HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA_CASCADEPLAZA_LOTCLOSURERS_121717_V2Parcel name: NEW A 121217 North: 167695.337 Line Course: S 42-37-10 E North: 167511.371 Line Course: N 47-22-50 E North: 167615.553 Line Course: N 06-33-17 W North: 167946.555 Line Course: S 42-37-10 E North: 167464.695 Line Course: S 47-09-30 W North: 167248.517 Line Course: N 42-37-10 W North: 167270.983 Line Course: S 47-25-44 W North: 167125.528 Line Course: S 42-34-16 E North: 167089.582 Line Course: S 47-25-44 W North: 167050.494 Line Course: S 42-34-16 E North: 167031.936 Line Course: N 47-25-44 E North: 167071.132 Line Course: S 42-34-16 E North: 166993.961 Line Course: S 87-59-53 E North: 166991.319 Line Course: S 01-46-35 W North: 166970.849 Line Course: S 01-46-35 W North: 166710.974 Line Course: N 88-07-38 W North: 166727.118 Line Course: N 01-46-35 E North: 167695.342 2017-073(LC-A) East : 1305760.768 Length: 250.00 East 1305930.049 Length: 153.86 East 1306043.269 Length: 333.18 East 1306005.236 Length: 654.82 East 1306448.632 Length: 317.92 East 1306215.522 Length: 30.53 East 1306194.849 Length: 215.01 East 1306036.507 Length: 48.81 East : 1306069.527 Length: 57.78 East 1306026.976 Length: 25.20 East 1306044.024 Length: 57.94 East 1306086.693 Length: 104.79 East 1306157.584 Length: 75.63 East 1306233.168 Length: 20.48 East 1306232.533 Length: 260.00 East 1306224.473 Length: 494.00 East : 1305730.737 Length: 968.69 East 1305760.766 Perimeter: 4068.63 Area: 480,790.08 sq. ft. 11.04 acres Mapcheck Closure - (uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.005 Course: N 21-55-13 W Error North: 0.0048 East : -0.0019 Precision 1: 813,728.00 Page 1 Parcel name: NEW B 121217 North: 167248. 513 Line Course: N 47-09-30 E North: 167464.690 Line course: S 42-37-10 E North: 166948.236 Line Course: N 88-07-38 W North: 166970.841 Line Course: N 01-46-35 E North: 166991.311 Line Course: N 87-59-53 W North: 166993.953 Line Course: N 42-34-16 W North: 167071.125 Line course: S 47-25-44 W North: 167031.928 Line Course: N 42-34-16 W North: 167050.486 Line Course: N 47-25-44 E North: 167089.575 Line Course: N 42-34-16 W North: 167125. 520 Line Course: N 47-25-44 E North: 167270.975 Line Course: S 42-37-10 E North: 167248.509 2017-073(LC-B) East 1306215-523 Length: 317.92 East : 1306448.633 Length: 701.83 East : 1306923.860 Length: 691.69 East : 1306232.540 Length: 20.48 East : 1306233.175 Length: 75.63 East : 1306157.591 Length: 104.79 East : 1306086.700 Length: 57.94 East : 1306044-031 Length: 25.20 East : 1306026.983 Length: 57.78 East : 1306069-534 Length: 48.81 East : 1306036-514 Length: 215.01 East : 1306194-856 Length: 30.53 East : 1306215-528 Pe ri mete r: 2 347.60 Area: 240,740.83 sq. ft. 5.53 acres mapcheck closure - (uses listed courses and chords) Error closure: 0.006 Course: S 58-33-43 E Error North: -0.0032 East 0.0053 Precision 1: 391,268-33 Page 1