HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_Falcon_Ridge_Lift_Station_180531.pdfDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM CRITICAL AREAS REGULATIONS EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER: May 31, 2018 LUA18-000336 Falcon Ridge Lift Station Replacement Angelea Weihs, Assoicate Planner CONTACT:Michael Benoit, City of Renton - Sewer 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 LOCATION:2471 SE 8TH PL DESCRIPTION:Renton Wastewater Utility is requesting approval of a Critical Area Exemption in order to replace the existing Falcon Ridge Lift Station currently located on Tract B (247520TR-B) of Falcon Ridge (AKA Cedar Ridge) Development. The Falcon Ridge Lift Station, located at the east end of SE 8th Place, is a duplex fiberglass-enclosed lift station that serves the Falcon Ridge subdivision. The lift station was constructed in 1981 and has now reached the end of its useful life. The City of Renton proposes to construct a replacement lift station on abutting land currently owned by the City Parks Department, east of the existing lift station. The parcel proposed for the new lift station (parcel 2123059003) is 30 acres and contains critical areas, including Ginger Creek, protected and sensitive slopes, erosion hazards, landslide hazards, and coalmine hazards; however, the new lift station will be more than 300 feet from Ginger Creek and more than 60 feet from all other geologic hazardous areas, with the exception of moderate coalmine hazards. The proposed lift station will be located on the far west side of the lot, along the street frontage of SE 8th PL. The lift station will occupy approximately 1,990 square feet of land area. Construction of the proposed lift station will occur while the existing station remains in service. The proposed lift station will have the same capacity as the existing station, which has adequate capacity to serve the area for the foreseeable future. The new lift station facility will consist of: • A 10-foot-diameter wet well completed to a depth of 13 feet; • A 4-foot-diameter precast concrete manhole completed to a depth of 8 feet; • An 8-foot by 8-foot valve vault completed to a depth of 9 feet; and • A 10-foot by 9-foot electrical building and emergency generator, both supported on separate, at-grade concrete slab foundations. A Geological Evaluation prepared by RH 2 Engineering, Inc. (Exhibit 2; dated September 5, 2017) was submitted with the project application. The reports state that risks from landslides, mass wasting, liquefaction and flooding is low/negligible. In addition, risk of groundwater seepage from surrounding native soil during site development is negligible unless construction occurs following a period of sustained rainfall, and risk of earthquakes of a magnitude 5 to 6 during the next 50 years is high (80%). Staff recommends as a condition of approval, that the applicant follow the recommendations provided the the Page 1 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1FE3B99D-4498-460B-81D0-C89B9C24216C City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Certificate of Exemption from Critical Areas Regulations Falcon Ridge Lift Station Replacement LUA18-000336 Geotechnical Evaluation, which includes recommendations related to site excavation, subgrade preparation, use of excavated earth materials, slope stability, seismic design factors, and on-site infiltration capacity. RH2 Engineering also provided a Coal Mine Hazard Evaluation (Exhibit 3; dated Mach 9, 2018) with the project application. The Coal Mine Hazard Evaluation states that, according to mapping of the former Renton Coal Company Mine available on the Washington State Department of Natural Resources website, underground coal mining extended no closer than 1,300 feet west of the Site and at depths of at least 200 feet below the proposed location. In addition, the report states that geologic investigations for the proposed lift station conducted in May of 2017 encountered only dense glacial till, and no indication of subsidence or weakness in the till was observed in