HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_Project_ Narrative_170523_v1.pdfPage 1 Project Narrative v1 (05-23-2017) PROJECT NARRATIVE Project Name: U.S. Bank Expansion. Project Description and Size, and Size and Location of the Project Site Area and the Subject Parcel: The proposed project is a 2,673-square-foot addition that is to be constructed along part of the north end of the existing ±28,065-square-foot single-story office building that is located on 3.08- acre Lot 3 of the Strada da Valle Short Plat (City of Renton File No. LUA-02-042-SHPL, King County Recording No. 20110112900004). Nearly all the proposed building addition’s space (a floor plate of ±2,411 square feet) will be constructed for use as a high-security two-bay truck garage for pickups from and deliveries to the existing building to be handled through the garage. A ±252-square-foot portion of the addition to the south of the parking garage floor plate (a portion of the addition that will lie beneath what is currently much of the existing building’s north eave at the interface of the addition to the existing building) will slightly increase the size of the space in the building available for office use. The addition and associated minor modifications to existing site improvements near the addition are proposed within a ±6,218-square-foot (0.143-acre) project site area. See EXHIBIT 2 to the Environmental Checklist [a color exhibit created on a base sheet of the OVERALL PROJECT SITE PLAN of the subject parcel (an exhibit that identifies the Project Site Area within the subject parcel)]. The address of the subject parcel and existing building is 2500 East Valley Road, Renton, WA. The subject parcel’s Assessor’s Parcel Number is 302305-9103. Land Use Permits Required for the Proposed Expansion Project: An Urban Design Regulation Modification concerning certain of the GROUND LEVEL DETAILS standards that are set forth in subsection E.5 (Building Architectural Design) of RMC 4-3-100 (URBAN DESIGN REGULATIONS) A Minor Site Plan Modification A modification from all the applicant requirements in RMC 4-6-060 (Street Standards) so that no frontage right-of-way and street widening of East Valley Road (or any other improvements, reconstruction, or expansions of that road will be required in connection with the subject proposal) Page 2 Project Narrative v1 (05-23-2017) Zoning Designation of the Subject Parcel and Zoning Designations of Abutting and Adjacent Properties: The parcel of land on which the subject project site is located is zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). Properties adjacent to the east, west, north, and south of the subject parcel are currently zoned as follows: To the east: The SR 167 (Valley Freeway) right-of-way abuts the east side of the subject parcel. [Residential-1 (R-1) zoning exists on the land abutting the east side of the SR 167 right-of-way.] To the west & NW: Light Industrial (IL) zoning exists on the parcel to the west and northwest across East Valley Road from the subject parcel. To the north: Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning exists on the abutting parcel to the north of the subject parcel. To the south: Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning exists on the abutting parcel to the south of the subject parcel. To the southwest: Medium Industrial (IM) zoning exists on parcels to the southwest across East Valley Road south of SW 27th Street. Current Use of the Subject Parcel and Current Use of the Project Site: The subject parcel is currently used for office purposes. An existing ±28,065-square-foot single- story office building completed in 1991 is located on the subject parcel, along with an associated parking lot, a stormwater detention pond and drainage system along the parcel’s south edge, a walking path around the detention pond for use by the building’s employees, and landscape planter areas. U.S. Bank, NA is an existing tenant in the building. (U.S. Bank conducts administrative operations in the building rather than providing customer banking services open to the public.) The proposed project site area in the north part of the subject parcel consists of existing concrete- paved parking stalls and part of an associated existing drive aisle, concrete sidewalk, a planter strip along the existing building’s north edge, and portions of two planter islands. See Sheet A1.1 (Demolition Site Plan & Proposed Project Site Plan), which (1) on its left side depicts the north end of the subject parcel as existing (with indicators of existing improvements within the project site area that are to be removed or modified) and (2) on its right side depicts the north end of the subject parcel as proposed with the building expansion and associated project site improvements. Page 3 Project Narrative v1 (05-23-2017) Special Site Features: There are no wetlands, water bodies, or steep slopes on the subject property. Soil Type and Drainage Conditions: A test boring in the location of the proposed addition to the existing building was performed on April 1, 2017 under the auspices of Terra Associates, Inc., the geotechnical engineering firm for the proposed project. The soils observed in the test boring are reported as consisting of approximately 9.5 feet of fill overlying native lacustrine and alluvial deposits, with the fill soils generally consisting of loose to medium dense, moist, silty fine sand to fine sandy silt. The subject parcel has an existing storm drainage system that includes a stormwater detention pond along and near the subject parcel’s south edge, large diameter detention pipes beneath the parking lot driveway aisle on the west side of the existing building, catch basins and conveyance pipes within the parking lots and driveways, and