 . 554 5, 007 . 909 5 5, 079 . 536 5, 024 . 612 SE 21 09 00 27 . 500 SW 23 51 00 22 . 000 7 5, 083 . 906 5, 017 . 832 6 5, 059 . 414 5, 015 . 717 ' SW 23 51 00 22 . 000 SE 66 09 00 2 . 210 8 5: 063 . 785 5, 008 . 936 7 5, 058 . 521 5, 017 . 738 SE 66 09 00 2 . 210 SE 21 09 00 48 . 180 9 5, 062 . 891 5, 010 . 957 , - , 8 5, 013 . 586 5, 035 . 122 SE 21 09 00 54 . 700 SW 68 51 00 , 37 . 650 '10 5) 011 . 876 5, 030 . 694 9 5, 000 . 002 ' 5, 000 . 008 - SW 68 51 00 32 . 910 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 11 5, 000 . 002 v 5, 000 . 001✓ SW 77 29 22 1 5: 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 . 008 CLOSING LINE 274 . 220 DIST TRAY' SW 22 54 37 . 002 CLOSING LINE 34: 340 . 095 PRECISION 286 . 100 DIST TRAV AREA 3903 SF . 0896 ACRES 174, 781 . 898 PRECISION AREA 3475 SF . 0798 ACRES C Lj 31---', (;;;--- I/°+ n \('-- ' ********** MAP CHECK **********:* ********** MAP CHECK" *********** , 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 • 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 NW 15 00 00 32 . 910 NW 21 09 00 87 . 810 5, 031 . 789 4, 991 . 482 2 5, 081 . 895 4, 968 . 317 NE 75 00 00 59 . 700 NE 23 51 00 33 . 900 3 5, 047 . 240 5, 049 . 148 3 5, 112 . 900 4, 982 . 024 SE 60 00 00 2 . 210 NE 80 28 19 28 . 260 4 5, 046 . 135 5, 051 . 062 4 5, 117 . 578 5, 009 . 895 NE 30 00 00 22 . 000 SE 21 09 00 27 . 500 5 5, 065 . 188 5, 062 . 062 5 5, 091 . 931 5, 019 . 817 NE 750000 27 . 500 8w 23 51 0022 . 000 6 5, 072 . 305 5, 088 . 625 6 5, 071 . 809 5, 010 . 921 SE 26 37 19 33 . 600 SE 66 09 00 2 . 210 7 5, 042 . 267 5. 103 . 681 7 5, 070 . 916 5, 012 . 943 SW 75 00. 00 27 . 500 5, 35 . 1`►0 5, 077 . 118 SE 21 09 00 61 . 470 8 5, 013 . 586 5: 035 : 122 , SW 30 00 00 22 . 000 SW 68 . 51 00 37 . 650 9 5. 016 . 097 5, 066 . 118 9 5, 000 . 002-' 5, 000 . 00L, NW 60 00 00 2 . 210 1 5, 000 . 000 5: 000 . 000 10 5, 017 . 202 5, 064 . 204 SW 77 29 2 _ _ . SW 75 00 00 • 66 . 470 . 008 CLOSING LINE 1 1 ' 4, 999 . 999 - 4, 999 . 999-- 300 . 800 GIST TRAV 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 37, 668 . 662 PRECISION NE 30 56 23 AREA 4403 SF . 1011 ACRES . 002 CLOSING LINE 296 . 100 DIST TRAY ..._... 180, 890 . 032 PRECISION 1,.. , . AREA • 3639 SF . 0835 ACRES ********** MAP CHECK ******: $:Ic. f f 5v Gf`-r. i 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 ********** MAP CHECK *****:***:*** NW 15 00 00 37 . 650 . 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 5, 036 . 367 4, 990 . 255 NE 75 00 00 66 . 470 NW 15�00 00 .31 . 350 3 5, 053 . 571 5, 054 . 461 t 5, 0.,0 . 28E 4, 991 . 886 SE 60 00 00 - NE 75 00 00 66 . 520 t . 210 . .3 5, 047 . 498 5, 056 . 139 4 5, 052 . 466 5, 056 . 374 NE 30 00 00 NE 30 00 00 54 . 230 5 ,5, 071 . 518 • 5, 067 . 374 4 5, 094 . 463 5! 083 . 254 NE 75 00 00 SE 26 37 19 56 . 860 27 . 500 5' • 5, 043 . 631 5, 108 . 733 6 5, 078 . 636 5, 093 . 937 • SW 75 00 00 27 . 500 SE 26 37 19 28 . 260 '6 5, 036 . 514 5, 082 . 171 ' 7 5, 053 . 372 5, 106 . 601 , SW 30 00 00 22 . 000 SW 30 00 00 3.i . 900 7 5, 017 . 461 5, 071 . 171 8 5, 024 . 014 5, 089 . 651 SW 75 00 00 92 . 810 L NW c60 00 00 2 . 210 9 4, 999 . 993s- 5, 000 . 003.i i " �, 018 . 566 5, 069 . 257 i SW 75 00 00 71 . 700 1 5, 000 . 000 5: 000 . 0001 9 5, 000 . 009 • 5, 000 . 000 NW 23 38 21 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 0001✓ . 008 CLOSING LINE 310 . 800 DIST TRAV SE . 1 57 06 . 920 . 965 PRECISION . 009 CLOSING LINE 38 38, _ 332 . 370 DIST TRAY AREA 4592 SF . 1054 ACRES 38 . 128 . 961 PRECISION AREA 4021 SF . 0923 ACRES ON, RS.la VI, "3 ********** MAP CHECK **X******** W- 5,5 1 5: 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 *********:#: MAP CHECK *********** NE 30 00 00 12 . 000 2 5: 010 . 392i- 5, 006 . 000., 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 SE 60 00 00 27 . 500 NE ' 30 00 00 35 . 460 3 4, 996 . 642r 5, 029 . 816- 5, 030 . 709 5, 017 . 730 NE 30 00 00 12 . 000 NE 75 00 00 4 . 780 4 5: 00 7 . 035 ✓ 5: 035 . 816 3 . 5: 031 . 946 5: 022 . 347 NW 60 00 00 13 . 170 NE 30 00 00 7 . 580 5 5, 013 . 620 1--- 5, 024 . 410 4 5, 038 . 511 5, 026 . 137 NE 30 00 00 12 . 38E_1 SE 60 00 00 3 . 460 6 5, 024 . 341v 5, 030 . 600L� 5 5, 036 . 781 5, 029 . 134 NE 75 00 00 4 . 780 . NE 30 00, 00 29 . 42E 7 5, 025 . 578 ,- 5, 035 . 17✓ 6 • 5, 062 . 259 5: 043 . 844 NE 30 00 00 7 . 58A NE 75. 00 00 42 . 650 8 5, 032 . 143 ✓ 5, 039 . 007,-- 7 5, 073 . 298 5, 085 . 040 • SE 60 00 00 3 . 460 SE 60 00 00 14 . 000 9 5, 030 . 413 ✓ 5, 042 . 004,- 8 5, 066 . 298 5, 097 . 165 NE 30 00 00 29 . 420 SW 30 00 00 11 . 410 10 5, 055 . 891 , - 5, 056 . 714-- . 9 5, 056 . 417 5, 091 . 460 NE 75 00 00 42 . 190 SW 75 00 00 42 . 190 11 5, 066 . 811 '-- 5, 097 . 466 , 1.0 5, 045 . 497 5: 050 . 707 SW -30 00 00 96-7 901 :3b SW 30 00 00 29 . 420 12 ¢- 2f-'FRS' , 049 . 071 11 5, 020 . 019 5, 035 . 997 Vcui SW 75 00 00 • 30 . 000 NW 60 00 00 3 . 460 13 4:9 r 5 -94 5-:020-:-0-9 12 5: 021 . 749 5, 033 . 001 4,1p- , 1a41 Sa 15-.7-leg SW 30 00 0.0 r . .580 NW 60 00 00 29 . 79E C 14 *99i=t 1-1"'? 4 9'_=�4--29q 13 5, 015 . 184 5, 029 . 211 �`�2q. 44�t ,_223_i12S O/L t 1 • 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 SW 75 00 00 4 . 780 14 5: 013 . 947 5, 024 . 594 NE 30\00 07 11... 410 /CLOS I NG LINE . SW 30 00 00. 12 . 380 321 :06.0- DIST TRAV w 15 5, 003 . 226 5, 018 . 404 28 . 137 PRECISION SE 60 00 00 13 . 170 16 4, 996 . 641 5, 029 . 809 AREA 3398 SF . 0780 ACRES ' SW 30 00 00 12 . 000 CORRECT FROM ii ' 17 4, 986 . 248 5, 023 . 809 'SW 30 00 00 85 . 380V NW 60 00 00 27 . 500 NE 75 00 04 18 4, 999 . 998 4, 999 . 994 . 001 CLOSING LINE 309 . 650 D I ST TRAV 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 550: 242 . 022 PRECISION NE 75 00 00 . 007 CLOSING LINE AREA 2816 SF,/" . 0647 ACRES-, 301 . 240 DIST TRAY . 45. 025 . 207 PRECISION AREA 2083 SF . 0478 ACRES . - ---- 227 o'd �� • ********** MAP CHECK *********:*4: • 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 _, __ _ - ,_ ... �_ .... NE 30 00 00 94 . 000 �G / 2 5, 081 . 406 5, 047 . 000 LAP-HP • SE 60 00 00 60 . 590 3 5! 051 . 111 5, 099 . 472 • ********** MAP CHECK *****:#:***** SW 75 00 00 26 . 980 1 5: 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 4 5, 044 . 128 5. 073 . 412 NE 30 00 00 24 . 000 SW 30 00 00 29 . 420 . 2 5, 020 . 785 5, 012 . 000 , 5 5, 018 . 650 5, 058 . 702 NE 75 00 00 19 . 690 NW 60 00 00 3 . 460 3 5, 025 . 881 5, 031 . 019 6 5, 020 . 380 5, 055 . 705 NE 30 00 00 7 . 580 SW 30 00 00 7 . 580 4 5, 032 . 445 5, 034 . 809 7 5, 013 . 816 5, 051 . 915 SE 60 00 00 3 .460 SW 75 00 00 19 . 690 5 5, 030 . 715 5, 037 . 806 8 5, 008 . 719 5, 032 . 896 NE 30 00 00 29 . 420 , • SW 30 00 00 24 . 000 • 6 5, 056 . 194 5, 052 . 516 9 4, 987 . 935 5, 020 . 896 I . ' NE 75 00 00 • 26 . 980 NW 60 00 00 24 . 130 7 , 5, 063 . 177 5,.078 . 576 I 10 5, 000 . 000 4, 9_99 . 99,9- SE 60 00 00 25 . 410 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 . 8 5,050 . 472 5, 100 . .582 ' NE 75 00 00 SW 75 00 00 4 . 65A . 001 CLOSING LINE 9 5, 039 . 433 5, 059 . 385 289 . 850 GIST TRAV .SW 30 00 00 29 . 420 304, 325 . 573 PRECISION ' 10 5, 013 . 955 . 5, 044 . 675 AREA 3496 SF . 0802 ACRES NW 60 00 00 3 . 460 11 - 5, 015 . 685 5, 041 . 679 ' SW 30 00 00 7 . 580. ._. -,.._..-._.-_.._..--._ .,...-.,.....,.._. .. -... .. ...:. .. . .T_ „ __,. ..,. 12 5, 009 . 120 5, 037 . 889 } SW 75 00 00 4 . 780 I 1.,°+ 13 5, 007 . 883 5, 033 . 272 * :: :#:* : MAP CHECK ***** * SW 30 00 00 23 . 460 ; 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 14 4, 987 . 566 5, 021 . 542 I NE 30 00 00 24 . 000 NW 60 00 00 ' 24 . 870 . 2 ' 5, 020 . 785 5, 012 . 000 15 5, 000 . 001 ,E 5, 000 . 004 -. . . NW 15 00 00 19 . 690 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 3 5, 039 . 804 5, 006 . 904 SW. 75 00 00 NE 30 00 00 7 . 5880 004 CLOSING LIME 4 5, 046 . 368 5! 010 . 694 0181T 272 . 760 GIST RAW NW 60 00 00 3 . 460 74, 213 . 840 PRECIIGN 5, 5, 048 . 09 5, 007 . 697 { AREA 2004 SF . 0460 ACRES: NE 30 00 00 29 . 420 • ' 6. . ' 5, 073 . 577 5, 022 . 407 NW 15 00 00 26 . 980 . 7 5, 099 . 637 5, 015 . 424 SE 60 00 00 55 . 340 8 5, 071 . 967 5, 063 . 350 . SW 30 00 00 94 . 000 . 9 4, 990 . 561 5, 016 . 350 NW 50 00 00 18 . 880 10, 5, 000 . 001 5, 000 . 000 • 1 5, ►000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 SE 15 00 00 . 001 CLOSING LINE 279 . 350 G I ST TRAV 293, 301 . 186 PRECISION AREA . '3002 SF 0689 ACRES lei .t _ ',. ._ �-_ - ....- ,, --„-,,..--,--.....-_----...---.: ********** MAP CHECK ***** ***** tx; 34 ✓ 1 5, 0.00 . 000 5, 000 . 000 ********** MAP. CHECK ******:J~ :* : : .- NE 30 00 00 106 . 000 • 2 r� 5: 91 . 799 5, 053 . 000 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 SE 15 00 00 42 . 190 NE 30 00 00 23 . 340 3 5, 051 . 046 5, 063 . 920 2 5, 020 . 213 5, 011 . 670 SW 30 00 00 29 . 790 $`!4 4 5, 025 . 247 5, 049 . 025 NW 15 00 00 ' 3 5, 024 . 936 5, 010 . 404 SE 60 00 00 3 . 460 5 5, 023 . 517 5, 052 . E+21 NE 30 00 00 7 . 580 4 5, 031 . 501 5, 014 . 194 SW 30 00 00 7 . 580 6 5: 016 . 953 5, 048 . 231 NW 60 00 00 3 . 460 5 5, 033 . 231 5, 011 . 198 SE 15 E10 00 4 . 890 7 NE 30 00 00 29 . 790 5, 012 . 230 5, 049 . 497 6 5, 059 . 030 5, 026 . 093 SW 30 00 00 35 . 34n NW 15 �� ,► 42 . 190 8 4, 981 : 624 5, 031 . 827 7 5, 099 . 782 5, 015 . 173 NW 60 00 00 36 . 750 SE 60 0000 25 . 080 4, 999 . 999 5, 000 . 000 8 5, 087 . 242 5, 036. 893 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 ' SE 15 00 00 26 . 980 NW 15 00 00 9 5, 061 . 182 5, 043 . 876 . 001 CLOSING LINE SW 30 00 00 29 . 420 266'.000 DIST TRAY .10 5, 035 . 703 5, 029 . 166 320, 285 . 700 PRECTSION SE 60 00 00 3 . 460 AREA 300E SF . 0690 ACRES • 11. 5, 033 . 973 5, 032 . 163 SW 30 00 00 7 . 580 12 5, 027 . 409 5, 028 . 373 SE 15 00 00 19 . 690 13 5, 008 . 389 5, 033.. 469 ' SW 30 00 00 24 . 000 4********* M P CHECK ********:#:** . 14 4, 987 . 605 5,.021 . 469 i' NW 60 00 00 2 � 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 4 . 790 15 5, 000 . 000 v 5, 000 . 000� . ' : . NE 30 00 00 24 . 000 . 2 5, 020 . 785 5, 012 . 000 1 5, 000 . 000. 5, 000 . 000 NW 15 00 00 19 . 690 NW 15 00 18 3 5, 039 . 804 5, 006 . 904 . 000 CLOSING LINE ' 272 .250 GIST '.TRAY n NE 30 00 00 7 . 58n 4 5, 046 . 368 5, 010 . 694 2, 232, 698 . 221 PRECISION . NW 60 0.0 00 3 . 46E AREA 1992 SF . 0457 ACRES I 5 ' 5, 048 . 098 5, 007 . 697 NE 30 00 00 29 . 420 6 5, 073 . 577 5, 022 . 407 NW 15 00 00 26 . 980 . 7 5, 099 . 637 .5, 015 . 424 SE 60 00 00 55 . 34n 8 5: 071 . 967 5, 063 . 350 SW 30 00 00 94 . 000 9 4, 990 . 561 55, 016 . 350 NW 60 00 00 18 . 880 10 5, 000 . 001 5, 000 . 000 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 SE 15 00 00 . 001 CLOSING LINE 279 . 350 DIST TRAY • 293, 301 . 186 PRECISION AREA 6 3002 SF . 0689 ACRES 1 4� ✓ IA4 42 **** ***t MAP CHECK 41* :*** ** : 1 5, Oj0 , ki4_i0 5: 00A _ 0ki0 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 NW r.F_1 Ft F_10 27 . 500 NE 30 F 23 . 46n 5, 013 . 750 4: 976 . 184 5, 020 . 317 5, 011 . 730 N E 30 00 F_i 0 • 12 . 00n NW 15 00 00 4 . rr;F172. 5, 024 . 142 4', 982 . 184 3 5, 024 . 934 5, 010 . 493 E 60 AO An 13 . 17A NE 30 00 00 7 . 580 4 5, 017 . 557 4: 993 _ 5_9n 4 5, 031 . 499 5, 014. 283 NE 70 AO OA 12 . 380 c NW , 00 00 3 . 460 5, 02R . 279 . 4, 9_9 . f'_;n • 5 033 . �'?9 5: F 1 1 . c86 - NW 15 AO AO . 4 . 7S:F_i NE 3 t 00 00 29 . 420 h 5, 032 . 896 4, 998 . 543 6 5, 058 . 707 5, 025 . 996 . NE 3A 00 00 7 . 58n NW 15 00 00 42 . 650 039 . 46►0 5, 00'3 . 373 7 5, 099 . 904 5, 0014 . 958 NW 6F_1 00 AA 7 . 460 SE 60 00 00 25 . 41E 4 5, 041 . 190 4. 99 + . 33r. • 8 5, 087 . 199 5, 036 . 963 NE 30 00 00 29 . 420 SE 15 00 00 26 . 980 9 5, 066 . 669 5, 014 . 04r. 9 5, 061 . 138 5, 043 . 946 NW 15 00 00 42 . 190 SW 30 00 00 29 . 420 10 5, 107 . 421 5: 007 . 127 10 5: 035 . 660 5, 029 . 236 NE 30 00 OA 11 . 410 SE 60 00 00 3 . 46A • 11 5, 117 . 303 5, 00R . 87.2 11 5, 033 . 930 5, 032 . 233 - S E 60 00 On 14 . 0A0 C SW 30 00 00 7 . 580 12 1, 110 _ 30.3 5. 020 . 956 12 5... 027 . 365 5, 028 . 443 SE 15 00 OA 42 . 65n SE 15 00 00 • 1 a 690 13 5: Lib- . 1 0n 5, 031 . 995 13 5: 008 . 346 5, A33 . 539 -SW 3 F_i OA A O - :9 4 01 SW 30 00 00 24 . 000 14 5, A43 . 627 5: 017 . 285 14 4, 987 . 561 5, 021 . 539 SE 60 00 00 3 . 460 NW 60 -00 00 24 . 870 15 5, 041 . 8q7 5: 020 . 28.1 15 4, 999 . 996 5, 000 . 001 SW 30 0 0 on 7 . 580 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 16 5, 035 . 337 5: 016 . 491 NW 15 00 00 - SE 15 00 00 4 . 780 . 004 CLOSING LINE 17 5, 030 . 716 5, 017 . 728 272 . 760 DIST TRAY i t. 1 SW 30 00 OA 35 . 460 74. 213 . 840 PRECISION 18 5.. 000 . 006 4, 999 . 998 AREA 2004 SF . 0460 ACRES 1 5, 000 . 000 5. 000 . 000 SE 15 00 An . 007 CLOSING LINE 301 . 240 GIST TRAV 45. 025 . 160 PRECISION AREA 2083 SF . 0478 ACRES L9f 11417 . . . ****: ::#::1 **: MAP CHECK :**: :#***: :*:* 1 5, 000 . 000 5: 00L1 . UUU ._._ .......... ...... ... . . ..__._ NE 70 AA AA 71_, . 8'90 l Q2 5. 0hr. . . 5895, 03;3 . 445 1-' ) :4:**:#::#::#:*:* MAP CHECK **4:******** ';E 15 OR OR 42 . 190 3 5: 41'25 . 836 5,. 049 . 3r.5 1 5 . A00 , 00R 5: ORR _ OEIO SW 30 00 00 29 . 4 R NW 5 00 00. :5 . 4R 4 5: 00O . '58 5. 4_134 . 65 5 2 5. 035 . 2A6 4. 99r6 . 920 SE 60 RR OR 3 . 4601 NE 4R 00 OR 4 . 89R 5 4, 998, . 62E: 5, 037 . 651 3 5, 038 . 951 5. 000 . 063 SW 30 00 RO 7 . 58R NW 5 00 00 7 . 580 r. 4, 992 . 063 5: 1_133 . r 1 4 5: 046 . 503 4, 999 . 403 SE 15 00 RO 4 . 780 NE 85 00 00 3 . 460 7 4: 98 . 446 5: 035 . 098 { 5 5: 046 . 804 5: 1302 . 849 SW 30 RO 00 12 . 380 NW 5 00 00 29 . 790 8 4: 9?5 . 725 5: 028 . 9008 6 5, 076 . 481 5, 00R . 23 NW 50 00 AA 13 . 170 HE 40 RR 00 42 . 190 9 4: 983 . 312 5, 017 . 503 7 5, 108 . 8R0 5: 027 . 372 SW 30 00 00' 12 . R00 ; SE 5 OR 00 1 06 . 0NR 10 4: 972 . 913 5: 0111 . 507 i 8 5: 003 . 204 5. G_131_. . 611 SE 1.G ' ►O 00 27 . 500 SW ,35 AA 00 • 3r. . 75O 11 4, 959 . 168 5, 035 . 318 • 9 • 5, 000 . 001 ..- 5, 000 . 001 SW 30 00 00 1 . 0AR 1 5, R00 . 000 5, 000 . 000 12 4, 948 . 775 5, 029 . 318 SW 3" 59 59 NW 60 00 00 30 . 200 . 001 CLOSING LINE 13 4. 5E.3 . 075 5, 003 . 164 266 . 000 G I C;T TRAV Rev 5 00 AO 3h. . 25F1 320, 284 . 789 PRECISION 14 4. 999 . 997O - 5--@NG:-?r.,5. s, o0 o , ors t AREA 300E. SF . 0690 ACRES 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 i NW 39 5R 3R 6 . 325 CLOSING LINE 307 . 830 GIST TRAV , 48 . 672 PRECISION . AREA 2618 SF . 0601 ACRES • • CORRE %T FROM 1 NW 5 00 00 36 . 260 NW 55 54 _ . 005 CLOSING LINE 3C17 . 830 GIST TRAV 62: 351 . 535 PRECISION • AREA 2732 SF i/ . C1627. ACRES L447 ,77 D - ��.... �; **: :**:*:*::** MAP CHECK :#:****::#::#:*:#::#::#: 1 5, A00 . 000 5, 000 . 000 ** :c***::I: MAP CHECK * :* :* :;4::#::#::*4: 1 5: V1414_1 , L1N�9 5, 000 . F141�1 NW 5 00 00 94 . 00A 5. 093 . 54'2 4, 991 . 807 NW , 5 00 00 ,4 4_0 A 5: k123 y4 y 4: 24 . 00A 4 9Li NE 85 00 AO 55 . 340 S 5: 98 . 466 5, 046 . 937 NE 40 AO OA 19 . 1;9 0 3 5: k1 . 9`_�.� 5, 010 . 565 • RW 4A AO G 0 r. , 'a 4_i 4 5, A77 . 798 5, A29 . 594 NW 5 loci 4_tt_1 -' c' 4 5, 046 . 543 5, 009 . 9A4 ='E 5 AO 00 29 . 420 .... 5. ' 48 . 490 5, A32 . 158 NE 85 loci 4_i ,i 3 , 460 ,5 5 040 . 845 5, 013 . 351 _ SW 85 00 AO3 . 460 h 5: 014•_ . 188 5, A28 . 712 )1 NW 5 0t 0 4_i 4_i ='9 . -i_44_i . 6 5: �1 f't• . 5 1 5, 4�1 4�1 , �:r c E 5 4_i 0 Ci O 7 . 580 i 5: 0401 . ►63i 5, 029 . 7.72 NE 40 AO 00 26 . 980 6 . 9 b _�7 5, 07 . 1 . ' 5, 0282A97 RW 4A AO 00 19 , 1,.94_1 5, 0 5 . 553 5, 016 . 716 NE R5 00 00 . 25 . 08A ti 5,• 41�� f 5 r_1, 41 5.3 , ki:_i? _E 5 00 00 24 . A00 5, 001 . 645 5, 01R . 808 RW 40 00 00 42 . 190 5: �1t,f 15 5: ki' 5 . `� sw c AA 00 18 . 880 t• 10 4.. �_ay 9919 4: _999 . y_.iy SE 5 AO 00 '•=I . 790 10 5: 037 . 379 5, 028 . 559 1 5: 04_i0 , 011 ✓ 5; k100 , 1.300 RWL 5 Onk1C1 3 . 460 NE 40� 00 01 11 5, 4i?�r . 41ir:3 S: Ei'25 . 11r' . 001 CLOSING LINE 279 . 350 DIST TR'A'•' RE 5 AO 4_14_i 7 . 5R0 12 5, 029 . 526 5, 025 . 773 �9 : 291 . 972 PRECISION sW 40 00 00 4 . 890 AREA 3002 SF . 0689 ACRES 13 5, 025 . 78A 5, 022 . 62q S E 5 00 01 0 `.3 ;4 4_1 '1.4 5, 002 . 529 • 5, 024 . 663 • 4 _- - SW 85 004_i Ci24 . 790 Lt›lc.15 5, �1414_i , 3 �+ 4, '19 . 5ES: **** :* : : : MAP CHECK : ::::#::#::#::#::#::#::#::#: 1 5, 000 . A00 5, 000 . 000 1 5: C9 0 A , 0 0 A 5, 0 0 4_i , 4_14_14_1 SE 4 59 1 _ NW 5 00 00 24 . 4,�k14_i 5: �123 . _�t_1_� 4, 997 . 908 . 370 CLOSING LINE • ` 272 . 620 DIST TRHV 1W 50 00 00 19 . 1,._90 736 . 639 PRECISION 3 5•' D3 r . 565 4: 982 . 825 NW 5 00 00 7 . 580 AREA 1986 SF . 0456 ACRES 4 5, 044 . 116 4, 9R2 . 1r,4 CORRECT FROM 5 I :3W 85 000003 . 46•0 NW AO 00 _9 . 4'20✓ i 5 5: a 43 . 315 4, 978 . 717 SW 40 00 00 NW 5 00 00 29 . 420 000 CLOSING LINE 6 5 • A73 . 123 4, 976 . 153 272 . 250 DIST TRAY 2, 232, 693 . 776 PRECISION NW 50 00 00 26 . 980 5, 090 . 465 4, 955 _ 435 AREA 1992 SF,/ . 0457 ACRES NE 85 00 00 55 . 340 5, A95 . 288 5, 010 . 615 RE 5 OA AO 94 . 000 9 5, 0A1 . 646 5, 018 . 807 SW 85 00 00 18 . 880 1A 5: 0i00 . 0b1 4, 999 . 999 1 5, 00t0 . 000 v• 5, 000 . 000 SE 50 00 02 • . 001 CLOSING LINE 279 . 350 DIST TRAY • 293: 29'8 . 592 PRECISION AREA 3A02 SF . 0689 ACRES Lr4 �'c • !Ail- Goo • 6 V- °, 1,1 ::*::#:*$::*:*:t:*::$: MAP CHECK *****:#:$:*; #:: : 1 5, 8 8i 4_1 • 4_0 8 5: A Lei A , A @ L_i 1 c j c : G1414 , L_14_i L_i _+, G4 L1 L�1 . 4�ki 0 1 + NW '5 O A t_i 0 27 . 46A 1..E -_'5 AA on 2,' r L_i 4_i 5, 0 _ . 'i71 4 . 997 , 955 2 4.. +99i' . ►}L_i' 4.. 1i'2 . 5L_i5 NW 50 AA 00 4_i 4 . 78A NW F. 4_141 t i 0 1 . L_7 4_i t_1 7 5, 026 . 443 4, 994 . 294 .i r: kiL_i9 . Jcr; 4, 971 . 559 NW r Oi_1 AA 7 . 58R NE R5 4_i0 AO 4 j, 4_i.== . _9_94 4, 9'9= . t,'3 5 5 4, 984 . 679 17 . 17A _:W _j 410 L_14_i , 4 t,:si NW 5 c 5, 4_i 3= . 6 9 4, 99A . 186 c 5, A27 . 07.8 • - - NW 5 00 An 39 . 42A F. 5, 0F7 . 001_ :�: '� ��' r,`:: f'�G'a _�+L_i L_i ki �11_i �} . 7_;4_i r. 5, 026 . 111 4, 979 . 97R NW 50 AO 00 42 . 650 NW c AA AR -- 0 i• 5: 890 . 41 6 4, 954 . 95A 7 c: 0ti._ • F f_•2 4, 979 . 277 NE R5 RR AO 25 . 41R --- t:W R C o c1 4_14_i 4 r,4_i 8 c,, 8i9 . F 8I 4, 9 4_1 . 2f.4 8 5 RE 50 A4_1 O4_i 2F . 9R0 NW 5 OA AO 9 . 4cL_i 9 5, A75 . 28R 5, 4_110 . 972.1 q 5kir,2 >_=tL. _9;? r.r. . 4`4_i NW 50 AA L_14_i 42 , 1 ',4_i 1 L_i c: R45 . 984_i 5, 881? . 496 10 5, 0R9 . 7RR 4, 940 . 947 NE R5 AO 4_i8 3 . 460 11 5, 041,7. . 282 1: 4�L=ir. , '?4•� NW 5 CiL� AA 11 . 410 11 5, 101 . 154 4, 939 . 957 E 5 OL_i AO 7 . 5R0 NE _5 k141 00 14 , 4_i 4_I L_i 12 5, 4_i3 . r730 5: @A7 , 1,.0= 12 5, 1A3 . 374 4, 953 . 899 E 50 04_i AR 19 . r.9Lj 50 4 A no 42 . 650 13 5, 021:. . A74 : 1 t,C t, 13 5, 074 . 960 4, 9R6 . 571 34 :_:E 5 AA L_14_i I --; . 4_ikit_i SE 5 14 , 0A . 1 r,5 5, 024 . 778 1 14 5, A45 . 651 4: y89 . 1 5 W 7 ._:5 4_i 4_t 8 824 . 87A NE _5 AA AAAA �.r,4_i 15 . 4', 999 998 u 5: OEiO _ 4_i81? ✓ 15 5, 045 . 953 ' , '-a9;_ . 5R2 1 c, 04_i0 , 04_iL_1 1/ 5 , 0iA6_i 5 -. �14�4_i SE 5 4_i 4_i OR f��a �i AO 01 1r' 5, 038 . 402 _�_�•� . : ? . 004 CLOSING LINE 5E 50 AO RR ' 4 . 780 272 . 760 GIST TRH'.: 17 c ,� • 74: 1= . 615 PRECISION _;E 5 RR 80 75 . 46R. AREA _bi�i { _F La r.L1 ACRES18 kit_i0 , AA4 4, 999 . 995 _ _ - _�- 1 5, A00 , 04_ik1 U C, AAA , A0 5E 5A OA RR . 007 CLOSING LINE • 3010 CiI:_:T TRH'.' 45. 825 . 134 PRECISION AREA 2A ? RF . 0478 ACRES V ' . . . , _. ... - : .. l t L-b 1, C.2 Imo' y, . ._._ _ .. *:#:;#::#: ::#::#::#* : M A E' CHECK : ::#:;#::::#::#::#::#::#::#: ,-I �./ . --- * :: ::$:4::#:;#.*::#: .MAP •C H E i=K: 4.4;#::#::*:.*::#::T::#::#::#: 1 5, A 1 A • F_i F_i F_1 5, 000 . A00 1 5, 0 A A • F_1 F_i Li c , u F_1 F_i ki F_i F_1 NW 5 AA CiF_i 1 F_ir, . 590 1_ 2 5, 1A6 . 1;:4 ` ; qqF_i . i' 1 NE 0 4_1 F_i AA :4 . F_i 47 F_i - - --- 2 5, 024 , 001.3 5, F_141F_1 . kiF_iF_i,� _,E 50 ki F_i ti F_i 42 . 190 _ • • 5, O7i Lit,5 5, F�1`1 • F_i_ NW 45 O F_iL1 ,; : ;A - 1_ , 5 ' 077 . Ci 4. _:R.L; . 1_17 7 v SE 5 AA F_io .'-9 . 4 n 4 5, 04c1 . 757 5; 025 . 594 NE F_i An F O 7 . 5RA 4 5; F_i45 . 503v 4., 981 . 077v NE 85 AA F_141 3 . 460 -- c c, 05F_i A5'-� 5 , f1 9 ki4F_i • - t'i G'! ...;A RAAA ✓ 7 . 460 5 5, 045 . 503v 4, 982 . 617v _:E 5 Ei A 4_i F_1 �. c R O r, 5, 042 . 508 5, F_i' ' , ;'F_i 1 - NE F_1 AA AA 7 c! • 4 r'F_i 6 5, f?4 . 9 ' v 4, 5 ` . 617,/ SE 5F_i AAAA4 . ;: F_1 n 7 5, A7_-! . 4 5 5, 033 . 363 t•{w 4F. An AA •- - - ? �'E F_i i F_i}_i 1 _.F_i 5, 094 . 41 O 1✓ 4: `�r,' . 5719 8 5, A27 . 1A2 5, 034 . 44 55 . bi94 . F_i01v 5: 018 8;•9 L- W ' 5 F_1 O AA 17 . 17n - ,� C ,'Fi`5 ciC'T. 5, 21 _"_ )W UO 0‹, Cf l} t '� F_i--F_i Lj- 6 j F ' c44 . 1.7in Fi 9 _ -a1-14—A0-1 21 - �,9— SE 5 AO OA 1 . kiF_1F01 5',iuu 1• S. o t h . Fi'iyz 1 F_i 5, F_i 1 4• . F_i A F_1 .5 , F_1 � . . - h{l'1 __+Ci. co1 F_i F_i 18 . 880 1 C1 F.-T1.71- i-4.-'F_i'ti-1 4.,-'a,F_i -.-.49.�. NE 5 AF_i 0F_i 7 . 5F_iF0 Ii auu , D 001. J.,... 9 ,9 : 1q 23 .>.. 11 5, Ci 1 t'. . '' i" 5, F_i 4_i . i' t' 1 5, A F_1 A , F_i Fo A 5: F_i 0 F_i A A 1 E 5 AA AO 1;_ • A I01 11 RE 45 AA AA 12 5, 004 . 442 5, f50 . 09 2 . 937 CLOSING LINE 279 . 350 GIST TRHV ,— W R5 RA OF 51 . A00 17 4 , yy9 497 l� 5, ki00 . F_i0 2 . 101 PRECISION 1 5. k_iF_iA • F_iF_1F3 5, kiF_i4i . 0A0 AFE--A----- -319-j:—sF • -- . 0732 A REL; NW 5F_1 AA Ai • CORRECT FROM 8 . 0F_i4 CLOSING LINE SW A On AO 94 . F_i00 722 . 07A DIST TRAV - ' SE 45 41O AO R1 , 175 . 014 PRECISION . 001 CLOSING LINEv AREA 3Ci41 SF ►r`,' r !�' 279 . 350 D I ST TRHV v ACRES 29?. 29r . 914 PRECISION • AREA 300 _:FV . 0689 ACRES 1,-.9-1- L1 4:* :***:4 4: MAP CHECK :#: ::*:#::#::#::#::#.:#::#::#: r 1 5. 10U • 13L1R1 . RtL4L1 . onci L--124- 6'2 NE ki Lio no 1 L1F, • LiGiL1 2 5, 1AF• . 000 5, A00 , 01301 :#:**=*:#: : :4:*:#: M H F C:H E I_K :*:*::#::#:**I:**:*::$: '=;E 45 nO k141 1 4 ' . 190 1 5, Li00 . nLi01 5, n011 • nL1L1 - 5: L17r. . 1 G 7" 5: 4_ 2 . _ _ t'{E 0 ki�t R_i Lt27 . 340 4a Li 4_i Li on 29 . 79n 2 5, 027 . 74n 5. LiUci . 1ici1 4 5, 046 . 377 5: 4_129 . _ _7 NW 45 00 00 4 . 890 • _E 901 AA AA • _ . 4.543 5: 4_1:b . i '�� 4! _-�_-+a . 54� 5 5. 041. . 377. 5': 4-1 ' _ 29_ i 7 . c,.- W 0 AO AA �' • 5 4_i 45, 074.. 378 4, 996 . 542b 5! 0_,8 . 797 5, n77 . 297 ? (•{G'� R_i R_i R_1 AA r,Li • E 4 5 L1 Li Li L1 4 . 890 5 5, n74 . 378 4, 997 . n82 75, A75 . 7.739 5, A77 . 751 NE 0 AAR_14_i 29 . i''rL1 sw n AO AA ?5 . 34A r5. 5: 064 . 168 4, 997 . n82 r 4, 999 . 999 5, 07F. . 751 NW 45 AA OA 42 . 190 NW 9A no n11 ?r. • 7 54_i 'f . n94 . L1Li 1 4: 96' . 249 9 4.. 999 _ 999 5, Li010 • nn 1 - 1 5 , 0100 • A0i0 5, 00L1 • LIOL1 �:E ti F�1 k1 Li on R_1 5 , ki;_;Li 8 5, R_194 . 001 4, 988 29 NW 45 00 00 E 45 nR_i AAr, 9_;R 4_iR_11 CLOSING LINE ,9 5: 017 4 9 = 5, 0n7 . 407 2r.6 . ►00R_1 GIST TRH'.! SW 0 nO On 29 . 420 720, 284 . 719 PRECISION 1n1 5, 045 . 5A7 5, 017 . 4R_i7 ; AREA 30I01; =F . 01690 ACRES E 90 nO nLi 7 . 460 11 5, n45 . 507 5: 0i 1 0 • 867 SW . A AO Oi0 is cS_;c' / 12 5, 077 . 923 5: U1' . Sr.i� I 12 ; ✓ . E 45 LiLi nLi ' 19 . 690 *: ** ::#:****: MAP CHECK :#: ::#::#::#:*.:#::#::#::#::#: 17 5, n24 . 000 5, 024 . 790 1 5, Li R_14_i , 4 Rat L1 5, 41 R10 . R_i F14_i SW 0 nO L10 24 . 00Li 14 5 , 00 j , OR�k_i 5: 0 4 . i'40 NE 7,7 uU 013 4 . 00L1 G . 5: 412ki . 12R 5, 017 . 17171 NW 9R_1 n0 on24 . 79n ct'{G•� 12 tit R_i 4_i kj 1 '_+ r_,'_!R_i 15 _c�, 1�14_iLi . 4_ikiL1 .�, R_141k� • L'1kiL1 _ _ _ 5, A 9 . - - - 5. 008 . C17 1 5, 0i00 . 0'11 5, A0A , U€10 NE 73 k14_1 AA 7 . 8n G•{ 45 00 004 5, 045 . 745 5: 01= . 106 . 00i01 CLOSING LINE 272 . 250 GI1T TFN'.! �' Nw 57 LIO 1313 7 . 460 5 5, A47 . 629 5: 01 n . 2n4 2: 232: 774 . 544 PRECISION NE - 00 00 29 . 42n h 5 , Li7 ?433 5 . Li"2h 227 AREA 192 SF . 0457 ACRES ' NW 12 00 00 26 . 9R0 SE 57 nO 00 47 . 29n • W R_i Rn 11A 14 . 79n 9 5, A58 _ 14_: 5: 116A . 279 W 37, AA AO _1 . 6Lin 14_1 4: 989 . 71 5: 1_115 . = b N W . 57 AA AO 1;= _ _;A 11 4, 999 . 995 5. 00A . A0"2 1 . 5: A0O • AAA 5; nR_iR_1 • R_ioR NW 21 16 17 . 1306 CLOSING LIt'{E 273 . 690 D I T TRAV 48;. 961 . 381 PRECISION AREA 2957 SF . 0678 ACRES --- __ _ _ __ _ . . . _ LDt � G��/ 1,0f- 5? L.// :#:* :*:$:*:: :#:*:4: M A F' CHECK * : 4::#::#::#::#::#::#::#: 1 5. 04_10 . 001A 5: 4_100 , 014_10 1 5: n0G . 00n 5: 4_ion . 4_ik14_i NE _3 00 00 � `�� `1. 464_1 _ _ - fa�•� i' 4_i�1 4_14_1 4_14_i 2 5 019 . 5f:5 5. 012 . i"7 i" 2 5: 014 . 9i"8 4. 9i"f=, . 9'i7 NW 12 On 00 4 . t;_;k1 ._ 5, 024 . 351 5,011 . 787 t'1 E - _. 4_i 49 4�4_i 12 . 000 3 5, 025 . 042 4: 9'_ - . 4 i NE _77 00 4_14_i 7 . F.Rn E 57 AA OA 13 . 170 4 5,, 0 4_i , 7•4_18 5: 015 _ 91 4 51: 01i' . 869 4, 994 . 518 NW 57 414_1 00 _ . 4 rd4_1 _ 4_1-; r1•-� Li ki Li 1 N E _ 4_14 k_i 0 12 . 3_4_1 c c : 1= . 1 5 5,77 .0 2 E: . 51 5': 4=14=11 . •_r'.Ei NE _L OA AA 9 _ 4•_4-1 - - r, 5, A57 . 2' r,F. 5 � ki.`'-� Gi ? t'��•� 1�� OA AA 4 i't:4_i F. 5: 072 . 927 5. 4_iki4_i _ 2F,h NW 12 AA AA 7 4_i '_+ �0 - NE ' 4_noo n f , 5 4_i 75, 0s7 . 569 5: 0 -2 . 59- i 5: n79 . _?4 5, 004 . 795 -,-r h1�'� 57 E1�1 004 r,4_i 8 180 5: 4_i--_i" . 554 5: ��13 . i'72 8 5. 041 . 1 61 5: 00 1 . 4_�3 _� E 5 _I 57 AA AO r 4 . 410 NE _' AA AA 2c4 . 4''0 _+ : A . 1 _I, 041 . 4f1 _a 5065 . _42 5. 01r . 5'16 SE 1.` 00 00 2c. :.20 NW 12 00 00 2 524_1 14_i 5: @58 . 71=. 5. 047 41- 1 141 5` 097 . b5C J. 010 . i"J5 W 77 00 AA 29 . 42n SE -9 56 31 1 5, 0 4 . 4_1 L.I. 5. 0i'1 . 4_1 1 r - 9 . 1*25 RE 57 00 00 3 . 460 • SE 12 A4_1 AA %:ki c4Rki 12 5) 032 . 204 5, 077 . q59 12 5 , 4_ir - Ir . _ 71 5, 0 75 , 5r,t, SW 27 414_1 AA 1 5 ;4_1 - 1 3 5,M`5 . 4 f 5, 0" 9 . R?4_i _'�'� _ ki ki on29 . 420 13 5 , 042 . 1;5;` 5, 019 . 547 sE 12 00 4_14 1'a F_,94_i SE 57 00 00 -' . a.r,4_i 14 5, 00F. . 587 5, 037 . 924 14 5, 040 . 772 5, 022 . 445 W -L AA OA 24 . 00Fi SW 77 k14_1 4_1O 7 . 580 15 4, 9R6 . 459 _I: 0 4=1 - r,. L 15 5: 0 4 . 415 5, 018 . 716 NW 57 00 00 24 . R7n 16 5: 4_i 4_1 ki . ►j ki / . '_i' 4 a'1 5- 16 5.. 029 . 740 5.. 019 . 310 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 ski 7 AA AO 35 . 4r, i 17 • 5, 000 . 000 ✓ 4: 999 _99 S;E 52 00 15 006 CLOSING LINE 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 00n 255 . 270 D I ST TRAY • SE RA 49 12 40, 267 . 992 PRECISION . 003 CLOSING LINE 272 . 860 DI'ST TRAV AREA 1917 SF . 0440 ACRES 91 . 5 s f . 965 PRECISION AREA . 1811 SF . 0416 ACRES • :f :*:* :: $:*: :$: HAP CHECK : :t:*. :*:.:#::*::#:4::#: 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 4_18 A . k14_14_i NE 37_ 00 00 '9 5 . 4_i 2 5,4-179 . 94 5: 051 . 915 • E __9 5 r, _,7 '8 . 1 5 4_i 7 5, 079 . 974 5, 0r_,8 . 4_i6.5 S E 12 00 00 5'`4_i L 4 5. 841 . 125 - - - Gir1r, . _: r **#* 4*** MAP CHECK : : : ::#::#:I::#:* * N 72 4_14_f F_i 4_i 9 . 4 2 n 1 5, k14_i Gi L14_14_1 5 . 8 8 ki 4_18 n 5 5 , 023 . 451 5. 854_i . s83 ;' 4_i Ei 00 ki _ NE 37 AA O A 2 4 . 4_14_i 8 E 5 . 5, 020 . 128 5 . 017 . ►_1f1 h. 5, 021 . 567 5, 057 . 705 �'� j.1 AA141 c- NW 12 00 Ok1 _ _i A 3 s._ 5 - 7 5, 015 . 209 5, 049 . 5?t, _ . HE 7-3 k14_1 O Al t 5_A SE 12 RA OA 4 . 780 4 5,045 . 745 5, 017 . 106 3 5: 01U 5•'4 5. 8i581 . 5r 8 l'� 3 AA4_14_i12 . 780H W 5 f' 0 0 0 0 3 . 4 f_,81 c 5 , 04? . r i:_3 5 . 010 . 204 5, k14_10 . 151 5, 047 . s28 NWi' ki�1 4a 1 NE 5, 072 . 303 = R0 88 _� 4 481 1 . 1(ki r. 0 i': 3 013 10 5: 00 t' . 3 4 5, 037 . f78.` NW 12 4_i0 AN GN 37 4_14_i AR 12 . 000 5, 098 . 694 5: 41 0 . r,1 c 11 4: 99r . r,0 5, 026 . 247 SE 5 r k1Ei Ok 8 RE 57 kl4_i 4 0 7 . 500 _ 06�.i . 5 J3 5, 067 . 070 12 4_ _982 . 82 5, 049 . 310 SN 33 AO AA 94 . 000 w 1k14_i on 1 0n4_1 9 4, 989 . 718 5, 015. 834 13 4, 972 . 218 5, 4_i 4 2 . f 1:4 - N W 57 00 00 18 . 880 NW 57 00 00 51 . 000 10 - 5, 000 . 001 5: 4_i8ki . 0ki0 14 4. ,999 . 995 5, 000 . 002 1 5, 000 . 888 5, 0AA • 4_141 • 1 5, 000 . 000 5: 100 . 000 =,E 11 59 59 NW 23 55 4 . 001 CLOSING LINE . 006 CLOSING LINE 279 . 350 GIST TRAV 309 . 2s0 D I ST TRAV 293. 298 . 600 PRECISION 56, 180 . 507 PRECISION AREA 3002 SF 0689 ACRES AREA 3003 SF . 0689 ACRES • • • _,Of 400 /- :#:*: :*:*: :4::#::4:#: MAP CHECK :#: : ::#.:#::#::#:;#: ::#: : I,,L2 1 5, A4_iR _ 00Fri 7, 000 . A00 :* :** :** :* HAP CHECK : .:#:$: ::*::f.:#:4:44: NE RA AO - . 450 2 5. 0 1 9 5 7 5 5, 012 . 777 1 5, 000 . 000 5: 4_14_14_i . 4_1414_1 NW 12 AO 00 4 . 7R0 NW 57 4_00A Ai 2 i' . 5 v14_1 5, 41' 'T . =51 11 i' - - 2 5, 014 . _�i'= 4, _9i'6• . 93 NE _' O 4_i AA 7 . 5sn NE _ 00 AO 12 . 000 4 5. 4_i30 • 708 5 . 0 1 5 . 91 5, 025 . 042 %_ _ . 4 N i' no4_i 4_1 7 . 460 S E 5 f A O. A A 17 . 17A 5 5 , A32 . 59 5.. 017 . 010 4 5. 401 . 8r.9 4...994 . 518 NE _ _ AO AO 9 424_i NE 00 AA 12 . 380 r. 5.. k15 i' . r.r. 5: N q . 4_i •.1 - 5 5, 028 . 251 5, 001 . 2r.0 NW 1` AA 4_A t . ._ 0 NW 12 AA AA 4 . 78A c 7 �, 414� r�'L 5: 4=11 �'=+5 if: _�, 072 . '! f 5, 000 . 21,.6 SE 89 56 37 r . 060 NE 7.7 00 00 7 . 5RA 8 5, 4_i93 , (-.rr. 5, 4_i`8 . 355 ? 5.. 4�1''� . 4 5, 004 . 7.95 SE 57 A4_1 AA 1 5 _ r.5A NW 57 On O4_1 3 . 460 _� 5, 085 . 142 5, 041 . 480 5, 041 . 169 5, 001 . 493 SE 12 AO AO r. . _`+_;4_1 NE _ - 4_14_1 0M 29 . 420 5, 058 . 752 5 8_a 9 165 5, 017 . 516 10 .i, �14� k_i � � .� . 4t 5W 4_1A AA 29 . 420 NW 12 AO 00 _ _ . 76n 11 5, 074 . 0 8 5, 031 . 4_ir.r. in 5, 103 . 755 5, 009 . 45R SE 57 00 AA _ . 4r.4_1 SE 89 56 3; 1R . 770 12 5, 032 . 194 5, 033 . 968 11 5, 103 . 737 5. 0 7 . _2 W _ - RA AA 7 . 580 S E 12 4 f 0 AO %7- _`4_1 13 .5. 4_ic5 . 87.F. 5. 029 _ 84E1 - 12 5. 0r.i. . 3=1 5. 0_5 . 5r.6 • • RE 12 AA AA 19 . 6cI0 sw 73- 4_1A. O4A a 29 . 420 14 5.. 0Ur. . 57 5, 077 . c.177_ 13 5, 042 . F.57 5, 019 . 543 SW 33 no 4_1A 24 . A00 RE 57 00 AAi _ , :}r,4_1 15 4, 98h.. 449 5. 0i20 . 8F.2 14 5, 040 . 77 f., 5, 022 . 445. NW 57 00 00 24 . 870 _W 77 RA AO (- . `-- - 4 15 4, 99 . y_94 5, 000 . A04 15 5. 034 . 415 5, 018 . 316 1 5, 000 . 000 5, i0ki • Ll i i SE 12 00 00 4 . 780 16 5, 029 . 740 5, 019 . 710 NW 34 41 15 . 4_10R CLOSING LINE SW 33 00 00 35 . 40 264 . 630 DIST TRHV 13 5, 000 . 000 4, 999 . 997 35, 052 . 349 PRECISION 1 5, 000 . 00A 5, U41i_i , U0H AREA 19:3r. SF . 0456 ACRESSE 8A 49 1 . 003 CLOSING LINE • 285 . 340 DIST TRAY 95, 724 . 757 PRECISION AREA 1923 SF . 0442 ACRES 4:$*:**::t 4::4 *:$: MAP CHECK ;#: ::1.:#::-. ::#::::#::#::#: 1 5, 000 . 0A0 5; AA , A AA NW 40 00 00 71 . 700 /f - 2 c 054 . _�'25 4. _-1 13 . 912 1--14 VNH _`� ki}_i } }_i . 21A 3 5 . 055 . 118 4, 951 . 711 :t* :****t* : MAP CHECK **: **:#:. 41::#::#: 1 5! }_i}_iEi , }_t}�}_i 5; 41E�G� , L_ikiki NE 5 00 00c , A}_iA • 4 5, 077 . A74 4: 57 , r.`'J NE 3.3 AA AA 10: . r.OA c! ki ;r• . }_i4:= 5! }� NW 4A AO AAr' . 5k_1-1 .fir. -' . — :b 5 5, 098 . 101 4, 935 . 951 RE '9 56 7 2 . �_4k1 NE 61 37 19 ''F. -:F.k1 5 . EI :t. . }_i45 5! U5U . r'r.Ei 6 5, 125 . 125 SE 12 AA AO 38 , 7r,Ei 4 5, 048 . 132 S: Firs. , c• _=+ 7 - 4, 981 . 252 _;w 37. An AA `y . 4 ::}_i RE 4A AO AO 65 520 C 5, 023 . 458 5 . {�GI}_i � _C = 5, 020 . 144 5: A 4 . }_11 0i SE 57 AA AA 7 . 460 6 5, A21 . 574 5; o53 , r,9;' 9 4 . gc19 . qq7. 4.. •a'a� . q95, W _3 A 0. A k1 .5 R A1 5:� �9}_1 E'I • {�Ei k1 5 . }_i}1 k1 , k�Gi}_i 7 5, 015 . 217 I . 5. 0i49 . 56'9 NE .3' 57 Ai; E 12 kilo OA 4 . 7R0 EiA9 CLOSING LINE :1 5, 010 . 541 5, A50 . 567 332 . 370 D I ST TRAV 73 00 OA 12 . 380 • 38, 128 . 983 PRECISION NW5 r' AOAA17 . 17A AREA 4021 SF . 0923 ACRES 10 5: A0ii . 331 5, A32 . 775 SW 33 AA AA 12 . Ei00 11 4! '_-+1 r . 257 5; 0'26 . 2?9 1 4 SE 5;' AA AA i` . 5}_i0 IA- �1 12 4: '9 8 . 89 5.. A49 . 30 :**** ::#*** MAP CHECK : ::#:*:$::#::**: ::#::*: SW 7.1.172. AA A}9 1 . 0k_i0 1 5: AAA . 0iiU ;. 00o . AAA 13 4. _�2 . 225 5. 042 . 75 NW 40 AO AA 66 . 47A NW 57 AO OA 51 . 0iA}_i 2 5, 050 . 919 4, 957 . 274 14 5; 0AA , 002 4: 9'9G c395 NW 85 00 AO 2 . 21A 1 5, A00 . 000 S! ��1�1 . }�L1E� ., 5, 051 . 112 4. `!55 . a_i f. SE 69 25 43 HE 5 AO OA :2 . 00Ei . A06 CLOSING LINE 4 5. 0i'3 . kicP.R 4, 956 . 990 317 . 530 DIST TRA'y ' NW 40 AA OA 27 . 500 54, 815 . 553 PRECISION f 5 5, 094 . 0g4 4, 939 . 313 AREA 3036 SF . 0697 ACRES NE 61 3? 19 _ . F.00 F. 5, 110 . 064 . 4, 968 . 875 SE 40 00 00 27 . 500 SW 5 00 AO 22 . 0}tki C 5. A6r . 0iL 1 4: 9S4 . r.:35 `_'SE _5 AA AO 2 . 21A 9 5! EiSG . 8S9 4! 93f. , 33r. SE 4A AO OA 5'-1 . i'An 10 5. A 1 . 15r. 5, 025 . 211 SW 5A kilo AA 32 . q10 11 5 ; 00A . 002 5. 000 . AAA 1 5; 0i0i0i , A0A 5! 000 . 4iAA SW 4 A . 002 CLOSING LINE 296 . 100 GIST TRA', 180, 889 . 795 PRECISION AREA 3679SF . 0835 ACRES i 1,b-I- V). ./• • IOC) / ✓ ***:*: *** : MAP CHECK * :***:**::#:* :* 1 5, 000 . 000 5: 000 . 000 * : :* :*1:4: MAP CHECK *: :*$:: *:#:4.#4.:. 1 5, 000 . 00A 5, 0A0 . 000 2 NW 80 00 ii 66 . 470 5: 01 1 . c�4 4, 934 . 540 NW ' 40 On 00 121 . 710 25 . t�l9' . 235 4, 921 . 766 SW 55 kith kikj ` . �1'ki 3 5, 010 . 275 4: 93'2 . 730 NE 61 37 19 52 . 730 _ 5, 118 . 297 ''�i 4J {�-+t•_�• . 1bt� NW 35 00 00 �� . ki�41 4 5: 028 . 2_96 4, 920 .111 SE 40 00 A0 27 . 500 - 5, 097 . 27.1 4: �O,�J . ,�. r. NW 80 00 00 �7 �t_ik1 45 5, 1_i:33 , 07 1 . 8'9= . 0i'29 SW S AO OA . 000 5 5 . 075 . 315' 4 . 9s 91y NE. 21 37 19 �? r,t�fCi 6 5: 064 . 307 4: 905 . 410 S E 85 AO OA 2 . 21A 1:. 5, 075 . 122 4, 986 . 121 _:E _:kt t=1 t� 4=1 t=1 �7 . 5�9 t=1 7 5: 05_9 . 532 4, 932 .492 SE 40 AA 0A 6F . 470 - 7 5: ki'c4 . �41.i 5: 4�2+_ 7 E 'S 00 AA .= Gi41 8 5, 041 . 511 • 4: 945 . 1 1 0 SW 50 00 0o , 72.7 • 550 55 �� 5: kikit'1 1_1tj2 5, 000 . 005 NE _ 00 �1t'12 . 210 9 5: 042 . 778 4, 946 . 921 1 5. 000 . 000 5, 000 . A00 SE 80 OA 00 5'_9 . 7 00 G1 r? 3 4 4_i= 10 5, 032 . 411 5, 0105 . 714 • 006 C=LOSING LINE SW 10 00 00 7.2 . 910 . 330 . 270 DIST TRAY 11 5. 000 . 001 4: +,99 . 99_a 59, 464 . 543 PRECISION 1 5, 000 .000 5. t 4:it=1 . 00Ei ' AREA 4938 SF ' . 1 134 ACRES ' SE 35 56 24 : 00'2 C:LOSING LINE 296 . 100 DIST TRAY k--..._. 180, 890 . 311 PRECISION Dfi AREA 3639 SF . 0C,?5 ACRES 1p ✓ **:** ***:#: MAP CHECK * ' ::#:* :#.44.:#::#: ` 1 5: 00►0 . 00►0 5, 00A . 000 L04. (tb V NW AA 00 00 71 . 70A 2 5, 012 . 451 4, 9'29 . 389 :: :* :*** : MAP CHECK ::#::#:* :***::#`:#* SW 55 AO AO 11 1 5: 000 . t�lcill 5, 1400 . kYt�k_Y 3 ki 5: 11 . I ..- 4: 9.'i . 5ry . NW 80 00 00 113 . 300 NW3�� k_it_Y AO2 • 5: 01 9 . 6•74 4, 888 . 421 G2 . ki0A 4 . 5, 029 . 2A4 4: 914 . 960 NE 1 43 45 • 24 . 220 NW 4a AO 00 27 . 5A0 3 5, 043 . 883 4, ,3.3 . 15"2 5 5, A7.7 . 980 4, 887 . 878 NE 21 37 19 28 . 260 i NE 21 37 19 cE 860 I 4 5, 070 . 155 4. 8'9_9 . 565 F. 5: 086 . 839 4, 908 . 830 SE 80 00 00 27 . 50A L;E :35 t_10 AA 5 - 5 5, 0r 5 . 379 . 4, 926 . 648 4 . 230 7 • 5, 042 . 416 4...939 . 935 SE 35 00 00 22 . 000 . 000 SE 80 �1 1, OA66 . 520 6 5. 04 7 . 358 4. 9 3 9 . '56 5, 030 . 865 5, 005 . 444 • NE 55 00 00• 2 . 210 • E W 10 00 OA .?1 . '50 � 7 5, 048 . E•26 4, 941 . 077 i __+ 4 . aka_=, . ca91 5,. 000 . 000 SE 80 00 OA 66 . 470 kC kb_ 8 5: 0.3? . 0Y 3 5, 006 . 537 1 5, 00t_1 . 000 _�, A 11 . 1 tY NW 3 02 54 SW . 1 t_i 00 00 37 . 650 . 009 CLOSING LINE . 9 5, 0-i- . 005 4; 999 . 999 . 332 . 370 DIST TRAY 1 5: 000 . 000 5, 000 . AOA 38, 128 . 970 PRECISION . -SE 11 25 02 AREA 4021 SF . 0923 ACRES . 005 CLOSING LINE 321 . 610 GIST NR1=V 59, 097 . 472 PRECISION AREA 48 3 7 'SF . 1110 ACRES ****:****** MAP CHECK *******::**t: 1 5. 004_i . G 00 5. 000i . 01_i0 SW :-:13 AO 00 59 . i'''IF_i - . -- _.. 2 4: 9 9 . r.ti 3 4, 941 . 207 W 35 ►O 00 2210 1-0+ 1103 • **:***1 ****: MAP CHECK :#::#:: *::#::#.;#::#::*::#::#: NW 55 00 O Al 22 . 00A 4 5, 000 . 442 4, 921 . 918 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 SW 80 0A 00 7 . 500 SW 80 00 00 5c) . i'00 5 4. 995 . 656 4, 894 . 836 2 4: 9 19 63' 4, 941 . 207 • NE 1 37 19 56 . REA sW 25 AO 00 2 . 210 r. 5, 052 . 507 4, 896 . 445 7' 4: 987 _ _ 4. 9'_a '=1-%•a Ji SE 55 00 00 54 . 220 NW 55 4i4_1 00 . L_i0E_1 7 5. 0021 . 3_9: 4: 940 . `6R 4 5, 000 . 442 4, 921 . 918 NE R0 00 AO 54 . 520 4� SW 80 - i`0 00 �:: . .iE 4.j 5, 07A. 866 4: 994 . 5r,0 5 . 4, 995 . 666 4, 894 . 836 SE 10 AO 0 A 31 . 350 NE 1 * 19 44 . _nki 9 4: 9 9•a 9t_a, 5, 000 . 007 - r, 5, 040 . 508 4, 896 . 172 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 HE RO 00 AA 14 . 170 i 5, 042 . 968 4, 910 . 08F NW 23 02 54 . 009 CLOSING LINE SE 55 00 00 ;• . r,10 308 . 370 GIST TRAY = 5.. 0'1 . ?9r, 4. 940 . _•95 35 . 375 . 706 PRECISION 52 9 5, 030 . 863 4: 994 . 5 1,, AREA 3645 SF . 0837 ACRES SE 10 AA 0A 31 . 75A 10 4, 999 . 989 5, 000 . 030 OP ri �f' 1 5, 000 . 000 5. 00A . A00-L4 ` f t NW 70 49 1 * ::#:*:U***:$: MAP CHECK ****: : ::#:4: ::#::#: . 032 CLOOSING LINE 293 . 920 LIST TRAY 1 5. 000 . 000 5: 000 . 000 9, 172 . 585 PRECISION SW Ro 1700 00 114 . 940 4: c4E,0 . 041 4. _::fin . _:0F, AREA L 562 SF . 0818 ACRES HE 1 37 19 52 . 77A . CORRECT FROM 5 5, 022 . 750 4: _3 :2_99 HE 1 37 19 V 44 . 60 4-- .. a NE 0i 00 A0 27 . 5AA NW 23 A8 05 4 5, 037 . 525 4, 915 . 381 ,011 1 CLOSING LINE 293 . 920 D I ST TRH'.! : E 55 AA 00 22 . 0400 5 5 , 024 . 906 4 . 933 . 402 27, 641 . 268 PRECISION NE 35 AO AA . 2 . 210 AREA 3561 SF 1/ . 0818 ACRES 6 5, 026 . 717 4, 934 . 670 NE RR 00 00 59 , ;7 00 7 5, 07.7 . 084 4, 993 . 463 . SE 10 00 OA 37 . 650 . 8 5, 000 . 006 5, 000 . 001 1 5. 41E_1E,1 . 000 5, 000 . 000 . SW 7 34 05 . 006 CLOSING LINE 316 . 730 GIST TRAY 57, 026 . 758 PRECISION • AREA 4683 SF . 1075 ACRES: ' • .- . . L74- LA1 :#:**;#:*:*=#:*: *: MAP.. is H E C K $:****::#::#::#::#: ::#: . �: *:$ :*:t:t$::#:. MAP . CHECK :#::#::#::#::#::#::#::#::#::#::#: 1 5 C9t1A _ 1A0A ' ' , 5 , 0UA . Ft OA 1 , 5, EiUO , 101110 5, G141t_i , 1_i010 S W 8 k_i 0 0 10 n 5 4-. 4 1 Rw _;Ci OA AO 1.-41 —.'7i _Ci 99 . 545 4...q4 . 777 W '-35 no AA = . 21n1 , HE 1 ' ?7 19 52 3n 4 928 . i 35 4, 945 . 110 _ 5, 074 . 234 4: 90t_i . 1 1 E NW 55 010 00 - 4_i4_iCi. 7 50C1 4 5: t_11_i 1 . =5 7 4: 9 i' . 0 R 6; 4 5. 10 3 j=9 . b 1_i'9 4, 927 . 199 SW_ RA AA AA 27 . 5AA RE 55 AA AA = 0410 4.: +'�r. ,'5; ; 4: 9 04_i . ki 4_i r, , 1=i 6 . `�9 1_i 4: 9 4 1_i • NE 1 3 19 . r,104_i NE 35 nCi On = 21C1 6 5; A3t_i , 154 4, 9011 . __957 5 5, 10 ;8 . 00 4, 946 . 488 HE _:Ci no t1t1 27 . 500 NE ;�11- 1111 AA 54 . 470 i= 5, n34 . 94k_1 4, 4 r; , 1_1 _3 7 • 5, n72 . 