HomeMy WebLinkAboutP_Site Plan_Sikh_Temple_170914_v1SE1/4, SE1/4 SEC. 31, TWR 23 N, RGE. 5 E., W. M. TEMPORARY BENCHMARK * KC TAX PARCEL N01'00'32nE 10.00 SET PK NAIL W/TAG 312305-9096 LOT 1 "CORE CONTROL" REN TON SP 068-87 ELEV=144.32 FEET N8826'27"W 240.25 N8826'27"W 837.20 I CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO TIE INTO f EX. PA 0SUENT ON SITE. P � TEMPORARY BENCHMARK o o SET PK NAIL W/TAG "CORE CONTROL„ STAB/LIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE E L E V=16 5.6 0 FEET I o 0 o SEE DE TAIL THIS SHEET. 30' so, y KC TAX PARCEL 312305-9075 ✓�-n CLEARING LIMITS (TYP.) a r0 — r0 — r0 — r0LL_ — F to to to T5 \ o \ o 0 a\ \ 0�0— 0— 0 — 0 1p 1 \ I p — \ Q .� vi 5. 5 WE A ND BU ER \ UPORARY STOCKPILE AREAS \ \ \ I I V o f 1 N (TYP.) m 5 TPT I I \ \ \ m�Ir,�� a P1 J 00 o C4 F/ R FA FENCE Q z EE DETA- \L �' DATA PLOT 1� CB #8024, TYPE I X - �� C*TA PLOT 2\ RIM EL=135.57 2"CPEP(E)IE=131.45 / ( E37.5'\&7E AM TLAND �� 2"CPEP S) IE=131.42 2%94± SF 0 P��� ' \ ,, �'��`� �� BUFFER \ 6'�\� I 2"CPEP(W)IE=1 J4.47 � / (1"9 W/TRASH RACK �— _6�e—_a--0-0�E D G E OF o 0 LANDSCAPING / —oHP— �6 ICT (y� / i / / /FOUND 1/2" REBAR WITH CAP- oHPOH_-_01-1p- -- RETAINING WALL (TYP) WALL CROSSES PROPERTY LINE / oHT� — � HT - / �� / YPC LS22338, 38965 ���OH— SFFT �OHT 0 OHT�� � n N88'26 27 W 764.04-2v 6' CLF / x OHT — Ok T �9HT OHT - off 5' VBE N. LINE OF THE SOUTH 525 FEET 24 23 22 WALL CROSSES—' 21 20 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 31235 PROPERTY '_INE WALL CROSSES PROP RTY LINE TRACT A I GENEVA COURT PLA T REC. NO. 200302 i 4002494 / OAD EXISTING R R = 25' MIN. INSTALL DRI VEWA Y CUL VERT /F THERE /S A ROADS/DE DITCH PRESENT AS PER KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS 4"-8" QUARRY SPALLS GEOTEXT/LE.- GRAB TENS/LE STRENGTH = 200PS/ M/N. GRAB TENS/LE ELONGATION = 309 MAX MULLEN BURST STRENGTH = 400 PS/ M/N. AOS = 20-45(U.S. STANDARD SIEVE S/ZE) 150pE FDPROS WIDTH OS/EGRESS E 12" MIN. THICKNESS I AREA STABILIZED CONSTRUCT/ON ENTRANCE NO SCALE 4'HIGH VIS/B/L/TY ORANGE CONSTRUCT/ON FENCE WITH F/L TER FABRIC, WHERE SHOWN ON PLAN. JOIN TS /N F/L TER FABR/C SHALL BE SPL/CED AT POSTS. USE STAPLES, WIRE RINGS, OR E00VALENT TO ATTACH FABR/C TO POSTS. 2"x2" BY 14 GA. WIRE OR EQUIVALENT, IF STANDARD STRENGTH FABRIC /S USED. F/L TER FABRIC 6' MAX. I MIN/MUM 4"x4" TRENCH Li POST SPACING MAYBE SACKF/LL TRENCH WITH NATIVE INCREASED TO 8 /F WIRE SOIL OR 3/4"1.5" WASHED BACK/NG /S USED GRA VEL NOTE. F/L TER FABR/C FENCES STEEL Ff _Wf POSTS, REBAR, OR SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG EQUIVALENT CONTOUR WHENEVER POSS/BLE F/L TER FABRIC FENCE NO SCALE ►i SCALE: 1" = 20' 0 10 20 40 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENC/NG SHALL FOLLOW THE APPROVE -D U/T/GAT/ON REPORT PREPARED BY KR/PPNER CONSUL T/NG, LLC AND DATED SEPTEMBER 2017 A COPY OF THIS U/7GA 7ON REPORT AND THESE CONSTRUCT/ON PLANS MUST BE KEPT ON SITE AT ALL 7UES FOR REFERENCE, INSTRUCTION AND COMPLIANCE. 