the 14-foot-deep soil exploration excavation. The Coal Mine Hazard Evaluation concludes that former coal mine activities do not pose a significant risk of ground subsidence that could negatively impact the construction and operation of the Falcon Ridge Lift Station. A total of eleven (11) trees are proposed for removal as part of the proposed lift station development. City Arborist, Terry Flatley, reviewed the proposal and agrees that these trees would not survive construction work and/or are in the way of facilities to be built (See Exhibit 4). Terry Flatley observed that other surrounding trees could be impacted by the project, and should be protected with construction fencing kept in place until the project is completed, and that no equipment should go beyond the limits of construction shown on the plan. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant install and maintain six-foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing, which includes tree protection signage, around the "limit of construction" as identified on the site plan (Exhibit 1). CRITICAL AREA:Coalmine Hazard EXEMPTION JUSTIFICATION:RMC 4-3-050C.3.e.ii: New trails, existing Parks, Trails, Roads, Facilities, and Utilities – Maintenance, Operation, Repair, and the Construction of New Trails Page 2 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1FE3B99D-4498-460B-81D0-C89B9C24216C City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Certificate of Exemption from Critical Areas Regulations Falcon Ridge Lift Station Replacement LUA18-000336 FINDINGS:The proposed development is consistent with the following findings pursuant to RMC section 4-3-050C.2.d: i. The activity is not prohibited by this or any other provision of the Renton Municipal Code or State or Federal law or regulation; ii. The activity will be conducted using best management practices as specified by industry standards or applicable Federal agencies or scientific principles; iii. Impacts are minimized and, where applicable, disturbed areas are immediately restored; iv. Where water body or buffer disturbance has occurred in accordance with an exemption during construction or other activities, revegetation with native vegetation shall be required; v. If a hazardous material, activity, and/or facility that is exempt pursuant to this Section has a significant or substantial potential to degrade groundwater quality, then the Administrator may require compliance with the Wellhead Protection Area requirements of this Section otherwise relevant to that hazardous material, activity, and/or facility. Such determinations will be based upon site and/or chemical-specific data. DECISION: An exemption from the Critical Areas Regulations is hereby Approved with Conditions*. CONDITIONS:1. The applicant shall follow the recommendations provided in the Falcon Ridge Lift Station Engineering Geology Evaluation (dated September 5, 2017) prepared by RH2 Engineering, Inc. 2. The applicant shall install and maintain six-foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing, which includes tree protection signage, around the "limit of construction" as identified on the site plan (Exhibit 1), prior to any construction activities. SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION: DateJennifer Henning, Planning Director May 31, 2018 The above land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Page 3 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1FE3B99D-4498-460B-81D0-C89B9C24216C 5/31/2018 | 2:25 PM PDT City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Certificate of Exemption from Critical Areas Regulations Falcon Ridge Lift Station Replacement LUA18-000336 APPEALS: An appeal of this administrative land use decision must be filed in writing together with the required fee to the City of Renton Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, on or before 5:00 p.m., on June 14, 2018. RMC 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision , there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. EXPIRATION: Five (5) years from the date of decision (date