HomeMy WebLinkAboutOffsite Access Easement 2-3-2017` CHICAGO TMLE INS. C00 REF#A�� o � WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ,Weston Heights, LLC AtCn Jeffrey E Hamilton IIII 1.5 Lake Bellevue Q6V"'6'---Suite 102WaISI Bellevue 9 005 IVII 8 I� IIII u� 7ID206000071 CHIGO TITLE EAS 78.00 CN • ppGE?001 OF 006 02/08/..II�b17 10:31 ... ..., kTWG COUNTY, WR �oversheet Re'cordiilg-Irtfgrmation: ;` GRANTOR: WESTON- Hj=lGHT$, LLC-:,.. a `WashingEon limited I"ability...0m.,pany...: GRANDEE: WESTON HEIGHTS,: '._LLC, a Was,ingtbnt 1imi4ed liability company LEGAL Ptn. NW Y. SW 'h Sec,, '11, Twp. 2.3N„R. 5E -'DESQR,IPT10_N.The complete legal description-, isrbn Pages 1-2 TAX PARCEL 112305-9002; 112305-9010 ACCOUNT NO: RECORDING 201.60609000298 NO. OF..DQC AMEN€)ED: DECLARATION OF GNMEXCLUSIVE ACCESS, UTILITY ANQ.LAND$CAPE EASEMENT This Declaration of Non-�Fzclusive: Actess:' Utility" ....;and Landscape Easement ("Declaration") is executed this day of :February, 2.01T.6y WESTON HEIGHTS, LLC, a Washington limited liability company ("Weston" `Heights":). Weston Heights, for the preservation of values and amenities of the Weston Heights:'North Property aiid the Weston Heights Property (defined below), hereby declares that the Westo"n Heights North-'Rroperty and the Weston Heights Property are hereafter subject to the terms'; conditions; and' proVitbns of this Declaration. The owners of the Weston Heights'North Property :and: `the Weston Heights Property from time to time are hereinafter referred to as`an "Owner" or th.e'- _170wn:rs." Page 1 of 6 ABR Access, UtiRty and Landscape Easement (Weston Heights) 020217 E T, L� 5' ...� . Weston Heights North Proper. Weston Heights is the Owner of the real propefty' 'tegally described as follows ("Weston Height North Propeily'): That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 11, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, WasNngftan, described as follows: ,-:gegir�nih. g at: a .point 15.,_.Ieet North of the Southwest comer of the North half of said' No0hwe"s4- quartqr 6f the-SGqthwest quarter of said Section 11; .� Thence East t4:a poin��,64�'feet West of the East line of said subdivision; Th-en,de Ndrth.....1 57.15.'to the��.���ith:��ine of that tract described under recording :..no. 5481-257. Thepoei"' Wit 67-.-t feet; mom-'. o��1i�ss, along said South line, to the West line of said subdivision; Thence S, uth.,�alvng---said �Vlle,st lira tothe-.:Point of Beginning; Except the West," 30 f6et_-,--there"c>f, reserved '.;for 1480f'Avenue Southeast (Nile Avenue Northeast):....,.;'_ Together with: Tract LWindwood Division 3, acGording'Io::the plat the��of :--reca;rded:-`in Volume I98of Plats, Pages 22 through 27, rwrds: of King ounly, -Washngtbn..;:�� ..'2. Westan Heights Property. Weston Heights-is the Own,er of:th6reol property legally described as follows ("Weston Heights Property'): Pa rp e"I A:—. - L.ot...A of,,Xing County Short Pkat No. 175040, recorded under' Recording No. _ :750328051$; in King County Washington; Ex.bePt-Ahe,_,-horth 141) feet"'of the west 267.196 feet thereof. Parcel B: kI The nvrih1 00:4eet:.: of the west.:267:96 feet of Lit A of King County Shirt Plat No. 1750403 recqrded::.II,under :.:Recordiog of.... 7503280518, in King County, Washington. 3. Existing Easement. Welton Heights.:a"ckhowledges',the existence of the Nan- Exclusive Access and Utility Easement Agreement.dat6d J.0`66-:-Z 201t,'."and recorded June 9, 2016 under King bounty Recording No."2016 '0649000298 the "Existing.-,. Easement) which benefits the Weston Heights Property and burdens.,th" W��ton.;�Heights North Property. Weston Heights intends dor the Easement in this Declarabion: to amen:, restate, re-place and.supersede the Existing Easement in its entirety. Page 2 0f 6 .. . A&R Access, Utility and Landscape Easement (Weston Heights) 020217 � ..4. Grant of Easement. Weston Heights, as the Owner of the Weston Heights North .:� Prope.:herebyrty;grants to Weston Heights, as the owner of the Weston Heights Property, a peetua�..,nijn.,exclusiverpeasement for ingress, egress, access, utilities and landscaping (the 7.Ea�emenf') over, under and across that portion of the Weston Heights North Property legally ..