HomeMy WebLinkAboutHEX_Exhibits_CP-22CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER, EXHIBITS Project Name: Fire Station 15 Project and Land Use File Numbers: PR17000490 / LUA17-000632, ECF, CU-H, SA-A, MOD Date of Hearing November 21, 2017 Staff Contact Clark H. Close Senior Planner Project Contact Mary Jo Lux, Schreiber Starling Whitehead Architects, 901 5th Ave Seattle, WA 98164 Project Location 1404 N 30th St, Renton, WA 98056 The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee Report Exhibit 2: Neighborhood Detail Map Exhibit 3: Detailed Site Plan Exhibit 4: Conceptual Project Rendering Exhibit 5: Environmental Checklist Exhibit 6: Topography Map Exhibit 7: Architectural Elevations (A4.01, A4.02 and A4.03) Exhibit 8: Color Building Elevations (P1.03, P1.04, P1.05, and P1.06) Exhibit 9: Floor Plans (A3.01 and A3.02) Exhibit 10: Tree Retention, Landscape, Irrigation Plans (L0.01, L1.01, L1.02, and L2.01) Exhibit 11: Civil Construction Plan Set, Fire Station (12 Sheets – C1.01 – C4.2) Exhibit 12: Construction Mitigation Description Exhibit 13: Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared by HWA GeoSciences, Inc., dated August 31, 2017 Exhibit 14: Preliminary Technical Information Report, prepared by LPD Engineering, PLLC, dated September 22, 2017 Exhibit 15: Trip Generation Memorandum, prepared by Transpo Group, dated July 11, 2017 Exhibit 16: Tree Assessment Report (Level 2), prepared by Urban Forestry Services, Inc., dated September 13, 2017 Exhibit 17: Advisory Notes to Applicant Exhibit 18: Hearing Examiner Staff Recommendation (dated November 21, 2017) Exhibit 19: Environmental “SEPA” Determination, ERC Mitigation Measures and Notice Exhibit 20: Street Modification Request Exhibit 21: Fire Response Zone Maps Exhibit 22: Wellhead Protection Area Zone 2 Map DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ERC REPORT 17-000633 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC MEETING DATE: October 30, 2017 Project Name: Fire Station 15 Project File Number: PR17000490 Land Use File Number: LUA17-000632, ECF, CU-H, SA-A, MOD Project Manager: Clark H. Close, Senior Planner Owner/Applicant: Michael Kirk, City of Renton Director of Facilities, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Contact: Mary Jo Lux, Schreiber Starling Whitehead Architects, 901 5th Ave Seattle, WA 98164 Project Location: 1404 N 30th St, Renton, WA 98056 Project Summary: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Review, and a street modification request for the construction of a new fire station (Fire Station 15) in the Kennydale Neighborhood. The 1.09-acre site is located at 1404 N 30th St. The vacant parcel is currently a split zoned parcel. Approximately the first 120 feet of the property from N 30th St is located within the Commercial Neighborhood (CN) zoning classification and Residential High Density (RHD) land use designation. The north portion of the property is located within the Residential-6 (R-6) zoning classification and Residential Medium Density (RMD) land use designation. Improvements to property include a new 7,497 square foot fire station at the south part of the lot and a new water reservoir at the northern portion of the lot. The two projects are proposing to share an access drive along the west side of the property and a second driveway would be located closer to the east property line for fire truck exiting. The site slopes from north to south from approximately 226 feet to 208 feet (18 feet). The site is located within the Wellhead Protection Area Zone 2. The two projects would be constructed in two phases. Construction of the fire station would begin in February 2018 and end on December 2018. Exterior improvements include parking, driveways, landscaping, pedestrian sidewalks, and stormwater improvements. The applicant has identified 21 significant trees onsite and proposes to retain one (1) tree along the west side of the property. The following reports have been submitted with the land use application: Preliminary Technical Information Report, Arborist Tree Assessment, Trip Generation Assessment, and Geotechnical Report. Site Area: 47,538 SF (1.09 acres) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance – Mitigated (DNS-M). N 30TH ST N 31ST ST N 32ND ST N 29TH STBURNETT AVE NPARK AVE NKENNEWI CK PL NEHIGHWAY 405HIGHWAY 405Fire Station 15 June, 2017 Neighborhood Detail Map P1.01 N Scale: 1" = 100'-0"P1.01 Neighborhood Detail Map1 2 2 1 222 226 224 223 218 2 1 7 216 214 213 209208 2132 12211209208 207 220 2 2 5 215 21013+00 14+00 Site Plan Legend PROPERTY LINE EXISTING TOPO LINES - SEE SURVEY UTILITIES - SEE CIVIL 215 NON-PERMEABLE CONCRETE PAVING - SEE CIVIL PERMEABLE CONCRETE PAVING - SEE CIVIL ASPHALT PAVING - SEE CIVIL Site Notes 1. Construction limits, spot elevations, grades and site utilities indicated for reference only, see Civil drawings for requirements. 2. Paving indicated for reference only, see Civil and Landscape drawings for requirements. 3. Landscaping indicated for reference only, see Landscape drawings for requirements. 4. Electrical site utilities described for reference only, see Electrical drawings for requirements. 5. Comply with City of Renton requirements for all W ork in ROW. 6. Provide construction fence at limits of construction. Minimum fence height shall be six feet. Provide gates as necessary. 7. Field verify all relevant existing conditions and dimensions prior to the start of Work. Notify Architect immediately of any discrepancies. 8. Protect all existing conditions to remain on site and adjacent to Work area. Notify Architect of any damage to existing condtions to remain and restore or replace to original condition. 9. Confirm all underground utility locations prior to the start of Work and protect all existing conditions to remain. 10.Confirm locations of adjacent overhead utilites and protect all existing conditions to remain. A4.01 5 NORTH 30TH STREET PROJECT SEPARATION LINE RETAINING WALL 15' REAR SETBACK 10-FT LANDSCAPE BUFFERPATIO SLIDING SECURITY GATE FLAGPOLE RETAINING WALL PROPOSED FIRE STATION #15 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL FIRE HYDRANT PATIO FIREFIGHTER ENTRANCE GENERATOR TRASH ENCLOSURE PROPERTY LINE TYP FUTURE ROW ROAD EXTENSION SETBACK POST MOUNTED KEY PAD FENCE & MAN GATE 40' - 0 5/8"11' - 0"11' - 0"156' - 11 3/4" ROW CL SIDEWALK 21' - 10 3/16"21' - 11 9/16"43' - 9 3/4"8' - 0 7/16"(E) UTILITY POLE16' - 2"8' - 0"8' - 0"8' - 0"7' - 4"NEW FENCE AT EAST PROPERTY LINE NEW FENCE AT WEST PROPERTY LINE NEW FENCE AT NORTH PROPERTY LINE ADA PARKING SIGN CONCRETE APRON302' - 9 1/4"302' - 9 1/4"PARCEL: 334210-3245 ZONE: CN PROPERTY LINE / ZONE CHANGE CN ZONER-6 ZONECN ZONEPROPOSED CN ZONE(CURRENT R-6 ZONE)LIGHT POLE- SEE ELECT CONCRETE APRON BIKE RACK PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION TRAILER LOCATION ENCLOSURE SCREENINGFS #15RESERVOIRCONCRETE CURB RETAINING WALL @ PROP LINE- SEE CIVIL TYPICAL CURB- SEE CIVIL SLIDING GATE MOTOR PUBLIC PARKING (E) STORM DRAIN TO BE RELOCATED- SEE CIVIL 30' - 0 5/8"7 G 15' - 0"52' - 0"LOCATE BUILDING AT GRID INTERSECTION G-7. SEE CIVIL FDC PROPOSED RESERVOIR 10' - 0" 6" 16' - 0" 6" 6"6"24' - 0"20' - 0"4' - 6" 4' - 6"6"20' - 0"6"18' - 0"24' - 0"TYP 9' - 0" AREA SEPARATION LINE STEPPING STONES- SEE LANDSCAPE 14' - 2 5/8" 38' - 6 13/16" Client Project No: Date: SSW Architects Project No: CAG-17-046 17001 COR Permit No: A1.01 Site Plan Conditional Use Permit Fire Station 15 August 18, 2017 N Scale: 1" = 20'-0"A1.01 Site Plan2 .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW)LUH6WDWLRQ&RQFHSWXDO'HVLJQAerial View First Floor ELEV. = 0' - 0" Mezzanine Parapet ELEV. = 23' - 9" 1 A4.03 2 A4.03 3 A4.03 4 A4.03 Average Grade ELEV. = 0' - 2 1/2"BUILDING HEIGHT = 23' - 6 1/2"= 212.0' = 212.2' = 235.75' HORIZONTAL SIDING PANEL- TAUPE HORIZONTAL SIDING PANEL- TAN VERTICAL SIDING PANEL- RED HORIZONTAL SIDING PANEL- TAUPE OVERHEAD DOOR TYP STOREFRONT ROOF & FASICA- GRAY BOLLARD TYP METAL DOOR TYP ANTENNAS- MOUNTED TO SIDE OF WALL 6 5 4 3 27 13' - 0"5' - 0"23' - 0"40' - 0"10' - 0"7' - 3"5 A4.03 EXISTING GRADE AVERAGE GRADE FALL PROTECTION ANCHOR TYP NEW GRADE First Floor ELEV. = 0' - 0" App Bay Roof ELEV. = 21' - 0" Mezzanine Parapet ELEV. = 23' - 9" 1 A4.02 NEW GRADE Average Grade ELEV. = 0' - 2 1/2"CONCRETE RETAINING WALL HORIZONTAL SIDING PANEL- TAUPE VERTICAL SIDING PANEL- RED WINDOW TYP ROOF & FASCIA- GRAY WINDOW COLUMN- GRAY BUILDING HEIGHT = 23' - 6 1/2"STOREFRONT = 212.0' = 212.2' = 235.75' ABCDEGHJF 2 A4.02 4 A4.02 3 A4.02 6"9' - 0"9' - 0"5' - 6"3' - 6" 1' - 6" 7' - 6"9' - 0"10' - 10" 5' - 8" 4' - 6" 5' - 4" 5' - 0" 24' - 0" 5' - 0" 27' - 4"9' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"2' - 0"CONDUCTOR HEAD & DOWNSPOUT TYP EXISTING GRADEAVERAGE GRADE HORIZONTAL SIDING PANEL- TAN First Floor ELEV. = 0' - 0" App Bay Roof ELEV. = 21' - 0" Mezzanine Parapet ELEV. = 23' - 9" 1 A4.03 2 A4.03 3 A4.03 4 A4.03 Average Grade ELEV. = 0' - 2 1/2" = 212.0' = 212.2' = 235.75'BUILDING HEIGHT = 23' - 6 1/2"METAL COLUMN- GRAY ROOF & FASCIA- GRAY HORIZONTAL SIDING PANEL- TAUPE DOOR TYP BIFOLD DOOR TYP BOLLARD TYP WINDOW TYP STOREFRONT HORIZONTAL SIDING PANEL- TAUPE VERTICAL SIDING PANEL - RED STRUCTURAL FRAMING ROOF & FASCIA- GRAY HORIZONTAL SIDING PANEL- TAN VERTICAL SIDING PANEL- RED 65432 7 13' - 0" 5' - 0" 23' - 0"40' - 0"10' - 0" CLERESTORY STOREFRONT 3' - 0" 5 A4.03 GUTTER TYP FALL PROTECTION ANCHOR TYP EXISTING GRADE NEW GRADE First Floor ELEV. = 0' - 0" Mezzanine Parapet ELEV. = 23' - 9" 1 A4.02 Average Grade ELEV. = 0' - 2 1/2" HORIZONTAL SIDING PANEL- TAN ROOF- GRAY BUILDING HEIGHT = 23' - 6 1/2"HORIZONTAL SIDING PANEL- TAUPE WINDOW TYP FASCIA & GUTTER- GRAY VERTICAL SIDING PANEL- RED HORIZONTAL SIDING PANEL- TAUPE STOREFRONT VERTICAL SIDING PANEL- RED = 212.0' = 212.2' = 235.75' A B C D E G H JF 2 A4.02 4 A4.02 9' - 0" 27' - 4" 5' - 0" 24' - 0" 5' - 0" 5' - 4" 4' - 6"5' - 8" 3 A4.02 FALL PROTECTION ANCHOR TYP NEW GRADE EXISTING GRADE SMALLEST RECTANGLE TO ENCLOSE ENTIRE STRUCTURE BUILDING FOOTPRINT 6' OFFSET AVERAGE GRADE CALCUALTIONS ORDINANCE NUMBER 5576 NORTH: (212.5+214.9) / 2 = 213.7 EAST: (214.9 + 213.5) / 2 = 214.2 SOUTH: (213.5 + 207.9) / 2 = 210.7 WEST: (207.9 + 212.5) / 2 = 210.2 848.8 / 4 = 212.2 = EXISTING AVG GRADE ELEVATION 212.5' ELEVATION 213.1' ELEVATION 214.9' ELEVATION 216.0' ELEVATION 213.8' ELEVATION 213.6'ELEVATION 207.9' ELEVATION 208.0' FS-15 BUILDING 6' - 0"6' - 0"6' - 0"6' - 0"First Floor ELEV. = 0' - 0" Average Grade ELEV. = 0' - 2 1/2" BUILDING 6' - 0"CONCRETE RETAINING WALL METAL SLAT SWINGING GATES TRASH / RECYCLE BINS BEHIND GATES 6" 14' - 0" 6" 29' - 4" METAL SLAT ENCLOSURE 3' - 0"B Client Project No: Date: SSW Architects Project No: CAG-17-046 17001 COR Permit No: 17-000172 A4.01 Exterior Elevations Conditional Use Permit Fire Station 15 August 18, 2017 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.01 Exterior Elevation - North1 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.01 Exterior Elevation - East2 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.01 Exterior Elevation - South (N 30th Street)3 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.01 Exterior Elevation - West4 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.01 Exterior Elevation - Trash Enclosure5 First Floor ELEV. = 0' - 0" App Bay Roof ELEV. = 21' - 0" Low Roof ELEV. = 10' - 0" Mezzanine Parapet ELEV. = 23' - 9" 1 A4.03 2 A4.03 3 A4.03 4 A4.03 LOBBY STATION OFFICE OFFICER'S OFFICE 65432 7 A5.01 1 A5.01 2 A5.01 3 A5.01 4 A5.01 5 APPARATUS BAY SHOPADA RESTROOM 13' - 0" 5' - 0" 23' - 0"40' - 0"10' - 0" 5 A4.033' - 0" First Floor ELEV. = 0' - 0" App Bay Roof ELEV. = 21' - 0" Mezzanine ELEV. = 11' - 0"Low Roof ELEV. = 10' - 0" Mezzanine Roof ELEV. = 19' - 0" Mezzanine Parapet ELEV. = 23' - 9" 1 A4.03 2 A4.03 3 A4.03 4 A4.03 65432 7 A5.01 6 13' - 0" 5' - 0" 23' - 0"40' - 0"10' - 0" APPARATUS BAY BUNKER GEARLAUNDRYSHOWER MEZZANINE DAY ROOM KITCHEN A5.01 2 A5.01 1 5 A4.03 ROOFTOP MECHANICAL UNIT First Floor ELEV. = 0' - 0" App Bay Roof ELEV. = 21' - 0" Low Roof ELEV. = 10' - 0" 1 A4.03 2 A4.03 3 A4.03 4 A4.03 65432 7 A5.01 1 A5.01 2 A5.01 10 13' - 0" 5' - 0" 23' - 0"40' - 0"10' - 0" 3' - 0" DECON APPARATUS BAYFITNESSCORRIDORBUNK 2 5 A4.03 First Floor ELEV. = 0' - 0" App Bay Roof ELEV. = 21' - 0" Mezzanine ELEV. = 11' - 0"Low Roof ELEV. = 10' - 0" Mezzanine Parapet ELEV. = 23' - 9" 1 A4.03 2 A4.03 3 A4.03 4 A4.03 65432 7 DINING HALL HALL ALCOVE APPARATUS BAY HOSE STORAGE 5 A4.03 MECHANICAL CHASE 4' - 0"4' - 0"13' - 0" 5' - 0" 23' - 0"40' - 0"10' - 0" ROOFTOP MECHANICAL UNIT ON CONCRETE CURB Client Project No: Date: SSW Architects Project No: CAG-17-046 17001 COR Permit No: 17-000172 A4.02 Building Sections Conditional Use Permit Fire Station 15 August 18, 2017 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.02 EW Section - Lobby1 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.02 EW Section - Mezzanine2 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.02 EW Section - Bunk Rooms4 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.02 EW Section - Chase3 First Floor ELEV. = 0' - 0" Mezzanine ELEV. = 11' - 0"Low Roof ELEV. = 10' - 0" Mezzanine Parapet ELEV. = 23' - 9" 1 A4.02 MEZZANINE LAUNDRY FITNESS HALL HALL ROOFTOP MECHANICAL UNIT ON CURB ABCDEGHJF A5.01 