signed). Attachments:Site Plan, Geotech Report, Coal Mine Evaluation, Arborist Comments Page 4 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1FE3B99D-4498-460B-81D0-C89B9C24216C SE 8TH PL TP1 CONSTRUCTION LIMIT N: 175512.43 E: 1306016.27 CONSTRUCTION LIMIT N: 175442.57 E: 1305988.19 CONSTRUCTION LIMIT N:175429.30 E: 1306010.31 CONSTRUCTION LIMIT N: 175434.36 E: 1306029.03 CONSTRUCTION LIMIT N: 175449.56 E: 1306039.08 CONSTRUCTION LIMIT N: 175459.53 E: 1306030.04 CONSTRUCTION LIMIT N: 175483.43 E: 1306034.92 CONSTRUCTION LIMIT N: 175506.37 E: 1306031.63 CONSTRUCTION LIMIT N: 175507.20 E: 1306008.25 CONSTRUCTION LIMIT N: 175504.57 E: 1305988.11 REBAR CAP BENCHMARK BOLLARD BOLLARD TO BE REMOVED WATER METER FIRE HYDRANT (2 PORT) WATER GATE VALVE STORM DRAIN MANHOLE CULVERT DAYLIGHT SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE IRRIGATION VALVE POWER VAULT TELEVISION PEDESTAL POWER PAD MOUNT TRANSFORMER TEST PIT DECIDUOUS TREE CONIFEROUS TREE DECIDUOUS TREE TO BE REMOVED CONIFEROUS TREE TO BE REMOVED FENCE (AS NOTED) FENCE TO BE REMOVED UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE NATURAL GAS UNDERGROUND POWER SANITARY SEWER SEWER FORCEMAIN STORM DRAIN MAIN WATER MAIN RIGHT OF WAY LINE CENTER RIGHT OF WAY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY SECTION BOUNDARY ASPHALT ROAD CONCRETE DRIVEWAY AHFJDHApr 9, 2018Apr 9, 2018REN117-038FCLS-D-CIV01.DWGSHOWN C01 3 32 DWG NO.:DATEDESCRIPTIONREVISIONSBYREVIEWENGINEER:SAVE DATE:REVIEWED:PLOT DATE:CLIENT:FILENAME:SHEET NO.:JOB NO.:NO.0"1"2" DRAWING IS FULL SCALE WHEN BAR MEASURES 2" SCALE:PRELIMINARYwww.rh2.comRH2 ENGINEERING, INC.Bothell, Wa22722 29th Drive SE, Suite 2101.800.720.8052EXISTING SITE PLANCITY OF RENTONFALCON RIDGE LIFT STATIONCITY OF RENTONFALCON RIDGE LIFT STATIONEXISTING SITE PLAN EXISTING LEGEND EXISTING LIFT STATION1 EXISTING POWER UTILITIES2 2 1 SILT FENCE TO BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 207 TAKE ALL NECESSARY MEASURES TO PROTECT TREES NOT MARKED FOR REMOVAL BOLLARD, TO BE REMOVED ELECTRICAL PANEL, TO BE REMOVED TELEMETRY PANEL, TO BE REMOVED VACUUM-PRIMED PUMPS AND PIPING, TO BE REMOVED EXISTING SITE3 EXISTING GAS MONITORING STATION. DO NOT DISTURB EXISTING PARK BOUNDARY STAKE AND PROPERTY CORNER TO BE REPLACED WITH SURVEY PINS 3 1 CITY AND FIRE DEPARTMENT MUST HAVE ACCESS TO FIRE HYDRANT AT ALL TIMES. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL HYDRANT ACCESS BE BLOCKED OR LIMITED. DO NOT BLOCK SWING GATE. PRIVATE ACCESS TO SOUTHERN PROPERTY THROUGH GATE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. DO NOT BLOCK GATE. WHILE LIFT STATION IS IN OPERATION, CITY MUST HAVE FULL ACCESS TO EXISTING LIFT STATION AT ALL TIMES. DO NOT BLOCK ACCESS TO HOUSE AND DRIVEWAY FROM SE 8TH PL. 2 3 1 2 3 NTC: MAY THE CONTRACTOR USE SOME/ALL OF THE PARKING SPACES WEST OF THE EXISTING WET WELL? CONSTRUCTION LIMITS. NO WORK MAY TAKE PLACE BEYOND THIS BOUNDARY ON THE PARKS PARCEL. 4 4 EXISTING FENCE TO BE REMOVED EXHIBIT 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1FE3B99D-4498-460B-81D0-C89B9C24216C SE 8TH PL 00 B0 64 B0 00 A066 A0-2.68% - 1 . 3 7%-2.74%371 372 373 374 375376 377 375375-10 C-000 C050 C0EAST-WEST (A) PROFILE 360' 370' 380' 390' 360' 370' 380' 390' 0+000+66 2 1 NORTH-SOUTH (B) PROFILE 360' 370' 380' 390' 360' 370' 380' 390' 0+00 0+64 2 1 PROPOSED LIFT STATION LOCATION AHFJDHApr 9, 2018Apr 9, 2018REN117-038FCLS-D-CIV02.DWGSHOWN C02 4 32 DWG NO.:DATEDESCRIPTIONREVISIONSBYREVIEWENGINEER:SAVE DATE:REVIEWED:PLOT DATE:CLIENT:FILENAME:SHEET NO.:JOB NO.:NO.0"1"2" DRAWING IS FULL SCALE WHEN BAR MEASURES 2" SCALE:PRELIMINARYwww.rh2.comRH2 ENGINEERING, INC.Bothell, Wa22722 29th Drive SE, Suite 2101.800.720.8052PROPOSED OVERALL SITE PLANCITY OF RENTONFALCON RIDGE LIFT STATIONCITY OF RENTONFALCON RIDGE LIFT STATIONELECTRICAL BUILDING, SEE DWG NO. S01 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION EG WETWELL, SEE DWG NOS. S03 AND M01 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION VALVE VAULT, SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PROPOSED LEGEND PROPOSED OVERALL SITE PLAN 