1, Install construction fencing along boundary of reduced wetland and stream buffer. Reduced wetland buffer is 56.25 feet, Reduced stream buffer is 37.5 feet , Remove gravel fill and other garbage and debris including concrete slabs and imported rocks from protected buffer and wetland areas. This work may be completed with ars excavator. 3. As instructed by the project biologist, remove non-native plants including Himalayan blackberry and the root mass of any Bohemian knotweed. Haut Bohemian knotweed to landfill for disposal. This work may he completed with an excavator. Protect native trees growing near the streani, being careful to leave their root systeins undisturbed. 4. As instructed by the project engineer and project. biologist, re -contour vertical or steep -sided stream banks: to make the bank slope more gradua:L and stable, approximate 3:1 slopes. Protect native trees growing near the stream, tieing careful to leave their root systems undisturbed. Excavator��-} s tav on north sld a of stream. 5. Use excess native soil from stream re -contouring to fill in any holes created Frons removing Bohemian knotweed root niasses. 6. Use compost to rejuvenate soils, where needed, and mix compost into the native soil. 7, Stabilize slope areas with jut matting nearthe stream near the tipper end of the project, if needed. 8. Cover exposed soils with at least 3 inches of wood chip mulch in areas to be planted with trees and shrubs. 9. Cover exposed sails with weed free straw and native grass-forb seed mix in meadow areas as shown in Figure 3. 10. Install dative shrubs and trees in any wetiand areas where invasive plants were removed. The extent of this area is estimated in Figure 3. 11. Install native trees and shrubs in tree/shrub planting areas within the buffer as shomi in Pigure3. 12. Install a split -rail fence to mark the buffer edge. An Ecology concrete block wall may also be installed, set backfro m the fence and outer edge of the buffer, oLrtside of the reduced wetland and stream buffer to prevent vehicle access into any buffer areas. CONSTRUCT/ON SEQUENCING i i aiQ ogiz 2 W yon W Qge 2h�n N�0 W i Cn a Z o _ Ln co i i aiQ ogiz 2 W yon W Qge 2h�n N�0 W Cn a Z o _ Ln co W V) 01 W V LJ O cn v � x � m E U_ N W Q W Z 3 � h j o Z m vv Z C O O 0' Q LLJ J w a Z Z O C� LLJ 0 W � Z Q Q w Y UJ W Q Z SHEET OF 1 z PROJECT NUMBER 16174 LU i i aiQ ogiz 2 W yon W Qge 2h�n N�0 W �i N W V LJ O cn cn � � Q m W Q Q Q O Li C O O 0' LLJ w > Z Z O LLJ 0 F) Q Q w Y Q SHEET OF 1 3 PROJECT NUMBER 16174 L7 Q CB #8024, TYPE I RIM EL=135.57 12"CPEP(E)IE=131.45 12"CPEP(S)IE=131.42 � OHP � OHP 30.00 OHT��pp�OH-- OHT �� i 8/-0/I PROPOSED NEW SPLIT RAIL FENCE TO BE L OCA TED ON THE BUFFER LINES. KC TAX PARCEL 312305-9075 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 31235. i GENEVA COURT PLAT REC. N0. 