HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Report and Analysis of the Shared Facility Drainage Plan_180522.pdf REPORT & ANALYSIS OF THE SHARED FACILITY DRAINAGE PLAN FOR THE REGIONAL STORM POND NEAR MONSTER ROAD S.W. RENTON WA INNOVA’s Project Name: DCT Monster Road PARCEL NO: 242304-9008 601 Monster Road SW Renton, WA PREPARED FOR: DCT Industrial 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2830 Seattle, WA 98104 May 22, 2018 (Our Job No.: 17-045) Prepared by: Stuart Scheuerman, Project Manager Jason Hein, Cvil Engineering Reviewed by: Paul B. McCormick, PE, SE INNOVA Architects Inc. 950 Pacific Ave., Suite 450 Tacoma, WA 98402 (253) 572-4903 Table of Contents Introduction and Executive Summary Pages 1 - 3 Volume and Water Surface Calculations Pages 4 - 16 Basin Area Summary Pages 17 - 18 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual Review Pages 19 – 20 Areas to the Existing Shared Facility – Excel Spreadsheet Pages 21 – 22 Existing Pond Storage Volumes Page 23 Pond Volumes - Existing vs. Current - Excel Spreadsheet Page 24 Exhibit A – Base Map from the Original TIR for Plumbers and Pipefitters Regional Stormwater Retention Facility. Exhibit B - Overall Existing Drainage Basin going to the Existing Regional Stormwater Retention Facility Exhibit C - Existing Impervious Surfaces Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 Exhibit D - Existing Impervious Surfaces Parcel 3 Exhibit E - Existing Impervious Surfaces Parcel 4-A and 4-B Exhibit F - Metro Area not going to the existing Shared facility Exhibit G - Monster Road Drainage Area to Existing Shared Facility Exhibit H - Contour Surface Area Elevation 18 – South Low Area Exhibit I - Contour Surface Area Elevation 18 & 16 – North Low Area Exhibit J - Original Topographic map of the North Low area Exhibit K - Original Topographic map of the South Low area Appendix A – Original Technical Information Report for the Plumbers and Pipefitters Regional Stormwater Retention Facility prepared by Bush, Roed & Hitchings dated June, 1994 Appendix B – Original approved construction drawing titles “Regional Retention Pond Pump Outfall Facility prepared 11/3/94 and checked for compliance 11/26/96 Appendix C – Regional Detention Facility Pump Station Agreement and Reciprocal Easements Recording # 9506191492 Original document prepared on 3/28/95 and signed on various dates 1 INTRODUCTION INNOVA Architects has been hired by DCT Industrial Trust to provide architectural and civil engineering design for their re-development of the property known as 601 Monster Road S.W. Renton WA. That regional pond was designed for this and other parcels to drain to it as will be shown later in the attached documents. The DCT site has an existing building and paved areas that has been in place for many years. However, the new development will create 1.5 acres of new additional impervious areas which will generate new storm water runoff from the present condition. This new impervious area was not considered in the original storm pond design. The purpose of this report is to analyze the pond to determine if the existing storm pond has capacity to receive direct discharge from the property for the new impervious area created and if the existing pumps have capacity for the additional flows and volume created. Our initial opinion was that the design of the DCT property should not need to provide onsite detention for this addition of 1.45 acres of new impervious area because there is already in place a large and significant regional pond. However, the City of Renton has asked us to substantiate whether that existing regional pond has the volume capacity to contain the new storm water that will be created from our addition of 1.45 acres of new impervious surface. Therefore this report provides the contents of our analysis of that regional pond. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY After a thorough analysis of the original pond design as well as our own additional analysis of the impacts of our site’s additional 1.45 acres of new impervious area, we find that the impact to the pond in terms of water surface elevation change, and the capacity of the pumps to function as engineered is a negligible impact and that the pond functions as intended and the pumps will function as intended with this new development in place. Therefore it is our professional op inion that the DCT site may direct discharge to this pond without the need for onsite detention. Our work analyzed the existing pond design. Then we analyzed three changes to that original design. In total four conditions and four water surface elevation s were examined as defined below. 1. Original Pond design and its water surface elevation. 2. We analyzed the current conditions of the pond and current water surface elevations. This current condition includes the runoff created by the city streets which were not in the original design plan to drain to this pond. At some point the City of Renton changed their city street storm system and be gan directing street 2 runoff to this regional pond. This street area is 1.24 acres that currently drains to the regional pond and for which the pond was never designed for that property to drain to it. We analyzed that as part of the current condition. We also analyzed the current condition to include the fact that two of the properties within the pond basin area have over built impervious surfaced beyond what was allocated to them in the original pond design. That amount of over built impervious area is 0.43 acres for the combined two properties. 3. We analyzed the impact that the DCT site will cause with the addition of 1.45 acres of new impervious area, of which 0.95 acres is beyond which was originally included in the regional pond design. 4. We analyzed the impact that could occur in the future if and when two of the properties, which drain to this regional pond, create more impervious area to reach the total threshold which they were allowed to reach in the original regional pond analysis and for which level they have never achieved. Those sites combined were allotted a total of 1.5 acres of impervious surface which currently does not exist. Specifically the water surface levels for all the conditions analyzed are as follows: 1. Original Pond Design Water Surface Elevation 12.11’ 2. Current condition including 1.24 acres street Water Surface Elevation 12.22’ 3. DCT addition of 1.5 acres Water Surface Elevation 12.34’ 4. Future Possible Development 1.5 acres Water Surface Elevation 12.46’ 5. First pump comes on at Water Surface Elevation 11.50’ 6. Second pump comes on at Water Surface Elevation 13.50’ 7. Pond Top Surface (per original report) Pond Surface at elevation 19’ 8. Nearest buildings** Finish floor elevations ** 595 Monster Road SW - Main Floor EL. = 25.40, Auditorium at EL. 22.50. 555 Monster Road SW – Main Floor EL. = 23.50 +/-. We conclude that there is approximately 6.5 feet of freeboard and is a large safety factor on the pond capacity, meaning this pond is well within the safety limits before an overflow could happen. The volume of the pond capacity would increase significantly if ever the water were to rise even above the 12.5 feet we calculate , because as the water rises higher the pond area increases significantly. We have researched and found the elevations of the nearest buildings to the pond, with the 595 Monster Road SW site which has an auditorium floor elevation of 22.50 feet, which is 3.5 feet higher than the pond surface at elevation 19 feet. For these reasons it is our professional opinion that the pond has capacity, and the pumps function well 3 within the original design parameters with the three conditions analyzed and added to the original pond design. The changes in water surface elevation are small because the pond has a surface area of about 4.77 acres and has a large storage capacity. Also the pumps are working to reduce the level of water. The water surface elevations are small but even those are short term rises in water, only lasting as long as it takes for the pumps to pump out the water and bring the water level back down to below the pump float levels. In summary it is our professional opinion that the DCT site should not be required to develop on site detention and doing so would be an unnecessary feature which would not produce a beneficial change for the operation of the existing regional storm pond and the pumps. The pond capacity and pumps can handle the volume as stated above. 