259 5, uL n _ 1. n RE 55 RA OA ;� . r,5t_i ':,-;' . AAA :�E 1 k1 414_i 1141 5, 0 2 . _a1 40946 . 106,1 R 5: 001 . 181 5, 11416. F.I,, NE 25 OA AA 2 , 1 0 1 5, 00n , nn11 5, 114141 • Cit_7o 9 5, 024 . 131 4, 947 . 328 SW 79 57 19 • NE _;A AA AA 4 . AU 6 . 772 11=1 5 , t1. 2 _ �� CLOSING LINE414 4., �_�4 . 31=i4 . 5101=1 GIST TRH„ RE in 00 01_i _ - . _a 1 n 44 . 228 PRECISION 11 5: n110 . U1'_i4 5: 0i0C1 O 1_; AREA 4486 SF . 11_1311 ACRES 1 5, 000 . 0100 5, 04_1E1 , 000 -- CORRECT FROM 1 SW 76 32 22 _N _4_i on no 109 . i' 11_i . 019 CLOSING LINE 272 . 080 DIST TRH', SW 7 74 05 t_14_i 6 C L C i=_I N G LINE 14, 427 . 753 PRECISION 3146 . 270 DIST TRHV AREA 3244 SF . 0745 ACRES 55, 143 . 438 PRECISION „-- . CORRECT FROM i AREA 4486 SF . . 1030 ACRES N _0 k11_i 0 k_i 54 . 47n 2E 55 5 24 - . 002 CLOSING LINE . • 272 . 100 DIST TRH'! • 166, 229 . 239 PRECISION , • - AREA 3244 SF ✓ . 0 45 ACRES • LJ4 11° . • *******4*** MAP CHECK ::4: :*::#::#::#: :#::#::$: ✓'9 v *:* :***:*:4*:*: MAP CHECK : ::#*$::#::#::#:***: 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 00A -- 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 00A SW 70 00 00 4 . ki 01_i . 4, 991 . 792 1 4: '1 1� 1 7 . '44 G4 5A AO 00 54 . 27A . 2 4: 965 . 1 16 4: 958 ..427 5E 20 - 00 00 12 . 000 4 , 9_:4_1 . 51C 4, 9�81 . 552 L:1�1 70 00 00 'S 000 4, 953 . 145 4. 925 . 5 S W 25 00 00 141 . 140 4 4, 967 . 700 4, 975 . 576 NW 20 AO AO 7.6 . 00A 4 49R6 9 4 4, 913 . 225 N . 7 0 00 0 01 6 . 00A 5 4, 965 . 648 4, 969 . 93R NE 7 A 00 AO SE: , L_00 1 5, 006 . 811 4. 9h 7 . 727 SE 0 00 0n 5 . 00A t,, 4, 9r,0 . _349 4, 971 . 64R •NE 25 00 00 15 . 56A. 1::. 5, 0201 . 9171 4, 974 . 303 N 70 00 0n 47 . 000 7 4 , 944 . 874 4, 927 . 482 NW 20 00 4_1t0 1 3 . 0E_10 7 5, 01' . 1 '9 4, 9f7.9 . 857 NW 20 An 00 45 .-000 4, 9R7 . 11 .1 4, 912 . 091 NE 70 1_10 00 17 . 00A L C: 0 .. . _944 4, 985 . 831 NE f'A AA 00 R7 . 000 9 5: 4_i1 . 915 4 , 99.3 . 845 sE 20 00 00 41 . 440 9 5, 000 . 003 5, 000 . 005 -_. SE 20 A0 0n 1 • 0k14_i 1 A 5. U0L_i • 0012 e- 5: 000 . 001 r 1 5, 000. 000 5, 000 . 00A 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 SW c 07 45 . 006 CLOSING LINE SW 25 no 00 270 . 270 DIST TRAY . 002 CLOSING LINE 258 . 140 DIST TRAY 48, 414 . 937 PRECISION ' 120, 872 . 810 PRECISIiON AREA 3091 SF . 0710 ACRES AREA 3137 SF . 0720 ACRES ✓. _ .- - 1A0f ?‘) ..4 71 *:*:#: : ::1:4::#:*:#: M A F' CHECK *: :;1::#: :*:#::#::#:*. : 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 00A ***** ::**:4: h1AF' CHECK ::#:* **:*::#::#::#: NW 4.3 OL1 Fin r, . 8'20 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 00A 2 5. 026 • 9 4, 974 . 8R9 SW 70 '30 '30 5R . 000 RADIAL BRG 1:: I N & OUT) 2 4, 980 . 163 4, 945. 498 NW 38 52 04 .,. SE 50 54 5 ✓ • NW 20 00 00 26 . 000 DELTA _ 12- 0 50 F` 410 . 000.✓ 5. 004 . 595 4, 936 . 605 A 86 208 C 86 . 049 T 472. . 26•4. HE 70 OA 00 2'_9 . 000 TANGENT BRG ('IN & OUT 4 5, 014 . 513 4, 963 . R56 NE 51 07 56 NE 39 05 06 NH 2A 00 00 5 . 000 RADIUS POINT 5 5. 01_9 . 212 4: 962 . 1 46 5: 34r . 1 3 4, 7 1 7 . ic.0 3 NE 70 00 AO 6 . 000 TRAVERSE CHORD : r, 5, 021 . 264 4: 967 . 784 NE 45 06 31 R6 . 049 4 5: 08 . F.59 5, 035 . R50 NE 25 00 00 14 . 140 i 5, 034 . 079 4, 973. 760 E E 4' 00 00 1,7.3 . 60 5 5, 041 . 101 5.. 079 . er,r. NW 2n AO 00 12 . 00A 5. 045 . 356 4: 969 . 656 SN 47 00 00 17 . 000 6 5, 029 . 507 5. 066 . 833 NE 70 00 00 24 . 000 9 5, 0571 . 564 4, 992 . 209 NW 43 00 00 13 . 000 000 7 5, 039 _ 015 5: 0 ?. 9r,7. SE 20 414_1 AO 42 . 000 • in 5: 0 1 4 . 0 7 5. 00A . 57 r:_ AO 00 15 . 56A 5, G_1'9 . 58 5. 042 . 41 7 SW 25 '3o 4_in 15 . 56A 11 4: 999 . 995 •/ 4, 999 . 99R ! SW 47 AO 00 c' , G_i00 9 5. 000 . 00'2 - 4, 999 . 998 1 5. on . 0100 c . U00 0Ei0 i' ----- - - - - - 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 NE 25 00 01 . '306 CLOSING LINE SE 44 25 34 1 . 700 DI:_:T TRH':! 003 i=:Li_i:=ING LIt'aE 290 . 248 DIST TRH':! 40, 041 . 883 PRECISION AREA 2511 SFki L09, 944 . 428 PRECISION r' r ACRES ---._ AREA 3627 SF . 0833 ACRES * :*::**:t:**:*: : MAP CHECK 4= :: :#:$::#::#::#::#**: • U 1 .r}, 11 L_i 0 . 0 0 0 L_i M1 Fi , ci ri L_i L NH 43 4101 kill 2F, _ F.00 : : :: #::#: :#: :#: t9 H F' �=H E C:k:: : : :$::#::#::#::#::#::#: � 5, 019 . 381 4, 981 . 927 1 5, ip1L1 . 0LIL_1 5.. 00LI . L_iO1n NE 47 k10 AA 4 7 , L_iLig 7 5, 051 . 435 5, 01�. . 3L_11 NW 42 AA 00 F, . L_i ki L_i % . 2 5, 019 . 015 4, 982 . 268 S E 43 LI G1 L_i 1 5 . 01 i L_i 4 5, 047 . 77R 5, 019 . 711 NE 47 LILT fin 5 . L_1 k1 L_1 -- 5, 05 . 571 5, 024 . 687 NE 47 n0 AA 5 • L_100 5 5 [51 . 87[1 • 5, n24 . 09'-! 5 E RR 1710 L.-ICI 15 . 56n - 4 5, 05R . n28 5, LI 4 L_1 . ._-3 7 s E RR An L_i LI 14 . 140 6 5, 051 77 5, 02R . 220 i�i� i' E 4' AA AA 4 L_i LI 0 5 5: 0 7 . 3 11 5, 068 . 881 _E 43 On LILT 1 '_ . 000 7 5, 042 . F.00 5, 046 . 414 SW 47 AO AA 4 . 0 LI n ii 5, 01L_1 . _943 5, 051 . 329 NE 47 On AA 24 . 00n • 8 5, L_15 R . 9 5 8 5, 062 . q67 t'NW4.3 004141 7 5, 0119 . i' 19 5, 014= . 145 _E 4.3 00 AA 1J • 0 [i 9 5, 045 . 804 5, 07,L7. . 243 NW _ = AA LILT i—Fi fl 14. '-1 . 8 5, W:'n , '7:q2,7 5, 027 . 5q4 5w 47 On On 45 . r,40 1 L_i 5, 014 . 677 5, 042 . 864 514 47 '3A AA n L100 9 5, 016 . 171 5, LI 3 . 0 6 SW 7 1. 06 04 45 . 310 11 5, 000 . 002 cl 4, 599995 _ NW 4' LI 01 00 5 .000 10 5. L_1.1_.1 . q 27 5, 019 . 79F, 1 5, A00 . 0A0 5, 0 E_1 LI _ ki L1 L_i W 47 AA AO 2'_� . L 1:1L SE r.t, 53 28 11 5, L_1O[ . LI49 4, 99': _ 5l'7 . 004 CLOSING LINE 243 . 590 DIST TRH'.! . 1 5, L_i L_1 ki , 0 t_i ki 5, 000 . 00n 5_9, 149 . 342 PRECISION • 5E _ = LIO 00 1 .414 CLOSING LINE AREA 2754 SF . 0632 ACRES 233 . 120 DIST TRAV 164 . 841 PRECISION AREA 2482 SF . 0570 ACRES . . . - -� CORRECT FROM �� ��j. • NW = LI►I LILT . 14 . 140 ✓ 7/dt *:**: :*::#::#: = : MAP CHECK **$::#: ::#:**:#::#::#: . LI0r CLOSING LINE 1 ' 5, [0n . LILI0 5, 000 • L_10k1 221 . 700 DIST TRH'„' 40, 041 . 925 PRECISION ' 2 NW5: 0ir,1 . 496 4, 978 . q47 AREA 2512 SF . 0577 ACRES NE 71 06 04 50 . Gi4I41 3 5, D77 . r,41 5, 02F. . 251 ' • SE 18 53 56 r,5 . Llkin • 4 5, 016 . 195 5, 047 . 705 SW 71 L_16 A4 ' 5LI • LILI0 5 5, A0L_t . LI0LI 5, 0AL_1 _ 00IL_1 1 5, 000 . 00A 5, LIOA . AAR NE 0 L_t G 00 • 0 . 000 CLOSING LIME 230 . D0D DI:ST TRH'.' PERFECT CLOSURE AREA 3250 SF . 0746 ACRES • L: f 1 5. 000 . 000I 5, k_10 0 . 0On /"f NW 42 nCi 00 r.r, _ 4_i 4�1 2 � , 04q . 107 4: 9 5 5 7 8 4 :#:: :#::#::#::#::#::#:*:#: hl F1 F' CHECK *********** 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 _ 5 . 03.3 . 5r, 4, q54 . 970 NW 42 00 00 78 . 720 NE 4_; 00 00 42 . 00n 5 . 05 . 500 4, 947 . 326 4 5, 061 . 672 4, 986 . 182 NE 4: On 00 60 • G_ikiE_i RE 42 00 00 4 . 0O0i 5: 098 . 648 " 4, 991 . 9155, 043 . 836 5, 002 . 241 SE 42 00 AA 17 . 000 SW 48 OA AA • 12 . 00n 4 5. N 6 . 015 5, 002 . 290 6 1: 0 5 . 80f' 4, q92 . 323 SW 48 00 00 13 . 00n SN 3 G_i0 00 14 . 140 5 5, 077 . 31r. 4. 993 • 52'? i =. 412 1 68 4: 1 2 5_• :_:W ? AA AA 15 .560 RE 42 00 AA 6 _ Ci00 6 5, 061 . 7 4;992 . 81c 1 J: 01 . 22 . q9h c'1CG. RE 42 00 00 1;6 . 0 I_i =;W 4R 00 AA 5 . 000 7 5, 012 . 670 5, 037 . 031 5, 013 . 882 4 , 992 8r 2 W 71 06 04 39 . 140 SE 4.2 00 00 48 . 170 4. ''a4ti G4 5: 000 . 001 10 4, 978 . 084 5: 025 . 1 1 4 1 5: 000 . 000 5: 000 . 000 SW 71 06 04 28 . 270 11 4, 968 . 928 4. _9_?3 . 36_: NW 6 48 10 . 007 CLOSING LINE 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 00n 289 . 500 GIST TRAV • NE _ 0 0 22 40, 727 . 713 PRECISION 31 . 115 CLOSING LINE 261 . 220 CAST TRAV AREA 3579 SF . 0822 ACRES 8 . 395 PRECISION AREA 1412 SF . 0324 ACRES -CORRECT FROM 2 NE 3 00 00 ✓ 15 . 560 SE 32 55 29 • 006 CLOSING LINE 261 . 220 CAST TRH. 43, 235 . 233 PRECISION AREA 2866. SF . 0658 ACRES 1.---64- gj'7 - .. . .... ---- - - ***:*:*:*:*::> *4: MAP CHECK *::#* ::#::#::#:;#:*: :;#: „9 1 I J 1 5, 000 . 000 5: 41Gf41 . 4_1 14_i NW 42 00 00 77 . 36A '*4*:*:#::#:4**: MAP CHECK ********* * , 2 5, 057 . 490 4: 34:_ . ?6 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 HE 4 ; 00 00 60 . 000 J . 5. 097 . G'C. 4. __+�_+•- _ -,5 NW 4200 004 ; . 1i•4_1 2 5, 075 . 797 4: 967 . 768 L• .1 E 42 410 4_1O 17 . 000 4 5, 115 . 004 5, 004 . 200 NE 4 R 00 00 5 . 000 5, 079 . 143 4: 9i' 1 . 484 _;W 004r; AA 00 13 • 000 • S 5 . 1_1 i F, . ?4J 5 4, 994 . 539 NW 42 AA 00 6 . 000 4 5, 043 . 602 4, 911.7 . 469 SW 7-7. AA 041 1 5 . 56C1 6 5 , 050 . r"1_,•f' 4, 997 . 725 N C� ,4 4. 3 A0 F_i 11 14 . 140 ----- 5 5, 029 . 481 4, 966 . 729 RE 42 AO AA i;4 . 72A NE 00 41L1 1 1411 �. 5,, 4=i1 t•�-41 5, Fi';' . 4_i-?1 h 5, 037. 511 4, 975 . 647 W 71 06 04 3 4, _9 99 9 9'% 5, 000 . 001 NW 42 AA AA 24 . AA0 ____ 7 5, 055 . 346 4, 959 . 587 1 5. AAA . 0410 5: 0000 . 000 NE 48 AO 41 L_1 1_: , 4_i k14_i 8 5; 4_i r,f ?a 1 4, 972 . 964 f'�11 6 4:� 4_i_=+ . 00; CLOSING LINE 3E 42 ki i 4141 107 . 760 286 . ;`80 GIST TRAY 9 4, 987 . 607 5, 044 . 802 40: ?45 . 1 1:= PRECISION S W 71 kit=, A4 48 . 920 AREA ?5?ki SF . A810 ACRES10 4, 971 . 761 4, 998 . 519 1 5: 110 . 000 5: 000 . 000 —_-_.. / NE ; 00 0;' 28 . 277 CLOSING LINE :*:***** **:#: MAP C:HEi:k:: :#:*::#:*::#::#::#::#*; 4: 283 . 590 GIST TRAI! 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 10 . 029 PRECISION NW 42 41A AA 11,4 . ;r 0 AF:EA 267R SF . 0606 ACRES 2 5: 0148 . 0196 4, 955 . 5,_94 , CORRECT FROM 4 NE 4_141 L�4�1 HE 3 00 11 1 14 . 140 ✓ 3 5 , 01; 15 . 560_ . t,1_� `�, �5i" 541_: SE 16 24 40 NE 48 4_10 411 4 . 001A t00i , .CLOSING LINE 5_ 1- 1 . ?,8 ,- 83 . 590 GIST TRA',! 4 � . 411 4, _=� 4_1 1 4_i2: 5 4 t, . 15�� PRECISION SE• 42l 14_1 4=i 4� 4 . 4'14_14_i 5 5, 077 . 907 5, 004 . 779 AREA :ter, 1 . SF . 0831 ACRES SW 48 0A 013 0041 1� . r, 5, 065 . 873 4. 9 5 . 62 1a 7 0 0i 00 14 . 140 . 7 5, 051 . 753 4. 995 . 1'22 • RE 42 AO AA 6 . A 0 A 8 5, 047 . 294 4, 999 . 136_ SW 48 AO 00 5 . 000 9 5, 043 . 948 4, 995 . 421 SE 42 00 O41 46 . 810 141 5, 410 1t 5: 4=i _'E . i'4-1 • SW 71 06 04 • ' f'ki 11 5, 11410 . 015 4; 999 _ 99 Y 1 5, 000 : 000 ,j 5, 000 . 000 SE ,-` 5529 . 006 CLOSING LINE 258 . 500 GI'CT TRH'.! • 42, 785 . 098 PRECISION AREA 2831 SF . 0650 ACRES Lhf '.21 ..-'- II 9.t) Vi **** :****:#: MAP L:HECk:: :#44::#::#:4.:#::4::#::#::$: 1 r , U 0 A , 0 0 0 5; 4_1 L_t 0 - 4_i L_i 4_i :$ ::#::f :*:#::t:U: MAP CHECK :#:*:#:*: :;#:*:*::#:$: NH 3 16 14 58 . 000 1 5, 0014 • 00A 5, 1A04_14_14_i 5 kij;' • ' 41r, 4, 9' r, , r191 t �� AOMi An46 . R10 NE 41 43 46 15 56A 5, 034 . 787 i'r:7 4. r8, . r.78 3 c, 0r.9 . c13 5• 0A7 . 048 NE 48 AA Mi Mi Mi Wt Mi' 3 5 , 038 . 132 4, 972 . 394 5, 071 . 914 4 t�l E _:r. 43 :}r, '�-";_ . 4_1 L_i Lei c 0 4_: • 9 8 A NH 42 kilo AiAi F. . ono J SE 3 16 14 24 . 000 4 5, A42 . 591 4, 968 . 779 c 5, A47 . 957 5, 050 . 349 NE 3 00 ► A 14 . 144_i ✓ SW - 6 43 46 12 . 00A C 5. 056 . r' 1•2 4.. 969 . 1 1 9 5, 047 . 269 - - NE 48 00 00 1 . Mik14_i . __i SW 41 43 44614 . 144=1 . , 0F.4 . i�41 4: 1r,�_ . 4=1'�7, 7 5.,n 6 711: 5, 02R . 957 NW 42 00 00 24 . 000✓ SE 3 16 14 1; 0QA 7 5, L_182 . 577 4: 91;1 . 97E: .. c 9 . 299 NE 48 00 OA 1 E: 000`. - - SW 86 43 46 5 . 000 5, 094 . 621 4, 975 . 354 y 5, 030 . 440 5, 024 . 307 E 42 OA OA 1 01,, . nWk_1 SE 3 16 14 29 . 00n 9 5, 015 . 848 5, 046 . 282 10 5, 001 . 488 5, 025 . 962 SSW 71 06 04 4 . 9 L_iJ _;W 86 43 46 2r. MI 0A 1 A 5, 000 , A0.' 4, 999 . 999 . 11 5 . M'1L_1Mi . 4104 5, 4_iA4_i . E9L=14 1 5, 000 . 0 0 5, 0A0 . 000 1 5, 0A0 . 000 5, 000 . 00A SE 16 24 40 SW 41 43 46 . 003 CLOSING LINE 13 it CLOSSING LINE 280 . 870 GIST TRAV 231 . 700 GIST TRA'. 101 , 562 . 605 PRECISION 40, 041 . 861 F'RECISION AREA 3560 SF . Ci81 7 _ACRE:; AREA 2512 SF . 0577 ACRES 1, 01,- I')0 ,...----- 1 Ld4 .e.7Z4 '''7'' ********** MAP CHECK **4-******** :**:*-*:*:**:#: MAF' CHECK * *$::#::#::#:*.t.:#* 1 5, nnn . 000 5, 000 . 000 1 5, 000 . 000 , einn . n0A NW____--3 16 14 :r. L1k-' NW 16 14 48 . 12A ��.?__ `1, L=1:�� • :�r.L�i 4) 995 . 094 5, 048 . 042 4: _�'97 . 255 NE 36 4' 46 r.41 . 0L_i0, NE 86 43 46•� c . 00iL_i— 3 ck1 C 5 , MiL:'� - fir:? 5, 4+54 . y'�G 3 : 4L •i� .a 7 : C1G12 . 247 SE ' 16 14 17 . 00A NW 3 16 14 • r. . 0i0A 4 r, M1i'2 . '11 5, 055 . 966 4 5, 054 . 317 5. 001 . 304 . W 86 43 46 13 . nno NE 41 43 46 14 . 140 5 5 . 43171 . 569 5, 042 . 987 5 5, 064 . 870 5, 011 . 316 -. 41 �# . •- 1 Gr.L�i, NE 86 43 46 1 . Mik_1M1 6 5, 059 . 957 5, 032 . 630 6 5, 065 . 554 5, 027 . 29F. E _ 16 14 58 . 000 NW 3 16 14 24 . 000 7 5, AR9 . c 1 r 5, 021 . 927 5, 002 . 051 i 5, 075 . 979 SW 86 4.3 46 'r. , MiMiE-1 NE 86 47 46 1:_ . A00 4, 999 . 997 4, 999 . 998 U 5. n9ki . 542 5. Mi39 . _`i8 4_1 V_i . L_i ki VJ �, 4j 41 L_1 , 4 t 4�kj `-'E _ 1 6 1 4 7 5 . 5 4 0 1 `� 5, 015 . 125 5, 044 . 208 NE 41 43 46 . 004 CLOSING LINE- W 71 n6 04 46 . 730 85 . .te r',0 GI.1T TRAY 10 i� 4, 999 . 997 78, 218 . 049 PRECISION 1 5. 001 . 001 5, 000 . 000 AREA 3564 SF . 0818 ACRES . NE 17 11 40 . 011 CLOSING LINE " • 249 . 530 DIST TRAY 22, 502 . 792 PRECISION AREA 2904 SF. . 0667 ACRES Lf. 1'4a V, :: :#:*'.**: ::#::#::#: r 1 A P CHECK **:*:#: ::#::#::#::#::#:;f: 1 5, 00A . A0A 5 , ci1-1 Pl . 17141E_1 NE ji 171171 no 24 . 00A 2 5, A 4 . E_i00 c, 000 • AA0 %,7 1.......------ J L NE 45 On OA 1 fl . r.c.iA , 3 5, A 77 . _ 2 3 5, 013.. _9 3 **. *4:::*: *: HAP CHECK :#:*::#::#::#::#::#::#::#::#::#: NE 0 001 17i 4i c''-� _i r_4_1 1 j: 0 0 0 . 19 0 4a c: 0 4_14_1 4_1 4_1 0 . 4 c: 045 . 5n3 5. 013 . 9•- NE A AO On 94 • Ak14_i SE 30 AO An 2 . 4r.4_i 2 c: 094 . 000 5 , 000 171171E 5• r_ A45 . 54_i' 5, 01i• . 8 _ . SE 90 AA AA 5 .?4E_i NE E_i E_i O1 4_i O1 '3 . 4 41 35, 094 . 000 c c t. 5, A74 . 927 , A i'4 . 4 3 c, E_f 1 7 =` _�c, E_i•1_� . =, 4_i SW 45 171E AO r. 9 :171 NE 45 AA OA E 9 0 4 5, A74 . 922 5 , n E ter_,` -, 5 , 094 . 001 5, 036 . 461 SW 0 AA 00 29 . ,PA SE CIA AA AA 25 . PIRA r c k1 c i54 2 , E_1'r, 2►=.2 5, 094 . 001 5, 061 . 541 NW 90 AO OA 3 . 460 :jW 45 AAA 00 42 . 190 6 5, 4_i45 . 50 5, 4_1: •' c.,=' A; c: 0r.4 . 1N.8 5: 031 . i'0117. - _ W A OAAO �:_�E_iSW 0 00 O0 7 . 580 7 5, 077 . 92'2 5, A32 . R02 10 5, k_i74 . 37 5 . A31 . 7A8 SW 45 GA AA 19 . 6'90 NW 901 OA AO 3 . 460 . 460 8 5, G` 939 c = 11 5, A74 . 778 5, A28 . 248 _ . �� 0 no4�11717 . 58A SW 0 AO An4 . 000 9 4 , 99 999 c . N 1�: • 8 f.; 1 5, 0 6 . _ c - �+� 45 AA AA ;# ty171 NW 'IAA 00 00 . 1 . _ 4_i -5 14_1 4, 999 . 999 4: 999 999 13. 5. 0"23 . 344_i 5, 024 . 79A - - - - - - SWA AOAO27 . 34A 1 5: N00 . 000 5, n00 . 4_1001 14 r: 000 . 000 5, A 4 . i 90 • NE 45 AO AO • . 001 CLOSING LINE NW 90 AA OA 24 . 79A 2 79 . 350 GIST TRAY 15 5: AAA • 01714,E c, A0A . 000 293.. 297 . 914 PRECISION 1 5, 00k_i • 000 5, :1001 . 171k14_1 AREA 3002 SF . 06.09 ACRES SW 45 OA 1710 . 000 CLOSING LINE 272 . 250 GIST TRH',, 2: 232: r 4 . G44 ' PREG IS I ON . AREA 1992 SF . 0457 ACRES • • L-14 " _ • . ._. . *:*::#***:*::#:: * MAP CHECK: ::#:$:;#::#:;#::#::#::#::#::#: L I 1 5. 400 . 000 5, 000 . 000- ********** MAP CHECK. -**$::$::$:;$:$::$::$::$: NW 25 AA AO . 1 000 1 5,000 . 000 - c 5 . E1 k�L_i F_1 Ei k1 _�: F_i10i . it, 4, 994 . 929 NW 25 Lj F_t ki to 'c . 4 r,A 5, 022 . 498 5, 019 . 852 ,L4, 985 . 014 NH 25 00 00 12 . FIEi4_i NE 0 00 00 4 . 780 c 5: 0 t• . 629 4. 98t• . 649 4 Li: F_i_ _ . 'r •_ 5: 014 . 781 SW r15 F=1 F_i k1 Fj 13 . 170 N W 2 5 A O 00 f . 5 A 5 5, Ei'�r . _O 5, 002 .845 `1 5, 043 . 499 4: _�1 . 445 NW 25AAAA • NE f=,5 OA 00 3 . 460 t 5 F_1' t_1G;J , '�'�i' t1J-' .i _� . 044 . 961 4: 91 r• . 5R1 NE k� 00OAi' 4_i NW 25 AO 00 29 . 42n r 5, 043 . 519 : �-t=1'=1 1;' • 5, 071 . 625 4. _�i' 1 4 r f G•� 5 AA4_i F_� ? . 5 F_1 N E `F_1 O A 0 F_1 42 . 650 c c' - i 56111 . 703 4, 98R . 775 NE r.5 OAAn ^ . 4r_,Ei HE r.5 OA AO 14 . AA0 9 5 . 0 5 1 . 8 5 1 4: 9_9 9 . 1 5. 1 1 i' F Ei �i: L_i ki 1 . 4.` 1 i-:Yi NH 25 On00 _ . 4`41 SE 25 AA AO 11 . 410 _"i _ c 1NE 2A AA 00 42 . 190 SW k_i AO AA 42 . 190 1 1 5, 1 1% . 161 5, 001 . 176 1 S: F=�E? r'? ' 4, 991 . 815 RE 'c AOOA1 L 1,7. 59n RE 25 AA F O 29 . 420 12 c: F_ir=1 . 55i' 5. L_1�}t, . 11 5: 040 . 969 5: 004 . 249 51 SW 65 A01• AA7 . 46A r.5 SW An An L_iki i - 1 3 5: 000 . 0014 . 5, 000 . 001 1''- 5. F9'"_� . 5E1 i� 5. L_1F91 . 1 11 1 c SE i_5 AO AO 7 . 5R0 13 5, 072 . 637 5. 004 , ?1 i' SW 2A • An AA --- - R14 2A A0 OA 4 . i' RA 004 CLOSING LINE 14 5 . 028 . 146 5 , 00 . f'• 322 . 070 D I ST TRAV SE 25 1:1A AO 12 . 380 81 : 1 5 . 89 PRECISION ION 15 : 01 r . _l 6 . 5, 007 . 914 AREA 3041 SF . 0698 ACRE NE r•5 AO 00 17. . 1 F=1 16 5, 022 . 491 .c1 . 01_i . h SE 25 00 E141 12 . 000 SW 665 00 AA f' . 54_1A 18 4: '999 . 9_94 4, 99q . 998 _ 1 5. 000 . 000 5, E1k_10 , 010E NE 20 AO 00 . 007 CLOSING LINE . 301 . 240 D I ST TRAV 45, 025 . 284 PRECISION AREA 2083 SF . 0478 ACRES • • U-1- lam' • *****:**:#:*$: MAP CHECK ***:#::#::#::I::#::#:*:#: 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 LO+ lot NW 25 00 00 5, 021 . 751 4. ,_.� 57 ********** MAP CHECK *****$::#::#:;#::#* N E 20 4_14_i 4_i 0 1'a . 5 9 0 1 5, 000 . 000 5, C�k14_7 . 4_i 14�1 5, 040 . 254 4, ~36 . 5'�' NW 25 00 '41k1 94 . 000 �� 2500AA ,' 5 4-1 • 5, 085 . 1q3 4, 9 6 0 . 2 r 4 4 5, 047 . 124 4, 997 . 728 NE 65 AO 4_141 CC . 340 NE 65 004_1 l_i _7 . 46A 3 5, 108 . 581 5, 010 . 429. 5, 048 . 5816 4,a196 . 524 SW 2 N Gd .'_5 001 1 2,� . 4 Ci 4 5, 0R7 . 228 .. 4�=' 8 , 4_141 1 . k�1 E 25 00 00 29 . 4c4_i . r _�ti 4_i c J, 056 . 564 5 '5 H E n An 4_i 4_1 1, 4_i 1 r. _I f- 5, 100 . 602 4, 993 . 318 SW 65 00 ao 3 . 46n c 6 5, .055 10'2 5, 010 . 499 NE . r,_I AO 00 25 . 410 - 5, 111 . 341 • 111 . •J41 5, 016 . 347 sE 25 5, 013 . 702 7 . c;:41 7 54_148 72 c 1 L . 702 9 5, 071 . 263 5, 001 . 760 SW 2n 00 On _a 1 t,4 4_i SE 25 00 k14_1 2'� .. .`4_i 5, 0-2 . 73n 5, 00R. 98 6 1 A 5`E144 . 6001 5, 014 . 194 • SE 25 00 NO 24 . 000 9 �'5 5, 017 . 111 S W r 5 [_i 0 00 _ 4 6 4� 5, 007 . 97R , �14-1;' -� 11 5, 043 . 137 5, 011 . 058 SE25AO007 . 580 10 4, 999 • 99's 5, 000 . 000 12 5, 036 . 268 5. 014 . 261 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 N 20 00 00 4 . 780 - 13 5, 4_i?1 . 776 5, 112 . 62 NE �41 00 4 1 . 001 CLOSING LINE SE AO0027 . 46A 279 . 350 D I ST TRH'•,' 14 5, 010 . 514 5, 022 . 541 293, 295 . 998 PRECISION SW 65 00 00 24 . 870 15 5, 000 . 003 5, 000 . 001 AREA 3002SF 685 ACRES 1 5. 000 . 000 5 , 000 - 000 SW 2n 00 OA . 004 CLOSING LINE 272 . 76N GIST TRHV 74, 213 . 921 PRECISION AREA 2004 SF . 0460 ACRES • Lod- (°z vv 4***:#::*:$:4*:*: MAP CHECK :* :**:*: .* t::4 :#::#: 1 5 , 1011 , 0111 5 , R11 . 414113 NW r,41 AA AA 1 _ ki ki E_i 5, 4 41;_; . S0R 4, 985 . 278 NE 7 A 4141 AA 12 C14_10 5, 019 . 758 4: 1 ti. 4 778 • NW 15 RO 00 15 . 5r,4_i NW r.0 AO 4141 5;S 41410 II c 41r,L 7u�: :�'? 5 1 ,M,�� Iq ✓ NE 2R1 00 001 .ir. , 010141 *:**::*:#: :$:4::#: NAP CHECK ****:#: ::#::#::#:*:#: 6 5: 094 . 955 4, 955 . 521 • -E r,E1 ki�i 00fir. , k1E_14 1 5: UUU Uib41 5, 4�11�1k_1 , 41RO NW r,41 114_i AA R7 . 00A 2 5, 043 . 500 4, '95r `iE 1 5 •4io AA . 42 . 420 :1. . r, 8 5 E_i25 . 9'1 `�, 4115 , 4141ki NE : A RA 4141 4 5 , 41 F_i 1 `.;GJ 24_i onAA ?ki , 4_1414_i 3 5, R82 . 471 4, 947 ..156 9 5, RR0 . 000 5, RG1u • u wi SE r_01 O1A OiA 4;' 41414_i 5, 1.56 , 9i• 1 4, 9J1. , R59 1 5, i4_i1 . u41A _r 4�; A0F_i , 4, 0Ci LE 1` 5�� 5E1 SW A 00 nn F 414141 5, 054 . 6 , 054 . F.41 4 , 985 359 . AAA CLOSING LINE - -� 267 . 990 GIST TRHV SF 60 0141 4141 r, 4i4141 r, c 4: ';';41 crr 4, 644 , 925 . 950 PRECISION 5, 051 . 641- AREA 3115 SF . 0715 ACRESRE 15 OR AA 14 . 140 i 5 . G 79. - , .r;.i 4 :994 15 SW 301 131 010 12 . 1710A l✓,vly SE 60 00 00 24 . 4_i0F_1 • *:* :* :*:*:#:=**: MAP CHECK :1;* : ::#:*:: :#::#::#::#: 9 5 . 015 . 591 • 5, 4_iF_8 . 9c-'; 1 5, 000 . o0o 5. 0001 , E_1oo SW .i01 AO AO 1;-; , 4111E_1 1 A 5, 0A0 . 002 4, 999 . 999 NW 60 001 1111 24 , k1410 2 5, 012 . 000 4, 979 . 215 1 5: 41 F 4_i , 41414_i r HE 3R 4101 AA 12 . 0R0 SE 15 OR OR 5 , 0L2 . 392 4, 985 . 215 . 002 CLOSING LIfaE 258 . 140 GIST TRAY NW 15 OR 0141 14 . 140 4 5, 026 . 05R 4, 981 . 556 120, 873 . 579 PRECISION NH 641 AA AA r , AOA AREA 3137'7 SF . 0720 ACRES 5 5, R29 . R501 4, 97r, , 25'3 NE 30 OR 00 5 _ k141 E_i r' 5, R42 . 281 4: 978 . 8601- NW r,0 141 AA 9 , A0Ci 7 5, 057 . 881. 4, 953 . 745 NE 20 0i0 AA c_r, . 13101 . 5 O'-'E-i • 397 4. 966 . 745 E r,A 4141 41A 5 _ 0111 9 5, 051 . 397 5, 016 . 974 SE 15 111 AA 15 . 560 . 1 R 5: 036 . 67 . 5. 021 . 001 SW 7A 41O AO 42 . 0001 11 4, 999 . 994 5, 00R . 001 1 5, ORO . ORR 5, 4_11144 AA0 NW 15 AA OA . 006 CLOSING LINE • 231 . 700 GIST TRA'. .. 40, 041 . 905 PRECISION • AREA 2512 SF . 01577 ACRES I OL IU") / I . i , :#:** :****** MAP CHECK :#:*:i~ :** ::#::#: ::#: ********:#* MAP CHECK :#::#:$:;#:x::#*$:#.:#.* 1 5, 000 . 0A0 5, 000 , 00Ci _.- 1 5, A0l0 . 000 5, 4_1AA . 000 NW 7 A AO 00 - sA . 02A 5, 0 7 . '68 4, 9 �4 . _06 - NW �'A AA0 J `� 04_iG_i , 2 5, 019 . 827 4, 945 . 498 RADIAL E:RG ( IN 2, OUT) NE 66 46 41 ✓ SW 71 017 49 NW 25 00 AO 15 . 560 7 5 , 033 . 939 4, 938 . 92 DELTA t. 4 21 N8 R• . 1 0 . c_oo '✓ A 9 . 115 C ✓' 9 . 1 13 T 4 . 560 ` HE 20 00 OA' 42 . F_1C10 4 5, 073 . 406 40 4, 953 . 287 TANGENT E:RG IN }• OUT) NW 23 13 19 NW 18 52 11 '_44 70 AO AO 24 :C100 v 5 5. 365 . 19E 4, 933 . i'34 RADIUS POINT 5, l_i74 . 5: 4 5, 025 . A84 SGoa 2A OA 41A 1: . Ci0G_i ,, --- F. 5. D5 . 92 4. 9'2r, . r..30 TRAVERSE CHORD : : NW 21 .02 45 9 . 113 SE 25 00 AO 14 . 140 4 5, 035 . 874 4, 921 . 533 7 5, 041 . 106 4, 932 . 606 HE. 20 ki3 0i0i 53 . 1_.0.- SE 70 AO 00 6 . 330 5 5, A85 . 800 4, 929 . 705 8 5, D39 . A54 4, 938 . 244 SE 70 OA OA 17 . 000 `SW `A AO AA 5 . 000 5 L 5, 079 . 985 4, 955 . 679 9 5, D34 . 356 4, 936 . 534 W 2A AO 00 1 3 . L_10 0- SE 7 A OA AA _-+ . G_10 G_1 7 c 7 9 4, 951 . 233 10 5, 024 . 437 4 563 785 SE 25 OA AO- 15 , 560 SW 20 AO OA 21,7. . 00A 5, 053 . 667 4,:957 . 8U9 11 5, 000 . 005 4, 954 . s92 SE 70 AO 00 58 . AA0 _ 1 5, 010E . 0000 5. 00A . k 130 9 5, 022 . 830 5, 012 . 31.1 SE ^,,9 59 26 SW 20 00 001 26 . 00A., . 45 . 108 CLOSING LINE 1A 5, 000 . 0A1 4, 999 . 999 231 . 700 DIST TRAV 1 5.. 30A , l_1 00 5, 000 . 000 5 . 137 PRECISION SE 57 28 56 AREA 614 SF . 0141 ACRES . 002 CLOSING LINE 281 . 825 DIST TRAV CORRECT FROM 4 SE 70 00 boy 24 . A0A 167. 981 . 922 PRECISION SE 25 A0 01 AREA 3545 SF . 0814 ACRES . 006 CLOSING LINE - • 231 . 700 DIST TRAV . 40, 041 . 883 PREC I'S I ON AREA 2512 SF . 0577 ACRES t+ Ira. ********** MAP CHECK :#***:$: ::f.4:: 4::$: 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 L+ ff ✓ NE 2 53 16 13 . 360 3 5. 05 r. . 5.33 • 4, 934 . 166 ********** MAP CHECK ****:#:: :#*** NE 37_ 00 00 4 : . 440 1 5, 000 . 000 5.. 000 . 000 4 5, 097 . 158 4, 960 . 549 NW 70 001 � :17 . ki{�iki SE 57 00 00 17 . 000 2 5, 4_i11'. . 07.5 4, 955 . 834 5 5: 0G7 . 8rl9 4: 974 . `nr. • NE 4_i 4=1 1 4_1 t�1 4_i l�l ki SW 3' 0 0 0 0 13 . 000 3 5. 020 . 77 4, 957 . 545 F 5, 4_17f_. . 997 4, 911.7 . 726 f��� ;�t�i 4j t_i t_i�1 t, . 41 t_14_i� SE12 00 4_i t_i 15 . 560 1 � -41 _ r,] . 4 5, 022 . R26 4, 951 . 906 �' c. kir i �' {+r _+ NW 00 Oa 14 . 140 / SE 57 00 00 58 . 000 5 , 035 . 641 4, 945 . 931 = 5: 030 . 1 c87 5, 019 . 604 NE 20 00t_i 4_i 1 k14_i t_i •`_�ld _3 4,�4 0 036 . 000 9 r . 999 9 5, 04r• . 917` 4, 950 . L3.J '� 4, 999 . 997 F. NW 70 00 00 24 . 000 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 00n 7 5, 055 . 126 4: 927 . 48'2 f HE 33 41 27 NE 4�1 k00 00. 1R . 000 . 006 .CLOS I NG LINE 1 85072 . 040 .'.07.` . 040 4, 933 . 11.39 2 0 . 650 D I ST TRAV E 70 00 03 7t. t_1o0 (6.0 50: 221 . 17` PRECISION 9 5, 047 . 415 5, 001 . 2911. AREA 3525 SF . 0'1:09 ACRES _:W 20 00 t_iA 45 . 000 10 5: 335 . 12= 4: 985 . 906, 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 SE70 ►=1 1 L- IU I " 14 . 998 CLOSING LINE ********** MAF' CHECK :* : :*;#::#::#::#::#:** 243 . 140 DI T TRH , 1 5, 000 . 000 5: 004_1 . 000 16 . 211 PRECISION NW . 5 7' O n 00 _. . , 171 k14_1 AREA 2462 SF ►i5a5 ACRES5, 071 . 589 4. _951 . 357J CORRECT FROM 8NW 12 0001n1 15 . 560- t E 70 00 0087 . 000 � 3 5 . 04r. • 'r:n'3 4: 948 . 1 r_2 ' G� 5 00 4_i F i NE _3 00 00 4 . 4_i 0 0i . 002CLOSING LINE 4 5, 0R2 . 037 4, 970 . 997✓ 258 . 140 D I ST TRAV -- E 57 00 OA 4 . 000 120, 872 . 810 PRECISION 5 5: 068 . 962 4: 991 . 125/ AREA 3137 SF/ k�7 �� ACRESSW 7.3 4_ici 0E1 1 , 4_iO4_1 F. 5, 058 . 898 4: '9 4 . 5_;'51/ '_;E .12 On 00 14 . 140 c . ICI ri 414, 9R7 . 52.9 SE 57 00 00 6 . 1113Ch. 8 5. 0141 . 799 4: 99 . 561 • :_W -3 1710 00 , 414_10„, • SE 57 nO 00 '29 . F_ 00 10 5, 021 . 811 .. 5..014 . 159 ' SW .33 00 OP' 26 . 000 11 5, 000 . 006 4, 999 . 999 1 5, 000 . 000 5: 04_14_1 . 41Mki SE 12 00 00 . 006 CLOSING LINE 231 . 700 D I.ST TRAV 40, 041 . 973 PRECISION AREA 2512 SF . 0577 ACRES !Ip I/' * :**::$:***4: MAP CHECK: *:*:*:*:*:*::#::#:;#::#::#: 5, 025 . 598 : '+c4� . 5c; ******** * MAP CHECK :#::t 4::#::#::#:;#:*4::#* t'�E _ k1 L_i t_i ki 5 . 000 1 5, ci c1 o . ui L L_i 5: 0 L_i L_i : L_141 L_i L 5: ki :_-! . 'q 1 4, 963 . 706 NW , 60 00 AA `r, . _a;80 NW 5 f' kilo 002 5: 0 1 .�. . 490 4: _�f r . 675 4 5, L=i33 , ki5'.! : _�5 - r NW 15 00 00 29 . 420 . NW1 _' Anon1 - 1 L_i 3 5, 041 . 908 4: 959 . L�2ki 5 5. 046 . 8_a0 4, 955 . 374 SW 75 no An 7 . 46A t E _ _ L=i Fa L=i ki 12 . 000 4 5: 0 4 1 . 0 1` 4 • g r c r•(�J. r• 5 055 . 954 4, 961 . 869 NW 15 ELF OA ;' . _5 I_n t'��� 57 k1 L_1 k1 L_i24 . 000 , 5 5, G_i 4 . L 3 4 4, 963 . 716 �• 5 , 07 0 . 42F. 4 , 941 . 741 NW 50 00 00 1`1 . 6_9A N E 3' k1 L_i �9 L_i 18 . 000 , 6 S, L_15 8 . 1 t__� 4, 946 . E164 8 5, 085 . 122 4. 951 . 545 NW 15 00 SE `_�; AO00 _; L_ik�L ✓ ? 5, 081 . 361 4, q40 . 457 9 5, 037 . 73R 5, 024 . 509 1, k_L ii 24 . 870 NE 75 AO kilo SW 33 AO 00 4� 00ki V '� ` .. '1 r' . 4?•J 10 4, 99_a '_93 5, 000 . 0400 SE 15 00 kilo 23 . 460 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 9 5, 065 . 137 4: 970 • 54 NW 1 kiL_i F_iki RE 60 0000 4 . i'RA . 002 CLOSING LINE— 1L 5, 062 . 747 4, 9 4 . ,7,8 258 . 140 GIST TRH:? _;E 15 on E 0 7 . 520 12ki: c�'3 . 1 kit PRECISION 1 1 5, 055 . 425 4: 9 r,-. 64EY AREA 3137 SF4� .`4� ACRESNE T'5 no on - . :}60 . 12 5. 05F. . 321 4, 979 . 991 11rI ✓ - RE 15 00 4AA {' '2 9 . 4 c_L_i L/'j II1 1 /uu /I 1It 13 5, 027 , 903 . 98Ir . 605 *** ******' MAP CHECK **::**** :;#::f:#::#: SE r.L0 AA ACC 1;50 14 5, 006 . 57R 5 , 024 . 541 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 - - c :SN 75 00 AO 25 . 410 410 NW 15 AAi OL1 -!4 nwI 15 5, 000 . 002 r 7 2 2 _I. 0_'10 . f_-4 i7 4: 9 7 5 . 6 i' 1 - - 1 5, 000 . 000 N E 75 00 00 _ _ 5, 000 . 00A 3 095 :684 . 4, 993 . 908 SE AA AO AA SE 15 Li Li AO . 004 CLOSING LINE 4 01r2 . 501 5, 000 . 1191 2 . 7Gki GIST TRAV E r• � AAkiL_7 74, 213 . 955 PRECISION i9 . 6_0i . 5 5, 062 . 65A 5: L017 . 1 t 1 AREA 2004 SF . 0460 ACRES SE 15 00 00 7 . 580 r. 5, 055 . 335 NE 75 AO 00 3 . 4.r•0 • 7 5: 05r. • 2 30 5, 022 . 475 SE 15 00 AA 2c4 . 420 8 5, 027 . 817 5. 030 . ki_90 SE 1L_.0 00 00 h . _a ;0i 9 5, 014 . 323 5, 053 . 455 SW f 5 00 L 0 55 . 340 10 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 001 • 1 5: 000 . L_iL_iLJ 5: 00Ei . 0k_ik1 NW 59 59 59 . 001 CLO:SING LINE 279 . 350 GIST TRAY 293, 301 . 245 PRECISION AREA 3002 SF . 0689 ACRES • . V V,r Led 117)/lie) r ***** :**** MAP CHECK **44***:#:::;#:$: 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 • NW 60 00 AA 42 . 650 . 1 064 5: k1�1 . .BLS �! r�-+.,•_ , v� 1[4 �' NW 15 nn 00 29 . 420 i ! Fib'! r L4, 955 . 45A . ** •*****" * MAP CHECK *4:***** :#::#* 75 5W�� AOAA _ r.t_i 1 5: 000 . 00n 5, nFin . 041F1 4 5, 048 . 847, 4, 952 . 107 NW F.0 00 On 42 . 190✓ NW 1500 AO 7 . 580 2 5, 021 . 09 5 4, 9r.? . 4t. 5 5, 056 . 169 4, 950 . 146 NW 15 00 00 29 . 42k1 3 NlJ r.t Fin 4=1t 4 . c4=1 5: ► 4_9 . 512 4: 955 . C:4E: 6 5: 055 . 559 4: ' 4r . 006 j 5W 75 nn Fin 3 . 460 .i 4 5: 048 . 617 4, 952 . 506 NW 15 nn An ?:4 r.0 f 7 5, 051 . 219 4, 939 . 934/ l�M NW 15 00 00 . 580. 5 5, 17155 . 939 4: 950 . 544 NW 15 00 00 12 . 000 8 5, 092 . Ric.' 4, 936 . 828 • NE t 5 00 00 27 . 50A 6 5, 05 . 32'9 4, 946 . 404 9 5, n99 . q28 4, 96. . 391: 7 NW 15 00 AA 12 . 350 , E 15 On001 Fint�i 5, 070 . 287 4, 943 . 200 10 5 1.1R 8 , _.'? 4.. 966 . 497 NE 75 AA 0171 13 . 170 W 75AOn4_i 13 . 170 1 1 5 8 . 5! 073 . 696 4, 955 . 921 054 . _��=' 4. 95 77E c f•�G•a 15 AA 4_i t_i 12 . 00A 9 5, 055 . 287 4 , 952 95 . 16 5E 15 00 0n 12 . 350 1 • 5, 072 . 970 4, 956 . 980 5W 75 AO 00 27 . 500 E 60 An AA 4 . 780 .1A 5: 078 . 169 4. 'let. 253 13 5, 070 . 58n 4: 96 1 . 12ki NW 15 00 00 12 . 000 11 5, A89 , 7t. 1 4: 92_ . 147 5E 15 00 AA 7 . 580 14 5! pir.' . .5 : 4, 962 . 081 NE 75 00 00 28 . 4i0l_i -7575k14j 4_it=1 _ r.t_i 12 5! ki_-�7 . nn7 4: _950i 19 NE 15 5, 064 . 154 4: 9t•6 . 4 4' SE 6n nn On 32 .-57,A SE 15 AO 00 ra 4 4_i 13 5.. n50 . f42 4: 9f'8 . 365 16 5: 035 . 7 6 4: 974 . 07:5 • E 15 _- ki t_1 On _ , ci 9 t_i 14 5. 04_1n . n0n 4, 999 . 999. SE 50 AA 00 . 42 . 190 17 5, 014 . 641 5: 0i 10i . 576 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 00n . 000 SE 15 nn On 11 . 410 1�_ c SEbki 00AO. 0F1.3 . 620 5, 013 . 529 , 001 CLOSING LINE • 3n8 . 500 GIST TRAY SW 75 AA A0 ' 14 . 0A0 1'3 4, 993 . 997 5: 000 " 00f; 350, 872 . 051 F'REC I_:ION 1 5, 000 . 000 5: 000 . 000 -, AREA �r 77 SF . 0637 ACRES NW r n An An . 007 CLOSING LINE 301 . 240 GIST TRAY 45: 0'25 . 203 PRECISION AREA . • 2083 SF . . 01478 ACRES; • i01- t.lk / • *:$:**4:*:4:***: M A F' CHECK :#- ::#::#::#: ::::#::##::#: 1 5, 000 . 00A 5, 0 41 0 . 4_114_1 NW 1=A OA 00 2r. , 981 2 5, 013 . 490 4, 976 . 635 NW 15 A4_1 AO 29 . 420 5, 4_i41 _ 94_i'_: 4, 9r,9 , 4_i2ki S W 75 00 1313 - . 4 6 4_i 4 5, 041 . 012 4, 965 . 7R NW 15 00 AO 7 . 580 5 5, 048 . 334 , 048 . 334 4, 963 . 716 NW nk1 00 4_iAl 19 6_a4_1 -. -.. -. _.- ....__..- .,..-- 6, 5, k158 . 11-9 4, 946 . 664 ..- ._.. - NW 15 00 00 24 . 000 ✓0 . ? v'- 7 5 , 4_i_;1 . '51 4, 940 . 45 . - i-r- • *****:$ :4::#::#: MAP- CHECK :::#::t:#::#::#::#::#::#::#::#: NE 75 AO 041 4 .-cr1v0'e( 5: 4_i i . i'_� 4, 964 . 475 1 5, �14111 . AAA 5, 41k143 , 11k14_i E 15AOAA1 ..i ki NW r A 00 00 42 . 190 . J CJ 9 5, Gir.5 . 253 -- . 4, 9 0 . 51t, ', 4=1t1 . 1_195 , 9r,.� r, NW AO 0029 . 790., r,ki Ej 4:1 4_1 l_i :� , ;_;'_��1 � 15_ _ 1 E 062 . 808 8 4, 955 . 752 1 4, 974 . 751 E 1 00AA �' ri ri k� W i'5 00 AA 3 . 46n 11 5, �1ti5 . �'r, 4, 976 . 713 `1 048 . 1 4 4, 52 . 41D1 N E �1 fi 003 . 46n NW 15 F14_t AO ? 5:3 Fi/ 12 r_ r ,ir 5 5 , k156 . 2964, 95A . 448 E 15 0000 ..�''�t=1 NW GA OA AO 4 . 94_i 13 5, 027 . F.07 4, 987 . 765 r. u58 . it 1 'l r, . t 1:3 , �:E r Fi 4_1 i 14_i 42 . 190. N W 1 5t 0 0i 0 0 3� . 4 A - 1�# 5, A06 . 512 5, 02 k i 5, 092 . R77 4: 9, . ki6 1 G� �`5 4_1 k1 RAc 4_1 4� NE i�5 00 00 6 . ;�5 4_1 15 5, 494_iF1 . �1 1 , �14141 . 11(i' - 5, 102 . 389 4, 972 . 564 1 , 41!_14_i . �9 Ik1 : !_1�9k1 , 4,1 14_i RE 15 AO 00 1 4_ii, , 0A0 J' 560A0 . 000 4, 999 . 999 SW 74 56 17 1 5, OUA . 4_iUU1 5.. 04_14_i , 00111 4_i_4_i CLOSING LINE 272 . 330 GIST TRAV 1E 59 59 59 3, 407 . 796 PRECISION . ►0411 CLOSING LINE 266 . 000 GIST TRAY AREA 200 Ai SF . 0459 ACRE'=, 320: 2ti . 35 1 PRECISION CORRECT FROM �NE 75 AO 00 �4 . '�4a 1.- AREA 300.► SF . 0690 ACRES E r,Fi AA 1 . . A00 CLOSING LINE 272 . 25k1 DIST TRA'y 232. r 95, . r 1 A PRECISION AREA 1992 SF . 0457 ACRES - Lot- (Sf V ***$: :***::#: MAP CHECK :#:*::*:#::#::#*$::#::#::#: ' t I I ��'� 1 5, A0 , A0A 5: 4_iki0 . 00A 1 r NW 1GI 00 00 92 . =;10 '✓ 5, 091 . 400 4, 983 . 884 15, 000 . A00 5: ki . ki i • N E : i G 14 L_i Ci r.c 1_i' 3 5, 097 . 978 5, 024_i . 962 NW 60 00 00 42 . 190 5, ►=i' 1 . 095 4, 963 . 462 RE 11 00 00 r,6 . 4?_A 4 5, 032 . 478 5, 03 504 NW 15 00 00 29 4 A 3 5, 049 . 513 4, 955 . 848 :W 75 00 00 = . 210 5 5., A30 . t_,6,f' 5, 071 . 237 SW 75 00 r00 3 . 460 4 5, A48 . 617 4, 952 . 506 LSE 55 00 00 ._ - , 11I-1{_i F. 5, 01:_ . A49 5, 049 . 258 NW 15 00 00 7 . 5R0 c r G_i ccc ti 1'a 5l_1 5:}'1 :_E 1 A AO 00 i' . 50A ,/i 7 4. 990 . 9r,r, 5, G_154 , l_i33 NW 1_.0 AA AA 4 . 78A 6 5, 05=, . -29 4, 94n . 404 SW 68 22 41 . _ . 266G_i 4, 980 . 553 5, 027 . 72 NW 15 00 00 12 . 380 7 5, A70 . 287 A70 `87 4: 943 . 0G_i NW 55 00 00 37 . .900 , 9 4 , 999 . 997 4 , 99.E992 NE 75 AOAA 13 . 170 - - - - - 5, 073 . 696 4, 955 . 921 1 5, A00 . 000 5. 00G_i . I_1010 N NW . 15 00 00 12 . A00 HE 71 21 39 9 5: 085 . 287 4, 952 . 816 . AO88 CLOSING LINE 310 . 800 DIST TRA',' SW 75 00 AA 27 . 50A • 1A 5, 0 R . 11,'9 4, 926 . 25.3 38: 920 . 987 PRECISION NW 15 00 00 12 . A00 AREA 4591 SF . 1054 ACRES 11 5, 089 . 7 60 4, 923 . 147 NE 75 AO OA 5 1 , Ili G_i 0 L 12 5, 11=i __+ . r=.��l 4: 972 " 4 + I CI / �3 E 15 AA AA 1 0 r . 5 9 E_i 13 5, AAO . A02 4: 999 . 997 $:*::#:*:$:**:4: :* MAP CHECK *: ::#::#:$:*:#::#:$::#:* 1 5. I_ikiki . 0011_1 5: 000 . 0i0iA 1 5. N0A . OiUEi 5. C14_in _ 000 SE 60 AO 00 • . 004 CLOSING LINE • NW 10 00 OA 7 . 50Ci 3V2 . 0i70i DIST TRAY 2 5, 027 . 082 4, 995 . 225 81 , 175 . 060 PRECISION NW 55 00 AA -` . G_ik11_i 5. 039 . 701 4: 9 7 i. . 203 AREA 3041 SF . 0698 ACRES NE 35 00 00 = . 21►=i✓ 4 5, 041 . 511 4, 978 . 471 NW 1A AO OA 66 470 • 5 5: 106 . _I71 4. cir.r, , _fi-99- NE 80 AA 0A 72. 910 t/ 6 5: 11"2 . 686 4, _-+'-19 . 339 E 10 AO 00 59 . 71710 +� 7 5: 05 3 . : 9:3 5. 009 . i'05 S N 35 An OA 2 . 21r11 S 5, 052 . A83 5, 002 . 432 SE 55 AO AO -;; . CiL_iF_1/ 9 5, 0 39 . 4r.4 5, 026 . 459 E 1A 00 A0 7 . 5k1Ci 10 5, 012 . 382 5, 031 . 234 `Ga 68 22 41 3 r.klkt , 11 5, 110Ft . el 01 4. 999 . _a9f9 1 5, 0 0i A , 0i 0 G_i 5 . 4_1 A G_i . G_i l_i l_i SE 54 03 .36 . 002 CLOSING LINE 296 . 100 DIST TRH'„ ' 180, _90 . 311 PRECISION AREA 3639 SF . 0835 ACRES . L-04 149 ' I 14- ********** MAP CHECI::: *$:**:#:**:#:*::#::#: 1 5.. 00Li . 00A 5 , k11.i0 • Aon 1 5, 00A . 000 5. 00F_1 _ 1_iAF_1 NW 14 00 00 7 . 5G_1t_i ✓ 2 5. A2F, . 6;_ 4, 99= . 347 NW 10 AO 00 i' . 5Ci0 2 5, 027 . 082 4, _�95 . 225 • NE 21 00 00 , k10A v 5: 045 . 541 5, 004 . 67R NW 55 00 OA 22 . 000 5, 03q . 701 4: '_!i r . ::F_13 NW 5 9 k1 k1 k10 ' 2 . 210 4 5. 04t, . 679. 5, 002 . 784 NE 35 OA AO 2 . 21A 4 5, 041 . 511 4, 978 . 471 NW 14 00 AO 5_a . 0 ,/ 5 5, 104 . 606 4, 988 . 341 NW in i 00 00 71 . 700 . 5 5, 112 . 122 , 112 . 1E.- 4: 3t.6 . 0 .0 NE 7E AA AA 22 . 910 r. 5: 112 . 567 5: 0"20 . 2 3 NE ::0 @4_1 F_A -1 . 350 ` ' E 5: 117 . 56E 4, 99E . 94 _E 14 00 AO EF, . 4i'•U - ? 5. 4_148 . F-1;.` 5. 03F. . _ .54 E 10 AO AA 66 . 520 -- 7 5: 052 . 05t." 5, 008 . 445 RE 53 AO OA 2 . 210 8 5, N4F. . 934 5, 02.R . 248 SE 55 ki4_1 AA 54 . 3A 5, 020 . 951 5, 052 . R68 SW 31 00 00 . 000 `-- 9 5, 028 . 07.6 5, C1 F. . 91.7 W 68 22 41 5F. . _F.G0, 9 5, 000 . 000 5. 000 . k109 RE 14 00 00 2 i' . 5OG_iL,, . 1 O 5, 001 . 393 5, 022 . 570 1 5, 000 . 000 5, k10 A • F_i E_10 SW 87 37 19 37 . 60A NW 86 57 0b 11 4., c.499 . 99�_+ 4, 99 999i: . 009• fLO:SING LINE - - - - - - - - 332 . 370 GIST TRAV 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 38, 128 . 970 PRECISION NE 30 A3 3F. . . 002 CLOSING LINE -- AREA 4022 . SF . 0923 ACRES 296 . 100 GIST TRH4! ✓, i hO: _:09 . 339 PRECISION 4- 1/2 -. r AREA 3F.39 F E1u35 ACRES ****: *:**:#: : MAP CHECK :#:*:*:#:*:#:;#::#: ::#::#: 1 5. G_100 . fl00 5, 000 . 000 ! NE 31 0 OA54 . 2301 f. `. 00b r27 L9 2 5, 046 . 484 5, G_1 i' 931 ********** MAP CHECK *:#:****:#:* ::#::#: NW 14 00 00 F.F. 5 2 ki,.: _ _ • 3 5, 111 . 028 5, 011 . 838 1 5, 00 . 00A 5, 000 . 000 NE 'F. AO 00 72.1 . 25A , NW 14 00 00127 . 500 , • 4 118 . 61 Gi 257 5, ►02F. . 583 4, 993 . 347 RE 14 00 00 71 . 700v NE 31 00 AO 22 . 000 5 5. 049 • 04'2 • 5 . 05, . 602 3 5: 0145 . 541 5 , 004 . 6 7: SE 59 AA AO = . 210 L, NW 59 00 0021 k1 F. 5) 047 . 904 5, 061 . 497 4 5: 0146 . 679 5, 002 . 784� 5W 31 00 AO 61ICIA ,, NW 14 00 00 t.F. . 4r 0 :. 7 5, 012_1 . 046 5, 050 . 166 5 5. 1 1 1 . 1 r 5 4, 986 . 703 RE 14 AO OA 27 . 500v NE 76 AO OA 3; , r,50 5: 002 . 353 5: 05F, R19 6 5, 120 . 283- 5: 023 . `35 W 8 r 77 19 5F. . : F,t=1 E 14 00 00 121 . r'1 0T, 9 5, 000 . 004 5. UI w. u t:_: i 5: 002 . 18 5,. A5.2 . 1.9 1 5, 000 , riFin 5, 171@N . 00ki 514 ^f 37 19 5 . i'3G_1- 5, 004_1 . G_10A 4, 999 . q94 • 5 W 62 57 Or:: . 009 CLOSING LINE 1 5. k100 . 000 5, 000 . 000 332 . 370 DI T TRAV • SE 86 2 5 55 38: 129 . ►023 PRECISION . 406 CLOSING LINE 330 . 270 GIST TRAV AREA 4022 SF . 0923 ACRES 59, 464 . 644 PRECISION AREA 4937 SF . 1133 ACRES • • • ********** MAP CHECK * :** : :**:**:#: 1 5, 000 . 000 5. 000 _ OOE_i *:*::*:*:#::4:***::$: MAP CHECK **:*****:#:*** NE R2 30 00 42 . 190 1 5: 000 . o1o4_i 5: 000 . 000 2 5, 005 . 507 5, 041 . R29 ✓ NE 37 30 OA 1 Nr, . l_i00 ✓ NE 37 30 00 c-.1 . 7 90- 2 5., 084 . 0_95 ' 5, 064 . 529 3 5, 029, 141 5, 059 . 964 E 52 30 AA 36 . is50 " SE 52 30 00 : . 4r,4_i 3 r , 0F. - 84 4 _ . 1 7�3 5: �1�3 n 5, 027 . 035 5, 41n2 . r 0g SW 77 30 AO 35 . 340 NE 3i` 30 00 i 58 r � 4 5, 0 3 . b8b 5, 072 . 171 5 5, 033 . 048 167 3`, SW 82 30 00 4 . 90 HE _` 3A OA 4 . 89A 5 5. 03 . 048 A6,; . 2 65•. 033 . f.8,r 5, 072 . 172 SW 37 3000 7 5RA NE 37 30 00 - 3 . 340 _ NW 52 30 00 ? 460v SE 5 7 5, 029 . 141 5. 0154 . _96,y 8 5. 03ll . 1 1 5, 1 Ur, . 047 SW 37 7A 0A 'a . 790/ SW 37 30 00 24 . A00, 5, A05 . 507 5, 041 . 828 9 5, 018 . 072 5. 0991 . 43`i.' SW = A 010 42 . 190 SW 82 30 AO 1 9 r,90. 9 5: 000 . 000 4 , 994 _ t144 10 5, 015 . 502 5, 071 _ 916 1 5, 000 • 00G_i 5: O1UE1 . 000 sw 77 7,0 Fin ' SR0 11 5 , 00_9 _ 488 5 . 0f ?011 NE 29 55 _ . . 001 CLOSING LINE NW 52 30 00 3 . 460 . 266 . 000 DIST TRH',! 12 5, 011 . 594 5, 064 . 556 320, 289 . 972 PRECISION _W 37 30 00 29 . 4201 • 13 4... 988 . 254 5, 046 . 646 AREA 3006 SF . 0690 ACRES SW 82 30 00 21c, . 9_'0 14 4, 984 . 732 5, 019 . 8c17 NW 52 30 00 8 15 5 000 • 000 5. 0k10 . 000 1 5, 000 . 000 5, An0 . t1AA NE R2 29 52 / • ►000 CLOSING LINE 1./ 272 . 250 GIST TRH':! 2, 232, 769 . 911 PRECISION AREA 1992 ^F . 0457 ACRES • • • •**** :* * MAP CHECK •• :�#::#::#:$::#::#::#: o"' i J1 �(% 1 5, 04_i 4_1 . 0 k14_i 5 , ki i ki . 41 ki ki .$:$: :*:$:$:i:::*:*: MAP CHECK t:#-;#: ::$::#::#::#::1:;#::#: N E = - .' 1 AA `r, . G: 4_i 1 , 4_i 141 . 4 �14� ki 4_14_i , �1 kt 4_i M E 27 ?4=1 0 Rai 14=;6 . 590 NE 37 '4_1 F_14 420 2 5: 0 4 . 5 6 4 5, 4_1 r.4 . :; - - _ 5.. 01?r. • 352 5.. 