HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA_Neighborhood_Meetings_170922_v1DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENTCITYOF—Renton0AFFIDAVITOFPOSTINGMEETINGLOCATIONSIGNFORANEIGHBORHOODMEETINGPlanningDivision1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057Phone:425-4307200Iwww.rentonwa.govSS1.Onthe12-dayoflocationsign(s)ont’-’-+._____20if,iinstalledI—Meetingentranceofthebuildinglocatedat—forthefollowingproject:I7A1-E73nE‘7o’JWAPr2—s2ProjectNameOwnerName2.Ihaveattachedacopyofthemeetinglocationsign(s).3.This/thesemeetinglocationsign(s)was/wereconstructedandinstalledinlocationsinconformancewiththerequirementsofChapter8Title4ofRentonMunicipalCode.SUBSCRIBEDANDSWORNtobeforeNOTS’PUBCinndfortheStateofWashington,Print/dname:C1CLt{SiiMycommissionexpireson:ttiI2STATEOFWASHINGTONCOUNTYOFKING_______________________________________________certifyunderpenaltyofperjuryunderthelawsoftheStateofWashingtonthattheforegoingistrueandcorrect,anddulyswornonoath,deposesandsays:themanSigiatureofpersonpostingNOTARYPUBLICSTATEOFWISHINGTONKARASOCOMMISSIONEXPIRES06109/2020C:\Users\rorth\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\lNetCache\Content.Outlook\B9GW58OB\NeighborhoodMeetingPostingandMailingAffidavit.docxRev.08/2016 CITYOFANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENTRenton.AFFIDAVITOFSERVICEBYMAILINGFORANEIGHBORHOODMEETINGPlanningDivision1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057Phone:425-430-7200Iwww.rentonwa.govSTATEOFWASHINGTON55COUNTYOFKINGF9rr,certifyunderpenaltyofperjuryunderthelawsoftheStateofWashingtonthattheforegoingistrueandcorrect,anddulyswornonoath,deposesandsays:1.Onthe_______dayof______________,20/7,IdepositedinthemailsoftheUnitedStates,asealedenvelopecontaininganeighborhoodmeetingnotice,pursuanttoRentonMunicipalCodesection4-8-090ANeighborhoodMeetingstopropertyownerswithinthreehundredfeet(300’)ofthepropertyforthefollowingproject:kiiJi)i,Et/r-z7,J,‘St72oIit—ProjectName‘iryt7FOwnerName2.Thisnoticewassenttotheaddressesintheattachedlist,whichwascreatedbasedonthemostrecentpropertytaxassessmentrollsofKingCountyDepartmentofAssessments.SenderSignatureSUBSCRIBEDANDSWORNtobeforemethis_____dayofS’VX,20NOTARYPUBLICinandiojtheStateofWashington,PrintedMycommissionexpireson:((jq(H:\DW-Share\Eric\FORMS\NeighborhoodMeetingPostingandMailingAffidavit.docxRev.08/2016 City of Renton Kennydale Fire Station 15 and Reservoir Project  Open House Summary – July 2017    1  Overview The City of Renton and Renton Regional Fire Authority (RRFA) are working together to build a new fire station and water reservoir in the Kennydale neighborhood that meets longstanding neighborhood and city goals for greater safety and water supply reliability. The project team hosted an open house to inform near neighbors and the broader Renton community on progress and results at the 30 percent design milestone. Both an in-person meeting and virtual, online event provided an overview of the conceptual designs for both the fire station and reservoir elements. The project team is encouraging community feedback as they prepare for a joint Conditional Use permit application. Notifications The City of Renton and RRFA advertised the open house through several methods:  a postcard mailing to surrounding neighbors (sent to 164 addresses)  notice posted to the Kennydale Project website update rentonwa.gov/kenndale- project  Email to the Kennydale Neighborhood Association (KNA) listserv and Facebook page  Facebook event postings from the City of Renton and RRFA  Byte of Renton e-newsletter (July 11) In-person and online open house events  The City of Renton and RRFA hosed an in-person open house on July 12, 2017 from 6-8 p.m. at the North Highlands Community Center Gymnasium. The purpose of the meeting was to:  Describe the purpose