4 VOLUME AND WATER SURFACE CALCULATIONS INNOVA staff visited the regional storm facility along with our wetland consultants. We have found that this regional storm facility does not have a natural discharge release path and instead there are in place two storm water pumps which are activated by float switches which pump the water under the rail road tracks to the west and into a drainage swale which flows west to the Black River. After visiting the site and finding existing pumps we obtained the original report and analysis for the design of the pumps. That report was prepared by Bush, Roed & Hitchings dated June, 1994 and which is attached to this report as a reference. We found that the basin area draining to this pond is 44.0 acres and has a total storage requirement of 357,235.2 c.f. and that the maximum pond elevation in a 24 hour 100 year storm event would be at elevation 12.11 ft. using the NAVD 88 vertical datum. That design used the Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph (SBUH) method of calculating the storm volume and pond water surface elevations, and would be assumed to be used as the basis for setting all the pump float switch elevations that are currently in place to activate the pumps. A first pump is activated by float switches when the pond water surface reaches an elevation level of 11.50 feet and pumps water out of the pond at a rate of 3.9 CFS. A second pump float switch activates the second pump when the pond wate r surface reaches a surface elevation of 13.5 feet and pumps an additional 3.9 cfs, for a total pump rate of 7.8 cfs. The original hydrologic modeling was based on the SBUH methodology which developed the original pond elevations and discharge flows; they were not reevaluated under this report. The original detention ponds storage volumes were based upon the original topographic surveys done at that time. This evaluation uses the currently approved method of hydrologic modeling program WWMH2012 for calculation of all volumes of water coming from the street, from the proposed DCT site and coming from a possible future development from 2 properties in the original pond basin area. This report’s detention ponds storage volumes are based on the original topographic surveys up to elevation 16 on the north pond and elevation 18 on the south pond. The city’s GIS mapping was used for volumes above these. To determine an estimated cubic foot volume base per acre, the proposed redevelopment on the DCT site and the other parcels which still have additional impervious surface area that were allocated to them were added together, using WWHM2012 with this additional 2.95 acres of impervious surface flowing to it, would 5 require 1.15 acre-feet of storage, which equates to 17,038 cf of storage per acre of impervious surface see below; The original pond volumes were used to determine the new pond elevations from these new proposed impervious surfaces; the pond volumes are at one foot intervals. The original report states that the peak stage for the 100 yr/24 hour storm event is at elevation 12.11-ft. At that elevation the pond has a volume of 357,235 cf and at 13-ft the volume is 542,138 cf. The difference between these volumes is 184,903 cf, therefore for each tenth of a foot the volume in the pond increases by 20,775 cf. There are three changes that could affect the drainage area and elevations that have been evaluated under this review. 1. Original Pond design and its water surface elevation. 2. Current conditions including the street area having 1.24 acres that currently drains to the regional pond and currently including some overbuilt impervious areas by some of the properties within the basin area who increased their areas beyond those originally calculated, (see details later in this report). 3. The DCT site with the addition of 1.45 acres of new impervious area. 4. Possible future addition of two properties in the basin to build out their original allotted area for impervious surfaces, adding 1.5 acres for the two properties combined. The calculation of the pond water surface elevation for each of the scenarios above is as follows. The first condition that changes the elevation from the original design is the addition of part of Monster Road SW; which equals 1.24 ac of impervious surfaces, which was not included in the pond or pump design. The change in pond volume and pond depth from this addition is: 6 Pond storage needed for Monster Road drainage: This puts the pond water surface elevation at elevation 12.11 +0.11 = 12.22 The second condition that would change the elevation is the addition of new impervious surfaces on the DCT site which adds flows to the current conditions of the pond. Developing the DCT parcel (Parcel 1) results in the following. Pond storage needed for proposed DCT Site: This puts the resulting pond water surface elevation at 12.22 + 0.12 = 12.34 The third condition that could change the elevation is f rom two of the six parcels that entered into the agreement for this shared drainage facility. These two parcels have additional impervious areas that are allocated to them. Parcel 3 (see basin areas summary page 8) can add an additional 0.49 acres and Parcel 4B can add 1.01 acres to their properties. To show that this pond is capable of providing detention for all signed into agreement the following calculation show how a full build-out would impact the pond. Pond storage needed for Parcel 3 and Parcel 4B: This puts the pond water surface elevation at elevation 12.34 + 0.12 = 12.46 7 Conclusion; if all parcels were to develop to their fully allocated impervious areas, Monster Road SW drainage area, increase in impervious surface area on the DCT site, the highest the pond would reach in a 100yr/24hr storm event would be 12.46 fee t and have a volume of 428,624 cf. The pump system originally design for this shared facility is set to have the initial pump to start discharging at 3.9 cfs when the water surface elevation reaches 11.5 feet. There is also a secondary pump that will engage and discharge at the same 3.9 cfs when the pond surface elevation reaches 13.5 feet. The pond water surface elevation calculated at full build out is within the range between the two pump float switch levels, and is considered to be within the normal range for the pumps to operate. The overall height of the existing pond from the original design is set at elevation 19.0, with an accumulated volume of 2,810,138, thus creating a tremendous safety factor . Calculations for the volume of water coming off the site for the new proposed impervious area as well as that volume coming off the city road, is calculated using the 2012 WWHM methodology and is shown on the following pages. 8 WWHM2012 PROJECT REPORT ___________________________________________________________________ Project Name: Additional Impervious Site Name: DCT Monster RD Site Address: 601 Monster RD City : Renton Report Date: 5/11/2018 Gage : Seatac Data Start : 1948/10/01 Data End : 2009/09/30 Precip Scale: 1.00 Version Date: 2017/04/14 Version : 4.2.13 ___________________________________________________________________ Low Flow Threshold for POC 1 : 50 Percent of the 2 Year ___________________________________________________________________ High Flow Threshold for POC 1: 50 year ___________________________________________________________________ PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Name : Basin 1 Bypass: No GroundWater: No Pervious Land Use acre C, Lawn, Mod 2.95 Pervious Total 2.95 Impervious Land Use acre Impervious Total 0 Basin Total 2.95 ___________________________________________________________________ Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater ___________________________________________________________________ MITIGATED LAND USE Name : Basin 1 Bypass: No GroundWater: No 9 Pervious Land Use acre Pervious Total 0 Impervious Land Use acre ROADS MOD 2.95 Impervious Total 2.95 Basin Total 2.95 ___________________________________________________________________ Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Trapezoidal Pond 1 Trapezoidal Pond 1 ___________________________________________________________________ Name : Trapezoidal Pond 1 Bottom Length: 72.06 ft. Bottom Width: 72.06 ft. Depth: 7 ft. Volume at riser head: 1.1499 acre-feet. Side slope 1: 3 To 1 Side slope 2: 3 To 1 Side slope 3: 3 To 1 Side slope 4: 3 To 1 Discharge Structure Riser Height: 6 ft. Riser Diameter: 18 in. Notch Type: Rectangular Notch Width: 0.028 ft. Notch Height: 2.700 ft. Orifice 1 Diameter: 1.673 in. Elevation: 0 ft. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 ___________________________________________________________________ Pond Hydraulic Table Stage(feet) Area(ac.) Volume(ac-ft.) Discharge(cfs) Infilt(cfs) 0.0000 0.119 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0778 0.120 0.009 0.021 0.000 0.1556 0.122 0.018 0.030 0.000 0.2333 0.123 0.028 0.036 0.000 0.3111 0.125 0.038 0.042 0.000 0.3889 0.127 0.047 0.047 0.000 0.4667 0.128 0.057 0.051 0.000 0.5444 0.130 0.067 0.056 0.000 0.6222 0.131 0.078 0.059 0.000 0.7000 0.133 0.088 0.063 0.000 0.7778 0.135 0.098 0.067 0.000 10 0.8556 0.136 0.109 0.070 0.000 0.9333 0.138 0.120 0.073 0.000 1.0111 0.140 0.131 0.076 0.000 1.0889 0.141 0.141 0.079 0.000 1.1667 0.143 0.153 0.082 0.000 1.2444 0.145 0.164 0.084 0.000 1.3222 0.146 0.175 0.087 0.000 1.4000 0.148 0.187 0.089 0.000 1.4778 0.150 0.198 0.092 0.000 1.5556 0.152 0.210 0.094 0.000 1.6333 0.153 0.222 0.097 0.000 1.7111 0.155 0.234 0.099 0.000 1.7889 0.157 0.246 0.101 0.000 1.8667 0.159 0.258 0.103 0.000 1.9444 0.160 0.271 0.105 0.000 2.0222 0.162 0.283 0.108 0.000 2.1000 0.164 0.296 0.110 0.000 2.1778 0.166 0.309 0.112 0.000 2.2556 0.168 0.322 0.114 0.000 2.3333 0.170 0.335 0.116 0.000 2.4111 0.171 0.349 0.117 0.000 2.4889 0.173 0.362 0.119 0.000 2.5667 0.175 0.376 0.121 0.000 2.6444 0.177 0.389 0.123 0.000 2.7222 0.179 0.403 0.125 0.000 2.8000 0.181 0.417 0.127 0.000 2.8778 0.183 0.431 0.128 0.000 2.9556 0.185 0.446 0.130 0.000 3.0333 0.187 0.460 0.132 0.000 3.1111 0.189 0.475 0.134 0.000 3.1889 0.190 0.490 0.135 0.000 3.2667 0.192 0.504 0.137 0.000 3.3444 0.194 0.520 0.139 0.000 3.4222 0.196 0.535 0.144 0.000 3.5000 0.198 0.550 0.150 0.000 3.5778 0.200 0.566 0.156 0.000 3.6556 0.202 0.581 0.163 0.000 3.7333 0.204 0.597 0.171 0.000 3.8111 0.206 0.613 0.178 0.000 3.8889 0.208 0.629 0.187 0.000 3.9667 0.210 0.646 0.195 0.000 4.0444 0.213 0.662 0.203 0.000 4.1222 0.215 0.679 0.212 0.000 4.2000 0.217 0.696 0.220 0.000 4.2778 0.219 0.713 0.229 0.000 4.3556 0.221 0.730 0.239 0.000 4.4333 0.223 0.747 0.249 0.000 4.5111 0.225 0.765 0.260 0.000 4.5889 0.227 0.782 0.271 0.000 4.6667 0.229 0.800 0.283 0.000 4.7444 0.232 0.818 0.336 0.000 4.8222 0.234 0.836 0.351 0.000 4.9000 0.236 0.854 0.367 0.000 4.9778 0.238 0.873 0.383 0.000 5.0556 0.240 0.891 0.399 0.000 5.1333 0.242 0.910 0.416 0.000 5.2111 0.245 0.929 0.433 0.000 11 5.2889 0.247 0.948 0.450 0.000 5.3667 0.249 0.968 0.468 0.000 5.4444 0.251 0.987 0.486 0.000 5.5222 0.254 1.007 0.504 0.000 5.6000 0.256 1.027 0.523 0.000 5.6778 0.258 1.047 0.542 0.000 5.7556 0.260 1.067 0.561 0.000 5.8333 0.263 1.087 0.580 0.000 5.9111 0.265 1.108 0.600 0.000 5.9889 0.267 1.129 0.620 0.000 6.0667 0.270 1.149 0.897 0.000 6.1444 0.272 1.171 1.494 0.000 6.2222 0.274 1.192 2.263 0.000 6.3000 0.277 1.213 3.128 0.000 6.3778 0.279 1.235 4.015 0.000 6.4556 0.281 1.257 4.846 0.000 6.5333 0.284 1.279 5.555 0.000 6.6111 0.286 1.301 6.100 0.000 6.6889 0.289 1.323 6.482 0.000 6.7667 0.291 1.346 6.839 0.000 6.8444 0.293 1.369 7.147 0.000 6.9222 0.296 1.392 7.442 0.000 7.0000 0.298 1.415 7.724 0.000 7.0778 0.301 1.438 7.996 0.000 ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ANALYSIS RESULTS Stream Protection Duration ___________________________________________________________________ Predeveloped Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:2.95 Total Impervious Area:0 ___________________________________________________________________ Mitigated Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:0 Total Impervious Area:2.95 ___________________________________________________________________ Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.275908 5 year 0.493925 10 year 0.665289 25 year 0.909525 50 year 1.110145 100 year 1.325774 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.129927 5 year 0.17834 12 10 year 0.216373 25 year 0.27181 50 year 0.318887 100 year 0.371289 ___________________________________________________________________ Stream Protection Duration Annual Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Year Predeveloped Mitigated 1949 0.544 0.113 1950 0.611 0.123 1951 0.300 0.235 1952 0.121 0.104 1953 0.092 0.112 1954 0.198 0.114 1955 0.199 0.134 1956 0.297 0.123 1957 0.340 0.124 1958 0.202 0.115 1959 0.150 0.121 1960 0.323 0.213 1961 0.229 0.120 1962 0.075 0.096 1963 0.252 0.118 1964 0.258 0.113 1965 0.368 0.124 1966 0.140 0.103 1967 0.595 0.129 1968 0.338 0.111 1969 0.327 0.115 1970 0.229 0.114 1971 0.341 0.123 1972 0.523 0.145 1973 0.101 0.107 1974 0.342 0.108 1975 0.372 0.131 1976 0.242 0.117 1977 0.204 0.101 1978 0.252 0.121 1979 0.076 0.098 1980 0.723 0.160 1981 0.207 0.107 1982 0.597 0.219 1983 0.325 0.125 1984 0.157 0.102 1985 0.214 0.119 1986 0.281 0.178 1987 0.252 0.203 1988 0.088 0.106 1989 0.076 0.096 1990 1.217 0.187 1991 0.794 0.226 1992 0.208 0.108 1993 0.107 0.113 1994 0.074 0.090 1995 0.175 0.126 1996 0.571 0.224 13 1997 0.341 0.243 1998 0.257 0.115 1999 0.942 0.151 2000 0.273 0.124 2001 0.075 0.104 2002 0.493 0.195 2003 0.445 0.099 2004 0.640 0.414 2005 0.268 0.127 2006 0.287 0.122 2007 1.139 0.373 2008 0.759 0.381 2009 0.404 0.152 ___________________________________________________________________ Stream Protection Duration Ranked Annual Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 1.2174 0.4138 2 1.1389 0.3814 3 0.9416 0.3734 4 0.7944 0.2432 5 0.7588 0.2355 6 0.7225 0.2258 7 0.6400 0.2236 8 0.6115 0.2186 9 0.5971 0.2128 10 0.5950 0.2030 11 0.5711 0.1953 12 0.5437 0.1868 13 0.5231 0.1781 14 0.4930 0.1597 15 0.4446 0.1520 16 0.4042 0.1509 17 0.3720 0.1453 18 0.3684 0.1339 19 0.3422 0.1311 20 0.3414 0.1287 21 0.3406 0.1266 22 0.3397 0.1256 23 0.3385 0.1247 24 0.3269 0.1240 25 0.3246 0.1239 26 0.3227 0.1236 27 0.2998 0.1234 28 0.2968 0.1225 29 0.2869 0.1225 30 0.2807 0.1218 31 0.2728 0.1212 32 0.2681 0.1208 33 0.2578 0.1200 34 0.2568 0.1189 35 0.2521 0.1179 36 0.2520 0.1171 37 0.2519 0.1153 38 0.2420 0.1152 39 0.2295 0.1150 14 40 0.2288 0.1140 41 0.2137 0.1139 42 0.2083 0.1133 43 0.2073 0.1133 44 0.2038 0.1128 45 0.2017 0.1120 46 0.1994 0.1105 47 0.1983 0.1078 48 0.1747 0.1076 49 0.1574 0.1074 50 0.1500 0.1069 51 0.1401 0.1057 52 0.1205 0.1041 53 0.1066 0.1035 54 0.1013 0.1032 55 0.0922 0.1016 56 0.0881 0.1014 57 0.0762 0.0991 58 0.0756 0.0977 59 0.0749 0.0959 60 0.0746 0.0959 61 0.0744 0.0899 ___________________________________________________________________ Stream Protection Duration POC #1 The Facility PASSED The Facility PASSED. Flow(cfs) Predev Mit Percentage Pass/Fail 0.1380 2085 2008 96 Pass 0.1478 1657 1394 84 Pass 0.1576 1327 1121 84 Pass 0.1674 1052 934 88 Pass 0.1772 824 784 95 Pass 0.1871 629 627 99 Pass 0.1969 512 495 96 Pass 0.2067 409 380 92 Pass 0.2165 331 285 86 Pass 0.2263 281 207 73 Pass 0.2362 232 167 71 Pass 0.2460 199 145 72 Pass 0.2558 180 130 72 Pass 0.2656 165 115 69 Pass 0.2754 150 99 66 Pass 0.2853 137 89 64 Pass 0.2951 121 84 69 Pass 0.3049 109 83 76 Pass 0.3147 103 79 76 Pass 0.3245 96 76 79 Pass 0.3344 94 74 78 Pass 0.3442 83 64 77 Pass 0.3540 79 55 69 Pass 0.3638 77 44 57 Pass 0.3736 71 29 40 Pass 0.3835 68 15 22 Pass 15 0.3933 66 11 16 Pass 0.4031 63 8 12 Pass 0.4129 59 3 5 Pass 0.4227 57 0 0 Pass 0.4326 57 0 0 Pass 0.4424 52 0 0 Pass 0.4522 48 0 0 Pass 0.4620 46 0 0 Pass 0.4718 42 0 0 Pass 0.4817 42 0 0 Pass 0.4915 40 0 0 Pass 0.5013 39 0 0 Pass 0.5111 39 0 0 Pass 0.5209 38 0 0 Pass 0.5308 36 0 0 Pass 0.5406 33 0 0 Pass 0.5504 31 0 0 Pass 0.5602 29 0 0 Pass 0.5700 26 0 0 Pass 0.5799 23 0 0 Pass 0.5897 23 0 0 Pass 0.5995 21 0 0 Pass 0.6093 19 0 0 Pass 0.6191 18 0 0 Pass 0.6290 18 0 0 Pass 0.6388 17 0 0 Pass 0.6486 15 0 0 Pass 0.6584 14 0 0 Pass 0.6682 14 0 0 Pass 0.6781 14 0 0 Pass 0.6879 12 0 0 Pass 0.6977 11 0 0 Pass 0.7075 11 0 0 Pass 0.7173 11 0 0 Pass 0.7272 10 0 0 Pass 0.7370 10 0 0 Pass 0.7468 10 0 0 Pass 0.7566 9 0 0 Pass 0.7664 6 0 0 Pass 0.7763 6 0 0 Pass 0.7861 6 0 0 Pass 0.7959 5 0 0 Pass 0.8057 5 0 0 Pass 0.8155 5 0 0 Pass 0.8254 4 0 0 Pass 0.8352 4 0 0 Pass 0.8450 4 0 0 Pass 0.8548 4 0 0 Pass 0.8646 4 0 0 