HomeMy WebLinkAboutA_Master App WCI_15_1223 _151223_V1City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) NAME: Washington Commercial Investment LLC ADDRESS: 24419 105th PI SE CITY: Kent, WA ZIP: 98030 TELEPHONE NUMBER: APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: Satwant Singh COMPANY (if applicable): ADDRESS: 24419 105th PI SE CITY. Kent ZIP: 98030 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 206-391-3311 CONTACT PERSON NAME: David Vincent COMPANY (if applicable): Milbrandt Architects ADDRESS: 25 Central Way CITY: Kirkland WA ZIP: 98033 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: 425-454-7130 ext 201 djv@milbrandtarch.com PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Grant Place Townhomes PROJECTIADDRESS(S)ILOCATION AND ZIP CODE: 1600 Grant Avenue South Renton Washington 98055 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 202305-9052 EXISTING LAND USE(S): Single Family Residential PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Multi Family Residential EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: RM -F PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable) EXISTING ZONING: RM -F PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): Same SITE AREA (in square feet): 92,721 sf. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: 24,480 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable) 22.9797335919 units per acre. NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) 36 NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 36 H:ICEDMata\Forms-Templates\Self--Help HandouisTlannin&asterapp.doe - I - 03/11 PRiI_IG!'T lhior%oMATION PROJECT VALUE: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): ❑ AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE ❑ AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO ❑ FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. ❑ GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. ❑ HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. ❑ SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES sq. ft. ❑ WETLANDS sq, ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ription on separate sheet with the followinn infni SITUATE IN THE SW QUARTER OF SECTION —20, TOWNSHIP 235 VY' OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RANGE IN THE CITY AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) . � 9 \ �'y I A N -Ti,'I Stt,(61 (+ , declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one)_ current owner of the property involved in this application or X the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the inj?rmation herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. V �Z2, Irk Signature of Owner/Representative Date� Signature of Owner/Representative Date STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING SS I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that n !r l P 1 signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her their free and v luntaryact for e uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. �Jr -dMMt f/// I t Dated Notary Public in and for the State of Wa 'ngton Notary (Print): i\A l�/'� �appointmant expires: _ - 1 I2 f 2 0' If ; H:\CED\Dats\Forms-Templatm\Self--Help Haadouts\Flanning\mastempp.doc - 2 - 03/11 OPERATING AGREEMENT WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT, LLC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY This organizationwwwwadsssz and operation Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into effective as of the date of filing of the Certificate of Formation January 9'h, 2014 by and among the parties whose signature appear on the signature page here. 1. Formation of Company: The parties who are parties to this agreement hereby agree to form a limited liability company pursuant to the law of the State of Washington. The limited liability company shall be formed under the provision of the Washington Limited Liability Company Act(the "Act") by filing of a Certificate of Formation. The certificate of Formation shall contain those provisions required by the Washington Secretary of state and the Act, and shall be consistent in all respects with the terms of this Agreement. The name of the company shall be WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT, LLC and be referred as the "Company". 2. Registered ice/Registered Agent and Place of Business. 2.1 Registered O :ce and Registered Agent. The Company's initial registered agent and the address of its initial office in the State of Washington are as follows: Name Address Sophon Chheng 24419 105" PL SE Kent, WA 98030 The registered office and registered agent may be changed by the Company from time to time by filing an amendment to the Certificate of Formation or filing such forms as required by the Washington Secretary of State. 2.2 Place ofBusiness. The principle place of business of the Company shall be at Puyallup, Washington. The Company may locate its place of business at any other place(s) as the Company may from time to time deem advisable. 3. Term: The term of existence of the Company shall be indefinite or as long as allowed by the laws of the State of Washington, effective from the date of filing of the Certificate OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT, LLC of Formation, unless the company is earlier dissolved in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement, or unless continuation of the Company is prior to the expiration of any term by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the Percentage Interest (as defined below) in the Company. 