1 1 20' GATE JUNCTION BOX ENCLOSURE, SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ELECTRICAL BUILDING EG SLAB WETWELL VALVE VAULT GRAVEL PATH, 3' WIDE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 6' WIDTH x 6' LENGTH x 1.5' DEPTH ROCK PROTECTION OUTFALL SHALL BE QUARRY SPALLS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 9-13.6 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. PROVIDE 1' COVER OVER TOP OF PIPE. 8" PVC STORM PIPE, APPROX. LENGTH 23' 25-SA OIL-WATER SEPARATOR VAULT OR APPROVED EQUAL. IE IN = 374.05' IE OUT = 373.95' THICKENED ASPHALT CURB IE OUT = 370.0' TYPE 1 CATCH BASIN. RIM EL = 374.85' IE OUT = 372.33' 4" DI TEE WITH THRUST BLOCK. INSTALL (2) 4" GATE VALVES AND (3) PVC FLANGE ADAPTERS ON TEE 8" PVC PIPE, APPROX. LENGTH 25'-0" PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCE 4" PVC RJ PIPE, APPROX. LENGTH 24'. SEE ABANDONMENT NOTES ON DWG NO. G01 FOR ADDITIONAL PHASING AND CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION. PROPOSED PAVEMENT RESTORATION SHALL MATCH GRADE ON NORTH AND WEST SIDES. SEE DWG NO. C05 FOR DETAILS PROPOSED PAVEMENT, SEE DWG NOS. C03 AND C05 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PROPOSED FENCE EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED GRADE EXCAVATED MATERIAL MAY BE REUSED FOR SITE FILL PROVIDED THAT 6" AND LARGER OBJECTS AND ORGANIC DEBRIS ARE REMOVED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT. PROTECT EXCAVATED MATERIAL FROM EXCESS MOISTURE. DURING PLACEMENT, BACKFILL SHOULD BE PLACED AT OPTIMAL MOISTURE IN 6" LOOSE LIFTS AND COMPACTED TO A FIRM AND UNYIELDING CONDITION AT LEAST 95% OF MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY THE MODIFIED PROCTOR TEST (ASTM D 1557). PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 1,990 SF INCLUDING PAVEMENT AT EXISTING LIFT STATION DO NOT DISTURB EXISTING APPURTENANCE SITE LIGHTING, TYP. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. CORE DRILL PENETRATION FOR PROPOSED PIPE. PIPE IE SHALL MATCH EXISTING FLOOR ELEVATION, APPROXIMATELY 360.74' CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY. PROPOSED FLAT TOP FOR EXISTING MANHOLE 8" PVC STORM PIPE, APPROX. LENGTH 2.5' VENT PIPING AND CONCRETE PAD TO BE INSTALLED OUTSIDE FENCE. PROVIDE FINE GRADING TO ACCOMMODATE PAD.204 208 CONNECTION TO EXISTING SYSTEM 1 THE EXISTING STATION MUST REMAIN ONLINE AND OPERATIONAL UNTIL WRITTEN CONSENT HAS BEEN ISSUED BY THE OWNER TO THE CONTRACTOR TO ABANDON THE EXISTING FACILITY. IN ORDER TO CONNECT THE DISCHARGE PIPE FROM THE EXISTING WET WELL AND THE PROPOSED FORCEMAIN TO THE EXISTING FORCE MAIN, THE CONTRACTOR WILL PLUG THE DISCHARGE PIPE OF MANHOLE #10040 AND UTILIZE VACTOR TRUCKING AS NECESSARY TO REMOVE INCOMING FLOWS WHILE PROPOSED CONNECTIONS ARE INSTALLED. AT NO TIME SHALL THE LEVEL IN MANHOLE #10040 EXCEED 366.0'. PROPOSED DISCHARGE PIPE FROM EXISTING WET WELL SHALL BE CORED. SEE CITY OF RENTON STANDARD MANHOLE DETAIL FOR CONNECTION DETAIL. INSTALL PLUG AT UPSTREAM END TO PREVENT FLOW UNTIL PROPOSED STATION IS APPROVED IN WRITING FOR OPERATION WITH WASTE WATER. TEE CLUSTER WILL BE INSTALLED WITH EAST GATE VALVE NORMALLY CLOSED WITH A TEMPORARY BLIND FLANGE UNTIL FINAL CONNECTION IS APPROVED. SEE CONNECTION DETAIL THIS SHEET. SEE ABANDONMENT NOTES ON DWG NO. G01 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 2 FITTINGS PER PLAN CONNECTION DETAIL 1 2 PROTECT EXPOSED DISTURBED EARTH FROM EROSION VIA MULCH OR HYDROSEEDING. MAN ACCESS GATE 210 200 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1FE3B99D-4498-460B-81D0-C89B9C24216C 101 111 106 105 103 102 00 B0 64 B0 00 A066 A0-2.68% - 1 . 3 7%-2.74%371 372 373 374 375376 377 375375203 204 205 206 207 210 109 108 107 110 112 113 114 117 116 115 202 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 208 209 -10 C-000 C050 C0310 104 311 EAST-WEST (C) PROFILE 350' 360' 370' 380' 390' 350' 360' 370' 380' 390' -0+10 0+00 0+50 POINT TABLE POINT NO. 