0144 . 1'.59 E 5 ?w AA F,l . non SE =k1 AO _ 5, n52 . 517 5, 105 . 349 . 4 r 4_i w 27 74_i 00 1 . k10Ci, NE 27 '4_t AAcr, 4 5 , n4:' . 996 5.. 098 . A44 5 5, A'0 . t 69 5, 052 AIR - t'N W 5 30 4_i 0 , . 5 4_i 4_i t E N 4_i AA1 -+ r._�t_i c 5, 4_i r.U , ;3 7 5: 4_1 r'•tE . 2 2, r, 5, 8• •? . 339 5: 71 . 540 V NE 37 4_1 AO1; 5, A51 . 217 5, 068 . 921 f 5, 052 . 780 5, 086 . 150 c E _� .4_1 00 17 . 1 r 4_i,- E 'ki AA1 _t1=1 / i` 5 , 04' . 200 5. Af"9 . 3701 R 5.. 040 . 886 - 5 , 1 A 1 1`q _,�•� 7 •'} .5 0•33 . 3 L 5, 071 . 833� Li 04_; 9 4 . 4_1 A ID ,/ 9 4, 966 . 311 5, 04•3 . "_+A5 SW - • NW c� '4_i AO 55 . 340 95, 032 . 754 '. 5, 067 . ►094 1 A 5, aw4_it_1 , 8o( 5, 000 . A01 7 . 58A W -1 i' 'Fi on 1 5, 4_1k1G_i , 4_1f lki5, A00 . 000 10 5. 4-i 5 . 41 , 4_tl_.2 . 4 A' SW _' ski AO 52 70 00 7 . 460 ` . 001 CLOSING LINE 11 5: 028 . 841` .5, 05q . 735 279 . 350 DIST TRAY -•ld ?;` 0 - - 9 . 4 A 293, 299 . 782 PF'EG I I UPI 1 2 5, 0A5 . 506 5, 041 . 825 AREA 3002 SFG�ir,g4 ACRES N 82 0 00 42 . 190 13 4, q9__+ . '_+9 9 4, _9'9'9 . :_+'9 r. 1 5, 000 . 0A0 5.. 000 , 4_ik14_i NE 82 30 00 . 004 i=LOSING LIME 322 . Ei70 DI' T TRH'.! R1 , 174 . 965 PRECISION AREA 3041 SF . 0658 ACRES • Ld'k- 2/ 1,0 _ _ _ _ . . ********14 MAP CHECK **.*U****** . L-PfE \--)227 11 --/ 1 5, F100 • 000 5, 000 , G1An *:**** :*:4:;r: : MAP CHECK * :: :#: ::#::#::#::#** NE 77 7R RR 11 . 410 2 5, 009 . 0152 5, RR . 94f_. 1 5.. 000 . 000 5.. 000 . 000 NE 52 7Al 00 42 . 1•-90 NE 82 30 00 4 . F..4_i 7 5, 014 . 559 5, 048 . 775 ' 2 5, 005 . 567 0 5, 042 . 285 NE 77 70 no 9 . 4 0 NE 77 7R RR 29 . 4 01 c 9 c L.0 5.. 025 . 907 . o..0 95 � L�, Fi.?,;� .F1ki- _�: kibb . r._•.� _ 1 _ _,E 52 30 AO - 3. 460 5E 52 ?R 00 - . 46F1 5 5, ki r 793 5: 0r.9 . 4 0 4 5, 0'21. . 801 5 , Fir':_ . 94E1 NE 37 ?R OR 7 . 5RA NE 77 'R 00 7 . 5PA r 5, A41 . :4_i i• 5, 074 . 0 44 5 5, 032 . 815 5, F15 . 554 NE 82 ?R RA 4 . 780 NE 82 30 00 4 . 75n i� 5, 042 . 431 5, 078 . 783 F. 5, 033. 439 5.. 0�'•.'_ . '29 NE 77 70 AO 12 . 750 NE 37 7 R 00 • 27 . 460. 5, 052 . 051 5 . 086575 NW 52 70 00 13 . 170 5E 52 jG 00 24 . 57A a 5 A F.k1 . ,_i•F1 5, 075 . 571 = 5, 036 . 911 5. 10►=5 . _06 NE 77 7o 0g 12 . 000 W 77 30 RR 24 . RRO 1A 5, 0r.9 . i••90 5, 0 3 . 1i•5 9 5 , 017 . 8 R 5, RR1 . 1;95 5E 52 70 OA 27 . 500 SW 82 30 00 1 c4 . 590 11 5, 057 . 049 5, 104 . 994 10 5, 015 . 300 5, 072 . 174 SW 77 7 Al g0 35 . 460 SW 77 ^R OR 7 , 5R0 12 5, 024 . c.117 5, 087 . 407 1 1 , 5.. @019 . 287 _ , Fir. 559 W _ - 'A AA 4 . 780 NW 52 30 00 _ • 460 13 5, 024 . 2q7 5, 078 . 662 ' 12 • 5, 011 . 797 5, 064 . 814 R41 77 Al A0 f . 580 SW 77 70 00 2`-? . 4'20 14 5, 018 . 279 5, 074 . 053 13 4.. 958 . 052 5, Ai41:7. . 905 . NW 52 30 OA 26 . 980- _ 3 . 460 ��G� ;�;':_ �4_i 4_14� 15 5, 0'2@ . 38,E. 5, 071 . 308 14 4, 984 . 531 5, 020 . 155 SW 77 ^R 00 .9 . 420 NW 52 30 00 25 . 410 1 r. 4, 997 . 045 5.. N5? . 399 15 5, 0001 . 000 J 4, _999 . 99r. SW 82 ?R 00 42 . 650 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 0►J0 . 000 17 4, 991 . 478 5, 011 . 114 NE 7A go NW 52 0i OA 14 . 000 . 004 CLOSING LINE 1S 5, 000 . 001 5, 000 . 007 272 . 760 GIST TRAV 1 5: 0i0i0 . 0001 ' 5, 000 . UEIU1 74, 213 . 677 PRECISION SW _2 3A 00 AREA 2004 SF . 04i.0 ACRES . 007 CLOSING LINE ._ 01 . 240 GIST TRAV 45, 025 . 195 PRECISION • AREA 2053 SF . 0478 ACRES - - v/ a L /f3 6! - ********** MAP CHECK *********** 1 5, 8@O . OU0 5, 00n . 00O NE :2 30 00 26 . 9R0 - 2 S\883 . 522 5, 02G . 74 9 NE 77 3O 00 29 . 428 * 3 5. 02G . GG2 5, 044 . 659 SE 52 30 On 3 . 468 z 4 5. 024 . 756 5. 1;147 . 404 NE 37 3O 00 7 . 580 / 5 5, 030 . 769 5, 852 . 018 NE 82 30 00 19 . 690 6 5, 033 . 339 5, 071 . 548 NE 37 30 88 24 . 000 7 5. 052 . 38§ S, 0SG . 158 SE 52 28 00 • 18 . 880 S 5. 04O . 88G 5. 101 . 129 SW 37 3O 00 94 . 000 9 4.. 966 . 311 5, 04 3 . 905 NW 52 30 00 55 . 348z in 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 001 1 5, 000 . 000 5, 000 . 000 SW 82 30 OO . 001 CLOSING LINE 279 . 350 DIST TRAV 29 3, 299 . 782 PRECISION AREA 3002 SF . 0689 ACRES I ? 5 t::.. W. IVI. i • . . . ___._ _._..... . .... . ._ . ! . . . • • • ,! .• . . - d• • ( , i . • /II . . • i• k 1 ' ' ( . • '7. \_1)-i.• r ,I . , ,•In-l-31.114 • . • ( / . . • , s .i, • • • • • , --irliGII,T-or....wAy. . . . • ., , i I i . 4- .-. ...---?i O • A .. . _ . 3 0 • %• '.......— . . . ..f .._ . _ 5. I 4i 1 I I i —••••••--- 2% I I i 2 6/.. ------• • • : . .. '• \.1.)),..0/77.. % . • • ; ! •„....V.......•.1 L.. . 0 •-,r. ..7' I'• kr?7111211/o1/=11/11/21/01/servociavviiilvalrer.f!an," 71•:"crrC.:•;•.•••7s7:',!-T7,:,77. a.. YU. ..: 70v:!--)iiiit-o,-6.711ini---i.V: r ct -- N? - 4e;;.;''7t. -7,-Aiiii;N&ri-RariiivIva.4A-24i;-(7-sitIA4f . s 27 ASPHALTIC _CONCRETE' CL, B • • H . d- • - al • I 5n CRUSI IEDSURFACI NG. . Top 1_COPR E 11.5. 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I./.'...t\•\ 4..-`1%. \ A.. iI e , I , ' ' , 4 I •1 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF CEDAR RIDGE KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 1 • • TABLE OF CONTENTS TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF CEDAR RIDGE KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Page DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND 1 ARTICLE 1 : INTERPRETATION 2 1 . 1 Liberal Construction 2 1 .2 Declarant is Original Owner 2 1 .3 Captions 2 1 .4 Definitions 2 ARTICLE 2: OWNERSHIP OF COMMON AREAS 4 ARTICLE 3: PROPERTY RIGHTS 4 3. 1 Owners ' Easements of Enjoyment 4 3. 2 Delegation of Use 5 3.3 Parking Rights 5 3.4 Unintentional Encroachment and Amendment of Site Plan 5 ARTICLE 4: OWNER'S ASSOCIATION 5 4. 1 Establishment 5 , 4. 2 Form of Association 5 4.3 Membership 6 4 .4 Voting 6 4 . 5 Meetings, Audits , Notices of Meetings 7 ARTICLE 5: MANAGEMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION 8 5. 1 Management by Declarant 8 5.2 Management by Elected Board of Directors 9 5. 3 Authority and Duties of the Board 10 5.4 Board Organization and Operation 10 ARTICLE 6: INDEMNIFICATION FOR PERFORMANCE OF DUTIES 11 6. 1 Indemnification 11 6.2 No Personal Liability 12 ARTICLE 7: OBLIGATIONS OF OWNERS 12 7. 1 In General 12. 7. 2 Specific Duties 12 7. 3 Restrictions on Storage 12 , ARTICLE 8: OBLIGATION OF THE ASSOCIATION 13 8 . 1 Duties of Association 13 8.2 Power of Association 14 i Page ARTICLE 9: COMMON EXPENSES AND ASSESSMENTS 15 9. 1 Estimated Expenses 15 9. 2 Payment by Owners 15 9.3 Initial Regular Monthly Assessment 16 9.4 Increase of Monthly Assessment by Board 16 9. 5 Accounts 16 9.6 Owner' s Share 16 9.7 Omission of Assessment 16 9. 8 Records 16 9.9 Declarant Liability 16 9. 10 Lien Indebtedness 17 9. 11 Notice of Creation of Assessment Lien 17 9 . 12 Certificate of Assessment 17 9. 13 Foreclosure of Assessment Lien; Attorney' s Fees and Costs 18 9. 14 Homestead Waiver 18 9. 15 Curing of Default 18 9. 16 Rights of Board - Waiver of Owners 19 9. 17 Purpose of Assessments 19 9. 18 Assessment Deposit 19 9. 19 Continuing Liability for Assessments 19 ARTICLE 10: COMPLIANCE WITH DECLARATION 20 10. 1 Enforcement 20 10.2 No Waiver of Strict Performance 20 10.3 Right of Entry 20 ARTICLE 11 : MORTGAGEE PROTECTION 21 11 . 1 Priority of Mortgages 21 11 . 2 Effect of Declaration Amendments 21 11 . 3 Right of Lien Holder 21 11 .4 Change in Manager 22 11 . 5 Abandonment of Planned Unit Development 22 11 .6 Change in Declaration or Bylaws on Ratio of Assessments 22 11 . 7 Changes in Manner of Architectural Review and Maintenance Within Project; Insurance and Use of Proceeds 22 11 .8 Payments by First Mortgagees 23 11 . 9 Copies of Notices 23 11 . 10 Effect of Declaration Amendments 23 11 . 11 Inspection of Books 23 ARTICLE 12: EASEMENT 24 12. 1 Association Functions 24 12.2 Utility Easements 24 12.3 Access to Public Streets 24 ARTICLE 13: TERM OF DECLARATION - COMPLIANCE WITH RULE AGAINST, PERPETUITIES AND RESTRAINTS OF ALIENATION 24 ii Page ARTICLE 14: AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION 25 14. 1 Subsequent to Close of First Escrow 25 14.2 Prior to Close of First Escrow 25 14. 3 Amendments to Conform to Lending Institution Guidelines • 25 ARTICLE 15: PARTY WALLS 26 15. 1 General Rules of Law Apply 26 15.2 Sharing Repair and Maintenance 26 15.3 Destruction by Fire or Other Casualty 26 15.4 Weatherproofing 26 15. 5 Right to Contribution Runs with Land 26 15.6 Arbitration 26 ARTICLE 16: ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL, USE ETC. 27 16. 1 Alteration 27 16.2 Residential Use 28 16.3 Nuisances 28 16.4 Restriction on Further Subdivision 28 16.5 Garbage and Trash Removal 28 16.6 Pets 29 16. 7 Signs 29 16.8 Rental Lots 29 16. 9 Zoning Regulations 29 16. 10 Business Use 29 16. 11 Temporary Residence 30 16. 12 Antenna 30 16. 13 Easement Protection 30 6 1 . 14 Storage 30 ARTICLE 17: INSURANCE 30 17. 1 Insurance Coverage 30 17.2 Owner's Additional Insurance 32 17. 3 Insurance Records 32 17.4 Additional Provisions 32 17. 5 Reconstruction 33 17.6 Common Area 33 ARTICLE 18: CONDEMNATION OF COMMON AREAS 33 18. 1 Consequences of Condemnation 33 18.2 Proceeds 33 18.3 Complete Taking 33 18.4 Partial Taking 34 18.5 Reductions of Condominium Upon Partial Taking 35 ARTICLE 19: DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION OF COMMON AREAS; RECONSTRUCTION 36 19. 1 Initial Board Determinations 36 19. 2 Notice of Damage or Destruction 36 19. 3 Definitions: Restoration; Emergency Work 36 19.4 Restoration by Board 37 iii a Page 19. 5 Limited Damage; Assessment Under $3 , 500 37 19.6 Major Damage; Assessment over $3, 500 38 19. 7 Decision Not. to Restore; Disposition 39 19.8 Miscellaneous 39 ARTICLE 20: MISCELLANEOUS 40 20. 1 Notices 40 20.2 Remedies Cumulative 41 20.3 Successors and Assigns 41 20 .4 Joint and Several Liability 41 20. 5 Project Mortgagee' s Acceptance 41 20.6 Severability 41 20.7 Effective Date 42 ARTICLE 21 : PHASED DEVELOPMENT 42 21 . 1 Development in Phases 42 21 .2 Assessments for Subsequent Phases 43 21 . 3 Easements for Phased Development and Adjacent Property 43 21 .4 Phased Amendment 44 21 . 5 Liens Arising in Connection with Phases 44 21 .6 Withdrawal of Subsequent Phases - 44 21 .7 Binding Effect. 45 iv DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF CEDAR RIDGE KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON THIS DECLARATION is made this day of , 1981 , by CEDAR RIDGE ASSOCIATES, hereinafter referred to as "Declarant. " DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND A. Declarant owns certain real property located in the County of King, State of Washington, said property and improve- ments hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Project ," all of which is hereinafter more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein. In addi- tion, access to the Project shall be pursuant to a franchise agreement with the City of Renton along a roadway identified on said Exhibit A. The Site Plan for the project is attached hereto as Ex- hibit B and is incorporated herein by this reference. All Com- mon Areas of the project are shown on said Site Plan. B. For the benefit o.f the Project and as an inducement to lenders and investors to make and purchase loans secured by Lots within the Tract, Declarant agrees to provide herein for a method of caring for the Lots and exteriors of Building and Common Areas within the project. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that the Lots described herein shall be held , conveyed, encumbered, hypothe- cated, leased, rented, used, occupied and improved subject to the following uniform covenants, conditions, restrictions, limitations, reservations, grants of easement, rights, rights- of-way, liens, charges and equitable servitudes , all of which are hereby declared, established, expressed and agreed: ( 1 ) to be for the benefit and protection of the Project, its desir- ability, value and attractiveness; ( 2 ) to be for the benefit of the Owners and mortgagees of the Lots in the Property; (3 ) to run with the land and be binding upon all parties having or ac- quiring any right, title or interest in the Property or any part thereof; (4 ) to inure to the benefit of every portion of the Project and any interest therein; and (5) to inure to be benefit of and be binding upon each successor and assigneee in interest of each Owner and of Declarant. Any conveyance, transfer, sale, assignment, lease or sub- lease of a Lot in the Project, shall and hereby is deemed to incorporate by reference all provisions of this Declaration. The provisions of this Declaration shall be enforceable by Dec- larant, any Lot Owner, the Association, and any first mortgagee of any Lot. ARTICLE 1 INTERPRETATION 1 . 1 Liberal Construction The provision of this Declaration shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purpose of creating a uniform plan for the operation and maintenance of the Project. 1 .2 Declarant is Original Owner Declarant is the original owner of all Lots and Prop- erty and will continue to be deemed the Owner thereof except as conveyances or documents changing such ownership regarding specifically described Lots are filed of record. 1 .3 Captions Captions given to the various Articles and Sections herein are for convenience only and are not intended to modify or affect the meaning of any of the substantive provisions hereof. 1 .4 Definitions 1 . 4. 1 "Association" shall mean the association of Lot Owners provided for in Article 4 and its successors and assigns. 1 .4 .2 "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Association provided for in Article 5. 1 .4.3 "Building" shall mean any residential struc- ture built upon a Lot, including but not limited to a "Residen- tial Unit" or "Townhouse. " 1 . 4.4 "Common Area" shall mean all real property ( including the improvements thereto) owned by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the Owners. The Common Area to be owned by the Association at the time of the convey- ance of the first Lot is shown on Exhibit B. 1 .4. 5 "Declarant" shall mean the undersigned (being the sole Owner( s) , of the real property described in said Exhibit A hereof) and its successors and assigns if such successors or assigns should acquire from the Declarant all of 2 1 Declarant' s rights in said property for the purpose of development. 1 .4.6 "Declaration" shall mean this declaration and any amendments thereto. 1 .4.7 "Lot, "Townhouse" or "Residential Unit" shall mean and refer to any plot of land shown upon any recorded sub- , division or planned unit development map of the Property with the exception of the Common Area. The site plan contemplates the erection of a number of structures, each containing a num- ber of dwelling units. A "residential unit" or "townhouse" means that structure designed and intended for use and occu- pancy as a residence by single family. Ownership of a Lot shall include ownership of the Townhouse or Residential Unit and garage now or hereafter constructed on such Lot. 1 .4.8 "Mortgage" shall mean a recorded mortgage or deed of trust that creates a lien against a Lot and shall also mean a real estate contract for the sale of a Lot. 1 .4.9 "Mortgagee" shall mean the beneficial owner, or the designee of the beneficial owner, of an encumbrance on a Lot created by mortgage or deed of trust and shall also mean the vendor, or the designee of a vendor, of a real estate con- tract for the sale of a Lot. A mortgagee of the Project and a mortgagee of a Lot are included within the definition of mortgagee. 1 .4. 10 "Mortgage Foreclosure" shall include a deed of trust sale, a deed given in lieu of such foreclosure or sale and a forfeiture of a real estate contract. 1 .4. 11 "Mortga”ee of a Lot" shall mean the holder of a mortgage on a Lot, which mortgage was recorded simultaneous with or after the recordation of this Declaration. Unless the context requires otherwise, the term "mortgagee of a Lot" shall also be deemed to include the mortgagee of the Project. 1 .4. 12 "Mortgagee of the Project" shall mean the holder of a mortgage on the real property which this Declara- tion affects , which mortgage was recorded prior to the record- ation of this Declaration. The term "mortgagee of the Project" does not include mortgagees of the individual Lots. ' 1 .4. 13 "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of a fee simple title to any Lot which is a part of the Property, and shall include any person of record holding a vendee's interest under a real estate contract for the sale of a Lot. Any person or entity having such an interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation shall not be considered an owner. 3 1 .4. 14 "Person" shall include natural persons, part- nerships, corporations, associations and personal representa- tives. 1 .4. 15 "Property" or "Premises" shall mean the real estate hereinabove described, and all buildings, improvements, and structures' thereon. 1 .4. 16 "Site Plan" shall mean that diagram attached hereto as Exhibit B which depicts the lay-out of the Lots on the Property. ARTICLE 2 OWNERSHIP OF COMMON AREAS The Common Areas shall be owned by the Association. The Common Areas shall for all purposes be under the control, man- agement and administration of the developer during the develop- ment period and under the control, management and administra- tion of the Association after the development period. ARTICLE 3 PROPERTY RIGHTS 3. 1 Owners' Easements of Enjoyment Every Owner shall have a non-exclusive right and easement, in common with all Owners, of enjoyment in and to the Common Area which shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every Lot, subject to the following provisions: (a) the right of the Association to charge reason- able admission and other fees for the use of any recreational facility situated upon the Common Area; (b) the right of the Association to suspend the vot- ing rights and right to use of the recreational facilities by an Owner for any period during which any assessment against his Lot remains unpaid; and for a period not to exceed sixty (60 ) days for any infraction of its published rules and regulations; (c) the right of the Association to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the Common Area, including ease- ments across said properties, to any public agency, authority, or utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as may be agreed to by the members of the Association. No such dedication or transfer shall be effective unless an instrument agreeing to such dedication or transfer signed by two-thirds of the Owners has been recorded and the provisions of Article 11 hereof have been observed; • (d) the right of individual Owners to the exclusive use of parking spaces as provided in this Article. 3 .2 Delegation of Use Any Owner may delegate, in accordance with the By- Laws, his right of enjoyment to the Common Area and facilities to the members of his family, his tenants, or contract pur- chasers who reside on the property. 3 .3 Parking Rights Ownership of each Lot shall entitle the Owner or Owners thereof to the use of one automobile parking space which shall be located within the Common Area. This space shall be in addition to the garage located on each Lot. Each Owner and his guests shall also be entitled to use on a periodic basis of any and all remaining parking spaces located within the Common Area, subject to such rules as the Association may promulgate from time to time. Parking spaces are restricted to use for parking of operative automobiles. Other items, equipment or vehicles may be parked or kept therein only subject to the rules and regulations of the Board. The Board shall require removal of any inoperative, unsightly or improperly licensed vehicle or other equipment at the expense of the owner thereof. 3.4 Unintentional Encroachment and Amendment of Site Plan In the event any structure erected upon a Lot en- croaches upon any portion of the Common Areas and facilities , as a result of the construction, reconstruction, repair, shift- ing, settlement or movement of any portion of the Premises , and where such encroachment arises without the prior knowledge or intent of the Owner or his agents, then a valid easement for said encroachment and for the reasonable maintenance of said structure shall be deemed effective so long as said structure exists. Declarant also reserves the right, in the alternative, to amend the Site Plan in such a manner as to accurately re- flect modifications in Lot lines necessitated by or resulting from actual construction of the project. ARTICLE 4 OWNER'S ASSOCIATION 4 . 1 Establishment There is hereby created an association to be called CEDAR RIDGE RESIDENTIAL PARK ASSOCIATION (referred to herein- after as the "Association" ) . 4. 2 Form of Association The Association shall be a nonprofit corporation formed and operated pursuant to Title 24, Revised Code of Washington. 5 4.3 Membership 4.3. 1 Qualification. Each Owner of a Lot in the Project ( including Declarant) shall be a member of the Associa- tion and shall be entitled to one membership for each Lot so owned; provided, that if a Lot has been sold on contract, the contract purchaser shall exercise the rights of the Owner for purposes of the Association and this Declaration except as hereinafter limited, and shall be the voting representative un- less otherwise specified. Ownership of a Lot shall be the sole qualification for membership in the Association. 4 .3.2 Transfer of Membership. The Association mem- bership of each Owner ( including Declarant) shall be appur- tenant to the Lot giving rise to such membership, and shall not be assigned, transferred , pledged, hypothecated, conveyed or alienated in any way except upon the transfer of title to said Lot and then only to the transferee of title to such Lot. Any attempt to make a prohibited transfer shall be void. Any transfer of title to a Lot shall operate automatically to transfer the membership in the Association appurtenant thereto to the new Owner thereof. 4.4 Voting 4.4. 1 Number of Votes. The total voting power of all Owners shall equal the number of Lots at any given time. The total number of votes available to Owners of any one Lot shall be one vote. 4.4 .2 Voting Owner. There shall be one ( 1 ) voting representative of each Lot. Declarant shall be considered an "Owner" as that term is used herein, and shall be the voting representative, with respect to any Lot or Lots owned by Declarant. If a person ( including Declarant) owns more than one Lot, he shall have the votes for each Lot owned. The vot- ing representative shall be designated by the Owner or Owners of each Lot by written notice to the Board, and need not be an Owner. The designation shall be revocable at any time by actual notice to the Board from a party having an ownership in- terest in a Lot, or by actual notice to the Board of the death or judicially declared incompetence of any party with an owner- ship interest in the Lot. This power of designation and revo- cation may be exercised by the guardian of a Lot Owner and the administrators or executors of an Owner's estate. Where no designation is made, or where a designation has been made but is revoked and no new designation has been made, the voting representative of each Lot shall be the group composed of all of its Owners. 4.4.3 Joint Owner Disputes. The vote for any Lot must be cast as a single vote, and fractional votes shall not be allowed. In the event that joint Owners are unable to agree 6 among themselves as to how their vote or votes shall be cast, they shall lose their right to vote on the matter in question. In the event more than one vote is cast for a particular Lot none of said votes shall be counted and said votes shall be deemed void. 4.4.4 Pledged Votes. If an Owner is in default un- der a first mortgage on the Lot for ninety (90) consecutive days or more, the Mortgagee thereof shall automatically be authorized to declare at any time thereafter that the Lot Owner has pledged his or her vote on all issues to the Mortgagee dur- ing the continuance of the default. If the Board has been not- ified of any such pledge to a Mortgagee, or in the event the record Owner or Owners have otherwise pledged their vote re- garding special matters to a Mortgagee under a duly recorded Mortgage or to the vendor under a duly recorded real estate contract, only the vote of such Mortgagee or vendor will be recognized in regard to the special matters upon which the vote is so pledged. Amendments to this subsection shall only be ef- fective upon the written consent of all the voting Owners and their respective Mortgagees and vendors, if any. 4 . 5 Meetings, Audits, Notices of Meetings 4. 5. 1 Annual Meetings, Audits. The organizational meeting of the Association shall be held not later than two (2) months after the date of the termination of management by Declarant as provided in Section 5. 1 . There shall be an annual meeting of the Owners on the same day of the month each year thereafter, at such reasonable place and time as may be designated by written notice of the Board delivered to the Owners no less than ten ( 10 ) days prior to the date fixed for said meeting. At the annual meeting, there shall be presented an audit of the common expenses, and the allocation thereof to each Owner, itemizing receipts and disbursements for the pre- ceding fiscal year, and there shall also be presented the estimated common expenses for the coming fiscal year. The Board at any time, or by written request of Owners having at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the total votes, may require that an audit of the Association and management books be pre- sented at any special meeting. A Lot Owner, at his own expense, may, at any reasonable time, make an audit of the books of the Board and Association. 4.5. 2 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Owners may be called at any time for the purpose of considering matters which, by the terms of this Declaration, require the approval of all or some of the Owners, or for any other reason- able purpose. Such meeting shall be called by written notice of the president of the Association upon the decision of the president, or after request signed by a majority of a quorum of the Board, or by written request by the Owners having at least twenty-five percent ( 25%) of the total votes which notice shall 7 be delivered not less than ten ( 10) days prior to the date fixed for said meeting. The notice shall specify the date, time and place of the meeting and, in ckeneral, the matters to be considered. 4.5.3 Quorum Requirements for Association Meeting. At all meetings of the Owners, fifty-one percent (51%) of the Owners, present in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum. A majority of Owners present and entitled to vote, either in person or by proxy, shall be sufficient for the pas- sage of any motion or the adoption of any resolution, except in connection with amendment or repeal of this Declaration. If the required quorum is not present, another meeting may be called subject to the requirement of written notice sent to all members at least ten ( 10) days in advance of such meeting, and the required quorum at the subsequent meeting shall be one-half ( 1/2) of the required quorum for the preceding meeting. In the absence of a quorum at a members ' meeting, a majority of those present in person or by proxy may adjourn the meeting to another time but may not transact any other business. An ad- journment for lack of a quorum shall be to a date not more than thirty (30) days from the original meeting date. 4.5.4 Bylaws of Association. (a) Adoption of Bylaws. Bylaws for the admin- istration of the Association and property, and for the intent of this Declaration, shall be adopted by the Association upon concurrence of those voting owners holding sixty percent (60%) of the voting power at a regular or special meeting. Notice of the time, place and purpose of such meeting shall be delivered to each Owner at least ten ( 10) days prior to such meeting. Amendments to the Bylaws may be adopted by the same vote at a regular or special meeting similarly called. However, Declar- ant may adopt initial Bylaws. (b) Bylaws Provisions. The Bylaws shall be deemed to contain provisions identical to those provided in this Declaration, and may contain supplementary, not incon- sistent, provisions regarding the operation of the Development and administration of the property. The Bylaws shall establish such provisions for quorum, ordering of meetings, and details regarding the giving of notice as may be required for proper administration of the Association and the property. ARTICLE 5 MANAGEMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION 5. 1 Management by Declarant Until a date two years from the date of recording this Declaration, or a date not more than one hundred twenty 8 ( 120) days from the date of which Declarant shall have closed the sales of seventy-five percent (75%) of the Lots, or the date on which Declarant elects to permanently relinquish all of its authority under this Section 5. 1 by. written notice to all owners, whichever date first occurs, the property shall tie man- aged and the Association organized as follows, in the exercise of the sole discretion of the Declarant: 5. 1 . 1 So long as no temporary board is then entitled to exercise management authority under Section 5. 1 .2, Dec- larant, or a managing agent selected by Declarant, shall have the power and authority to exercise all the rights , duties and functions of the Board, including but not limited to enacting reasonable administrative rules, contracting for re- quired services, property and insurance, and collecting and ex- pending all assessments and Association funds. The Declarant, or any such managing agent, shall have the exclusive right to contract for all goods and services, payment for which is to be made from any common or maintenance funds. 5. 1 .2 Declarant may at such times as Declarant deems appropriate select a temporary board of adequate size to handle the affairs of the Association, comprised of persons who own, or are purchasers, of Lots, or are officers of corporations, trust, partnerships or other entities owning or purchasing such Lots. This temporary board shall have the full authority and all rights, responsibilities, privileges and duties to manage the Premises under this Declaration and Bylaws, and shall be subject to all provisions of the Declaration and Bylaws; pro- vided , that, after selecting any such temporary board, Dec- larant in the exercise of its sole discretion may at any time terminate such temporary board, and reassume its management authority. under Section 5. 1 . 1 or select a new temporary board under Section 5. 1 .2. 5. 1 .3 These requirements and covenants are made in order to assure that the Premises will be adequately admin- istered in the initial phases of development, and to assure an orderly transition to Association operations. 5. 2 Management by Elected Board of Directors At the expiration of Declarant' s management authority under Section 5. 1 , administrative power and authority shall vest in a Board of Directors elected from among the Lot Owners. The number of directors shall be five (5) . The Board may delegate all or any portion of its administrative duties to a manager, managing agent, or officer of the Association. All Board positions shall be open for election at said organiza- tional meeting. The Board shall elect from among its members, a president, (who shall preside over meetings of the Board and the meetings of the Association) and a secretary and a trea- surer, all of which officers shall have such duties and powers as may be specified by the Board from time to time. 9 5.3 Authority and Duties of the Board 5.3. 1 The Board (or the managing agent as provided in Section 5. 2 hereof) , for the benefit of the Project and the Owners, shall enforce the provisions of this Declaration, shall have all powers and authority permitted to the Board under this Declaration, and shall acquire and shall pay for out of the common expense fund hereinafter provided for, all goods and services requisite for the proper functioning of the Project. 5 .4 Board Organization and Operation 5.4. 1 Election of Board of Directors, Cumulative Voting Feature and Term of Office. The members of the first elected Board (the first Board elected by the Owners at the or- ganizational meeting referred to in Section 4. 5. 1 ) shall serve for at least a one ( 1 ) year term of office; provided, that at at all times the voting procedures shall assure that the expir- ation dates for the term of the initial Board members shall be staggered. 5.4. 2 Vacancies. Vacancies in the Board caused by any reason other than the removal of a Board member by a vote of the Association shall be filled by vote of the majority of the remaining Board members, even though they may constitute less than a quorum; and each person so elected shall be a Board member until a successor is elected at the next annual meeting of the Association. 5.4 . 3 Removal ofrBoard Members. At any regular meeting or at any special meeting called for that purpose, any one ( 1 ) or more of the Board members may be removed with or without cause by a majority of all of the Lot Owners, and a successor may then and there be elected to fill the vacancy thus created. Any Board member whose removal has been so pro- posed by the Owners shall be given an opportunity to be heard at the meeting. Notwithstanding the above, until the organiza- tional meeting referred to in Section 4. 5. 1 , only Declarant shall have the right to remove a Board member. 5.4 .4 Organizational Meeting. The first meeting of a newly elected Board shall be held immediately following the annual organizational meeting of the Association, and no notice shall be necessary to the newly elected Board members in order legally to constitute such meeting. 5.4. 5 Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board may be held at such time and place as shall be deter- mined, from time to time, by a majority of the Board members , but at least two (2 ) such meetings shall be held during each fiscal year and one ( 1 ) such meeting shall be held immediately following the annual meeting of Owners. Notice of regular meetings of the Board shall be given to each Board member, 10 • personally or by mail , telephone or telegraph, at least ten ( 10) days prior to the day named for such meeting. 5.4.6 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President on ten ( 10 ) days notice to each Board member, given personally, or by mail, telephone or telegraph, which notice shall state the time, place (as here- inabove provided) and purpose of the meeting. Special meetings of the Board shall be called by the President or Secretary in like manner and on like notice on the written request of at least two ( 2 ) Board members. 5. 4.7 Waiver of Notice. Before, at or after any meeting of the Board, any Board member may, in writing, waive notice of such meeting and such waiver shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice. Attendance by a Board member at any meeting of the Board shall be a waiver of notice by him of the time and place thereof. If all the Board members are present at any meeting of the Board, no notice shall be re- quired and any business may be transacted at such meeting. 5.4.8 Quorum. At all meetings of the Board, a majority thereof shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the acts of the majority of the Board members present at a meeting at which quorum is present shall be the acts of the Board. If, at any meeting of the Board, there be less than a quorum present, the majority of those present may adjourn the meeting from time to time. An adjournment for lack of a quorum shall be to a date not more than thirty (30) days from the original meeting date. At any such adjourned meeting, any business which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called may be transacted without further notice. 5.4.9 Fidelity Bonds. The Board may require that all officers and employees of the Association handling or re- sponsible for Association funds shall furnish adequate fidelity bonds. The premiums on such bonds shall be paid by the Asso- ciation. • ARTICLE 6 INDEMNIFICATION FOR PERFORMANCE OF DUTIES 6. 1 Indemnification Every director, officer and member of the Assoc- iation, or Declarant or Declarant' s managing agent exercising the powers of the Board, shall be indemnified by the Assoc- iation against all reasonable costs, expenses and liabilities ( including attorneys' fees) actually or necessarily incurred by or imposed upon him in connection with any claim, action, suit, proceeding, investigation or inquiry of whatever nature in which he may be involved as a party or otherwise by reason of 11 • his having been a member of the Association, whether or not he continues in such capacity at the time of the incurring or im- position of such costs, expenses or liabilities, except in re- lation to matters as to which he shall be finally adjudged in such action, suit, proceeding, investigation or inquiry to be liable for willful misconduct or gross negligence toward the Association in the performance of his duties, or in the absence of such final adjudication, any determination of such liability by the opinion of legal counsel selected by the Association. