HomeMy WebLinkAboutA_Critical Areas Exemption_Sikh_170914 /Volumes/Krippner Consulting/Projects/2016/2016005 Gurudwara Singh Sabha of Washington/Working/Mitigation Plan/Critical Areas Exemption_Sikh_Temple.docx CRITICAL AREAS EXEMPTION (FOR SEPA EXEMPT ACTIVITIES) Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 Applicant Name Gurudwara Singh Sabha of Washington Project Name Critical Area Mitigation Plan Phone Number 206-423-7740 Parcel Number 3123059075 Project Address 5200 Talbot Road South, Renton, WA 98055 Brief Description of Project The purpose of this project is to restore critical areas and buffers that have been impacted by placement of gravel fill and a recent city sidewalk project. Mitigation plan project elements include the removal of gravel fill from wetland and stream buffers; removal of invasive, non-native vegetation from wetland and wetland and stream buffer areas; re-contouring of stream banks where needed to stabilize near- vertical slopes; and replanting and reseeding disturbed wetland and buffer areas with native trees, shrubs, grasses, and forbs to restore these areas with native vegetation communities. Type of Critical Area Wetland, stream, and buffer areas Work Occurs in Critical Area Work Occurs in Buffer PURPOSE: Exempt activities provided with a letter of exemption from the Development Services Administrator may intrude into a critical area or required buffer (Subject to any conditions or requirements provided by the Administrator). APPLICABILITY OF EXEMPTIONS: The following is a general list of activities that may be exempt from the critical areas regulations. More specific descriptions of the activities are contained in the Critical Areas Regulations. Some of the listed activities may not be exempt in certain critical areas. The Planning Division will evaluate you request according to the City of Renton Critical Areas Regulations in RMC 4-3- 050C, J, L, and N. I AM REQUESTING A CRITICAL AREAS EXEMPTION FOR ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: Conservation, Enhancement, and Related Activities: • Conservation or preservation of soil, water, vegetation, fish, and other wildlife • Enhancement activities as defined in chapter 4-11 RMC Di • Any critical area, buffer restoration, or other mitigation activities that have been approved by the City Research and Site Investigation: • Nondestructive education and research • Site investigative work necessary for land use application submittals such as surveys, soil logs, etc. /Volumes/Krippner Consulting/Projects/2016/2016005 Gurudwara Singh Sabha of Washington/Working/Mitigation Plan/Critical Areas Exemption_Sikh_Temple.docx Agricultural, Harvesting, and Vegetation Management: • Harvesting wild foods • Existing/Ongoing agricultural activities 1 • Removal of dead, terminally diseased, damaged, or dangerous ground cover or hazardous trees which have been certified as such by a forester, registered landscape architect, or certified arborist Surface Water Alteration: • New surface water discharges provided the discharge meets the requirements of the Storm and Surface Water Drainage Regulations 1 2 3 • New or modified regional storm water facilities 1 2 3 • Flood hazard reduction 1 3 4 6 Roads, Parks, Public and Private Utilities: • Relocation of Existing Utilities out of Critical Area and Buffer • Maintenance, operation, and repair of existing parks, trails, roads, facilities, and utilities 1 2 • Installation, construction, replacement, or operation of utilities, traffic control, and walkways within existing improved right-if-way or easement 1 2 • Modification of existing utilities and streets by 10% or less 1 2 5 • Management and essential tree removal for public or private utilities, roads and public parks 1 Wetland Disturbance, Modification, and Removal: • Any activity in small Category 3 wetlands 1 2 3 4 5 • Temporary disturbances of a wetland due to construction activities that do not include permanent filling 1 2 3 5 Maintenance and Construction for Existing Uses and Facilities: • Remodeling, replacing, or removing existing structures 1 2 • Normal and routine maintenance and repair of any existing public or private uses and facilities where no alteration of the critical area and required buffer or additional fill materials will be placed 1 2 • Construction activity connected with an existing single family residence or garage, provided that no portion of the new work occurs closer to the critical area or required buffers than the existing structure and/or the developed area of the site 1 2 • Existing activities which have not been changed, expanded or altered provided they comply with the applicable requirements of chapter 4-10 RMC 1 Emergency Activities: • Removal of trees or ground cover by a City department, agency, public, or private utility in an emergency situation • Public interest emergency use, storage, and handling of hazardous materials by governmental organizations in an Aquifer Protection Area