HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECISION_LUA18000328_PSE POLE REPLACEMENTPLANNING DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER:Angelea Weihs, Assoicate Planner LUA18-000328, SME Talbot Paccar Transmission Line Reconductor May 11, 2018 OWNER:Puget Sound Energy Kerry Kriner PO Box 97034 M/S PSE-09N Bellevue, WA 98009-9734 PROJECT LOCATION:1719 MAPLE VALLEY HWY PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is requesting approval of a Shoreline Exemption and Critical Areas Exemption for proposed repair and maintenance activities on approximately 1.5 miles of existing Talbot – PACCAR 115 kV transmission line corridor (See Exhibit 1). The repair and maintenance activities would include replacing aging infrastructure and providing greater reliability within the transmission system. The properties included in the Shoreline and Critical Area Exemption request include a total of eight (8) parcels (1723059015, 1723059013, 2023059008, 2023059007, 0007200187, 0007200001, 1723059178, and 1723059107). PSE will replace 17 of the existing 31 wood poles within the corridor, reframe the remaining 14 poles, and replace the existing conductor with a smaller conductor of the same voltage. Nine (9) of the replacement poles and six (6) of the poles to be reframed are located within critical areas or critical area buffers. Of the 31 poles proposed for replacement/reframing, three (3) poles are located within Cedar River Regulated Shoreline Jurisdiction (Shoreline High Intensity and Urban Conservancy; Cedar River Reach C), two (2) poles are located within wetland buffers, and nineteen (19) of the poles are located within geologic hazards. The applicant submitted a Stream Study (dated February 9, 2018; See Exhibit 2), prepared by GeoEngineers, with the project application. GeoEngineers, Inc. (GeoEngineers) was contracted by Puget Sound Energy (PSE) to provide a stream study for the Talbot-Paccar 115 kV Re-Conductor Pole Replacement project for three (3) poles proposed to be replaced within the shoreline jurisdiction of the Cedar River (Parcels 1723059015 and 1723059013). The report states that, in the vicinity of the project, the existing condition of the Cedar River shoreline is a developed city park with buildings, passive park areas, and paved and unpaved driveways and walkways. Vegetation adjacent to the Cedar River (within approximately 50 to 75 feet of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM)) is predominantly composed of black cottonwood, red alder, big leaf maple, snowberry, Himalayan blackberry, Japanese knotweed and sword fern. According to the report, the three (3) poles proposed to be replaced are all located within areas devoid of native vegetation. Poles 1/13 and 1/14 (numbered and identified in Exhibit 1) are located within a grass area between a paved pedestrian path and unpaved informal path within Renton’s Cedar River Park, approximately 100 to 150 feet from the OHWM of the river. Pole 1/15 is also located in the park on the opposite side of the river, approximately 70 feet from the river bank, situated in an open area at the end of a gravel Page 1 of 4 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Certificate of Exemption from Shoreline Substantial Development Talbot Paccar Transmission Line Reconductor LUA18-000328, SME access path that follows the transmission corridor. All three (3) poles will be replaced with wood poles, and replacement conductor will be installed along the transmission corridor, including the Cedar River crossing. Poles 1/13 and 1/14 are existing 70 and 80-foot tall wood poles, respectively, that will be replaced with the same sized poles. Pole 1/15 is an existing 85-foot tall wood pole that will be replaced with a 90-foot wood pole. The poles will be accessed from existing paved and gravel pathways and no native vegetation is proposed for removal; however, minor trimming is proposed to facilitate construction. The report states that poles will be replaced in the same general location as the existing poles. Pole holes will be augered to a depth of approximately 10 feet and a width of 3 to 4 feet. Removed pole holes will be backfilled with native soils and restored to pre-construction conditions. Replacement poles will be backfilled with crushed gravel to set in wetter soils or installed within a caisson. The report states that appropriate stormwater best management practices (BMPs) will be used based on a project temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) plan and input from an onsite Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) inspector. Conductor stringing sites will be located south of Pole 1/14 and north of 1/16 (outside the shoreline jurisdiction), resulting in replacement conductor being aerially pulled in place. No work will occur in water or