HomeMy WebLinkAboutVicinity MapLo t l ine s appr ox im ate. No t fo r legal use , Ki ng Coun ty Date : 1/7/201 8 The informati on included on this map has been c ompil ed by King County s taff from a variety of sources and issubject to change without notice. King County makes no repr esentations or warr anties, ex press or implied,as to accurac y, completeness, timel iness, or rights to the us e of such information. T hi s doc ument i s not intendedfor use as a s urvey product. Ki ng County shall not be l iable for any general , special, indirect, incidental, orconsequential damages i ncl uding, but not li mited to, lost revenues or los t profits resulting from the us e or mi sus eof the information contained on this map. Any sale of thi s map or informati on on this map is prohi bited exc ept bywritten permi ss i on of Ki ng County. Kin g C ounty