HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Confirmation_of_Compliance_VC1_170920_v1September 18, 2017 Project No. 12102 Phil Olbrechts City of Renton Hearing Examiner 1055 S Grady Way Renton WA 98057 Re: Vuecrest Estates / LUA13-000642 Dear Mr. Olbrechts, This letter is provided as response to the hearing examiners comments dated October 3, 2014. Each item has been carefully reviewed and considered and the following is a summary of how each item was addressed. Decision The applicant shall comply with mitigation measures issued as part of the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal. MITIGATION MEASURES Recommendations regarding site preparation, grading, excavation, and slab-on-grade construction included in the report, “Geotechnical Engineering Study, Proposed Smithers Ave Residential Plat…,” dated February 25, 2013, by Earth Solutions NW, LLC, shall be followed prior to and during construction. These recommendations by the Geotechnical Engineer have been followed prior to and during construction. The area west from the line marking the natural top of the protected slope to the west property boundary, between the north and south property lines, shall be designated Native Growth Protection Area ‘A’. The area has been included in Tract F as a critical area tract and Native Growth Protection Easement. A Homeowners’ Association (HOA) shall be incorporated and the responsibility for maintenance of Native Growth Protection Area ‘A’ shall be assigned to the HOA on the face of the plat prior to recording. The Wildwood View Homeowners Association was established September 13, 2016. Ownership and maintenance responsibilities have been assigned to the HOA on the final plat. Building permits shall be issued, prior to construction, for any retaining walls at the project, regardless of site location and height, and all such walls shall be structural. All building permits for the retaining walls were issued prior to construction of the walls. Building setbacks from the north-south top-of-slope line located west of Smithers Ave S shall be made a condition of approval of the preliminary plat. Furthermore, the top of slope and the building slope setback line shall be indicated on the final plat map. The top of slope is shown on the final plat map. Also, the 10-foot steep slope buffer (no disturbance area) is shown on the final plat map. Easements required to accommodate the conveyance of surface water from the project site to the area-wide, downstream system shall be finalize prior to issuance of utility and site construction permits. The offsite easement was obtained prior to construction plan approval. The recording number is 20161024000453 for the offsite storm easement. A wetland and buffer monitoring plan shall be approved prior to issuance of utility and road construction permits and shall be initiated prior to recording the plat. A bond, meeting the requirements of the Renton Municipal Code, shall be required for the monitoring period of no less than 5 years. A wetland and buffer monitoring plan was approved during the construction plan approval. It has been included with this submittal. A bond has been submitted to the City. Native Growth Protection Easements ‘B’ and ‘C’ shall be protected and maintained by the Homeowners’ Association in accordance with Renton Municipal Code requirements. This responsibility shall be recorded on the face of the plat. The Native Growth Protection Easement requirements have been shown on the face of the final plat. Critical Area Study and Supplemental Stream Study shall be revised to remove the stream from plans where it is shown within the wetland, revising the stream description and its linear dimensions accordingly. Such revisions shall be made prior to recording the Final Plat. A revised critical area study was submitted prior to construction plan approval. The study has been included with this submittal. All proposed street names shall be approved by the City. Noted. All street names were provided during construction plan approval. All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way, except alleys, shall have minimum radius of fifteen feet (15'). There are no lot corners at the intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way. Side sewer lines shall be installed eight feet (8') into each lot if sanitary sewer mains are available, or provided with the subdivision development. The side sewer lines have been installed a minimum of eight feet into each lot. All utilities designed to serve the subdivision shall be placed underground. Any utilities installed in the parking strip shall be placed in such a manner and depth to permit the planting of trees. Those utilities to be located beneath paved surfaces shall be installed, including all service connections, as approved by the Department of Public Works. Such installation shall be completed and approved prior to the application of any surface material. Easements may be required for the maintenance and operation of utilities as specified by the Department of Public Works. All utilities have been installed underground. All required easements have been shown on the final plat. Any cable TV conduits shall be undergrounded at the same time as other basic utilities are installed to serve each lot. Conduit for service connections shall be laid to each lot line by Applicant as to obviate the necessity for disturbing the street area, including sidewalks, or alley improvements when such service connections are extended to serve any building. The cost of trenching, conduit, pedestals and/or vaults and laterals as well as easements therefore required to bring service to the development shall be borne by the developer and/or land owner. The applicant shall be responsible only for conduit to serve his development. Conduit ends shall be elbowed to final ground elevation and capped. The cable TV company shall provide maps and specifications to the applicant and shall inspect the conduit and certify to the City that it is properly installed. All cable conduits have been installed. Maps and specifications have been provided to the applicant. The applicant shall install all street name signs necessary in the subdivision prior to final plat approval. The street name signs will be installed prior to final plat approval. The easements for the alley shall authorize access to all lots of the proposed subdivision. The layout has been revised. There is no longer an alley provided. The applicant shall comply with nine the mitigation measures issued as part of the Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated, dated August 26, 2014 [Exhibit 14]. The project complies with all nine mitigation measures as outlined above. The applicant shall submit a detailed landscape plan, meeting all landscape plan submittal requirements of RMC 4-8-120L. The detailed landscape shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to issuance of construction permits. Street trees shall not include Callery Pear and trees on S. 48th Pl shall be a different type from those on Smithers Ave S. Landscape plans have been approved with construction plan approval. The plans have been included with this submittal. The Replacement Tree Plan shall be revised to show the proposed locations for replanting 140 two-inch diameter replacement trees. The replacement tree plan has been revised. It is included in the landscape plans and has been provided with this submittal. Vegetation (trees, shrubs, and ground cover) shall be planted to replace vegetation (trees, shrubs, and ground cover) removed for installation of the stormwater conveyance between the stormwater vault and the west property boundary of the property. Type and quantities shall be sufficient to ensure erosion control in the protected slope area. The vegetation has been replanted in the area for the stormwater conveyance system between the detention vault and the western property line. The primary access road, Smithers Ave S, shall connect to S 48th Pl and be extended to the east to provide a second access from Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) at its intersection with SE 186th St. The completion of this street and its connection to Main Ave S shall be a condition of project approval. The extent of street improvements necessary to effectuate this connection shall be determined by the City of Renton Fire Department in accordance with applicable fire code standards and shall be the minimum necessary to provide for safe and effective secondary fire access. The extended street, providing a second access to the proposed development, shall have construction completed prior to recording the final plat. The Final Decision of the above-captioned matter dated 10/13/14 is supplemented with the additional findings of fact and conclusions of law made above. Condition No. 13 is also revised to provide as follows: 13. Prior to the recording of the final plat, a secondary fire access shall be constructed that extends Smithers Ave S to the east to directly connect to Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE). The extent of street improvements necessary to effectuate this connection shall be determined by the City of Renton Fire Department in accordance with applicable fire code standards and shall be the minimum necessary to provide for safe and effective secondary access for fire trucks and emergency vehicles. The project layout has been revised as depicted on the final plat. Smithers Ave S now connects to Main Ave S. A recorded easement agreement demonstrating access to the existing downslope stormwater control system shall be submitted prior to issuance of construction permits. The offsite easement was obtained prior to construction plan approval. The recording number is 20161024000453 for the offsite storm easement. A Homeowners’ Association shall be incorporated for maintenance and equal and undivided ownership of the tracts, the private access road, and the alley. The Wildwood View Homeowners Association was established September 13, 2016. Ownership and maintenance responsibilities have been assigned to the HOA on the final plat. An easement shall be recorded along the east property boundary for future extension of the sanitary sewer system. The easement shall be at the time of recording the final plat. The project layout has been revised. The sewer has been extended to the east through future right-of-way. All new fill shall be composed of free draining structural fill and not native soils. All new fill was structural fill. Drainage from western lots into the steep slopes shall be minimized and all such drainage shall be dispersed. The drainage into the steep slope has been minimized. Any pervious runoff will sheet flow disperse and all impervious runoff will be collected. Anchors for the stormwater tight line shall only be placed on the top and bottom of the pipe. The anchors should be designed to withstand tree fall and soil movement. The pipeline should be constructed at the top and pulled down the slope rather than moving it up the hill. The pipe slope anchors were installed and approved on the construction plans. CONDITIONS: The applicant shall comply with mitigation measures issued as part of the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal, the un-amended conditions of approval of the Hearing Examiner Decision (Condition 1-12 and 14-19) and the revised condition (Condition No. 13) as part of the Settlement Agreement. The project complies with all nine mitigation measures and the revised condition (condition no. 13) as outlined above. The applicant shall meet the minimum tree retention requirement by retaining thirty percent (30%) of the healthy trees or as an alternative to retaining trees, plant the equivalent of 181 replacement trees inches on the site. A final tree retention plan and landscaping plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Renton Project Manager prior to issuance of a construction permit. A final tree retention plan and landscaping plan was submitted and approved under the construction plan approval. These plans have been included with this submittal. The applicant shall receive approval of the Final Wetland Mitigation Plan by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to utility construction permit approval. All Wetland mitigation, including required fencing and signage shall be installed prior to final approval of the construction permit. A final wetland mitigation plan was submitted an approved under the construction plan approval. This plan has been included with this submittal. The applicant shall extend the private shared driveways (Roads A & B) from Smithers Ave S to the west property lines of Lots 10 & 20. Each road shall be within a tract. An updated plat plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Renton Project Manager prior to issuance a construction permit. The shared driveways have been revised and placed in a tract. The revised layout was approved under the construction plan approval. The applicant shall install an ADA compliant sidewalk ramp on the east side of Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE), opposite the proposed ADA ramp located at the southwest corner of Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) and SE 186th St intersection. An updated civil plan set shall be submitted and approved by the Plan Review Project Manager prior to issuance of construction permit. An ADA compliant ramp has been installed on both the west and east side of the Main Ave S and SE 186th St intersection. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Yoshio L. Piediscalzi, P.E. Sr. Project Engineer YLP/lcs R:\2012\1\12102\Correspondence\Letters\out\C_Confirmation_of_Compliance_VC1_170920_v1.docx