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not in limitation of all rights to which such person may be entitled as a matter of law and shall inure to the benefit of the legal representatives of such person. 6. 2 No Personal Liability So long as a Board member, or Association committee member, or Association officer, or Declarant or Declarant 's managing agent exercising the powers of the Board, has acted in good faith, without willful or intentional misconduct, upon the basis of such information as may be possessed by such person, then no such person shall be personally liable to any Owner, or to any other party, including the Association, for any damage, loss or prejudice suffered or claimed on account of any act, omission, error or negligence of such person; provided, that this section shall not apply where the consequences of such act, omission, error or negligence are covered by insurance ob- tained by the Board. ARTICLE 7 OBLIGATIONS OF OWNERS 7. 1 In General Each Owner shall always endeavor to cooperate for the accomplishment of the purposes for which the Project was built and each Owner shall comply strictly with all provisions of the Declaration. 7. 2 Specific Duties Each Owner shall maintain his or her Lot, including the interior but excluding the exterior of the Residential Unit. Each Owner shall also maintain all other improvements of the Lot, including the yard, in a good clean, attractive and sanitary condition. 7.3 Restrictions on Storage. No owner shall himself store or allow any tenant to store any trailers, boats, motor homes, recreational vehicles or any disabled or inoperable motor vehicles on the premises for more than forty-eight (48 ) consecutive hours. Violations thereof shall subject such vehicles to public impound, all at the expense of the owner thereof. 12 ARTICLE 8 OBLIGATION OF THE ASSOCIATION 8. 1 Duties of Association The Association, through its Board of Directors, shall have the following duties: (a) To collect and administer the Association as- sessments and expenditures and to carry out the property maintenance obligations of the Association and to employ a pro- fessional management firm to do so. (b) Pursuant to a franchise agreemet with the City of Renton, the Association shall be responsible for all costs of all maintenance of the access street identified on Exhibit A and shall maintain the said street in a good state of repair in compliance with all the applicable ordinances, rules and. regu- lations. The Homeowners' Association shall keep and protect and save the City of Renton and its employees, from and against any liabilities, loss, cost, damage, whether personal or property or expense of any type or nature which may accrue to the City by reason of construction, maintenance, repair or alteration of the Street by the Association. (c) To maintain the exterior surfaces of all Resi- dential Units and all portions of the Common Area in , a good, clean, attractive and sanitary condition. The Association shall also be empowered upon fourteen days written notice to any Owner, to enter any Lot and maintain or repair the improve- ments or yard thereof where such have not been adequately main- tained by the Owner. In the event the need for maintenance or repair of a Lot, Residential Unit or other improvement is caused through neglect or through willful or negligent acts of its Owner or through the willful or negligent acts of the fami- ly guests or invitees of the Owner of the Lot or Unit needing such maintenance or repair, the cost of such maintenance shall be added to and become part of the assessment which the Lot is subject. (d) To enforce the applicable provisions of the Dec- laration for the management and control of the Project. (e) To contract for materials, and/or services to carry out its responsiblities provided herein. ( f) To enter upon any privately owned Lot or Build- ing where necessary in connection with its duties hereunder. 13 (g) To prepare or cause to be prepared, a balance sheet and an operating (income) statement for the Association, copies of which shall be distributed to each of the Owners as follows: ( 1 ) a balance sheet as of an accounting date which is the last day of the month closest in time to six (6 ) months from the date of closing of the first sale of a Lot in the Pro- ject which shall be distributed within thirty (30) days of the accounting date; and (2 ) an operating statement for the period from the date of the first closing to the said accounting date, which shall be distributed within thirty ( 30) days after the accounting date. This operating statement shall include a schedule of assessments received and receivable, identified by the number of the Lot and the name of the Owner so assessed; ( 3 ) a balance sheet as of the last day of the Association's fiscal year and an operating statement for said fiscal year, which shall be distributed within ninety (90 ) days after the close of the fiscal year. An external audit shall be prepaid annually by an independent public accountant with ninety (90) days following the end of each fiscal year. (h) To establish and collect regular monthly assess- ments to defray expenses attributable to carrying out its duties hereunder and to maintain an adequate reserve fund for the maintenance, repair and replacement of those portions of the Common Areas or facilities which must be maintained, re- paired or replaced on a periodic basis, which reserve shall be funded by the above monthly assessments. ( i ) To contract for trash collection, water and electrical service for the Lots on terms as set forth by the Board or appropriate Government agencies. ( j ) Any professional management body selected by Declarant or by the initial Board prior to the organizational meeting shall be employed to manage only until the first annual Owners' meeting, at which time the continuance of the same or the selection of another body or agent shall be determined by majority vote of the Owners. Subject to the provisions of Article 11 hereof, neither Declarant nor its agent nor the Board shall enter into any such contract which binds the Association for a period in excess of one year. 8. 2 Power of Association In addition to the duties of the Association, as specified herein, and the powers of the Association stated elsewhere in this Declaration, the Association, acting through its Board, shall have the power to do all other things which may be deemed reasonably necessary to carry out its duties and the purposes of this Declaration including, but not limited to, capital improvements, obtaining of appropriate insurance and bonds, and the adoption of additional bylaws and rules and reg- ulations governing the Association and Owners. In the event of conflict between this Declaration and any such additional 14 bylaws or rules and regulations, the provisions of this Dec- laration shall prevail. ARTICLE 9 COMMON EXPENSES AND ASSESSMENTS 9. 1 Estimated Expenses Within thirty (30 ) days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, the Board: shall estimate the charges in- cluding common expenses and any special charges for particular Lots to be paid during such year; shall make provision for creating, funding and maintaining reasonable reserves for con- tingencies and operations, as well as for maintenance, repair and replacement, and for any capital improvements to be under- taken by the Association; and shall take into account any ex- pected income and any surplus available from the prior year' s operating fund. If the sum estimated and budgeted at any time proves inadequate for any reason ( including nonpayment for any reason of any Owner' s assessment) , the Board may at any time levy a special assessment, which shall be assessed to the Owners in like proportions. However, on any proposed special assessment in any fiscal year, the Board may not, without the vote or written assent of a majority of the members, other than Declarant, levy special assessments to defray the costs of any action or undertaking on behalf of the Association which in the aggregate exceeds five percent ( 5%) of the budgeted gross ex- penses of the Association for that fiscal year. The provisions herein with respect to special assessments do not apply in the case where the special assessment against a member is a remedy utilized by the Board to reimburse the Association for costs incurred in bringing the member and his Building and/or Lot into compliance with the provisions of this Declaration. 9. 2 Payment by Owners Each Owner shall be obligated to pay its share of common expenses and special charges made pursuant to this Article to the treasurer for the Association in equal monthly installments on or before the first day of each month during such year, or in such other reasonable manner as the Board shall designate. Assessments for each Lot Owner shall begin on the date said Owner closes the transaction in which he acquires right, title or interest in the Lot. Assessments for the ini- tial month shall be prorated if closing occurs on other than the first of the month. Any unpaid assessment or charge shall bear interest at the maximum rate allowed by law from due date until paid . The budget may be reviewed and revised by the mem- bership at any annual meeting, or any special meeting called for such purpose, but if not so reviewed or if no change is made, shall be deemed approved. At the time of closing of any sale of a Lot, the purchaser thereof shall deposit an amount equal to three (3) month's assessments as a reserve amount. 15 This amount shall be maintained throughout the term of each ownership and refunded on resale. 9.3 Initial Regular Monthly Assessment Each Owner shall be obligated to pay to the Board an initial monthly maintenance charge of $ per month. 9.4 Increase of Monthly Assessment by Board The Board may not, without the vote or written assent of a majority vote of the members, other than Declarant, impose a regular annual assessment per unit which is more than twenty percent ( 20%) greater than the regular assessment for the im- mediately preceding fiscal year. 9. 5 Accounts The Board shall require that the Association maintain a commercial bank account. Each month the Board shall deposit assessments collected to the account. All such assessments and charges shall be collected and held in trust for, and adminis- tered and expended for the benefit of, the Owners. The Board shall have exclusive control of said account and shall be re- sponsible to the Owners for maintenance of accurate records thereof at all times. No withdrawal shall be made from said account except to pay for the charges and expenses for the com- mon benefit of all Owners. 9.6 Owner' s Share Except for certain special charges which may be levied against particular Lots under the provisions of this Declaration, all Lots and the Owners thereof shall be assessed an equal amount for payment of common expenses. 9 . 7 Omission of Assessment The omission by the Board or the Association before the expiration of any year to fix the estimate for assessments and charges hereunder for that or the next year, shall not be deemed a waiver or modification in any respect of the pro- visions of this Declaration, or a release of the Owner from the obligation to pay the assessments and charges, or any install- ment thereof for that or any subsequent year ; but the assess- ment and charge fixed for the preceding year shall continue un- til a new assessment or charge is fixed. 9. 8 Records The Board shall cause to be kept detailed and accurate records of the receipts and expenditures of the Asso- ciation, specifying and itemizing the maintenance and repair expenses and any other expense incurred. Such records and any resolutions authorizing the payments involved shall be avail- able for examination by any Owner at convenient hours of week days. 16 9.9 Declarant Liability That portion of any assessments provided for in this Declaration which relate to care, maintenance and improvement of the Common Area shall be imposed on Lots owned by Declarant beginning on the day the sale of the first Lot in the Project is closed, on the same basis as imposed on all other lots, regardless of whether. Declarant-owned Lots are vacant or have been sold, leased or rented. Once the construction of any Townhouse or Residential Unit on a Declarant-owned Lot is completed, the Lot shall bear its full assessment as provided herein, regardless of whether said Lot is vacant or has been sold, leased or rented. 9. 10 Lien Indebtedness In the event any monthly assessment or special charge attributable to a particular Lot remains delinquent for more than thirty (30 ) days, the Board may, upon fifteen ( 15) days written notice to the Owner of such Lot, accelerate and demand immediate payment of all , or such portion as the Board deter- mines, of the monthly assessments and special charges which the Board reasonably determines will become due during the next succeeding twelve ( 12) months with respect to such Lot. Each monthly common expense assessment and each special charge shall be joint and several personal debts and obligations of the Owner of Lots for which the same are assessed or charged as of the time the assessment or charge is made and shall be collect- ible as such. The amount of any assessment or charge, whether regular or special, assessed or charged to any Lot and the Owner or purchaser of any Lot, plus interest at the rate of twelve percent ( 12%) per annum, and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, shall be a lien upon such Lot and the Build- ings situated thereon upon the recording of a Notice of Assess- ment in the office where real estate conveyances are recorded for the county in which this Project is located. The lien for payment of such assessments and charges shall have priority over all other liens and encumbrances, recorded or unrecorded, except that such priority shall be limited as provided in Section 11 . 1 . Suit to recover a money judgment for unpaid assessments or charges shall be maintainable without fore- closure or waiving the lien securing the same. 9 . 11 Notice of Creation of Assessment Lien The Notice of Assessment shall not be filed of record unless and until the Board or a person designated by it, shall have delivered to said defaulting Owner, not less than fifteen ( 15) days prior to the recordation of such Notice of Assess- ment, a written Notice of Default and a .demand upon the de- faulting Owner to cure same within said fifteen ( 15) day period. 9. 12 Certificate of Assessment A certificate executed and acknowledged by the trea- surer or the president of the Board, or an authorized agent 17 thereof,_ if neither the president nor treasurer is available, stating the indebtedness for assessments and charges or lack thereof secured by the assessment lien upon any Lot shall be conclusive upon the Board and the Owners as to the amount of such indebtedness on the date of the certificate, in favor of all persons who rely thereon in good faith. Such a certificate shall be furnished to any Owner or any encumbrancer of a Lot within a reasonable time after request, in recordable form, at a reasonable fee, not to exceed ten dollars ($10.00) per certificate. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, any encum- brancer holding a lien on a Lot may pay any unpaid assessments or charges with respect to such Lot, and, upon such payment, such encumbrancer shall have a lien on such Lot for the amounts paid of the same rank as the lien of his encumbrance. 9. 13 Foreclosure of Assessment Lien; Attorney' s Fees and Costs The Declarant, Manager, or Board on behalf of the Association may initiate action to foreclose the lien of any assessment. In any action to foreclose a lien against any Lot the for nonpayment of delinquent assessments or charges, any judgment rendered against the Owners of such Lot in favor of Association shall include a reasonable sum for attorneys ' fees and all costs and expenses reasonably incurred in preparation for or in the prosecution of said action, in addition to tax- able costs permitted by law. 9. 14 Homestead Waiver Each Owner does hereby waive to the extent of any liens created pursuant to this Article, the benefit of any homestead or exemption law in effect at the time any install- ment of maintenance charges becomes delinquent or any - lien is imposed pursuant to the terms hereof. 9. 15 Curing of Default Upon the timely payment or other satisfaction of all delinquent assessments set forth in the Notice of Assessment filed and recorded in accordance with this Article, and all other assessments which have become due and payable with re- spect to the Lot as to which such Notice of Assessment was filed and recorded, following the date of such recordation, to- gether with all costs ( including reasonable attorneys' fees) and all late charges and interest which have accrued thereon, the Board shall file and record a satisfaction and release of the lien created by the Notice of Assessment. A fee of ten dollars ($ 10.00) covering the cost of preparation and recorda- tion shall be paid to the Association prior to such action. The satisfaction of the lien created by the Notice of Assess- ment shall be executed by any Director of the Association or by any authorized representative of the Board. For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "costs" shall include costs and ex- penses actually incurred or expended by the Association in con- nection with the cost of preparation and recordation of the 18 Notice of Assessment and in efforts to collect the delinquent assessments secured by the lien and a reasonable sum for attorney fees. 9. 16 Rights of Board - Waiver of Owners Each Owner hereby vests in and delegates to the Board or its duly authorized representatives, the right and power to bring all actions at law, including lien foreclosures, whether judicially or by power of sale or otherwise against any Owner( s) for the collection of delinquent assessments in accor- dance herewith and hereby expressly waives any objection to the enforcement, in accordance with this Declaration, of the obli- gation to pay assessments as set forth herein. 9. 17 Purpose of Assessments The assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively for the purpose of promoting the recreation, health, safety and welfare of the members thereof, their guests and invitees, and in particular, shall be used for the purpose of improving, protecting, operating and maintaining the Pro- ject, improvements, landscaping and structures located thereon and providing for the performance by the Board of each and every of the powers and duties of the. Board. 9. 18 Assessment Deposit A Lot Owner may be required, by the Board or by the managing agent, from time to time, to make and maintain a de- posit not in excess of three (3) months estimated monthly assessment and charges, which may be collected as are other assessments and charges. Such deposit shall be held in a sep- arate fund, be credited to such Owner, and be for the purpose of establishing a working capital fund for the initial Project operations and . a reserve for delinquent assessments. Resort may be had thereto at any time: when such Owner is ten ( 10) days or more delinquent in paying his monthly or other assess- ments and charges, or as a credit against any regular or special assessments to become due from such Owner. All or any portion of each deposit may at any time be refunded to the Owner by the Association in the discretion of the Board, such refund being made as a cash refund or a credit against assess- ments subsequently to become due or a combination thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is understood that: Declarant shall collect such deposit at the time of closing from the first purchaser of each Lot, and such deposit shall be maintained at least until a date two (2) years from the record- ing of this Declaration or the date of which the first Board is elected pursuant to Article 5, whichever date last occurs. 9. 19 Continuing Liability for Assessments No Owner may exempt himself from liability for his specified contribution to the maintenance fund by abandonment of his Lot or the use of any of the Common Area. 19 ARTICLE 10 COMPLIANCE WITH DECLARATION 10. 1 Enforcement 10. 1 . 1 Compliance of Owner. Each Owner shall comply strictly with the provisions of this Declaration and with the bylaws and administrative rules and regulations adopted by the Association as the same may be lawfully amended from time to time, and with all decisions adopted pursuant to this Declara- tion and any bylaws and administrative rules and regulations adopted by the Association. Failure to comply shall be grounds for an action to recover sums due for damages, or injunctive relief, or both, maintainable by the Board ( acting through its officers on behalf of the Owners) , or by the aggrieved Owner on his own against the party ( including an Owner or the Associa- tion) failing to comply. 10. 1 . 2 Compliance of Lessee. Each Owner who shall rent or lease his Lot shall insure that the lease or rental agreement shall be .in writing and shall provide that said agreement shall be subject to the terms of this Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, if any, and Bylaws. Said agreement shall further provide that any failure of any lessee to comply with the provisions of said documents shall be a default under the lease. 10.2 No Waiver of Strict Performance The failure of the Board in any one or more instances to insist upon the strict performance of any of the terms, cov- enants, conditions or restrictions of this Declaration, or of any bylaws, administrative rules or regulations, or to exercise any right or option contained in such documents, or to serve any notice or to institute any action, shall not be construed as a waiver or a relinquishment for the future of such term, covenant, condition or restriction, but such term, covenant, condition or restriction shall remain in full force and effect. The receipt by the Board of any assessment from an Owner, with knowledge of any such breach shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach, and no waiver by the Board of any provision hereof shall be deemed to have been made unless expressed in writing and signed by the Board. This section also extends to the Dec- larant or Declarant' s managing agent, exercising the powers of the Board during the initial period of operation of the Asso- ciation and the Project development. 10. 3 Right of Entry Violation of any of the provisions, conditions, re- strictions, covenants, reservations or easements contained herein, shall give to Declarant, its successors , or the Asso- ciation, the right to enter upon the property upon or as to 20 which such violation ex ists and to abate and remove, at the ex- pense of the Owner thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or exists thereon contrary to the intent of the provisions hereof. Such entry shall be made only after three (3 ) days notice to said Owner and with as little inconvenience to the Owner as possible, and any damage caused thereby shall be repaired by the Association. Declarant or its successors shall not thereby be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass by such entry, abatement or removal. ARTICLE 11 MORTGAGEE PROTECTION 11 . 1 Priority of Mortgages Notwithstanding all other provisions hereof, the liens created under this Declaration upon any Lot for assess- ments shall be subject to tax liens on the Lot in favor of any assessing unit and/or special district and be subject to the rights of the secured party in the case of any indebtedness se- cured by Mortgages which were made in good faith and for value upon the Lot. Where such Mortgagee of the Lot, or other pur- chaser of a Lot, obtains possession of a Lot as a result of Mortgage foreclosure or deed in lieu thereof, such possessor and his successors and assigns, shall not be liable for the share of the common expenses or assessments by the Association chargeable to such Lot which become due prior to such posses- , sion, but will be liable for the common expenses and assess- ments accruing after such possession. Such unpaid share of common expenses or assessments shall be deemed to be common ex- penses collectible from all of the Lot Owners including such possessor, his successor and assigns. For the purpose of this section, the terms "mortgage" and "mortgagee" shall not mean a real estate contract (or the vendor, or the designee of a ven- dor, thereunder) or a mortgage or deed of trust (or mortgage or beneficiary thereunder) securing a deferred purchase price balance owed with respect to a sale by a individual Lot Owner other than Declarant. 11 .2 Effect of Declaration Amendments No amendment of this Declaration shall be effective to modify, change, limit or alter the rights expressly con- , ferred upon Mortgagees in this instrument with respect to any unsatisfied Mortgage duly recorded unless the amendment shall be consented to in writing by the holder of such mortgage. Any provision of this Declaration conferring rights upon Mortgagees which is inconsistent with any other provision of said Dec- laration shall control over such other inconsistent provisions. 11 .3 Right of Lien Holder A breach of any of the provisions, condition, res- trictions, covenants, easements or reservations herein 21 contained,- shall not affect or impair the lien or charge of any bona fide Mortgage made in good faith and for value on any Lots; provided; however, that any subsequent Owner of the Lot shall be bound by these provisions whether such Owner's title was acquired by foreclosure or trustee's sale or otherwise. 11 .4 Change in Manager In the event that professional management is employed by the Association, at least thirty (30 ) days' notice of any contemplated change in the professional manager shall be given to any first mortgagee, and the agreement with such professional manager shall permit cancellation by the Association for cause upon thirty (30) days written notice; permit termination by either party without cause and without payment of a termination fee on ninety days (90) or less written notice; and have a term not in excess of one (1) year, renewable by agreement of the parties for successive one-year periods. The Association shall not elect to terminate professional management and assume self-management without the prior written approval of seventy-five percent (75%) of all first mortgagees (based upon one vote for each first mortgage owned) ; provided that such prior consent shall not be required to change from one professional manager to another professional manager. 11 . 5 Abandonment of Planned Unit Development Status The Association shall not, without prior written approval of seventy-five percent (75% ) of all first mortgagees (based upon one vote for each first mortgage owned) or owners (other than the sponsor, developer or builder) of record of the Lots, seek by act or omission to abandon or terminate the planned unit development status of the project, or to abandon, encumber, sell or transfer any of the common areas. 11 .6 Change in Declaration, Bylaws of Ratio of Assessments The Association shall not make any material amendment to the Declaration or Bylaws ( including the manner or extent of ownership of the Common Areas of the ratio of assessments therefor) without the prior written approval of seventy-five percent (75% ) of all first mortgagees (based upon one vote for each first mortgage owned) or owners (other than the sponsor, developer or builder) of record of the Lots , and without unanimous approval of the mortgagee(s) of the Lots(s) for which the assessment share( s) would be changed. 11 .7 Change in Manner of Architectural Review and Mainte- nance Within Project; Insurance and Use of Proceeds The Association shall not, without prior written approval of seventy-five percent (75%) of all first mortgagees (based upon one vote for each first mortgage owned) or Owners (other than the sponsor, developer or builder) of record of the Lots: 22 I , (a) by act or omission change, waive or abandon any scheme of regulations, or enforcement thereof, pertaining to the architectural design or the exterior appearance of units, the exterior maintenance of units, the maintenance of the common area, walkway, fences and driveways, or the upkeep of lawns and plantings in the development; (b) fail to maintain fire and extended coverage or insurable Common Areas on a current replacement cost basis in an amount not less than one hundred percent ( 100%) of the insurable value (based on current replacement cost) ; (c) use hazard insurance proceeds for losses to any Common Area for other than the repair, replacement or recon- struction of such common property. 11 .8 Payments by First Mortgagees First mortgagees of any Lot or Unit may, jointly or singly, pay taxes or other charges which are in default and which may or have become a charge against any Common Areas and may pay overdue premiums on hazard insurance policies, or secure new hazard insurance coverage on the lapse of a policy, for such Common Areas and first mortgagees making such payments shall be owed immediate reimbursement therefor from the Asso- ciation. 11 .9 Copies of Notices Written notice that an owner/mortgagor of a Lot has for more than thirty (30 ) days failed to meet any obligation under this Declaration shall be given by the Association to the first mortgagee of such Lot. Any first mortgagee shall , upon request, be entitled to receive written notice of all meetings of the Association and be permitted to designate a representative to attend all such meetings. 11 . 10 Effect of Declaration Amendments No amendment of this Declaration shall be effective to modify, change, limit or alter the rights expressly conferred upon mortgagees in this instrument with respect to any unsatisfied mortgage duly recorded unless the amendment shall be consented to in writing by the holder of such mortgage. Arty provision of this Declaration conferring rights 1 upon mortgagees which is inconsistent with any other provision of said Declaration or the Bylaws shall control over such other inconsistent provisions. 11 . 11 Inspection of Books First mortgagees, Lot owners, insurers and guarantors of the first mortgage on any Lot shall be entitled by the Owners' Association to inspect at all reasonable hours of week days all of the books and records of the Association, including current copies of the Declaration, Bylaws and other rules governing the development, and other books, records and 23 financial statements of the Owners' Association and, upon request, to receive an annual audited financial statement of the Association within ninety (90 ) days following the end of any fiscal year of the Association. The Owners' Association shall also make available to prospective purchasers current copies of the Declaration, Bylaws, and other rules governing the development, and the most recent annual audited financial statement, if such is prepared. ARTICLE 12 EASEMENTS 12. 1 Association Functions There is hereby reserved to Declarant and the Assoc- iation, or their duly authorized agents and representatives, such easements as are necessary to perform the duties and obli- gations of the Association as are set forth in the Declaration, or in the bylaws, and rules and regulations adopted by the Association. 12.2 Utility Easements There is hereby granted to all appropriate municipal- ities and utilities a non-exclusive right and easement across the Property for the maintenance of water, sanitary sewer, power, cable TV and other similar utility systems. 12.3 Access to Public Streets Each Owner and his guests and invitees shall have a perpetual , non-exclusive easement across the Common Areas and across all roadways constructed therein, thereby providing ac- cess throughout the Property and to public streets. ARTICLE 13 TERM OF DECLARATION - COMPLIANCE WITH RULE AGAINST PERPETUITIES AND RESTRAINTS OF ALIENATION The covenants contained herein shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all parties and all persons claiming under them until 2000 after which time the covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten ( 10 ) years, unless an instrument executed in accordance with Article 11 .5 herein shall be recorded, cancelling or termi- nating this Declaration. 24 ARTICLE 14 AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION 14. 1 Subsequent to Close of First Sale. Subsequent to the close of the first escrow of a sale of a Lot, amendments to the Declaration shall be made by an instrument in writing entitled "Amendment to Declaration" which sets forth the entire amendment. Except as otherwise specifically provided for in this Declaration, any proposed amendment must be approved by a majority of the Board prior to its adoption by the Owners. Amendments may be adopted at a meeting of the Association if seventy-five percent (75%) of the Owners vote for such amendment, or without any meeting if all Owners have been duly notified and seventy-five percent (75%) of the Owners consent in writing to such amendment. In all events, the amendment when adopted shall bear the signatures of seventy-five percent (75%) of the Owners of Lots, and shall be attested by the secretary, who shall state whether the amendment was properly adopted, and shall be acknowledged by the president and secretary of the Association as officers . Amendments once properly adopted shall be effective upon recording with the appropriate governmental offices. It is specifically covenanted and understood that any amendment to this Declaration properly adopted will be completely effective to amend any or all of the covenants, conditions and restric- tions contained herein which may be affected and any or all clauses of this Declaration unless otherwise specifically pro- vided in the section being amended or the amendment itself. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no amendment changing the prorata share of common expenses and assessments payable by Owners shall be effective until approved in writing by One Hundred percent ( 100%) of all Owners affected thereby. 14.2 Prior to Close of First Sale. Prior to the close of the first sale, Declarant shall have the right to amend this Declaration by executing and recording with the consent of all Mortgagees then of record , the desired amendment thereto, and the recording of said amend- ment shall be presumed to be valid as to anyone relying thereon in good faith. 14. 3 Amendments to Conform to Lending Institution Guidelines So long as Declarant continues to own one or more Lots, the Declarant, on his signature alone, may file such amendments to the Declaration as are necessary to meet the then requirements of Federal National Mortgage Association, Veterans Administration, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, or sim- ilar agencies, institutions or lenders financing the purchase of a Lot from the Declarant. 25 ARTICLE 15 PARTY WALLS 15. 1 General Rules of Law Apply Each wall which is built as a part of the original construction of the homes upon the Properties and placed on the dividing line between the Lots shall constitute a party wall, and, to the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article, the general rules of law regarding party walls and liability for property damage due to negligence or willful acts or omissions shall apply thereto. 15. 2 Sharing Repair and Maintenance The cost of reasonable repair and maintenance of a party wall shall be shared by the Owners who make use of the wall in proportion to such use. 15.3 Destruction by Fire or Other Casualty If a party wall is destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty, any Owner who has used the wall may restore it, and if the other Owners thereafter make use of the wall, they shall contribute to the cost of restoration thereof in propor- tion to such use without prejudice, however, to the right of any such Owners to call for a larger contribution from the others under any rule of law regarding liability for negligent or willful acts or omissions. 15.4 Weatherproofing Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, an Owner who, by his negligent or willful act, causes the party wall to be exposed to the elements shall bear the whole cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elements. 15. 5 Right to Contribution Runs with Land The right of anyOwner to contribution from anyother 9 Owner under this Article shall be appurtenant to the land and. shall pass to such Owner's successors in title. 15.6 Arbitration In the event of any dispute arising concerning a party wall, or under the provisions of this Article, each party shall choose one arbitrator, and such arbitrators shall choose one additional arbitrator, and the decision shall be by a majority of all the arbitrators. 26 ARTICLE 16 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL, USE, ETC. 16. 