4.S pecific Purpose: The specific purpose of the Company shall be to operate a real estate holding company and to conduct all other business activities incidental therto. The Company shall have no other purpose without the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the Percentage interests in the Company. 5. Percentage Interest, Capital Contributions. Profits and Losses and Cash distributions 5.1 Percentage Interests. The parties of this Agreement (the "Members") shall have initial percentage interest (the "percentage interests") in the Company as set forth opposite each Member's name listed below. Subsequent changes in the Members' Percentage Interests shall be reflected in the Company's books and records and in an amendment to this Agreement. Name Percentage Int. Contributions Simranjit Singh 50% start up capital/real estate Monte Badziong 50% start up capital/real estate 5.2 Initial Capital Contributions. Upon execution of this Agreement, each member shall contribute the property or other valuable consideration as set forth next to the Members' Percentage Interest listed above. 5.3 Capital Accounts. Each member shall have a capital account on the books of the Company ("Capital Account'). A Member's Capital Account shall be increased by the Member's capital contributions to the Company and the Member's share of net income of the Company and cash distributions. Such capital accounts shall at all times be maintained in compliance with the provisions. 5.4 Capital Contributions After Initial Capital Contributions No addition capital contributions shall be required of the Members without the unanimous consent of the members. OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT, LLC 5.5 Allocation o Profits and Losses. Profits, losses and credits of the Company 2 resulting from operations shall be allocated among the Members in proportion to the Member's Percentage Interests. 5.6 Cash Distributions from Operations. Cash flow of the Company in any period shall consist of the total cash receipts of the Company less all cash disbursements and less reserve reasonably required for Company business. Cash flow of the company resulting from operations shall be distributed periodically among the members in accordance with their Percentage Interests. 5.7 Interest of Capital Contributions. No interest shall be paid on any capital contributions or capital accounts of the Members. 6. Management Indemnification and Accounting Matters. 6.1 Management by Members. The Members hereby appoint Simranjit Singh as Managing Member, who shall have sole managerial authority over the affairs of the Company. Said authority shall include but not be limited to conveyance of real or personal property owned by the Company, management of Company accounts, and representation of the Company with regard to property development. 6.2 Limitation on Liability. The Members shall not be liable, responsible or accountable in damage or otherwise to the Company or the other Members for any acts of omission by any Member performed in good faith and in a manner reasonably believed by the Member to be within the scope of the Member's authority and in the best interest of the Company, provided that such act of omission did not constitute fraud, misconduct, bad faith or gross negligence. Members shall be fully protected in relying in good faith upon the records required to be maintained under this agreement and upon such information, opinions, reports or statements by any of its other Members, or agents, or by any other person, as to matters the Member reasonably believes are within such other person's professional or expert competence and who has been selected with reasonable care by or on behalf of the Company, including information, liabilities, profits or losses of the Company or any other facts pertinent to the existence and amount of assets from which distributions to Members might properly be paid. OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT, LLC 6.3 Indemnification. The Company shall indemnify and hold harmless any Member against any liability, loss, damage, cost of expenses incurred by the Member on behalf of the Company or in furtherance of the Company's interest without relieving any Member of liability for fraud misconduct, bad faith or gross negligence. However, no Member shall have any personal liability for the satisfaction of any required indemnification of the other Members. Any indemnification required to be made by the Company shall be made promptly following the fixing of the liability, loss, damage, costs or expense incurred or suffered by a final judgment of any court, settlement, agreement or otherwise. In addition, the Company may advance funds to a Member claiming indemnification under this section for legal expenses and other costs incurred as a result of a legal action brought against the Member if (i) the legal action relates to the performance of duties or services by the Members on behalf of the Company, (ii) the legal action is initiated by a party other than a Member, and (iii) the member undertakes to repay the advanced funds to the Company if it is determined that the Member is not entitled indemnification pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 6.4 Loans to Company. Nothing in this agreement shall prevent any Member from making secured or unsecured loans to the company. 