20030224002494 I Sensitive Area Signs Per City of Renton Standards SPLIT -RAIL FENCE WITH SENSITIVE AREA SIGNS Chamber Top of Past 45 Degrees To A Depth of 1" On All Four Sides Attach Pre -Printed Metal Sign To Post With Two 5/8" Dia. Galvanized Carriage Bolts SE114 SEC. 31, TWR 23 N, RGE. 5 E., W. M. NOTES: TEMPORARY BENCHMARK SET PK NAIL W/TAG "CORE CONTROL" ELEV=165.60 FEET THIS INTERFACE LINE lS APPROXIMA TE AND MUST BE VISUAL Y INSPECTED & FIELD VERIFIED BY WETLAND BIOLOGIST. ONCE PRE VIOUSL Y IMPORTED GRA VEL/FILL lS NO LONGER ENCOUNTERED EXCA VA TION /S COMPLETE. 1) THE DEPTH OF MATERIAL TO BE REMOVED FROM THE GRAVEL FILL REMOVAL AREA VARIES FROM 3" IN SOME AREAS TO 12" IN OTHERS. ONL Y THE IMPORTED GRA VEL AND FILL DIRT NEEDS TO BE EXCA VA TED. ONCE NA TIVE SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED, THE DEPTH OF EXCAVATION /S COMPLETE. THE GOAL /5 TO RESTORE THIS AREA TO ITS NA 7IRA L, PRE—GRA VEL ELEVA AONS. IF NEEDED, THE PROJECT BIOLOGIST OR A SOILS ENGINEER CAN BE PRESENT ON—SITE TO ASSIST WITH RECOGNIZING THE PROPER DEPTH! DEPTHS OF GRA VEL/FILL TO BE REMOVED A T EACH TEST PIT WERE AS FOLLOWS- TPT 1 = 12" TPT 2 = 3" TPT 3 = 3" TPT 4 = 4" TPT 5 = 12" 2) CAUTION MUST BE APPLIED TO PROTECT THE NATIVE TREES GROWING NEAR THE STREAM AND TO LEAVE THEIR ROOT SYSTEMS UNDISTURBED. DURING CONSTRLIC110N AC11WTES TO RECONTOUR THE VERTICAL OR STEEP SIDE SLOPES OF THE STREAM BANKS, OR ACTIVITES TO REMOVE INVASIVES, LIMIT USE OF LARGE MACHINERY OR EXCA VA TORS WHERE NECESSARY AND HAND CLEAR. QUANTITIES: PARCEL SIZE- 6.17 ACRES WORK AREA: 21,689 SQUARE FEET GRAVEL /SOIL REMOVAL: 1225 C GRAVEL AND SOIL DESTINATION /5 TO REMAIN ON SITE AND PLACED OUTSIDE OF THE CRITICAL AREA BUFFER AREAS WHERE OVERFLOW PARKING CURREN7L Y EXISTS. INVASIVE PLANT REMOVAL AREA I PROPERTY�UNF LOT 1 REN TON SP 068 WALL CROSSES `POP RTY LINE -EDGE OF LANDSCAPING CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING SHALL FOLLOW THE APPROVED MIAGAAON REPORT PREPARED BY KRIPPNER CONSUL TING, LLC AND DA TED SEPTEMBER 2017 A COPY OF THIS MITIGATION REPORT AND THESE CONSTRUCTION PLANS MUST BE KEPT ON SITE AT ALL TIMES FOR REFERENCE, INSTRUCTION AND COMPLIANCE. 1. Install constructiou fencing along boundary of reduced wetland and stream buffer. Reduced wetland buffer is 56.2 5 feet. Reduced stream buffer is 37.5 feet. 2.. Remove gravel fill and other garbage and debris including concrete slabs and inipor-ted rocks frorn protected buffer and wetland areas. This work may be completed with an excavator. 3. As instr acted by the project biologist, ramove non-native plants including Himalayan blackberry and the root mass of any 13ohem!an knotweed, FlauI Bohernian knotweed to landfill for disposal. This work may be completed with an excavator-. Protect native trees growing near the stream, being careful to leave their root systems undisturbed. 4. As instructed by the project engineer and praiect biologist, re -contour vertical or steep -sided stream banks to make the bank slope more gradual and stable, approximate 3:1 slopes. Protect native trees growing rear the strearn, tieing careful. to leave their root systems undisturbed. Excavator will stay on north side of stream. 