and need for both elements of the project  Share information about project design with the community, including site layout and conceptual design renderings  Describe temporary and permanent effects resulting from project design, construction and operations, and measures to avoid, minimize or mitigate these effects  Present initial options for public art on the reservoir and other aesthetic design elements on which feedback is welcome  Provide information on anticipated schedule and next steps, including upcoming Conditional Use permitting process City of Renton Kennydale Fire Station 15 and Reservoir Project  Open House Summary – July 2017    2   Allow time for community members to meet one-on-one with project team members to discuss the project, and to ask questions   An online open house was hosted between July 10-14 with the in-person board content available to view online. Beginning with the project overview, visitors could walk through different stations and leave comments in a feedback box at the bottom of each page. Open house stations 1. Welcome, purpose of the Open House 2. Joint project site: overview of city-owned parcel plans and project funding 3. Fire Station 15 site plan 4. Fire station 15 conceptual design: aerial view 5. Fire station 15 conceptual design: street views 6. Reservoir improvements: Reliable operations, critical storage west of I-405, and pressure zone adjustments 7. Reservoir conceptual design City of Renton Kennydale Fire Station 15 and Reservoir Project  Open House Summary – July 2017    3  8. Shadow analysis: images of reservoir shadowing 9. Arts commission process: reservoir paint treatment options of solid color, mural, or symbolic 10. Public art consideration: feedback board to share thoughts on designs or preferences 11. What to expect during construction: mitigating impacts, work hours, traffic revisions, and right-of-way impacts 12. Schedule and next steps: design and permitting, construction Display boards presented at the open house and provided online are available in Appendix A. Attendance and engagement Approximately 22 community members attended the in-person open house. Members of the project team were available to explain project information on boards at stations around the room and to answer questions. In addition to their discussions with staff, open house attendees were encouraged to complete a written comment form and to provide their feedback about potential paint treatment of the water reservoir at the reservoir aesthetics options station. One written comment form was submitted. The online open house was open to the public from July 10 to July 14 and was referred from various sources including the City of Renton webpage, the Renton Reporter webpage, and from the direct link provided on the postcard mailer. Fifty-nine different users accessed the online open house and four submitted comments via the online feedback form. All comments received are provided in Appendix B. Analytics from the online open house are in Appendix C. Key themes from community feedback Several key themes emerged from the conversations and written comments received at the open houses. These have been summarized into comments regarding Fire Station 15 and the water reservoir. City of Renton Kennydale Fire Station 15 and Reservoir Project  Open House Summary – July 2017    4  Fire Station 15 comments:   Interest in how the fire truck response time to the Kennydale area may change once the station is built  Request for an installation of a base station for HAM radio equipment inside the new fire station Water reservoir comments:  Comments related to the paint treatment for the reservoir tank o Preference from most commenters for a mural-style design on the tank, specifically referencing the tree mural design used as