6.5 Accounting Period The Company's accounting period shall be the calendar year. 6.6. Records Audits and Reports. The Company shall maintain records and accounts of all operation and expenditures of the Company. At a minimum the Company shall keep at its principle place of business the following records: (a) A list setting forth the full name and last known mailing address of each current and past member. (b) A copy of Certificate of Formations and all amendments thereto; (c) Copies of this Agreement and all amendments hereto; (d) Copies of the Company's federal, state and local tax returns and reports, if any, for three most recent years. OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT, LLC (e) Minutes of every meeting of the Members and any written consents obtained from Members for actions taken by Members without a meeting; and (f) Copies of the Company's financial statements for the three most recent years. 7. Transers. 7.1 Transfer Prohibited Without the prior affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the Percentage Interests in the Company other than a proposed transfer, no Member may directly or indirectly sell, transfer, assign, pledge or otherwise encumber, voluntarily or involuntarily, all or any part of the Member's interest in the Company. A transfer in violation of this section shall be void and no force or effect. 7.2 Richt of First RefusaL No member shall dispose of any portion of the Member's interest in the Company to a third party without first making a written offer to sell that same interest to the other Members. The written off shall be made to the other Members not less than thirty (30) days prior to any proposed disposition of such interest and shall state the price and terms of the proposed sale, and the name and address of both the offeror and offeree. The written offer shall give the remaining members as option in accordance with the provisions of the following sections of this Agreement. 7.3 Primary Option to Purchase. Within twenty (20) days of the receipt of the written offer of the last remaining Members to receive such notice, such remaining Member may exercise an option to purchase, on the same terms and conditions as the proposed sale, that proportion of the Percentage Interest proposed to be disposed of which equals the proportion of the percentage interest owned by each such remaining Member at the time of the Member's receipt of the written offer bears to the total Percentage Interest then owned by all of the remaining Members. Notice of acceptance of the offer and of exercise of the primary option shall be given in person or mailed to the address of the selling Member prior to midnight of the twentieth (20s') day. 7.4 Non -exerciser of Options. If the remaining Members do not purchase all of the Percentage Interest offered in the written offer within the required time, then the selling Member may sell all of the Percentage Interest offered (but not a lesser amount) to the third party specified in the written offer, but not for a price less than or terms different from those made in the written offer to the remaining n7]e 7:�1 :7 sl slu I DQU O "I 11 WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT, LLC Members provided the affirmative vote of a majority of the Percentage Interests has been obtained as required by Section 7.1 above. Any Percentage Interest not sold by the selling Member to the third party specified within sixty (60) days after making the written offer to the remaining Members shall again become subject to the restrictions of this agreement as though it had never been offered. 7.6 Transfer Member. Any individual or entity that is the permitted recipient of a transfer described in this Section above shall, as a condition to completion of the transfer agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Agreement. 8. Rights and Obligations of Member. 8.1 General Limitations o Liability. Each Member's personal liability shall be strictly limited as set forth in this Agreement and the Act. 8.2 Liability Limited for Company Obligations. Except as otherwise required by law, Members shall not be personally liable for any debts, obligations, judgments or liabilities of the Company beyond their respective capital contribution. 8.3 Inspection Records. Upon reasonable request, each Member shall have the right to inspect and copy at such Members' expense during ordinary business hours, the records required to be maintained by the Company pursuant to this Agreement or Act. 8.4. Meeting of Members 8.4.1 Annual Meetings. The company may, but is not obliged to hold an annual meeting of the Members at such time as shall be determined by the Members, for the purpose of the transaction of such business as may come before the meeting. 8.4.2 Special Meetings. Special meeting of the Members, for any purpose or purposes, may be called by the Manager or by Members holding at least ten percent (10%) of the Percentage Interests. 8.4.3 Place of Meeting_ The Members may designate any place either within or outside the State of Washington, as the place of meeting for any meeting of the Members. If no designation is made, or if a special meeting is called, the place of meeting shall be the principle office of the Company. 8.4.4 Notice ofMeetines. Written notice state the place, day and hour of the OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT, LLC meeting and in the case of special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called shall be delivered not less than five(5) or more than twenty(20) days before the date of the meeting, either personally or by email, by or at the direction of the Members calling the meeting, to each Member entitled to vote at such meeting. 8.4.5 Record Date. For the purpose of determining Members entitled to notice of or to vote at any meeting of Members or any adjournment thereof, or Members entitled to receive payment of any distribution, the date on which notice of the meeting is mailed or the date on which the resolution declaring such distribution is adopted, as the case may be, shall be the record date for such determination of Members. When a determination of Members entitled to vote at any meeting of Members has been made as provided in this Section, such determination shall apply to any adjournment thereof. 