bioswale segments within the planting strips along the subject parcel’s west edge. These drainage system elements in the subject parcel (Lot 3) are interconnected with the existing drainage system elements in Lots 1 and 2 of the Strada da Valle Short Plat, which are to the north of Lot 3. The overall drainage system for all three of those lots discharges detained stormwater flows through an underground conveyance pipe from Lot 2 into the underground storm drainage conveyance pipe located in East Valley Road. All the drainage system elements for the subject parcel (Lot 3), as well as for Lots 1 and 2, were constructed in conjunction with the construction of the existing office building on Lot 3, as well as with the construction of the existing office building on Lot 1 and the construction of the existing office building on Lot 2. All three of those buildings were completed during 1991. Proposed Use and Scope of the Subject Addition to the Existing Office Building on the Subject Parcel: The proposed U.S. Bank Expansion project is a ±2,673-square-foot building addition that is to be constructed at the north end of the existing office building on the subject parcel. Nearly all the proposed building addition’s space (a floor plate of ±2,411 square feet) will be constructed for use as a high-security two-bay truck garage for pickups from and deliveries to the existing building to be handled through the garage. See the orange-shaded portion of the proposed building addition as shown on EXHIBIT D to the May 23, 2017 modification request letter concerning modifications to RMC 4-6-060 [STREET STANDARDS]. [Only a ±252-square-foot portion of the addition to the south of the parking garage floor plate (a portion of the addition that will lie beneath what is currently much of the existing building’s north eave at the interface of the addition to the existing building) will increase only slightly the size of the space in the building Page 4 Project Narrative v1 (05-23-2017) available for office use. (See the yellow-shaded portion of the proposed building addition as shown on that EXHIBIT D.)] Access: Access to the subject parcel is provided by two existing driveway connections to East Valley Road. See Sheet A1.0. The northern of those two existing driveways (the driveway closest to the proposed addition to the existing building) is a joint-use driveway that straddles the west end of the common lot line between Lots 2 and 3. The southern of the two driveways (on Lot 3) is also available for access to the proposed addition to the existing building. Proposed Off-site Improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.): No off-site improvements are proposed. Total Estimated Construction Cost and Estimated Fair Market Value of the Proposed Project: The total estimated construction cost and the estimated fair market value of the proposed project are both $487,000. Estimated Quantities and Type of Materials Involved If Any Fill or Excavation is Proposed: Less than 250 cubic yards of excavation and grading of site soils are expected in order to prepare the building addition for its foundation. No importing of fill dirt is expected. The soils excavated will be prior-placed fill dirt. Number, Type and Size of Any Trees to Be Removed: The number, type and size of trees to be removed are as follows: 2 Red Maple: 1@ 10 ½” and 1 @ 15” (Diameter @ 54” ABH) 3 Mugho Pine: 1@ 4’x3’ and 2 @ 3’x3’ Old Gold Juniper: 1@ 24-30” Explanation of Any Land to Be Dedicated to the City: No land is proposed to be dedicated to the City. Page 5 Project Narrative v1 (05-23-2017) Any Proposed Job Shacks, Sales Trailers, and/or Model Homes: None proposed. Any Proposed Modifications Being Requested (Include Written Justification): The following proposed modifications are being requested: (1) A modification to GROUND LEVEL DETAILS Standard 2 or Standard 5 (transparent glass standards), standards set forth in RMC 4-3-100E—see written justification in the May 19, 2017 Urban Design Regulations compliance and modification letter from Rick Utt, AIA of Cornerstone Architectural Group to the Planning Division (Attn: Angelea Weihs) and (2) A modification from all the applicant requirements in RMC 4-6-060 (Street Standards) so that no frontage right-of-way and street widening of East Valley Road (or any other improvements, reconstruction, or expansions of that road will be required in connection with the subject proposal)—see written justification in the May 23, 2017 letter from the applicant’s attorney David Halinen to the Planning Division (Attn: Justin Johnson) describing the request and the written justification. For Projects Located within 100 feet of a Stream or Wetland, Please Include: Distance in Feet from the Wetland or Stream to the Nearest Area of Work. The project site lies within an area at the north end of the existing office development that was completed in 1991, an area that is nearly entirely surfaced with a concrete-paved parking lot and driveway, concrete curbs, and walkways and that has some interior landscape strips that are proposed to be replaced with other landscape strips. The northeast corner of the proposed single- story addition to the north end of the existing single-story office building is the part of the building that will be closest to the off-site wetland in the SR 167 (Valley Freeway) right-of-way margin, about 87 feet away from it. An existing concrete paved parking lot and a 10-foot-wide existing landscape strip will remain on the subject parcel between the building and the off-site wetland. (See EXHIBIT 2 and EXHIBIT 3 attached to the Environmental Checklist.) The nearest area of work is a water main replacement work strip within the concrete parking lot about 67 feet away from the wetland.