an example of the style o Some commenters supported having a graphic or symbolic-style treatment on the reservoir, such as the Kennydale Neighborhood logo  General support for the project  Questions concerning the seismic design of the tank  Questions concerning water pressure impacts from the new tank and pressure zone modifications  Concerns about potential noise  Reservoir location within the property Next steps The project team will consider comments and feedback on the project as they finalize the 30 percent project design and will jointly apply for Conditional Land Use permit. Permitting and final design are expected occur over the next six months, including Renton Arts Commission actions on the public art component of the reservoir. Construction is targeted to begin in early 2018. The project is committed to providing additional opportunities for the community to learn about the project as the design is finalized and there is more information about the construction schedule. Appendices Appendix A: Open House boards Appendix B: Open house comments City of Renton Kennydale Fire Station 15 and Reservoir Project  Open House Summary – July 2017    5  Appendix C: Online Open House analytics Appendix A- Open House boards .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW :HOFRPH The City of Renton and Renton Regional Fire Authority are working together to build new fire station and water reservoir in the Kennydale neighborhood that meets longstanding neighborhood and city goals for greater safety and water supply reliability. Construction is anticipated to begin early next year. The purpose of tonight’s meeting is to provide updated information to neighbors prior to submitting a permit application with the City of Renton. TONIGHT YOU CAN View conceptual designs: Speak with staff and learn about the conceptual designs for the fire station and reservoir Give input: Share your feedback about the current designs and learn about future opportunities to comment See project schedule: Learn about the project schedule for final design and construction .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW • City-owned parcel on N 30th Street • Fire station in front (southern) portion of site; reservoir in rear (northern) portion of site • Location characteristics for site fit a combined need • Originally purchased for Fire Station 15, strategic location for service • Adds water storage on west side of I-405 • Critical elevation for water pressure • Site achieves cost savings from co-location of services Future Fire Station and Reservoir Site N 30th StreetPark Ave N§¨¦405 N 32nd Street KD218 KD320 City of Renton Project Site Pressure Zones KD 218 & KD 320 PROJECT FUNDING FIRE STATION 15 CAPITAL BUDGET = $5.5 MILLION (Annual operations and maintenance cost of $32,000) Funding for a new Fire Station 15 was part of the package approved by Renton and Fire District #25 voters in April 2016’s Proposition 1, establishing the RRFA. RESERVOIR CAPITAL BUDGET = $7 MILLION Funding for the design and construction of the new reservoir will be from the Water Utility Capital Improvement Program budget. Location map -RLQWSURMHFWVLWH .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW )LUH6WDWLRQ VLWHSODQ Apparatus Bay Apparatus SupportFirefighter Parking Propose Property Separation Line PatioPatio Hydrant GenStation House Lobby Office Public Parking NORTH 30TH ST24-FT 2-WAY DRIVEFlagpole Fence/ Gate signed for oneDese e engine; design firee l allow for future will dition of an aid car, addd neededas n ndscaping will be Lan luded in the finalinclc e designsitettettesit ar area for Reae efighter parkingfiree d periodic trainingandn ivitiesact ll through Pulu veway designdrivdr .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW)LUH6WDWLRQ&RQFHSWXDO'HVLJQAerial View .