10 SIM MEDICAL OFFICER'S OFFICE 5' - 0" 5' - 8" 4' - 6" 5' - 4" 5' - 0" 24' - 0" 5' - 0" 27' - 4"9' - 0" 2 A4.02 4 A4.02 5' - 8 1/4" 3 A4.02 MECHANICAL CHASE First Floor ELEV. = 0' - 0" Low Roof ELEV. = 10' - 0" 1 A4.02 BUNK 1 BUNK 2 BUNK 3 BUNK 4KITCHENDINING ABCDEGHF 4' - 6" 5' - 4" 5' - 0" 24' - 0" 5' - 0" 27' - 4" 9' - 0" A5.01 5 SIM A5.01 10 SIM 3' - 8"1' - 2" ADA RESTROOM A5.02 3 A6.02 7 2 A4.02 4 A4.02 3 A4.02 First Floor ELEV. = 0' - 0" Low Roof ELEV. = 10' - 0" 1 A4.02 CORRIDORLOBBY ABCDEGHF 4' - 6" 5' - 4" 5' - 0" 24' - 0" 5' - 0" 27' - 4" 9' - 0" A5.01 10 SIMP2P2 A5.02 1 2 A4.02 4 A4.02 3 A4.02 3' - 0"1' - 2" First Floor ELEV. = 0' - 0" Mezzanine ELEV. = 11' - 0" Mezzanine Parapet ELEV. = 23' - 9" 1 A4.02 APPARATUS BAY ABCDEGHJF 5' - 0" 4' - 0" 1' - 11" 12' - 5"12" A6.02 7 OPP 5' - 8" 4' - 6" 5' - 4" 5' - 0" 12' - 0" 12' - 0" 5' - 0"27' - 4" 9' - 0" 2 A4.02 4 A4.02 3 A4.02 A5.02 2 SIM 1' - 2"3' - 0" First Floor ELEV. = 0' - 0" App Bay Roof ELEV. = 21' - 0" Low Roof ELEV. = 10' - 0" 1 A4.02 BCDEGHF 2 A4.02 4 A4.02 3 A4.02 4' - 6" 5' - 4" 5' - 0" 24' - 0" 5' - 0" 27' - 4" 1' - 2"3' - 2"5' - 6" 3' - 6" 1' - 6" 7' - 6" 9' - 0"6" 9' - 0" BUNKER GEARSHOP HOSE STORAGE DECON CUSTODIAL Client Project No: Date: SSW Architects Project No: CAG-17-046 17001 COR Permit No: 17-000172 A4.03 Building Sections Conditional Use Permit Fire Station 15 August 18, 2017 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.03 NS Section- Mezzanine3 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.03 NS Section- Station House1 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.03 NS Section- Corridor2 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.03 NS Section- App Bay4 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A4.03 NS Section- Support5 Fire Station 15 June, 2017 North Elevation P1.03 Fire Station 15 June, 2017 East Elevation P1.04 Fire Station 15 June, 2017 South Elevation P1.05 Fire Station 15 June, 2017 West Elevation P1.06 UP 1 A4.02 1 A4.03 2 A4.03 3 A4.03 4 A4.03 A4.01 1 A4.012 A4.01 3 A4.01 4 STATION OFFICE 103 APPARATUS BAY 119 LOBBY 100 LAUNDRY 114 FITNESS 113 BUNK 4 112 BUNK 3 111 BUNK 2 110 BUNK 1 109 DECON 121 CUSTODIAL 120 HOSE STORAGE 122 BUNKER GEAR 123 DAY ROOM 108 DINING 107 KITCHEN 106 PATIO PATIO SHOP 124 PANTRY 105 DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY SPRINKLER RISER COMM 117 ADA RESTROOM 101 HALL 102A OFFICER'S OFFICE 104 8' - 1"14' - 7"4' - 8"3' - 2"1' - 10"24' - 0"2' - 4"2' - 8"5' - 4"CORRIDOR 102 HALL 102DHALL 102C HALL 102B LOCKERS 102E ALCOVE 119A 100101 102-1102-2102B108-1107 109 110 111 112 102A 102D 123 103104117 114113-1124120108-2 102C 119-4119-3 ADA SHOWER 115 SHOWER 116 1162' - 1"2' - 1 1/2"EQ3' - 0"EQ1' - 9" 3' - 0" 2' - 0" 3' - 0" 7' - 3" 3' - 0" 3' - 0" 2' - 0" 3' - 4" 4' - 8" MIN 18"24"40"16"44"140"40"108"28"32"40"64"72"96"56"654 13' - 0" 5' - 0" 23' - 0"40' - 0"10' - 0" 32 7 A B 5' - 8" 4' - 6" 5' - 4" 5' - 0" 24' - 0" 5' - 0" 27' - 4"9' - 0"C D E G H J 3' - 0" 3' - 3" 11" 5' - 10" 7' - 8" 3' - 4" 2' - 11"2' - 1"1' - 7 1/2"F 2' - 8 1/2" 4' - 7"7' - 6" 7' - 0" 9' - 6"10' - 6"1' - 3"2' - 0"4' - 6"12"3' - 6"4" 3' - 4" 1' - 4" 23' - 0" 4' - 0" 14' - 0" 4' - 0" 14' - 0" 4' - 0"2' - 1"7' - 5"113-248" 24" 10' - 0" 4' - 6"1 5/8"106 2' - 1"1' - 0" 8' - 10" 8' - 10" 8' - 8" 2" 8' - 10"EQ3' - 0"EQEQ3' - 0"EQEQ3' - 0"EQ55"32 1/2"5' - 6" 2" 7 5/8"MIN18".3' - 6" 3' - 6"2"2" 11' - 0" 2' - 10"MIN18".4"11"3' - 0"11"3' - 0"2' - 0" 3' - 4" 4' - 8" 7 5/8" INTERIOR BOLLARD- TYP OF (9)MIN18".MIN18".MIN18".LOCATE BUILDING AT GRID INTERSECTION G-7. SEE CIVIL W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W2W2 W1 W1 W4 W4 W4 7 5/8" W1 W4 P4 P2 P3 P3 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P1 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 W4 W4 W2A W2 3"3"3"3"16' - 0"34' - 8"16' - 0"9' - 6" 5' - 6 1/2" 3' - 0" MEDICAL 118 115 118 5' - 6" 12' - 0" 5' - 6" 11' - 0" 18' - 0"1 5/8"1 5/8"2 A4.02 4 A4.02 18"4' - 0" 14' - 0" 4' - 0" 14' - 0" 119-1 119-2 3 A4.02 5 A4.03 3"3"3"3" W1 P2 P2 P1 P1 P2 FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FEC FE 2 A4.03 3 A4.03 MEZZANINE 201 MECHANICAL CHASE CORRIDOR BELOW APP BAY BELOW COMPRESSOR 543 C D E F 4' - 5 3/8" ALIGN MEZZANINE SLAB W/ FACE OF WALL BELOW W5 P2 W1 P2 P2 2 A4.02 5' - 0"5' - 0"3 A4.02 Floor Plan Notes 1. Wood stud walls are dimensioned to face of stud UON 2. CMU walls are dimensioned to face of CMU UON 3. Dimensions noted as clear are from final finished surface to final finished surface. 4. See Sheet A7.2 for interior partition types. Interior partitions to be type P2 if not marked otherwise 5. See Sheet A6.1 for exterior wall types. Exterior wall types to match elevations 6. See slab plans A2.1 & A2.2 as well as Structural drawings for recessed slabs. 7. See Structural drawings for AESS (Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel) members. All exposed steel structure including columns, beams and metal deck shall be painted 8. Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical components identified on architectural plans are for general information and are not intended to fully describe such features - refer to Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical drawings for a full description. 9. All conduit, piping, and ductwork to be concealed UON or in an exposed ceiling space. Paint all exposed conduits, piping and ductwork 10.Provide blocking and backing for wall-mounted materials, accessories, equipment, and furnishings - Coordinate with all other disciplines. See FF&E plans A3.2 for additional wall backing locations. Floor Plan Legend DS Downspout- See FEC Fire Extinguisher Cabinet- Recessed - See TB-XX MB-XX Tackboard (TB) CFCI, Markerboard (MB) CFCI & Flat screen monitor (FS) OFCI- See Schedule on A9.1- Refer to interior elevations for dimensioned locations FE Fire Extinguisher- Wall Mounted PB-XX FS-XX Floor drain & sump- See Mech- 2' x 2' square sump @ 1/8" per foot FD MW Microwave DW Dishwasher FEC Fire Extinguisher Cabinet FE Fire Extinguisher - Wall Mounted HR Hose Reel AD Air Drop Client Project No: Date: SSW Architects Project No: CAG-17-046 17001 COR Permit No: 17-000172 A3.01 Floor Plans Conditional Use Permit Fire Station 15 August 18, 2017 N Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.01 First Floor Plan1 N Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.01 Mezzanine Plan2 UP STATION OFFICE APPARATUS BAY LOBBY LAUNDRY FITNESS BUNK 4 BUNK 3 BUNK 2 BUNK 1 DECON CUSTODIAL HOSE STORAGE BUNKER GEAR DAY ROOM DINING KITCHEN PATIO PATIO SHOPCHARGINGPANTRY DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY SPRINKLER RISER COMM ADA RESTROOM R R R R F OFFICER'S OFFICE DW MW MURPHY BEDW D FUTURE AID CAR FS-15 ENGINE LOCKERS CORRIDOR1 A4.02 1 A4.03 2 A4.03 3 A4.03 4 A4.03 A4.01 1 A4.012 A4.01 3 A4.01 4 PHOTOS HOSE RACK (OFOI) EXTRACTOR (OFOI) SOAP DISPENSER (OFOI) DRYER CABINET (OFOI) CHAIN STORAGE CLEAR AREA FOR BI-FOLD DOORS LOCKER- TYP OF (20)5' - 0"4' - 6"LOCKERS HR HR 35 GALLON SOAP (OFOI) AD AD SHOWER ADA SHOWER HALL HALL HALL HALL PROPOSED HAM RADIO LOCATION BROCHURES65432 7 A B C D E G H J 5' - 8"4' - 6"5' - 4"5' - 0"24' - 0"5' - 0"27' - 4"9' - 0"13' - 0" 5' - 0" 23' - 0"40' - 0"10' - 0" F DF TV TV TV TV BOLLARD TYP 12"24"TV WALKWAY4' - 5"4' - 0"5' - 0"3' - 0"10' - 0"6' - 3"4' - 0"2' - 6"4' - 6" 3' - 6" 9' - 0"11' - 8 1/4"11' - 8 1/4"3' - 6"5' - 6"7' - 0"2' - 10"21' - 2"3' - 4"18"2' - 6"2' - 0"4' - 6 5/8"4' - 0"4' - 10"4' - 0"4' - 10"4' - 0"4' - 6 5/8"2' - 0"4' - 11 3/4" MEDICAL 2 A4.02 4 A4.02 2' - 6" 2' - 6"1' - 3"3 A4.02 24" 24" 5 A4.03 6' - 9"ALERTING FE FEC MEZZANINE 2 A4.03 3 A4.03 MECH CHASE CORRIDOR BELOW APP BAY BELOW COMPRESSOR 543 C D E F 2 A4.02 3 A4.02 5' - 0"24' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 23' - 0" Floor Plan Notes 1. Wood stud walls are dimensioned to face of stud UON 2. CMU walls are dimensioned to face of CMU UON 3. Dimensions noted as clear are from final finished surface to final finished surface. 4. See Sheet A7.2 for interior partition types. Interior partitions to be type P2 if not marked otherwise 5. See Sheet A6.1 for exterior wall types. Exterior wall types to match elevations 6. See slab plans A2.1 & A2.2 as well as Structural drawings for recessed slabs. 7. See Structural drawings for AESS (Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel) members. All exposed steel structure including columns, beams and metal deck shall be painted 8. Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical components identified on architectural plans are for general information and are not intended to fully describe such features - refer to Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical drawings for a full description. 9. All conduit, piping, and ductwork to be concealed UON or in an exposed ceiling space. Paint all exposed conduits, piping and ductwork 10.Provide blocking and backing for wall-mounted materials, accessories, equipment, and furnishings - Coordinate with all other disciplines. See FF&E plans A3.2 for additional wall backing locations. Floor Plan Legend DS Downspout- See FEC Fire Extinguisher Cabinet- Recessed - See TB-XX MB-XX Tackboard (TB) CFCI, Markerboard (MB) CFCI & Flat screen monitor (FS) OFCI- See Schedule on A9.1- Refer to interior elevations for dimensioned locations FE Fire Extinguisher- Wall Mounted PB-XX FS-XX Floor drain & sump- See Mech- 2' x 2' square sump @ 1/8" per foot FD MW Microwave DW Dishwasher FEC Fire Extinguisher Cabinet FE Fire Extinguisher - Wall Mounted HR Hose Reel AD Air Drop Client Project No: Date: SSW Architects Project No: CAG-17-046 17001 COR Permit No: 17-000172 A3.02 FF&E Plans Conditional Use Permit Fire Station 15 August 18, 2017 N Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.02 First Floor FF&E1 N Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.02 Mezzanine FF&E2 PROEERALENGI NFESSION NOTGS T AT ATWFOE NIHSEREDREGISLA U RI EJ.PFARR1932 First AveSuite 201Seattle, WA 98101p. 206.725.1211f. 206.973.5344www.lpdengineering.comengineering pllcCITY OFRENTONIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS4CONSTRUCTION FENCING3TREE PROTECTION FENCING2CITY OF RENTION STD 215.10- STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE11NOT USED10NOT USED9NOT USED8SEDIMENT SUMP & PUMP7NOT USED6NOT USED5CITY OF RENTON STD 214.00 - SILT FENCE1CITY OF RENTON STD 216.30 - CATCH BASIN FILTER PROEERALENGI NFESSION NOTGS T AT ATWFOE NIHSEREDREGISLA U RI EJ.PFARR1932 First AveSuite 201Seattle, WA 98101p. 206.725.1211f. 206.973.5344www.lpdengineering.comengineering pllcCITY OFRENTONIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS1124" BOLT-LOCKING MANHOLE RING & COVER9COR STD PLAN 204.00 - RECTANGULAR FRAME5COR STD PLAN 204.00 - RECTANGULAR FRAME3COR STD PLAN 202.00 - CB INSTALLATION2COR STD PLAN 201.00 - CB TYPE 21COR STD PLAN 200.00 - CB TYPE 1“” 2'-4" INSIDE RIM FLOWA 514"2'-0"INSIDE2'-012"OUTSIDEB 2'-0"2'-8"6'-9"5"5"7'-1"OUTSIDE RIM2'-4"INSIDE RIM2'-4"INSIDE RIM2'-4"INSIDE RIM2'-0"BBH 6"AAINLET STUB(OPTIONAL)OUTLET STUBOUTLET PIPEFROM FLOWKITFILTRATIONBAY INLETPERMANENT POOL LEVELACCESS COVERCONCRETE COLLARAND REBAR TO MEETHS20 IF APPLICABLE BYCONTRACTOROPTIONAL SLOPED LIDCORNER ELEVATIONSTO BE SPECIFIED BYENGINEERSTORMFILTERCARTRIDGE TYP.FLOWKIT TYP.CLEANOUTACCESS PLUGON WEIR WALLPERMANENTPOOL ELEVATIONCARTRIDGESUPPORT TYP.CATCHBASIN FOOT(TYP. OF 4)FINISHED GRADEWEIR WALLFLOATABLES BAFFLELIFTING EYE(TYP. OF 4)VANED INLET GRATE(SOLID COVEROPTIONAL)1'-0"COLLARPLAN VIEWSECTION A-ASECTION B-BCATCHBASIN FOOT(TYP. OF 4)FILTRATIONBAY INLET TYP.OUTLETINLETCONFIGURATIONSSTRUCTURE IDWATER QUALITY FLOW RATE (cfs)PEAK FLOW RATE (<1.8 cfs) RETURN PERIOD OF PEAK FLOW (yrs)CARTRIDGE FLOW RATE (gpm)MEDIA TYPE (CSF, PERLITE, ZPG, GAC, PHS)RIM ELEVATIONPIPE DATA:I.E.DIAMETERINLET STUBOUTLET STUBNOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS:2-CARTRIDGE DEEP CATCHBASINSTORMFILTER DATASLOPED LIDSOLID COVEROUTLETINLETOUTLETINLETINLETINLETSD #290.02490.13381007.5ZPG348.20'348.20'-346.30'8"NONOCARTRIDGE HEIGHTSPECIFIC FLOW RATE (gpm/sf)CARTRIDGE FLOW RATE (gpm)MINIMUM HYDRAULIC DROP (H)27"18"18" DEEP3.05'2.3'3.3'2 gpm/ft²22.51 gpm/ft²2 gpm/ft²1 gpm/ft²2 gpm/ft²1 gpm/ft²11.25157.5157.5STORMFILTER TREATMENT CAPACITY IS A FUNCTION OF THE CARTRIDGE SELECTION AND THE NUMBER OF CARTRIDGES. 