below the OHWM of the river. The report concludes that, while the Cedar River provides critical habitat for Chinook salmon and steelhead, the project will not involve in-water work and construction activities will not disturb in-water habitat. In addition, no tree removal or vegetation removal is proposed other than minor trimming. Therefore, none of the species, associated habitat, or nearby vegetation within the shoreline jurisdiction will be impacted by the proposed project. The applicant submitted a Stream and Wetland Evaluation (dated February 9, 2018; See Exhibit 3), prepared by GeoEngineers, with the project application. GeoEngineers was authorized to conduct wetland and stream delineation evaluation for the Talbot-Paccar Re-Conductor project in the vicinity of poles 0/13 and 0/14 ( Exhibit 1). The proposed project is located northeast of the Talbot Road South and I-405 intersection (Parcel number 2023059007). A total of two (2) wetlands (identified as Wetlands A and B) and one (1) stream (Rolling Hills Creek) were identified within and adjacent to the transmission corridor. The report states that Wetland A meets the criteria for a Category III wetland and would require a 100-foot buffer and Wetland B meets the criteria for a Category IV wetland and would require a 50-foot buffer. Rolling Hills Creek is a mapped Type F stream, which would require a 115-foot buffer. Construction equipment will access the poles via an existing gravel access pathway to reframe the two (2) existing poles. The report concludes that no permanent impacts to critical areas or their associated buffers will occur as a result of this project, as there will be no ground disturbance as a result of the pole repair and maintenance activities beyond temporary access using an existing path. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Evaluation (dated February 19, 2018; See Exhibit 4), prepared by GeoEngineers, with the project application. The report states that, of the 31 poles proposed for replacement/reframing, 19 (9 pole replacements and 10 reframed poles) are located within regulated geologic hazard areas. The report states that the only potential impact to geologic hazards for the reframed poles would be associated with access; therefore, GeoEngineers reviewed the 10 reframed poles for access needs, four (4) of which were excluded from further review due to availability of paved access. The study provides further review on the remaining 15 reframed/replaced poles and their impact on sensitive and protected slopes, high erosion hazards, and medium, high, and very high landslide hazards. The report states that no active areas of landsliding, slope movement, or erosion in the areas of the proposed Page 2 of 4 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Certificate of Exemption from Shoreline Substantial Development Talbot Paccar Transmission Line Reconductor LUA18-000328, SME replacement/reframing were observed. The study states that PSE Standard Best Management Practices (BMPs) are sufficient for pole replacement at most locations. The pole locations can be accessed from existing site access, the majority of which consists of paved or otherwise improved areas. Only two (2) localized areas will require the re-establishment of construction access using a gravel overlay. The study recommends avoiding cuts into the hillslope upslope of the poles and completing the work during the dry season. The study also recommends that soils removed from the new pole excavation be removed from the site and disposed of at an off-site disposal facility or in a stable location. The study concludes that the proposal can be safely accommodated at the sites, and that it is not anticipated that the proposed pole improvements will increase the threat of mapped geologic hazards to adjacent properties beyond pre-development conditions, or adversely impact other critical areas. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the applicant follow the recommendations provided in the Geotechnical Evaluation (dated February 19, 2018) prepared by GeoEngineers. In addition, staff recommends as a condition of approval, that if any tree trimming in excess of forty percent (40%) of the tree canopy becomes necessary within critical areas or buffers, that the applicant notify the Current Planning Project Manager in writing prior to tree trimming activities. SEC-TWN-R: NW17 - 23 - 5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (King County Assessor)POR OF GL 4 IN W 1/2 & SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 & SE 1/4 LY BTWN COLUMBIA & PUGET SOUND R/W & RENTON-MAPLE VALLEY RD & NLY OF LN BEG ON WLY MARGIN OF SAID ROAD 80 FT NWLY FROM S LINE OF NE 1/4 TH S 47-52-00 W 273.22 FT TH S 88-26-00 W 251.95 FT TH S 39-24-35 W 73.20 FT TH N 79-04-40 W 176.04 FT TH S 27-52-20 