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 202 ELEV. 375.18 375.41 375.30 375.51 375.30 375.30 375.00 375.30 375.10 374.95 375.10 375.00 375.10 375.15 375.15 375.10 375.10 375.26 NORTHING 175483.83 175464.32 175462.09 175452.35 175448.22 175450.34 175472.76 175471.86 175471.19 175492.08 175489.11 175490.58 175488.49 175490.33 175488.64 175486.80 175486.43 175453.98 EASTING 1305975.30 1305981.69 1305989.56 1305982.54 1306008.80 1306024.40 1306028.08 1306021.47 1306016.52 1306025.45 1306014.08 1306014.39 1306009.58 1306009.33 1305996.86 1305997.11 1305994.43 1306010.34 DESC. EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOG EOP EOP EOG EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP WETWELL POINT TABLE POINT NO. 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 ELEV. 375.30 375.24 375.18 375.17 375.10 374.85 374.96 375.10 375.33 375.55 375.57 375.65 375.28 375.13 374.75 375.22 375.14 375.30 NORTHING 175452.49 175457.44 175461.79 175463.89 175476.97 175477.39 175482.43 175487.54 175464.62 175461.68 175447.70 175449.92 175471.93 175472.36 175499.93 175496.47 175484.61 175474.61 EASTING 1306017.13 1306016.46 1305999.39 1306014.84 1306015.74 1306005.12 1306008.10 1306014.30 1305986.93 1305989.26 1306008.67 1306024.97 1306021.97 1306025.11 1306013.12 1305987.72 1305987.53 1305987.23 DESC. PANEL PANEL VAULT VAULT BLDG CB OWS BLDG FENCE FENCE FENCE FENCE FENCE FENCE FENCE FENCE FENCE FENCE AHFEHApr 9, 2018Apr 9, 2018REN117-038FCLS-D-CIV02.DWGSHOWN C03 5 32 DWG NO.:DATEDESCRIPTIONREVISIONSBYREVIEWENGINEER:SAVE DATE:REVIEWED:PLOT DATE:CLIENT:FILENAME:SHEET NO.:JOB NO.:NO.0"1"2" DRAWING IS FULL SCALE WHEN BAR MEASURES 2" SCALE:PRELIMINARYwww.rh2.comRH2 ENGINEERING, INC.Bothell, Wa22722 29th Drive SE, Suite 2101.800.720.8052PROPOSED SITE PLANCITY OF RENTONFALCON RIDGE LIFT STATIONCITY OF RENTONFALCON RIDGE LIFT STATIONPROPOSED SITE PLAN EG WETWELL, SEE DWG NOS. S03 AND M01 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION VALVE VAULT, SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ROOF OUTLINE 12' PAVEMENT RADIUS EXISTING WET WELL PROPOSED INFLUENT GRAVITY PIPE PROPOSED WET WELL PROPOSED MANHOLE TOP SHALL BE 108" DIAMETER FLAT TOP FOR EXISTING 6' DIAMETER STRUCTURE WITH MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER. CENTER OF COVER SHALL BE 33" FROM EDGE OF SLAB. EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED GRADE PROPOSED TOP SLAB EXISTING MANHOLE ASPHALT PAVEMENT201 6" CRUSHED ROCK, COMPACTED TO A FIRM AND UNYIELDING CONDITION EXISTING NATIVE MATERIAL, COMPACTED PRIOR TO GRAVEL PLACEMENT PROPOSED SLAB ON EXISTING MANHOLE 200 200 ELECTRICAL BUILDING, SEE DWG NO. S01 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SLOPE EXISTING PAVEMENT AS SHOWN DocuSign Envelope ID: 1FE3B99D-4498-460B-81D0-C89B9C24216C 9/5/2017 3:59 PM \\rh2.com\dfs\Bothell\Data\REN\117-038\Geo\Tech Memo re Falcon Ridge LS.docx Signed: 9/5/17 Signed: 9/5/17 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Client: City of Renton Project: Falcon Ridge Lift Station Replacement and Force Main Improvements Project File: REN Project Manager: Edwin Halim, PE Composed by: Steve Nelson, LEG Reviewed by: Tony Pardi, PE Subject: Falcon Ridge Lift Station Engineering Geology Evaluation Date: September 5, 2017 INTRODUCTION The Falcon Ridge Lift Station, located at the east end of SE 8th Place east of Lake Youngs Way SE in Renton WA, is a duplex fiberglass-enclosed lift station that serves the Falcon Ridge subdivision. The lift station was constructed in 1981 and has now reached the end of its useful life. The City of Renton (City) intends to construct a replacement lift station on land currently owned by the City Parks Department east of the existing lift station. Construction of the proposed lift station will occur while the existing station remains in service. The proposed lift station will have the same capacity as the existing station, which has adequate capacity to serve the area for the foreseeable future. The lift station facility will consist of: • A 10-foot-diameter wet well completed to a depth of 13 feet; • A 4-foot-diameter precast concrete manhole completed to a depth of 8 feet; • An 8-foot by 8-foot valve vault completed to a depth of 9 