HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_Garage_Mod_Pavlik_180209DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Project Location Map A. ADMINISTRATIVE MODIFICATION REPORT & DECISION DECISION: APPROVED APPROVED SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS DENIED REPORT DATE: February 15, 2018 Project Name: Pavlik Garage Modification Owner: Beatrice Pavlik, 915 N 32nd St, Renton, WA 98056 Applicant/Contact: Gary Vawter, Vawter Construction, 21036 98th Ave S, Kent, WA 98031 Project File Number: PR17000530 Land Use File Number: LUA18-000001 Project Manager: Matt Herrera, Senior Planner Zoning Classification: Residential-8 (R-8) Summary of Request: The applicant has requested a modification from the residential parking regulation that requires vehicular access to be taken from an abutting alley. As an alternative, the applicant proposes to provide a nine (9) foot wide driveway from the street to a detached garage located in the rear yard of the property. Project Location: 915 N 32nd St Site Area: 0.12 acres City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Modification Report & Decision PAVLIK GARAGE MODIFICATION LUA18-000001,MOD February 15, 2018 Page 2 of 4 Pavilk Garage Modification D_Garage_Mod_Pavlik_LUA18000001_180209 B. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Staff Report Exhibit 2: Modification Request Justification Exhibit 3: Site Plan Exhibit 4: Elevations C. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND: On October 12, 2017, the applicant submitted a single-family building permit application for an infill lot located in the Kennydale neighborhood at 915 N 32nd St. The proposed two story single-family home as shown in the building permit submittal contained an attached garage along the street façade with an 18-foot wide driveway connection to N 32nd St. City staff notified the applicant that RMC 4-4-080F.7.b requires those lots in the R-8 zone that abut an alley to locate garages and parking areas at the rear or side of the building with vehicular access taken from the alley. As shown on the project location map on page 1 of this report, the subject property is abutting an alley along the southern property line. However, the alley is currently unimproved and there are encroachments into the alley from neighboring properties that block access to the subject property. As an alternative to alley vehicular access, the applicant has requested a modification to the vehicular access requirement (Exhibit 2) by providing a detached garage in the rear yard for the proposed single-family infill residence with a nine (9) foot wide driveway connecting to N 32nd St (Exhibits 3 and 4). D. ANALYSIS OF REQUEST: Modification Analysis: The applicant is requesting a modification from RMC 4-4-080F.7.b in order to provide vehicular access from the street via a nine (9) foot wide driveway to a rear yard detached garage instead of providing access from the abutting alley. The proposal is compliant with the following modification criteria, pursuant to RMC 4-9-250. Therefore, staff is recommending approval of the requested modification. Compliance Modification Criteria and Analysis  a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives. Staff Comment: The requested modification maintains the Comprehensive Plan’s Residential Medium Density policy (L-16) of supporting high-quality, compact, urban development through infill development and allowing a variety of single-family housing types with continuity created through the application of design guidelines. While alley access would not be utilized with this modification, the residence would contain a detached garage located in the rear yard obscuring its view from the street thereby reducing the visual impact of the garage on the home’s front façade. This results in single-family architecture that is more varietal as it does not contain a large focus on an attached garage as is typical with suburban single family homes, but instead can focus on the home’s entry and other attributes. Continuity is maintained as many of the other homes along this block also contain detached garages with driveway connections to the street. The modification is the minimum adjustment necessary as the driveway connecting the garage to the street would be nine (9) feet City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Modification Report & Decision PAVLIK GARAGE MODIFICATION LUA18-000001,MOD February 15, 2018 Page 3 of 4 Pavilk Garage Modification D_Garage_Mod_Pavlik_LUA18000001_180209 wide, which is narrower than the typical 16-foot wide driveway that is utilized for single family double loaded garages.  b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. Staff Comment: The applicant contends that providing alley access would not be practical as the alley is unimproved and contains encroachments along the entire length of the block. Providing a detached garage mostly obscured from street view meets the balance of the code, with the exception of alley access. Staff concurs the proposed modification would meet the objectives of function and maintainability intended by the code requirements. The detached garage allows the home’s architecture to showcase the entry, glazing, trim, and other articulation instead of a façade dominated by a two (2) or three (3) car garage door and in so doing, improving the appearance of the home. A narrow nine (9) foot wide driveway limits pedestrian conflicts on the street while providing adequate width for vehicles entering/exiting the property. The narrow driveway further limits impervious surfaces on the subject property that would otherwise displace drainage infiltration opportunities caused by the additional pavement of a typical 16-foot wide driveway.  c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity. Staff Comment: The applicant contends that both abutting properties contain similar detached garages with driveway access to the street and therefore would not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity. Staff concurs with the applicant’s statement that the driveway access would not be injurious to other properties. The access and garage type is similar to other homes on the block. The driveway setback from the abutting property would meet the five (5) foot requirement and the nine (9) foot width is actually narrower than typical driveways serving double loaded garages.  