1 Alteration All buildings and structures including, without limi- tation, concrete or masonry walls, rockeries, fences, swimming pools, if any, or other structures, to be constructed within the property shall be approved by the Board of Directors of the Association, or by an architectural control committee (ACC) composed of three (3 ) or more representatives appointed by the Board. Complete plans and specifications of all proposed buildings, structures, and exterior alterations, together with detailed plans showing the proposed location of the same in the particular building site, shall be submitted to the ACC before construction or alteration is started, and such construction or alteration shall not be started until written approval thereof is given by the ACC. The ACC will review submittals as to the quality of work- manship and materials planned and for conformity and harmony of the external design with proposed or existing structures on neighborhood residential lots or building sites, and as to location of the building with respect to topography, finish grade elevation and building setback restrictions. In the event the ACC fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within thirty (30) days after said plans and specifications have been submitted to it, such approval will not be required. All plans and specifications for approval by the ACC must be submitted in duplicate, at least ten ( 10) days prior to the proposed construction starting date. The maximum height of any building shall be established by the ACC as part of the plan approval and shall be given in writing together with the approval. One set of approved plans must be on the job site at all time. Said plans or specifications shall be prepared by an architect or a competent house-designer, approved by the ACC. Two complete sets of said - plans and specifications shall in each case be delivered to and permanently left with the ACC. All buildings or structures shall be erected or constructed by a contractor or house builder approved by the ACC. As to all improvements, constructions and alterations within the property the ACC shall have the right to refuse to approve any design, plan or color for such improvements, con- struction or alterations which is not suitable or desirable, in the ACC's opinion, for any reason, aesthetic or otherwise, and in so passing upon such design, the ACC shall have the right to 27 1 take into consideration the suitability of the proposed buil- ding or other structure, and the material of which it is to be built, and the exterior color scheme, to the site upon which it is proposed to erect the same, the harmony thereof with the surroundings, and the effect or impairment that said structures will have on the view or outlook of surrounding building sites, and any and all factors, which, in the ACC 's opinion, shall effect the desirability or suitability of such proposed struc- ture, improvements, or alterations. The ACC shall have the right to disapprove the design or installation of a swimming pool or any other recreational structure or equipment which is not suitable or desirable, in the ACC' s opinion, for any reason, aesthetic or otherwise, and in so passing upon such design or proposed installation, the ACC shall have the right to take into consideration the visual impact of the structure and the noise impact of the related activities upon all of the properties located in the close pro- ximity. Any enclosure or cover used in connection with such a recreational structure or equipment, whether temporary, collap- sable, seasonal, or whatever, shall be treated as a permanent structure for the purposes of these covenants, and shall be subject to all the conditions, restrictions, and requirements as set forth herein for all buildings and structures. 16. 2 Residential Use All Lots and improvements located thereon shall be used, improved and devoted exclusively to residential use . Nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent the Owner from leasing a Lot and improvement, subject to all of the provisions of the Declaration. 16.3 Nuisances No nuisance shall be permitted to exist or operate upon any Lot or improvement thereon so as to be detrimental to any other Lot or Property in the vicinity thereof or to its occupants. 16.4 Restriction on Further Subdivision No Lot upon which an improvement has been constructed shall be further subdivided or separated into smaller Lots by any Owner, and no portion less than all of any such Lot, nor any easement or other interest therein, shall be conveyed or transferred by an Owner, provided that this shall not prohibit deeds of correction, deeds to resolve boundary disputes, and similar corrective instruments. 16.5 Garbage and Trash Removal. No Lot shall be used as a dumping ground for rubbish, trash or garbage. Garbage and trash containers shall be buried or shall be located abutting rear or sides of house and shall be contained within an enclo- sure. The design and material of said enclosure shall be in 28 keeping with the general appearance of the house and its design must receive prior approval by the Association. 16.6 Pets No animals, which term includes livestock, domestic animals, poultry, reptiles or living creatures of any kind, shall be raised, bred, or kept on any Lot or in the common or limited common areas, whether as pets or otherwise, except subject to rules and regulations adopted by the Board, or Bylaws adopted by the Association. The Board may at any time require the removal of any animal which it finds is disturbing other owners unreasonably, in the Board ' s determination, and may exercise this authority for specific animals even though other animals are permitted to remain. 16.7 Signs No advertising signs, billboards, or high and unsightly structures shall be erected on any Lot or displayed to the public on any Lot except after written permission of the Association is obtained. A sign may be used to advertise the property for sale or rent, provided prior approval is obtained from the Association. The Association shall be authorized to withhold its approval or consent until it has been furnished information as to the size, style, and color of any proposed sign permitted hereunder. 16.8 Rental Lots With respect to the leasing, renting, or creation of any kind of tenancy of a Lot and improvements thereon by its Owners, such Owner shall be prohibited from leasing or renting less than the entire Lot or improvements thereon, or (with the exception of a lender in possession of a Lot and improvements thereon following a default in a first mortgage, a foreclosure proceeding or any deed of trust sale or other arrangement in lieu of a foreclosure) for a term of less than thirty ( 30) days; and all leasing or rental agreements shall be in writing and be subject to the Declaration and Bylaws (with a default of the tenant in complying with the Declaration and Bylaws consti- tuting a default under the lease or rental agreement) . 16. 9 Zoning Regulations Zoning regulations, building regulations, environ- mental regulations and other similar governmental regulations applicable to the Properties subject to this Declaration shall be observed. In the event of any conflict between any pro- vision of such governmental regulations and the restrictions of this Declaration, the more restrictive provisions shall apply. 16. 10 Business Use No business of any kind shall be conducted on any Lot with the exception of ( a) the business of Declarant in develop- ing all of the Lots and (b) such home occupation for which a permit may be issued by the appropriate local government. 29 16. 11 Temporary Residence No outbuilding, basement, tent, shack, garage, trail- er or shed or temporary building of any kind shall be used as a residence either temporarily or permanently. 16. 12 Antenna No antenna shall be affixed to any exterior wall or roof. 16. 13 Easement Protection No structure, plantings or other material of any kind shall be placed or permitted to remain within any utility or drainage easement which may damage, interfere with or alter the direction of flow of drainage facilities. 16. 14 Storage No storage shall be permitted under decks or over- hangs or anywhere else on any Lot which is visible from any point outside the Lot. No laundry or clothing or similar items shall be hung on or from any deck. ARTICLE 17 INSURANCE 17. 1 Insurance Coverage The Board shall obtain and maintain at all times as a common expense a policy or policies and bonds required to pro- vide: 17. 1 . 1 Fire Insurance, with extended coverage ( in- cluding vandalism, malicious mischief, sprinkler leakage, debris removal , cost of demolition, windstorm and water damage) endorsement, in an amount equal to the full insurable replace- ment value (without deduction for depreciation) of the common and limited common areas and the Residential Units, with the Board named as insured as trustee for the benefit of owners and mortgagees as their interest may appear, or such other fire and casualty insurance as the Board shall determine to give sub- stantially equal or greater protection insuring the owners, and their mortgagees, as their interests may appear. Said policy or policies shall provide for separate protection for each Residential Unit to the full insurable replacement value thereof, and a separate loss payable endorsement, in favor of the mortgagee or mortgagees of each Residential Unit, if any, and further, a separate loss payable clause in favor of the mortgagee of the Project, if any. All insurance shall be ob- tained from an insurance carrier rated Triple A (and rated as in Class VI or better financial condition) by Best's Insurance Reports or equivalent rating service, and licensed to do busi- ness in the state of Washington. 30 17. 1 .2 General comprehensive liability insurance insuring the Board, the Association, the Owners, Declarant and managing agent against any liability to the public or to the owners of Residential Units, and their invitees, or tenants, incident to the ownership or use of the common and limited com- mon areas ( including but not limited to owned and non-owned automobile liability, water damage, host liquor liability, lia- bility for property of others and, if applicable, elevator collision, garagekeeper' s liability) , the liability under which insurance shall be in an amount determined by the Board after consultation with insurance consultants, but not less than One Million Dollars ($1 ,000 ,000 .00) covering all claims for per- sonal injury and/or property damage arising out of a single occurrence (such policy limits to be reviewed at least annually by the Board and increased in its discretion) . Such insurance shall contain appropriate provisions or endorsements precluding the insurer from denying the claim of an owner because of the negligent acts of the Association or another owner. 17. 1 .3 Workmen' s compensation insurance to the extent required by applicable laws. 17. 1 .4 Fidelity bonds naming the members of the Board, the manager and its employees and such other persons as may be designated by the Board as principals and the Associa- tion as obligee, in an amount equal to at least one hundred fifty percent ( 150%) of the estimated annual operating expenses of the project, including reserves. Such fidelity bonds shall contain waivers of any defense based upon the exclusion of per- sons who serve without compensation from any definitions of "employee" or similar expression. 17. 1 . 5 Insurance against loss of personal property . of the Association by fire, theft and other losses with deduc- tible provisions as the Board deems advisable. 17. 1 .6 If the Project contains a steam boiler, a broad form policy of repair and replacement boiler and machin- ery insurance of at least Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00 ) per accident per location. 17. 1 .7 Such other insurance as the Board deems advisable; provided, that notwithstanding any other provisions herein, the Association shall continuously maintain in effect such casualty, flood and liability insurance and a fidelity bond meeting the insurance and fidelity bond requirements for condominium projects established by Federal National Mortgage Association, Government National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Federal Housing Authority, Veteran's Administration, or other governmental or quasi- governmental agencies involved in the secondary mortgage mar- ket, so long as either is a mortgagee or owner of an apartment 31 within the project, except to the extent such coverage is not available or has been waived in writing by such agency. 17.2 Owner' s Additional Insurance Each Owner may obtain additional insurance respecting his Residential Unit and the contents thereof at his own expense. No Owner shall, however, be entitled to exercise his right to maintain insurance coverage in any manner which would decrease the amount which the Board, or any trustee for the Board, on behalf of all of the owners, will realize under any insurance policy which the Board may have in force on the Project at any particular time. Each Owner is required to and agrees to notify the Board of all improvements by the Owner to his Unit the value of which is in excess of One Thousand Dol- lars ($1 ,000.00 ) . Each Owner is hereby required to file a copy of such individual policy or policies with the Board within thirty ( 30) days after purchase of such insurance, and the Board shall immediately review its effect with the Board ' s insurance broker, agent or carrier. 17. 3 Insurance Proceeds Insurance proceeds for damage or destruction to any part of the property shall be paid to the Board on behalf of the Association which shall segregate such proceeds from other funds of the Association for use and payment as provided for in Paragraph 17. The Association acting through its Board shall have the authority to settle and compromise any claim under insurance obtained by the Association and the insurer may accept a release and discharge of liability made by the Board on behalf of the named insureds under the policy. 17. 4 Additional Provisions The Board shall exercise its reasonable best efforts to obtain insurance policies containing the following provi- sions: ( a) Provide that the liability of the insurer there- under shall not be affected by, and that the insurer shall not claim any right of set-off, counterclaims, aportionment, proration, or contribution by reason of, any other insurance obtained by or for any Owner or any mortgagee; (b) Contain no provision relieving the insurer from liability for loss because of any act or neglect that is not within the control of the Association or because of any failure of the Association to comply with any warrant or condition regarding any portion of the premises over which the Association has no control; (c) Contain a waiver of subrogation by the insurer as to any and all claims against the Association, the own- er of any Unit and/or their respective agents, employees 32 or tenants, and of any defenses based upon co-insurance or upon invalidity arising from the acts of the insured. (d) Provide that, despite any provision giving the insurer the right to restore damage in lieu of -a cash settlement such option shall not be exercisable without the prior written approval of the Association, or when in conflict with the provisions of any insurance trust agree- ment to which the Association is a party, or any require- ment of law. 17. 5 Reconstruction. In the event of damage or destruction by fire or other casualty to any Lot or improvement thereon, the Board or if it so designates the Owner thereof shall, upon receipt of the insurance proceeds, repair or rebuild such damage or des- troyed portions of the Lot and improvements in a good workman- like manner substantially the same as the original plans and. specifications of said property. 17. 6 Common Area The Board shall obtain and maintain at all times as a common expense a policy or policies and bonds for fire with extended coverage, casualty and flood insurance in an amount as near as practicable to the full insurable replacement value of the common and limited common areas, and liability insurance, in such amounts as determined by the Board after consultation with insurance consultants. ARTICLE 18 CONDEMNATION OF COMMON AREAS 18. 1 Consequences of Condemnation If at any time or times during the continuance of the development, all or any part of the Common Areas shall be taken or condemned by any public authority or sold or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, the provisions of this Article 18 shall apply. , The Board shall provide each Owner, and each Mortgagee with a written notice of the com- mencement of any such condemnation proceeding, and of any pro- posed sale or disposition in lieu thereof, in advance of such proceeding or sale. 18. 2 Proceeds All compensation, damages, or other proceeds there- from, the sum of which is hereinafter called the "Condemnation Award ," shall be payable to the Association. 18. 3 Complete Taking In the event that the entire Common Area is taken or condemned, or sold or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in 33 avoidance thereof, the Association ownership thereof shall terminate. The Condemnation Award shall be apportioned among the owners in proportion to the. respective pro rata interest in the common area; provided , that if a standard different from the value of the property as a whole is employed to measure the Condemnation Award in the negotiation, judicial decree, or otherwise, then in determining such shares the same standard shall be employed to the extent it is relevant and applicable. On the basis of the foregoing principal , the Board shall as soon as practicable determine the share of the Condemnation Award to which each owner is entitled. After first paying out of the respective share of each Owner, to the extent sufficient for the purpose, all mortgages and liens on the interest of such owner, the balance remaining in each share shall then be distributed to each owner respectively. 18.4 Partial Taking In the event that less than the entire Common Area is taken_ or condemned, or sold or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, the Association ownership thereof shall not terminate. Each owner shall be entitled to a share of the Condemnation Award to be determined in the following manner: 18.4. 1 As soon as practicable the Board shall , reasonably and in good faith, allocate the Condemnation Award between compensation, damages, or other proceeds. 18. 4. 2 The Board shall apportion the amounts so allocated to taking of or injury to the Common Areas which in turn shall be apportioned among owners in proportion to their respective pro rata interests in the Common Areas. 18.4. 3 The total amount allocated to severance damages shall be apportioned to those Lot which were not taken or condemned. 18.4. 4 The amount allocated to consequential damages and any other takings or injuries shall be apportioned as the Board determines to be equitable in the circumstances. 18.4. 5 If an allocation of the Condemnation Award is already established in negotiation, judicial decree, or otherwise, then in allocating the Condemnation Award the Board shall employ such allocation to the extent it is relevant and applicable. 18.4.6 Distribution of apportioned proceeds shall be made to the respective owners and their respective mortgagees in the manner provided in Section 18.3. 34 18. 5 Reductions of Project Upon Partial Taking In the event that (a) a partial taking occurs which pursuant to Section 18.4 does not result in a termination of Association ownership of the Common Areas, and (b) at least one ( 1 ) Lot is taken or condemned and ( c) the condemning authority elects not to hold, use and own said Lot as an owner subject to and in accordance with the Declaration, then the provisions of this Section 18. 5 shall take effect immediately upon the condemning authority taking possession of the Lot or Lots so taken or condemned : 18. 5. 1 The Lots subject to this Declaration shall be reduced to those Lots not taken or condemned (or not sold or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof) . 18.5. 2 The general common areas subject to this Declaration shall be reduced to that common area not so taken or condemned. 18.5.3 The interest of each Lot Owner in the Common Areas appurtenant to each Lot not so taken or condemned shall be recalculated on a pro rata basis. 18.5.4 Except with respect to the share of proceeds apportioned pursuant to Section 18.4, no owner or mortgagee of a Lot so taken or condemned shall have, nor shall there be appurtenant to any Lot so taken or condemned, any right, title, interest, privilege, duty or obligation in, to or with respect to the Association and any Lot or Common Area which remains subject to this Declaration and which is not so taken or condemned . 18. 5. 5 Except as otherwise expressly provided in Section 18.5, the rights, title, interests, privileges, duties and obligations of an Owner and Mortgagee in, to or with respect to a Lot not so taken or condemned (and in, to or with respect to the Association and the common areas appurtenant to said Lot) shall continue in full force and effect as provided in this Declaration. 18.5.6 The provisions of Section 18.5 shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of all Owners and Mortgagees of (and other persons having or claiming to have any interest in) all Lots which are, as well as all Lots which are not, so taken or condemned. All such Owners, Mortgagees and other persons covenant to execute and deliver any documents , agreements or instruments ( including, but not limited to, appropriate amendments to the Declaration) as are reasonably necessary to effectuate the provisions of Section 18. 5. 35 ARTICLE 19 DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION OF COMMON AREAS; RECONSTRUCTION 19. 1 Initial Board Determinations In the event of damage or destruction to any part of the Common Areas, the Board shall promptly, and in all events within twenty ( 20 ) days after the date of damage or destruction, make the following determinations with respect thereto employing such advice as the Board deems advisable: 19. 1 . 1 The nature and extent of the damage or destruction, together with an inventory of the improvements and property directly affected thereby. 19. 1 . 2 A reasonably reliable estimate of the cost to repair and restore the damage and destruction, which estimate shall, if reasonably practicable, be based upon two ( 2 ) or more firm bids obtained from responsible contractors. 19. 1 .3 The anticipated insurance proceeds, if any, to be available from insurance covering the loss based on the amount paid or initially offered by the insurer. 19. 1 .4 The amount, if any, that the estimated cost of repair and restoration exceeds the anticipated insurance proceeds therefor and the amount of assessment to each Lot if such excess was paid as a maintenance expense and specially assessed against all the Lots in proportion to their percentage of interest in the Common Areas. 19. 1 . 5 The Board's recommendation as to whether such damage or destruction should be repaired or restored. 19. 2 Notice of Damage or Destruction The Board shall promptly, and in all events within thirty (30 ) days after the date of damage or destruction, provide each Owner, and each mortgagee with a written notice summarizing the initial Board determination made under Section 19. 1 . If the Board fails to do so within said thirty ( 30) days, then any Owner or mortgagee may make the determinations required under Section 19. 1 and give the notice required under this Section 19. 2. 19. 3 Definitions: Restoration; Emergency Work 19. 3. 1 As used in this Article 19, the words "repair," "reconstruct," "rebuild" or "restore" shall mean restoring the Common Area and any facilities improvements to substantially the same condition in which they existed prior to the damage or destruction. Modifications to conform to then applicable governmental rules and regulations or available means of construction may be made. 36 19. 3.2 As used in this Article 19, the term "emergency work" shall mean that work which the Board deems reasonably necessary to avoid further damage, destruction or substantial diminution in value to the Common Area or improvements and to reasonably protect the Owners from liability from the condition of the site. 19. 4 Restoration by Board 19.4. 1 Unless prior to the commencement of repair and restoration work (other than emergency work referred to in subsection 19.3. 2) the Owners shall have decided not to repair and reconstruct in accordance with the provisions of either subsection 19.5.3 or 19.6.3, the Board shall promptly repair and restore the damage and destruction, use the available insurance proceeds therefor, and pay for the actual cost of repair and restoration in excess of insurance proceeds secured as a common expense which shall be specially assessed against all Lots on a pro rata basis. 19.4.2 The Board shall have the authority to employ architects and attorneys, advertise for bids, let contracts to contractors and others, and to take such other action as is reasonably necessary to effectuate the repair and restoration. Contracts for such repair and restoration shall be awarded when the Board, by means of insurance proceeds and sufficient assessments, has provision for the cost thereof. The Board may further authorize the insurance carrier to proceed with repair and restoration upon satisfaction of the Board that such work will be appropriately carried out. 19.4. 3 The Board may enter into a written agreement in recordable form with any reputable financial institution or trust or escrow company that such firm or institution shall act as an insurance trustee to adjust and settle any claim for such loss in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50 ,000.00 ) or for such firm or institution to collect the insurance proceeds and carry out the provisions of this Article. 19. 5 Limited Damage; Assessment Under $3 ,500 If the amount of the estimated assessment determined under subsection 19. 1 .4 does not exceed Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3, 500.00) , then the provisions of this Section 19. 5 shall apply: 19.5. 1 The Board may, but shall not be required to, call a special Owners' meeting to consider such repair and restoration work, which notice shall be given simultaneously with the notice required to be given by the Board under Section 19. 2 above. If the Board shall fail to call such meeting, then the requisite number of Owners or any mortgagee, within fifteen ( 15) days of receipt of the notice given by the Board under Section 19. 2 above, or the expiration of such 37 thirty (30 ) day period, whichever is less, may call such special Owners' meeting to consider such repair and restoration work. Any meeting called for under this Section 19. 5. 1 shall be convened not less than t•en ( 10 ) nor more than twenty (20 ) days after the date of such notice of meeting. 19. 5.2 Except for emergency work, no repair and restoration work shall be commenced until after the expiration of the notice period set forth in Section 19. 5. 1 and until after the conclusion of said special meeting if such meeting is called within said requisite period. 19. 5.3 A unanimous written decision of the Lot Owners and mortgagees (based upon one vote for each first mortgage owned) will be required to avoid the provisions of subsection 19.4. 1 and to determine not to repair and restore the damage and destruction in accordance with the original plans, as' amended by subsequent amendments, if any; provided, that the failure of the Board, the requisite number of Owners or a mortgagee to call for a special meeting at the time or in the manner set forth in Section 19.5 shall be. deemed a unanimous decision to undertake such work. 19.6 Major Damage; Assessment Over $3,500 If the amount of the estimated assessment determined under subsection 19. 1 .4 exceeds Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500.00) , then the provisions of this Section 19.6 shall apply: 19.6. 1 The Board shall promptly, and in all events within thirty (30 ) days after the date of damage or destruction, provide written notice of a special Owners' meeting to consider repair and restoration of such damage or destruction', which notice shall be delivered with the notice required to be provided under Section 19.2 above. If the Board fails to do so within said thirty ('30) day period, then notwithstanding the provisions of this • Declaration or the Bylaws with respect to calling special meetings, any Owner or mortgagee may within fifteen ( 15) days of the expiration of said thirty (30 ) day period, or receipt of the notice required to be provided by the Board under Section 19.2 above, whichever is less, call a special meeting of the Owners to consider repair and restoration of such damage or destruction by providing written notice of such meeting to all Owners and mortgagees. Any meeting held pursuant to this Section 19. 6 shall be called by written notice and shall be convened not less than ten ( 10 ) nor more than twenty (20) days from the date of such notice of meeting. 19.6.2 Except for emergency work, no repair and restoration work shall be commenced until the conclusion of the special Owners' meeting required under subsection 19.6. 1 . 38 19. 6.3 A concurrence in writing of more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the first Mortgagees (based upon one vote for each first mortgage owned) , or Owners (other than the sponsor, developer, or builder) of the Lots will be required to avoid the provisions of Section 19. 4 ----and - to determine not to repair and restore the damage and destruction; provided, however, that the failure to obtain said seventy-five percent (75% ) concurrence in writing shall be deemed a decision to rebuild and restore the damage and destruction in accordance with the original plans , as amended by subsequent amendments, if any; provided, further, that the failure of the Board, or Owners or Mortgagees to convene the special meeting required under Section 19. 6. 1 within ninety (90) days after the date of damage or destruction shall be deemed a unanimous decision not to undertake such repair and restoration work. 19.7 Decision Not to Restore; Disposition In the event of a decision under either subsec- tions 19. 5.3 or 19. 6. 3 not to repair and restore damage and destruction, the Board may nevertheless expend such of the insurance proceeds and common funds as the Board deems reason- ably necessary for emergency work (which emergency work may include but is not necessarily limited to removal of the damaged or destroyed buildings and clearing, filling and grad- ing the real property) , and the remaining funds, if any, and property shall thereafter be credited towards assessments next due from the Owners as follows: 19. 7. 1 The property shall be owned in common by the Lot Owners and shall no longer be subject to this Declaration; 19. 7. 2 The undivided interest in the Common areas owned in common which appertains to each Lot Owner shall be the percentage of undivided interest previously owned by such Owner in the common areas and facilities. 19.8 Miscellaneous The provisions of this Article 19 shall constitute the procedure by which a determination is made by the Owners to repair, restore, reconstruct or rebuild. By the act of accepting an interest in the property, each Owner and party claiming by, through or under such Owner hereby consents and agrees to the provisions hereof. In the event that any provision of this Article 19 shall be determined to be invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not effect the validity of any other provision of this Declaration. The purpose of this Article 19 shall be to provide a fair and equitable method of allocating the costs of repair and restoration and making a determination for repair and restoration if all or a portion of the Common Area or improvements are damaged or destroyed. The provisions of this Article 19 shall be liberally construed to accomplish such purpose. By unanimous vote of the apartment Owners, which 39 vote shall be taken within ninety (90 ) days after the damage or destruction the Owners may determine to do otherwise than provided in this Article 19. ARTICLE 20 MISCELLANEOUS 20. 1 Notices 20. 1 . 1 Delivery of Notices and Documents. Any writ- ten notice, or other document as required by this Declaration, may be delivered , personally or by mail. If by mail, such notice, unless expressly provided for herein to the contrary with regard to the type of notice being give, shall be deemed to have been delivered and received forty-eight (48) hours after a copy thereof has been deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid , addressed as follows: ( a) If to an Owner, other than Declarant, to the address of any Lot in the Project owned by him in whole or in part, or to the address last furnished by such Owner to the Board for the purpose of giving notice and delivering docu- ments. Each Owner, other than Declarant, shall file in writing with the Board promptly upon becoming an Owner, his address for the purpose of giving notice and delivering documents and shall promptly notify the Board in writing of any subsequent change of address. (b) If to Declarant, whether in its capacity as an Owner, or in any other capacity: CEDAR RIDGE ASSOCIATES ( c) Prior to the organizational meeting, notices to the Board shall be addressed to the address set forth in (b) above. Thereafter, notices to the Board shall be addressed to an address to be posted by the Board at all times in a con- spicuous place. In addition, from and after the organizational meeting, notice of the address of the Association shall be given by the Board to each Owner, within a reasonable time af- ter the Board has received actual notice of such Owner' s pur- chase of a Lot. 20. 1 . 2 Notification of Sale of Lot. Concurrently with the consummation of the sale of any Lot under circum- stances whereby the transferee becomes an Owner thereof, or within five (5) business days thereafter, the transferee shall notify the Board, in writing, of such sale. Such notification shall set forth: ( 1 ) the name of the transferee and his trans- feror; (2 ) the street address or number of the Lot purchased by 40 • the transferee; (3 ) the transferee' s mailing address; and (4 ) the date of sale. Prior to receipt of such notification, any and all communications required or permitted to be given by Declarant, the Board or any agent or representative thereof, shall be deemed to be duly made and given to the transferee, if duly and timely made and given to said transferee' s transferor. 20.2 Remedies Cumulative The remedies provided are cumulative, and the Board may pursue them concurrently, as well as any other remedies which may be available under law although not expressed herein. 20.3 Successors and Assigns This Declaration shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of Declarant, and the heirs, personal representatives, grantees, lessees, sublessees and assignees of the Owners. 20.4 Joint and Several Liability In the case of joint ownership of a , Lot, the liability of each of the Owners thereof in connection with the liabilities and obligations of Owners, set forth in or imposed by this Declaration, shall be joint and several. 20. 5 Project Mortgagee' s Acceptance 20. 5. 1 Priority of Mortgage. This Declaration shall not initially be binding upon any Mortgagee of the Project of record at the time of recording of said Declaration but rather shall be subject and subordinate to said mortgage. 20. 5. 2 Acceptance Upon First Conveyance. Declarant shall not consummate the conveyance of title of any Lot until said Mortgagee shall have accepted the provisions of this Declaration and made appropriate arrangements for partial release of Lots from the lien of said Mortgage! The issuance and recording of the first such partial release by said Mortgagee shall constitute its acceptance of the provisions of this Declaration and the status of the Lots remaining subject to its Mortgage as well as its acknowlegement that such appropriate arrangements for partial release of Lots has been made; provided, that, except as to Lots so released, said mortgage shall remain in full effect as to the entire property. 20. 6 Severability The provisions hereof shall be deemed independent and severable, and the invalidity or partial invalidty or unenforceability of any one provision or portion thereof shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof. 41 20.7 Effective Date The Declaration shall take effect upon recording. ARTICLE 21 PHASED DEVELOPMENT 21 . 1 Development in Phases 21 . 1 . 1 This Project will be developed and estab- lished in more than one ( 1 ) phase. This Declaration provides a description of: the land within all phases; the land within Phase 1 ; and the Common Areas and Lots for Phase 1 . The pro- visions regarding Phase 1 shall be effective immediately to establish Phase 1 , including the Phase 1 land and all Lots and Common Areas and improvements included therein. The provisions regarding subsequent phases shall not be effective to establish subsequent phases ( including land and all Lots, Common Areas and improvements included therein) under the Declaration until Declarant records an amendment to the Declaration pursuant to Section 21 .4. 21 . 1 . 