Pass 0.8745 4 0 0 Pass 0.8843 4 0 0 Pass 0.8941 4 0 0 Pass 0.9039 4 0 0 Pass 0.9137 4 0 0 Pass 0.9236 4 0 0 Pass 0.9334 4 0 0 Pass 0.9432 2 0 0 Pass 16 0.9530 2 0 0 Pass 0.9628 2 0 0 Pass 0.9727 2 0 0 Pass 0.9825 2 0 0 Pass 0.9923 2 0 0 Pass 1.0021 2 0 0 Pass 1.0119 2 0 0 Pass 1.0218 2 0 0 Pass 1.0316 2 0 0 Pass 1.0414 2 0 0 Pass 1.0512 2 0 0 Pass 1.0610 2 0 0 Pass 1.0709 2 0 0 Pass 1.0807 2 0 0 Pass 1.0905 2 0 0 Pass 1.1003 2 0 0 Pass 1.1101 2 0 0 Pass _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Water Quality BMP Flow and Volume for POC #1 On-line facility volume: 0 acre-feet On-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. Off-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. ___________________________________________________________________ LID Report LID Technique Used for Total Volumn Volumn Infiltration Cumulative Percent Water Quality Percent Comment Treatment? Needs Through Volumn Volumn Volumn Water Quality Treatment Facility (ac-ft.) Infiltration Infiltrated Treated (ac-ft) (ac-ft) Credit Total Volume Infiltrated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% No Treat. Credit Compliance with LID Standard 8 Duration Analysis Result = Passed ___________________________________________________________________ Perlnd and Implnd Changes No changes have been made. ___________________________________________________________________ This program and accompanying documentation are provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by End User. Clear Creek Solutions Inc. and the governmental licensee or sublicensees disclaim all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. In no event shall Clear Creek Solutions Inc. be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the use of, or inability to use this program even if Clear Creek Solutions Inc. or their authorized representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Software Copyright © by : Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 2005-2018; All Rights Reserved. 17 BASIN AREA SUMMARY This report was developed to investigate the existing regional stormwater shared facility to determine if the original design parameters used to design the regional facility are still adequate for the current site conditions, as well as the proposed improvements on the DCT Industrial property. This investigation is in conjunction with the redevelopment of the DCT Industries property, which was initially designated as Parcel 1 under the original Technical Information Report (TIR) for the Plumbers and Pipefitters Regional Stormwater Retention Facility, dated June 1994 (see Appendix A.) Under the original design there were six parcels within the drainage basin area, totaling 44 acres and within that there was 25.5 acres of impervious surfaces. Each parcel was allocated a specific area of impervious surface, with the exception of the Metro Parcel. This Parcel was not given an allotment for allowable tributary impervious surface. The tributary area from this Parcel was 1.24 acres of pervious area. The original Parcels were identified as Parcels 1, 2, 3, 4A and 4B and Metro. Using the City of Renton’s web-based GIS data, the six parcel areas and impervious surfaces for each were checked to compare between the original allocation and current conditions. Copies of the GIS data used are included in this report. The total original allocation for tributary impervious surfaces was 25.5 acres that was divided amount five of the six parcels. As noted above, the Metro Parcel was not allocated to drain impervious surfaces to the regional stormwater shared facility. Of the five parcels with an allotment for tributary impervious surfaces, three have a smaller area of impervious surface than what was allowed. The overall existing impervious surface area tributary to the facility totals approximately 24.06 acres, leaving a 1.44 acre balance. Exhibit A that follows provides a summary area table. The existing regional stormwater shared facility consists of two ponds. These ponds are located on Parcels 2, 4A and 4B. The existing area of these ponds was checked to compare ponds total volume to the original design. The original topographic survey maps were used along with the topographic contours taken from the City’s GIS to develop an “existing” storage volume for these ponds. A summary table of the calculated volumes is provided as Exhibit J, and is entitled “Existing Pond Storage Volumes” and summary table This investigation also included a review of the City of Renton’s current 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual which allows for “Shared Facility Drainage Plans” 18 (SFDP’s) which the DCT Industries property and five other properties are part of. This SFDP was originally developed and approved by the City of Renton. Using the information within this report; there is about 1.44 acres of unallocated impervious surface area within the boundary of this shared facility drainage plan. The proposed DCT Industrial redevelopment of their parcel (which was originally noted as Parcel 1) is proposing to increase their impervious surface area by about 63,000 square feet or about 1.44 acres. This increase will fall under the original design parameters of the pond storage and its pumps capacity. Therefore no change to the existing system is warranted for the redevelopment of this parcel. There is one item that does need to be addressed; There is an existing surface area from Monster Road SW which has been diverted to this regional stormwater facility which was not originally allocated to it. This roadway area abuts Parcel 1, 2 and part of 3 and generally flows from east to west around the building on Parcel 2 and on to the north pond area. The surface area from this roadway area is about 54,000 square feet or about 1.24 acres. As noted; this area was not allocated to the “Shared Facility Drainage Plan” nor was it part of the Regional Detention Facility Pump Station Agreement and Reciprocal Easements. (See Appendix C) 19 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual Review Under 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual, Section 1.2 Core Requirements, this facility falls under Core Requirement # 3. Flow Control Facilities. Under Flow Control Facilities Implementation Requirements; “A. Onsite vs. Offsite Implementation” page 1-45 it notes; All required flow control facilities must be implemented onsite except where the requirements below can be met by direct discharge to a regional or shared facility constructed to provide flow control for the proposed project… Shared facilities may be constructed under a City-developed shared facility drainage plan or under an agreement between two or more private developers. 1. The regional or shared facility must be of adequate size and design to meet the current flow control requirements for the proposed project. Note: the current flow control requirements are those specified by Core Requirement # 3 of this manual unless superseded by other adopted area-specific flow control requirements per Special Requirement #1 (see Section 1.3.1). In some cases where the current flow control requirements differ from those used to originally design the regional or shared facilities, additional analysis and possible retrofitting of the facility may be required to ensure adequate size and design. In other cases where the current flow control requirements are not significantly different or are less stringent, adequate size and design may already be documented by an adopted City basin plan or master drainage plan, and approved shared facility drainage plan, or a detailed drainage analysis approved by the City for a separate permitted developed. 