HomeMy WebLinkAboutWeston Heights Compliance MemoMemorandum To: Final Plat Reviewer From: Robert M Fitzmaurice PLS Date: 01-23-2017 Re: Weston Heights Final Plat –Compliance with SEPA and Hearing Examiner’s Conditions _____________________________________________________________________________________ Below is a response demonstrating of how this project is in compliance with the following: Environmental (SEPA) Determination of Non-Significance – Mitigated (DNS-M) 10/06/2014 Addendum to Environmental (SEPA) Determination of Non-Significance – Mitigated (DNS-M) 05/16/2016 Hearing Examiners Final Decision 12/03/2014 The responses are listed after each Item in Bold Italics. Environmental (SEPA) Determination of Non-Significance – Mitigated (DNS-M) 10/06/2014 Mitigation Measures: Project construction shall be required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Geo Group Northwest, Inc. (dated July 3, 2014) including the need to over excavate past loose fill and the placing of compacted structural fill. The Project construction complied with these criteria; construction was supervised by a licensed professional geotechnical engineer and approved by City inspectors. The sewer connection from the east side {Lots 10,11& 12) shall be made to the west side via a trenchless construction method to be approved by the City and shall be butt­ fusion welded HDPE pipe. There shall be no construction trenches located in the wetland or wetland buffer. The manholes used to make the connection for this pipe shall reside within the proposed paved areas. This measure was modified by the Addendum to Environmental (SEPA) Determination of Non-Significance – Mitigated (DNS-M) 05/16/2016 Addendum to Environmental (SEPA) Determination of Non-Significance – Mitigated (DNS-M) 05/16/2016 Decision: The City of Renton is hereby issuing a SEPA Addendum pursuant to WAC 197-11- 600 to remove mitigation measure #2, which states: The sewer connection from the east side (Lots 10, 11& 12) shall be made to the west side via a trenchless construction method to be approved by the City and shall be butt-fusion welded HOPE pipe. There shall be no construction trenches located in the wetland or wetland buffer. The manholes used to make the connection for this pipe shall reside within the proposed paved areas. There were no construction trenches located in the wetland or wetland buffer. The manholes used to make the connection for this pipe shall reside within the proposed paved areas Hearing Examiner for the City of Renton – Final Decision 12/03/2014 The Applicant shall comply with mitigation measures issued as part of the Mitigation Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal. This project complied with the MDNS-M as described above. All proposed street names shall be approved by the City. All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way, except alleys, shall have minimum radius of fifteen feet (15’). All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way have 15’ radii Side sewer lines shall be installed eight feet (8’) into each lot if sanitary sewer mains are available, or provided with the subdivision development. Side sewer lines were installed eight feet (8’) into each lot All utilities designed to serve the subdivision shall be placed underground. Any utilities installed in the parking strip shall be placed in such a manner and depth to permit the planting of trees. Those utilities to be located beneath paved surfaces shall be installed, including all service connections, as approved by the Department of Public Works. Such installation shall be completed and approved prior to the application of any surface material. Easements may be required for the maintenance and operation of utilities as specified by the Department of Public Works. All utilities designed to serve the subdivision were placed underground. Utilities installed in the parking strip were placed in such a manner and depth to permit the planting of trees. Those utilities located beneath paved surfaces were installed as approved by the Department of Public Works. The installation was completed and approved prior to the application of the surface material. Easements are provided for the maintenance and operation of utilities as specified by the Department of Public Works Any cable TV conduits shall be undergrounded at the same time as other basic utilities are installed to serve each lot. Conduit for service connections shall be laid to each lot line by Applicant as to obviate the necessity for disturbing the street area, including sidewalks, or alley improvements when such service connections are extended to serve any building The cost of trenching, conduit, pedestals and/or vaults and laterals as well as easements therefore required to bring service to the development shall be borne by the developer and/or land owner. The applicant shall be responsible only for conduit to serve his development. Conduit ends shall be elbowed to final ground elevation and capped. The cable TV company shall provide maps and specifications to the applicant and shall inspect he conduit and certify to the City that it is properly installed. All cable TV conduits were undergrounded at the same time as other basic utilities are installed to serve each lot. Conduit for service connections were laid to each lot line. The cost of trenching, conduit, pedestals and/or vaults and laterals as well as easements therefore required to bring service to the development was by the developer and/or land owner. The applicant shall install all street name signs necessary in the subdivision prior to final plat approval The City has provided the Street Names and associated addresses for all Lots in the plat. City staff has provided street names and Addresses The applicant shall obtain a demolitions permit and all required inspections for the removal of the existing signal family residences and detached accessory structures prior to Final Plat recording. The applicant obtained a demolition permit # B16002564 from the City and removed the structures A revised detailed landscape plan that complies with RMC 4-8-120 shall be submitted at the time of Utility Construction Permit for review by the Current Planning Project Manager. The revised landscape plan shall provide a 10-foor landscaped visual barrier within a 10-foot wide easement along the northern portion of Lots 1-3 and along the southern portion of Lots 7-9, shall include the required 15 feet of landscaping outside of the required fencing around the full perimeter of the stormwater pond in Tract C, and shall include two trees within the front yard areas of Lots 7 and 8. The landscaping around the stormwater pond (Tract C), over the stormwater vault (Tract A), and in the public street shall be installed prior to recording of the final plat, the 10-foot landscaped visual barrier and the front yard trees shall be installed prior to Certificate of Occupancy for the new homes. The applicant submitted a detailed Landscape plan which