2 For each subsequent phase following Phase 1 , the Declarant shall execute and record an amendment to this Declaration stating that said subsequent phase (including the subsequent phase land, and all Lots and Common Areas and im- provements included therein) is brought under this Declaration. From and after the recording of said amendment, all of the land within Phase 1 and within subsequent phases for which such an amendment has been recorded, together with all buildings and other improvements constructed thereon, shall constitute a single project pursuant to the provisions of this Declaration. 21 . 1 .3 All Common Areas and facilities for each phase will be utilized by Lot Owners of the next succeeding phase as it is established, and the additional Owners will, after the effective date of the subsequent phase, also share in the expenses of such common facilities. Owners in a prior phase will utilize the Common Areas and facilities for the sub- sequent phases and also share in the expenses thereof. 21 . 1 . 4 Declarant shall complete subsequent phases in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared from time to time by Declarant' s architect and as approved from time to time by governmental authorities having jurisdiction thereof and by the lender or lenders financing the construction of sub- sequent phases. Completion of subsequent phases will be pur- sued by Declarant as expeditiously as reasonably possible, sub- ject to delays for reasons ( including, but not limited to, financing availability, labor disputes, material shortages, and acts of God) reasonably beyond the control of Declarant. 42 21 .2 Assessments for Subsequent Phases All assessments for the various. phases shall utilize and be based on the number of Lots in the completed phase until the succeeding phase is activated and commenced. The Declarant • or Board may upon the activation of any phase recompute the budget and the assessments, and impose revised assessments based on the increased number of lots. 21 .3 Easements for Phased Development and Adjacent Property 21 .3. 1 In addition to the general easements reserved by statute and by reference in other sections of this Declar- ation, there is reserved a nonexclusive easement in favor of Declarant (and Declarant' s heirs, successors, assigns and pur- chasers) over and across the Phase 1 land (and across the re- mainder of the land described in Exhibit A) for ingress and egress and over and across easements, roadways, and utility lines specified or established in and for completed phases, and the right to connect thereto is reserved. Such reservations are for the purpose either of completing subsequent phases, or otherwise developing portions of the land for other purposes if not completed as a part of this project. 21 .3.2 Declarant is obligated, pursuant to agree- ments made by its predecessors in interest, to provide access and utilities to that property directly east of the Cedar Ridge site, which property is more particularly described in Exhibit D attached hereto. Therefore, Declarant hereby grants to the owners of said property and their successors, a perpet- ual, nonexclusive easement for access across the roads of Cedar Ridge. Owners of said property shall also be entitled to tie into utility lines located in Cedar Ridge, provided that said owners fully comply with the provisions of this Article 21 . For these purposes, said property shall be treated as if it was owned by Declarant and comprised as part of this Project. Nothing herein shall preclude Declarant from acquiring said property and adding it to this Project. 21 . 3.3 The easements reserved under this Section 21 . 3 shall entitle the Declarant (and Declarant' s heirs, successors, assigns, ) for development of each successive phase of the Project, or for development and utilization of the lands to have been included in any phase if such lands are utilized for other purposes under the powers reserved to Declarant, to tie into water, sewer, storm sewer, electrical, gas, telephone or other utility lines of 'all varieties, and to connect with roadways or utility systems developed and emplaced in the completed phases of the Project; provided, however, that Declarant shall bear the cost of tie-ins to said utilities and roads and will not connect with said utilities in a manner that impairs or significantly reduces the quality of the utility service to the realty described herein as Phase 1 and for the II 43 realty in a subsequently completed phase; provided further, if said tie-ins cause an increase in the cost of delivering af- fected utility services to Phase 1 and for realty in any sub- sequent completed phase, that cost shall be borne by the Declarant; and provided further, that any land, which is not developed as a subsequent phase of the Project and which utilizes and benefits from the utility and roadway easements reserved to Declarant hereunder, shall pursuant to an irrevo- cable covenant running with the land be obligated to pay a pro rata share (based on relative number of living units) of the costs of subsequent repairs, maintenance and operation of said utilities and roadways. 21 .4 Phased Amendment It is specifically covenanted and agreed that Dec- larant, upon Declarant' s sole signature, may file the amendment to the Declaration as provided under subsection 21 . 1 . 2, said amendment to contain and depict such information and data as is necessary to establish a subsequent phase as a part of the Pro- ject. Such amendment will not require the consent of any other Owner other than the Declarant. Declarant shall execute and record said amendment for each subsequent phase when: ( a) the buildings, and other improvements in said phase have been fully completed to the standards required by the lender or lenders financing construction of said phase; and, if applicable, (b) a sufficient number of Lots within said phase have been pre-sold (that is, been made subject to a binding executory contract of sale and purchase) in accordance with the requirements of the lender or lenders financing construction of said phase. 21 . 5 Liens Arising in Connection with Phases At the time the amendment incorporating a subsequent phase into the Project is made, no lien arising in connection with the Declarant' s ownership of, and construction of improve- ments upon, the subsequent phase land will adversely affect the rights of existing Lot Owners, or the priority of first mort- gages on Lots in the existing Project. All taxes, assessments, mechanics liens, and other charges affecting a subsequent phase land will be paid or otherwise satisfactorily provided for by the Declarant. 21 .6 Withdrawal of Subsequent Phases If, despite the good faith efforts of Declarant and for reasons ( including, but not limited to, financing avail- ability, labor disputes, material shortages and acts of God) beyond the reasonable control of Declarant, all or any of the subsequent phases are not completed and the amendment( s) pro- vided for in Section 21 .4 is not recorded by a date twelve ( 12) months following the initial recording of this Declaration, then Declarant at any time after that date may elect not to in- corporate all or some of such subsequent phases into the Pro- ject and elect not to record the amendment( s) provided for in Section 21 .4. To effectuate the foregoing, Declarant, upon its 44 sole signature and without further consent of any of the other Owners being required, may file such amendment to this Declara- tion as is necessary to withdraw the land within uncompleted phases (and improvements constructed thereon) from the pro- visions of this Declaration and to relinquish Declarant' s rights under this Article 21 ; provided, however, that as an ex- press condition precedent to the exercise of Declarant's right under this Article 21 , Declarant at its sole cost and expense shall first have fully complied with all subdivision and other applicable laws and ordinances of governmental entities having jurisdiction. In the event Declarant should exercise its rights under this Article 21 to withdraw the land within un- completed phases (and improvements thereon) from the provisions of this Declaration, then: the phases in fact completed shall thereafter continue to constitute a complete, fully operational Project; land within uncompleted phases (and improvements thereon) may be used for any other lawful purpose in Declarant' s discretion; and the easements provided for in Section 21 .3 shall continue for the benefit of land within un- completed phases and Declarant ( and its heirs, successors and assigns) for the development and utilization of land within said uncompleted phases. 21 .7 Binding Effect The provisions of this Article 21 shall constitute irrevocable covenants running with all of the land described herein and shall be irrevocably binding upon Declarant ( and its heirs, successors and assigns) with respect to all of said land. DATED this day of , 1981 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has executed this Declar- ation the day and year first hereinabove written. DECLARANT: CEDAR RIDGE ASSOCIATES By Its • 45 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared , known to me to be the of the partnership that executed the within instrument, known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on be- half of the partnership therein named, and acknowledged to me that such partnership executed the within instrument .pursuant to its Bylaws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at GDH:ks 4/20/81 46 --� P mS OF RA, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON 0 POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING 0 RENTON. WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 Z � o rn LAWRENCE I.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY co- SUSAN R. IRWIN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 0,94, ��P June 4, 1981 • TO: Roger Blaylock, Associate Planner FROM: Lawrence J, Warren, City Attorney • Re: Restrictive Covenants for Cedar Ridge Associates By Memo , dated June 1, 1981, you forwarded to me Restrictive Covenants that are 46 pages long together with Articles of Incorporation of Cedar Ridge Residential Park Association, Inc, You thereafter asked for an early review, My inquiry is review for what? I have not been actively involved in the Cedar Ridge Associates except for the legal question involving the right of way to the property, You did not provide me with. a copy of any conditions of the initial platting or PUD approval , I cannot possibly review these covenants under those conditions and make any sort of a reasonable reply. I am forwarding to you the originals of the Restrictive Covenants , Could you please see that they are copied and • a copy sent to me together with any relevant documentation you think is appropriate so that I can address the City 's conditions . I frankly do not want to review the entire document from strictly a legal standpoint since I may find several things objectionable legally which. will not be objectionable from the standpoint of the City, Since this matter apparently has some time- constraints due to your request for an early review, I would hope that you can frame the issues for me or the areas. of City concern at an early date, ✓ / awren ,e , Warren T a��`D cc. Mayor G 0, L ,. /I II Z r CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 3554 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, GRANTING UNTO BELTERRA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS , THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE., AUTHORITY AND FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND USE FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND OTHER STREET PURPOSES A STREET, THROUGH AND BELOW CERTAIN DESIGNATED ROADWAYS AND PUBLIC PROPERTIES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF WASHINGTON. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS : Section 1 : There is hereby given and granted unto Cedar Ridge Associates , a Washington limited partnership , its successors and assigns for a period of 25 years from the taking effect of this Ordinance , the right, privilege, authority and franchise to construct , repair, maintain and alter a Street together with all appurtenances thereto , for street purposes including but not limited to the right of ingress and egress to the Cedar Ridge Residential Park Plat as more particularly described on Exhibit A, which is made a part hereof and incorporated herein as fully set forth (hereinafter "Plat") , under, over, below and through certain public rights-of-way and other public lands within the City of Renton, all as more particularly described on the attached Exhibit "B" which is made a part hereof and incorporated herein as if fully set forth (hereinafter "Street") . -1- Section 2: This Franchise is granted upon the express condition that it shall not be deemed or held to be an exclusive Franchise and shall not in any manner prevent the City of Renton from granting other or further franchises in, along, over, through, under, below or across any of said rights-of-way, streets, avenues or all other public lands and properties of every type and description; and such franchise shall in no way prevent or prohibit the City of Renton from using any of said roads, streets or other public properties or affect its juris- diction over them or any part of them, with full power to make all necessary changes, relocations, repairs, maintenance, estab- lishment, improvement, dedication of same as they may deem fit, including the dedication, establishment, maintenance and improve- ment of all new rights-of-way and thoroughfares and other public properties of every type and description. Section 3: Grantee shall construct and maintain the Street on the public property described in Exhibit B herein and construction shall be under the supervision of and upon the inspection of the City Public Works Director and Grantee shall construct the street substantially in accordance with the plans and specifications as set forth on Exhibit C which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference which has been approved by the City Public Works Director and pursuant to the Final PUD Resolution No. 2406 on the property. -2- Section 4 : This Ordinance shall be void if Grantee shall not within thirty days of the adoption of this Ordinance file its written acceptance thereof with the Clerk of the City of Renton. All costs of publication for said Franchise shall be borne, in addition to all other fees, by Grantee. Section 5: The Grantee, its successors or assigns shall commence construction work under this Franchise within one year from and after the date of passage thereof and all such work shall be completed with the greatest amount of dispatch. If at the end of one year from and after the granting of this Franchise, the Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall not have constructed and have in operation upon rights-of-way the Street. and appurtenances thereto, then in that event the rights hereby conferred upon the Grantee shall automatically cease and terminate. Section 6: Grantee shall maintain the Street in a good state of repair, as approved and accepted by the Public Works Director of the City of Renton, whose approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Section 7: Grantee, its successors and assigns, agrees and covenants to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Renton from and against any and all liability, loss, cost, damage, whether to person or property, or expense of any type or nature which may accrue to the City by reason of the construction, main- tenance, repair and alteration of the Street .by Grantee, except for the negligence of the City; provided, however, that in case any suit or action is instituted against the City by reason of -3- any such damage or injury, the City shall cause written notice thereof to be given unto Grantee and Grantee thereupon shall have the duty to defend any such .suit or action, without cost or expense to the City. Section 8 : The City of Renton reserves unto itself the right and power at all times to reasonably regulate in the public interest and for the public welfare the exercise of the franchise rights granted herein. Section 9 : Grantee shall have no recourse whatsoever against the City of Renton for any loss , cost, expense or damage arising out of any provision or requirement of this Franchise or the enforcement thereof. This Franchise does not relieve the Grantee of any requirement of any City Ordinance , rule or regu- lation or specification of the City, including but not limited to any requirement relating to street work, street excavation per_: mits and fees therefor, or the use, removal or ' relocation of property and streets except that the Grantee shall have the right to have access to the Plat through the Street and shall build the street pursuant to Section 3 . No privilege nor exemption is granted or conferred unto Grantee by this Franchise except those specifically prescribed herein, and any such privilege claimed under this Franchise by the Grantee in any street shall be sub- ordinate to any prior lawful occupancy of the street or any subsequent improvement or installation therein. -4- Section 10 : On or before the 1st day of January of each year during the term of this Franchise, Grantee shall pay unto the City, in consideration of the issuance of this Franchise, a sum of $10. 00 . ' Section 11 : Grantee shall cause to be filed a record upon the property described in Exhibit A, covenants , conditions and restrictions binding the Cedar Ridge Homeowners ' Association to maintain the Street as provided in Section 6 and to indemnify the City pursuant to Section 7 . The Declarations and Covenants shall be substantially similar to the following: The Homeowners ' Association shall be responsible for all costs of all maintenance of the Street and, shall maintain the Street in good state of repair for the term of this Franchise. in compliance with all the City ordinances , rules and regulations . The Homeowners ' Association shall keep and protect and save the City of Renton its employees , from and against any liabilities , loss , cost, damage, whether person or property or expense of any type or nature which may accrue to. the City by reason of construction, maintenance, repair or alteration of the Street by the Homeowners ' Association. Section 12 : The Franchise herein granted and created and the restrictions here imposed and the agreements herein contained shall run with the property described in Exhibit A and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties -5 hereto and their respective successors , grantees and assigns and shall inure to the benefit of each owner hereinafter. Section 13 : Upon application to the City Council of the City of Renton by Grantee , the Council may authorize Grantee to install and construct in City streets additional streets , as contemplated in Section 1 hereof, in a manner satisfactory to the City Council; such additional installations shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Franchise and to any such additional conditions as may be prescribed bithe City Council as to any such additions , PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 15th day of June , 1981 . Z:64 z:11J �/ mad Delores A. Mead, *Ci�t_Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 15th day of June-, 1981 , C6.a..,11>CJI-4•-•° • •(4.-4...t.uctin , Barbara Y. inpoch, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren,. City-Attorney Date of Publication; June 19, 1981 ACCEPTED BY GRANTEE, CEDAR RIDGE ASSOCIATES , a Washington 1 .m4ted partnership , this /5 day of June, 1981 , V2,1 Its Ge,a,die 0/4,64,' • EXHIBIT "A" The land referred to in this ara:itsrent is situated in the State of Washington, County of King and is described as follows: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. , in King County, Washington, lying Northeasterly of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way, Northerly of a 200 foot Puget Sound Power and Light Company Transmission Line Right of Way; EXCEPT the North 250 feet of the East 400 feet thereof; ALSO EXCEPT that portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. , in King ' County, Washington, described as follows: . Beginning at the Northwest corner of said subdivision, said point being the true point of beginning; thence South 89°56'37" East, along the Northerly limits of said subdivision, a distance of 929.67 feet; thence South 01°43'38" West, a distance of 818.33 feet; thence South 71°05'12" West, a distance of 109.48 feet to a point on the Northeasterly margin of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way; thence North 44°20'15' West along said Northeasterly margin, a distance of 1,148.20 feet to a point on the Westerly limits of said subdivision; thence North 01°46'02' East along said Westerly limits, a distance of 33.14 feet to the true point of beginning; ALSO that portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 20 lying Northerly of a 200 foot Puget Sound Power and Light Company Shuffelton Transmission Line Right of Way; ALSO that portion of the Northerly 35 feet of a 200 foot Puget Sound Power and Light Company Shuffelton Transmission Line Right of Way, lying Easterly of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way in the Northeast quarter of said Section 20, as measured at a right angle to the Northerly line thereof. Situate in the City of Renton, County of Ring, State of Washington. • O rt N (D 5: th 11 E 3; G1 1-1 N N 0 Ib to W N E .I.. I•' at ;:C 1-3 13 < U) rt 0 (t to (t to I-• art W tr I-' rn IU VI I 1-3 O .I X • (D W (D • I'• 0 w I-' 0 (D (D to 1'• lit 1< co 1D 0 :r N C' 11 :0' 0 (D :0' (D u1 (D 0' .r• ID I'• ft It' \ 0' i (D o t•. (D Im to to 0 --.1 O a O W ft I-'• 11 F N ft t1) f-: In (D ID m rn (D (D o 1-•• P I-' (n .1. N . it W In N It I'• rt N ft W • a a P. rt I'• M P' Ph :i 1 n I'• 0 (t • f'• C-1 ID :J W ft :1 ft C) 0, tit J N' o IU ft it N 0 VI rt r (D lhuU ID Ul F'• 4 O - m (n (D P. tn. 0 t'i 0 O - ft .1-'t) .t. - 0 1.. �. FF... P. Cl) 1 0 -4 H ft (� I m ID 1 1''ft :1 f) '1� ((' 'tI (D (t P. 1 f - It. I •'t) 1,1'C1 •i t( o a N• rt IJ 1•• 0 3 Pt a t'- t-' N rt•1-' (I W I I) (n 13 (. U ft v f: N N w rt 'i - u 3, 0 I•. 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W rt • 1-••. ;T (D rt N A II (D 0 trt M 0' rt 0' rt • O 0 I-'. 11 N ft (D (D (D '►i 5: E II1 (D H rt 0 0' . . E tr (D P N H N IL zu a (D o ID P1 ID I'• N F•• rt 0 rt :1 :J to L. 0 0 (D 4.. M In - t..) rt P• (t *; ' (D ID H H • • it < • (D t1' b 0 t.) b 0' r t (D tU M it I•- n' N - 1 t to I-, O (D (D th to C). O �. i J 6 fD r •1 to 1 I--' it (., (t' (1) - 0 (n (1) ft 3' ID O. 0 O C» 0 N At rt ( (D I-'`J rt 1C .. - it.) O C) I-' I 1 '*I rt :i 1 h (t N P :3 VI 13 N If► (D N NrhN NON N (D M �. W W to b I•• 1 1 .1 I ' , (1 lit. 1 ' 'a' U (I I, In to it 0 P1 rt -• 11 Fh N (D [t it U) 0 O 1 t CD ''. •• _ is In 0 I'• I h r P. 0 th Cu 0 rt O (D (D ft `tr rt r- :1' N H •n 1.. :-1 'C i-• .r► (D ►'( t-r O 1'• :r m N tit Cl. (D :_r t•• ID it th -• (t t'- tr (D 1 r .i I•• u• ID :, ]:.11 (D t)l it (I) 0 I" Li I n I•- I • to 1•'. ID P• to rt (D 0' 7+ �' 0 (D N Ii 0' P. :1 . to to (D 1 o f) Li"In ti -to (D 0 'U \ p. 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O 0 • a N 1 .J . _. t.4 • • Commencing at a point in the east line of said Section 20, said point being South 1°41 ' 40" West, a distance of 1305. 23 feet from the northeast corner of said Section 20 , thence northwesterly along a curve to the left having a radius of 197 .57 feet a distance of. 89 . 24 feet (the long chord of which bears North 64 °58 ' 10" West a distance of 88. 48 feet) ; thence North 77° 54 ' 30" West a distance of 350 .22 feet; thence northwest- erly along .a curve to the right having a radius of 197 . 57 feet a distance of 148 . 27 fee= (the long chord of which bears North 56°24 ' 30" West a distance of 144 . 82 feet) to a point. in an existing county road, said point being South ' 27° 35 ' 00" West a ,distance ,of 1256 . 51 feet from the northeast corner of said Section 20; thence • North • 55° O5 ' 30" East a distance of 15 . 00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of said line; thence northwesterly around a .carve to the left, having a radius of 212 . 57 feet, containing .a central angle of 43° 00 ' 00" a distance of 159 . 53 . feet, thence northwesterly, around a curve to the right, having a radius. of 130 . 15 feet, containing a central angle of 58°01 ' 30" an arc distance of 131. 61 feet; thence North19°53 ' 00" West a distance of 70 feet, more or less, to a point on the southerly margin of the northerly 35 feet of the Puget Sound Power & Light trans- mission line and the terminus of said centerline. SUBJECT TO: Easements, restrictions and reserva- tions of record. i . ' . •�� VI., :; i=, W. ivi. ' . • • • 1.1 1 I' ! 2', : K . ( 1 -11GI I,T--OF...WAY. . . . . ; ,. . f ----- ► . II 1 • _ 2% 2% — �!/ i <t err. •r ,•i tr. .r-T!•. 7 t+.r7.. C. cn•. • ai I,/I _ 2",ASPHALTIC _CONCRETE, Cl....., B. _ . ll • • ► 1.5�' CRUSHED SURFACING _TOP COURSE 1.51 x 5'IV,•o►e Peo%sfr,an 54 CIZUSI IEDSURFACING BASE COURSE I x re-es 41 --..-..._>.._ f;2! iY¢�-S ik GRAVEL /SSE._CLASS-.- —A _F31*�VILtI�D_8Y�6 1l1C1^Q de�`r/+fi.9r/ fit tom• • . . .; - �! • !.f t rr'e ` J .. 1 ';• 1. -_ ,\ - -- ------ ENTRANCE RD. . �� '.. O♦ 22 TO 20 r •�,,\ rd.T.S. \ . 16 • OF R4,4, 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY• RENTON,WASHINGTON 0 '© 7 POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 S 2nd STREET • RENTON.WASHINGTON 98057 255-8670 Z 0 ems LAWRENCE J.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 9.0 to' DAVID M. DEAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 0,9gT�0 SEPS4 MARK E.BARBER, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ZANETTA L.FONTES, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY March 15, 1984 MARTHA A.FRENCH, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY TO: Maxine. E. Motor, City Clerk FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE: Covenants for Cedar Ridge Preliminary Plat Dear Maxine : By letter dated March 9 , 1984, Fred Kaufman, Hearing Examiner, suggested that you forward -a copy of the Amended Restrictive Covenants to my office for review. The original Restrictive Covenants with the amendments are many pages in length. However, in reviewing the Restrictive Covenants , I believe that there are several issues that need to be raised before these Covenants are acceptable to the City. 1. There was a requirement that a hold harmless agreement to the City be signed for the use and maintenance of the roadway. I cannot find such a hold harmless agreement. There may be ,a separate document which has been signed and filed with the City. I did not see such a document in my review of the file. 2. The Hearing Examiner' s Report requires a fund be created for service and maintenance of the road in an amount of approximately $25 , 000 . 00 over the next ten years . At the rate of contribution of $2. 00 per unit per month, presuming ' 120 units , such an amount would be raised. The Covenants are also clear that the property owners could have their assessments raised if more money was needed. I presume this meets the intention of the Hearing Examiner' s decision in that he did not intend to create a fund that had $25 ,090 .00 in it initially or had some sort of a guaranty outside of the Restrictive Covenants . 3 . I note in the Hearing Examiner' s decision that the roadway was to be started under construction within one year. I have no knowledge as to whether or not that occurred or whether or not an extension was requested and granted. That detail should be checked before the City accepts the Plat. With these comments , I think the City Council can review the matter on March. 19, 1984. However, these questions need to be answered before the Council can adequely consider the matter . LJW:nd awren . Warren cc : Mayor '/ _ - // J OF R4,4 ti ,�• OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON U POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 Z � o LAWRENCE J.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 9,0 SUSAN R. IRWIN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 0gTFD 3EP.T.00 , December 18 , 1981 TO: Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator FROM: Daniel Kellogg, Assistant City Attorney RE: Cedar Ridge/ Revision to Plat I have your letter of December 17 , 1981 regarding the revision to the Cedar Ridge Plat . As you know, our office has encouraged boundary line adjustments to make minor modifications to plats as long as no circum- vention of the subdivision ordinance is involved. Therefore, we concur that the City may resolve the modification of the. Cedar Ridge Plat by means of boundary line adjustments and the filing of a record of survey. Daniel Kellogg DK:nd OF R4,4 ®• ���4t O BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - e® Z RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR 2 o 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 0 235-2540 co- O P -1" SEPrE��� BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM DATE : December 17 , 1931 TO : Dan Kellogg, Assistant City Attorney FROM: � Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Cedar Ridge/ Revision to Plat On November 5th, I recieved a response from your office • concerning revising the Final P .U.D. and Plat for the Cedar Ridge project . I was referred to the statutory process set forth in RCW Chanter 53 . 12 ; however , since that time we informally discussed the idea of processing a boundary line adjustment and filing a new record of • survey. Our discussion was based upon an inouiry that I had made of Mr. William Torohoff of the King County Recorder ' s Office asking how other communities resolved the problem. He stated that if we were correcting a surveying error then a new record of survey could be filed and the original mylar would be stamped to reference the correction. In the situation with Cedar Ridge, we had not anticipated that the building contractor could not construct the building on a zero lot line. Out the first 5 foundations poured only 1 has been exactly on the property line to the inch. We have learned a very good lesson about filing the final plat prior to the actual construction of the buildings where a planned unit development is being utilized. To resolve the present situation where we will need to dd minor adjustments to the lot lines to coincide with the actual foundation lines , I would suggest that we process several boundary line adjustments and approve the necessary records of survey. There will not be the creation • of any more lots or adjustments of greater than .5 to 10 feet . Would you concurr in this administrative process? OF R� df 0 THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT co: 235- 2550 o9"TE0 sEPS -`?) OCTOBER 23, 1981 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 733668 Harman-Sword Inc. P.O. Box 967 Puyallup, Washington 98371 RE: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RECONSIDERATION OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR ECF-545-80, CEDAR RIDGE (ALSO REFERENCE FILES FPUD-036-81, FP-037-81, PPUD-009-80, and PP-010-80 CEDAR RIDGE) Gentlemen: The Environmental Review Committee has set the hour of 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 28, 1981 in the City of Renton Third Floor Conference Room as the time and place to consider withdrawing the declaration of non-significance for ECF-545-80 Cedar Ridge Planned Unit Development. This reconsideration is based upon the potential violations of the negative declaration approval and planned unit development approvals of the City of Renton. The Environmental Review Committee's consideration will be in accordance with WAC 197-10-375, Withdrawal of Negative Threshold Determination, which grants the ERC the authority to withdraw the final declaration of non-significance when "the proposal has been modified after the threshold determination and such modification may cause the proposed action to have a significant adverse environmental impact." If the committee withdraws the negative declaration, the committee is required to prepare a new declaration. If a declaration of significance is made, a draft and final environmental impact statement must be prepared with all cost to be borne by Harman-Sword, Inc. pursuant to Section 4-2814(B) of the Renton Municipal Code. If the present declaration of non-significance is withdrawn by the committee, no construction, clearing, or grading will be allowed on the subject property until such time as the draft and final environmental impact statements have been completed. Ver truly yours, tt�Q A �l�t2GL/ 4?-0241 LC' v avik . Clemens, 'chard C. Houghton Ronald G. Nelson Acting Planning Director Public Works Director Building Director DRC:cl cc: Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Delores Mead, City Clerk OF R A. ,• THE CITY OF RENTON `O © Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 sall o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT � 235- 2550 0,9gTE0 SEP'CE�O MEMORANDUM October 22, 1981 TO: Dan Kellogg, Assistant City Attorney FROM: Roger Blaylock, Associate Planner RE: REVISION OF FINAL PLAT WHERE.A P.U.D. IS INVOLVED/CEDAR RIDGE Both the Final Planned Unit Development and Final Plat for Cedar Ridge have been approved by the City Council. The plat has been recorded. The builder now finds that it is impossible for him to build on a zero lot line and requests that he construct the buildings and then file the necessary documents to modify the plat either by boundary line adjust- ment or amended plat. In addition, the builder wishes to modify the unit layout as approved in the P.U.D. by switching the unit types around. The technical problems of construction on a zero lot line are transformed into a legal problem of adjusting established property lines. Is the correct method to resolve the problem the processing of a new preliminary and final plat, processing of just a new final plat, or the processing of an amended plat? And, if it is an amended plat, does it follow the process of the preliminary plat or final plat? Can the P.U.D. be modified after the final plat is filed? RJB:wr s. . Jacket - Blank jacket :liar to Commitment Jacket SECOND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAT CERTIFICATE Our No. 57404 1I _ Belterra Development Corp. 1900 South Puget Drive Renton, Washington 98055 Certificate for Filing Proposed Plat of Cedar Ridge Dear Sir: In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that the title to the following described land situate in said King County, to-wit: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. , in King County, Washington, lying Northeasterly of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way, Northerly of a 200 foot Puget Sound Power and Light Company Transmission Line Right of Way; EXCEPT the North 250 feet of the East 400 feet thereof; ALSO EXCEPT that portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. ,. in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said subdivision, said point being the true point of beginning; thence South 89°56'37" East, along the Northerly limits of said . subdivision, a distance of 929.67 feet; thence South 01°43'38" West, a distance of 818.33 feet; thence South 71°05'12" West, a distance of 109.48 feet to a point on the Northeasterly margin of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way; thence North 44°20'15" West along said Northeasterly margin, a . distance of 1,148.20 feet to a point on the Westerly limits of said subdivision; thence North 01°46'02" East along said Westerly limits, a distance of 33.14 feet to the true point of beginning; I (Continued . . . Plat Certificate) Page 2 Order No. 57404 ALSO that portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 20 lying Northerly of a 200 foot Puget Sound Power and Light Company Shuffleton Transmission Line Right of Way; ALSO that portion of the Northerly 35 feet of a 200 foot Puget Sound Power and Light Company Shuffleton Transmission Line Right of Way, lying Easterly of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way in the Northeast quarter of said Section 20, as measured at a right angle to the Northerly line thereof. Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. VESTED IN: CEDAR RIDGE ASSOCIATES, a Washington Limited Partnership 1. GENERAL TAXES Year: 1981 Amount Billed: $307.49 Amount Paid: None Amount Due: $307.49 Tax Account No. : 202305-9072-32 (Affects that portion of the property herein described in the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter lying North of the 200 foot Puget Sound Power & Light transmission line) . 2. GENERAL TAXES Year: 1981 Amount Billed: $786.02 Amount Paid: None Amount Due: $786.02 Tax Account No. : 202305-9069-37 (Affects that portion of the property herein described in the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter lying North of the 200 foot Puget Sound Power & Light transmission line) . 