HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ_Variance_Justification_1708021. Pre-Application meeting Summary – Waived 2. Waiver Form _ Waived 3. Land Use Permit Master Application Form File: A_Master_Land _Use_170802_V1 4. Fees – paid when filed. 5. Project Narrative The project name is Bierlein Res. The Land Use permit required for this project is an Administrative Variance. The subject property at 2106 SE 21st Ct (Plat Lot /Unit # 35) is a single family residence located on a 6968 square foot lot zoned as R-8. The current structure is 1170 square feet consisting of 3 bedrooms, one bath, kitchen, living room, family room, and an attached 2 car garage. There are no special site features, soil , or drainage issues. The proposed use of the property is to maintain the single family residence with a planned addition of 252 square feet which increases the total square feet to 1422. The addition extends the family room behind the garage and provides for an additional bathroom and enclosed laundry room (current laundry area is within the garage). Structural improvements to the existing residence will include reroofing and painting of the exterior. No changes are made to existing sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer, driveway, street, etc. The estimated construction cost is $100,000 resulting in an estimated fair market value of $375,000 for the property. Excavation of a 12 x 20 x 3 foot area to support a foundation and crawl space is required for the addition. A variance is requested due to encroachment of the addition to the 20 foot rear setback requirement. File: P_Site_Plan_170802_V1 Sheet 1A - Shows Setback Encroachment in hatched area Sheet 1 – Site Plan proposed Sheet 2 – Floor Plan current and proposed 6. Variance Request Justification Plat 35 is an irregular lot and placement of the existing structure on the lot creates practical difficulties and hardship. The current structure built in 1969 meets the current required rear setback of 20 feet. However, the placement of the structure on the property creates a rear yard which has ample space to the west and significantly narrows to the east. The purpose of the addition is to increase the living area and provide for a second bathroom and enclosed laundry room. The west end of the house is designed for sleeping (bedrooms), the middle is dinning (kitchen), and a small family room is behind the garage on the east end. The addition looks to increase the living area on the east end. The room would increase from 10’ x 11’ to 19’ x 20’. Placing an extended living area on the west end or center of the dwelling would create an impractical layout. Likewise, adding a 19’ x 20’ addition behind the kitchen would also encroach on the setback and would essentially split the rear yard into three small areas. The current home consists of a single bathroom with laundry appliances in the garage at the east end. The planned addition would add a second bathroom to the living area at the east end and a laundry room. Changes to existing plumbing and electrical service are minimal as they already exist at that end due to the laundry appliances. Addition of this second bathroom and laundry room will increase the marketability of the property up to that of the other homes in the area with more than one bathroom. Because of the irregular lot only a triangular or wedge portion of the proposed addition would encroach on the setback. Strict application of the setback would deprive me of increasing the living area and marketability of the home for resale at a future date. Granting of the variance to include only the wedge portion of the addition which would encroach into the setback is not detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements. The lot directly behind the property has a slope from the property line,down 20 feet over a 30 foot span. File: M_Rear_View_170802_V1 is a view from the rear of my home looking north. The rear neighbors roof line is below my yard level and is not visible due to the slope beyond the fence. File: M_Slope_View_170802_V1 is a view of the rear neighbors yard just beyond the fence/property line showing the slope down to their house. File: M_Neighbor_View_170802_V1 is a vew from the side of the rear neighbors house looking south back towards my house. The 30 foot sloped area has not been maintained for the 33 years I have lived there and is essentially useless for construction other than decorative landscaping. The owner was approached regarding redrawing the property line to account for the triangular encroachment of the setback on my proposed addition but indicated he was not interested. The proposed addition on the rear of the east end will not encroach any further into the setback on the east side than the current structure. The east side property line appears to border on or is within a few feet of the current structure. The structure is at an angle to the property line. The distance is widest at the rear and closer towards the front. As such, any addition would not be closer that the current structure. The existing fence (built prior to the 33 years I have owned the property) does not seem to directly track the property line. It is currently 7 feet from the north east corner of the house and that distance would increase to 8 feet from the north ease corner of the addition. The owners of this house have indicated no concerns with the proposed addition. Likewise, the Rolling Hills Home Owners Association has also approved the addition. File: M_Eastside_Porperty_Line_170802_V1 is a photo looking south along the east side of the property. The approval of this variance does not grant a special privilege. Multiple houses in the neighborhood do not meet current setback requirements based on irregular lots and home placement. Likewise several have decks constructed at some point in time, which further encroach into the current setback requirements. The variance requested is only for the triangular portion or wedge of the proposed addition encroaching into the rear setback. The rear setback for the remaining property is not to be considered for this variance. 7. Density Worksheet - Waived 8. Plat Certificate or Title Report – Waived 9. Neighborhood Detail Map - Waived 10. Affidavit of Installation of Public Information Sign Scanned 11 Site Plan P_Site_Plan_170802_V1 Sheet 1 12. Landscape Analysis – Waived 13. Floor Plan P_Site_Plan_170802_V1 Sheet 2 14. through 27 – Waived 28. Photographs File: M_Rear_View_170802_V1 File: M_Slope_View_170802_V1 File: M_Neighbor_View_170802_V1 File: M_Eastside_Property_Line_ 170802_V1 29. Digital Copy – Waived