W LESS ST HWY LESS BEG INTSN SELY LINE & SLY MGN OF MAPLE VALLEY RD TH NWLY ALG SD MGN 60 FT TO POB TH CONTG NWLY 100 FT TH SWLY PLW SD SELY LN 225 FT TH SELY PLW SD MGN 100 FT TH NELY 225 FT TO POB LESS POR LY NWLY OF A LN BAAP OPPOSITE HWY ENGR STA HES LN 259+91.82 P C ON THE LN LINE SURVEY OF SR 405 RENTON S CURVES & 80 FT SELY THEREFROM TH NELY PLW SD LN SURVEY TAP OPPOSITE HES LN 267+60 TH NELY TAP OPPOSITE HES LN 271+00 ON SD LINE SURVEY & 114 FT SELY THEREFROM TH NELY PLW SD LINE SURVEY TAP OPPOSITE HES LN 273+00 POT THEREON & END OF LINE FOR STATE HWY LESS POR FOR RD PER DEED #20050418000001 SEC-TWN-R: SE17 - 23 - 5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (King County Assessor)PARCEL 1 CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO LUA 13-000410 RECORDING NO 20140326900013 (BEING A PORTION OF NW QTR SW QTR STR 17-23-05 AND OF W HALF SE QTR STR 17-23-05) WATER BODY/REACH:Cedar River Reach C EXEMPTION JUSTIFICATION: An exemption from a Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit is hereby Approved with Conditions* on the proposed project in accordance with RMC 4.9.190C 'Exemption from Permit System' and for the following reasons: Page 3 of 4 CityofRentonDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentCertificateofExemptionfromShorelineSubstantialDevelopmentTalbotPaccarTransmissionLineReconductorLUAJ8-000328,SMEMaintenanceandRepair:Normalmaintenanceorrepairofexistingstructuresordevelopments,includingdamagebyaccident,fireorelements.Theproposeddevelopmentis:ConsistentwiththepoliciesoftheShorelineManagementAct.ConsistentwiththeguidelinesoftheDepartmentofEcologywherenoMasterProgramhasbeenfinallyapprovedoradoptedbytheDepartment.ConsistentwiththeCityofRentonShorelineMasterProgram.CONDITIONS:PLN-AdministrativeDecisionConditionI.TheapplicantshallfollowtherecommendationsprovidedintheGeotechnicalEvaluation(datedFebruary19,2018),preparedbyGeoEngineers.PLN-AdministrativeDecisionCondition2.Ifanytreetrimminginexcessoffortypercent(40%)ofthetreecanopybecomesnecessarywithincriticalareasorbuffers,thattheapplicantshallnotifytheCurrentPlanningProjectmanagerinwritingpriortotreetrimmingactivities.SIGNATURE&DATEOFDECISION:\W)QAJd1/‘M(”tc—6ftI/‘2’01JennerHenngDateRECONSIDERATION:Within14daysofthedecisiondate,anypartyofrecordmayrequestthatthedecisionbereopenedbytheapprovalbody.Theapprovalbodymaymodifyhisdecisionifmaterialevidencenotreadilydiscoverablepriortotheoriginaldecisionisfoundorifhefindstherewasmisrepresentationoffact.Afterreviewofthereconsiderationrequest,iftheapprovalbodyfindssufficientevidencetoamendtheoriginaldecision,therewillbenofurtherextensionoftheappealperiod.Anypersonwishingtotakefurtheractionmustfileaformalappealwithinthe14dayappealtimeframe.APPEALS:Theadministrativelandusedecisionwillbecomefinalifnotappealedinwritingtogetherwiththerequiredfeeto:HearingExaminer,CityofRenton,1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057onorbefore5:00pm,onMay25,2018(RCW43.21.C075(3);WACI97-11-680).RMC4-8-110governsappealstotheHearingExaminerandadditionalinformationregardingtheappealprocessmaybeobtainedfromtheRentonCityClerk’soffice,RentonCityHall,7thFloor,(425)430-6510.EXPIRATION:Two(2)yearsfromthedateofdecision(datesigned)Attachments:SitePlan,StreamStudy,WetlandandStreamEvaluation,GeotechReportcc:PugetSoundEnergyKerryKriner-OwnerPage4of4 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! !!! !! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! ! !!! 0/13 0/14 0/15 0/16 0/17 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/11 1/12 1/13 1/14 1/15 1/16 1/17 1/18 1/19 1/20 1/21 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/5 S 2nd St MainAveSF a ctory Pl N N 3rd St S 3rd St Bronson Way SBronsonWayNNE3rdSt S Grady WayMa p l e V a l l e y H w yParkAveNSunsetBlvdN I-405 FWYHouserWayN Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS,AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Index Map Puget Sound EnergyTalbot-PACCAR 115 kV Re-conductorRenton, Washington Figure 2 µ500 0 500 Feet !Replacement Pole !Reframe Pole 115kV Re-conductor Alignment Notes:1. The locations of all features shown are approximate.2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended toassist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy and contentof electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers,Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. Projection: NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet Data Source: Geology from King County. Basemap from Mapbox Open Street Map, 2017 Contours from City of Renton Stream Study Talbot-Paccar 115-kV Re-Conductor Pole Replacement Renton, Washington for Puget Sound Energy February 9, 2018 Focused Stream and Wetland Evaluation Talbot-Paccar 115-kV Re-Conductor Pole Replacement Renton, Washington for Puget Sound Energy February 9, 2018