3. GENERAL TAXES Year: 1981 Amount Billed: $31.71 Amount Paid: None Amount Due: $31.71 Tax Account No. : 202305-9150-37 (Affects the remainder of the property herein described) I 1111 (Continued . . . Plat Certificate) Page 3 Order No. 57404 • 4. EASEMENT RESERVED BY INSTRUMENT AND CONDITIONS • CONTAINED THEREIN In favor of: Puget Sound Power & Light Company, a Washington corporation For: The right to construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge one or more electric transmission and/or distribution lines over and/or under the right-of-way / together with all necessary or convenient appurtenances thereto, which may include but are not limited to overhead facilities, underground facilities and the right of access along, over and across the right-of-way to enable Puget to.' exercise its rights hereunder Affects: The Southeasterly 35 feet of the property herein described Recorded: September 28, 1979 • Recording No.: 7909280700 5. DEED OF TRUST AND ADDITIONAL ADVANCES, IF ANY, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: Grantor: Cedar Ridge Associates, a Washington limited partnership Trustee: Transamerica Title Insurance Title Insurance Company Beneficiary: Washington Capital Corporation ' Original Amount: $1,890,000.00, plus interest Dated: September 14, 1979 Recorded: September 28, 1979 Recording No. : 7909280705 The Mortgagee's/Beneficial Interest has been assigned to Sherwood & Roberts, Inc. , on November 7, 1980, under Recording No. 8011070043. 6. The effect of a record of survey recorded on February 7, 1980 under Recording No. 8002079001 purporting to show the herein described. (and other) land. NOTE 1: Terms, conditions, provisions of the Articles of Partnership, if any, for Cedar Ridge Associates, a Washington limited partnership, a copy which is required by this Company for further consideration. • w I (Continued . . . Plat Certificate) Page 5 Order No. 57404 NOTE 2: We note that there is already recorded a plat named Cedar Ridge and a Condominium named Cedar Ridge. Records examined to March 26, 1981 at 7:30 a.m. 4.014.426.1:‘..4et CHRISTINE KOELE, Subdivision Manager • 4 404 . • _ •• -% 43wv � AMEJ Ic First American Title Insurance Company FOURTH AND BLANCHARD BUILDING,SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98121 .(AREA 206)382-0400 OF I 40 O THE CITY OF RENTON U ,$ © Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 o ma. BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR • DELORES A. MEAD 09,0 CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 0,9-e0 SEPI°11° June 22, 1981 Mr. Delbert C. Bennett Cedar Ridge Associates 17422 108th Ave. SE Renton, WA 98055 RE: City of Renton - Street Franchise Final Plat Approval Dear Mr. Bennett: The Renton City Council at its regular meeting of June 8, 1981, has adopted Resolution No. 2405 approving Final Plat of Cedar Ridge. The Council adopted Ordinance No. 3554 on June 15, 1981, granting street franchise for the final plat. A copy of the Resolution and Ordinance are enclosed. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, C.M.C. City Clerk DAM:db ENC: 2 Renton City Council 6/8/81 Page 5 Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued Ordinance #3553 An ordinance was read (including summary) confirming annexation Cascadia to the City of area contiguous to the City on the eastern boundary Annexation known as the Cascadia Annexation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY AS READ. ROLL CALL: 5-AYE: ROCKHILL, HUGHES, CLYMER, TRIMM, REED; ONE NO: STREDICKE. CARRIED. First Readings The Ways and Means Committee recommended first readings of the following ordinances and referral back to committee. Dixon Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification from R-2 to B-1 Business District, property located 3241 Sunset Blvd. NE; known as the Dixon Rezone R-029-81 . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (Summary included) Bowen Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification from General G to Light Industrial District L-1 , property located on the north side of SW Grady Way between Thomas Ave. SW and Lind Ave. SW; known as the Bowen Rezone R-030-81 . (Summary included. ) MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Franchise - An ordinance was read granting unto Belterra Development Corp. , Street - the right and franchise to construct , maintain and use street Belterra Corp. for ingress and egress through designated area of the City. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Upon inquiry City Attorney Warren explained Cedar Ridge Homeowners would maintain the road- way to City standards , City to hold title; granted by Board of Public Works. MOTION CARRIED. The committee recommended reading and adoption of the following resolutions : Resolution #2403 Tiffany Park A resolution was read setting Public Hearing for 7/13/81 for Walkway proposed vacation of the Tiffany Park Walkway. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2404 A resolution was read for transfer of $2,000 from Contingency Fund Fund Transfer unto Current Fund/Data Processing Div. for professional services. Data Processing MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Consultant CARRIED. Resolution #2405 A resolution was read approving the final plat for subdivision Final Plat known as Cedar Ridge located on the East side of the Seattle-Cedar FP-037-81 River Pipeline, adjacent to Philip Arnold Park. MOVED BY CLYMER, Cedar Ridge SECOND ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2406 A resolution was read giving approval of a final planned unit Final Planned development for Cedar Ridge located on the East side of the Unit Development Seattle pipeline, adjacent to Phillip Arnold Park and North of FPUD-036-81 the Royal Hills Drive. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE Cedar Ridge RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported successful and interesting Suburban Mayor' s REPORT Assoc. meeting, Renton Host City; speaker Mike Nolt of King County Jail explained it is largest prison facility in the state, even surpassing Walla Walla. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Hughes submitted letter from Renton . Merchants Parking Association stating concern for customer parking in the area of S 3rd and Wells S 3rd and Wells Ave. because numerous visitors to the Alcoholic Anonymous Office occupy the parking for several blocks. The letter suggested more parking be obtained other than in front of the building or another location obtained for the use of AA meetings with easier access without infringing on merchants ' right to access for their handicapped or aging customers. Councilman Hughes also explained the problem of those parking in the area of only moving the car within the same block upon time expiration. Capt. Bourasa noted this was a parking violation. Renton City Council 6/8/81 Page 6 ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY REED, SECOND TRIMM, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 11 :29 P.M. 4�6C n Delores A. Mad, C. .C. City Clerk t.cP111 35 CITY OF RENTON t)ATE 6/08/81 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: #34091 - #34095 CURRENT 898, 752.00 PARKS •31, 284.97 ARTERIAL STREETS S37,025. 76 STREETS 845,232,25 LIBRARY $9, 280.43 STREET FORWARD THRUST $40, 002. 11 0 COULON BCH PK CONSTR •40,311 •68 MUNICIPAL FACILITIES •500.00 WATERWORKS UTILITY •70,801 •65 AIRPORT $13, 435. 46 1975 w b S CONSTRUCTION S134,488.24 ECuIPMEtT RENTAL •10,600•78 FIREMEN'S PENSION 844.27 LIO CONTROL $1,648.37 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS S533, 407 .97 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE AENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT N[RC$A'DISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROvE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NU. 34096 THROUGH NO' 34376 IN THE AMOUNT 0' 0533,407.97 T 8TH AY OF JUNE 1981 . COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MEMBER sigiPe.,764. .4111—..) .T.D.1314, REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-7 $ 5. 4 �2.0.�317 • , REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-3 $956.50 MEMB .2.0.2321, REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-1 $660.00 .I.D.F322, REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-4 $ 15.93 Renton City Council 6/8/81 Page 3 Audience Comment - Continued Travel Request Cheryl Bersch asked denial of travel request , that Council con- Continued tinue to honor commitment that official business travel be limited to those states having ratified the Equal Rights Amendment. Ms. Bersch noted the ERA ratification time limit of one additional year (commitment made 4/78) . MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND ROCKHILL, authorize Fire Marshall to attend conference in Nevada. Discussion ensued. Fire Chief Geissler explained need for attendance. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: ROCKHILL, HUGHES, REED; 3-NO: STREDICKE, CLYMER, AND TRIMM. CHAIR VOTED NO. MOTION FAILED. Maplewood Heights Ray Griffin, 14306 144th SE, claimed storm drain outfall on Erosion SE 4th Pl . is eroding Maplewood Heights community green belt and asked the outfall be relocated. Griffin requested reply in writing. NE 4th Traffic Griffin also requested limited ingress and egress to NE 4th St . (SE 128th) , citing heavy traffic and problems. Councilman Stredicke noted proposed plan for 5th lane (turning lane) . CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the business matters included: Appeal Appeal has been filed regarding Hearing Examiner's recommendation Earlington of First Cities Equities Rezone R-057-80, property lying east Ind. Park Rezone of the proposed P-1 Channel , rezone request from General "G" R-057-80 to M-P Manufacturing Park District classification for future development of industrial park. Examiner recommended denial . Refer to Planning and Development Committee for recommendation. Special Permit Land Use Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman recommended approval Stonebridge Co. with conditions for Special Permit SP-025-81 . Stonebridge Company (Louis Malesis), located NE 16th St. and Kirkland Ave. NE, 30-unit townhouse apartment complex. Council concur. Cedar Ridge Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval with special condi- Final PUD tions for Final Planned Unit Development and Final Plat FPUD-036-81 and Final Plat and FP-037-81 Cedar Ridge Associates . Property is located on the east side of the Seattle-Cedar River Pipeline, adjacent to Philip Arnold Park and north of Royal Hills Drive. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. (See Resolutions #2405 and #2406) Claim for Damages Claim was filed by Gregory M. Fontaine, 903 NW 6th St. , Damages in amount of $350 for damage to bicycle, alleging City car backed over bike in Park Department parking lot. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Court Case Superior Court Summons and Complaint has been filed by Scott A. S.A. Jarvis Jarvis against the City (James Phelan, Hugh Darby and Donald Persson) claiming deprivation of his Constitutional rights. Refer to City Attorney. Subdivision Acting Planning Director Clemens requested amendment to the Sub- Ordinance division ordinance to provide alternatives to public streets in some Short Plat applications and to specify procedures for lot line adjustments. Refer to Planning and Development Committee for report and recommendation. Utility Plant Letter from Ted Bennett, Acting Finance Director, advised Utility Value Plant Value as of 12/31/80 is $23,955,083.63; provided to use for 1982 in lieu of tax payment (service charge) paid by the Utility to the Current Fund. One and 1/2 percent of plant value is the maximum which can be Paid ($359,326) . Refer to the Mayor and Council Budget Committee for budget purposes. Latecomer' s Letter from Acting Public Works Director Houghton reported Utilities Agreement Committee approval for request for Latecomer' s Agreement (S-305) McCaslin Joepete McCaslin, sewer line NE 20th St. (Referred 5/11/81 ) . Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement. Concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, ACCEPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS Approval PRESENTED. CARRIED. Renton City Council 6/8/81 Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Request for Letter from Nick Kuntz, 301 NW 6th St. , reported recent request Street Sign for caution sign installation at NW 6th St. because of lack of NW 6th St. sidewalks and children/adults must use side of street. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, refer request to the Transportation Committee. Stredicke asked all streets without sidewalks be reviewed. Mayor Shinpoch recalled prior requests and advising Mr. Kuntz that "children at play" sign for the Woody Glenn cul-de- sac area could have more dangerous repercussions rather than pro- tecting the children, as advised by Traffic Engineer Gary Norris. ROLL CALL: 2-AYE: STREDICKE, CLYMER; 4-NO: ROCKHILL, HUGHES, TRIMM AND REED. FAILED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND ROCKHILL, CORRESPONDENCE BE ADDRESSED TO MR. KUNTZ REITERATING PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION. MOTION CARRIED. Appropriation Letter from Parks and Recreation Director John Webley requested Appraisal/Park appropriation of $5,000 from Park Fund excess revenue to profes- sional services for appraisal to determine the value of Maplewood Golf Course and set the stage for potential negotiations. Person present: Larry Vickers , 13419 SE 141st St. , urged King County buy the golf course property, being adjacent to County park, so that maintenance costs could be reduced. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND STREDICKE, AUTHORIZE PARK DIRECTOR TO PROCEED WITH APPRAISAL ON GOLF PROPERTY. CARRIED. Walking Sisters Letter from Paul D. Riggs , 656 Ferndale Court NE, asked recogni- tion of the "Walking Sisters" (Smith) through naming of some civic structure. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, REFER MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Appropriation Letter from Public Works Department Utilities requested transfer Water/Sewer within 1975 Water and Sewer Construction Fund to Water Systems Improvements/Hospital Account in amount of 5338,586.96 and appropriation of $183,239. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, REFER MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR LEGISLATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President reported 1 :00 P.M. baseball game at Liberty Independence Day Park, 4th of July, Senior Citizen challenge to Council . Challenge Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee Committee report recommending concurrence in appointment by the Mayor of Appointment Mrs. Lillian Poff to the Library Board for five-year term Library Board effective to 6/1/86. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Voucher Approval The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval for payment of Vouchers #34096 through 34376 in amount of $533,407.97; plus LID #314 Revenue Warrant R-7 $15.94; LID 317 Revenue Warrant R-3 $956.50; LID #321 Revenue Warrant R-1 $660; LID #322 Revenue Warrant R-4 $15.93. Vouchers received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, APPROVE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading of the follow- Committee ing ordinances and summary for second and final readings : Chair—irman: Clymer Ordinance #3551 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification from Woodcock Rezone R-2 to R-3 property located at 123 Pelly Ave. N; known as the Woodcock Rezone R-015-81 . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3552 An ordinance was read authorizing enforcement of restrictions Parking for on parking for handicapped persons. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND Handicapped HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. Enforcement CARRIED. OF R�,, • THE CITY OF RENTON •©'• MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.08055 o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 _y._.�.. III MEMORANDUUM June 15, 1981 •I I TO: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: Planning Department RE: CEDAR . RIDGE ASSOCIATES FINAL PLAT, FP-037-81 ;Attached is the approved mylar of Cedar Ridge Residential Park final plat. Please obtain the signatures of the Council President and yourself and arrange for proper recording with King County. Thank you. RJB:wr _ ' I . I • I 42 - CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2405 WHEREAS a petition for the approval of a final plat for the ' subdivision of a certain tract of land as hereinafter more particularly described , located within the City of Renton has heretofore been duly approved by the Hearing Examiner ; and WHEREAS after due investigation the Planning Department has considered and recommended the approval of said final plat and no public hearing being held , and such approval being deemed proper and ' advisable and in the public interest , NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I : The final plat heretofore submitted and approved by the Hearing Examiner , pertaining to the following described real estate , to-wit : See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth . (Property located on the East side of the Seattle-Cedar River .. Pipeline , adjacent to Philip Arnold Park , and Two Thousand (2 , 000) feet North of Royal Hills Drive . ) be and the same is hereby approved as such plat , subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton , and subject to the findings , conclusions and decision dated May 14 , 1981 , of the City' s Hearing Examiner . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this :,L:i day of June , 1981 . 4Ctia tt..44ii res A. Mead , 71-6egoK APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ;;th day of June , 1981 . ��� . S�. �,E,,. . o '`-'." Barbara Y. Shinpoth, Mayor Appr ved as to form' O Lawrence J :-411 ren', City Attorney p EXHIBIT "A" That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 20, Tbwnship 23 North, Range 5 Fast M.M., in King County, Washington, lying Northeasterly of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way, Northerly of a 200 foot Puget Sound Power and Light Company Transmission Line Right of Way; EXCEPT the North 250 feet of the East 400 feet thereof; ALSO EXCEPT that portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 20, Tbwnship 23 North, Range 5 East W.M., in Ring' County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said subdivision, said point being the true point of beginning; thence South 89.56'376 East, along the Northerly limits of said subdivision, a distance of 929.67 feet; thence South 01.43'386 west, a distance of 818.33 feet; thence South 71.05'126 west, a distance of 109.48. feet to a point on the Northeasterly margin of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipeline Right of levy; thence North 44.20'156 west along said Northeasterly margin, a distance of 1,148.20 feet to a point on the westerly limits of said subdivision; • thence North 01.46'026 Bast along said Wasterly limits, a distance of 33.14 feet to the true point of beginning; ALSO that portion of the Nbctheast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 20 lying Northerly of a 200 foot Puget Sound and Light Company Shuffleton Transmission Line Right of Way; Power ALSO that portion of the Northerly 35 feet of a 200 foot Puget Sound Power and Light Company Shuffleton Transmission Line Right of Way, lying Easterly of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way in the Northeast quarter of said Section 20, as _ measured at a right angle to the Northerly line thereof. Situate in the City of Renton, County of Ring, State of Washington. Vl '- r_" - "y -2r-�yJ HALL ,f,c�.- '' - I \ • I /- q ; ':- -,,',' ;.?rii . e.1 it- : • .' , -; . _,,I':. 1.4,-- ' I l'i/ ,- --?' y-' t--4-P r,5,. ; ,1.•,i. : r;...i 1::-.4' ' .. • )) \, IN C-it.• ( `1 L�,1FI jJ Iii.L. - •1 t• l ST E. W 3 tt-4 rn�r I I IV: 7u'' YJµ. .�` .•..-. p Pt_ .���000.�1�e._ ,q+y7�'�''1�o< <' I I; • 1. T. k` J ,' - \ - j11: ' g�t,.la -"7 lore c•1 I • �i_., .'t'-`�` u ,/ • 14:.1 E '1 '5_I. 'i •1 4_4 .�1 •I •� r 1 ii ._-1. : -I- 1 I* /z, I .1.,,d !: 1: ::,• ,,,•••.1, .. 0 I°'' , I I . -1\ ,.- .' 1 ,,, iL--;I 7 ' I ,., 1 ,��•_„•:.. i PROPOSED PLAT OF ^�;,1. Ij:, I In ( � I,; w'•• CEDAR RIDGE RESIDENTIAL . '��,. y ' ., • . ,ai 1. Uj,: d z / L 1;�,,! ,..,J L • f„I l q1r + PARK P.U.D. r a \e,'� :-..:1 / �•�'� I I1 4 • S ' .I �I 1 !. I._.. .-r1_ 1 ClD, JJ i•-+'- I 1 ! ., L I l .1 • ��� 1 11 1 / ` J CO y PbPA 4.s . / I,i n b R• -_-,' --- •---„-- 90••-ok..1.."----i,„., -- ' a ( :"i _ -•,...-. .—• 0 • 7cvir s.„.„, I/: r. • .- ! . . II- ,� i , L 1 ` 01 - 1 I ` I }-y t - _+ 1 __.J__ ' - -- - --- -r\- "-- 1 '. ...,,. ••••- • I .A\� , - •�/ - _.--T1• '.. ._. --....1'...; .. - I Our a �j ,Vat • 1 •_ I ';VV.-77., 'tag -'-' • v1. �`. 1 1 • v, '\ d/ � \sr I • 1.•°'+ �' .L, T •2e 10 7] \ to \- \\I , ' ...i.:J'.'5.:?..,_‘4. ;,..',';' ,;! A,44 0,01 'e '' .# 4,.„ ' •. • .... r-k-.,-ii7r4i, ___r,___:., . --� `.,\ / , 2 ILL_ l 1 1 (. ? • • /r. `a1 Q + V 1. c •° \\ c- -1- -- - - -- r _- --'- --�1..T,.,•T,I,.L 1 n �. " ••1-.L1Y!•.1.,• .Y r2Y Y�•' ;� B . .C4... c.• 'r ,! —la \,�.. ".f.:- i i I 1 1 L , \)u. . - ." • • J '� 1~\ k FRED IJElSr)1: `�� i___ 1 :2 e 7.1 •�,...,. , \ 1 1 ;04C`OL `�� -� ' • I I F.LEI' ' 1 - , • eT LB _ SCNC -"--....._ I l .• t.r ,�\ i 1. 1 e ill M • .,� I` C I I 5°PING ;I AN I c1 1• �- 3-'-' ---�'-4--'--- 1 ^r-• J . . . ,.,,,.. ,A, t r 1. •'ENTARY Is. ' < > "� ,\ J V- r �sfi ,ram _ 41:(7..H1'7.‘ ter. tQ•R i� .:5: 1.j .�.�.�' 'I I I„ENTARY 1 �. , 1.J..1. „ / 'fI 11 1 1 f 1 �-+ •. ' • ' U •� �( ,r�/ _•;/I ''I,I I I ,�'{r 1l)L ,_s.; �.-, 1 . . I.•l . -...1 ----, \•, B `\•``t•J I ,--I L a L._ 1 .. • r1 ?fig rni, ,�.1=.i 2''•T T i '1 1"i �4��`tV1.k,;.1 ..-- \, �,' CITY OF R E N T O N Y% Qr •� + ;ap'J' J DEPARTMENT OR PUBLIC WORK ' c.,„-"\ �t t.`•" '' .j \ \'Y ' '' 71it I . .. . PROPOSED PLAT CEDAR RIDGE RESIDENTIC. �Z i:+ •`' '., \---w 7. ' A � •: I %.•;,:: ,.,,I 1,1 PARK P.U.D }" � • q� , t I•;' DESIGNED DAM-- PILE NO i 1. �sr.l 1 • (,:. ' • 1 1 DRAWN A G ..,,:,..A `••1`,1`Ae.rn t 1 In! BOO' p• • APPROVED SHEET—OP --T;'zz'7.1';.l r> - • _ J llWl[+M°f fYay i*MY -. I INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date 6- 11 -81 TO: City Clerk FRONT: Engineering Department SUBJECT: Legal Description for Cedar Ridge Residential Park EXHIBIT "A" Attached please find a copy of the legal description of the plat of Cedar Ridge Residential Park along with a vicinity map of said plat . Abdoul Gafour Engineering Specialist EXHIBIT "A" That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 20, Tbwnship 23 North, Range 5 East M.M., in Ring Oounty, Washington, lying Northeasterly of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way, Northerly of a 200 foot Puget Sound Power and Light Company Transmission Line Right of Way; EXCEPT the North 250 feet of the East 400 feet thereof; ALSO EXCEPT that portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M., in King- County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said subdivision, said point being the true point of beginning; thence South 89656°37' East, along the Northerly limits of said subdivision, a distance of 929.67 feet; thence South 01643'38' West, a distance of 818.33 feet; thence South 71.05'126 west, a distance of 109.48 feet to a point on ji the Northeasterly margin of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way; thence North 44.20'15' West along said Northeasterly margin, a distance of 1,148.20 feet to a point on the westerly limits of said subdivision; - thence North 01646'026 East along said Westerly limits, a distance of 33.14 feet to the true point of beginning; ALSO that portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 20 lying Northerly of a 200 foot Puget Sound Amer and Light Company Shuffleton Transmission Line Right of way; ALSO that portion of the Northerly 3S feet of a 200 foot Puget Sound Power and Light Company Shuffleton Transmission Line Right of Way, lying Easterly of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way in the Northeast quarter of said Section 20, as measured at a right angle to the Northerly line thereof. Situate in the City of Renton, Oxr ty of Ring, State of Washington. I For Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # AGENDA, ITEM 4 _ RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING c�=a.::_=sacs szax z.x saaxx a's sas�asam:zzrs:ma c:cxanmmsaaas:-•c asyca�aasaaasa.-cssaaxazc=xz=�x_sxcx_ xaa SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER For Agenda Of JUNE 8, 1981 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact MARILYN PETERSEN (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: FILE NO. FPUD-036-81 , FP-037-81i Consent X CEDAR RIDGE ASSOCIATES; FINAL PLANNED UNIT Public Hearing Correspondence DFVELOPMENT AND FINAL PI AT _- Ordinance/Resolution X Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps. ttc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. EXAMINER'S REPORT, 5-14-81 Other B. C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes_ No� N/A X COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: APPROVAL WITH Finance Dept . Yes No. N/A X CONDITIONSOther Clearance FISCAL IMPACT: Amount Appropriation- Expenditure Required $ Budgeted S Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary. ) The appeal period for the subject applications expired on May 28, 1981 , and the Examiner's Report and Recommendation is hereby forwarded to City Council members for review and subsequent adoption of required resolutions. 1 • PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: '' * - j^ See page 4 of the attached report. �: G � ' • SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. Or ke ao o THE CITY OF RENTON ®o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 ' Z o o amm BARBARA'. Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR o LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER `O' FRED J. KAUFMAN, 235-2593 oR4T .�P FO S1�MO�P 'June, 1°, 1981 Mr. 'Michael L. Smith , Cedar Ridge Associates . 17422 103th Avenue S.E. , Suite 200 Renton, WA 98055 • RE: File No. FPUD-036-81 , FP-037-81 ; Cedar Ridge Associates; Final Planned Unit Development and Final Plat. Dear Mr. Smith: This is to notify you that the Examiner's Report and Recommendation, published on May 14, 1981 , has not been appealed within the time period established by ordinance. , Therefore, this application is being submitted to the City Clerk for transmittal to the City Council for final approval . You will receive notification of final, approval upon adoption of a resolution by the City Council . '... '; ' Sincerely, Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner t . cc: Planning Department ' I ' r.Sr')s`f�: • • PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER MAY 5, 1981 PAGE TWO • D. P}.i YSIcAL BACKGROUND: 1 . Topography: The site is situated at the north • edge of t1 plateau above the Cedar River Valley. Excessively steep slopes border the site on the north and east. The site slopes from southwest . to northeast at about 6 percent. The 'easterly one-third of the site has slopes ranging from 20 percent to 50 percent. 2. Soils : AgC - Alderwood gravelly sandy loam which are moderately well drained, undelating to the hilly soils that are dense, very slowly, permeable glacial till. This soil is suited to soils and pasture, with little limitation to urban uses. 3. Vegetation: The site is wooded with maple, fir, cedar and alder, together with related typical woodland brush and scrub grass. 4 . Wildlife: The existing vegetation on the site provides suitable habitat for birds and small mammals. 5. Water: The site is generally well drained. There may be certain areas that may experience intermittent wetness or accumulations of surface water. 6. Land Use: The site: and the majority of its surroundings are currently undeveloped. Phillip Arnold Park lies to the west, the Renton School District owns a vacant site to the northwest, and the undeveloped Cedar River Valley lies to the north and east. Numerous power line rights-of-way extend east-west south of the site. No residential uses currently are in the immediate vicinity of the site. E. umGm.:0mROOD CHARACTERISTICS: With the exception of the Renton Hill neighborhood to the west, no neighborhood character exists currently. F. PUBLIC .SERVIC)ES: 1 . Water and Sewer: All main utility lines have been installed per approved plans. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the Renton Fire Depart- ment as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit: No transit routes are in the vicinity of the site. Metro Transit Route No. ' 145 is avail- able one mile to the south. 4. Schools:. Tiffany Park Elementary School is located about one mile to the southeast. Nelson Junior High School is located about one and one-fourth miles to the southwest of the site. Lindbergh Senior High School is about one and one-half miles to the southwest. 5. Recreation: Phillip Arnold Park adjoins the site on the west, separated by Cedar River Pipeline. G. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE NI)F CODE: 1 . Section 4-704 , SR-1 , Suburban Residence District. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY Y REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER NE MAY 5, 1981 APPLICANT: CEDAR RIDGE ASSOCIATES FILE 'NUMBER: FP-037-81 A. SUMMARY PURI6OSE OF I;mt> ST: The applicant requests final plat approval of a 138-lot plat, in combination with a planned unit development. B. GEMErAi, ICIulII ORMATTtON: 1 . Owner of Record: . Cedar Ridge Associates 2. Applicant : Cedar Ridge Associates 3. Location: (Vicinity Map Attached) On, the east side of the Seattle-Cedar River Pipeline, adjacent to Phillip Arnold Park, and 2,000 feet north of Royal Hills Drive. 4 . Legal Description: , A detailed legal • description is available on file in the Renton 'Planning Department. 5. Size of Property: Approximately 26 acres 6. Access : Via an extension of Lake Youngs Way S.E. from Royal Hills Drive 7. Existing Zoning: SR-1 , Single Family Residential District 8. Existing Zoning in the Area: G and GS-1 , Single Family Residential District and H-1 Heavy Industrial 9. Comprehensive Land• Use Plan: Single Family • C. .a1IS`T'®EY/IACI GRO1t IID : The subject site was anneced by Ordinance No. 1871 of March 8, 1961 . The current SR-1 zoning was adopted by Ordinance No. 2059 of October 21 , 1963. A preliminary plat approval for 101 lots was granted by the Hearing Examiner on November 15, 1978, and concurred in by the City Council on December 4 , 1978. An extension to June 4 , 1980, was granted by the Hearing Examiner on May 25, 1979. The preliminary plat and planned unit development were reviewed by the Hearing Examiner on March 4 , 1980, and approved subject to seven conditions. The City Council considered the recommendation and modified the approval on April 21 , 1980. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER MAY 5, 1981 PAGE FOUR 3. The first condition was modified to allow a private access road 2 ,000 feet in length to be constructed to a design standard of 22 feet of asphalt for the roadway with 8 feet shoulders and a, paved walk- way. 'The 60 feet of right-of-way is owned by the City of Renton and the question how the liability is to be transferred back to the developer and homeowners is a legal and policy question for the City Council to take ultimate action upon. 4 . The second condition of requiring all internal roadways in the planned unit development to be dedicated was eliminated entirely by the City Council. 5. The third condition required that an additional 45 parking spaces be provided on site. The plans show a total of 321 parking spaces, of which 138 are in enclosed garages. Thus the applicant has complied. • 6. Both the Fire Department and Emergency Services • Committee of the City Council have reviewed .and approved the emergency fire access to the site. The Fire Department will still review the adequacy of gates on this access. 7 . The Building Department has not issued any building permits for the subject site as per Condition No. 5. 8. Restrictive covenants have been submitted with final plat application to the Planning Department and have not been recorded by the applicant at this time. The applicant has complied with the substance of Condition No. 6 of the Preliminary Planned Unit Development approval in those covenants. The Building Department advises that the term "single family attached" units must be modified because the term does not coincide with the meaning of the Uniform Building Code. The definition should replace the term or the term should be limited to say it is used for zoning purposes only. 9. Condition No. 7 required that all required utility easements in favor of the city be established. This has been complied with on the face of the plat. In addition, the plat conveys utility access and maintenance to other private utilities. 10. The applicant has been granted a deferral from completion of physical improvements on the site by the Board of Public Works to allow the filing • of the final plat -after approval by the City. The applicant has posted a letter of credit to cover the anticipated costs, plus 50 percent to cover- inflation per ordinance requirements. 11 . The applicant has provided the computer closure of the final plat, which the Engineering Division is presently confirming. M. DIh'P A1lR"6"fiMf1F+'NT/4TL, RECOMMENDATIONS: ' The Planning Department recommends that the Hearing Examiner approve the Final Plat of Cedar Ridge subject to approval of the planned unit development by the City Council© I ' PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPC--, TO THE HEARING EXAMINER -" MAY 5, 1981 PAGE THREE • H. IC m s:1F'1 SH CTI O S OF 1BE COMPNumaNSIVE PLAN Or, OTHER OFFICIAL CITY D011ir r \�T: 1 . Subdivision Regulations , Section 9-1106-3, Final • Plat Requirements. 2. Land Use Report, 1965, Page 11 , Residential, • 3. Chapter 27 , Planned Unit Development Ordinance. I. IMPACT T sfig THE NATURAL O HUMAN iv*mmoN r': 1 . Natural Systems : Development of the subject site will disturb the soil and vegetation, increase noise and storm water runoff, and have an effect on traffic levels in the area. However, through proper development controlsiand provision of suitable storm water retention facilities these impacts can be mitigated. 2. Population/Employment : Apploval of the project and construction of the proposed units will increase the area population by approximately 373 persons (2. 7/home x 138 homes) . 3. Schools : The proposed project sill, increase the school population by approximately 70 persons ( . 5 students/home x 138 homes) . The existing schools in the vicinity should be able to accommodate this increase. 4. Social: The subject request will have minimal impacts except for those caused by minor increases and new relationships that will result from such increases. 5. Traffic : The new plat will increase traffic in the area by approximately 1 , 380 trips per day (10 trips/unit x 138 new units), J. ENVI.',014ENTAL ASSE SMENT/THR S m OLD HDH TE_AR ►I,ATION: • Pursuant to the City of Renton° s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43-21C, a Memorandum of Concurrence was issued on April 8, 1981 . K. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CwNT : 1 . City of Renton Building Division. 2. City of Renton Engineering Division. 3. City• of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4 . City of Renton Utilities Division. 5. City of Renton Fire Department. 6. City of Renton Parks Department. L. PLAMMING DEPARTMENT NA PSIS: 1 . • The proposal as submitted complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation for the subject . site for single family residential development. • 2. The preliminary plat and the preliminary planned unit development were considered at the same public hearing on March 4 , 1980. Of the seven conditions placed on , the approvals , two were deleted by the City Council on April 21 , 1980. e "R ,:iN.,, . ,,, -, ' : . j..22.,„,, . - :"11.,v, , .41 , d .,1 A ,,,,,, . , ..., i }.., A 41,gtit # E ` 3 f i' tom° 7 z 191 rra 1 n.,..� 8i t V F' x:, �.,,,•tr `e,L�,• {°`m '• - ...I„ftglow y " ;,r4rn x..,.,,+..2 .f;..f,,.,, ,.,.,rw''ro u,""'.. 0,""xz*"'"'Mn• �'.d +�'ti..'w'f� Y f r mta5itt ��.pyw nra.0 wp.,,rahn»vu:sa .G`}�, F t?� A �'° ;'liV 'F''�+ ,,,ll r ... ;6" "' 5'^',.:' .,.. ;,'''„r t x 41 * r d . 5"t+yx lnWfi,'J.yix "'�VvrY"Y. ,+*k mxsF +ti .w,y r J 'i 4 5 çcI _L • ;'$ � r� w % ?a a:� (� 1. �n ( ".r.• 1,v ei•4 tor• �v ..i+' R J_. y ,0;• `C '� zp i" .,,„, 4. 'F • -'..�� , +t i ZS® r l . :.lie :.. ^4' {"1' ,. '' ey® i :II V 4 3,t x*i0 - r. 6t,� "` •" t' fI, ' "• . ,''�r i( 4�', A SS n�,a .fig�l�y ' y'4: w zq V �s17.4���'�"' a,.,Y �a0 rd i. q Si11�S''�h.'Ak` k t t 414)4. 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'144-.... i ', ' I an, ,,,, ..„„„ ..„.!? , ..,.„„ , - co ___--- ..•.---___----- ,....--r, _ ,, 5.9 .. ...„... ---...1,..--4:::_ :.c.1---- , ---_,,..,_,„..1;- '-`- •%•9' ------ ....----:..1•'- ..;-- , -. , ,--- - ---,...--- 94, cps---4 - I •• 1.4x.....4,..„6.\..p.--c.ort.e•O''',50". ---__...... '"":"1-"--' I ...--*°"°' ------ a • • , • • 90 0. „i.ttt. 1-14,4\40 t ..,-*/ • • • . _---" • • • • • • 1 t I N., •, CiP" 0-'• °' 1 1 I , , M —______ . __ _ 1 s.,• /NE:vs...F. ,,,p14 IL 1 ; r I ,- , uttociacce3c, v.,,,,,,i.;;;, _.,.„ .. . ,•ca,... A., - j --------- -----..... , 1 .A jp,.... Aisma•, .. . ow• ., , a ''' GO .""F., •fir a I .4 ...0 ill11111111'Ws 1:!Ili',442 ,,,,...