2. The regional or shared facility must be fully operational at the time of construction of the proposed project. In the case of a shared facility, the proposed project must comply with the terms and conditions of all contracts, agreements, and permits associated with the shared facility. If the offsite facility is an existing City-owned facility, the City may charge a special use fee equal to or based on the property value of the detention capacity be ing used. 3. The conveyance system between the project site and the regional facility must meet the same criteria specified for direct discharge to major receiving water except for Criterion (a) (see “Direct Discharge Exemption” in Section In the case of a shared facility, the criteria are the same, except the conveyance system need only have adequate capacity and erosion protection for buildout of the participating portion 26 of the contributing drainage area. (26 = The participating portion includes those properties that have agreements for use of the shared facility) 20 Under 1.3.1 Special Requirement # 1 Other Adopted Area - Specific Requirements (page 1-89 of the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual) it notes:  Shared Facility Drainage Plans (SFDP’s): SFDP’s are approved by the City of Renton to allow two or more projects to share drainage facilities required by this manual. Projects covered by a SFDP must meet any special requirements of that plan. Thresholds – IF a proposed project is in an area included in an adopted master drainage plan, basin plan, salmon conservation plan, stormwater compliance plan, hazard mitigation plan, lake management plan, or shared facility drainage plan…. Requirement – THEN the proposed project shall comply with the drainage requirements of the master drainage plan, basin plan, salmon conservation plan, stormwater compliance plan, hazard mitigation plan, lake management plan, or shared facility drainage plan respectively. Application of this Requirement… The drainage requirements of adopted MDP’s, BPs, SCPs Hazard Mitigation Plan, lake management plans, and SFDP’s shall be applied in addition to the drainage requirements of this manual unless otherwise specified in the adopted regulation. Where conflicts occur between the two, the drainage requirements of the adopted area-specific regulation shall supersede those in this manual… Projects covered by SFDPs shall demonstrate that the shared facility will be available by the time the project is constructed and th at all onsite requirements are met. Project covered by a SFDP are still required to provide any onsite controls necessary to comply with drainage requirements not addressed by the shared facility. The only on-site drainage requirement not covered by this shared facility drainage plan is water quality, which will be addressed with the redevelopment of this project. The DCT Industrial parcel was a partner in the development of this “Regional Detention Facility Pump Station Agreement and Reciprocal Agreement and was designated as Parcel 1 under the original Technical Information Report (TIR) for the Plumbers and Pipefitters Regional Stormwater Retention Facility dated June 1994 (see Appendix C). 21 Areas to the Existing Shared Facility This investigation reviewed the original TIR’s surface areas which were used to design the pumps which control the elevation of the drainage facility. The Key Map within this TIR shows the following parcels: Parcel 1 (which is the DCT Industrial property) Parcel 2 (building constructed in 1999) Parcel 3 (shows as lot 1 and 2 but the current conditions show it as 1 lot) Parcel 4-A (current Plumbers and Pipefitters facility) Parcel 4-B (building constructed in 2000) Metro’s parcel The report notes: The developed site will consist of 44 acres of commercial development with approximately 25.5 acres of impervious surface area (See Developed Drainage Basin Map). Below are the current King County’s Assessor’s parcel areas: Parcel Number Square Foot Area Acres Parcel 1 418,876 s.f. 9.62 acres Parcel 2 467,264 s.f. 10.73 acres Parcel 3 309,997 s.f. 7.12 acres Parcel 4-A 262,487 s.f. 6.03 acres Parcel 4-B 325,302 s.f. 7.47 acres Metro 160,301 s.f. 3.68 acres Total 1,944,227 sf 44.63 acres Within the noted original TIR’s Developed Drainage Basin Map it shows the expected impervious surfaces for each parcel. Using the City of Renton’s GIS web based application to determine the existing specific parcel impervious surface areas, the following was developed. (Also see a spreadsheet titled “Impervious Surface Areas for Parcels under Original & Current (GIS) Conditions”) Parcel Number Original Impervious Surface Current Impervious Surface Parcel 1 6.5 acres 6.12 acres Parcel 2 8.5 acres 8.79 acres Parcel 3 5.7 acres 5.21 acres Parcel 4-A 2.4 acres 2.54 acres Parcel 4-B 2.4 acres 1.39 acres Metro 0 acres 0 acres Total 25.5 acres 24.06 acres 22 The overall difference between the originally proposed 25.5 acres of impervious surfaces and the existing 24.0 acres of impervious surfaces is about 1.45 acres of non allocated impervious surfaces based on parcel areas only. The proposed DCT Industrial project improvements will increase the impervious surface area on this parcel. The proposal will add 15,000 square feet of roof area and 48,000 of pollution generating surface area, or about 63,000 s.f. or 1.4 5 acres. Using the existing “Shared Facility Drainage Facility” and the proposed increase in impervious surface for the Parcel 1 property (DCT Industrial property); there will be no increase in impervious surface areas going to this facility. There is one area going to this shared drainage facility that was not included in the original design. There is about 54,048 square feet or 1.24 acres of roadway surfaces from Monster Road SW going to this facility. See exhibit showing this area. New Impervious Proposed Surfaces Total Impervious Proposed Surface Area Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Above alloctment To Pond Parcel 1 283,140 6.5 266,796 6.12 (16,344)(0.38)1.07 7.57 Parcel 2 370,260 8.5 382,937 8.79 12,677 0.29 0.00 8.79 Parcel 3 Lot 1&2 248,292 5.7 227,133 5.21 (21,159)(0.49)0.00 5.70 Parcel 4A 104,544 2.4 110,459 2.54 5,915 0.14 0.00 2.54 Parcel 4B 104,544 2.4 60,674 1.39 (43,870)(1.01)0.00 2.40 ** Metro 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 1,110,780 25.5 1,047,999 24.06 (62,781)(1.44)1.07 27.00 1.24 28.24 15.19 ** There was no allowcation of Impervious surface area for this lot. Current & original area from this lot does not include the entire lots area Existing Parcel Boundary Areas per Renton's GIS Data Parcel Number AC SF AC SF AC SF Parcel 1 9.62 418,876 7.57 329,749 2.05 89,127 Parcel 2 10.73 467,264 8.79 382,892 1.94 84,372 Parcel 3 Lot 1&2 7.12 309,997 5.70 248,292 1.42 61,705 Parcel 4A 6.03 262,487 2.54 110,642 3.49 151,845 Parcel 4B 7.47 325,302 2.40 104,544 5.07 220,758 **Metro 3.68 160,301 0.00 1.24 160,301 Total 44.63 1,944,227 27.00 1,176,120 15.19 768,107 Non Allowcated Area - Monster Road SW Total Landscaped Surface to Detention Existing Impervious original designAreas -using GISallocation of Impervious Areas Impervious Surfaces Proposed Impervious Open SpaceParcel Area Total Impervious Surface to Detention Impervious surface Original Design Report Shared Facility Drainage Plans areas DCT Industries Allocation of Impervious Surface Areas for Parcels under Original & Current (GIS)/Proposed Conditions over 23 Existing Pond Storage Volumes The storage volume for this shared drainage facility was checked to determine any differences between the original designed facility and what the current conditions represent. There were two storage ponds defined; the north and south ponds which are divided by an existing railroad spur which splits them. There is a 15” equalizing pipe shown on both the existing and developed basin maps between the two storage areas which creates one large storage facility. Under the original TIR, the storage volumes started at elevation 9 for both areas and continue to elevation 19. The total accumulated volume of both areas was determined to be 2,330,453 cubic feet. The current GIS contour surface areas that can be developed were for elevations 16 up to 19 since there are no other contours below this shown. To determine the surface contour areas for elevations below 16, the original surveyed topographic mapping in the original TIR were used (See Appendix A). A spreadsheet was developed to show the existing volume information along with the new updated information. It notes the topographic surfaces used for each elevation, either the original topographic maps or the City’s GIS information. Elevations 17 and 19 were assumed but were based on existing GIS contours 16 and 18, since the City’s GIS does not include the 1-foot contours. Using the above contour elevation surface area information, the total estimated accumulated volume of both ponds is around 2,319,140 cubic feet. That amount is around 99.5% of the original