8.4.6 Quorum. A majority of the Percentage Interests represented in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of Members. In the absence of a quorum at any such meeting, a majority of the Percentage Interests held by members so represented may adjourn the meeting from time to time for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days without further notice. However, if the adjournment is for more than sixty (60) days, or if after the adjournment a new record date is fixed for the adjourned meeting, a notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given to each Member of record entitled to vote at the meeting. At such adjourned meeting at which a quorum shall be present or represented, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally noticed. The Members present at a duly organized meeting may continue to transact business until adjournment, notwithstanding the withdrawal during such meeting of the Percentage Interests whose absence would cause less than a quorum. 8.4.7 Manner ofActing. If a quorum is present, the affirmative role of Members holding more than fifty (50%) percent of the Percentage Interests represented at the meeting in person or by proxy shall be the act of the Members, unless the vote of a greater or lesser percentage is required by this Agreement or by law. 8.4.8 Action by Members without a Meeting. Action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of Members may be taken without a meeting if the action is evidenced by one or more written consent consents describing the action take, OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT, LLC executed by the Members entitled to vote thereon and delivered to the Company for inclusion in the Company's minutes. Such action shall be deemed passed if it receives the affirmative consent of a sufficient amount of the percentage interest necessary to take such action if a meeting had actually been held. Action taken under this Section is effective when sufficient Members entitled to vote thereon to pass the resolution(s) have signed such consent, unless such consent specifies a different effective date. The record date for determining Members entitled to take action without a meeting shall be the date the first Member signs consent. 8.4.9 Waiver of Notice. When any notice is required to be given to a Member, a waiver thereof in writing signed by the Member entitled to such notice, whether before, at or after the time stated therein, shall be equivalent to the giving of such notice. 9. Dissolution and Termination. 9.1 Dissolution. The Company shall be dissolved upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (a) Agreement of the Members holding a majority of the Percentage Interests in the Company; (b) Sale or disposition of all Company assets; (c) The death, insanity, bankruptcy, retirement, resignation or expulsion of any Member, unless the Company is continued by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the remaining Percentage Interests in the Company EXCEPT that in the event of the death of any Member, the surviving Member(s) shall have the option to purchase the deceased Member(s) Percentage of Interest in the Company at a price to be determined by a qualified business appraiser jointly selected by the surviving Member(s) and the deceased Member's heirs or executor; or (d) The expiration of the term of the Company unless contained as set forth in Section 3 above. 9.2 Distribution of Cash Upon Termination. Upon the dissolution of the Company pursuant to Section 9.1, the Company affairs shall be wound up as expeditiously possible, the assets sold, and the Company terminated. However, OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT, LLC upon a majority vote of the Percentage Interests, some or all of the Company's assets shall be distributed to the Members pro -rata with the Member's capital accounts until such accounts are reduced to zero, and thereafter in accordance with the Member's Percentage Interests. 9.3 Gain or Loss. Any gain or loss on the disposition of Company properties in the process of liquidation shall be credited or charged to the Members in proportion to their Percentage Interest provided however that gain or loss with respect to property contributed to the Company by a Member shall be shared among the Members so as to take account of any variation between the basis of the property so contributed and its fair market value at the time of contribution, in accordance with any applicable United States tax laws and regulations. Any property distributed in kind in the liquidation shall be valued and treated as though it were sold the cash proceeds distributed. The difference between the value of property. 9.4 Company Assets Sole Source. The members shall look solely to the Company's assets for the payment of any debts or liabilities owned by the Company to the Members and for the return of the capital contributions and liquidations amounts. If the Company property remaining after the payment or discharge of all its debts and liabilities to persons other than Members is insufficient to return to Members capital contributions, they shall have no recourse therefore against the Company or any other Members, except to the extent that such other Members have outstanding debts or obligations owing to the Company. 