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW )LUH6WDWLRQ &RQFHSWXDO'HVLJQ Street View Back View Street View North Elevation East Elevation West Elevation .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW5HVHUYRLULPSURYHPHQWV#*!(PÍÎ$³ÍÎ$³ÍÎ$³ÍÎ$³ÍÎ$³ÍÎ$³ÍÎ$³ÍÎ$³ÍÎ 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240606020JONESAVENEPARKAVENNE 36TH STMONTEREYAVENEWELLSAVENNE 27TH STNE 28TH STNE 24TH STNE 30TH STLAKEWASHINGTONBLVDNMEADOWAVENN 30TH STN 28TH STN 36TH STMONTEREY CT NEN 24TH STN 38TH STN 26TH STLINCOLNAVENEN 32ND STNE35THPLNE37THPLN 27TH PLN 29TH STNE32NDSTNE27THCTNE25THPLN 31ST STMEADOWAVENN 40TH PLN 32ND STN 33RD STNE28THPLWELLSAVENKENN E WI C K P L N E N 39TH STNE 38TH PLLINCOLNCTNEN 34TH STN 37TH STNE 28TH STNE 26TH PLNE29THSTGAR DEN CT N N 39TH PLNE33RDPLNE26THPLN 40TH STNE 40TH STMEADOWPLNLAKEW A S H IN G T O N B L V D N KENNEWICKAVENEN 37TH STMEADOWAVENN 37TH STM ON TERE Y P L N E NE31STSTLAKEW ASHING TONBLVDNN 28TH PLN 33RD PLN 34TH STN 35TH STN 36TH STJONESAVENEABERDEENAVENEBURNETTAVENPARKAVENLINCOLNAVENEL I N C O L N AVE NE PARKPLNLINCOLNPLNEPictometry International Corp. 20150 400200 FeetCity of RentonKennydale Reservoir16-1840.212July 2017LegendUTProposed 308 Zone Reservoirl?Proposed Normally Closed ValveÍÎ$³Proposed Pressure Reducing ValveStation (PRV)l?Close Existing ValveÍÎ$³Adjust Existing Pressure ReducingValve Station (PRV)Proposed 340 Zone WatermainProposed 308 Zone WatermainProposed 435 Zone Water MainExisting Water Main to be Convertedto 320 ZoneExisting Water Main to be Convertedto 340 ZoneExisting Highlands 435 Water MainExisting Kennydale 320 Water Main(To be Converted to 308 Zone)20-foot Contour IntervalProposed 320 Pressure ZoneProposed 340 Pressure ZoneExisting HLD435 Pressure ZoneExisting KD218 Pressure ZoneExisting KD320 Pressure Zone(To be Converted to 308 Zone)C:\Users\Pete.Kang\Desktop\Pressure Zone-2.pdf.mxd 7/6/2017 2:00:53 PM Pete.Kang§¨¦405Source: City of Renton and King County, Washington.Proposed PressureZone ModificationsDRAFT16"8"12"12"12"8"8"12"12"12"8"THE RESERVOIR PROVIDES:Reliabile operationsReservoir addition provides greater reliability, redundancy of supply, and operational flexibility of the local water system.Critical emergency storage west of I-405 Currently, water serving Kennydale is pumped across the highway from the Highlands area through a connection vulnerable in a major earthquake.PRESSURE ZONE ADJUSTMENTSProposed changes to pressure zone boundaries to balance demands (see map) Includes nearby water main/valve upgrades on NE 30th St, Park Ave N, Lincoln Ave NE, and N 29th, N 31st, N 32nd, and N 36th streets. .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW 15' WIDE ACCESS PATH AROUND TANK TOP OF WALL EL=313' PROPOSED KENNYDALE RESERVOIR (APPROX 1.29 MG) TOP OF SELF-SUPPORTED DOME EL=318.5' APPROX 50' DIA TANK OVERFLOW EL=308' HANDRAIL CONCRETE RINGWALL FOUNDATION SEISMIC ANCHOR CHAIRS, TYP SPIRAL STAIRCASERETAINING WALL EXISTING GRADE FINAL GRADE EL=214'± TOP OF VENT EL=323.0' 24" AUGERCAST PILES103'EXTERIOR LADDER ASSEMBLY AND SAFETY CAGE RESERVOIR BASE EL=220.0' INTERNAL MIXING SYSTEM ABOVE GROUND RESERVOIR DESIGN • 103 feet above existing ground level • ~50 feet diameter steel tank OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC ART • Options for paint treatment, including public art options, will be explored with community through City of Renton Arts Commission process 5HVHUYRLU FRQFHSWXDOGHVLJQ .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW The reservoir will be approximately 100 feet above ground level. Shadows cast by the reservoir will vary by the position of the sun at different times of the year. 6KDGRZ$QDO\VLV RESERVOIR SHADOWING (at noon) SHADOWING INCLUDING AREA STRUCTURES AND TREES (at noon) Autumnal Equinox Sept. 22 Winter Solstice Dec. 21 Spring Equinox March 20 Summer Solstice June 21 .