2 CARTRIDGE CATCHBASIN HAS A MAXIMUMOF TWO CARTRIDGES. SYSTEM IS SHOWN WITH A 27" CARTRIDGE, AND IS ALSO AVAILABLE WITH AN 18" CARTRIDGE. STORMFILTER CATCHBASIN CONFIGURATIONSARE AVAILABLE WITH A DRY INLET BAY FOR VECTOR CONTROL.PEAK HYDRAULIC CAPACITY PER TABLE BELOW. IF THE SITE CONDITIONS EXCEED PEAK HYDRAULIC CAPACITY, AN UPSTREAM BYPASS STRUCTURE IS REQUIRED.CARTRIDGE SELECTIONINLET PERMANENT POOL LEVEL (A)1'-0"1'-0"2'-0"PEAK HYDRAULIC CAPACITY1.01.01.8OVERALL STRUCTURE HEIGHT (B)4'-9"3'-9"4'-9"OUTLETINLETCONFIGURATIONSSTRUCTURE IDWATER QUALITY FLOW RATE (cfs)PEAK FLOW RATE (<1.8 cfs) RETURN PERIOD OF PEAK FLOW (yrs)CARTRIDGE FLOW RATE (gpm)MEDIA TYPE (CSF, PERLITE, ZPG, GAC, PHS)RIM ELEVATIONPIPE DATA:I.E.DIAMETERINLET STUBOUTLET STUBNOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS:2-CARTRIDGE DEEP CATCHBASINSTORMFILTER DATASLOPED LIDSOLID COVEROUTLETINLETOUTLETINLETINLETINLETSD #260.02390.12491007.5ZPG347.22'347.22'-344.90'8"NONOPROEERALENGI NFESSION NOTGS T AT ATWFOE NIHSEREDREGISLA U RI EJ.PFARR1932 First AveSuite 201Seattle, WA 98101p. 206.725.1211f. 206.973.5344www.lpdengineering.comengineering pllcCITY OFRENTONIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS4TRENCH DRAIN3CONCRETE CATCHBASIN STORMFILTER - 2 CARTRIDGE UNIT2BRENTWOOD STORMTANK MODULE DETENTION SYSTEM1NOT USED PROEERALENGI NFESSION NOTGS T AT ATWFOE NIHSEREDREGISLA U RI EJ.PFARR1932 First AveSuite 201Seattle, WA 98101p. 206.725.1211f. 206.973.5344www.lpdengineering.comengineering pllcCITY OFRENTONIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS5CLEAN-OUT TO GRADE2FOOTING DRAIN11NOT USED10DISCHARGE PAD9FLOW CONTROL STRUCTURE (FCS)6AREA DRAIN8BIO-RETENTION AREA PROEERALENGI NFESSION NOTGS T AT ATWFOE NIHSEREDREGISLA U RI EJ.PFARR1932 First AveSuite 201Seattle, WA 98101p. 206.725.1211f. 206.973.5344www.lpdengineering.comengineering pllcCITY OFRENTONIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS11CONCRETE CURB WALL10COR STD PLAN 103- CURB AND GUTTER REPLACEMENT DETAILS9COR STD PLAN 101 - CEMENT CONCRETE CURBS8ADA SIGN W/POST7PLASTIC WHEEL STOP6CONCRETE VERTICAL CURB TYPICAL5ASPHALT CONCRETE TRANSITION3ADA STALL AND BLOCKOUT STRIPING2CONCRETE STRIP AND WALKWAY1HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROEERALENGI NFESSION NOTGS T AT ATWFOE NIHSEREDREGISLA U RI EJ.PFARR1932 First AveSuite 201Seattle, WA 98101p. 206.725.1211f. 206.973.5344www.lpdengineering.comengineering pllcCITY OFRENTONIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS4CDF TRENCH BACKFILL3COR STD PLAN 403.1 - 8" OR 6" SSCO1COR STD PLAN 300.0 WATER PLAN GENERAL NOTES2COR STD PLAN 406.1 STANDARD SIDE SEWER INSTALLATION11NOT USED10NOT USED9NOT USED8HEAVY DUTY PERMEABLE PAVEMENT6COR STD PLAN 330.2 CONCRETE BLOCKING5COR STD 310.1 FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLYOR7ASPHALT PAVEMENT - HEAVY DUTY Fire Station 15 Construction Mitigation Description Proposed Construction Dates: February 2018- December 2018 Proposed Hours of Construction: Per 4-4-030 C.: Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Actual hours within this time period will vary dependent upon the contractor. Haul hours shall be restricted to the hours between eight-thirty (8:30) a.m. and three-thirty (3:30) p.m., Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved in advance by the Development Services Division. Proposed Hauling and Transportation Routes: The hauling and transportation to the site will be from interstate freeway 405 to N 30th St. the construction entrance will be at the southeast corner of the site. A second construction entrance will be provided for the Reservoir project. Measures to Minimize Dust, Traffic and Transportation Impacts: The TESC system will be designed in accordance with the City of Renton Core Requirement #5 and the Department of Ecology (DOE) Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). TESC facilities will include: · Stabilized construction entrance · Silt fencing · Catch basin inserts · Tree protection as necessary · Sediment tank as necessary (10,000 gallons minimum) · Other miscellaneous sediment control facilities · Special Hours of Operation: Fire Station 15 1404 N 30th St, Renton, WA Technical Information Report September 22, 2017 Prepared by: LPD Engineering, PLLC 1932 1st Avenue Suite 201 Seattle, WA 98101 Contact: Laurie J. Pfarr, P.E. (206) 725-1211 Prepared for: Schreiber Starling Whitehead Architects 901 5th Avenue #3100 Seattle, WA 98164 Contact: Keith Schreiber, AIA (206) 682-8300 12131 113th Avenue NE, Suite 203, Kirkland, WA 98034 | 425.821.3665 | MEMORANDUM Date: July 11, 2017 TG:1.16532.00 To: Keith Schreiber From: Dan McKinney, Transpo Group Subject: Renton Fire Station #15 Trip Generation The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a trip generation assessment for the proposed Renton Fire Station #15. Specifically, this document identifies daily and peak hour trip generation associated with the fire station based on employees, visitors, and emergency calls. Project Description The proposed Fire Station #15 is located in the City of Renton at 1404 N 30th Street and consist of one single building: a single-story fire station totaling approximately 7,500 gross square feet. Site development includes an access drive, fire apparatus aprons (front and drive-thru rear aprons), employee and public parking areas, pedestrian access walkways, and associated landscape areas. The proposed schematic concept includes two apparatus bays in conformance with program for height, width, and length. The bays have drive-through capability. Apparatus support and station office functions are located directly adjacent to the apparatus bays. The western component houses the dining/kitchen/day room with direct access to outside and the back of the house includes training room functions, gear storage and bunking rooms. The addition of a new fire station will provide improved response times for fire and emergency services in the Kennydale neighborhood and the Renton Regional Fire Authority service area, relieving some of the current load placed on Fire Stations 11, 12 and 16. The station will in operation at all hours of the day every day of the week to provide emergency response to the local area. Three employees are on-shift at all times, with shifts extending for a full 24 hours. Trip Generation The following section describes anticipated trip generation for Fire Station #15. Since rates for fire stations are not published in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation (9th Edition, 2012), the anticipated trip generation described below was estimated based on information provided by the Renton Regional Fire Authority (RFA). Trips can be broken down into three categories: fire station staff, visitors/miscellaneous trips, and emergency calls. Fire Station Staff Fire Station #15 will have capacity for three employees. Employees will work 24-hour shift periods, with shift changes occurring daily at 8:00 a.m. Assuming two trips per employee (one inbound and one outbound) per day, a total of 6 trips per day is expected. Since shift changes are anticipated to occur during the AM peak hour, no PM peak hour employee-generated trips are expected. Visitors and Miscellaneous Trips In addition to employee-generated trips, visitor/miscellaneous trips are expected in the form of public visits and any delivery or maintenance trips. As a result, a total of 20 non-employee trips was estimated (10 entering and 10 exiting) during an average weekday. 20 percent of these trips are expected to occur during the AM and PM peak periods, or 2 trips during the AM peak hour and 2 trips during the PM peak hour. Title: Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc., - Kennydale 320 Zone Reservoir Project Level 2, Basic Tree Assessment Renton, Washington Prepared for: Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. Attn: Jenna Anderson 601 Union St, Suite 622 Seattle, WA 98101 Prepared by: Urban Forestry Services, Inc. Mr. Paul H. Thompson ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #509 ISA Certified Arborist® #PN-1838A ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Date: September 13th, 2017 CONTENTS: Summary Introduction Findings and Recommendations Method of Assessment Tree Assessment Site Plan Plan Overview Plan North Area Plan South Area Tree Assessment Matrix Definitions Critical Root Zone Explanation General Tree Protection Guidelines Assumptions and Limitations Summary Of 32 trees assessed at 1404 N 30th St., Renton, Washington, 4 trees are recommended for removal due to their poor condition, 30 trees are recommended for removal because of construction impact, and 2 trees are recommended for protection, with one located offsite and one onsite. Pruning is recommended for one of the retained trees onsite. Methods for protecting the trees are enclosed. It is also recommended that an ISA Certified Arborist® monitor the clearing and grading around the retained trees. Introduction As requested by Jenna Anderson of Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc., on October 5, 2016, I assessed 32 trees for health, condition and risk of failure in a Level 2 Basic Assessment at 1404 N 30th St., Renton, WA 98056. In addition to assessing the health, condition and risk of failure of the 32 trees, Urban Forestry Services, Inc., was asked to complete this assessment to determine the impact of DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Page 1 of 2 LUA17-000632 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use action. Planning: (Contact: Clark H. Close, 425-430-7289, cclose@rentonwa.gov) 1. RMC section 4-4-030C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division’s approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is being cleared. 5. The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. 6. The applicant shall erect and maintain six foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees, or along the perimeter of a stand of retained trees. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feet (50') indicating the words, “NO TRESPASSING – Protected Trees” or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (5 0'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. 7. This permit is shall comply with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permitted is responsible for adhering to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (2007) and /or your U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permit. Development Engineering: (Contact: Ian Fitz-James, 425-430-7288, IFitz-James@rentonwa.gov) 1. See Attached Development Engineering Memo dated October 23, 2017. Fire Authority: (Contact: Corey Thomas, 425-430-7024, cthomas@rentonwa.gov) 1. Preliminary fire flow is 1,750 gpm. Two fire hydrants are required. One within 150-feet and one within 300-feet. One hydrant exists across the street. One new hydrant shall be provided and be within 50- feet of the fire department connection for the fire sprinkler system. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Page 2 of 2 LUA17-000632 2. Approved fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems are required throughout all the buildings. Direct outside access is required to the fire sprinkler riser room. Fire alarm system is required to be fully addressable and full detection is required. Separate plans and permits required by the fire department. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 -feet of all points on the building. Fire lane signage required for the on-site roadway. Required turning radius are 25-feet inside and 45- feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20-feet wide. Roadways shall support a minimum of a 30-ton vehicle and 75-psi point loading. 4. Separate plans and permits are required for any proposed fuel tanks for on -site generators. Technical Services: (Contact: Amanda Askren, 425-430-7369, aaskren@rentonwa.gov) 1. Reviewed, no comment. Community Services: (Contact: Leslie Betlach, 425-430-6619, lbetlach@rentonwa.gov) 1. Reviewed, no comment. Police: (Contact: Sandra Havlik, 425-430-7520, shavlik@rentonwa.gov) 1. Reviewed, no comment. Building: (Contact: Craig Burnell, 425-430-7290, cburnell@rentonwa.gov) 1. Recommendations of the geotechnical report must be followed as a condition of building permits. 2. Update geotechnical report to reflect 2015 International Code criteria. K:\Projects\2017\PR17000490_FIRE STATION 15\LUA17-000632\08.Review Comments - Drafts\C_Civil Advisory Notes LU17000632_171023_v1.docx DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: October 23, 2017 TO: Clark Close, Senior Planner FROM: Ian Fitz-James, Civil Engineer III SUBJECT: Utility and Transportation Comments for Fire Station 15 LUA17-000632 I have reviewed the application for Fire Station 15 located at 1404 N. 30th Street (KC Parcel Number 3342103245): and have the following comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is approximately 1.09 acres in size and is rectangular in shape. The southern 0.71 acres of the site is the location of the proposed Fire Station 15. The northern 0.38 acres of the site is the location of the proposed Kennydale Reservoir. The site is currently vacant with large grassy areas and some trees. The existing conditions below apply to the whole parcel. WATER: Water service is provided by the City of Renton. The site is in the Highlands service area in the 435’ hydraulic pressure zone. The approximate static water pressure is 98 psi at a ground elevation of 210’. There is an existing 12” water main south of the site in N. 30th Street that can deliver 2,800 gallons per minute (gpm). Reference project file WTR2700456 in COR Maps for record drawings. The site is served by an existing 3/4” domestic water service. There are two existing fire hydrants in the vicinity of the site. One is located across N. 30th Street from the site’s southwest corner (COR Facility ID HYD-N-00001). The other is located at the southwest corner of N. 30th Street and Interstate 405 ramp approximately 215’ from the site’s southeast corner. SEWER: Sewer service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an existing 8” concrete sewer flowing from east to west south of the site in N. 30th Street. There is also an existing 8” concrete sewer flowing from north to south along