was approved by the City of Renton on 06-30-16 R-389521. The revised landscape provides a 10-foor landscaped visual barrier within a 10-foot wide easement along the northern portion of Lots 1-3 and along the southern portion of Lots 7-9, and include the required 15 feet of landscaping outside of the required fencing around the full perimeter of the stormwater pond in Tract C, and includes two trees within the front yard areas of Lots 7 and 8. The landscaping around the stormwater pond (Tract C), over the stormwater vault (Tract A), and in the public street shall be installed prior to recording of the final plat, the 10-foot landscaped visual barrier and the front yard trees shall be installed prior to Certificate of Occupancy for the new homes. The applicant shall be required to provide a final tree retention/replacement plan which includes the retention of one tree within the rear yard of proposed Lot 6 and three trees on the southeast corner of Private Road C, or an arborist repost classifying these trees s hazard trees which need to be removed. The final tree retention/replacement plan shall be submitted at the time of Utility Construction Permit review for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. The applicant submitted a detailed Tree Retention plan which was approved by the City of Renton. The preliminary plat layout shall be revised to locate the hammerhead turnaround at the terminus of Road B to be private and placed within a 26-foot wide tract and be paved with 20 feet of paving. This revision shall be shown on the Construction Permit application for review and approval by the Plan Reviewer and the Fire Department. The tract shall be identified on the final plat map prior to recording. The applicant revised the hammerhead turnaround at the end of Road B and modified the final plat map to show A 26’ wide private Road tract which was approved by the City of Renton Access for Lots 6-8 shall be required to be provided off of the proposed shared driveway across the north portion of lot 7. A note to this effect shall be recorded on the face of the plat prior to recording. The applicant believes this condition was recorded in error. It is not possible for any lots to take access from from the northern portion of lot 7 as it does not touch the the private road B. We believe the requirement should have read “Access for Lot 7 shall be required to be provided off of the proposed shared driveway across the north portion of lot 8.” As is shown on the approved Landscape plans Approval of the proposed street design is contingent upon the applicant acquiring administrative approval of a deviation request to RMC 4-6-060(H)(2) for the authorization of the proposed hammerhead turnaround at the end of Road C. Approval shall be acquired prior to any construction activity at the project site. The proposed hammerhead turnaround shall comply with all applicable City development standards except to the extent approved by a deviation request. The applicant submitted a deviation request to RMC 4-6-060(H)(2) for the authorization of the proposed hammerhead turnaround at the end of Road C and received administrative approval of deviation from the City The widths of Lot 2-5 shall be revised to provide a minimum width of 35 feet along the street frontage. A revised plat map shall be submitted at the time of Utility Construction Permit application for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. The applicant submitted a revised plat map providing a minimum width of 35 feet along the street frontage which was approved by the Current Planning Project Manager Cross Section B-B on the Preliminary Grading an Utility Plan shall be revised to provide a minimum of a 26-wide easement, with a 20-foot pavement width. No sidewalks are required and the pavement thickness shall be a minimum of 4-inches of HMA over 6-inches of crushed surfacing and top course. The revised cross section details shall be submitted at the time of Utility Construction Permit review for review and approval by the City’s Plan Reviewer. The applicant revised the Cross section B-B shown on the preliminary grading plan and provided a minimum of a 26’ wide easement with 20-foot pavement widt, No sidewalks are required and the pavement thickness shall be a minimum of 4-inches of HMA over 6-inches of crushed surfacing and top course which was reviewed and approved by the City Cross Section A-A on the Preliminary Grading and Utility Plan be revised to provide 53 ft. of right of way, 20 ft. of pavement, 6 ft. parking on one side, curb and gutter on both sides with 8 ft. planting strip and 5 ft. sidewalks on both sides. The revised cross section details shall be submitted at the time of Utility Construction Permit review for review and approval by the City’s Plan Reviewer. The applicant revised the Cross section A-A shown on the preliminary grading plan and provided 53 ft. of right of way, 20 ft. of pavement, 6 ft. parking on one side, curb and gutter on both sides with 8 ft. planting strip and 5 ft. sidewalks on both sides which was reviewed and approved by the City A street lighting plan shall be submitted at the time of construction permit review for review and approval by the City’s Plan Reviewer. The applicant submitted Street Utility Lighting plans which were reviewed and approved by the City The applicant shall be required to create a homeowner’s association of maintenance agreement for the shared utilities, common landscaping, and maintenance and responsibilities for all shared improvement of the development. A draft of the document(s) shall be submitted to Current Planning Project Manager for the review and approval by the City Attorney and Property Services section prior to the recording of the final plat. The applicant has created a home owner’s association maintenance agreement and has submitted a draft of the documents for review and approval by the City Attorney and Property Services section A copy of the required access easement over the neighboring property to the north for Private Road C shall be submitted at the time of Utility Construction Permit approval. The applicant submitted a copy of the required access easement over the neighboring property to the north for Private Road C at the time of Utility Construction Permit approval. Any proposal to convert the Stormwater vault within Tract A to a Stormwater detention pond shall be considered a Major Plat Amendment subject to the requirements outlined under RMC 4-7-080M.2. The applicant has no proposal to convert the Stormwater vault within Tract A to a Stormwater detention pond Fencing and signage is required along the boundary of the Wetland buffer. A fencing and signage detail shall be submitted at the time of Utility Construction Permit review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. The applicant has submitted a Fencing and Sign detail for the required Fencing and Signage required along the boundary of the Wetland buffer which was reviewed and approved by the City