HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_SWPPP_Report_180522_v1.pdfWashington State Auto Dealers Association (WSADA) Renton Parking Lot Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Prepared for: Washington State Auto Dealers Association 621 SW Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Contact: Vicki Giles Fabré Phone: (206) 433-6300 Prepared by: Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. 4815 Center Street Tacoma, Washington 98409 Contact: Kathy Hargrave, P.E. Phone: (253) 474-9449 May 2018 S&H Job Number 17,668 Washington State Auto Dealers Association (WSADA) Renton Parking Lot Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Prepared for: Washington State Auto Dealers Association (WSADA) 621 SW Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Contact: Vicki Giles Fabré Phone: (206) 433-6300 Prepared by: Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. 4815 Center Street Tacoma, Washington 98409 Contact: Kathy Hargrave P.E. Phone: (253) 474-9449 May 2018 S&H Job Number 17,668 WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. i TACOMA, WASHINGTON TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Site Description ............................................................................................................. 2 2.1 Existing Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Proposed Construction Activities – Site Improvements .............................................................. 2 3.0 Construction Stormwater BMPs .................................................................................. 3 3.1 The 12 BMP Elements ..................................................................................................................... 3 3.1.1 Element #1 – Clearing Limits ................................................................................................... 3 3.1.2 Element #2 – Cover Measures ................................................................................................. 3 3.1.3 Element #3 – Perimeter Protection .......................................................................................... 3 3.1.4 Element #4 – Traffic Area Stabilization ................................................................................... 4 3.1.5 Element #5 – Sediment Retention ........................................................................................... 4 3.1.6 Element #6 – Surface Water Collection .................................................................................. 4 3.1.7 Element #7 – Dewatering Control ............................................................................................ 4 3.1.8 Element #8 – Dust Control ........................................................................................................ 4 3.1.9 Element #9 – Flow Control ....................................................................................................... 5 3.1.10 Element #10 –Control Pollutants ........................................................................................... 5 3.1.11 Element #11 – Protect Existing and Proposed Stormwater Facilities & On-site BMPs . 6 3.1.12 Element #12 – Maintain Protective BMPs ............................................................................ 6 3.1.13 Element #13 – Manage the Project ....................................................................................... 6 4.0 Construction Phasing & Schedule.............................................................................. 9 5.0 Pollution Prevention Team ......................................................................................... 10 5.1 Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................................ 10 5.2 Team Members ............................................................................................................................... 10 6.0 Site Inspections and Monitoring ............................................................................... 11 6.1 Site Inspection ................................................................................................................................ 11 6.2 Site Inspection Frequency ............................................................................................................ 11 6.3 Site Inspection Documentation .................................................................................................... 11 6.4 Stormwater Quality Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 11 7.0 Reporting and Recordkeeping .................................................................................. 12 7.1 Recordkeeping ................................................................................................................................ 12 7.1.1 Site Log Book ........................................................................................................................... 12 7.1.2 Records Retention ................................................................................................................... 12 7.1.3 Access to Plans and Records ................................................................................................ 12 7.1.4 Updating the SWPPP .............................................................................................................. 12 7.1.5 Reporting .................................................................................................................................. 