the eastern boundary of the site. The sewer begins at a manhole (COR Facility ID MH3489) approximately 130’ feet north of the site’s southeast corner and connects to the sewer main in N. 30th Street mentioned above. Reference Project File WWP2700179 in COR Maps for record drawings of both sewer mains. STORM DRAINAGE: The project site is currently vacant. The site consists of grassy areas with some trees scattered throughout. The site slopes gently from the northeast to the southwest. There is no existing on-site conveyance system. There is an existing 12” piped conveyance system that flows from east to west along N. 30th Street frontage. There are two type 1 catch basins along the project frontage that drain to this conveyance system. One is near the site’s Fire Station 15 – LUA17-00632 Page 2 of 8 October 23, 2017 K:\Projects\2017\PR17000490_FIRE STATION 15\LUA17-000632\08.Review Comments - Drafts\C_Civil Advisory Notes LU17000632_171023_v1.docx southeast corner (COR Facility ID 134250). The other is located near the site’s southwest corner (COR Facility ID 134231). The City does not have record drawings for this system. STREETS: N. 30th Street south of the site is classified as a minor arterial street. The N. 30th Street existing street section consists of a pavement width of approximately 42’ with a 13’ travel lane in each direction and an 8’ parking lane on both sides of the street. A 0.5’ curb and a 5’ concrete sidewalk directly behind the curb exist along each side of the pavement. The existing right of way width for N. 30th Street is approximately 60’ for the majority of the frontage per the King County Assessor’s Map. The existing right of width for N. 30th Street adjacent to a portion of the eastern frontage is 72’ per the King County Assessor’s Map. WATER COMMENTS 1. The utility plan shows one new fire hydrant on private property. The hydrant is served off of the new 16” water main that will be installed in the shared driveway to serve the new Kennydale Reservoir north of the Fire Station. All fire hydrants on private property shall be located in a public utility easement. 2. A fire sprinkler stub with a double detector check valve assembly (DDCVA) in an exterior underground vault within private property per COR Std. Plan 360.2 is required. The DDCVA may be installed in the building if it meets the conditions as shown on COR Std. Plan 360.5 for the installation of a DDCVA inside a building. The utility plan shows a 4” fire line connected to the new 16” water main that will serve the new Kennydale Reservoir. The DDCVA is shown in a sprinkler riser room in the rear of the building in the submitted architectural plans. A post indicator valve (PIV) per City standards is required on the fire line. The fire sprinkler stub and appurtenance shall be sized by a registered fire sprinkler designer / contractor. A Fire Department Connection (FDC) is provided at the corner of the shared driveway and rear parking lot. The FDC is within 50’ from the proposed fire hydrant. Per COR Std. Plan 360.5, the DDCVA shall be within 50’ of the public water main easement boundary or right of way line. The DDCVA as shown is 96’ from the water main. This is not in compliance with COR Std. Plan 360.5. The plans submitted for construction permit review shall be revised to show compliance. 3. The utility plan shows a 2” domestic water service and meter for domestic water use. The service is connected to the new 16” water main that will serve the new Kennydale Reservoir. The plan shows the meter on private property. The meter shall be located in a public utility easement. A reduced pressure backflow assembly (RPBA) shall be installed behind the meter within private property. The RPBA shall be installed in an above ground heated enclosure per COR Std. Plan 350.2. The RPBA may be located inside the building if a drainage outlet for the relief valve is provided and the location is approved by the City Plan Reviewer and City Water Utility Department. The submitted architectural plans do not show a location for the RPBA in the building. Fire Station 15 – LUA17-00632 Page 3 of 8 October 23, 2017 K:\Projects\2017\PR17000490_FIRE STATION 15\LUA17-000632\08.Review Comments - Drafts\C_Civil Advisory Notes LU17000632_171023_v1.docx 4. The utility plan shows the existing 3/4” water meter being relocated and reused for irrigation service. The plan shows the meter located on private property in the garage drive aisle. This meter should be located outside of the drive aisle and contained in a public utility easement if on private property. A double check valve assembly (DCVA) on private property is required behind the meter per COR Std. Plan 340.8. 5. Water system improvements shall be designed in accordance with Appendix J of the City’s 2012 Water System Plan. Adequate horizontal and vertical separation between new water mains and other existing and proposed utilities (sewer lines, storm drains, gas lines, power and communication ducts) shall be provided for the operation and maintenance of the water main. Retaining walls, rockeries, or similar structures cannot be installed over the water main unless the water main is installed inside of a steel casing. 6. The site is located within Zone 2 of the City’s Aquifer Protection Area. 7. Per RMC 4-1-180B-2b, City-owned properties are exempt from all system development charges. SEWER COMMENTS 1. The utility plan shows a new 6” side sewer connecting to the existing 8” sewer main along the eastern property frontage. The new side sewer shall run at a slope of at least 2% from the building to the main. 2. The utility plan shows a new oil/water separator located outside of the building in the garage drive aisle. All wastewater from the garage area shall be routed through this oil/water separator. A specification for the oil/water separator should be included with the construction plans. The oil/water separator shall be approved by the City Plan Reviewer and City Wastewater Utility Department prior to construction permit issuance. 3. A 10’ utility easement will be required for the existing sewer main along the eastern property line. 4. Per RMC 4-1-180B-2b, City-owned properties are exempt from all system development charges. STORM DRAINAGE COMMENTS 1. A drainage plan and Technical Information Report (TIR) prepared by LPD Engineering dated September 22, 2017 were submitted to the City as part of the site plan submittal. The site is located in the City’s Peak Rate Flow Control Standard (Existing Site Conditions). The site is located in the East Lake Washington drainage basin. The TIR was completed in accordance with the standards found in the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM). All nine core and six special requirements were addressed. Fire Station 15 – LUA17-00632 Page 4 of 8 October 23, 2017 K:\Projects\2017\PR17000490_FIRE STATION 15\LUA17-000632\08.Review Comments - Drafts\C_Civil Advisory Notes LU17000632_171023_v1.docx The project proposes to route the majority of the on-site impervious surfaces to a Brentwood Stormtank Detention system located between the Fire Station and N. 30th Street to meet Core Requirement #3 – Flow Control Facilities. A flow control riser tee is located downstream of the detention system. The TIR shows that the 2-yr and 100-year peak runoff rates are matched but the 10-year runoff rate is not matched. Per Section of the 2017 RSWDM, the developed peak discharge rates must match the existing peak discharge rates for the 2-yr, 10-yr, and 100-yr return periods. The project will be required to show compliance with this requirement at the time of construction permit review to satisfy Core Requirement #3. The Stormtank system, Stormfilter or other water quality treatment facility, bioretention facility, pervious pavement, catch basin, and stormwater conveyance on the site will be private maintained. A recorded stormwater covenant for maintenance of the stormwater facilities and on-site BMPs will be required. The Stormtank system as proposed does not meet the requirements for a detention tank per Section 5.1.2 or a detention vault per Section 5.1.3. The revised TIR and construction plans shall clearly show how the Stormtank system meets all of the requirements of either a detention tank or detention vault. If not all of the requirements can be met, a stormwater adjustment per Section 1.4 would have to be submitted and approved prior to issuance of the construction permit. City staff would not support an adjustment to omit requirements related to access, maintenance, height, sediment storage, or ventilation. A simple conveyance calculation was submitted in the TIR. The engineer shows that the pipe segment that discharges stormwater from the site to the City’s piped stormwater conveyance system can convey the 25-year flow from the entire site if it were impervious. This conveyance calculation is shown to demonstrate compliance with Core Requirement #4 – Conveyance System. As the Fire Station will require a commercial building permit, Enhanced Basic Water Quality treatment is required unless such treatment is waived or reduced by the area- specific exceptions found in Section to satisfy Core Requirement #8 – Water Quality Facilities. According to the TIR, the project proposes approximately 8,965 square feet of pollution generating impervious surface (PGIS). The project proposes to treat the PGIS from the shared driveway and the driveway from the Fire Station to N. 30th Street using a Stormfilter system. A Stormfilter system is an acceptable treatment option for Basic Water Quality treatment however it is not acceptable as a standalone option for Enhanced Basic Water Quality treatment. The plans and TIR should be updated to show compliance the Enhanced Basic Water Quality treatment standard by providing an Enhanced Basic Water Treatment facility per Section 6.1.2 unless exempted per Section for all PGIS on the site. PGIS with permeable pavement may be exempted for the water quality standards if the Soil Treatment Exemption found in Section 1.2.8 is met for the soils underneath the pavement. If this exemption is pursued a letter from a Fire Station 15 – LUA17-00632 Page 5 of 8 October 23, 2017 K:\Projects\2017\PR17000490_FIRE STATION 15\LUA17-000632\08.Review Comments - Drafts\C_Civil Advisory Notes LU17000632_171023_v1.docx geotechnical engineer will be required stating that all of the criteria are met. Permeable pavement alone is not a water quality treatment facility. The TIR and plans do not show treatment of the drive apron on the north side of the building. This area needs to be treated by an acceptable water quality facility. The areas on the southern end of the shared driveway and the driveway between the Fire Station and N. 30th Street that are not being treated by a water quality treatment facility are less than 5,000 square feet in area. The project is required to implement on-site BMPs per Section 1.2.9 to satisfy Core Requirement #9 – On-Site BMPs. On-site BMPs need to be evaluated in order of preference as required per Section This evaluation should be included in the updated TIR that is submitted for construction permit review. The TIR did not have infiltration testing results from the geotechnical engineer when designing the on-site BMPs proposed on the plan. The TIR determined that full dispersion and full infiltration are infeasible. The updated TIR should clearly explain how full infiltration is infeasible per Section 5.2. The TIR and plans propose to use bioretention and permeable pavement for on-site BMPs. The updated TIR and plans must clearly show how each of these BMPs are implemented to the maximum extent feasible. After implementation of those BMPs to the maximum extent feasible, the project must ensure that the minimum BMP implementation per Section #5 is met. For projects that will result in an impervious surface coverage greater than 65% of the buildable portion of the site / lot, on-site BMPs must be applied to 20% of the target impervious surfaces or to an impervious area equal to at least 10% of the site/lot, whichever is less. The updated TIR and plans should show compliance with all biorentenion design standards per Section 2.6 and permeable pavement design standards per Section 2.7. Bioretention with underdrains is not allowed for Core Requirement #9 unless approved by a stormwater adjustment. 2. The drainage plan shows that the existing N. 30th Street flowline adjacent to the site will remain in the same location. The storm drainage from the project will tie into the existing 12” piped conveyance system along this flowline. 3. A geotechnical report evaluating site soil conditions was prepared by HWA Geosciences dated August 31, 2017. Per the geotechnical report, the site is underlain by recessional outwash soils. The outwash soils were classified as loose to medium dense. The report notes that there is about 5-7’ of sandy silt soils with a high percentage of fines were encountered. The report recommends that these soils are over-excavated and backfilled with free-draining granular material such as pea gravel where pervious pavement and the bioretention pond are proposed. A pilot infiltration test (PIT) was performed on the site in the location of the proposed bioretention pond. The PIT was performed at a depth of 7’. The report notes that Fire Station 15 – LUA17-00632 Page 6 of 8 October 23, 2017 K:\Projects\2017\PR17000490_FIRE STATION 15\LUA17-000632\08.Review Comments - Drafts\C_Civil Advisory Notes LU17000632_171023_v1.docx cleaner sands are encountered at approximately 7’ below the surface. The two areas were excavated to a depth of approximately 3’ below grade. Based on the test results, the geotechnical engineer concluded that a long-term infiltration rate of 1.1 in/hour be used for design assuming the upper 7 feet of soil (silty material) was removed. 