10. Conflicts oflnterests. Each member understands that the other Members may engage in other business activities which may compete directly or indirectly with the Company. Each Member hereby consents to such other business activities and agrees that no Member shall acquire any interest therein by virtue of this Company. 11. Notices. Any Notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be delivered to the most recent address set forth in the books and records of the Company. Except as otherwise provided herein, any such notice shall be deemed to be given when personally delivered or, if mailed, three (3) business days after the date of mailing. 12. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended by a vote of the majority of Percentage Interests, provided that in no event may an amendment affect allocation or OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT, LLC profits or losses, the distribution of cash flow, the capital account or right on dissolution of a Member, or materially alter the economic benefits of this Agreement to a Member, except upon the unanimous written agreement of all the Members. 13. Waivers. The failure of any parry hereto to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements herein contained, or to exercise any option or right herein conferred, in any one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of performance of any covenants or agreement, or of any such option or right, but the same shall be and remain in full force an defect. 14. Partition. While the Company remains in effect or is continued, each Member agrees and waives its rights to have any Company property partitioned, or to file a complaint or to institute any suit, action or proceeding at law or in equity to have any Company property partitioned, and each Member, on behalf of itself, its successor and its assigns hereby waives any such right. 15. Rikhts and Remedies Cumulative. The rights and remedies provided by this Agreement are cumulative and the use of any one right or remedy shall not preclude or waive the right to use any or all other remedies. These rights and remedies are given, in addition to any other right the parties may have by law, statute, ordinance or otherwise. 16. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement and the application thereof shall not be affected and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 17. Heirs. Successors and Assi ns. Each of the covenants, terms, provisions and agreements herein contained shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and to the extent permitted by this Agreement, their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assignees. 18. Creditors None of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed or construed to be for the benefit of or enforceable by any creditors of the Company. 19. Governing Law. This agreement shall be governed by the internal laws of the State of Washington. Venue for any action thereunder shall be in King County, Washington. OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT, LLC 10 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been signed by the undersigned members effective as of the date the Certificate of Formation is filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Washington. Simranjit Singh, Member OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR E' e�i-e Q0 Monte Badziong, Member WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT, LLC 11 :i SnS )ffice of the Secretary of State :orporations & Charities Division AMENDED REPORT FEE: $10.00 ErURN COMPLETED FORM AND PAYMENT TO: Entity Name: WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL ;hocks made payable to'Secietary ofState7 F -I16.. ED INVESTMENT, LLC 01 Capitol Way South Unified Business Identifier: 603.365-197 ,0 Box Ity1mp a,WA498504-0234 ��� 312014 State of Incorporation: WA WA SECRETARY or. STATE Inc.1QuaL Date: 11912014 Current Registered Agent/Office Registered Agent/Office Changes (Changes must be appmvedby the Board of Directors) New Registered Agent Name SbPHON CHHENG 24419105TH PL SE Consent to KENT, WA 98030 Appointment Signature o/New Registered Agent Required Street Address City State WA Zip Code Optional Mailing Address City State WA Zip Code EPORT SECTION MUST BE FILLED , IN COMPLETELY - DO NOT LEAVE SPACES BLANK rincipal place of business in WA u 'ES �qul q /0'5�L ek - 5F k&p -IWA G 3 D , E] NO Address City Lp ature of Business /0,E4/ E5 7,47F 40a)i/d Telephone Odo) 511 -?Y// Email oreign Entities - Principal office address. Address City State Zip Country 7 CORPORATION: Print or type names and addresses of ALL corporate officers and directors (attach additional list ifnecessa y). LLC: Print or type names and addresses of Members or Managers (attach additional list if necessary). . _- n A .—.—. -. ..—,r n. .,.I i..-8i..ni '._. /ice. ,. A./ 1i10A! F. 13ADZIQN!� rn :M1Kk L1029- /G5VA-SLI, ky/y1woo�. I�1+ 9 037 Name .)Tide Address ' City ; State Zip Name Title Address CIN State Ziu uvmrvr%A i iuNa mrvmrvi N i Ium MIVu N.1.asa imwY c —ouvrr Ao-vati Rev. 01-006 4/14 Uorporahons: Kegistrahon lletau UBI Number Category Active/Inactive State Of Incorporation WAFlling Date Expiration Date Inactive Date Duration RegWered Agent Information Agent Name Address City State ZIP Special Addrew Information Address City State Zip GDuelmrgPasuS Title Member Member 60336519] LLC WA 01/09/2014 01/312016 Perpetual SOPHON CHHENG 24419105TH PL SE KENT WA 98030 Name SINGH, SIMRANI T BADZIONG, MONTE Address 24419105TH PL SE KENL WA98O30 4028165TH PL SW LYNNWOOD, WA 98037 Page 1 of 1 httn://wwwsns.wa.onv/enms/search de.t.A.asnx?uhi=603365197 12/9.1/2045 4sns Office of the Secretary of State Customer Receipt Washington Commerce vestment Llc COPY REQ FC Received: $15.00 Cash Received On: 01/28/2015 Transaction Number: 283201 Tracking ID: 2922161 1/ Thank you! Qsns Office of the Secretary of State Corporations & Charities Division RETURN COMPLETED FORM AND PAYMENT TO: (Checks made payable to 'Secretary of State? 