12 WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. ii TACOMA, WASHINGTON APPENDIX A Site Plans/Drawings B Stormwater Calculations C Construction BMPs D Site Inspection Forms REF 8-E CSWPPP Worksheet Forms WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 1 TACOMA, WASHINGTON 1.0 INTRODUCTION This Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) has been prepared as part of the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) requirements for the Washington State Auto Dealers Association (WSADA) Renton Parking Lot project located in Renton, Washington. The purpose of this SWPPP is to describe the proposed construction activities and the associated temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures, pollution prevention measures, inspection/monitoring activities and record keeping that will be implemented during the project. The objectives of the SWPPP are to: · Implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent erosion and sedimentation, and to identify, reduce, eliminate or prevent stormwater contamination and stormwater pollution from construction activities. · Prevent violations of surface water quality, ground water quality or sediment management standards. · Prevent adverse water quality impacts including those on beneficial uses of receiving waters by controlling the flow of stormwater runoff leaving the site. This SWPPP is for the WSADA Parking Lot project and is intended to be used in conjunction with the Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) plan(s) approved by the City of Renton. Pertinent plans and site drawings are included after this narrative. Information in this SWPPP is divided into the following sections: · Section 1 – INTRODUCTION. This section provides a summary description of the purpose and organization of the SWPPP document. · Section 2 – SITE DESCRIPTION. This section provides a detailed description of the existing site conditions, proposed construction activities, and stormwater flow characteristics for existing conditions and post–construction conditions. · Section 3 – CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER BMPs. This section provides a detailed description of the BMPs to be implemented based on the 12 required elements of the SWPPP. · Section 4 – CONSTRUCTION PHASING SCHEDULE. This section provides a description of the timing of the BMP implementation in relation to the project schedule. · Section 5 – POLLUTION PREVENTION TEAM. This section identifies the appropriate contact names (emergency and non-emergency), monitoring personnel, and the on- site temporary erosion and sedimentation control inspector · Section 6 – SITE INSPECTIONS AND MONITORING. This section provides a description of the inspection and monitoring requirements such as the parameters WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 2 TACOMA, WASHINGTON of concern, sample frequencies, and provides reference documents to aid in the sampling methods for stormwater discharge. · Section 7 – REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING. This section describes the requirements for documentation of the BMP implementation, site inspections, monitoring results, and changes to the implementation of certain BMPs due to site factors experienced during construction. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 Existing Conditions The existing site is 0.33 acre of undeveloped vacant land, located on Parcel 3340404805, located at 620 Southwest 12th Street, Renton, WA 98057. The subject site is located on 0.33 acre of vacant land consisting of grass, shrubs, and two trees (6” Hawthorne and 3” Alder) along the eastern property line. The site is generally highest in elevation in the center and slopes down towards the edges of the parcel (approximately 9 feet of vertical drop). Upon examination of existing site conditions, runoff from the south side of the site likely disperses across native vegetation, and runoff from the north side of the site flows to the alley. Runoff entering the alley right of way is captured by an existing catch basin conveying runoff to the City’s main. Based upon a review of available information on King County GIS as well as a field visit, we are not aware of any capacity problems with the existing drainage facilities adjacent to this area. The City of Renton’s Public Works Maps combined with King County GIS together indicate the site is not located within or near any critical areas. The project site is located within the Peak Rate Match Existing Flow Control Standard Zone. Sitts & Hill Engineers is not aware of any problems with the existing drainage facilities serving this area. 2.2 Proposed Construction Activities – Site Improvements The purpose of site improvements for this project is to create a suitable parking lot to accommodate additional parking for Washington Auto Dealers Associations located immediately north of the project site. Paved access, parking spots, and landscaping islands are proposed on the site. There will be 32 stalls provided, two of which are van accessible ADA stalls. Stormwater runoff generated onsite will be provided with enhanced basic water quality treatment via two Filterra® units before being conveyed to the City’s main. WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 3 TACOMA, WASHINGTON 3.0 CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER BMPS 3.1 The 12 BMP Elements The following section describes the BMPs that will be utilized onsite to meet the 2017 City of Renton SWDM’s requirements. As noted in Section D.1.2 of the SWDM, BMP options may be used and implemented in accordance with Core Requirement #5. To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s), the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or failing. City of Renton’s installation and maintenance specifications for the BMPs discussed in this narrative are also included in Appendix C. 3.1.1 Element #1 – Clearing Limits In order to protect adjacent properties and to reduce the area of soil exposed to