5. Per RMC 4-1-180B-2b, City-owned properties are exempt from all system development charges. TRANSPORTATION/STREET COMMENTS 1. Transportation impact fees do not apply to this project. 2. N. 30th Street is classified as a minor arterial. Per RMC 4-6-060, the minimum right of way width for a minor arterial with four lanes is 91’. The paved roadway section is 54’ consisting of 4 – 11’ travel lanes and 2 – 5’ bike lanes. A 0.5’ curb, 8’ planter, 8’ sidewalk, and 2’ clear from the back of sidewalk are required along each side of the roadway. The King County Assessor’s Map shows a current right of way width of approximately 60’ to 72’ for N. 30th Street adjacent to the site. A right of way dedication of approximately 15.5’ would be required along the project frontage. 3. The applicant submitted a street modification request dated September 28, 2017 with the land use application. The street modification request is to modify the minor arterial street section per RMC 4-6-060 to a modified minor arterial street section. Specifically the applicant requests a street section that keeps the current curb line in its existing location along the northern frontage of N. 30th Street adjacent to the site with an 8’ planter, 8’ sidewalk, and 2’ clear from back of sidewalk. The applicant proposes a right of way dedication of approximately 11’ along the project’s N. 30th Street frontage to accommodate the modified minor arterial street section improvements. The applicant also requested a waiver of installation of the frontage improvements. The applicant proposes to keep the existing sidewalk in its current location. City staff is recommending approval of the applicant’s street modification request. Please see the Street and Driveway Modification Criteria and Analysis for a complete summary of the request, staff analysis, and staff recommendation. City staff is not recommending approval of the waiver of installation of frontage improvements. City staff recommends that approximately 11’ of right of way be dedicated along the project’s N. 30th Street frontage and frontage improvements in accordance with the modified minor arterial street section be installed. The construction plans submitted for construction permit review should be updated to show these improvements. The applicant also proposes to modify the maximum driveway width from 30’ to 36’ for the driveway from the Fire Station garage to N. 30th Street. City staff is recommending approval of the applicant’s driveway modification request. Please see the Street and Driveway Modification Criteria and Analysis for a complete summary of the request, staff analysis, and staff recommendation. Fire Station 15 – LUA17-00632 Page 7 of 8 October 23, 2017 K:\Projects\2017\PR17000490_FIRE STATION 15\LUA17-000632\08.Review Comments - Drafts\C_Civil Advisory Notes LU17000632_171023_v1.docx 4. A shared driveway is proposed along the western property frontage to provide access to the rear of the Fire Station and to the Kennydale Reservoir. The proposed shared driveway meets all design standards found in RMC 4-6-060. The shared driveway is approximately 197’ in length (before right of way dedication), has a pavement width of 16’ – 24’, and a grade of less than 15%. Where feasible, drainage from the shared driveway will be captured by the site’s conveyance system and routed to the onsite stormwater detention system. 5. The proposed driveway curb cut for the shared driveway is 20’ in width and is located 5’ from the adjacent property line. This meets the driveway width standards found in RMC 4-4-080. City staff recommends approval of a modification to the maximum driveway width to 36’ for the driveway from the Fire Station garage to N. 30th Street. Please see the Street and Driveway Modification Criteria and Analysis for a complete summary of the request, staff analysis, and staff recommendation. 6. A Trip Generation Memo prepared by Transpo Group dated July 11, 2017 was submitted to the City as part of the site plan submittal. The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual 9th Edition does not publish trip generation rates for a fire station. The memo looked at trip generation based upon staffing information from the Renton Regional Fire Authority (RRFA), estimates on visitors and miscellaneous trips to the site, and emergency call information from the RRFA. The memo notes that the Fire Station will have the capacity for 3 employees. The employees will work 24-hour shifts with shift change occurring daily at 8:00 AM per the RRFA. Thus the memo assumes the Fire Station will generate a total of 6 trips per day (one inbound and one outbound) for the employees in the peak AM hours (6:00 – 9:00). The memo estimates visitors and miscellaneous trips to the Fire Station. There is assumed to be 20 non-employee trips to the site (10 entering and 10 existing). 20 percent of these trips are expected to occur in the AM and PM peak hours. Thus, 4 total trips are expected in each the AM and PM peak hours. The memo also estimates that 20 emergency vehicle trips are expected to occur on an average weekday. This is based on information provided by the RRFA regarding the anticipated response calls that will be fielded by this station. 20 percent of these trips are expected to occur in the AM and PM peak hours. Thus 4 total trips are expected in each of the AM and PM peak hours. The memo concludes that Fire Station 15 will generate 14 trips in the AM peak hours (6:00 – 9:00) and 8 trips in the PM peak hours (3:00 – 6:00). The City requires a Traffic Impact Analysis if new vehicular traffic exceeding 20 vehicles per hour in either the AM or PM peak hours is generated by a development. As this project does not meet that threshold, no further review is needed. City staff is in agreement with the findings of this memo and will not require any further studies. Fire Station 15 – LUA17-00632 Page 8 of 8 October 23, 2017 K:\Projects\2017\PR17000490_FIRE STATION 15\LUA17-000632\08.Review Comments - Drafts\C_Civil Advisory Notes LU17000632_171023_v1.docx 7. Street lighting per City standards is required along the N. 30th Street frontage. A street lighting analysis and plan shall be submitted with the construction permit. 8. Advanced warning signs for the Fire Station along N. 30th Street per MUTCD standards are required. 9. Paving and trench restoration within the City of Renton right of way shall comply with the City’s Restoration and Overlay requirements. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. All new utility lines (i.e. electrical, phone, and cable services, etc.) within the site must be underground. The construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton inspector. 2. Retaining walls that are 4’ or taller from bottom of footing and stormwater detention vaults will require a separate building permit. Structural calculations and plans prepared by a licensed engineer will be required as part of the building permit review. 3. All civil plans shall conform to the current City of Renton survey and drafting standards. Current drafting standards can be found on the City of Renton website. 4. A separate plan submittal will be required for a construction permit for utility work and street improvements. All plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer in the State of Washington. 5. Please see the City of Renton Development Engineering website for the Construction Permit Application and Construction Permit Process and Submittal Requirements. Please contact the City to schedule a construction permit intake meeting. 6. All plan review for the City is now paperless. Please see http://rentonwa.gov/paperless/ for more information. DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE – MITIGATED (DNS-M) MITIGATION MEASURES AND ADVISORY NOTES PROJECT NUMBER: LUA17-000632, ECF, CU-H, SA-A, MOD APPLICANT: Michael Kirk, City of Renton Director of Facilities, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 PROJECT NAME: Fire Station 15 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Review, and a street modification request for the construction of a new fire station (Fire Station 15) in the Kennydale Neighborhood. The 1.09-acre site is located at 1404 N 30th St. The vacant parcel is currently a split zoned parcel. Approximately the first 120 feet of the property from N 30th St is located within the Commercial Neighborhood (CN) zoning classification and Residential High Density (RHD) land use designation. The north portion of the property is located within the Residential-6 (R-6) zoning classification and Residential Medium Density (RMD) land use designation. Improvements to property include a new 7,497 square foot fire station at the south part of the lot and a new water reservoir at the northern portion of the lot. The two projects are proposing to share an access drive along the west side of the property and a second driveway would be located closer to the east property line for fire truck exiting. The site slopes from north to south from approximately 226 feet to 208 f eet (18 feet). The site is located within the Wellhead Protection Area Zone 2. The two projects would be constructed in two phases. Construction of the fire station would begin in February 2018 and end on December 2018. Exterior improvements include parking, driveways, landscaping, pedestrian sidewalks, a nd stormwater improvements. The applicant has identified 21 significant trees onsite and proposes to retain one (1) tree along the west side of the property. The following reports have been submitted with the land use application: Preliminary Technical Information Report, Arborist Tree Assessment, Trip Generation Assessment, and Geotechnical Report. PROJECT LOCATION: 1404 N 30th St, Renton, WA 98056 LEAD AGENCY: The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations included in the Kennydale Fire Station 15 Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared by HWA GeoSciences, Inc. (dated August 31, 2017), or an updated report submitted at a later date. DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENTENVIRONMENTAL(SEPA)DETERMINATIONOFNON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED(DNS-M)PROJECTNUMBER:LUA17-000632,ECF,CU-H,SA-A,MODAPPLICANT:MichaelKirk,CityofRentonDirectorofFacilities,10555GradyWay,Renton,WA98057PROJECTNAME:FireStation15PROJECTDESCRIPTION:TheapplicantisrequestingHearingExaminerSitePlanReview,AdministrativeConditionalUsePermitandStateEnvironmentalPolicyAct(SEPA)Reviewfortheconstructionofanewwaterreservoir.The1.09-acresiteislocatedat1404N30thSt.Thevacantparceliscurrentlyasplitzonedparcel.Approximatelythefirst120feetofthepropertyfromN30thStislocatedwithintheCommercialNeighborhood(CN)zoningclassificationandResidentialHighDensity(RHD)landusedesignation.ThenorthportionofthepropertyislocatedwithintheResidential-6(R-6)zoningclassificationandResidentialMediumDensity(RMD)landusedesignation.Improvementstopropertyincludeanew1.3million-gallonsteelwaterreservoirwithinthenorthernportionoftheproperty.TheKennydaleReservoirwouldhaveafootprintof1,964squarefeet,measuring50feetindiameterandapproximately103feettall(topofventtoreservoirbase).Anaugercastpilefoundationsystemisanticipatedforthereservoir.AnewfirestationisproposedtobeconstructedbyDecember2018onthesouthpartofthelotpriortotheconstructionofthenewwaterreservoir.Thetwoprojectsareproposingtoshareanaccessdrivealongthewestsideoftheproperty.Thesitetopographyisrelativelylevelwithslopesdowntothesouthandoverallverticalreliefofapproximately18feet.ThesiteislocatedwithintheWellheadProtectionAreaZone2.Thetwoprojectswouldbeconstructedintwophases.ConstructionofthewaterreservoirisscheduledtobeginonJune2018andendonDecember2019.Theapplicanthasidentified21significanttreesonsiteandproposestoretainone(1)treealongthewestsideoftheproperty.Thefollowingreportshavebeensubmittedwiththelanduseapplication:PreliminaryTechnicalInformationReport,ArboristTreeAssessment,TripGenerationAssessment,andGeotechnicalReport.PROJECTLOCATION:1404N30thSt,Renton,WA98055LEADAGENCY:CityofRentonEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentTheCityofRentonEnvironmentalReviewCommitteehasdeterminedthatitdoesnothaveaprobablesignificantadverseimpactontheenvironment.AnEnvironmentalImpactStatement(EIS)isnotrequiredunderRCW43.21C.030(2)(c).ConditionswereimposedasmitigationmeasuresbytheEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeundertheirauthorityofSection4-9-070DRentonMunicipalCode.Theseconditionsarenecessarytomitigateenvironmentalimpactsidentifiedduringtheenvironmentalreviewprocess.Becauseotheragenciesofjurisdictionmaybeinvolved,theleadagencywillnotactonthisproposalforfourteen(14)days.Appealsoftheenvironmentaldeterminationmustbefiledinwritingonorbefore5:00p.m.onNovember17,2017.Appealsmustbefiledinwritingtogetherwiththerequiredfeewith:HearingExaminer,CityofRenton, DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYANDECONOMICDEVEWPMENTC.—Renton01055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.AppealstotheExamineraregovernedbyRMC4-8-110andmoreinformationmaybeobtainedfromtheRentonCityClerk’sOffice,(425)430-6510.PUBLICATIONDATE:DATEOFDECISION:SIGNATURES:f4GreggZpynian,AdministratorPublicWorksDepartmentKellyBeyme,AdmirátratorCommunityServicesDepartmentNOVEMBER3,2017OCTOBER30,2017QStiA1-MAARick.MJrshaIlAmnistratorRentonRegionalFirthorityioToDateJL7‘oho/1?4itj/i(-frttwA—DateIDateDateCE.“Chip”Vincent,AdmihistratorDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopment FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION. OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION AND PUBLIC HEARING ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: Fire Station 15 PROJECT NUMBER: LUA17-000632, ECF, CU-H, SA-A, MOD LOCATION: 1404 N 30th St, Renton, WA 98056 DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Review, and a street modification request for the construction of a new fire station (Fire Station 15 ) in the Kennydale Neighborhood. The 1.09- acre site is located at 1404 N 30th St. The vacant parcel is currently a split zoned parcel. Approximately the first 120 feet of the property from N 30th St is located within the Commercial Neighborhood (CN) zoning classification and Residential High Density (RHD) land use designation. The north portion of the property is located within the Residential-6 (R-6) zoning classification and Residential Medium Density (RMD) land use designation. Improvements to property include a new 7,497 square foot fire station at the south part of the lot and a new water reservoir at the northern portion of the lot. The two projects are proposing to share an access drive along the west side of the property and a second driveway would b e located closer to the east property line for fire truck exiting. The site slopes from north to south from approximately 226 feet to 208 feet (18 feet). The site is located within the Wellhead Protection Area Zone 2. The two projects would be constructed in two phases. Construction of the fire station would begin in February 2018 and end on December 2018. Exterior improvements include parking, driveways, landscaping, pedestrian sidewalks, and stormwater improvements. The applicant has identified 21 signifi cant trees onsite and proposes to retain one (1) tree along the west side of the property. The following reports have been submitted with the land use application: Preliminary Technical Information Report, Arborist Tree Assessment, Trip Generation Assessment, and Geotechnical Report. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION HAS PROBABLE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS THAT CAN BE MITIGATED THROUGH MITIGATION MEASURES. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on November 17, 2017, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of RMC 4-8-110 and information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk’s Office, (425) 430 -6510. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE 7TH FLOOR OF CITY HALL, 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON NOVEMBER 21, 2017 AT 11:00 AM TO CONSIDER THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, THE APPEAL WILL BE HEARD AS PART OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: September 28, 2017 TO: Clark Close CC: Ian-Fitz James FROM: Eric Ott SUBJECT: Code Modification Request for Additional Right-of-Way Dedication and Waiver of Street Frontage Improvements for Fire Station 15 and Kennydale Reservoir at 1404 N 30th St Code Modification Request: RMC 4-6-060 Public Street Right-of-Way Design Standards The City of Renton Community Services Department requests a modification of City Code RMC 4-6-060 Street Standards with regards to the dedication of a 15.5-feet of property for additional right-of-way along the north side of North 30th Street as required by City Code for a 91-feet wide arterial street. A 91 feet wide right-of-way is required for designated minor arterial roads to accommodate 4 -11 feet wide travel lanes, 2-5 feet wide bike lanes, 2-8 feet wide planter strips, 2-8 feet wide sidewalk and 2 – 2 feet wide clear areas behind the sidewalks. We have verified with the City’s transportation Department that there are no future plans for the City to widen the existing 42 feet wide paved roadway on North 30th Street and that the existing curb line can remain at its current location. Therefore, we propose a dedication of an 11 feet wide strip of land for additional right-of-way which will accommodate future half-street improvements consisting of an 8 feet wide planter strip behind the existing curb line; an 8 feet wide sidewalk behind the future landscape strip and an additional 2 feet of clear area to the new right-of-way line that will meet the City’s intent for complete street standards. We are also requesting a waiver of City Code requirements for minor arterial street regarding the installation of frontage improvements including new curb and gutter, new 8 feet wide planter strip and new 8 feet wide sidewalk along the north side of North 30th Street. We are proposing to keep the existing curb line and the existing adjacent 5 feet wide sidewalk at their current locations. As part of the new Kennydale fire station and water reservoir project, we will be installing a new 8 feet wide planter strip behind the existing sidewalk and we will provide additional on-site landscaping in front of the new fire station building. Practical Difficulties with Current Code and Standards To comply with Code requirements for minor arterial street, the new curb line will need to be located approximately 6 feet north of the existing curb line and it is difficult and impractical to construct several tapered sections of new curb lines to match the existing curb line and to accommodate two new driveways, one for the fire station and the other for the interior access road to the reservoir. In addition, the installation of a new 8-ft planter strip behind the above described new curb line along with a new 8-ft sidewalk will make difficult and impractical to transition the new sidewalk to the existing sidewalk on both side of the property. Several transition areas from the new sidewalk to the existing sidewalk with angle points will be required within a short section of street frontage and will create a safety hazard to pedestrians. Our request meets the City’s criteria for code modification per RMC 4-9-250D as follows: 1. The proposed street improvements meet the City’s proposed roadway standards for N 30th Street and conform to the intent and purpose of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The requested modification is consistent with the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element. 3. The proposed improvements will meet the objectives and safety function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. The City’s Transportation Department has indicated their support of the request. 4. The requested modification will not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity of the project. 5. The requested modification and proposed improvements conform to the intent and purpose of the code. 6. The request is justified for the use and situation intended. 7. The request will not create adverse impacts to other properties. Thank you for your consideration on this matter. RentonStation 12 SE 96thPl DaytonCtNE118thPlSESE 86th St SE 76th Ct HarringtonAveNE128thPlSESE77th PlNE 7th Pl127thAve SE SE 78th P l LynnwoodAveNELincolnAveNEMontereyAveNEDaytonAveNENE 21st S tSE 80th St NE 37th Pl NE 10th Pl SE 74th Pl QueenPlNEWilliamsAv e N N W 6 th St SE 8 0 t h W a y NE 9thPlMercerTerraceDr S E 70th St N 10th St BlaineAveNEIndexAveN ESE74thPl Newcastle Way 127th Pl SEN 43r d S t N41St NE 8th Ct N E 4thCir NE 9th Ct N E 13thStSE 76th PlHouserWay N81st Pl SENE 18th St SE95thPl125thAveSE76t h P l SE NE 14th Pl NE 17th Pl SE 65th Pl NE 23rd St SE6 5thStSE80th StAc c e s s R d SE65thSt 119thPlSESE 73rd Pl NE 15th St90th Pl SES 123rd Pl N E 25thPl85thAveSE BlaineCtNESE83rdSt SE81 stPlSE74thCt NE 17th Ct NE 18th PlSE72ndSt NE 24th Ct NE 13th St NE23rdCtNE6thCir S E 73rdSt S E 92 ndPlNE 24th Pl NE 23rd StSE7 0thPlSE 7 4thPl86th AveSEHillcres t LnNE NE 7th Pl82ndAveS 127th Pl SENE 11th Ct N E 27thCt JeffersonAveNESE81stCt Newport Ct N E N 40 t h P l NE 25th Pl S 115th Ln 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82ndAve S IndexPlNESE78thSt DaytonAveNE126thAveSEWellsAve N SE 7 5 t h P l 123r dAveSENE 19th St SE 69th St B enothoPl126thAveSESE67th St RentonAveNESE65th St 125thAveSENE 3rd Pl 119 thPlSE CamasAveNEN 7th St 122ndAveSEN W 4 t h P l SE 68th St 81stAveSESE85thStEdmondsAve N E 79thAveSQueen Pl NESE64th Pl SE87thSt 114thAveSE88thAveSUnionAveNESE85th P lSeaShoreAve NE 25th St Edmonds Pl NE115th Pl SESE 68th Pl SheltonPlNESE65th Pl NE 26th P lNE 21st St NE 21st St 12 3 r d PlSE122ndPlSE82ndAveSSE66th S t NE 26th Pl S 114th St SE 76thSt SE 67thSt NE 15thPlGlennwoodAveNENE 23rd St NE 13th Pl NE 40th St Edmonds CtNEMeadowPlNSE65th St SE 72nd St 124th Ave S E Monroe Ave NESE71st St NE 33rd Pl S125th St HarringtonPlNENE 20th St 126t hPl SENE11th PlFerndalePlNESE 79th Pl RedmondCtNEN10thPlNE 22nd St SE 85th Pl SE 85th St Monterey CtNENE24th Ct S E 68thSt NE 17th St SE 7 5th Pl Raymon d P l N WNE 11th StPiercePlNEN 24th St NW 5 th St 119thPlSE129thPlSEQueenAveNE88thAveSHardieAveNWNW4thPl S E 79th St 114th Pl SEKennewickAveNENE 7th StSE76thPl 1 2 7thPl SEKirklandPlNEOlympiaAve NE118thAveSES123rdSt SE 87th St SE 71st PlSE 64th St S 122nd St N 37th St N E6th Ct FactoryAveNIndexPlNENE 30th St MeadowAveNS 120th St NE 24thSt79thAveSE124thAveSE S 124th St SE 66th St QueenAveNESE73rd St 128th Ln SEEdenLnW SE73rdPl 8 1 s t P l S Coal Cre ek P k w y S E IndexCtNESE 90th St RedmondAveNE120t hPl SEGeneCoulonParkAcRdAberdeenAveNE113th Pl SELincoln Ave NE SE 65 thSt N 37th St 111thPlSEPierceAveNE94thAve SE78thAveSDaytonAveNESE 84th St Harrington Pl NE1 2 1 st A v e SEForestAveS OlympiaAveNES 125thSt MercerPl NJeffersonAveNE125thPlSESunset Blvd NStevensAveNW126thAveSESE 76th StS 115th Pl SheltonAveNE82ndAveSS 115th St 119th Pl SE PierceAveNESE 78th St RedmondAveNES 126th St S 114th St 92ndAveSESheltonAveNE1 1 7 t h PlSE NE 11th Pl SE 104th St SE 68th Pl SE77th Pl NE 6 t h P lNE 43rd St 83rdAveSNE33rd St N 37th St S 117th St N 32nd St NE8th Pl NE 9th Pl QueenAveNE126thAveSE83rdPlSENE 35th Pl 82ndAveSSE 74th St SE 98th S tS 12 6 t h S t WellsAveNN E 44th St LaurelLnS Blackford LnSE72ndStS 121st St Fa ctory Pl NAvalonPl HarringtonPlNENE 22nd St SE 7 3rd P l126thPlSE 113thAve SE 128thAveSE B ronsonPlNENE8thSt N 4th StLotusPlS 124t hAv eS E SE67th Pl S 123rd St 114thAveSETacomaAve NE N 28th St LakeV iew L n S E 6 4 t h St S 115th St Aberd e e n A veNES E 67th StSE 67th St RedmondAveNELewis Ln 82ndAveSN 41stPlShoreL nSE84th W a y MontereyAveNENW 7th St NE 48th St SE 67 t h P l SE7 1 s tSt SE 82nd St 119thAve S E SE65th S tCamasAveNEN 36th St96thAveSE89thPlSE N E3rdSt77thAveSESE 89th St JeffersonAveNE121stAveSENE 10th Pl SE 77thPl HarringtonCir NE NE 5th Pl NE 10thCt S 124th St S 112th St 128th A veSEHighAveNENE 27th St NE 36th St Jefferson A v eNEN 3rd St 127thAveSENE17thPl NE 14th St SE 72nd St NE 28th St S 124th St S E 92nd St SE78thSt NE 25th St 1 2 6 t h Pl SE117thA v e S E Sunset Ln NE120thAveSESE 68th St 91stAveSEMonroeAveNENE 9th Pl SunsetBlvdN87thAveSE N E5 th S tFernda le Ci rNE84thAveSEDaytonAveNESE 76th St IndexAveNE12 5 t h P l S E S 123rd Pl GardenPlS SE64thPl N 2 0 th S tRedmondPlNEN 26th St NE 11th St118thA v e SENE 10th Pl SE 68th Pl BlaineAveNENE 4th CtSE 100th St85thAveSE MapleAveNWNE 23rd Pl115thAveSE 79thAveSWPerimeterRdS 122nd St SE 73rd St 131stAveSEN 42nd Pl92ndPlSE I ndexAveNE125thAveSESE 88th St NE 10th Ln109thAveSE SunsetBlvdNWilliamsAveN N E 8 th S tS S unnycrestRdS 113th St Ol ympi aA veNE S 113th St SE86thPl127thPlSEN 40th St S u nsetL n NESE 75th Pl S 118th St Ca ma sAveNE S 119th St 92ndAveSEForestAveS SE63rd St 113thPlSENE 6thPlSE 80th St 114thAveSEM onte r e y P l N E83rdAveSE SE 93 r d S tNE 23rdPlMeadowAveN NE 10th St QueenAveNEGlennwoodAveN E N1 0th PlRipleyLnNSE 91st St Senec a AveNW Monterey Ct NE127thAveSENE6thPl85thAveS E 1 1 2 t h Pl S E NE 28th St S 118th St N 27th Pl RentonAveS N 35th St N 33rd Pl 127thPlSENE 21st St N 28th Pl N 36th St WellsAveNNE 8th St 1 29th Av eSEMeadowAveNWilliamsAveNS 114th St MeadowAveNS 112th St NE 23rd St 121stAveSEQueen AveNENE 22nd Pl NE 22nd St S 114th St KennewickAveNESE 71stSt Fernda le AveNEJeffersonAveNESE74thSt SE 72nd Pl 121st Pl SEIsland Crest Way122ndAveSE122nd PlSELindAveNW129thAveSEShel t onAveNE129th Pl SEHillside Ln T a y l o r P l NW S 117th Pl CoalCreekPkwySE121st Pl SEW indsorWayNEN 5th St 120thPlSESE 75th Pl JeffersonAveNEN 38th St S 117th St S 115th Pl SE 71st St SE 76th St93rdAveSE G randeyWayNENE 19th St NE 6th Pl119thAveSEN Park DrN 33rd St 123rdAveSEN 29th St 80thAveS128thAveSEStevensAveNWN 32nd St Avalon D r AccessRd121stAveSES 128th St N 31st St Seahawks WayPellyAveNS Lake rid g e DrBurnettAveN127t hAveSENE 9th St QueenAveNEGar denAv e NSE 78th St N 34th