d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. Staff Comment: The modification would limit the driveway width along the street to nine (9) feet reducing pedestrian conflicts. The detached garage removes the visual impact and dominance an attached garage creates on a single-family home. See also comments under criterion ‘b’.  e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and Staff Comment: The existing alley that abuts the subject property is encumbered along the entire block with fencing and other structures as homeowners over the years encroached into this unimproved right-of-way. A detached garage located in the rear yard with a narrow driveway is a reasonable alternative due to the circumstances. Should the encroachments within the alley be removed as the block ends redevelop, the subject property could gain access to the detached garage from the alley. See also comments under criterion ‘b’.  f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. Staff Comment: No adverse impacts are anticipated with the narrow driveway and detached garage. This modification would be similar to other access and garage improvement along this block. See also comments under criterion ‘c’. CityofRentonDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentAdministrativeModificationReport&DecisionPAVLIKGARAGEMODIFICATIONLUA18-000001,MODFebruary15,2018Page4of4E.DECISION:TheproposalsatisfiessixofthesixcriterialistedinRMC4-9-250forapprovalofmodifications.Therefore,thePavlikGarageModification,FileNo.LUAS-000001,isapproved.DATEOFDECISIONONLANDUSEACTION:SIGNATURE:JennierHenning,PlanningectorDateTRANSMITTEDthis15thdayofFebruary,2018totheOwner/andApplicant/Contact:Owner:Applicant/Contact:BeatricePavlikGaryVawter16261SE7thStVawterConstructionCo.Bellevue,WA980082103698thAveSKent,WA98031TRANSMITTEDthis15thdayofFebruary,2018tothefollowing:JustinT.Johnson,CivilEngineerIIAdriannAlexander,PermitTechnicianK.LANDUSEACTIONAPPEALS,REQUESTFORRECONSIDERATION,&EXPIRATION:ITheadministrativelandusedecisionwillbecomefinalifthedecisionisnotappealedwithin14daysofthedecisiondate.APPEAL:ThisadministrativelandusedecisionwillbecomefinalifnotappealedinwritingtotheHearingExamineronorbefore5:00PMonMarch1,2018.Anappealofthedecisionmustbefiledwithinthe14-dayappealperiod(RCW43.21.C.075(3);WAC197-11-680),togetherwiththerequiredfeetotheHearingExaminer,CityofRenton,1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.RMC4-8-110.BgovernsappealstotheHearingExaminerandadditionalinformationregardingtheappealprocessmaybeobtainedfromtheCityClerk’sOffice,(425)430-6510.EXPIRATION:TheModificationdecisionwillexpiretwo(2)yearsfromthedateofdecision.Asingleone(1)yearextensionmayberequestedpursuanttoRMC4-9-250.RECONSIDERATION:Within14daysofthedecisiondate,anypartymayrequestthatthedecisionbereopenedbytheapprovalbody.Theapprovalbodymaymodifyhisdecisionifmaterialevidencenotreadilydiscoverablepriortotheoriginaldecisionisfoundorifhefindstherewasmisrepresentationoffact.Afterreviewofthereconsiderationrequest,iftheapprovalbodyfindssufficientevidencetoamendtheoriginaldecision,therewillbenofurtherextensionoftheappealperiod.Anypersonwishingtotakefurtheractionmustfileaformalappealwithinthe14-dayappealtimeframe.THEAPPEARANCEOFFAIRNESSDOCTRINE:providesthatnoexparte(privateone-on-one)communicationsmayoccurconcerningthelandusedecision.TheDoctrineappliesnotonlytotheinitialdecision,buttoAppealstotheHearingExamineraswell.Allcommunicationsafterthedecision/approvaldatemustbemadeinwritingthroughtheHearingExaminer.Allcommunicationsarepublicrecordandthispermitsallinterestedpartiestoknowthecontentsofthecommunicationandwouldallowthemtoopenlyrebuttheevidenceinwriting.AnyviolationofthisdoctrinecouldresultintheinvalidationoftheappealbytheCourt.PavilkGarageModificationD_Garage_Mod_Pavlik_LUA800000_180209 Vawter Construction Company, lnc. 2L036 98'h Ave S Kent WA,98031 206-849-6376 earwawter@gmail.com 12-78-20L7 Re: Justification for Modification Request We are requesting a modification of RMC 44-O8OF.7.b in an R-8 zone based on the following. Access to the residence from the alley as stated in the above code section would be unattainable based on the fact that the platted alley is in fact not physically in place and it would be cost prohibitive to the home owners to pick up that cost for make the improvements necessary to gain ally access. With the proposed plan being presented, this is a redesign of the plan that was submitted for review originally, we've meet the required access and parking to the side and back of the residence from the street in a way that meets the balance of the code above, short of the alley access. This approach will not have any injurious impact on other properties in the vicinity. Both the properties on the West and the East have the same basic setup. The design conforms to the intent and purpose of the code and has been given suppor:t from the planner who reviewed the plan as presented. lt also meets the use intended and will not create any adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity. Thank you for your consideration of this request... Gary Vawter LTGAL DTSTRIPTION LOT IO\/TRAGT HILI}IAi|' t( l[|t'l 6ARDIl\l OT TDT}| #I PLAI BTOII( ]5. PLAI LOI 4 5}I 32-24-5 PARITL #3342101525 ilou$r ro0rPRNr 1834 $Q rr r#lPrR\Ir0LlS 5tJR[ACrs 1140 5Q Ir r0rAr rfrlPrRvrotjr 2974 5Q IT Lor AilrA 5A25 5Q rr I0VIRAGI 6AYo ilDDrtTI' 915 N 32nd II, RINT0l,l }IA 98056 ''PAVLII( COI'ISTRUIIIOI{ Of l{T\'I SIr-IGLI.IAIIIIL}/ RIIID[l'l[['' alP+rALr APPR0Afi{ r22 5Q [l li:::Tl PAvrftr*r-I ItI llrrdllRffl tlE PLAI'I lffiLt: flRI ilyDRAM'2A3'rtltlT, ,,./////],.6'' ALLOIAITD IO IIRTTI utrIDII{ 63') , ,,,$ 1140 IQ ft DRrllrlitily & ITDIWALI(, t-1,.1 =ELoEEl- '-r?oC> a' a'tII s firl\l 2% '[' r-lJ =ct-OGCL ina' =I II _.WI JJ]'44rItIIII SLOPT ,s 8- ITIBATI( 9" 'IBAfl( 50'PROP I. {ttv I0 fir,Oufi{