HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR_ArboristReport_Tree Memo_Carpenter_171115 Memorandum To: Qi Qi Company: WeiLei LLC From: Kelly Wilkinson Date: 10/11/2017 Re: Tree Protection and Removal – Lincoln Short Plat - Renton Dear M Qi, On October 5th, at your request, I visited your project site in Renton to evaluate the proposed construction impacts on the trees proposed for retention. A site plan showing the locations and photos of the subject trees can be found at the end of this memo. I found many discrepancies in the field between which trees were to be retained and removed. I’ve detailed my observations and recommendations by tree below. I’ve also attached a tree protection map showing drip lines and limits of disturbance for the trees with potential for successful retention. Site plans may still have to be modified to allow for retention of these trees. #21 – Big leaf maple This tree has two co-dominant trunks that fork ½’ from the base of the tree. Ivy is growing up the trunk. This tree has a narrow crown. The subject tree is in fair condition and is viable. Widening of the driveway will encroach on the dripline. Retention is not possible. #22 – This is incorrectly shown as a distinct tree. This is a trunk of tree #21. #23 – does not exist #24 – Big leaf maple This tree has two-codominant trunks that fork ½’ up from the base. The attachment between the trunks is okay. The subject tree is growing closely to tree #21. Condition is rated as fair. Widening of the driveway will occur approximately 5’ from the trunk of this tree. Retention is not possible. #25 - This is incorrectly shown as a distinct tree. This is a trunk of tree #24. #26 – cut down #27 – cut down #28 – Big leaf maple This tree is still standing. It is shown on the plan as a tree to be removed. #29 – Big leaf maple The subject tree has one main trunk. This tree has good structure and form. This tree has good form and is a good candidate for retention. Adjusting the footprint of the home on Lot 2 will allow for retention of this tree. 11415 NE 128th St., Suite 110, Kirkland, WA 98034 | Phone: 425.820.3420 | Fax: 425.820.3437 | americanforestmanagement.com s. Memo – Carpenter Short Plat - Renton Page 2 American Forest Management, Inc. October 6th, 2017 #30 – Big leaf maple This tree is shown as to be removed on the plan but flagged to be saved in the field. The trunk of the subject tree is splitting apart 35’ up the tree. This tree poses a moderate hazard and should be removed prior to any additional work occurring on the site. #31 – Big leaf maple This tree is shown as to be removed on the plan but flagged to be saved in the field. The subject tree has a narrow crown. There is a visible column of decay running from the base of the tree to 10’ up the trunk. This tree is in poor condition and is not viable. #32 – Big leaf maple This tree has a narrow crown. Over the years, some branch failures have occurred. The subject tree is in fair condition and is viable. This tree could be successfully retained. #33 – The subject tree is a semi-mature black cottonwood. This tree is leaning west. Black cottonwoods are not a good species choice for long term retention. Black cottonwoods grow fast and are prone to whole tree failure. This tree is in fair condition but is non-viable for retention because of species characteristics. #34 – The subject tree is a mature big leaf maple. This tree has a widespread and healthy crown. Condition is rated as good and retention is feasible. #35 – Does not exist Only three trees on the site can be saved. New tree plantings will be required. There was no tree protection fencing around any of the trees at the time of the site visit. Tree protection fencing should be erected around the save trees prior to any additional work occurring on the site. Please call if you have any questions or need further assistance on this project. Sincerely, Kelly Wilkinson kelly.wilkinson@afmforest.com ISA Certified Arborist #PN-7673A ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Memo – Carpenter Short Plat - Renton Page 2 American Forest Management, Inc. October 6th, 2017 Photos Tree #21 and #24 – big leaf maples with ivy growing up the trunks, both trees have co-dominant stems Memo – Carpenter Short Plat - Renton Page 2 American Forest Management, Inc. October 6th, 2017 Tree #29 in the foreground, tree #28 in the background Memo – Carpenter Short Plat - Renton Page 2 American Forest Management, Inc. October 6th, 2017 Tree #31 – visible column of decay Memo – Carpenter Short Plat - Renton Page 2 American Forest Management, Inc. October 6th, 2017 View of trees #34, #32, #31 and #30 – big leaf maples Tree #30 – big leaf maple – trunk is splitting apart Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Carpenter Short Plat Date: 10/5/2017City of Renton Inspector: WilkinsonTree/ DBH HeightTag # Species (inches) (feet) Condition ViabilityComments RecommendationNSEW21 big leaf maple16, 1462 12 / 10 5 / 10 6 / 10 6 / 10 fair viable ivy on trunk, forks at 1', narrow crown Remove24 big leaf maple18, 1165 6 / 10 10 / 10 12 / 10 8 / 10 fair viable trunk forks at 1/2' Remove29 big leaf maple 17 67 15 / 8 14 / 8 6 / 8 6 / 8 good viable good form Retain30 big leaf maple 22 76 16 6 4 22 poor non-viable trunk is splitting at 35' Remove31 big leaf maple 15 70 3 6 5 8 poor non-viable visible column of decay from 1' to 10' Remove32 big leaf maple 16 72 8 / 8 6 / 8 4 / 8 5 / 8 fair viable narrow crown, some branch failures Retain33 black cottonwood 9 64 10 12 0 17 fair non-viable leans West, poor species for retention Remove34 big leaf maple 23 71 8 / 10 7 / 10 14 / 10 10 / 10 good viable wide crown RetainDrip-Line and Limits of Disturbance measurements from face of trunk(feet)Drip-Line/Limits of Disturbance