801 Capitol Way South PO Box 40234 Olympia, WA 98504-0234 Current Registered Agent(Offlce SbPHON CHHENG 24419105TH PL SE KENT, WA 98030 AMENDED REPORT FEE: $10.00 Entity Name: WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL FILE® INVESTMENT, LLC Unified Business Identifier: 603-365-197 JUL 3 14 State of Incorporation: WA WA SECRETARY OF STATS Inc./Qual. Date: 1/9/2014 u,Ra Registered AgentfOffice Changes (Changes must be approved by the Board of Directors) New Registered Agent Name Consent to Appointment Signature of New Registered Agent Required Street Address City State WA Zip Optional Mailing Address city State WA Zip REPORT SECTION MUST BE FILLED , IN COMPLETELY — DO NOT LEAVE SPACES BLANK '� ' Principal place of business in WA Es ofqqlq �� �� �� SFEl �AJ j WA Q 3 NO Address City ZiP Nature of Business R41 E27�4 i f Z� QL l Lnk6i' Telephone U 39I — 33 // Email Foreign Entities - Principal office address. Address City State Zip Country ❑ CORPORATION: Print or type names and addresses of ALL corporate officers and directors (attach additional list 11 necessary). M LLC; Print or type names and addresses of Membersor Managers (attach additional list If necessary). V. .,A.., -.— i,.. a., _ _ _ _ of Title Address k Name The Address CO State Zlp Name 14 Tile Address City State Zip listed above This CORPORATIONS INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE — 360/725-0377 Rev, 01-006 4/14 �"llvVD STATES OF A4t jCy 9 esuw w jmqj I Secretary of to I, HIM WYMAN, Secretary of State of the State of Washington and custodian of its seal, hereby issue this CERTIFICATE OF FORMATION to WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT, LLC a/an WA Limited Liability Company. Charter documents are effective on the date indicated below. Date: 1/9/2014 UBI Number: 603-365-197 Given under my hand and the Seal of the State of Washington at Olympia, the State Capital ;; *w'— Kim Wyman, Secretary of State Date Issued: 1/28/2015 TpC� DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 1147 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE CINCINNATI OH 45999-0023 WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT LLC SIMPMJIT SINGH SOLE MBR 24419 105TH PL SE KENT, WA 98030 Date of this notice: 01-28-2015 Employer Identification Number: 47-2941959 Form: SS -4 Number of this notice: CP 575 G For assistance you may call us at: 1-800-829-4933 IF YOU WRITE, ATTACH THE STUB AT THE END OF THIS NOTICE. WE ASSIGNED YOU AN EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Thank you for applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN). We assigned you EIN 47-2941959. This EIN will identify you, your business accounts, tax returns, and documents, even if you have no employees. Please keep this notice in your permanent records. When filing tax documents, payments, and related correspondence, it is very important that you use your EIN and complete name and address exactly as shown above. Any variation may cause a delay in processing, result in incorrect information in your account, or even cause you to be assigned more than one EIN. If the information is not correct as shown above, please make the correction using the attached tear off stub and return it to us. A limited liability company (LLC) may file Form 8832, Entity Classification Election, and elect to be classified as an association taxable as a corporation. If the LLC is eligible to be treated as a corporation that meets certain tests and it will be electing S corporation status, it must timely file Form 2553, Election by a Small Business Corporation. The LLC will be treated as a corporation as of the effective date of the S corporation election and does not need to file Form 8832. To obtain tax forms and publications, including those referenced in this notice, visit our Web site at www.irs.gov. If you do not have access to the Internet, call 1-800-829-3676 (TTY/TDD 1-800-829-4059) or visit your local IRS office. IIuIN; y�Y :�vlhP:�1: * Keep a copy of this notice in your permanent records. This notice is issued only one time and the IRS will not be able to generate a duplicate copy for you. You may give a copy of this document to anyone asking for proof of your EIN. * Use this EIN and your name exactly as they appear at the top of this notice on all your federal tax forms. * Refer to this EIN on your tax -related correspondence and documents. If you have questions about your EIN, you can call us at the phone number or write to us at the address shown at the top of this notice. If you write, please tear off the stub at the bottom of this notice and send it along with your letter. If you do not need to write us, do not complete and return the stub. Your name control associated with this EIN is WASH. You will need to provide this information, along with your EIN, if you file your returns electronically. Thank you for your cooperation. (IRS USE ONLY) 575G 01-28-2015 WASH O 9999999999 SS -4 Keep this part for your records Return this part with any correspondence so we may identify your account. Please correct any errors in your name or address. Your Telephone Number CP 575 G (Rev. 7-2007) CP 575 G 9999999999 Best Time to Call DATE OF THIS NOTICE: 01-28-2015 EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: FORM: SS -4 NOBOD 47-2941959 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT CINCINNATI OH 45999-0023 LLC �����������,�„LL,LL�ILuIIunJJuII�LLd SIMRANJIT SINGH SOLE MBR 24419 105TH PL SE KENT, WA 98030