calculated volume and that minor difference can be attributed to a rounding error based on the data we have available to calculate this. Therefore our conclusion is that the current volume is essentially the same as the original design volume. (See spreadsheet titled “DCT Monster Road Regional Stormwater Basin Review) 24 Appendix A Original Technical Information Report (TIR) for the Plumbers and Pipefitters Regional Stormwater Retention Facility Prepared by Bush, Roed & Hitchings dated June, 1994 TECHNICALINFORMATIONREPORTforPLUMBERSANDPIPEFITTERSREGIONALSTORNWATERRETENTIONFACILITYlocatedatSWCORNEROFOAICESDALEAVE.SWANDMONSTERROADforPLUMBERSANDPIPEFITTERSTRUSTbyBUSH,ROED&HITCHINGS,INC.2009MINORAVENUEEASTSEATTLE,WASHINGTON98102ph:(206)323—4144fax:(206)323—7135contactHALHAGENSON,P.E.BRENo.90369.05June,1994 TABLEOFCONTENTSPageNo.I.ProjectOverviewII.PreliminaiyConditionsSummaryifi.Off-SiteAnalysisE..goc’(OATh’)IV.Retention/DetentionAnalysisandDesignV.ConveyanceSystemsAnalysisandDesign(PJt.ic’‘cTEMo-VI.SpecialReportsandStudiesVII.BasinandCommunityPlanningAreasVifi.OtherPermitsIX.Erosion/SedimentationControlDesignX.BondQuantitiesWorkSheet.Retention/DetentionFacility,SummarySheetandSketch,andDeclarationofCovenantXI.MaintenanceandOperationsManualXII.Appendix I.PROJECTOVERVIEW 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EXISTINGSITEHYDROLOGYTHEEXISTINGSITEISA43.7ACREDRAINAGEBASINATTHESOUTHWESTCORNEROFOAKESDALEAVENUES.W.ANDMONSTERROADTHATDRAINSTOANEXISTINGPONDBEHINDTHEELANDDISTRIBUTIONFACILITY.THISPONDSERVESASAREGIONALDETENTIONFACILITYFORTHEBLUNEPARCELSEGRETATION.CURRENTLY,PARCELS1AND2AREDEVELOPEDWITHLARGEDISTRIBUTIONANDMANUFACTURINGBUILDINGSANDPARCELS3,4AAND43AREUNDEVELOPEDWITHTREES,BRUSHANDWETLANDAREAS.THEEXISTINGIMPERVIOUSAREAIS15.9ACRES.SOILSONTHESITEAREAMIXTUREOFWOODINVILLE,PUGET,PUYALLUPANDBEAUSITE.SINCETHEMAJORITYOFTHESOILISWOODINVILLEOFTHEHYDROLOGICGROUP“D”ANDHASAMIXEDUSEOFMEADOWANDFOREST,ACOMPOSITECURVENUMBEROF85ISUSEDINTHEDRAINAGEANALYSISCALCULATIONS.THETIMEOFCONCENTRATIONTHROUGHTHESITEFROMTHEHILLSOUTHOFPARCEL3THROUGHTHECONTAINERCORPORATIONDRAINAGESYSTEMANDTOTHEPONDIS33.66MINUTES(SEEEXISTINGDRAINAGEBASINMAP).F.E.M.A.MAP328SHOWSTHESITEINFLOODZONEAHWITHA100YEARFLOODELEVATIONOF19FORTHEGREENRIVER. 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9,35?1.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 0.0 D 5.21 800 13,904 0.9 8.3 8.3 8.3 0.0 E 5.42 400 6,953 2.4 8.3 8.3 8.3 0.0 F 5.68 260 3,626 3.3 8.5 8.5 8.5 0.0 c 5.98 290 4,571 2.6 8.7 8.7 8.7 0.0 H 6.20 400 4,679 2.6 8.8 8.8 8.8 0.0 I 6.25 200 2,726 4.6 8.8 8.8 8.8 0.0 J 7.62 213 2,432 5.3 9.9 9.9 9.9 0.0 K 8.12 250 2,668 4.8 11.4 11.4 11.4 0.0 L 8.4?290 3,555 3.6 12.3 12.3 12.3 0.0 M 8.86 190 2,464 5.2 13.0 13.0 13.0 0.0 N 8.9?186 2,363 5.4 13.3 13.3 13.3 0.0 0 9.06 165 2,051 6.2 13.5 13.5 13.5 0.0 P 9.24 168 2,883 4.4 14.2 14.2 16.2 0.0 Q 9.48 134 2,665 4.8 14.4 14.4 14.5 0.1 R 10.63 176 2,654 4.8 17.5 17.5 17.6 0.1 S 10.79 163 3,247 3.9 18.1 18.1 18.2 0.1 1 10.87 163 2,735 4.?18.3 18.3 18.4 0.1 U 10.92 216 3,576 3.6 18.6 18.6 18.8 0.2 V 11.18 150 2,571 4.7 19.4 19.4 19.5 0.1 w 11.48 160 2,576 4.7 20.0 20.0 20.2 0.2 x 11.68 180 2,684 4.2 20.3 20.3 20.6 0.3 Y 11.83 175 2,568 4.?20.6 20.6 21.0 0.4 —I THiles Above Mouth FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA KING COUNTY,WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS GREEN RIVER (WITHOUT LEVEES) —p -—--—a---—-——-- ‘pLI‘S70IIIIUr—ii’cI.U)—I—-HJ2-‘I4FQ_]l(jILul—c-jr-U)‘w‘—“r-IIJI,ti’sc-II1S.j’;70—“-)—S3tt’Sdl‘p•t’t,:i—c1F2ilHLi’s2ic-4‘I’c-làIIL_.j\)r•‘“+10J5’4‘SII—.ftFl12Qr4a?tieclci’.U2WWU)u\rw‘pI‘i’sIDj4]47ci1-u)‘p‘p‘pUU)7U) 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STREAMDISTANCEINTHOUSANDSOFFEETABOVEMOUTH::-;:I__A!EER-::t1•::-,,V—-=-rV.ZL--4---—-.wIL—V•V•--VV__.--.-V--.V•V.——---___-4-VV•-—.-..LLL—Ow-.---,DU--<<I-0zPCaa25V—-.-V——-____[-—-—fh——-V••V:•I.,VIVfi-•ft-I;HVZ;-__2-._____IV——--.V-VIVIIIIVIVVIIVIIIIV•;.VIII20IIIIIVI]ffj:Ji_LiV_*I-H--1-.-—-f---——-—V•____IIi_I_[_TIIL-Ht-bH-T-;:IIIVir____j_p-—’4VI!I--H-I-——t----r—--1-“——ht—---IIV>15__7____1t-IIIIVIIV----IPRO--ANDV.I•tLVVFlOiIII__-ff-1—L___4-_4_i_OsASREGULibWAHAHA--1---.-.-,VI•IiEWTZZQUENY-VTEDBY‘-•-E-oAM:_LI-LULUU.z0I->LUU.IiL:VII:.II—.—,-I—,—.—-4VH—IIIIIII10I_I•V•--H--—--VVVIIVZVVZI•VfVIIIVj251.TffIHT4—-h-ff-H-1II•_-—-H——”V--IIIIIIIIIIVVIVI-H+--_lVVVVIVHI---—-:V_V_I__IIII:I-—-;-II_VII—IIII--HV,Hi—4----_-1-IIIIIV+-—I-i_.HI--——+-IIVII5IIIII-I:IIILiJLaLU=C-)==-I.-:-—‘————,IIVIIII-rIII20VVII.V•II—JII-----H-—LIVIIVI+_i___t_ViIJIV-“--——_.Vjr__VVIIVIIVIII0I1I=1-I---..--I--------—V___V-i-—---——“-IIVI75II—-—----,---,-—IVVV-ti-I—.---——-.LfEEVV-—I--—•—--U-i-5!I—---H--70J_VV••1iI•V———-I—H—--VVIIIV--VI--V.10I‘—IV0IjVVII---——+V•I,V—,—-I—V—--————--—0.5I:—I-I7.0tVfEIiIILEGEND1.5II.I02.0VII500-YEARFLOODV2.5IIiII700-YEARFLOOD-V3.0C,,—I-C-)cz:>.C.)zwI-zLULU0z>.CizLU0wLU-jLULUU.50-YEARFLOODII3.570-YEARFLOOD4.0STREAMBEDa4.5CROSSSECTIONLOCATION5,05.56.0 A).OFF-SITEDRAINAGETOTHESITEB).0FF-SITEDOWNSTREAMANALYSISRefertothemaponthefollowingpagefordetailsoftherouting. IV.RETENTION/DETENTIONANALYSISANDDESIGNA.EXISTINGPOND(SEEAPPENDIX“A”)PAGEXXB.DEVELOPEDPOND(SEEAPPENDIX“3”)PAGEXXC.EXISTINGFLOWSTOPONDPAGEXXD.DEVELOPEDFLOWSTOPONDPAGEXXE.PONDWATERLEVELSPAGEXX EXISTINGPONDTHEEXISTINGPONDISAPPROXIMATELY1.9ACRESANDISLOCATEDONBOTHSIDESOFTHERAILROADSPURLINEINPARCELS2,4-AAND4-B(SEEAPPENDIX“A”).THEWATERLEVELVARIESDURINGTHEYEARDEPENDINGONTHEAMOUNTOFRAINFALL.INFILRATIONTESTSANDGROUNDWATERMONITORINGWELLSINDICATETHEREISVERYLITTLEOUTFLOWFROMTHEPONDANDPOSSIBLYINFLOWDURINGWETTIMESOFTHEYEAR(SEEFOLLOWINGEARTHCONSULTANTSINC.DATA).THEREISANEXISTING30INCHCM?LOCATEDINTHENORTHWESTCORNEROFPARCEL2ANDEXTENDINGTOTHERIVERWITHAFLAPGATEATTHEOUTFALL.THEINLETENDOFTHEPIPEISBURIEDANDTHEPIPEISNOTOPERATIONAL. 3 N’rà 0 B 2 zis Or -fl 0 ‘r 9 ç3 cp r (il/fl CM tJJt’3ooc )t) rZ IJ)3 L.A .t.00 < —ft*Ct, ‘•Tl In o o cn C I >I 0•m r m cE•o 0 mC-1 C _ID m -C C ID -C cci cc - cc cy - -- _s3 41 -- -.—C.3 “a c.1 -4s -J V.)‘j\41 0 3!:: C> -1ID D 0 -l 11 I;’ C JuL—17—1991;5:;7FROMP°cEBLU’ER1Dco.TOBUSHROEDP.B3June1991-IProposedBuildingReference:SitePlanbyBush,RoedSHitchings,Inc.DotedJune1990)EarthCosultantsMonitoringWellLocationPlon.DistributionFocilityIç)_J.,.Z.L%.,.jnwIScfrr..tonWoshintonProJ.No4564IDrwn.WJ‘91Parcel2MW-2SMW-3--PropertyParcel4AaNottoScaleSMW-4LEGEND•MW-IApproximateLocationofECIGroundwaterMonitoringWells,Proj.No.E-4563-4,NN 3(1—17—199115:18FROMUCEBLLEF’4DCO.ToBIGIROEDP.04MonftorlngWellDetail1—UEI(T0#TESEAL-BANDIW4PlANKSLOflEPCNEE$-BLANKSILTThAPBOTTOMWELLCAPMonitoringWellinformationWallNo.SlottedPipeGroundwal.iLevelR.adit;(ft.)(depthring.1ft)Depth(IL)6120/91t2)—=--—.—MW-i8.0to15020.077.070.0MW-25.0to72.,v.1gaba,vwerevetotheec.tngØaoentmonilorffigweflwrtaoeWed....O-i9.MONITORINGWElLDETAILEarthConsUltantsinC.DXSTRIBUTIONFACILITY..-1-_-•--RENTON,WASHINGTON(Proj.No.4563_4]Dtwn.WJ;Date3wi191CheckedVODate6-27-91Plate2—BLANK0*19104roTa.P.04 f:infiltst45£7891011121415161.705I.’‘—.1.815U.0260.961.080.0710.00790.070.5840.01280.00520.2890.3530.3530.0260.961.080.0710.070.070.5840.5840.01280.2890.2892.4221less2less30.0690.t:690•0690.0260.960.0717.04793.51480.5034210.351480.30275 DEVELOPEDPONDTHEDEVELOPEDPONDWILLBEAPPROXIMATELYTHESANESIZEASTHEPRE-DEVELOPEDPONDFROMELEVATON8.5TOELEVATION10(SEEFOLLOWINGFULLDEVELOPEDCONDITIONSCHART).SINCEDEVELOPMENTOFPARCEL2THEWATERSURFACEHASREACHEDTHEELANDBUILDINGFIRELANDDURINGEXTENDEDRAINSTORMSANDHASNEEDEDTOBEPUMPEDONOCCASION. ‘I’4..•0-*VI‘-.4tIC”r‘pc*€i’-0JrV.’.Vkçç1....Ai..rC”0\cO--..—•—-.r—-—V.tç.’c‘3roc]4I-,>-o>-.çOU00U-JWU)00C’,0di(Z*•7•-:>00’flq<ol-<:tJ0‘—0—c•.3ClI.20cLi)U)t3.1Ja•0ti’t4ct4’I.*..,.....C.c-3-..cS---‘S0rl-•0C”0LcCJL..vi0-.—3(C’Lu00-.iD.‘.-c-v’....r....“•Cc•i”-£‘-uv’o0tL:cCfi“fr0C‘PU’crc--•.çdp-ç-..-C\PçdVI..:.t..j-.VC-ç-U’—C”C”0C—-.C’1,—..3..tJ.•C.-.ç—--—.i..o..00..c.,.•..—-—C0r-”J0—-i.•—U,S-I1-‘p0.