��``descri�ietl::an Exhibitand visually depicted on Exhibit 6, attached hereto(the "Easement ''m Atea7m). TheEaimsem66i�'shall be an easement appurtenant to the Weston Heights Property, shall ,:.run with end benefit the Weston He-i9hts;;Property, and shall be perpetual in duration. . � Z. .��� :���Maintenance and R.oj��ir. ,,W$ston Heights shall have the duty and hereby coverr�nts-��to.m.�ma=�ntai.�i them ��semei��.;Area, in�lu�ing without limitation the roads and utilities therein and the 16.'nd,§ca g therean:,uri good,.' �vuot�ing�� order, condition, and repair. fi. Covgpdbts :Runhin .with th-'%e.-----Land. The Easement and the limitations, covenants, conditions, .and .;�i�estrictions����=�r�nted, reserved or otherwise set forth herein (collectively, the "Coven. "an ar6'notJtntende0,-`to b ..Personal to Weston Heights, but shall run with the land, and shall in'80'respe'cts O'OnstitutO'co-Venants'.-enforceabli��at law and in equity, and servitudes burdening the land. T., he �ove�nants shall ingre t4_ the b��n�fiit of and be binding upon the Owners and their respective sUGc`esoars ,and assi'g'ns:,:. ; 7. Governing Law,. The vali�iity of th Is Declaration, the inte"tpet ation of tie rights and dutiesbfthe owners hereunder and the Onstr'bodtion otihe tbrm.s hereof "i -hall be_.:�o' rned in accordance with. the internal laws of the State -,of Washfington....- 8. 'Attorneys Fees. I n the event of any action.;br Orocqeding at=�law'or,,:-in equity between the" Ow"ners to enforce or interpret any provision". -':%of this Oecl,6ratian of to.:':"protect or estab�iish any right p.r remedy of any such Owner, the non-prevailing�wne�r in such action or proceeding shall ply to the prevailing Owner all costs and .:expe�ises, including, without limitation', reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, incurred in such ac#ibn_;6r proceeding and in"' any app��l intherewith by such prevailing owner, whetkier:��ar.riot such action, proceeding or ....appeal ,as��;,prosecuted to judgment or other final determiri6tion. The term "prevail,ing Owher-.7'shpii include, withQqt limitation, an owner who obtains substantially the relief sought i`h`°tfie action,.or proceeding, whether by compromise, settlement or judgment. If such prevailing Owner..'...shaR.T ecovr,:judgment in' any such action, proceeding or appeal, such costs, expenses and attorneys' fee -s .shall:,be ii�cluded'Jo.and as a part of such judgment. 9. Termination. The ;basement shall:'auto m.p.tically terminate without further action required by the owners upon th'6-coilveyance.- of the sement Area to the Weston Heights Homeowners' Association, or-��,�ts suec�ss�ir in:��interest,,::less any portion thereof which may be dedicated to the City of Rentonibr.:-.Pubi*ic,:tight'.-of way ;andlor utilitypurposes. 1a. Amendment. Until its term'ination in0ccordan"ce'Vith Section 9, this Declaration may only be amended in a writing signed"by`j-he Qw6e'rs.bf the Weston Heights Property and the Weston Heights North Property, and reearded.fin the office bf the" King Coun�y-,Recorder. Page 3 of 6 .. . A&R Access, Utility and Landscape Easement (Weston Heights) 020217 - ti• mDAT-EP as f the date i rt written above. Wieston Heights: ti- ,,= ;,m..m .,mm - 'mm .I �,� mWES T OW:HEIGHTS, LLQ a WaF ton ' :_mm. m I limited lia�jlity to .5m- ,. By:.. Na- :,J'e Mitton 1 _ I T 5 J STATE OF WASHING.TON' } - County of KING f certify that I know or have satsfaetorYi evidence that"Jeffrey:..