construction, the limits of construction shall be clearly marked before land-disturbing activities begin. Site specific BMPs: · Mark Clearing Limits/Minimize Clearing 3.1.2 Element #2 – Cover Measures Temporary and permanent cover measures shall be provided to protect all disturbed areas undergoing construction, including the faces of cut and fill slopes. Temporary cover shall be installed if an area is to remain unworked for more than seven days during the dry season (May 1 to September 30) or for more than two consecutive working days during the wet season (October 1 to April 30). Any area to remain unworked for more than 30 days shall be seeded or sodded, unless the City determines that winter weather makes vegetation establishment infeasible. During the wet season, slopes and stockpiles at 3H:1V or steeper and with more than ten feet of vertical relief shall be covered if they are to remain unworked for more than 12 hours. Also during the wet season, the material necessary to cover all disturbed areas must be stockpiled onsite. Site specific BMPs: · Surface roughening · Mulching · Plastic Covering · Temporary and Permanent Seeding 3.1.3 Element #3 – Perimeter Protection Perimeter protection such as, but not limited to, silt fence shall be installed by the contractor downslope of all disturbed areas and shall be installed prior to upslope grading. WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 4 TACOMA, WASHINGTON Site specific BMPs: · Silt Fence 3.1.4 Element #4 – Traffic Area Stabilization Unsurfaced entrances, roads, and parking areas used by construction traffic shall be stabilized to minimize erosion and tracking of sediment offsite. Stabilized construction entrances shall be installed as the first step in clearing and grading. Roads and parking areas shall be stabilized immediately after initial grading. Site specific BMPs: · Stabilized Construction Entrance · Construction Road/Parking Area Stabilization 3.1.5 Element #5 – Sediment Retention Surface water collected from disturbed areas of the site shall be routed through a storm drain inlet protection trap prior to release from the site. Exposed and unworked soils shall be stabilized with the application of effective BMPs as outlined below to prevent erosion throughout the life of the project. Per D2.1.5 of the City of Renton’s SWDM, the soils and site topography are structured such that no offsite discharge of surface water are anticipated up to and including the developed 2-year runoff event, therefore sediment ponds and traps are not required. Site specific BMPs: · Storm Drain Inlet Protection · Plastic Covering · Dust Control 3.1.6 Element #6 – Surface Water Collection Per D2.1.5 of the City of Renton’s SWDM, the soils and site topography are structured such that no offsite discharge of surface water are anticipated up to and including the developed 2-year runoff event, surface water controls are not required. 3.1.7 Element #7 – Dewatering Control N/A. It is anticipated that dewatering will not be required onsite. 3.1.8 Element #8 – Dust Control In order to minimize the wind transport of soils, dust control shall be implemented when exposed soils are dry. The contractor shall use water for dust control. See Table D2.1.8.A of the City of Renton SWDM. The exposed soils shall be sprayed until wet, but runoff shall not be generated by spraying. WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 5 TACOMA, WASHINGTON 3.1.9 Element #9 – Flow Control This project does not propose to increase the existing site conditions 2-year and 10-year runoff peak discharges. Therefore flow control is not required during construction. 3.1.10 Element #10 –Control Pollutants All pollutants, including waste materials and demolition debris, that occur on-site shall be handled and disposed of in a manner that does not cause contamination of stormwater. Good housekeeping and preventative measures will be taken to ensure that the site will be kept clean, well-organized, and free of debris. If required, BMPs to be implemented to control specific sources of pollutants are discussed below. Site Specific BMPs: · Sawcutting and Surfacing Pollution Prevention · Material Delivery, Storage and Containment · Concrete Handling Vehicles, Construction Equipment, and/or Petroleum Product Storage/Dispensing: · All vehicles, equipment, and petroleum product storage/dispensing areas will be inspected regularly to detect any leaks or spills, and to identify maintenance needs to prevent leaks or spills. On-site fueling tanks and petroleum product storage containers shall include secondary containment. · Spill prevention measures, such as drip pans, will be used when conducting maintenance and repair of vehicles or equipment. · In order to perform emergency repairs on site, temporary plastic will be placed beneath and, if raining, over the vehicle. · Contaminated surfaces shall be cleaned immediately following any discharge or spill incident. Concrete: · Process water and slurry resulting from concrete work shall be prevented from entering the waters of the State by implementing Concrete Handling measures Solid Waste: · Solid waste will be stored in secure, clearly marked containers. Other: · Other BMPs will be administered as necessary to address any additional pollutant sources on site. WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 6 TACOMA, WASHINGTON 3.1.11 Element #11 – Protect Existing and Proposed Stormwater Facilities & On-site BMPs Protection measures as outlined in this Plan shall be applied/installed and maintained so as to prevent adverse impacts to areas of proposed stormwater facilities and onsite BMPs for the project. Stormwater facility and onsite BMP area protection shall be installed or otherwise provided prior to any