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW $UWV&RPPLVVLRQ SURFHVV RESERVOIR PAINT TREATMENT OPTIONS Solid color Mural Symbolic • Reservoir paint treatment may be considered public art, and be reviewed by the City of Renton Arts Commission • The Commission advises the Mayor and Council on the selection and acquisition of individual works that may be included as an integral part of a project or outside of a project • Community feedback would be considered by the Arts Commission in selection of specific reservoir aesthetic designs Bob Henry City of Spring Hill .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW PLEASE SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON DESIGN OPTIONS OR PREFERENCES Write your thoughts on a sticky and place it below. Comments provided through the open house and online will be summarized and provided to the Arts Commission. 3XEOLFDUWFRQVLGHUDWLRQ .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW :KDWWRH[SHFW GXULQJFRQVWUXFWLRQ MITIGATING IMPACTS • Active construction can create noise and dust; contractors will be required to avoid or mitigate impacts whenever possible WORK HOURS • Crews will be working primarily during the work week in normal daytime business hours (8am-5pm) • There may be occasional work outside of normal hours, as necessary • We will inform neighbors of any construction activity outside of normal hours, or if other impacts are expected TRAFFIC REVISIONS & RIGHT-OF-WAY • Periodic traffic revisions for equipment/material deliveries and work on water mains in the right-of-way .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW 6FKHGXOH DQGQH[WVWHSV DESIGN & PERMITTING • With 30 percent design complete, City departments will jointly apply for permits • Permitting and final design will occur over the next six months CONSTRUCTION • Construction of both the fire station and reservoir elements are expected to begin in early 2018; each will take about 12 months to build • The project will host another meeting as we are preparing for construction to inform neighbors about the specific schedule SUMMER 2017 30% design complete SUMMER/ FALL 2017 Final design and permitting EARLY 2018 Construction (12 months) Appendix- B Open House comments Date received Communication 07/10/2017 Tree Mural please 07/12/2017 I would prefer a mural with Kennydale influenced design aspects. These could be conceived, reviewed, and approved with input from the Kennydale Neighborhood Association. Design options could be presented at Kennydale Neighborhood Association community meetings, and a ballot taken at the meeting to determine a favorite. The winning design would then be forwarded to the responsible governmental entities in Renton for final review, approval, and implementation. 07/12/2017 The mural design so it blends in better to the surroundings 07/13/2017 request the Mural with Trees Appendix C- Online Open House analytics Sessions Users Jul 10, 2017 Jul 11, 2017 Jul 12, 2017 Jul 13, 2017 Jul 14, 2017 0 10 20 30 40 20 32 22 10 1212 27 15 8 11 Avg. Session Duration01:57 Pages / Session1.25 https://kennydaleproject.par ticipate.online/ desktop mobile tablet 18.8% 79.2% Device Sessions96 (direct) rentonwa.gov ooh- kennydalezonereserv… rentonreporter.com others 40.6% 12.5% 7.3% 9.4% 30.2% Source Page Title Pageviews 1.Kennydale Fire Station 15 and Reservoir Project - Welcome 117 2.Kennydale Fire Station 15 and Reservoir Project - Fire Station 15 59 3.Kennydale Fire Station 15 and Reservoir Project - Project overview 57 4.Kennydale Fire Station 15 and Reservoir Project - Shadowing 53 5.Kennydale Fire Station 15 and Reservoir Project - Reservoir aesthetics 53 6.Kennydale Fire Station 15 and Reservoir Project - Reservoir 47 7.Kennydale Fire Station 15 and Reservoir Project - Next steps 35 8.Kennydale Fire Station 15 and Reservoir Project - Share feedback 29 ▼ Users59 Online Open House R esults Jul 10, 2017 - Jul 14, 2017 ▼ Public Review Mailing list 2017-06-06FS 15/Kennydale ReservoirParcel 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St1416 N 30th St APT 2RentonWA9805621793342103240EMANUEL IV LLC1720 S 272NDDES MOINES WA1416N 30th St1416 N 30th St APT 7RentonWA9805621793342103251HOT YOGA INC1302 N 30TH STRENTON WA1302N 30th St1302 N 30th StRentonWA9805621063342103256KENNYDALE UNITED METH CH3005 PARK AVE NRENTON WA1831500020BAGIROV ARSEN+SONA RAKHMANO3209 MEADOW AVE NRENTON WA3209Meadow Ave N3209 Meadow Ave NRentonWA9805619243342101110RUSSELL ERIC HPO BOX 28385SEATTLE WA1221N 30th St1221 N 30th StRentonWA9805621463342101110RUSSELL ERIC HPO BOX 28385SEATTLE WA1221N 30th St1221 N 30th St APT 2RentonWA9805621463342101115RUSSELL ERIC HPO BOX 28385SEATTLE WA2913Park Ave N2913 Park Ave NRentonWA9805621083342101115RUSSELL ERIC HPO BOX 28385SEATTLE WA2913Park Ave N2913 Park Ave N APT BRentonWA9805621083342101880PRUETT TIFFANY ANN1228 N 32ND STRENTON WA1228N 32nd St1228 N 32nd StRentonWA9805621253342101885ROSEN JESSE+JIELI XU1224 N 32ND STRENTON WA1224N 32nd St1224 N 32nd StRentonWA9805621253342103203MADCHE BRYAN C1312 N 32ND STRENTON WA1312N 32nd St1312 N 32nd StRentonWA9805621233342103204BROWN MICHAEL720 N 10TH ST #319RENTON WA1316N 32nd St1316 N 32nd StRentonWA9805621233342103205SHIMEK MICHAEL J27424 NE 45TH STREDMOND WA3342103220ZUBOVICH IHAR+ELENA TORGAN1814 I ST NE UNIT 212AUBURN WA1405N 32nd St1405 N 32nd StRentonWA9805621223342103221YAN MEI YU ALICE+NG MOU CHE3126 GARDEN AVE NRENTON WA3126Garden Ave N3126 Garden Ave NRentonWA9805621123342103222JULIEN CLINT1427 N 32ND STRENTON WA1427N 32nd St1427 N 32nd StRentonWA9805621223342103223CAMPBELL JOSEPH B+CAMPBELL3111 N MEADOW PLRENTON WA3111Meadow Pl N3111 Meadow Pl NRentonWA9805621773342103240EMANUEL IV LLC1720 S 272NDDES MOINES WA1416N 30th St1416 N 30th St APT 4RentonWA9805621793342103240EMANUEL IV LLC1720 S 272NDDES MOINES WA1416N 30th St1416 N 30th St APT 5RentonWA9805621793342103240EMANUEL IV LLC1720 S 272NDDES MOINES WA1416N 30th St1416 N 30th St APT 6RentonWA9805621793342103240EMANUEL IV LLC1720 S 272NDDES MOINES WA1416N 30th St1416 N 30th St APT 1RentonWA9805621793342103260DUONG QUYEN3956 262ND AVE SEISSAQUAH WA1309N 30th St1309 N 30th StRentonWA9805621443342103270MILLER PAUL R+PAMELA J3623 LINCOLN AVE NERENTON WA1315N 30th St1315 N 30th StRentonWA9805621443342103271CHEVRON TEXACOPROPERTY TAX DEPTP O BOX 1392BAKERSFIELD CA1419N 30th St1419 N 30th StRentonWA9805621423342103272MILLER PAUL & PAM3623 LINCOLN AVE NERENTON WA1321N 30th St1321 N 30th StRentonWA980562144 .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW :HOFRPH The City of Renton and Renton Regional Fire Authority are working together to build new fire station and water reservoir in the Kennydale neighborhood that meets longstanding neighborhood and city goals for greater safety and water supply reliability. Construction is anticipated to begin early next year. The purpose of tonight’s meeting is to provide updated information to neighbors prior to submitting a permit application with the City of Renton. TONIGHT YOU CAN View conceptual designs: Speak with staff and learn about the conceptual designs for the fire station and reservoir Give input: Share your feedback about the current designs and learn about future opportunities to comment See project schedule: Learn about the project schedule for final design and construction .