HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ_Code-Modification-Request-170928_v1PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: September 28, 2017 TO: Clark Close CC: Ian-Fitz James FROM: Eric Ott SUBJECT: Code Modification Request for Additional Right-of-Way Dedication and Waiver of Street Frontage Improvements for Fire Station 15 and Kennydale Reservoir at 1404 N 30th St Code Modification Request: RMC 4-6-060 Public Street Right-of-Way Design Standards The City of Renton Community Services Department requests a modification of City Code RMC 4-6-060 Street Standards with regards to the dedication of a 15.5-feet of property for additional right-of-way along the north side of North 30th Street as required by City Code for a 91-feet wide arterial street. A 91 feet wide right-of-way is required for designated minor arterial roads to accommodate 4 -11 feet wide travel lanes, 2-5 feet wide bike lanes, 2-8 feet wide planter strips, 2-8 feet wide sidewalk and 2 – 2 feet wide clear areas behind the sidewalks. We have verified with the City’s transportation Department that there are no future plans for the City to widen the existing 42 feet wide paved roadway on North 30th Street and that the existing curb line can remain at its current location. Therefore, we propose a dedication of an 11 feet wide strip of land for additional right-of-way which will accommodate future half-street improvements consisting of an 8 feet wide planter strip behind the existing curb line; an 8 feet wide sidewalk behind the future landscape strip and an additional 2 feet of clear area to the new right-of-way line that will meet the City’s intent for complete street standards. We are also requesting a waiver of City Code requirements for minor arterial street regarding the installation of frontage improvements including new curb and gutter, new 8 feet wide planter strip and new 8 feet wide sidewalk along the north side of North 30th Street. We are proposing to keep the existing curb line and the existing adjacent 5 feet wide sidewalk at their current locations. As part of the new Kennydale fire station and water reservoir project, we will be installing a new 8 feet wide planter strip behind the existing sidewalk and we will provide additional on-site landscaping in front of the new fire station building. Practical Difficulties with Current Code and Standards To comply with Code requirements for minor arterial street, the new curb line will need to be located approximately 6 feet north of the existing curb line and it is difficult and impractical to construct several tapered sections of new curb lines to match the existing curb line and to accommodate two new driveways, one for the fire station and the other for the interior access road to the reservoir. In addition, the installation of a new 8-ft planter strip behind the above described new curb line along with a new 8-ft sidewalk will make difficult and impractical to transition the new sidewalk to the existing sidewalk on both side of the property. Several transition areas from the new sidewalk to the existing sidewalk with angle points will be required within a short section of street frontage and will create a safety hazard to pedestrians. Our request meets the City’s criteria for code modification per RMC 4-9-250D as follows: 1. The proposed street improvements meet the City’s proposed roadway standards for N 30th Street and conform to the intent and purpose of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The requested modification is consistent with the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element. 3. The proposed improvements will meet the objectives and safety function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. The City’s Transportation Department has indicated their support of the request. 4. The requested modification will not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity of the project. 5. The requested modification and proposed improvements conform to the intent and purpose of the code. 6. The request is justified for the use and situation intended. 7. The request will not create adverse impacts to other properties. Thank you for your consideration on this matter.