feet; and • A 10-foot by 9-foot electrical building and emergency generator, both supported on separate, at-grade concrete slab foundations. Entire Document Available Upon Request EXHIBIT 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1FE3B99D-4498-460B-81D0-C89B9C24216C 3/9/2018 3:47 PM J:\DATA\REN\117-038\GEO\TECH MEMO RE FALCON RIDGE LS ADDENDUM.DOCX TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Client: City of Renton Project: Falcon Ridge Lift Station Replacement and Force Main Improvements Project File: REN Project Manager: Edwin Halim, PE Composed by: Steve Nelson, LEG Reviewed by: Tony Pardi, PE Subject: Coal Mine Hazard Evaluation Date: March 9, 2018 INTRODUCTION The Falcon Ridge Lift Station, located at the east end of SE 8th Place east of Lake Youngs Way SE in Renton, Washington, is a duplex fiberglass-enclosed lift station that serves the Falcon Ridge subdivision. The lift station was constructed in 1981 and has now reached the end of its useful service life. The City of Renton (City) intends to construct a replacement lift station on land currently owned by the City Parks Department adjacent to and east of the existing lift station. Construction of the proposed lift station will occur while the existing station remains in service. The proposed lift station will have the same capacity as the existing station, which has adequate capacity to serve the area for the foreseeable future. The replacement lift station facility will consist of a 10-foot-diameter wet well completed at a depth of approximately 13 feet. SITE CONDITIONS The lift station site (the Site) is located within an area designated by the City as a Coal Mine Hazard Area. Surficial geologic units at the Site encountered during a previous site investigation consist of very dense sandy silt with gravel identified as unweathered glacial till (RH2 Engineering, Inc., Technical Memorandum Falcon Ridge Lift Station Engineering Geology Evaluation, September 5, 2017). Mapping by Washington State Department of Natural 3/09/18 3/09/18 Entire Document Available Upon Request EXHIBIT 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1FE3B99D-4498-460B-81D0-C89B9C24216C From: Terrence J. Flatley Sent: Monday, April 09, 2018 1:56 PM To: Angelea Weihs Cc: Michael A Benoit Subject: Falcon Ridge Lift Station - Tree Review Hi Angelea, I have reviewed the Falcon Ridge Lift Station project (attachments) and there are several trees shown in red indicated for removal. Those trees would not survive construction work and/or are in the way of facilities to be built and should be removed. There are two additional trees not shown in red that are almost on the silt fence line (red dot/dash line). One is a 24-inch diameter Western redcedar tree (yellow highlight) and the other is an 18-inch diameter Western redcedar tree (yellow highlight). The trees have metal tags on them: the 24” tree is #10196 and the other is #10194. These two trees should be included in the tree removal because they will be too close to the construction (limits of construction shown to be even closer to these trees) and would suffer significant damage to their root systems (Western redcedar has a medium tolerance to development impacts). The 24 inch tree will be about 7 feet from the finished facility and the 18 inch tree will be 10 feet. Under ideal tree protection, these trees would require 18 to 24 feet of tree protection over the root systems in order to not significantly impact tree health. There are other surrounding trees that could be impacted by this project and should be protected with a combination of construction fencing kept in place for the life of the project until completed and signage on the fencing. No equipment should go beyond the limits of construction shown on the plan. Terry Flatley, Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Manager Community Services Department – 6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425-430-6601 ISA Certified Arborist - Municipal Specialist EXHIBIT 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1FE3B99D-4498-460B-81D0-C89B9C24216C