St N L anding Way DaytonAveNESE88thPl NE 5th PlRipleyLnSES E 7 0th Pl S 121st St81stAveSE 123rdAveSES 120th St N E 7 th S tDixon DrS 85thPlSES E 8 2 nd S tLakeWashingtonBlvdNE81stPlSE8 0 t h Pl SESE 72nd St 7 5 7 th A ve NENE 3 1 s t S t BronsonW ayNENE 16th St126t hAveSE86thAveSEW M e r c e r W a y Nish iwak i LnE Pe r ime te r RdWMercerWayOlympiaAveNES E 70th St N 30th St BlaineAveNE129th Pl SENE 20th St NE 16th St NE 6th St 129thAveSE82ndAveSENE P a rkD r118thAveSEHouserWayBypass80thAveS78thAveSE80thAveSEN 6th St LynnwoodAveNEBurnettAveN87thAveSN 8th St S 116th St Houser Way NGardenAveNNE4thSt NE 9thStLake Washington Blvd SESE 64th St NE 4th St SE 89th P l S E 9 5 t h W a y 85thAveSRai ni er AveNParkAveNNE 24th St SunsetBlvdNEJonesAveNEJonesAveNENE 10th St ParkAveNEdmondsAveNELoganAveNRainierAveS 84thAveSAberdeenAveNENE 12th St NE Sunset BlvdKirklandAveNEEMercerWayLakeWas hin gton Blvd N CamasAveNECamasAveNEDaytonAveNECamasAveNESE79th S tNE29thCt SunsetBlvdNENish iwak i LnNi shi waki Ln ProposedStation 15 ´ 0 0.5 10.25 Miles Data Sources: City of Renton, King County This document is a graphic representation, not guaranteedto survey accuracy, and is based on the best informationavailable as of the date shown. This map is intended forCity display purposes only. Information Technology - GISmapsupport@rentonwa.govPrinted on: 1/25/2017 Coordinate System: NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601Projection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: North American 1983 HARN Renton Regional Fire AuthorityProposed Fire Station 15 Station 11 Station 12 Station 15 ´ RentonStation 13 RentonStation 14 RentonStation 11 RentonStation 12 King CountyStation 17 RentonStation 16123rdAveSE S 202nd St68thAveS SE 18 3 rdPlElmaPlNE168thWaySE187thPlSE S E 21 2 thP l171 s t CtSESE 96thPl 128thAveSE172ndAveSE118thAveSES E 92nd St DaytonCtNESE 8 3rd L nNE 1st Ct SE 86th St 125thAveSE135th Pl SESE183rd Pl S E 185thSt138thAveSES E162ndSt 111thPlSESE 76t h CtSE 176th Pl S E 5th St 134thAveSESE 173rd P l 175thAveSEN E 2 1 s t St 143rdPlSEI l wacoAveNE SE 212th St SE61stPl SE79th Pl SE 198th Pl NE7thP lSE185th Pl SE 179t h S t Field P l NE 136th Pl SE113thWaySESE78th P l NilePlNE170t hPlSE S 53rd Pl SE 195th Pl64thAveS NE1stP l SE1 79th P l1 6 2ndPlSESE 82nd C t Pi erceAve S E SE159thPlSE 183rdPl 155thAveSE146thAveSELincolnAveNEMontereyAveNE161stPlSENE 18th Pl SE 183rd St SE 186th Pl 105thPlSES E68thStSE 160th Pl S 34 th Pl SE204th Pl IlwacoAveNESE 80th St 104thPlSES E 156th St NE 9thP lTalbot Pl S104thAveSENE 10th Pl SE74th Pl 108t hL n SE SE 2 0 6th Pl 136t hAveSEN W 6th St 121stPlSEElma AveNE1 2 0 t h P l SELoganAveSS E 80thWay NE 9thPl S 3rd St 145thPlSENE 3rd St S E 8 t h D rS E 70th St 62ndAveSSELake Youngs Rd S 2nd St E agl e LnS SE May V a l l e y R d N 10th St BlaineAveNEIndexAveN E SE 213th Pl 1 7 4th Ave SEKirkland Ave SE134t hAveSES E 1 8 3 rdDrMainCtS68thAveSH ayes PlS W 117thAveSE127thPlSES 194th St164thAveSESE 184th St SE 62nd St S E199thPl1 3 4 th LnSES 213thSt HouserWay N 125thAveSEI n t e r u r b a n Av e SSE 201s tPl120t hLnSE 119thPlSESE 73rd Pl 135t hAveSE133r d PlSE S E 167th S tSE72ndS t 141st P lS EMercerTerraceDr66thA v e S Hillcres t LnNE NE 7th Pl JeffersonAveNE 179thPlSE178thPl SEW aters Ave S BremertonPlNEHarringtonAveNESE 76t hPl 126thPlSEHouse r Wa y N S 7th St Winds o r PlNE122ndPlSEBenson Rd S127thAveSEMountainViewAveNSE84thCtSE 188th PlSE172ndStFortDentWayCedar Rid g e Dr S E ShattuckAveSSE78 t h Pl S 6th St S 204th StS204thSt SE 165th St SE 3rd P lSE66th Pl LakePlS NE9th Pl SE 91st St BurnettAveSSE 1 42 n d P lBremertonAveSESE92 n d S t113thPlSES31st Ct S 29th St NE 6th Pl72ndPlSN 2nd St SE 3rdSt NE 4th Pl S E 17th CtN E 5th Ct Birch DrSE 170th P l 142nd Pl SEParkPlNS212th Pl NE 18thStSE18 7th PlS 51st St N 39th Pl NE6th P lRhodyDrNE 1st Pl Talbot Rd S82ndPl S S 51s tCtS 27t h PlNE 5th Ct NE 7 t h S tSE61stSt NE 1st Pl 148thAveSE112thAveSE98thAveSSE131st Pl S 151st St SE 68th St96thP lSNE20thS t NE 8th StS113thSt SE167 thSt SE 75th StS29th C t 108thPlSESE178thStS 209th St SE62nd St 66thAveSSE 169th StNE13thPl SE187th Pl SE88th Pl S E 61st Pl S 131s tStSE 20th Ct N E 9th Pl 121stPlSENE 3rd Ln SE 75th PlS 156th St NE 3rd Pl NE 9th St NE 5th St NE 19th St S 185th Pl76thAveS SE 69th St 6 6 t h Av eSSE 74th St B enothoPl1 3 5t h PlSESE6 5th St SE209thSt NE 3rd Pl SE 148 th St74thLnSN 7th St SW 21st St N W 4 t h P l 107thPlSES E 19thCt SE 68th St SE85thSt79thAveSSE169 th PlSE64th Pl S 20th Pl NE 6th St 124thAveSE153rdA v e SE 117thPlSESE 5th Pl SE 87t hSt88thAveSNE 4th PlSE85th P lNE 2nd St NE 25th StSE68thPl 101st A veSESE167 th St NE 6th CtSE65thPl NE 1st P lNE 26th P lNE 21st St NE 21st St 1 2 3 rdPlS ESE202ndPlNE25th Ct122ndPlSE119th Pl SE133rdPlSESE157thS t148thAveSE SE 2nd St S 1 1 5 thPlSE17 th St NE 9th St S 206th St 1 0 2ndAveSENE 2nd Pl SE 112thPl S 125th St S E 169th Pl82ndAveSMainAveSNE 5th Pl NE 24th St 130thAveSESE66 th S t NE 26th Pl S 114th St S 2 1 3 thSt141 stPlSE S E 8 2 n d S tSE 139th Ct Moses Ln SS11 6th St 114thCtSESE 67th StNE 15thPl180th Pl SEHazelwoodLnKitsapPlNE NE 23rd St NE 13th Pl 138thPlSE150thPlSESE 210th St NE 27th Pl NE2nd Ln 15 2 n d PlSE NE 40th St SE2 09thSt SE65thSt SE 90th Pl NE 8th Pl N E 13th St 92ndAveSNW 3rd Pl NE2 2 ndCt SW5thCt SE 66t hPl144thPlSESE71st St NE 33rd Pl S 125th St SE91stSt HoquiamAveNENE 5th St SE 135th Pl 172nd Pl SESE61stCt 121stPlSENE 20th St SE 178th Pl NW 3rd St 126thPlSE1 3 7 t h A v eSE 115thLnSENE 21st Pl 73rd Ln S132nd PlSE NE 11th P lSE 181st St138thPlSENE11thPlDaytonDrSE SE 209th St S 4 6 th Pl S E2nd St SE 79th Pl S 52nd St NE22n d Ct SE 62nd St N10thPl132ndPlSESE 85th Pl SE173r d Pl165th Pl SESE 209th S t NE 24thCt N E 8 th Ct SE 197th St S149th St SE 85th St SE 181st S tSE184th Pl NE 6 th C tSE 1 7 0 t h S t114thPlSENE24thCt S E 2nd Pl NE 7th St 150th Pl SESE 188th PlN E 2nd St SE 198th Pl SE 188th St NE 2n dCtSE68thSt SE 140th Pl112thAveSENE 17th St SE1 6 7 t hPlEagleLnSSE75thPl SE 59th St PiercePlNES 47th S t66thAveS N E 7 th St SE 99th St NW 2nd Pl N 24th St NE 5th C tNE 9th CtSE66thSt S 144th St SE 180th Pl NileAveNENW 5 th St S 117th St NE 8th St119thPlSE NE17thSt S 4th Pl 128t hA veS E SE 3rd Pl 166thPlSESE 188thPl SE 203rd Pl88thAveS SE 2nd Ct NW4thPl 172ndPlSESE17 3 r d S t SE 172nd St NE 1st Ct SW 2nd St S E 79th St 114th Pl SEShadowPlSES26 th St 158th Pl SENE 10th Pl NE 14th Pl S E 166th St NE 11th St NE 7th St 143r dAv e SENE 2nd Pl SE 137th PlSE76thPl 170thAveSES 25th St S 1 2 9thSt153rdAveSES 202nd St SE 163rd St S E175thPl S 47th Pl 122ndPlSESE201stSt SE199th St SE 190th St 184thAveSESE 184th Pl S E 77t hCtS 16th St S E 60th Pl SE 1 2 7 thPl 166th AveSE106thAveSESE 4th PlField Pl SE141stAveSESE 113th St 160thPlSESE 87th St SE156 t h S t SE140th St S 77th PlS 32nd Pl SE 166th P lJone s PlSE SE 207th St 145th Pl SESE 64th St S 208th St N 2nd St N 37th St 1 31stPl SEDuvallPlNE138thAveSES 18th St SE 116th Pl S E 1 60thSt157th Pl SEN E6th C t147th Pl SE76thAveS113thAveSE105t hPl SENel sonPlSIndexPlNENE 30th St 113thAveSES E 62nd S tNE 24thSt SE109thSt79thAveSESE66thSt 150thAveSE179thAveSEFieldPlNE70thAveS OrcasAveNE144thAveSES 209thSt 168thAveSESE 159th Pl SE 193rdSt Ilwaco Pl SESE 7th St115thCtSESE107thSt SE 182nd St 174th Te r SE128th Ln SESE 194th P l 146 th AveS E113thPlSESE 168th St S E 3rd St109thAveSE143rdPlSESE78th Pl S 1 90thS t S 124th St 1 6 2 ndAveSESE73rdPl S 37th Pl NE 2nd Pl BlaineDrSESE 8th St 8 1 st Pl S NE 7th Pl Pine RdS28th C tSE 181st Pl SE 90th S t154thPlSERedmondAveNE137thAveNES 3 5 t h St 164thAveSESE 139th Pl72ndAveS 115th Pl SESE 180th StMorrisAveS S 194th St Ge mD r S EParkside Ln 82 ndAv eSETreck Dr SE 212th Pl S E 1 8 0 t h S t113thPlSESE182ndSt148thAveSES27thPl86thAveSELincolnAveNES 36th St S E 65 thSt N 37th S t 122ndPlSE111th Pl SESE2 1 stPlRhodyDr S203 r d Pl PierceAveNESE 172nd Ln94thAveSE SE1 7 7 th St S 119th St S 118th Pl 94th Ave S 1 4 0t h PlSE113thPlSE 163rdAveSESE 62 ndPl 64thPlSDaytonAveNEKi t sapAveNEMt Baker Pl NE156thPlSE161stAveSES 22nd Ct SE 84th St MorrisAveS1 4 6th Pl SE 149thAveSE SE 189th Pl S 118th St SE 1 89th Pl S E7th Ct 162ndAv e SE SE 139th Pl SE 186th Pl 1 2 1 s t A v e SESmithersAveSSE 60th St S 117th Pl 136thAveSEN E 1 1 th St 157thPlSESE 18thStSE63rdPl SE163rdSt S Norfolk St 152ndAveSES2 07th Pl Breme rt o nPlNE S E 62nd St AberdeenPlSEHoquiam Pl NE119thAv e SES E 1 7 8 t h StSE62ndSt114thPlSE SE 205th St 138thAveSESE 143rd Pl SE 140th St S 37th St 119thPlSE160thAveSE135thPlSE131st Pl SES Bangor St S W LangstonPl S 206th St OlympiaAveNE172ndAveSE143rdAveSEM ercerPl N67thAveSSE 131st St S28th St JeffersonAveNESE 130th St SE 162nd St SE 180th Pl125thPlSESE 8th St SE 166th St70thPlS NE 1st PlStevensAveNW 114thAveSESE 76th St153rdPlSE NE 2nd Pl DavisAve S SE 63 rdPl145thAveSE67thAveS172nd Pl SE140thAveSE104t hPl SE 97th Ave SSE 196th StS32nd P l82ndAveS SE159th St 146th Pl SESE 186thSt 143rdPlSESE191st Pl NE 1st St119thPlSEPierceAveNE SE 187th St 124thAveSE144 t h A v e S E SE168th St SE 199th St S E 111th Pl NE 18th Cir Mont BlancPlNWS E 184th PlBlaine D r SE S 126th St S 153rd St 92ndAveSESheltonAveNEParkAccessRd9 8t hAv eSNE 11th Pl 184thAveSE89thAveSSW 29th St SE 104th St SE 68th Pl SE171stStSE77thPl NE 6 t h P lNE 8th St N E 43rd St 148thAveSE160thPlSES 210th Pl 112thPlS E83rdAveSWellsAveS NE 17th Pl NE33rd St S 17th St 14 8thLnSE N 37th St S 19 6thPl S 117th St N 32nd St S 115th Pl NE8th Pl BensonRdSNE 9thPl QueenAveNESE 2 nd Pl 126thAveSESenecaAveSW151stPlSESE154thSt83rdPlSE145thPlSE SE 1 6 7thSt108thAveSEHemlockDr SE 177th PlNE 11th Ct 112thAveSE110thAveSE162nd Pl SE138thAveSENE 12th St 82ndAveSS 50thSt S 194th St 140thAveSESE18 0thPl SE 74th St SmithersAveSLyonsAveSESE98t h S tSE 163rd St70thAveSWellsAveNNE44th S t NE 3rd Ct 154thPlSEMtBaker AveNESE 1 39thS tSW 4 t h P l S 121st St SE153rdPl S 45th PlS 45th Pl SE 188th S t80thAveS 13 1st A v e SESE 1 2 4 t h StS 194th Pl AvalonPlSE179th St SLangstonRd SE 146th Pl SE 191stS tNE 20th St SE60th P l Ha rad e rDr SE SE 78th St SE 212th St 145thAve SE106th Pl SES E 1 96th S t S2 04th Pl NE 22nd St 186thAveSES206th S tIlwacoAveNESE 73rd Pl186thPlNE113t hAveS E147thPlSERentonAveExt155th PlSE122nd L nSEVashonPlNE114thAveSE97thPlSSmithersAveSSE 61s t Pl SE 203r d Pl B ronsonPlNE139thA v e SENE8thSt NW 2nd St S 153rd St SE 212th St 178thAveSE153rdAveSEN 4th St SE J o n e s R d EdenLnW LotusPlS14 1 stAve SE S 202nd St IlwacoPlNE127thAveSESE1 65th St C h e l a n Av e SE124thAveS E S E 6 0 th St122ndAveSESE187th StSE187thPl SE67thP lDuvallAveNES 123rd St 140thAveSE114thAveSETacoma Ave NE SE1 44thS tS 50th P l 135thPl SESE177th P l N 28th St S 112th St KitsapAveNE147thAveSE NE 16th S tJerichoAveSELakeV ie w L n 127th Pl SESE 165thPl SE 190th St S 208th St S 115th St SunnydaleMobile Ho m eParkAcRdS 43rd StFunCenterWay S E 9 1 s t StSE 62nd St 164thAveSE S 50th St SE 114th St SE 203rd St S E 6 4 t h St1 69thPlSE SE 178th Pl70thPlSNE1stSt MainAveSSE 186th Pl S E60thSt62ndAveSSE67th St147thAveSESE 180th St 145thAveSESE 67th St Oak Dr14 2 ndWay S ELewis Ln82ndAveSN41 stPlShoreL nFi r Ln S132nd St S 143rd Pl 98thAveSS E 86th St MontereyAveNESE 3rd St NW 7th St SE 2 1 2 th P lNE 4th Pl NE 48th St 134thPlSESE67thPl Ken n e w ic k P l N E 180thAveSEFerndaleAveNESE7 1stSt SE 76t hStS E 82nd St 145thAveSESE 58th St 119thAv e S E N E 8 th P l98t hAveS NileAveNES E 65th StSE 108th St162ndPlSE SE155th Pl S E 188t hStNE 5th Pl 96thAve S N 36th St MapleAveSW1 69thAveSESE182ndSt S 198 th StNE 7th Pl96thAveSE 99thPlSS 125thSt S E 71st StSE 61stPl S116thPl 89thPlSE72ndAveS122ndPlSENE 3rd Ct148thAveSEParkViewAveS SE18 0th Pl128thPlSESE89thStS27thSt 123rdPlSEToledoAveSE104thAveSE 136thAveSE168thTerSE71stAveSNE 2nd Pl S 143rd St JeffersonAveNEBronson Way SShattuckAveS121stAveSESE 134th S t SE 117th St SE 18 5th Pl NE 10th Pl Whitm a nAveNEBlackford LnSE143rd S t187thAve S E62ndAveSS3rdPl SE 77th P l GrahamAveNENE 3rd PlHarringtonCirNE SE 191st St S E75thS t174th Ave SE145thAveSESE 173rd St SE 137thSt 151stAveSESE 123rd Pl 144thAveSENE 5th Pl NE 10th Ct 141stAve S E SE66thSt 110th Ln SELakeAv e S S 112th St SE174th St SE 17 2n d P l103rdAveSE132ndPlSE1 8 5t h A v e SES E 21 3 t h St78thAveSS 129th St 1 3 1 st Ave SESE 1 7 1st Pl119th PlSESE18thPlHazelwood LnSE 3rdSt S 77th PlSE 143rd StSE 8th Pl SE 22nd Pl NE 20th Pl 78thAveSSE178thSt 85thAveS133rdPlSE146thAveSES 21st St SE58thPl SE 177th St128thAveSE MainAveS110t hLnS EHighAveNE NE 27thSt SE87th P lIlwacoAveNE103rdAveSENE 23rd St 69thAveS132ndAveSES204th S tYakimaAveSEF a ctory PlN SE 1 8 4t h LnOakesdaleAveSW 1 5 0 t h Pl SE150thLn SE 166th Pl SE160th AveSESE62ndSt SE 190th StShattuck Pl SSE 167th Pl LaurelDr S E 167th StSE 185th Pl PatriotWaySE 1 7 2 n d S tEMercerWay S Glacier St SE 132nd St 134thAveSES 182nd St SE 204th Pl NE 4th Pl 184thAveSE182ndAveSE84thAveSIndexPl S E S 26th St SE63rd S t155th PlSESE85thStKir k l a n d A v e SEField Pl NESE 160th Pl127thAve SENE 1st St SE 1 67 th P lNE 17thPl 139th Ave SEOlympiaAveSE117thAveSE161st Pl SE108thAveSEVuemontPlNE 132ndAveSE165thAveSE132ndPlSES E 182nd Pl SE 173rd St S 133rd Pl SE 157th St IlwacoPlNES E 139th Pl SE 72nd St S E 169th Pl NE 28th St LaurelLn S ChelanAveNEPea r TreeLn SE 165th S tWMercerWay 138th A veSE163r d PlSES E 2nd CtS E 133rd St S 124th St SE 92nd St S E 1 7 0 t h P