clearing and/or grading of the site, except that required to construct stormwater facilities and onsite BMPs. 3.1.12 Element #12 – Maintain Protective BMPs All temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMPs shall be maintained and repaired as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. · Maintenance and repair shall be conducted in accordance with each particular BMP’s specifications. · Visual monitoring of the BMPs will be conducted at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours of any rainfall event that causes a discharge from the site. · If the site becomes inactive, and is temporarily stabilized, the inspection frequency will be reduced to once every month. Site specific BMPs: · Materials on Hand · Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead 3.1.13 Element #13 – Manage the Project Erosion and sediment control BMPs for this project have been proposed based on the following principles: · Design the project to fit the existing topography, soils, and drainage patterns. · Emphasize erosion control rather than sediment control. · Minimize the extent and duration of the area exposed. · Keep runoff velocities low. · Retain sediment on site. · Thoroughly monitor the site and maintain all ESC measures. · Schedule major earthwork during the dry season. Revegetation of exposed areas and maintenance of that vegetation shall be an integral part of the clearing activities during each phase of construction, per the Scheduling BMP. Seasonal Work Limitations: WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 7 TACOMA, WASHINGTON From October 1 through April 30, clearing, grading, and other soil disturbing activities shall only be permitted if shown to the satisfaction of the local premitting authority that silt-laden runoff will be prevented from leaving the site through a combination of the following: · Site conditions including existing vegetative coverage, slope, soil type, and proximity to receiving waters; and · Limitations on activities and the extent of disturbed areas; and · Proposed erosion and sediment control measures. Based on the information provided and/or local weather conditions, the local permitting authority may expand or restrict the seasonal limitation on site disturbance. The following activities are exempt from the seasonal clearing and grading limitations: · Routine maintenance and necessary repair of erosion and sediment control BMPs; · Routine maintenance of public facilities or existing utility structures that do not expose the soil or result in the removal of the vegetative cover to soil; and · Activities where there is 100 percent infiltration of surface water runoff within the site in approved and installed erosion and sediment control facilities. Inspection and Monitoring: · All BMPs shall be inspected, maintained, and repaired as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. Site inspections shall be conducted by a person who is knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control. This person has the necessary skills to: o Assess the site conditions and construction activities that could impact the quality of stormwater, and o Assess the effectiveness of erosion and sediment control measures used to control the quality of stormwater discharges. · A Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead shall be on-site or on-call at all times. · Whenever inspection and/or monitoring reveals that the BMPs identified in this SWPPP are inadequate, due to the actual discharge of or potential to discharge a significant amount of any pollutant, appropriate BMPs or design changes shall be implemented as soon as possible. Maintaining an Updated Construction SWPPP: · This SWPPP shall be retained on-site or within reasonable access to the site. · The SWPPP shall be modified whenever there is a change in the design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has, or could have, a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to waters of the state. WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 8 TACOMA, WASHINGTON · The SWPPP shall be modified if, during inspections or investigations conducted by the owner/operator, or the applicable local or state regulatory authority, it is determined that the SWPPP is ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges from the site. The SWPPP shall be modified as necessary to include additional or modified BMPs designed to correct problems identified. Revisions to the SWPPP shall be completed within seven (7) days following the inspection. Site Specific BMPs: · Materials on Hand · Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead · Scheduling WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 9 TACOMA, WASHINGTON 4.0 CONSTRUCTION PHASING & SCHEDULE This project does not require phasing. The project is anticipated to take place during the 2018 calendar year. The Contractor will coordinate all scheduling needed for the proposed construction. The following typical construction sequence will be used: 1. Flag or otherwise mark the limits of construction. 2. Post sign with name and phone number of supervisor. 3. Install catch basin protection where required. 4. Install additional erosion control measures as indicated on the approved plans. 5. Maintain erosion control measures in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations during construction. 6. Clean the completed project area and conveyance system. 