5. Use excess native soil frorn stream r•e-co ntouring to #ill in any holes created franc removing Bohern ian knetweed root masses. 6. Use canipost to rejuvenate soilsr where needed, and in ix compost into the native soil. 7. Stabilize slope areas with jut matting Clear the stream near the upper end of the project, if needed. 8. Cover exposed soils with at least 3 hicbes of wood chip mulch in areas to be planted witli trees and shrubs. 9. Cover exposed soils with weed free straw and native grass -fort seed calix hi meadow areas as shown in Figure 3. 18, Install native shrubs and trees in any wetland areas where invasive plants were removed. The extent of this area is estimated in Figure 3. 11. Install native trees and shrubs in tree/shrub planting areas within the buffer as sbown in Figure 3. 12, install a split -rail fence to nark the btitffer edge. An Ecology concrete block wall in;ayr also be installed, set back froni the fence and outer edge of the buffer. outside of the reduced wetland and stream buffer to prevent vehicle access into any b u ffer :areas. CONSTRUCT/ON SEQUENCING SCALE: THE PLANTING SCHEDULE BELOW /S REFERENCED FROM THE APPROVED MITIGATION REPORT PREPARED BY KRIPPNER CONSUL 11NG, LLC AND DATED SEPTEMBER 2017 FURTHER INSTALLATION AND PLANTING REQUIREMENTS ARE PRESENTED IN THE REPORT AND MUST BE KEPT ON SITE AT ALL HUES FOR REFERENCE, INSTRUCTION AND COMPLIANCE. Common Name Scientific Name Size Quantity Tree lirub PI@ntings �&retland BLlffer Total Vine mapbe Acer Qrr m 12-15" t5a 50 50 Douglas haMhorn qmolq�m wg�nr 16-36" N R 50 50 Oregon ash Win_ k Vfq) 36-'+ 1 u I 40 50 Ocean spray Up0jtgM drscolor 18-36" � 50 50 Black twinberry Ler7rceraiA491ygR 36"+ 10 40 50 Tall Oregon gfape Mahonifl r_n 12-16" h 04 100 100 mkuu QqMWc,.�gmg 13-36" 50 50 Noatka rose Rosa ayk� p 12-13" fio0 100 Salmonberry ROM wwW 13-36" 6C1 50 8itka willo%w salfx §Maq,� 18-36" 54 � 5o Red elderbefry it k large 5u 50 8nowberry 18-36 100 100 Totals W 7 u% 680 750 Meadow seed mix Percentage I.bs Yarrow AchrVea q&iq&Wi M 15 j 0 6 Pearly everlastingA�� �r�,�r � 10 04 Common camas �,N "I, fib- 14 0 4 Tufted hairgrass P, �c_MM +„ 0Awt9" . 25 0.9 Idaho fescue rAftwwk 25 0.9 Large -leaved lupine wkwx*RWO 1 15 0.6 PLANT/NG SCHEDULE IN w CD Q Z Q U w D o Cn z o o o �? 00 W t5a O 00 h Q) v 0 N R CX co k L N s Q w 0/_ C'4 LL, Z Z 3 � 0 0 ? h I^ V OF m Z v 0 m h 04 _ Z Z J Z C� V) � 0' W W Z Z UJ w CD Q Z Q U w D o w o o o Cx� Z Z O a- W W co Q C) Q w CD Q Z Q U w D o w o w > Z Z O a- co Q Q w 0/_ a- 0 0 0 Q SHEET OF 2 3 PROJECT NUMBER 16174 �I C) CB #8024, TYPE I� RIM EL=135.57 12"CPEP(E)IE131.45 12"CPEP(S)IE-131.42 Lu 3V Lft_� Q V 0 Cr 00 CIO J 9 TEMPORARY BENCHMARK SET PK NAIL W/TAG "CORE CONTROL" ELEV=144.32 FEET 0 X 5 51 WE AND BU I SIX TPT ") C5 A � oC4 \ D TP, PLOT 1 __�-< A �o I u -OHP � OHP OHT--- OHTT OH SOH- 140 ETLAND 94f SF C1 -12"CPEP(W)IE=1 14.47, o W/TRASH RACKi 6 1 C7 6' CLF A- -.