„..03.A...1...wt.ii,•;' t.,.,.e 11.1 '," ik ,.1:210 0 . i 16 ' - 4 CEDAR RIDGE ASSOCIATES FILE NUMBER FP-037-81 ,.. _ --------- __ 1 APPLICANT Cedar Ridge Associates TOTAL AREA Approx. 26 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS Via an extension of Lake Youngs Way and Royal Hills Drive EXISTING ZONING SR-1 , Single Family Residential District _ EXISTING USE Undeveloped . , PROPOSED USE 136 lot subdivision and planned unit development $ COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Single Family 1, COMMENTS ( . . t . . I t . _ ."........= -= .4=........ • IIr . INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE • Date March 23, 1§,8— TO: Dave Clemens, Acting Planning Director FROM: Richard Houghton, Acting Public Works Director • SUBJECT: Improvements to Road - Cedar Ridge Attached is a letter from the City Attorney concerning the above referenced subject which is an answer to my memo and Dave Hamlin's letter. Where or how do we get this thing back to either the Hearing Examiner or the City Council . It appears to me to be a very reasonable approach. '•/ • RCH:pmp • Attachment /10% (-I\r — 0—e0 - As • OF J i OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ® RENTON,WASHINGTON U 4t ;' POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING ® RENTON. WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 laiL LAWRENCE J.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 0 4 0�e.� March 10, 1981 SUSAN R. IRWIN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 04, q1 0 SEP-CEl TO : RICHARD HOUGHTON FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE: Cedar Ridge Roadway I have reviewed Dave Hamlin' s letter and my initial reaction is that there is no problem with this approach. However, I think we probably have to go just a bit deeper. Initially, I do not recall that the City Council reversed the Hearing Examiner and required less than normal street improvements . However, that may be the case and should be verified. ' If the statement is true that the Council agreed to permit a roadway system such as is proposed by the developer, then I see no particular problem with the roadway being maintained under City right of way and the developer installing and maintaining the road under some sort of a City permit to use the right of way. We would probably charge some minimal yearly fee or offset that fee for the developer and/or homeowners association agreeing to maintain the roadway. If we cannot vacate and get the title to the developer, then we probably should charge an annual fee since the developer would have had to pay for the street vacation. These are my initial comments and you perhaps have more information or data that would assist me. If so, please let me know. Ve y truly yours , Lawrence arren LJW:bjm FPUD-036-81 Page Two and subsequent owners through vacation of the right-of-way must be resolved prior to approval of the application by the City Council . Responding to the Examiner's inquiry regarding submission of the final plat, Mr. Blaylock advised that it would be transmitted to the Examiner this date. Since no further comments were offered, the hearing regarding File No. PPUD-036-81 was closed by the Examiner at 10:28 a.m. (In accondance with Section 4-3010, the 6xa n.Lnvi nece i.veo and exami.ne4 avaitab1e -ntionma ;%on, pnepaAeis a necond there o S and enter i.i.ndi.ngz 06 fact and cone llzionz, togetheA with a recommendation to the City Co unc ie, 60n 6 ina,P p.P.a t appI i cation. No pub.P.i,c heaAi.ng hekd in conjunction with -i.nat Oat app!,Lcc t-Lo u. ) FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1 . The requests are for approval of a final Planned Unit Development (FPUD) and its integrally related 138-lot final plat , known as Cedar Ridge. 2. The application file (File No. FPUD-036-81 ) containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Planning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1 . The second application file (File No. FP-037-81 ) containing similar documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #6. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton ' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , R.C.W. 43.21 . C. , as amended, a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposals by the Environmental Review Committee, responsible official . 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. There was no opposition to the proposal expressed. 6. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. 7. The proposal is compatible with the required setbacks , lot coverage and height requirements of Section 4-2705 of the Renton Planned Unit Development Ordinance of Title IV, Ordinance No. 1628, Code of General Ordinances . 8. The subject property is located on the east side of the Seattle Cedar River Pipeline and about 2,000 feet north of Royal Hills Drive. 9. The subject site is approximately 26 acres in size. The site sits above the Cedar River and the northern and eastern boundaries of the property slope steeply down toward the river. The site also generally slopes from the southwest to the northeast with slopes of about six percent . The site was heavily wooded and these woods have been incorporated into the design of the PUD/plat. Trees consist of maple, fir, cedar and alder, together with various shrubs and grasses. 10. The Renton Hill neighborhood is located west of the subject site and is separated from the site by the gate on the Pipeline Road in the vicinity of Philip Arnold Park. 11 . See Files PPUD-009-80 and PP-010-80 for more information pertaining to specifics of the proposal , including the site, number of units , impact upon city services and surrounding uses. The findings and conclusions contained therein and as modified by the City Council are adopted by reference. 12. The utility systems have been installed and tested. 13. The access road required by the Council to be private and maintained by the applicant will have to be developed under a franchise agreement. The franchise is subject to approval of the Board of Public Works and the City Council . 14. The applicant has complied with the requirement to provide an additional 45 parking spaces on site. These spaces are scattered rather than congregated in one location. 15. The Fire Department and the City Council 's Emergency Services Committee have reviewed the emergency access and have approved s7me. Further, review and modification may take place as determined by the Fire Department. /pdY - May 14, 1981' A A OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER .�.. ;iV� �y CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO HE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, APPLICANT: Cedar Ridge Associates FILE NO. FPUD-036-81 , FP-037-81 • LOCATION: On the east side of the Seattle-Cedar River Pipeline, adjacent to Philip Arnold Park, and 2,000 feet north of Royal Hills Drive. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant requests final approval of a 138-unit single family attached planned unit development and plat. SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Approval with conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner: Approval with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department preliminary report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on April 30, 1981 . PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report , examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows : The hearing was opened on May 5, 1981 at 10:07 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department preliminary report. Roger Blaylock, Associate Planner, presented the report, and entered the following exhibits into the record : Exhibit #1 : Application Files containing Planning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2 : Documentation Plans for Development Exhibit #3: Site Plan with staff comments Exhibit #4: File No. PPUD-009-80 and PP-010-80; Cedar Ridge Associates (by reference) Mr. Blaylock entered additional staff comments from the Building Department as follows: Exhibit #5: Building Department staff comments The comments relate to a potential conflict with a term utilized in the proposed restrictive covenants , "single family attached housing," and the interpretation of that term in the Uniform Building Code, which states that structures are individually constructed with separate foundations and walls. Mr. Blaylock suggested that the term be omitted to avoid technical problems in application of the building code provisions. Mr. Blaylock also corrected the fifth line of Section L.2 of the staff report , which should read "1980" in lieu of "1981" as denoted. The Examiner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was : Michael L. Smith Cedar Ridge Associates l7422 108th Avenue S.E. , Suite 200 Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Smith indicated concurrence in the staff report as well as supplemental staff comment from the Building Department. He reviewed progress of improvements, including installation of utility lines and storm drainage facilities. The Examiner requested further comments in support or opposition to the application. There was no response. He then invited final comments from the Planning Department staff. Mr. Blaylock advised that the question of the franchise transferring liability to the developer FPUD-037-81 Page Four 3. The term "single family attached" shall be modified to reflect the Building Department's comments. ORDERED THIS 14th day of May, 1981 . Fre J. Ka man i --7----- Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 14th day of May, 1981 by Affidavit of Mailing to the party of record: Michael L. Smith, Cedar Ridge Associates, 17422 108th Avenue S.E. , Suite 200, Renton, WA 98055 Kathy Keolker, 532 Cedar Avenue S. , Renton, WA 98055 TRANSMITTED THIS 14th day of May , 1981 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Acting Public Works Director David Clemens, Acting Planning Director Michael Porter, Planning Commission Chairman Barbara Schellert, Planning Commissioner Ron Nelson, Building Official Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before May 28, 1981 . Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgement, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall , or same may be purchased at cost in said department. FPUD-036-81 Page Three 16. Restrictive covenants have been submitted. Article 13 appears to have a misreference to Article 15. It would appear that the correct reference would be Article 14. The covenants should contain language to proscribe the association from conveying, by any manner, except condemnation, any of the ,comnon areas which have been conveyed to them by the initial conveyance by the declarant. Such language should not be subject to any other amendment procedures contained within the covenants. The definition of "single family attached" units must be changed or deleted per Building Department comments. I i 17. Easements for city utility lines, corridor, etc. have been entered on the face of the plat. 18. A deferral of the required physical improvements has been granted by the Board of Public Works subject to a letter of credit. CONCLUSIONS: 1 . The two proposals up for consideration are integrally related to each other. The plat and the PUD provide mutually inclusive requirements such as open space and common areas as well as the required utility easements and covenants providing for maintenance of grounds, roads and the possible franchise necessary for the access road. Therefore, the two recommendations are treated as one recommendation to the City Council , and the Council has to approve both proposals for either to be effective. 2. The final plat and final PUD both appear to serve the public use and interest. The unique design and clustered density of the PUD make use of the site and its topographic constraints while blending the "attached" units into an area otherwise zoned for single family development. The proposal ,as the recommendation of both the preliminary PUD and preliminary plat indicate, is compatible with the Comprehensive Plan designation ofof the area as suitable for single family development. The density of the underlying SR-1 zone was preserved by the applicant by clustering development in the topographically desirable locations. Large expanses of open space reserved in common areas preserves the rural environment, and the trees and vegetation on site. 3. The proposals will add to the housing stock of Of city and will increase the tax base of the city. The environmental qualities of the proposal will create a desirable place in which to live and will enhance an otherwise difficult building site. 4. The City Council in separate action will have to review the access road for the subject property and the restrictive covenants should provide some form of maintenance agreement for the roadway. 5. The covenants should be redrawn to reflect the ;need to preserve the open space and common areas and prevent the conveyance of those areas by the homeowners' association. A separate restriction on the face of the plat, not subject to amendment, may be preferable. 6. If necessary, the covenants should be corrected to reflect the proper referencing of subsections, especially subsections 13, 14 and 15. 7. The definition of "single family attached" units must be redrawn to reflect the Building Department's comments in Exhibit #5. , 8. The applicant has complied with the conditions attached to the preliminary approvals, and negotiations are underway to execute a franchise agreement on the access roadway. ' I 9. The two proposals, in summary, are compatible with the zoning, the Comprehensive Plan, and therefore serve the public use and interest, and the City Council should approve the requests. RECOMMENDATION: The City Council should approve the Final PUD and the final plat, and the approval of the Final PUD should be conditioned upon the recording of the final plat. The following conditions should apply to the Council 's approval . 1 . The covenants should be redrafted to reflect the franchise or other method of conveying the access road and its maintenance from the city to the applicant and the homeowners' association. 2. The covenants on the face of the plat should indicate that the common areas must be maintained as open space and may not be conveyed by the homeowners' association, and such covenants shall not be subject to amendment. - *. 1:2114110 „00°:;74-: • I I IMMO / / 1 • iill ___-4 . ...Aim id‘ . _ i 1 * / / i•Vi/ 1 41111i- 4 :.-.1...-.11i\ . , -", migil 1 1 , , „ , 1 raratil I� 1 N- -7-. N IiIk: ‘3%\41111:11 WP P‘ _ . , ,. 1 I ; SIM / I c^ nla % aft : . t i 1 I 1 tr_i_,I t. 1 1 1 _a i.Niia.tiCe1-,aX-V1M1 llr e1a :/117-1.a2.-a3I1. 1-i.I;24 Ca I ftI1 CdsI2-0 L,G,,.•,,.„1 1._11:=,1\•1.1 1\,11 1 1. :kI..."..‘4N a. \\ _\i...%‘\- .Ik.•ft._0._.-.-__--- ,x2 ..,„1 .i,1 Y j Mt"... 11114 • tp/ i lit ' --""kintgiri Amb.11141 % 3 iMI•iiieN M i:i 2 Q 1 .N.. ilaria -pm, 1 ats p.1 -- . ,..• gtm a ..•t. 1 1 A :lb - b OOD i '- --- - _ --A`; CNN I : - -- -- -___ \\`• Nov°. .40.GN s . i , GSI- 0 4 ' I r -_-- ------- __ -- - ' - - ' Qom_ I b,�C •v I _ �VCCDCC>oo Iy' � � isAi. III r -of="� M.�6..�!1(� . '-�'r ...V'. ���' CEDAR RIDGE ASSOCIATES FILE NOS. FPUD-036-81 and FP-037-81 " APPLICANT Cedar Ridge Associates TOTAL AREA Approx. 26 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS Via an extension of Lake Youngs Way and Royal Hill Dr ve EXISTING ZONING SR-1 , single Family Residential District EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE 138-unit single family attached planned unit development ana plat COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Single Family COMMENTS .x. . SISAlYOY f013 3013 °1O3® 3103 Al S J 11Y5O1 !gb'11O1O O3A03da UV! 2P.M35 O110VddY �153;•• ` ++•Q•. W5Y 1a34351Sci 1VI3341S O31Yil • 3511C13 V3OV 1d31S 1•'31SV 1VI33d$ O3i133 - 35111115 1V3043113A3Q riling O31Vb1 • 33Otli13 11118013A30 U31SR 113113$ • 1113133115V S193E003 31111 831YI1 • 1g3EI33Y5Y S1I314O9 Mr L01.131(014 1VAIMI V • :1 I . � r7SS ci! . !1/ '37—V SE>,Y' /� itvv1 Q �-/ 5 s b' F a�L +1�'r"; r`',I Cd'7 '7`7 cd' 5 _/ Revision 3/1981 7l'I RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT ' DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: Pitta4 TVela 010,4, SQ,G4, 49 tniar Art' rireSecwallear „ y 01061441001.1 efe s GR.4, (3- k 4,ml! fie!Ems Location: " ISIPA ; et4F2 .044402p40 .4ertferptiegigtov_ #0, 7111 egte ',7407h, • ce 44,'` .0, • 4_0 ,ItRoa"Vie v. "A'a. 'perpeigiaes> PVca'45ii'..ape,oaa. pl c ant: Ceig. If : rubl Ic Work ; Departmont • Encv:rieerifig Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: L:j.‘ reif Eno. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE:arl9A/ ' ':3 Erg. Division • . !re Depa rt.,;:crnt • El Fa rks Departir.er;t E1Bui 1 di nil Department Poli ce D ,)thers: TS SLY3C2ESTInN9 -LNGTillS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN Ic•;;I TING. PI_EAST P R0'..;IDE COMML,NTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P .M. ON _V/ze _..____________ • • iViSl ON Ai. 1pproved itnCondi tion.s [] Not Approved 47/ ,nc:c6-s1S- X-‘//ti-J47'S L57/211-/-- 4214"-ie-oL/ 7 trei7=i444- ia Carvi-;-//0.----c-rie, ... ?Iez, 4-7icie 6/1144- ie-6`44.?,A.:<2- • //-4:4 Sigr.,-afn re o 1 rector Lr Autfhori d Representative •• rEvI 1 NG DEP.;RTMENT ''DTV1Si ON : V__27kLry it/V6 . . . DApprov DAproved with Conditions fl Not Approved • • . • . . • • •• . . • VX ; • . ;.: .• . t • • • • • . 7 , • — • • • DAT.E Si ;nature of Di rector or Au thciizi Eed 7..7. • 1 SISAltie gill3UIJ 211611V301 INEOMI 113A03ddil tIVid1 11.4M3S 13A0UdtiV ft -.0.0 .1&j‘l! • d's 1V153e1S1 • • , 831VE • 1540113 V34t1 1g3RIA3ST WM3e)8 t3E112 • 39M15 laidel3A3S MISAS _ mum OIVE- 115 lAiNda111.30 631Sn 131233 • 1N3333V51/ Stth3 t13IVIA • INE33d5V SUMO, 3117/ riii-131110$ -11TP.1•14V 1P1r,fij • • •• • 7 -3 r2SPcYg /11 —FirREY .;,/47 re / e,.."1 7.-Yd in/10-7 -7—7 09 3.c,77 .11 ,4 c;0177. — e I —7 -7 ("7 Revision 3/1981 / • --) RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET , 0 . , 7 tiN ' 1 .It'ifa. e yelloo=e1/ Cfl ea,:,,, s e , a° !ye a, ' , aeeemIS Location: Ai: 63,,i . , , , 6'4-F---0-4paw. ,,, ''10,,,,,e ..'.. ,. ismegieLS4 ,9/A are- glfr4- ' Cd4 a' 41fiViZZ '11: le 4'e.' -e(: :;0:)0`.-7?- yosp.gliege 1 I plicant : Ceia, Li Pubi ic wor s Departillont DEncu:neering Division , I SCHEDULED ERC DATE: Divisio:1 SCHEDULED HEARING DATE:37 Lsige9 4 ' utili ,3 ..i.g. 01% isiL1 , . i re DePa rt;: ilt. T1rarks Departn:ent 1 U Bui 'ding Department 0 Pol i cc Dep.irtment LI r-1 ,hel ._ . k.,, s. i 1 ,:C7•1:4i,...:TS 0:: SU'3L3ES l'InNS I:I.:C.:AI:DING TiIIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN Ic::ITING. PLEAST PRO'..;IDE com:NTs TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P .M. OP •fV,,z,0?/ .9/_____ _ ____ ______..._. _ . ---- - -- - ----- -- , 1:42-2AI:PME:':P/DIViSlON : —rif: 0 A,.arc .o..1 17-diwproved w i 1-,n •oridi tions D Not Approved . 1 ' ---7---oee //`:/ /r-1t--,---5 4/ /76‘4 - Xc//h51':c--11'7"S. ,911vItrt. , /A., , 2 i4 iolre,;t44:4.-. 7E c.„04,1-7igi4,-(1.-7;,"- ' -c.ox-5-7,:rd c_-7,, ., eiii.4e- te*///04-2-tr2 . /kr-44453-5f, 6--te.`Z---% f7, /1-z.:4e:3S A.7.4-- --e.- le--x-,7--S • ,(1 - , DATE Si(Ina tire o i rector .r- Autnori .d Ropresentati ve I ' - ------—— 1 i . RKVII:WING DEPAY:TMENT/DTV1SION :_ . . .. , DApprOvEj . [:]Aproved with Conditions - -I:] Not Approved ' . • , _. . H , . . . . ••• • • . • • 3',4s --• /ea VX if c E : 21)is . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . f, . ._ .... • _. ... _.. . ... . . ..• : , . - - • ... , 1 : ..- • . i .. ... .. .. .. . . . .. • : . . • ........._...... . .... . .. .. . . - DATE. _. __..:.,.._ . • _ Signature of Di rector or Auth4izi zed Rep-res.entatiyey----------i : i:: " . : ..,.; :;.-.•:.„ : 1----- .7L-- ---4,-,,- ; .•: i . 1......... ..._. F, -------1" __ - - ' ' ____It77.111-1,r- ,,,- • • 0 ai.;)..o 'c J X1 r. I�roved ar i to Condi ti ons 0 Not Approved 6-1) de-74/1-1-4-(, Zs/ ..._. _._-,' d td-71- 1- 1.7",..c c-------evz-ve„...3(--ke,,4 S.,,,,'. a) offe....,a.".647<._ 62_441._,(7.6....,,_ u."-L-A--Li - A.-e-e-e-e---? ---tazd,.,..,r, i ,' ,..„7„,,^_e_....„,..., ,....... 5, 4_ ,t1/,._ 5' ci,...c.e..,.....,...., „,12,„,g„ - -- __-- DATE: .05�4/ 5iginli uVe Of0 r e'i-rr,:r., c r Au611)r� R pr esentativ It',C1 _: :. �:`*.., ,DID 1 _ la.., S ION :_ 7 .r=�Ic �ft/l.747.E E ,� 7A/01-,, 1; _ 1'.,.<R : D Apgrot'ed with Condi Lions D Not Approved • i - -?..�� C __ _.. DATE: S i gna t,ireof Di recti�o Authori zed R'�.pr esent.yti ve ----- -'-'----�..------------------T --- 0 ApP r0 tied 0 API)r uv ai r;i tit Conditions 0 Not Approved • • _ \ 4--_,,--• C_.(...t_) /- 1-E- . DATE:.2,/c/f-/ Sig-n-a -,te of Di rector or A 'nor't zed Represe.ntati ve t / ' . F<2:.V .,•,•7 1T.P I•:• MEN :'.-.DID'1 SI ON : D L provEd D Approved with Condi tions 0 Not Approved • _ _ _ DATE: `i 7nature of Di rector or Authorized Representative - ----- - i- • i s t•;I:.- ', LI.:. _i::i'I•:E\T,'DT /I S ION POLICE .DApproved Aparoied with Conditions Not Approved 1) The entire roadway be marked as a fire zone due to width. If the area is not marked prior to occupancy of the development neither the police or fire depts., can enforce parking violations within • the development as the roadway will be private. _ 4/9/81 __ DATE. Signature of ui rcctor� or huthwri zed ERepresentati ve -- • • • REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: ��- � �1 ®Approved aApproved with Conditions -Not Approved • • -�`7� 1� c_' ..��,.�. c,�� >c.. -�/1)at � i� ) / 'I l C)lL' �c' f.l( S�. . `l c . .�J C)'-i.- �i Get �t C (C' �i.t � - J•�•1 is DATE: / Si gna t of 'Director or Authorized Representative • REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : • El Approved nApproved with Conditions S Not Approved • • • • __ _ DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative - -- MEMORANDUM OF CONCURRENCE APPLICATION NO (s) : FPUD-036-81 , FP--037-81 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Proposed PUD of 138 attached, single- family dwelling units and concurrent subdivision PROPONENT: Cedar Ridge Associates LOCATION OF . PROPOSAL: North of BPA/Puget Power powerline corridor, south of the Cedar River and abutting the east side of the City of Seattle pipeline right-of- way LEAD AGENCY: Planning Department DATE OF ERC REVIEW: April 8, 1981 Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined that the requested modifications to the initial proposal reviewed under PPUD-009-80 on February 28, 1981, are within the scope of that original proposal and the environmental determination of non significance is still valid. This decision was reached following a presentation by Roger Blaylock of the Planning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: Richard Houghton Roger Blaylock Don Persson Steve Munson Ronald Nelson Mike Parness David Clemens • Incorporated by reference in the record of proceedings of the ERC on application FPUD-036-81 , PP-037-81 are the following:, 1 ) Application (s) : PPUD-009-80 SIGNATURES: 7 , ,.(„</x,e' LOI Apao Ronald Go Nelson David R. Clemens , Acting Building Director Planning Director r L •Ri and Co H tight n, Acting Public Works Director • Revision 3/1981 Y/7b/. • RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: / 4 ./ ciptt.4 Met tie (FPO ® • PM! Pitt o.37= fig � ®a d'a® trk :° levae ,APIrelopstkoval grit iaes 2.9(6. ILocation: ette. /4 ) Applicant: CC4 r A���9; . 440d4W404P.0 ( ; ®Public Works' Department ®Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATES/r/g/ ®Utilities Eng. Division ®Fire Department ®Parks, Department [21wilding Department Ej Police Department ®Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN . WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P .M. ON VAD/9/ REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: CS) ['Approved Approved with Conditions 0 Not Approved aic. L i d=A-i'c,/c) ()1(-7 Z=-')2 I '1 'd ti1S � 7�-�S i 45 C' `-f}x7r e, Sc, �i1��T /du1-1/f�/C] OF L('i uc.C't:' AlC c.cS r� T`C_. LA1 2c mot) E)'i 7LA Ail 1 L (-1 Cr---)-7-)13 C 14 - • DATE: Signat of Director or Authorized Representative • REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: ®Approved fl Approved with Conditions D Not Approved • Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Revision 3/1981 MI OW RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ' Application: p.ut•l pima att4 b 40�1+,.. (FPLØ. o%- f VP •ea1 h" t (FpD37-80 n& At p /9$/d (**/,ri . AvordiddeYele 1 et iaes 4 e a ty a.% Location: AA 0� / / '!_ /t •�lC Tom' Aldatile4}114 A 'plicant: 4gb Ahlwe doctg Tr , ❑Fublic Works Department ❑Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: ❑iraffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE:.,/. '71I/ j ❑Utilities Eng. Division ❑Fire partment arks Department ❑ Building Department ❑ Police Department • D 3 t h e s:_. �- - - ----- - --- - CC'•L"•1sE :TS OR SU 3GESTIONS REGARDING TIHIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN IIITING. PLEAS;'. PROVIDE COMMEHIT i TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P .M. OIL VoZOI_______________ :�.!.V 1 F'�'.INai L�.i t,:.i'P1:°vT/DIV151UN --� < /. Approved ❑ Approved with Conditions ❑ Not Approved i r /c � ---- = -E--C 1--C`- ------- --- DATE:_y / Signa ' e of Director or A ho►•ized Representative IHVI:;;7.NG DEI'A Tt ENT 'DIVISION . ❑;p roved ❑AF Approved with Conditions ONot Approved _ _ _ _ _ _ DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative -' - -- - �— Revision 3/1981 MI r/7/g/ RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET fApliation: AIit♦ P�� M a at irlyP(/OIR -/ FP00• d. '8d Final Kt(fP 63743 j "CegDa Re Asdesid rk •' Avp,•40 Lc catio��: °d�)seN�� gelLe 4 31icant : Ced&r. A1+1'A3Addri_ u i';:b l i c WorKs Department tngi ring Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: lJ‹:rific Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE:44r/41 utilities Eng. Division D E i r•e Department Darks Department Daildiri4 Departnlcnt r of i ce Department 0i 'ta • Ci '•i.'•iir.<TS 3;' S:I.:ESTIONS REGARDING TiHIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN I:ITING. PLEAS: PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P .M. ON -V-Z-4/9-1 • :-.•vIT ic1• :,EP::::i'ME'NT/DIVisION : �II CA/l'i711EEic 1/V6 thArvea ❑ Approved with Conditions [] Not Approved • / / 'l- 24 5--- '. - z -- - --� c DATE: 73/.'57 Si- Eire of Director or Authorized Represen • ive IcEV1FWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : DApprovec! ]Approved with Conditions . Not Approved • -- DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative • , . Revision 3/1981 r/709/ RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET di P, J vK beg a..1 (FPS® o %-91� Ms4 ' ulication: , �CF/�637-11 ' �� . Rt 4's/d **/ �r a. ? # w ,e# Lc cation: • �m 4' -Qk/! • 7eA of W edit'r Amite roi fij ns_ erereegivv,i ae•1'q•ite-t.v.cy :yam 11Cant : �� � � Afevidelfe,0 W 'Department ngineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: araTric Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE:g' / L lities Erg. Division • Ci r i re i;epart,•.e.nt P'_diiriment Bui 1 di n:r Department • i'0 l i CC. Department nerd • -- — — --- — • O;:s S 7 G,:1;S=IONS THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. ?LEAST' PROVIDE C'O_`•IME TS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON Y/24/4 • [lAi.!;);-oved ,Jj I 'aroved a,i th Condi tions E] Not Approved de,AtA-A-C t,atezt: 2) niz e-6/ — — — DATE 5//S74-1 Si gn;l Lire of D i re,:r.or or Authori z R pl'esenta ti v D;.:pr ovt.� f approved r:i h Condi tions D Not Approved • Signature of__Director or Authorized_Representative Revision 3/1981 r ' $97/9/ RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET • Application: FutIit NA«N 44bevel.,.410%:1 trpo,60. Final Nat(Fgeos7-a - 'Y. Odds p. � Al�� i' Ar� � P� /tip Air y eleimet. 4.1 oaf /3 e s 1%. V • . y .a I .1 (ti _ Location: ,4 elf.. wKeeisAk_a_fieeiieeeini(DFActine et' -dteatvay ' - 6. 1- -�-O-i� ,sd , O� AI:plicant : ese/jtr rllvi'e S Ir ,.. ❑Public Works Department ElEngineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: OTraffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE:3/S/If Djti1ities Eng. Division ❑ Fire DepartTi:e in ❑Parks •DePartn,er ;. 0 Bui ' g Department • Police Department D C thers: • .:(.'•i:li: ::TS OR SUGk.:ESTIONS RLGARDING TIIIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN ICi:TTINi. P'.,E AS ' PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M. ON it/-7..-ei/4 9 i • - RE V I NCING DE.T.ARi'MENT/DT JIS ION POLICE • 0 Approved 41 Approved wi th Conditions ❑ Not Approved 1) The entire roadway be -marked as a fire zone due to width.If the area is not marked prior to occupancy of the development neither the police or fire depts. can enforce parking violations within the development as the roadway will be private. 0,//:--(cd--/--is- 4/9/81 DATE: — Signatrt"-U lf1 -ecPe so nF . thorized i;epresentative RD.'I 17'.1I NG hEPARTMENT, •DIVISION . '�Approved , roved with Conditions Not Approved L, �P ❑ PP �' ❑ PP DATE: _ • Signature of Director or Authorized Representative i _. ;NVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMI 3E APRIL 8, 1981 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 10:00 A.M. : THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM PENDING BUSINESS: FRED BOWSER (ECF-642-80; R-135-80) DAVE BEST (ECF-634-80; R-125-,80) NORTHWEST COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE COMPANY (AUSTIN COMPANY) (ECF-602-80; SA-092-80) OLD BUSINESS: ECF-026-81 STONEBRIDGE COMPANY (LOUIS MALESIS) SP-025-81 The applicant has submitted a proposal to provide access to the land-locked pieces of property to be reviewed by ERC; property located at intersection of N.E. 16th Street and Kirkland Ave- nue N.E. NEW BUSINESS: ECF-645-80 FANCHER FLYWAYS, INC. CU-035-81 Application for conditional use permit to allow construction of aircraft hangar building to consist of 13 units of the "T" type hangar; property located on the west side of the airport south of the Control Tower. ECF-031-81 LeROY A. BOWEN R-030-81 Application for rezone G to L-1 to allow construction of 30,000 sq. ft . office building; property located on S.W. 10th Street between Thomas Ave. S.W. and Lind Ave. S.W. ECF-032-81 BROADACRES, INC. SP-031-81 Application for excavation and grading to allow development of training track for race horses and construction of pathway within existing barn area for access from barns to training track; property located on the northwest corner, north parking lot , and southeast barn area parking lot of Longacres Racetrack facility. ECF-034-81 CHAMPION HEIGHTS (Landmark Engineering) Tentative Plat 028-81 Application for tentative plat approval of six-lot single family subdivision; property located at North 26th Street and Pelly Place North. ECF-545-80 CEDAR RIDGE RESIDENTIAL PARK FPUD-036-81 Application for final planned unit FP-037-81 development permit approval of 138 dwelling unit single family attached P.U.D. and final plat approval of concurrent subdivision; property located directly north of BPA/Puget Power powerline corridor, south of Cedar River, abutting east side of City of Seattle pipeline right-of-way . RE:. Bowser Letter from Brady International Hardwoods Best Company requesting ERC review of north- Connell bound traffic from Highway 167 into Orillia Industrial Park via S.W. 43rd I i .. r a I , V lw- Ilig 1 , CITY OF RENTON k! ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW I toriati‘ . , COMMITTEE AGENDA - IIII eilliL ,--- : 1 0 ! WEDNESDAY APRIL 8, 1981 1 al , .I i . 1 1 ...„1 -44' - 1 . tie 1 _ a \\\N 1 1 CHAlv2ICJN HEIGHIS -. Di TIVE PLAT-028-81 1, L ----.. i - , 1 (ECF-034-81) --."------f ----j,---- . N , LAKE I 1 ,', •.*,R,: WASHINGTON i vi, (EC:F-026781) i \ i , II met ),-. .., ,...• i, -N, - ' FANCHER FLYMYS, INC. - CU-035-81 .---- -. -7.4: FAINglielialik-11 .'1 (Ea-645-80) , , .11:11 . ill -r- ___:_ 4,-1- ----"\ -1_2___. '...2.•;;.: . \rc- : 4111110 - L ( lb.--orwr 1:0,\\„ ! _\_ .... im. ..6. 1.7 k I\LA MN rAlitsill ?\ er,- ----ii- '.,—,.:4 IF 0 „Tsr , ..., r- _ _ 1 - 0 rile; r---___. ii • L . mir4rAtD, 11__ __i i `,7--------: — c 1 \_,,,' ' ----...--' -:‘ CEDAR RIDGE FINAL PUD - FPUD-036-81 ! 1 , .--- -7-----1 ----.---/ , I , , FINAL PLAT - FP-037-81 BOWEN REZONE #2 - R-030-81; j depr,: k i - . .422_ (ECF-545-80) : ''.--- '.,,''' ! -I I (ECF-031-81) ; , sl 4. ''‘Milla...43)".'-' ----"--- ,,.. AUSTIN COMPANY - SA-092-80 (ECF-602-80) I BROADACRES, INC — SP-031-81 1 (Ea'-032-81) ( i laillialla"1". . 1:-, 1 , . i F., ' ' 1 11111= r-ier ' .... 1 . _ WWI 1 1 1 i 1 1 • .., I — ,- 1 "WI 1 \ 1 • i I Me 1 ' '• . 1 1 frg ' -11"f I •" i• 7 rzp, BOWSER FEZ= - R-136-80 (ECF-61 2-.80) 1 \ I 4, i\ , I (----,n i r 1 : 'i BEST REZONE - R-135-80 (ECF-634-SO) ! i .-.. \ . _ NI 1 N L1I ksitt LAKE YOUNGS 1 Lk. I j — --1 ,7, , --i— * , j ilf 1 1 , _ , 1 ti f f' momORANDUM OF comeiI i!i 141N'CE APPLICATION NO (s) : FPUD-036-81 , FP`-037-81 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Proposed PUD of 138 attached, single- family dwelling units and concurrent subdivision PROPONENT: Cedar Ridge Associates LOCATION OF •PROPOSAL: North of BPA/Puget Power powerline corridor, south of the Cedar River and abutting the east side of the City of Seattle pipeline right-of- , way LEAD AGENCY: Planning Department DATE OF ERC REVIEW: April 8, 1981 Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined that the requested modifications to the initial proposal reviewed under PPUD-009-80 on February 28, 1981, are within the scope of that original proposal and the environmental determination of non significance is still valid. This decision was reached following a presentation by Roger Blaylock of the Planning Department. Oral comments were accepted from: Richard Houghton Roger Blaylock Don Persson 1 Steve Munson Ronald Nelson Mike Parness David Clemens Incorporated by reference in the record of proceedings of the ERC on application FPUD-036-81 , PP-037-81 are the following: 1 ) Application (s) : PPUD-009-80 SIGNATURES: ///kirE2 Ronald G. Nelson . David R. Clemens , Acting Building Director Planning Director /52 Ri and C. H ughton, Ac ng Pu lic Works Director CITY OF RENTON , SHORT PLAT PLAT APPLICATION FILE NO. /�3 MAJOR PLAT DATE REC'D. 5`/ /-1/ °6 TENTATIVE APPLICATION FEE $ �'�� PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL FINAL REVIEW FEE $/ RECEIPT NO. 17,4-S SM NO. PUD NO. / d°GLD�/»6-11 APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7 : 1. Plat Name & Location Cedar Ridge Residential Park -- directly north of BPA/Puget Power powerline corridor, south of Cedar River, abutting east side of City of Seattle pipeline right-of-way. 2. No. Lots 1 3R Total Acreage 30.69 Zoning SR-1 3. Owner Cedar Ridge Associates Phone Address 17422 - 108th Avenue S.E. Renton, Washington 98055 5. Underground Utilities : Yes No Not Installed Telephone ( x ) ( ) ( ) Electric ( x ) ( ) ( ) Street Lights ( X ) ( ) ( ) Natural Gas ( ) ( x ) ( ) TV Cable ( x ) ( ) ( ) 6. Sanitation & Water: ( x ) City Water ( x ) Sanitary Sewers ( ) Water District No. ( ) Dry Sewers ( ) Septic Tanks 7. Vicinity and plat maps as required by Subdivision Ordinance. 8. DATE REFERRED TO: ENGINEERING PARKS BUILDING HEALTH TRAFFIC ENG. STATE HIGHWAY FIRE COUNTY PLANNING BD. PUBLIC WORKS OTHER 9. STAFF ACTION: - ® TENTATIVE PLAT ' APPROVED DENIED APPEALED EXPIRED 10. LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER'S ACTION: SHORT PLAT APPROVED DENIED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED ®FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED 11 . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ___PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENTED ® FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED 12. DEFERRED IMPROVEMENTS: DATE DATE BOND NO. AND TYPE GRANTED EXPIRES AMOUNT Planning Dept. Rev. 1/77 :eipt # CITY OF RENTON — _ PLANNING DEPARTMENT NAME A e9 DATE •',/r / / • f ,e PROJECT & LOCATION / t f , /c„d Application Type Basic Fee Acreage Fee Total 1.33 Environmental Checklist Environmental Checklist Construction Valuation Fee TOTAL FEES Please take this receipt and your payment to the Finance Department on the first floor. Thank you. AFFIDAVIT I, Delbert C. Bennett , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this 11Aday of , 19 8' , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at „� „Aru/L.A/V- 0010". 4-4.1-/A4 ;0P (Name of Nglta`fy- Public) Signature o ner e6t14Vider4e--1 9/D intp he_ o l�� ,�,,1 WIS 17422 - 108th Avenue S.E. (Address) ,1 " J l (Address) Renton, Washington 98055 (City) (State) (206) 255-9448 (Telephone) (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application . Date Received , 19 By: Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 • AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King ) Mari lyn' J. Petersen , being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: . That on the 14th clay of May , 19 81 , affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. • 41 Subscribed and sworn this \ day of N/ , 19 I • k< k : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at ge,AIG A Application, Petition or Case: Cedar Ridge Associates; FPUD-037-81 , FP-037-81 r(The nu:nateis contcan a .e ust o s the palit.Le6 o 6 necond. )