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW • City-owned parcel on N 30th Street • Fire station in front (southern) portion of site; reservoir in rear (northern) portion of site • Location characteristics for site fit a combined need • Originally purchased for Fire Station 15, strategic location for service • Adds water storage on west side of I-405 • Critical elevation for water pressure • Site achieves cost savings from co-location of services Future Fire Station and Reservoir Site N 30th StreetPark Ave N§¨¦405 N 32nd Street KD218 KD320 City of Renton Project Site Pressure Zones KD 218 & KD 320 PROJECT FUNDING FIRE STATION 15 CAPITAL BUDGET = $5.5 MILLION (Annual operations and maintenance cost of $32,000) Funding for a new Fire Station 15 was part of the package approved by Renton and Fire District #25 voters in April 2016’s Proposition 1, establishing the RRFA. RESERVOIR CAPITAL BUDGET = $7 MILLION Funding for the design and construction of the new reservoir will be from the Water Utility Capital Improvement Program budget. Location map -RLQWSURMHFWVLWH .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW )LUH6WDWLRQ VLWHSODQ Apparatus Bay Apparatus SupportFirefighter Parking Propose Property Separation Line PatioPatio Hydrant GenStation House Lobby Office Public Parking NORTH 30TH ST24-FT 2-WAY DRIVEFlagpole Fence/ Gate signed for oneDese e engine; design firee l allow for future will dition of an aid car, addd neededas n ndscaping will be Lan luded in the finalinclc e designsitettettesit ar area for Reae efighter parkingfiree d periodic trainingandn ivitiesact ll through Pulu veway designdrivdr .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW)LUH6WDWLRQ&RQFHSWXDO'HVLJQAerial View .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW )LUH6WDWLRQ &RQFHSWXDO'HVLJQ Street View Back View Street View North Elevation East Elevation West Elevation .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW5HVHUYRLULPSURYHPHQWV#*!(PÍÎ$³ÍÎ$³ÍÎ$³ÍÎ$³ÍÎ$³ÍÎ$³ÍÎ$³ÍÎ$³ÍÎ 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240606020JONESAVENEPARKAVENNE 36TH STMONTEREYAVENEWELLSAVENNE 27TH STNE 28TH STNE 24TH STNE 30TH STLAKEWASHINGTONBLVDNMEADOWAVENN 30TH STN 28TH STN 36TH STMONTEREY CT NEN 24TH STN 38TH STN 26TH STLINCOLNAVENEN 32ND STNE35THPLNE37THPLN 27TH PLN 29TH STNE32NDSTNE27THCTNE25THPLN 31ST STMEADOWAVENN 40TH PLN 32ND STN 33RD STNE28THPLWELLSAVENKENN E WI C K P L N E N 39TH STNE 38TH PLLINCOLNCTNEN 34TH STN 37TH STNE 28TH STNE 26TH PLNE29THSTGAR DEN CT N N 39TH PLNE33RDPLNE26THPLN 40TH STNE 40TH STMEADOWPLNLAKEW A S H IN G T O N B L V D N KENNEWICKAVENEN 37TH STMEADOWAVENN 37TH STM ON TERE Y P L N E NE31STSTLAKEW ASHING TONBLVDNN 28TH PLN 33RD PLN 34TH STN 35TH STN 36TH STJONESAVENEABERDEENAVENEBURNETTAVENPARKAVENLINCOLNAVENEL I N C O L N AVE NE PARKPLNLINCOLNPLNEPictometry International Corp. 20150 400200 FeetCity of RentonKennydale Reservoir16-1840.212July 2017LegendUTProposed 308 Zone Reservoirl?Proposed Normally Closed ValveÍÎ$³Proposed Pressure Reducing ValveStation (PRV)l?Close Existing ValveÍÎ$³Adjust Existing Pressure ReducingValve Station (PRV)Proposed 340 Zone WatermainProposed 308 Zone WatermainProposed 435 Zone Water MainExisting Water Main to be Convertedto 320 ZoneExisting Water Main to be Convertedto 340 ZoneExisting Highlands 435 Water MainExisting Kennydale 320 Water Main(To be Converted to 308 Zone)20-foot Contour IntervalProposed 320 Pressure ZoneProposed 340 Pressure ZoneExisting HLD435 Pressure ZoneExisting KD218 Pressure ZoneExisting KD320 Pressure Zone(To be Converted to 308 Zone)C:\Users\Pete.Kang\Desktop\Pressure Zone-2.pdf.mxd 7/6/2017 2:00:53 PM Pete.Kang§¨¦405Source: City of Renton and King County, Washington.Proposed PressureZone ModificationsDRAFT16"8"12"12"12"8"8"12"12"12"8"THE RESERVOIR PROVIDES:Reliabile operationsReservoir addition provides greater reliability, redundancy of supply, and operational flexibility of the local water system.Critical emergency storage west of I-405 Currently, water serving Kennydale is pumped across the highway from the Highlands area through a connection vulnerable in a major earthquake.PRESSURE ZONE ADJUSTMENTSProposed changes to pressure zone boundaries to balance demands (see map) Includes nearby water main/valve upgrades on NE 30th St, Park Ave N, Lincoln Ave NE, and N 29th, N 31st, N 32nd, and N 36th streets. .