&/ Tf VL -&./ T VL V. %.0 -.&.f / jr I / LV / V..F / ■ %.4 Imo. V A6. ..f I I./I/. N01'00'32"E 10.00 KC TAX PARCEL LOT 1 .312305-9096 RENTON SP 068-87 N88'26'27"W 240.25 N88'26'27"W 837.20 TEMPORARY BENCHMARK SET PK NAIL W/TAG "CORE CONTROL" ELEV=165.60 FEET KC TAX PARCEL 312305-9075 PROPOSED NEW SPLIT RAIL FENCE TO BE L OCA TED ON THE BUFFER LINES. \ G AVEL I \ I \ TEST PIT IDE Al I T�1 TION AND - _ \ AND LOC�(TION (TNP� I / I \ Pt 1 _ T-�I � I - - - C2 C�A.ZA PEOT 2 �'� '' \� \ V'�� ��� 'SCO,+ \ 37.5' TREAM BER \ 0 TQ� \ 1 \ Li 0 0 �-'��__� \ EDGE OF o moo; ___ ��- -- >_ �� -� LAN[�SCAPING / i G �� F ND�1��,E�AR W�-TI�CAP / \ RETAINVIG WALL %YP) WALL CUSSES P ,/PERT/` SNE i P . " W f _� /LS2�2338�3e965 fw88 26 27 k 764.04 , � /� J � / T LN LINE OF THE SOUTH 525 FEET 24 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 31235 . TRACT A I GENEVA COURT PLAT REC. NO� 200-30224002494 4 I EX/ST/NG GRADE PROPOSED FIN/SHED GRADE 0+00 0+50 1+00 140 140 1+25 H T 11H 11H �p 5' vBF 23 22 WALL CKSSES 21 20 PF,,,-,,EEF, LINE WALL I CROSSES L 18 PROP RTY LINE QUANTITIES: PARCEL SIZE- 6.17 ACRES WORK AREA: 21,689 SQUARE FEET GRA VEL / SO/L REMOVAL: 1,225 C GRA VEL AND SO/L DEST/NAT/ON /S TO REMAIN ON S/TE AND PLACED OUTS/DE OF THE CRITICAL AREA BUFFER AREAS WHERE OVERFLOW PARK/NG CURRENTL Y EX/STS. EX/ST/NG GRADE Ile) PROPOSED FIN/SHED GRADE 0+00 0+50 140 1+00 1+25 NOTES: THE DEPTH OF MATER/AL TO BE REMOVED FROM THE GRA VEL FILL REMOVAL AREA VARIES FROM 3" IN SOME AREAS TO 12" IN OTHERS. ONL Y THE IMPORTED GRA VEL AND F/LL DIRT NEEDS TO BE EXCA VA TED. ONCE NA T/VE SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED, THE DEPTH OF EXCA VA TION lS COMPLETE. THE GOAL /S TO RESTORE THIS AREA TO /TS NA 17/RAL, PRE -GRA VEL ELEVA TIONS. IF NEEDED, THE PROJECT B/OLOG/ST OR A SO/LS ENG/NEER CAN BE PRESENT ON-SITE TO ASS/ST WITH RECOGNIZING THE PROPER DEPTH. DEPTHS OF GRA VEL/FILL TO BE REMOVED A T EACH TEST PIT WERE AS FOLLOWS:• TPT I = 12" TPT 2 = 3" TPT 3 = 3" TPT 4 = 4" TPT 5 = 12" 2) CAUT/ON MUST SE APPL/ED TO PROTECT THE NA 77 VE TREES GROWING NEAR THE STREAM AND TO LEA VE THEIR ROOT SYSTEMS UNDISTURBED. DURINGCONSTRUCTION ACT/V/TES TO RECONTOUR THE VERT/CAL OR STEEP SIDE SLOPES OF THE STREAM BANKS, OR ACT/V/TES TO REMOVE INVAS/VES, L/U/T USE OF LARGE MACH/NERY OR EXCAVATORS WHERE NECESSARY AND HAND CLEAR. NEAR VERTICAL SIDE SLOPES TO BE CUT BACK TO 3H.• I V WHERE POSS/BLE. AVOID DISTURBANCE OF EX. ROOT SYSTEMS AND TREES. EX. DEPTH 1� TSP' - =I TO REMAIN ;III,;, EX. WIDTH r TO REMAIN ' SECT/ON C NOT TO SCALE N SCALE: 1" = 20' 0 10 20 40 CONSTRUCT/ON SEQUENCING SHALL FOLLOW THE APPROVED MITIGATION REPORT PREPARED BY KR/PPNER CONSUL TING, LLC AND DATED SEPTEMBER 2017 A COPY OF THIS MIT/GAT/ON REPORT AND THESE CONSTRUCT/ON PLANS MUST SE KEPT ON SITE AT ALL TIMES FOR REFERENCE, INSTRUCT/ON AND COMPLIANCE. 