HomeMy WebLinkAboutWSDOT project coordinator, connector.docxGCB xxxx COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT City of Renton Project Coordinator I-405 – SR 167 Interchange Direct Connector Project THIS Agreement is made and entered into by the City of Renton (CITY) and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), collectively referred to as the “Parties” and individually referred to as “Party.” WHEREAS, WSDOT, in the interest of providing congestion relief in the I-405 Corridor, proposes improvements along I-405 and SR 167 within the CITY in a project known as the I405, SR 167 Interchange Direct Connector project (Project); and WHEREAS, WSDOT will construct the Project using the design-build method of project delivery; and WHEREAS, the design-build method of project delivery is flexible and allows for the development and finalization of the design after the contract is awarded, unlike the typical design-bid-build method of project delivery; and WHEREAS, the design of project elements in the design-build method of project delivery moves faster than in the typical design-bid-build method of project delivery; therefore, expedited CITY review of the design elements will be required; and WHEREAS, The City does not have sufficient staff resources to review the design elements within the expedited time frames of this project without retaining a City Project Coordinator; and WHEREAS, the Parties deem it beneficial to have a CITY Project Coordinator to serve as a liaison for the CITY and to expedite review of Project submittals; and WHEREAS, the WSDOT is committed to reimburse the CITY for costs that are directly related to services rendered solely for the Project by a CITY Project Coordinator. NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 39.34.080, which authorizes a public agency to contract with another public agency to perform any governmental service that each public agency is authorized to perform, and in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performances contained herein, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES The CITY Project Coordinator will serve as the CITY’s Project liaison. WSDOT’s I-405 Project Engineer will serve as the WSDOT’s Project liaison. GENERAL WSDOT and the CITY agree that it is to the benefit of both Parties for WSDOT to fund the temporary position of CITY Project Coordinator, in order to facilitate communication and coordination between WSDOT and the CITY. The individual serving in the capacity of CITY Project Coordinator shall be a Civil Engineer II or greater. Should reference Civil Engineer II, Keith is not a CE III. The CITY shall consult with WSDOT on its choice of the individual chosen to serve as the CITY Project Coordinator. WSDOT shall have the authority to reject the individual the CITY has chosen to fill the CITY Project Coordinator position. The CITY may not change the individual serving in the capacity of CITY Project Coordinator at any time without first receiving the written authorization of WSDOT. The CITY Project Coordinator shall consult with WSDOT’s I-405 Project Engineer, on a basis to be mutually agreed upon by WSDOT’s I-405 Project Engineer and the CITY, for the purpose of Project activity and priority direction. WSDOT shall only fund those hours worked by the CITY Project Coordinator for activities directly related to the Project. All other hours not directly related to the Project worked by the person serving as CITY Project Coordinator shall be paid by the CITY. The Parties agree that WSDOT shall pay an all-inclusive flat-rate for work by the CITY Project Coordinator, as outlined in Section 7.0. The CITY may require the CITY Project Coordinator to work in excess of 40 hours per week. Even if the CITY Project Coordinator works more than 40 hours per week on Project-related activities, the CITY shall bill WSDOT, to the nearest fifteen (15) minute increment, at the agreed upon all-inclusive flat-rate outlined in Section 7.0. In the event the CITY Project Coordinator is absent, the CITY will assign a designee to act in the stead of the CITY Project Coordinator. The designee shall also be subject to the terms and conditions of Section 2.2. The CITY’s designee acting on behalf of the CITY Project Coordinator shall serve no more than ten (10) consecutive business days without WSDOT approval. If the CITY Project Coordinator is absent for more than ten (10) consecutive business days, the CITY shall name a replacement, temporary or otherwise, subject to the terms and conditions outlined in Sections 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4. If WSDOT is unable to resolve to its satisfaction a dispute regarding the CITY Project Coordinator, upon following the dispute resolution process specified in Section 8.0, the WSDOT shall have the authority to request a replacement to fill the CITY Project Coordinator position. WSDOT’s written request for replacement shall be submitted to the CITY, and the CITY shall have thirty (30) calendar days to comply. The CITY shall name a replacement CITY Project Coordinator subject to the terms and conditions outlined in Sections 2.2 and 2.3. In the event that the CITY does not comply within thirty (30) calendar days, this Agreement shall be considered terminated and the WSDOT will be released from any further obligations under this Agreement. CITY RESPONSIBILITIES The CITY agrees to pay the CITY Project Coordinator and administer all employee benefits in accordance with the City’s employment policies. The CITY agrees that the CITY Project Coordinator shall be required to submit a monthly activity report to the WSDOT of actual hours worked performing the tasks listed in Section 5.0. The activity report shall include a daily accounting of specific activities performed and specific hours worked to accomplish the tasks. The activity report shall be submitted to the WSDOT by the fifteenth (15) day of the month following any month in which the CITY Project Coordinator had at least fifteen (15) minutes of work to report. WSDOT will review the hours worked and, if accurate, will approve reimbursement to the CITY at the mutually agreed upon rate identified in Section 7.1. The CITY Project Coordinator will be responsible for facilitating all Project-related communication between WSDOT and CITY staff as well as expediting CITY review of all Project-related submittals. This coordination of efforts with WSDOT will take place through WSDOT’s I-405 Project Engineer. WSDOT RESPONSIBILITIES WSDOT’s I-405 Project Engineer, or designee, will be responsible for facilitating all Project-related communication between the CITY Project Coordinator and WSDOT staff as well as providing Project-related submittals to the CITY Project Coordinator. This coordination of efforts with the CITY will take place through the CITY Project Coordinator. SCOPE OF WORK The CITY Project Coordinator shall serve as a liaison between WSDOT’s I-405 Project Engineer and CITY staff. The CITY Project Coordinator shall represent the CITY in design-build task force meetings and ongoing informal reviews during the design and construction of the Project, which is estimated to be between June 2016 and December 2018. The CITY Project Coordinator shall be responsible for informing the appropriate CITY staff of discussions and decisions made at task force meetings. The CITY Project Coordinator shall circulate Project submittals to appropriate CITY staff and ensure timely CITY review. The CITY Project Coordinator shall be responsible for expediting those reviews, with the goal of limiting the CITY’s Project submittal review period to the specific timeframes and conditions agreed upon in Section 3.0 of GCB xxxx.