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW 15' WIDE ACCESS PATH AROUND TANK TOP OF WALL EL=313' PROPOSED KENNYDALE RESERVOIR (APPROX 1.29 MG) TOP OF SELF-SUPPORTED DOME EL=318.5' APPROX 50' DIA TANK OVERFLOW EL=308' HANDRAIL CONCRETE RINGWALL FOUNDATION SEISMIC ANCHOR CHAIRS, TYP SPIRAL STAIRCASERETAINING WALL EXISTING GRADE FINAL GRADE EL=214'± TOP OF VENT EL=323.0' 24" AUGERCAST PILES103'EXTERIOR LADDER ASSEMBLY AND SAFETY CAGE RESERVOIR BASE EL=220.0' INTERNAL MIXING SYSTEM ABOVE GROUND RESERVOIR DESIGN • 103 feet above existing ground level • ~50 feet diameter steel tank OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC ART • Options for paint treatment, including public art options, will be explored with community through City of Renton Arts Commission process 5HVHUYRLU FRQFHSWXDOGHVLJQ .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW The reservoir will be approximately 100 feet above ground level. Shadows cast by the reservoir will vary by the position of the sun at different times of the year. 6KDGRZ$QDO\VLV RESERVOIR SHADOWING (at noon) SHADOWING INCLUDING AREA STRUCTURES AND TREES (at noon) Autumnal Equinox Sept. 22 Winter Solstice Dec. 21 Spring Equinox March 20 Summer Solstice June 21 .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW $UWV&RPPLVVLRQ SURFHVV RESERVOIR PAINT TREATMENT OPTIONS Solid color Mural Symbolic • Reservoir paint treatment may be considered public art, and be reviewed by the City of Renton Arts Commission • The Commission advises the Mayor and Council on the selection and acquisition of individual works that may be included as an integral part of a project or outside of a project • Community feedback would be considered by the Arts Commission in selection of specific reservoir aesthetic designs Bob Henry City of Spring Hill .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW PLEASE SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON DESIGN OPTIONS OR PREFERENCES Write your thoughts on a sticky and place it below. Comments provided through the open house and online will be summarized and provided to the Arts Commission. 3XEOLFDUWFRQVLGHUDWLRQ .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW :KDWWRH[SHFW GXULQJFRQVWUXFWLRQ MITIGATING IMPACTS • Active construction can create noise and dust; contractors will be required to avoid or mitigate impacts whenever possible WORK HOURS • Crews will be working primarily during the work week in normal daytime business hours (8am-5pm) • There may be occasional work outside of normal hours, as necessary • We will inform neighbors of any construction activity outside of normal hours, or if other impacts are expected TRAFFIC REVISIONS & RIGHT-OF-WAY • Periodic traffic revisions for equipment/material deliveries and work on water mains in the right-of-way .HQQ\GDOH)LUH6WDWLRQDQG5HVHUYRLU3URMHFW 6FKHGXOH DQGQH[WVWHSV DESIGN & PERMITTING • With 30 percent design complete, City departments will jointly apply for permits • Permitting and final design will occur over the next six months CONSTRUCTION • Construction of both the fire station and reservoir elements are expected to begin in early 2018; each will take about 12 months to build • The project will host another meeting as we are preparing for construction to inform neighbors about the specific schedule SUMMER 2017 30% design complete SUMMER/ FALL 2017 Final design and permitting EARLY 2018 Construction (12 months)