1. Install construction fencing along boundary of reduced wvetland and strum buffer. Reduced wetland buffer is 56.25 feet. Reduced stream buffer is 37.5 fe-eL 2. Remove gravel fill and other garbage and debris including concrete slabs and imported rocks from protected buffer and wetland areas. This work in ay be completed with an excavator. 3. As instructed by the project biologist. remove non-native plants including Himalayan blackberry and the root mass of any Bohemian knotuveed. Haul Bohemian knotwveed to landfill for disposal. This work may be ccnip leted with an excavate r. Protect native trees growing near the stream, being careful to leave their root systems undisturbed. 4. As instructed by the project engineer and project biologist, re -contour vertical or steep -sided streain banks to make the bank slope more gradual and stable, approximate 3:1 slopes. Protect native trees growing near the streann, being careful to leave their root systems undisturbed. Excavator will stay on north side of stream. 5. Use excess native soil from stream re -contouring to fill in any holes created from removing Bohern ian knoteed root masses. 6. Use compost to rejuvenate Soils, where needed and rnix compost into the native soil. 7. Stabilize slope areas with jut matting near the stream near the upper end of the project, If needed. 8. Cover exposed soils with at least 3 inches of wood chip mulch in areas to be planted with trees and shrubs. 9. Cover exposed soils with weed free straw and native grass-forb seed rydxln meadow areas as shown in Figure 3. 10. Install native shrubs and trees in any wet] and areas where invasive pIants were removed. The extent of this area is estimated in Figure 3. 11. Install native trees and shrubs in tree/shrub plariting areas within the buffer asshow+vn in Figura- 3. 12. Install a split -rail fence to niark the buffer edge. An Ecology concrete block wall may also ire installed, set back from the fence and outer edge of the buffer, outside of the reduced wetland and stream buffer to prevent vehicle access into any buffer areas. • d,�y N . � oma;• y 10 z SEC TFON B � 0' HOR/Z. SCALE- I"=20' w VERT. SCALE- 1`5' N a� 0+00 0+50 140 1+00 1+25 NOTES: THE DEPTH OF MATER/AL TO BE REMOVED FROM THE GRA VEL FILL REMOVAL AREA VARIES FROM 3" IN SOME AREAS TO 12" IN OTHERS. ONL Y THE IMPORTED GRA VEL AND F/LL DIRT NEEDS TO BE EXCA VA TED. ONCE NA T/VE SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED, THE DEPTH OF EXCA VA TION lS COMPLETE. THE GOAL /S TO RESTORE THIS AREA TO /TS NA 17/RAL, PRE -GRA VEL ELEVA TIONS. IF NEEDED, THE PROJECT B/OLOG/ST OR A SO/LS ENG/NEER CAN BE PRESENT ON-SITE TO ASS/ST WITH RECOGNIZING THE PROPER DEPTH. DEPTHS OF GRA VEL/FILL TO BE REMOVED A T EACH TEST PIT WERE AS FOLLOWS:• TPT I = 12" TPT 2 = 3" TPT 3 = 3" TPT 4 = 4" TPT 5 = 12" 2) CAUT/ON MUST SE APPL/ED TO PROTECT THE NA 77 VE TREES GROWING NEAR THE STREAM AND TO LEA VE THEIR ROOT SYSTEMS UNDISTURBED. DURINGCONSTRUCTION ACT/V/TES TO RECONTOUR THE VERT/CAL OR STEEP SIDE SLOPES OF THE STREAM BANKS, OR ACT/V/TES TO REMOVE INVAS/VES, L/U/T USE OF LARGE MACH/NERY OR EXCAVATORS WHERE NECESSARY AND HAND CLEAR. NEAR VERTICAL SIDE SLOPES TO BE CUT BACK TO 3H.