—v1rc3 EXISTINGFLOWSTOPOND(PARCELS1&2DEVELOPED,PARCELS3,4-A&4BUNDEVELOPED)THEPEAKHYDROGRAPHFLOWFORTHE2YEAR/24HOURSTORMIS7.7960cfs.THEALLOWABLERELEASERATEFROMTHISSITEIS50%OFTHISPEAKRATEOR3.8980cfs.ARAINFALLPRECIPITATIONOF1.30INCHESWASDETERMINEDBYTRIALANDERRORTOEQUALTHISALLOWABLERELEASERATE.THEPUMPWILLBESIZEDFOR3.8980cfsOR1,750gpm(3.898cfsx7.480519gallonsx60minutes).JSTORMRAINPRECIP.JPEAKFLOWPEAKVOL.50%2/242/2410/24100/24100/7day1.30in.1.95in.2.85in.3.95in.9.80in.3.9061cfs7.7960cfs13.9285cfs21.9922cfs13.9057cfs2.2020ac/ft4.0430ac/ft6.8595ac/ft10.5132ac/ft27.8279ac/ft KINGCOUNTY,WASHINGTON.SURFACEWATERDESIGNMANUALFIGURE3.5.1C2-YEAR24-HOURISOPLUVIALScd’t.qc2-YEAR24-HOURPRECIPITATION3.4ISOPLUVIALSOF2-YEAR24-HOURTOTALPRECIPITATIONININCHESo1234567•MIi1:300,0003.5.1-81o KINGCOUNTY.WASHINGTON,SURFACEWATERDESIGNMANUAL-a.ec10-YEAR24-HOURPRECIPITATION3.4ISOPLUVIALSOF10-YEAR24-HOURTOTALPRECIPITATIONININCHES02234567IMfliFIGURE3.5.1E10-YEAR24-HOURISOPLUVIALS2.22.3.03y30I;300.0003.5.1-101O KINGCOUNTY.WASHINGTON.SURFACEWATERDESIGNMANUALURE3.5.1H100-YEAR24-HOURISOPLUVIALS1tcDtEAR24-HOURPRECIPITATION3.ISOPLUVIALSOF100-YEAR24-HOURTOTALPRECIPITATIONININCHESO1234567BMII.i—--3.5.1-131300.0001o KIXGCOUNTY.WASHINGTON,SURFACEWATERDESIGNMANUALFIGURE3.5.11100-YEAR7-DAYISOPLUVIALS100-YEAR7-DAYPRECIPITATION3.4—.-—ISOPLUVIALSOF100-YEAR7-DAYTOTALPRECIPITATIONININCHES01234567BUII.*3.5.1-14II1:3OOOQOI0 Ii9_af‘BeCf7•/,c?\ll•______‘LJ(BeD//:/4yec$2‘°p•..••.1.‘.ta_JSSt%1PZJSt*__BeCGolfourseIwoçcç]L.)\UtIBMV7‘—(\sew\ge\NgUtUt•I5JS••—•_••SUtM16[—m.—IUtPu••WiLongacre;1•—,.:•1I(/•,r—u•Rc_PyUtt_ljILUrIWoa.iIS—I——No;Track7‘V-—---—-1“Is———•—c’u129.-....._—It9UttilUt-INILPiR$rvoir•T—:.•=—.—•SoTu•4/7)Pu\4IoLWot2L.aa.-.:);L4=Lo[ô]S--LQ)(I)LiICI027’30”AL\Pu/‘r51i\lx\1i>“VIUQ“itrSkUSkUt/ KINGCOUNTY,WASHINGTON,SURFACEWATERDESIGNMANUAL(2)CNvaluescanbeareaweightedwhentheyapplytoperviousareasofsimilarCN’s(within20CNpoints).However,highCNareasshouldnotbecombinedwithlowCNareas(unlessthelowCNareasatelessthan15%ofthesubbasin).Inthiscase,separatehydrographsshouldbegeneratedandsummedtoformonehydrograph.FIGURE3.5.2AHYDROLOGICSOILGROUPOFTHESOILSINKINGCOUNTYHYDROLOGICHYDROLOGICSOILGROUPGROUP*SOILGROUPGROUP*AlderwoodCOrcasPeatDArents,AlderwoodMaterialCOridia0Arents,EverettMaterialBOvallCBeausiteCPilchuckCBellinghamDPugetDBriscot0Puyafiup8BuckleyDRagnarBCoastalBeachesVariableRentonDEadmontSiltLoamDRiverwashVariableEdgewickCSalalCEverettA/BSammamishDIndianolaASeattleDKitsapCShacarDKlausCSiSiltCMixedAlluvialLandVariableSnohomishDNeillonASultanCNewbergBTukwilaDNooksackCUrbanVariableNormalSandyLoamDWoodinvilleDHYDROLOGICSOILGROUPCLASSIFICATIONSA.(Lowrunoffpotential).Soilshavinghighinflltrationrates,evenwhenthoroughlywetted,andconsistingchieflyofdeep,well-to-excessivelydrainedsandsorgravels.Thesesoilshaveahighrateofwatertransmission.B.(Moderatelylowrunoffpotential).Soilshavingmoderateinfiltrationrateswhenthoroughlywetted,andconsistingchieflyofmoderatelyfinetomoderatelycoarsetextures.Thesesoilshaveamoderaterateofwatertransmission.C.(Moderatelyhighrunoffpotential).Soilshavingslowinfiltrationrateswhenthoroughlywetted,andconsistingchieflyofsoilswithalayerthatimpedesdownwardmovementofwater,orsoilswithmoderatelyfinetofinetextures.Thesesoilshaveaslowrateofwatertransmission.D.(Highrunoffpotential).Soilshavingveryslowinfiltrationrateswhenthoroughlywettedandconsistingchieflyofclaysoilswithahighswellingpotential,soilswithapermanenthighwatertable,soilswithahardpanorclaylayeratornearthesurface,andshallowsoilsovernearlyimperviousmaterial.Thesesoilshaveaveryslowrateofwatertransmission.*FromSC$,TR-55,SecondEdition,June1986,ExhibitA-i.RevisionsmadefromSC$,SoilInterpretationRecord,Form5,September1988.3.5.2-211/92 KINGCOUNTY,WASHINGTON,SURFACEWATERDESIGNMANUALTABLE5.2BSCSWESTERNWASHINGTONRUNOFFCURVENUMBERSSOSWESTERNWASHINGTONRUNOFFCURVENUMBERS(PublishedbySCSin1982)Runoffcurvenumbersforselectedagricultural,suburbanandurbanlanduseforType1Arainfalldistribution,24-hourstormduration.CURVENUMBERSBYHYDROLOGICSOILGROUPLANDUSEDESCRIPTIONABCDCultivatedland(1):wintercondition56919495—Mountainopenareas:lowgrowingbrushandgrasslands74828992—Meadoworpasture:65788589Woodorforestland:undisturbedoroldersecondgrowth42647681—Woodorforestland:youngsecondgrowthorbrush55728186Orchard:withcovercrop81889294Openspaces,lawns,parks,golfcourses,cemeteries,—landscaping.goodcondition:grasscoveron75%ormoteofthearea68808690faircondition:grasscoveron50%to75%ofthearea77859092Gravelroadsandparkinglots76858991—Dirttoadsandparkinglots72828789Impervioussurfaces,pavement,roofs,etc.98989898—Openwaterbodies:lakes,wetlands,ponds,etc.100100100100SingleFamilyResidential(2)DwellingUnit/GrossAcre%Impervious(3)1.0DU/GA15Separatecurvenumber1.5DU/GA20shallbeselected2.0DU/GA25forpeMousand2.5DU/GA30imperviousportion3.0DU/GA34ofthesiteorbasin3.5DU/GA384.0DU/GA424.5DU/GA465.0DU/GA485.5DU/GA506.0DU/GA526.5DU/GA547.0DU/GA56Plannedunitdevelopments,%imperviouscondominiums,apartments,mustbecomputedcommercialbusinessandindustrialareas.(1)ForamoredetaileddescriptionofagriculturallandusecurvenumbersrefertoNationalEngineeringHandbook,Section4,Hydrology,Chapter9,August1972.(2)Assumesroofanddrivewayrunoffisdirectedintostreet/stormsystem.(3)Theremainingperviousareas(lawn)areconsideredtobeingoodconditionforthesecurvenumbers.3.5.2-311/92 3DESCRIPTION3AREAfacte5)3RAINPRECIP(in)3TIMEINTERVALCr,in):3TIMEOFCONC(rrdn):3RAINFFiLLSELECTION:3ABSTRACTCOEFF3BASEFLOW(cf5)3STORMOURfhrs)33PERVIOUSPARCEL3AREA:27.800acres3CN:86.001.9610.0033.6660.200.00024.000IMPERVIOUSPARCELAREA:15.900acre5CN:98.00RAINFALLCHOICES1.TYPEIA2.TYPEI3.TYPEII4.TYPES.TYPE6.USER7.KC78.CUSTOM3SUMMARYDATA33PEARHYDROGRAPHTIME:8.00hrs33PEAKHYDHOGRAPHFLOW:7.7960cfsç’%C”f3.’IS.‘33TOTALHYDROGRAPHVOL:4.0430ac—ft33HOMEENDF1:FindF2:NewF3:GetF4:Tc—CalcF5:Delete33PgupPgdnF6:ComputeF?:F8:MethodF9:TemplateF10:Exit3TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM>3DESCRIPTION3AREA(acres)3RAINPRECIP(in)3TIMEINTERVAL(min):3TIMEOFCONC(mm):3RAINFALLSELECTION:3ABSTRACTCOEFF3BASEFLOW(Cf5)3STORMOUR(hrs)S.TYPE36.USER17.KC7DAY8.CUSTOM3PERVIOUSPARCELIMPERVIOUSPARCEL33AREA:27.800acresAREA:15.900acres33CN:85.00CN:98.003aSUMMARYDATA33PEAKHYDROSRAPHTIME:8.00hrs33PEARHYDROGRAPHFLOW:3.9061cfs33TOTALHYDROGRAPHVOL:2.2020ac—ft33HOMEENDF1:FindF2:NewF3:GetF4:Tc—CalcFS:Delete33PgupPgUnF6:ComputeF7:F8:MethodFS:TemplateF10:Exit3TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM>FileBasinHydrographStorageDi5chargeLevelpooi3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM83INPUT,MODIFYORBROWSEDATA3SBUHHYDROGRAPH3BASINIDX2/24EXISTING2YR,24HR43.700hA3DAY3333333FileBasinHydrographStorageDischargeLevelpool3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM83INPUT,MODIFYORBROWSEDATA3BASINID1/2X2SBUHHYDROGRAPH360%EXISTING2YR,24HR343.700RAINFALLCHOICES3___o?EZ.’Q4i.TYPEIA310.002.TYPEI333.663.TYPEII364.TYPEhA30.00024.000 33DESCRIPTION3AREA(acre5)3RAINPRECIPtin)3TIMEINTERVAL(rin):3TIMEOFCONC(mm):3RAINFALLSELECTION:3ABSTRACTCOEFF3BASEFLOW(cfs)3STORMDURthrs)33PERVIOUSPARCEL3AREA:27.800acres3CN:88.003DESCRIPTION3AREA(acre5)3RAINPRECIP(in)3TIMEINTERVALtmin):3TIMEOFCONC(mm):3RAINFALLSELECTION:3ABSTRACTCOEFF3BASEFLOW(cfs)3STORMDUR(hr5)33PERVIOUSPARCEL3AREA:27.800acres3CN:86.00343.70028510.0033.66a0.200.00024.000IMPERVIOUSPARCELAREA:CN3.9610.0033.66S0.200.00024.000IMPERVIOUSPARCELAREA:15.900acresCN:98.00RAINFALLCHOICES1.TYPEIA2.TYPEI3.TYPEII4.TYPEIIA5.TYPE36.USERI7.KC7DAY8.CUSTOMRAINFALLCHOICES1.TYPEIA2.TYPEI3.TYPEII4.TYPEhA5.TYPE36.USER17.KC7DAY8.CUSTOM333333333333333]j33333FileBasinHydrographStorageDischargeLevelpool3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB3INPUT,MODIFYORBROWSEDATA3BASINIDX10EXISTING1OYR,24HRSBUHHYDROGRAPH16.900acres98.003SUMMARYDATA33PEAKHYDROGRAPHTIME:8.00hrs33PEAKHYDROGRAPHFLOW:13.9286cfs33TOTALHYDROGRAPHVOLt6.8895ac—ft33HOMEENDFl:FindF2:NewF3:GetF4:Tc—CalcF5:Delete33PgupPgdnF6:ComputeF?:F8:MethodF9:TemplateF10:Exit3TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM>FileBasinHydrographStorageDischargeLevelpooi3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM83INPUT,MODIFYORBROWSEDATA3BASINIDX100SBUHHYDROGRAPHEXISTING100YR,24HR43.70033SUMMARYDATA33PEAKHYDROGRAPHTIME:8.00hr533PEAKHYDROGRAPHFLOW:21.9922cf533TOTALHYDROGRAPHVOL:10.5132ac—ft33HOMEENDF1:FindF2:NewF3:GetF4:Tc—CalcF6:Delete33PgupPgdnF6:ComputeF7:F8:MethcdF9tTemplateF1@:Exit3TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> 3DESCRIPTION3AREA(acres)3RAINPRECIPtin)3TIMEINTERVAL(in):3TIMEOFCONCtriin):3RAINFALLSELECTION:3ABSTRACTCOEFF3BASEFLOWtcfs)23STORMOUR(hrs)33PERVIOUSPARCEL3AREA:27.800acres3CN:86.0060.0033.6670.200.000168.000IMPER’JIOUSPARCELAREA:CNRAINFALLCHOICES1.TYPEIA2.TYPEI3.TYPEII4.TYPEHAS.TYPE36.USER7.KC7DAY8.CUSTOM3333333333333FileBasinHydrographStorageDischargeLevelpool3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB3INPUT,MODIFYORBROWSEDATA33BASINIDX1007SBUHHYDROGRAPH3EXISTING100YR,7DAY43.7009.8016.900acres98.003SUMMARYDATA33PEAKHYDROGRAPHTIME:66.00hrs33PEAKHYDROGRAPHFLOW:13.9057cfs33TOTALHYOROGRAPHVOL:27.8279ac—ft33HOMEENDFl:FjndF2:NewF3:GetF4:Tc—CalcFS:Delete33PgupPgdnF6:ComputeF7:F8:MethodF9:TepleteF10:Exit3TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> DEVELOPEDFLOWSTOPOND(PARCELS1,2,3,4—A&4—B)STORMRAINPRECIP.IPEAKFLOWPEAKVOL.2/2410/24100/24100/7day1.95in.2.85in.3.95in.9.80in.9.1477cfs15.2693cfs23.2337cfs14.2898cfs4.5487ac/ft7.4141ac/ft11.1008ac/ft28.9792ac/ft 