lSE 1 4 8 t h S t S E2nd Ct Riverside Dr G l ennwoodPlSESE 61s t S t 152ndPlSEForestAve S 144thP lSES 208th St SE 78th St N E 25th St NelsBerglundRd152ndAve SESE79thPlLyonsAveNE S 194th St Burnet t Pl SS 47th St HarringtonPlSE70thAveS135thAveSE104thAveSESE157thPl 15 1st AveSESE 169th St 1 2 6 t h Pl SES212thSt SE 136th St SE 16th Pl 162ndAveSEN E 8th Pl117thA v e S E SE 161stStSunsetLnNE NE 12th St 139thWaySE1 2 6 t h P l SEMillAveSSE 171st Pl SE181stSt120thAveSESE 68th St OrcasAveNE91stAveSE103rd Pl SEShelt onAveSES11 5 th S tMonroeAveNELyonsAveNE109thPlSE96thAveSSE 1 8 1st St NE 9th Pl 11 8thAveSE80thAveS170t hP l SE SE 169th Pl 147thPlSENewcastle Way SE169thStSunsetBlvdN 102ndAveSESE84th W a y SE 171st Pl SE 59th S t8 7t hAveSESE 187th St C o stco Dr SE175thSt SE67th St S 127th Pl 143rdAveSE7 1 s tPlSS 12 9 th Pl S 9th St N E 5 th StFerndaleCirNE84thAveSE S E 188th StDaytonAveNESE188thWay128thAveSES48thSt 114thPlSE69thPlSSE 136thSt SE 76thSt 105thAveSENE 2nd St SE 206th St W Ridge Rd Pine DrS 36th St 152ndAveSEIn d exAveNE140th WaySE70thAv e S164thAveSE125th Pl S E S 124th St 1 8 5thWa y SEEdmonds W ay S ESE 170th St S 123rd Pl 95thAveSSE 1 84th PlLakeWashingtonBlvdSEGardenPlS SW 13th St SE64thPl N 20thStMaple DrS 206th St 114th Pl SE147thAveSENE 19th St SE 170th StRedmondPlNE 182ndAveSESE 133rd P l NE 2nd Ct NE 11th St118thAveSE SE 2nd StSE 148thS t152ndAveSE 143rdAveSENE 10th Pl SE 68th Pl MainAveSNE2ndCt SE163rdStMonroeAveSE74thAveS WellsAveS167thAveSE148thAveSE142ndPlSEN 2nd St SE 163rd St Jericho Pl NENE 25th P l WhitworthAv eSQuincyAveNE118th Pl SEBlaineAveNESE 169th St H ouserW aySN E 4thCtSE 100th St 130thAveSENE 7th Pl NileAveNESE 3rd St85thAveSE QuincyAveNE14 4t hPl SENE 23rd Pl SE 176th Pl S 190th St 163rdA v e SE115thAveSE168thPl SE133rdAveSESE 64th St116thPlSESE 59thPl Evergreen Dr Alder Pl Shado wAv eNESCarrRdSE 176th Pl 133rd A v e S E 79thAveS155thAveSEWPeri met er RdS E 1 80th Pl 1 58th Ave SE 99thAveSS 122nd St RoyalHillsDrSESE 73rd St 176thAveSE SenecaAveNW131stAveSEN 42nd Pl 92 ndPlS E Holy o keP l S 158thAveSE63rd A ve S 97thAveSS 188th St NE 19th S t S 130th S tI ndex AveNE125thAveSERainierAveSSE 21st St ChelanAveNEMorrisAveS159th Pl SE76thAveS69thAveSRainierAveSSE 88th St 129th Pl SENE17th St NE 10th Ln109thAveSE 122ndAveSE136thPlSE1 1 3th A veSE133rdPlSESE64thWay 1 1 5th PlSES 208th St SE 190th St HoquiamAveNE172ndAveSESunsetBlvdNWilliamsAveN NE 1s t St NE 8 t h S t160thAveSESFountai n StSE 174th St 168thPlSESE11thS tSE 1st PlHouserWayN 139t hAveSEBeaconAveS 160th PlSE125thAveSESE 170th St119thAveSE 136thAveSE121stAveSESE 1 7 3 r d S t 162ndAveSENE 10th PlOlympiaAve N E 114thA v e SES 113th St Whitm a n AveNENE 25th St SE 6 1stSt149thAveSESE86thPl K irklan d Av eSE77thAveS1 27t hPlSEN 40th St SE1 4 5 t h S t SE 201st St 184thAveSE1 59th Ave S ES 27th St SE 143rd St S unset L n NE186thAveSES E 9 0 thStNE 23rd St 64thAveS1 1 1 t h WaySESE 75 t h Pl S 118th St 127thPlSE142ndAveSE139thPlSETh omas Ln Cama s AveNE S 119th St SWVictoria St NE 24th St 113th Pl SESE 170th St92ndAveSE 156thAveSES123rdSt142ndAveSE ForestAveS Fir DrRos ewood Dr SE 168thSt 121stLnSERidgecrest Ln SE 165th Way MeadowLn NE 1 s t S t SE 184th St S 116th St 117t hAveSE147thAveSESE 122nd St 150th Av e SESE 14 6 t h St172ndAveSENE2nd S t113thPlSE SE63rdSt 156th Pl SEDavisAveS185thAv e SENE6 thPl94thAveSE157thPlSELongacresDrSW SE 80th St NachesAveSW90thAveSE144thPlS E N E 1stPl S 199th Pl S E 1 75 th StRe n t onCe nt erWaySW114thAveSESE 168th St S Renton Village Pl Holly Hill Dr SW4thPl M onte r e y P l N E83rdAveSE 98th Pl S164th Pl SE1 7 3 r d Av e SE S E 9 3 r d S tJonesAveS81stAveS64thAveS7 4 t h Pl S184thAveSE147thAveSENE 23 rd Pl 1 4 3 r d AveSESE7 1st St LyonsAveNEIndex A ve S E BurnettAveSS 2nd S t MeadowAveN109thAveSE110thPlSENE 10th St68thPlS QueenAveNESE66thSt 119thAveSEGlennwoodAveNE CedarAveSN10th P l174thPlS ERipleyLnN N R i v e r s i d e D r SE 210th PlEarlingtonAveSW SE 207th St114thAveSEPasco Dr NE68thAveS169thAveSEPowellAveSWSE 135th St NachesAveSWS e necaAveNW Monterey Ct NE127thAveSE92nd AveSE 1 3 9th Av eSE SE188th St NE6thPl 147thA v e SESE63rdSt SECougarMountainWay188thAveSES 3 rdSt107thAveSE143rd Av eSE85thAveSE1 1 2 t h Pl SE ShadowAveNENE 28th St SE 212th St 148thAveSES 118th St SE 211th St SE161stPl SLaurelSt N 27th Pl SE7thSt Harrington Ave SE 130t hAveSENE 11th St SE6 0 thSt SE 138th St 105th Pl SE131stAveSE108thAveSES118thPl S 7th St S 2 3 r dSt SE 64th St S193rd St 188thAveSEAberdeenAveSES Rusti c RdS 209th St 120thAveSE169thAveSESE 132nd St N 35th St S E 1 8 6 th Way N 33rd Pl NE5th St 177th Pl SE114thAveSENE 12th St127thPlSENE 21st St 181stAveSEN 28th Pl SE 69th Wa y 119thAveSES 118th St SE 202nd St N 36th St NileAveNES 6th St SE 113th St SmithersAveS182ndAve S E 152ndAveSES 115th St S 202nd St SE 180th St VashonAveNEWellsAveNNE 8th St S 124th St LakeAveSWa t e r s Av e S MeadowAveNThomasAveSWWilliamsAveN104th Pl SE121stAveSES E 188th W a y122ndAveSE124thAveSE123rdAveSE 15 2ndAveSE116thAveSES120thPl 139th Pl S EMontere yPlNES 23rd St S 114th St SE 120th St SE 108th St S 190th St 102ndPlSEMeadowAveN84thAveSOakwo o d AveSRai ni er Av eSS75thPlS 186th Pl MonroeAveNES E 162n d St NE 26th S tMorrisAveSS 184th St LakeAveSNE 23rd St StarfireWay 121stAveSES 196th St AnacortesAveNEQueenAveNE162ndAveSE111thAveSE175thA v e S E 101stAveSES203rd St 149thAveSEDavi sAveSSE 1 4 9 th StHardieAveNW149thAveSES 114th St MorrisAveS178thAveSETalbotCrestDrSKennewickAveNESE 71st S tMapleAveSW180thAveSES 31st St S E 201st PlFern d aleAveNES 198th St SE1 4 7 t h St 77thAveS170thAveSESEJonesPlJeffersonAveNESE74thSt 121stWay SE110thAveSESE 72nd Pl Glennwood AveSEBlaineAveNE 121stPlSE93rdAveSEBaker Blvd S 1 82nd S t 1 5 4thAveSE S 184th StSE 135th St OlympicAveSSE 144th St 171stAveSE152ndAveSE 186thAveSESE 179 thPl148th Pl SES 202nd St FieldAveNE66th LnS 122ndAveSEMapleAveNW122 n dPlSENWLac L e manDrSE88thWay 1 3 5thAve SE 173rdA v e S E S E 166thPl SE 171st PlSE16thStSGradyWay SE 186th St CascadeAveS129thAveSEThomasAveSW158thAveSES E 65th Pl SE 1 0 2 n d St 111thAveSEBronsonW a y N 151stAveSESE 78th W a y 181stAveSE161stAveSE68thAveS149th Pl SESE 2nd Pl 109thAveSE145th Ave151st AveSESE 147th St 143rdAveSEShel t onAveNEH ouserW ayS188thAveSE1 06th Pl SESE 160th St HillsideLn 178thAveSES E 1 9 5 thP lT a y l o r P l NW S 117th Pl 121st Pl SETukwilaStationRdSE 76th St S 122nd St SE 61st St W in d s orWayNEN 5th St SE 184th St SE 63rd St FactoryAveNS 3 2nd St SE 142nd St 173rdWaySESE 60th St 120thPlSESE 204th PlFerndaleAveSE 125thAveSEVashonA ve S EArrows mith Ave S S Tilli c u m St S 210th St S Ryan St SE 75th Pl MeadowAveNRu stic RdS132ndPlSES 12 6 t h S t SE 2 1 1 th St SE 184th St SE 181st St NE 22nd St SE 65th St SE 106th St SW 5th Pl SE 60th St SE 2 11thPl132ndAveSEJeffersonAveNEN 38th St S 117th St MillAveS178thAveSE160thAveSE129thAveSESE4 t h S tSE 172nd Pl S 115th Pl 120thAveSESE 71st St SE 76th St NE 8th StRowanRdSLyon s A v eNESE 161st St 147thAveSENE 22nd Pl S Prentice St 127thPlSE93rdAveSES 38th Ct GrandeyW ayNESE 3rd Pl EagleRidgeDrSS E 172ndSt S 190th St N 1 s t S t 1 2 0 t hTer SE103rdAveSESE 133rd St 163rd Pl SETukwila P k w y 110thAveSE167th Pl SE7 5 t hAveSS 3 6 t h P lNE 6th Pl S 208th St 168thAveSESE 136th St 144thAv e S E 116thAveSES 113th St S Taft St SperryDrS 1 2 6 th StSE 4th Pl66thAveSUnionAveSE119thAveSES Ryan St 156thAveSES 190th St N Park DrSunsetBlvdNN 33rd St 13 4 t h AveSESE 162nd Pl SE Cougar Mo untain Way 123rdAveSESE 158thSt N 29th St 156thAveSEL akeridgeDrS A u b u r n AveSSpruce DrSE 4th St 105thAveSEFerndale Ave SE S E 2 04 t h StSE 1 7 0 t h P l121stAveSE80thAveSS 19th St SE83rdPl S 14th St SE160th St 128thAveSEHardieAveSW66thAveSS E 61stS t SE 102nd St 100thAveSESE 138th Pl SW 16th St S 5th St 135thPl SEN 32nd St S134thStS127thSt 129thPlSES E 151stSt A valonDrSE 202nd Pl SE 136th StAccessRd 173rdAveS E SW 39th St N 31st St Seahawks WaySE110thSt HighAveSForestAveS 104thAveSERaymondAveSWNE 8th St Pasco Pl NES 120th St IndexAveSE68thAveS 66thAveS127thAveSENE 9th St QueenAveNESW 10th St SE 2nd StFieldAveNENE 7th Pl SE 183rd St S 192nd StStevensA veSWS 130th St SE 135th StGardenAveN SE 112th St 100th Ave SE S 194th St TalbotRdS164thAveSE134thAveSE 180thAveSE136th Pl SE77thAveSESE 188th St65thAveSMa u l e Av eSUnionAveNE157th A v e S E SE 78th St S 115th St Mill Av eSSE 158th St N 34th St S 15th St S 18t h S t N Landing Way 164th Way SESW 27th St DaytonAveNES 1 3 2 nd St SE88thPl SEFairwo od Blvd M o rris A veS SE 162nd St 171st P l SE NE 5th Pl Airport Way S 200th St NE 17th St Minkler Blvd SE 145th St162ndAveSERipleyLnSESE80thStLindAveNW Be a c o n W a y S E SE 159th Pl S 114th St 137thAveSE129thAveSE106thAveSE164thAveSEWestSpringLakeDrSESE145thPlSE7 0 t h P l S 121st St81stAveSE S Tobin St SE 1 7 1 s t W a y 124thAveSES 120th St SE 200th St N E 7 th StSW 3rd Pl StevensAveNWBurnettAveNS E 8thPl 183rdWaySE85thPlSE61stAveSS E 8 2 n d St177thAveSELakeWashingtonBlvdNESE 142nd St S 4th St 131stAveSEL ake Kathle e n RdSE SW 19th St81stPlSE80thPlSE S E 180th St 7 5 7 th A v e N E NE 31st St S 116th Pl Rosario Pl NE140thAveSESE 160th St SW 12th St S 112th St NE 10th St N E16thStS 188th St 126t hAveSE8 6th Av e SENE 24th St 64thAveSS E 1 9 6 t h D r65thAveSS212thWaySE 140th StNish iwak i Ln120thAveSEW aters Ave S SE 164th St SE 144th StOlympiaAveNESE70thSt 102ndAveSEC ountyR oad 66 N 30th St 155th Ave SE S 192nd St SE 2nd Pl SE 2nd PlBlaineAveNE129thPlSE 169thAveSE129thPlSEIsland Crest Way166thAveSE171st AveSESouthcenterB lv d 116thAveSE168thAveSESE 72nd St 80thAveSNE 20th St NE 16th St NE 6th St NE 10th St SE 182nd St 144thAveSE63rdAveS129t hAve S E SE65th Pl SE 5thSt 89thAveS113thAveSE87thAveS92ndAveSBe a c onCoal MineRdS 121stAveSENE 6th St SE 164th St NE Park Dr RollingHillsA ve SE 118thAveSE174thAveSES 133rd St 133rdAveSESE60th St 163rd Pl SEIndustry DrPowellAveSWH o u s e r Wa y BypassNE 6thSt80thAveS78thAveSEWoodleyAveS80thAveSE S 134th St S 120th St SE 192nd St N 6th St LynnwoodAveNESE 6t h S tBurnettAveN SE 172nd St SE 112th St SE 142nd St87thAveSSidneyAve N AnacortesAveNE156thAveSESE 192nd Dr S 135th St DixonDrS N 8th St PellyAveNSW Langs t o n R d 176thAveSE118thAveSE82ndAveSE62ndAveS132ndPlSEHouser Way NRentonAveS126thAveSES 55th St Martin L K i n g J r W a y S JerichoAveNES 200th St RentonIssaquahRdSEStrander Blvd S E R oyalHillsDr EastLakeDesireDrSEBronsonWayNESE 186th St SE O l d PetrovitskyR d NE 4th St Mo n s t er R d S W CedarAveSL a k e YoungsWay SE Puget Dr SEWe st L a k eKa t h l e enDrSEN 3rd St SECarrR d SE 184th St SE 204th Way S 116th St NE 9th St 112thAveSEShattuckAveSSE 121st Pl SW 41st St 161stAveSE174thAveSESW 34th St 183rdAveSESE 176th St SE 64th St 181stAveSES E 1 4 1 s tS tSE 149th St155thAveSE85thAveS 169th A v eSE NE 2nd St SSunnycrestRd E Valley HwySE 200th St 184thAveSE140thWaySEE Pe r ime te r Rd106thAveSE8 0 t h Pl SMonsterRdSWSE170thStS Puge t D r 154thPlSE76thAveSS 180th St ParkAveNNE 24th St BremertonAveNECrestwoodDrSSunsetBlvdNE171stAveSESE 79th Dr GardenAveNWoodside Dr S EJonesAveNESE89thPlJonesAveNE SE 200th St SLakeridgeDr NE 10th St Rai ni erAveNSE 204th St NE 3rd St SE63rdSt SELicorice Way SW 7th St78thAveSC o r nel l AveS142ndAveSESE 116th St 72ndAveS72ndAveSSE 134th St GrantAveSEdmondsAveNESE 164th St 80thAveSSE 95th Way LakemontBlvdSE76thAveS120thAveSELoganAveNSW 43rd St SE 196th St Be a c o n W a y S SE 60th St S 128th St ParkAveNS E CougarM ou n tain Dr S 196th St 1 66thWayS E SE 144th StAberdeenAveNE WestLake DesireDr SE S Langston Rd 84thAveS160thAveSEAndover Park EN E 1 2th St 68thAveSS W G rad y W a y ParksideWaySEForest Dr SE SWSunsetBlvd KirklandAveNE84thAveSSE Renton Maple Valley Rd Benson D r SAndover Park WS 212th St S E F a ir w o odBlvdEast Valley RdSE 128th St NESunsetBlvd SE MayValley Rd New castle GolfClubRd West Valley HwyLindAveSWNE 4th St RainierAveS 108thAveSECoal Cr eek PkwySEOakesdale AveSWLakeWashingtonBlvd N 140thAveSER enton AveS SERentonIssaquahRd SE 208th St Maple Valley H w y SE Petr o v i t s k y R dChristensenRd131stPlSE1 1 7 t hPlSE SE 164th Pl 102ndAveSES E 189th PlCamasAveNECamasAve NESereneC i r SE SW 21s t St 184 t hA veSE155thA v e SE Park Acce s sR d SE 211thLn SE 117th St SunsetBlv dNE ProposedStation 15 ´ 0 0.5 10.25 Miles Data Sources: City of Renton, King County This document is a graphic representation, not guaranteedto survey accuracy, and is based on the best informationavailable as of the date shown. This map is intended forCity display purposes only. Information Technology - GISmapsupport@rentonwa.govPrinted on: 1/25/2017 Coordinate System: NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601Projection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: North American 1983 HARN Renton Regional Fire AuthorityProposed Fire Station 15 Station 11 Station 12 Station 13 Station 14 Station 15 Station 16 Station 17 4,800 400 City of Renton Wellhead Protection Area Zone 2 Map This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. Fire Station 15 11/9/2017 Legend 2720136 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Feet Notes 272 WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Information Technology - GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov City and County Boundary Parcels Wellhead Protection Area Zones Zone 1 Zone 1 Modified Zone 2