�:�.;.Namil�on is the person who appeared before me, and said persom,ack�no�vledged th�t:�h�:-sig�ed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execuf&the. instrument anal a ck'n ow'l ed g'� d:. i t as t h C FO of WESTON HEIGHTS, LLC, a Washington limite"d liability"',.-CoMpany, the free andvolOntary act of such party fdr the uses and purposes mentioneO, in the i DATED - , 20171P . A - A �ry u !' in A d For the StateWYVa�fiington, residing - � Nattry,,Public t: WA.. . ''. State: h I�'�°�' ame(printed ed}:T14HYA;iH BUSHAYi�: or tYP .::My AppoiminaM Expir+as Au# 16,019019 y.appointment ,.... expires: ~ 15 I 5 . LSI. � • � . r •r Page 4 of 6 A&R Access, Utflity and Landscape Easement (Weston Heights) 020217 EXHIBIT A -- :'`LEGAL DESCRIPTION -PRIVATE ACCESS, UTILITY AND LANDSCAPE EASEMENT ' A STRIP OF LANDWiTHIN THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER -OF THE SOU THWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 1 1, TOWNSHIP 23 r NORTH; RAN-aE 5 EA- ST OF THE VVILLIAMETTE MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST C0RNE.R`0F'-SA10 SUBDIVISION, ALSO BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OrlR-ACT L,..W1-"00D-:--DjV--1S10N 3, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDEDI.. VOLUME 1'98, PAQES'22 THROUGH 27, RECORDED UNDER RECORD I NGN UM BE R -n200 102220007661 RECORDS. -OF KING COUNTY WASHINGTON; THENCE N 00*16'07711E 11.06 FEST ALONG T,.HE-'EA8T LINE OF SAID TRACT L TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT L`•= ;' THENCE S 87°27'2 7' E 1:0. 11 FEET ALONG TWE NO RTK ,LINE OF SAID.PLAT TO THE SOUTWEST CORNER 0F'T' L(3 2, OLYM ' PUS-VILL-A ' ACCORDING TO T"RE.-PLAT THEREOF RECORDED UNDER RECORDINGA U M BE k 2QI:204"1 2001053: RECORDS OF KING COUNTY WASHINGTON; THENCE N 0' 17'30' E 557.50 FE ET'ALONG TH E WEST LINES "OF ..LOTS 2 AND 3 OF SAID PLAT TO THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF NE 7'*. PkAC.E; THENCE N.$.7'27'27' W 58.50 FEET ALONbSAID SOUTHERLYWARGIN THENCE S 0"17'30"W 12.50 FEET; THENCE,S 87°2727" E 18.96 FEET TO A POINT 40.00 FEET WESTERLY CjF AND PARALLEVTO THE WEST LINE OF, LOTS 2 AND 3 OF SAID PLATbp-oL PUS VILLA; THENCE S 4'1-7-030m VII 158. 17 FEET ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE 70 THE. SOUTH. LINE QF SAID TRACT L; THENCE S -`8702--7-'27":;::E 29.92 FEET ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE TO'T-HE---P61NT OF BeGINNING. 1% 1, CONTAINING.'' 6,866 +/-..SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. SAN 2 S. 2,01" 7 d. •3.. Aft .11• 5 5� 'r 5� ' L- 5 ' .II • Li 1 - A.S.P.I. Lend Surveying & Planning 4532-B Evergreen Way Everett, WA 98208 425-252-1884 W:\JOBS\2016\216098-TAYLOR DEVELOPMENT (WESTON HEIGHTSPQUCUMENTSIL EASEMENTSIPRIVATE ACCESS & UTILITY EASFMENT.dac 5 5� 'r 5� ' 5� ' L- VOL. R Ff' do �r•:I'�15r1• 11' 1 OLYMPUS VILLA 260, PG'S-* 23-27, No. 2012o41zor'^r^ SCAM- a. _ 5cr ,, NL= ITH PL • 5�EVASM I S Noi•sr3s� Nq-7*2702rwr^ 12.50' .' N07427927*W. ' 78.96 PROFOSED P-ill[AT OF---'-' WESTON NE1CaH7S. N ORTH. PRIVATE:ACCt$5 h`` ` 49, UTlUTY EA5PJ1FSlT, LOT T RACT L � c. 1N1N4YOOD. D I V, 3 z g Af* 2`00110222000765 • 10.11' N0�..40'58ry/ 29.92 0 ' r • 1 ' r - THE Se. - -COev NW 1/4s NW .4/4,-.6w • rr' , PROPU-0�b..:P1A7.'OF WEST'ON HE10'HTS...' LOQto LOT II D iD C D 3 �o N 4 EXHIBIT "8" PRIVATE. ACCESS, UTILITY &LAN05CAPE:fA5F.M-E'NT:::' A PORTION OR THE NW 1/4, SW 1/4 OF SEC. 14 TWP. 23 N., RGE. S,: E., W -K QTY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON A.S.PI (ALPHA 5U80N1510N PRO'S, INC.) LANG 5URVEYW4 & PLANNiN4 PREPARED: .' 4532-8 CVCRCiRpEN WAY CVE2ETT, WA 913203 (<25) 252-1084 �-19r17 i' 21609BFP.UW4 • r' �o N 4 EXHIBIT "8" PRIVATE. ACCESS, UTILITY &LAN05CAPE:fA5F.M-E'NT:::' A PORTION OR THE NW 1/4, SW 1/4 OF SEC. 14 TWP. 23 N., RGE. S,: E., W -K QTY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON A.S.PI (ALPHA 5U80N1510N PRO'S, INC.) LANG 5URVEYW4 & PLANNiN4 PREPARED: .' 4532-8 CVCRCiRpEN WAY CVE2ETT, WA 913203 (<25) 252-1084 �-19r17 i' 21609BFP.UW4