• I V WHERE POSS/BLE. AVOID DISTURBANCE OF EX. ROOT SYSTEMS AND TREES. EX. DEPTH 1� TSP' - =I TO REMAIN ;III,;, EX. WIDTH r TO REMAIN ' SECT/ON C NOT TO SCALE N SCALE: 1" = 20' 0 10 20 40 CONSTRUCT/ON SEQUENCING SHALL FOLLOW THE APPROVED MITIGATION REPORT PREPARED BY KR/PPNER CONSUL TING, LLC AND DATED SEPTEMBER 2017 A COPY OF THIS MIT/GAT/ON REPORT AND THESE CONSTRUCT/ON PLANS MUST SE KEPT ON SITE AT ALL TIMES FOR REFERENCE, INSTRUCT/ON AND COMPLIANCE. 1. Install construction fencing along boundary of reduced wvetland and strum buffer. Reduced wetland buffer is 56.25 feet. Reduced stream buffer is 37.5 fe-eL 2. Remove gravel fill and other garbage and debris including concrete slabs and imported rocks from protected buffer and wetland areas. This work in ay be completed with an excavator. 3. As instructed by the project biologist. remove non-native plants including Himalayan blackberry and the root mass of any Bohemian knotuveed. Haul Bohemian knotwveed to landfill for disposal. This work may be ccnip leted with an excavate r. Protect native trees growing near the stream, being careful to leave their root systems undisturbed. 4. As instructed by the project engineer and project biologist, re -contour vertical or steep -sided streain banks to make the bank slope more gradual and stable, approximate 3:1 slopes. Protect native trees growing near the streann, being careful to leave their root systems undisturbed. Excavator will stay on north side of stream. 5. Use excess native soil from stream re -contouring to fill in any holes created from removing Bohern ian knoteed root masses. 6. Use compost to rejuvenate Soils, where needed and rnix compost into the native soil. 7. Stabilize slope areas with jut matting near the stream near the upper end of the project, If needed. 8. Cover exposed soils with at least 3 inches of wood chip mulch in areas to be planted with trees and shrubs. 9. Cover exposed soils with weed free straw and native grass-forb seed rydxln meadow areas as shown in Figure 3. 10. Install native shrubs and trees in any wet] and areas where invasive pIants were removed. The extent of this area is estimated in Figure 3. 11. Install native trees and shrubs in tree/shrub plariting areas within the buffer asshow+vn in Figura- 3. 12. Install a split -rail fence to niark the buffer edge. An Ecology concrete block wall may also ire installed, set back from the fence and outer edge of the buffer, outside of the reduced wetland and stream buffer to prevent vehicle access into any buffer areas. • d,�y N . � oma;• y 10 z o � Ui 10 z o � 0' o w (11 co a N a� W W �0 a c z � 00 o Z V COO N z � Q Q 0 J a > C7 z W C7 0-1 LLJ Z a- C14 Cn Q LU W 0� a- z 0 0 o z SHEET OF 3 3 PROJECT NUMBER LU Ui CO 0' W W Q QQ O LLJ Q O 0 0 w > z z O LLJ 0 a- Cn Q Q w 0� a- 0 0 o Q SHEET OF 3 3 PROJECT NUMBER 16174