3DESCRIPTION3AREA(acre5)3RAINPRECIP(in)3TIMEINTERVAL(min):3TIMEOFCONC(riin):3RAINFALLSELECTION:3ABSTRACTCOEFF3BASEFLOW(cfs)3STORMDURfhrs)33PERVIOUSPARCEL3AREA:18.500acres3CN:81.00SUMMARYDATATIME:FLOW:44.0001.9510.0033.1260.200.00024.000IMPERVIOUSPARCELAREA:26.500acresCN:98.00RAINFALLCHOICES1.TYPEIA2.TYPEI3.TYPEII4.TYPEIIAS.TYPE36.USER17.KC7DAY8.CUSTOM33FileBasinHydrographStorageDischargeLevelpool3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM83INPUT,MODIFYORBROWSEDATA3BASINIDD10SBUHHYDROGRAPH3DESCRIPTION3AREA(acres)3RAINPRECIP(in)3TIMEINTERVAL(min):3TIMEOFCONC(riin):3RAINFALLSELECTION:3ABSTRACTCOEFF3BASEFLOW(cfs)3STORMDURthrs)33SUMMARYDATA33PEARHYDROGRAPHTIME:8.00hrs33PEARHYDROGRAPHFLOW:15.2693Cf533TOTALHYDROGRAPHVOL:7.4141ac—ft33HOMEENDF1:FindF2:NewF3:GetF4:Tc—CalcFS:Delete33PgupPgdnFB:ComputeF7:F8:MethodF9:TemplateF10:Exit3TMMIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIIMMMMMMMMMIIMMMMMIIMMIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIIMMMMMMIIMMMMMM>FileBasinHydrographStorageDischargeLevelpool3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM83INPUT,MODIFYORBROWSEDATA33BASINIDD2/24SBUHHYDROGRAPH3DEVELOPED2YR,24HR33333333338.00hrs39.1477cfs33PEAKHYDROGRAPH3PEAKHYDROGRAPH3TOTALHYDROGRAPHVOL:4.5487ac—ft33HOMEENDF1:FindF2:NewF3:GetF4:Tc—CalcF6:Delete33PgupPgdnFS:ConputeF7:F8:MethodF9:TenplateF10:Exit3TMMIIMMMMMMMMIIMMMIIMMMMMIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIIMMMMIIMMIIMMMMMMMMMIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM>333DEVELOPED10YR,24HR44.0002.8510.0033.12S(.,f.0.00024.000IMPERVIOUSPARCELAREA:26.S00acresCN:98.003PERVIOUSPARCEL3AREA:18.500acres3CN281.00RAINFALLCHOICES1.TYPEIA2.TYPEI3.TYPEII4.TYPEIIAS.TYPE36.USER17.KC7DAY8.CUSTOM3333333333j FileBa5inHydrographStorageDischargeLevelpool3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMS3INPUT,MODIFYORBROWSEDATA33BASINIDD100SBUHHYDROGRAPH33OESCRIPTION:DEVELOPED100YR,24HR33AREA(acres):44.000RAINFALLCHOICES3RAINPRECIP(in)23.951.TYPEIA33TIMEINTERVALCin):10.002.TYPEI33TIMEOFCONC(mm):33.123.TYPEII33RAINFALLSELECTION:64.TYPEIIA3ABSTRACTCOEFF:0.206.TYPE333BASEFLOW(cfs)20.0008.USER13ZSTORMDUR(hr5):24.0007.KC7DAY38.CUSTOM3PERVIOUSPARCELIMPERVIOUSPARCEL3AREA:18.600acresAREA:25.500acres33CN:81.00CN:98.003333SUMMARYDATA33PEAKHYDROGRAPHTIME:8.00hrs33PEAKHYDROGRAPHFLOW:23.2337cfs33TOTALHYDROGRAPHVOL:11.1008ac—ft33HOMEENDFl:FindF2:NewF3:GetF4:Tc—CalcF6:Delete33PgupPgdnF6:ComputeF7:F8:MethodF9:TemplateF10:Exit3TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM>FileBasinHydrographStorageDischargeLevelpool3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM83INPUT,MODIFYORBROWSEDATA33BASINIDD1007SBUHHYDROGRAPH33DESCRIPTION:DEVELOPED100YR,7DAY33AREA(acres):44.000RAINFALLCHOICES33RAINPRECIP(in):9.801.TYPEIA33TIMEINTERVAL(min):60.002.TYPEI33TIMEOFCONC(mm):33.123.TYPEII33RAINFALLSELECTION:74.TYPEIIA3ABSTRACTCOEFF:0.206.TYPE333BASEFLOW(cfs):0.0006.USER133STORMDUR(hrs)168.0007.1<07DAY338.CUSTOM33PERVIOUSPARCELIMPERVIOUSPARCEL33AREA:18.600acresAREA;25.600acres33CN:81.00CN:98.00333SUMMARYDATA33PEARHYDROGRAPHTIME:66.00hrs33PEARHYDROGRAPHFLOW:14.2898cfs33TOTALHYDROGRAPHVOL:28.9792ac—ft33HOMEENDFl:FindF2:NewF3:GetF4:Tc—CalcF6:Delete33PgupPgdnFE:ComputeF7:F8:MethodF9;TemplateF10:Exit3TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> PONDWATERLEVELSTHEFOLLOWINGWATERLEVELSREFLECTTHEFLOWSFROMAFULLYDEVELOPED44ACREDRAINAGEBASINFORTHE2,10,100&100YEAR,7DAYDESIGNSTORMS.THEDEVELOPEDPONDISASSUMEDTOHAVEASTATICWATERLEVELATELEVATION10.5FEETWITHNOINFILTRATION.THEPUMPISSETTOSTARTUPATELEVATION11.50ANDSHUTOFFATELEVATION11.00.IINFLOWPEAKJPEAKSTAGE2/2410/24100/24100/7day9.15cfs15.27cfs23.23cfs14.29cfs11.50’11.57’12.11’12.17’2.12cfs3.90cfs3.90cfs3.90cfsSTORMPEAKOUT FileBa5inHydrographStorageDischargeLevelpoolBush,2MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMS333Rectangularvault33Trapezoidalbasin33Undergroundpipe33Stolist33Customfile33MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB3CUSTOMSTG—STOLIST33STORAGESTRUCTUREID:DPOND33NAME:DEVELOPEDWETLANDSPOND33INCREMENT:0.103333STAGEAREAsfSTAGEAREAsf331:10.000.006:14.00233876310.600.007:15.00248900333:11.001722768:16.00286400334:12.002039009:17.00328726335:13.0021166010:18.00374300333PGUPPGDNF2:AREAF3:GETFE:DeleteF10:Exit3TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM>AvailableMemoryremaining:137008bytesCurrentDataSetName:D:\WORKS\JAL\90369—04FileBasinHydrographStorageDischargeLevelpoolBush,RoedrH1t2MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBRelease333Proportionalweir3v—Weir33Notchweir33Broadcrestedweir33Orificedesign33MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMS3CUSTOMSTG—DISCURVE33DISCHARGESTRUCTUREID:PUMP33NAME:WETLANDSOVERFLOWPUMP33INCREMENT:0.01333STAGEDISCHARGESTAGEDISCHARGE331:10.000.006:14.003.90332:11.490.007:16.003.903—33:11.503.908:16.003.90334:12.003.909:17.003.903‘35:13.003.9010:18.003.903333PGUPPGDNF3:GetFE:DeleteF10:Exit3TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM>AvailableMemoryremaining:137008bytesCurrentDataSetName:D:\WORKS\JAL\90369—04 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KingCountyBuildingandLandDevetopnentDivisionCOMMERCIAL/MULTIFAMILYGROUPBONDQUANTITIESWORKSHEETPage1of2Date:_I1,_.4BALDProjectNo.:L—UA—R4—-2.‘HIIIProjectName:(PpgOAoç+jo€NtahoSiteAddress:oecoA€4,.J,IFiLLinthoseitemswhichpertaintothisprojectandreturntotheComerciat/HuttifamityGroup-SiteDeveLopmentReviewUnit.PUBLICROADWAYIMPROVEMENTSPRIVATEON-SITEIMPROVEMENTSUnitPriceUnitQuantityPriceQuantityPriceA.C.Pavement$6.00SY$_________5I2-SCementConc.Curb&Gutter..9.00CF$__________5ExtrudedAsphattCurb2.50CF5$ConcreteSidewaLk9.00CF5$___________6”pipe7.50CF558”pipe10.00CF$__________4Y54,X212”pipe75.00CF5$________75”pipe16.00CF5518”pipe20.00CF5$___________24”pipe26.00CF5I36”pipe30.00CFI$__________68”pipe50.00Cf$__________I$___________60”pipe65.00CF$__________I$__________72”pipe80.00CF$__________I$__________CurbInlet500.00EA.5$___________CRTYPEI&I-C750.00EA.5I_________CRTYPEII-68”1600.00EA.5ICBTYPEII-56”2100.00EA.5$__________CBTYPEII-72”3400.00EA.5I$__________CBTYPEII-96”6000.00EA.$_________$__________Restrictor/Separator12”...650.00EA.$___________IRestrictor/Separator15”...500.00EA.$___________IRestrictor/Separator18”...600.00EA.IRestrictor/Separator24”...750.00EA.IFencing(aroundpond)10.00CFIRiprap30.00CY$_________I$Rockery,Gabion&ecoLogywatt-7.00Sf$ConcreteRetainingWatt..6.00SFI$__________ExcavationforPond5.00CY$___________IInfiLtrationTrench15.00IFS__________FtowSpreader15.00CFITrenchDrain15.00CF5ITrashRack100.00EA.$__________I__________DetentionPipeRiser600.00EA.IP%J%__AI$_____IR--L-.ya4-xv.I$_______54°$_____$_____SUBTOTAL$_________SUBTOTAL251O BONDQUANTITIESWORKSHEETIcingCoaityBuUdingandLandDevetopnentDivisionCoenerctat/MuttlfamityGrotpage2of2TetephoneNo.:ThefottowinginformationwiltbecorptetedbytheKingCo4.mtySiteDeveLopmentReviewUnit.PUBLICROADWAYINPROVENENTS:PRIVATEOl-StTEIMPROVEMENTS:EROSION/SEDIMENTATIONCONTROL$$$SUBTOTAL$2OXCONTINGENCY$IITOTALBONDAI4OUNT:$___________IIIIIRIGUT-OF-WAYBONDS#8:BONDSHEE.WPF17/25/19891f?OEROSION/SEDIMENTATIONCONTROLFACILITIESSittFenceSeeding/MutchTefrporaryPondStarw*)ipeCSInterimProtectionQuarrySpeLt/Rip-rapRockConstructionEntrancePipeCinchdia)UnitPrice•..S3.003000.00•..5.00•..200.0025.0O30.00••.300.00UnitQuantityLF_______________ACRE______________CY_______________EA.____________EA.____________CY_______________EA.____________CF_______________Price5$S5$$$$SSiSignature:SUBTOTAL2S___________FirmName:t XI.MAINTENANCEANDOPERATIONSMANUAL Appendix B Original approved construction drawing titled “Regional Retention Pond Pump Outfall Facility” Prepared 11/3/94 and checked for compliance 11/26/96 Appendix C Regional Detention Facility Pump Station Agreement and Reciprocal Easements Recording # 9506191492 Original document prepared on 3/28/95 and signed on various dates Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Draft You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)