HomeMy WebLinkAbout100-04POLICY & PROCEDURE Subject: PUBLIC STATEMENTS Index: ADMINISTRATIVE Number: 100-04 Effective Date: 7/2/2024 Supersedes: N/A Page: 1 of 3 Staff Contact: Kristi Rowland, DCAO Approved By: 1.0 PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the City of Renton regarding the issuance of public statements. This policy aims to ensure that public statements are timely, consistent, and align with the city's values, responsibilities, and legal obligations. This includes guidelines for the circumstances under which the Mayor’s Office makes a public statement, and when the City of Renton makes a public statement. 2.0 ORGANIZATIONS AFFECTED: All departments/divisions with exceptions identified in the Crisis Communication Plan that has been prepared and is maintained jointly by the Communication and Engagement Division, Emergency Management Division, and the Police Communications Division and will serve as the Standard Operating Procedures in support of this policy. 3.0 REFERENCES: Crisis Communication Plan SOP 4.0 POLICY: It is the policy of the City of Renton to communicate openly on significant events, issues and happenings that affect residents. The City will provide public statements on issues of concern to Renton residents. The City will make a statement when an issue pertains to our residents and involves services provided by the city. The Mayor’s Office may make a statement on sociopolitical issues on the local or national scale if the issue pertains to our population or in response to direct concerns. Statements from the Mayor’s Office are at the sole discretion of the Mayor. 5.0 DEFINITION: For the purposes of this policy, Public Statement: A communication issued by the City of Renton representing its official position or response on matters of public interest, significance, or concern. Mayor’s Statement: A communication issued by the City of Renton Mayor’s Office regarding leadership on an issue of social or political importance to the residents of the City of Renton. This may reflect the mayor’s political viewpoint. 6.0 PROCEDURES: 6.1 The City of Renton is committed to transparency and will strive to provide accurate and timely information to the public. 6.2 All public statements will be consistent with the city's policies, procedures, and legal obligations. 6.3 Public statements will address matters of significant public interest or concern, where the city's position, response, or clarification is deemed necessary. 6.4 Public statements will be respectful, considerate, and sensitive to the diverse perspectives and needs of the community. 6.5 Public statements will be issued promptly, depending on the urgency and importance of the matter. 6.6 Criteria for Issuing Public Statements from the City. Public statements will be issued by the City of Renton when one or more of the following criteria are met: 1. Matters of Public Safety: Public statements may be issued to address emergencies, significant incidents, or developments that impact public safety, including but not limited to natural disasters, civil disturbances, or epidemics. 2. Legal Obligations: Public statements may be issued to fulfill legal obligations, such as providing information required by law or responding to legal proceedings. 3. Matters of Public Interest or Concern: Public statements may be issued to address matters that have generated significant attention or concern within the Renton community or beyond, where the city's response or position is vital to clarify, inform, or reassure the public. a) Neither the City nor the Mayor will issue a statement that speaks to an active investigation or other such circumstance. 4. City Operations: Public statements may be issued to provide updates or explanations about city operations if necessary, ensuring transparency and accountability. 5. Further situational topics will be referenced and available within the City’s Crisis Communications Plan and are subject to change. 6.7 Criteria for Issuing a Public Statement from the Mayor’s Office. Public statements will be issued from the Mayor’s Office in coordination with the Communications Director to provide insight and or reassurance on topics of interest to address matters that have generated significant attention or concern within the Renton community or beyond, where the response or position of the city’s elected leadership is vital to clarify, inform, or reassure the public. 6.8 Decision-Making Process. The decision to issue a public statement lies with the Communications Director, in consultation with other relevant departments, including the City Attorney's Office, City Administrator and Deputy City Administrator. The decision-making process should consider the following factors: 1. Information is accurate, verified, and up to date. 2. Potential impact on public safety, community relations, and reputation is positive and transparent. 3. The statement is timely. 4. The statement complies with applicable laws and regulations. No public statements can be made when an investigation is ongoing. 5. The appropriate community stakeholders have been identified and outreach has been made. This can include community organizations, affected individuals, or external agencies. 6. Photography and video assets that will be distributed with the statement have been vetted and approved by the Communications Director and involved Department Administrators and/or their designees. 6.9 Communication Channels. Public statements may be issued through various channels, including but not limited to press releases, social media, the city's official website, and broadcast media. 6.10 Review and Amendment. This policy shall be reviewed periodically by the City of Renton administration to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Amendments may be made to this policy as deemed necessary. 6.11 Compliance. All employees and individuals authorized to speak on behalf of the City of Renton must comply with this policy. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action. 6.12 Effective Date. This policy shall come into effect upon adoption.