7. Remove all temporary BMPs. WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 10 TACOMA, WASHINGTON 5.0 POLLUTION PREVENTION TEAM 5.1 Roles and Responsibilities The pollution prevention team consists of personnel responsible for implementation of the SWPPP, including the following: · Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) – primary contractor contact, responsible for site inspections (BMPs, visual monitoring, sampling, etc.); to be called upon in case of failure of any ESC measures. · Owner Contact – individual that is the site owner or representative of the site owner to be contacted in the case of an emergency · Jurisdictional Contact – individual to be contacted at the local jurisdiction in case of emergency 5.2 Team Members Names and contact information for those identified as members of the pollution prevention team are to be provided in the following table. Currently, each name is ‘TBD’. Title Name(s) Phone Number Contractor’s Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) Ecology Contact Owner Contact Local Jurisdiction Contact Monitoring Personnel WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 11 TACOMA, WASHINGTON 6.0 SITE INSPECTIONS AND MONITORING Monitoring includes visual inspection, monitoring for water quality parameters of concern (as necessary and per the requirements of the Construction Stormwater General Permit) and documentation of the inspection and monitoring findings in a site log book. A site log book will be maintained for all on-site construction activities and will include: · A record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements · Site inspections · Stormwater quality monitoring This SWPPP may function as the site log book if desired, or the forms may be separated and included in a separate site log book. However, if separated, the site log book must be maintained on-site or within reasonable access to the site and be made available upon request to Ecology or the local jurisdiction. 6.1 Site Inspection All BMPs will be inspected, maintained, and repaired as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. The inspector will be a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL). The name and contact information for the CESCL shall be provided in Section 5 of this SWPPP. Site inspection will ocurr in all areas disturbed by construction activities and at all stormwater discharge points. Stormwater will be examined for the presence of suspended sediment, turbidity, discoloration, and oily sheen. The site inspector will evaluate and document the effectiveness of the installed BMPs and determine if it is necessary to repair or replace any of the BMPs to improve the quality of stormwater discharges. All maintenance and repairs will be documented in the site log book or forms provided in this document. All new BMPs or design changes will be documented in the SWPPP as soon as possible. 6.2 Site Inspection Frequency Site inspections will be conducted at least once a week and within 24 hours following any rainfall event which causes a discharge of stormwater from the site. 6.3 Site Inspection Documentation The site inspector will record each site inspection using the site log inspection forms provided in Appendix D. The site inspection log forms may be separated from this SWPPP document, but shall be maintained on-site or within reasonable access to the site and be made available upon request to Ecology or the local jurisdiction. 6.4 Stormwater Quality Monitoring During construction, the quality of stormwater runoff will be monitored in accordance with the requirements of the NPDES Construction General Permit. WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 12 TACOMA, WASHINGTON 7.0 REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING 7.1 Recordkeeping 7.1.1 Site Log Book A site log book will be maintained for all on-site construction activities and will include: • A record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements; • Site inspections • Stormwater quality monitoring For convenience, the inspection forms included in this SWPPP include the required information for the site log book. 7.1.2 Records Retention Records of all monitoring information (site log book, inspection reports/checklists, etc.), this Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, and any other documentation of compliance with permit requirements will be retained during the life of the construction project and for a minimum of three years following the termination of permit coverage in accordance with the Construction Stormwater General Permit. 7.1.3 Access to Plans and Records The SWPPP together with the Construction Stormwater General Permit shall be retained on site or within reasonable access to the site and shall be made immediately available upon request to Ecology or the local jurisdiction. 7.1.4 Updating the SWPPP In accordance with the General Permit, this SWPPP will be modified if ineffective in eliminating or mitigating pollutants in stormwater discharges from the site or if there has been a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the site that has a significant effect on the discharge, or potential for discharge, of pollutants to the waters of the State. The SWPPP will be modified within seven days of determination based on inspection(s) that additional or modified BMPs are necessary to correct problems identified, and an updated timeline for BMP implementation will be prepared. 7.1.5 Reporting Water Quality monitoring and reporting shall be performed in accordance with the NPDES Construction General Permit for this project. WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 13 TACOMA, WASHINGTON Appendix A – Site Plans/Drawings An 11x17 version of the proposed TESC plan has been included in this Appendix for easy reference. WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 14 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 15 TACOMA, WASHINGTON Appendix B – Stormwater Calculations The project does not propose an engineered temporary erosion control facility; therefore, stormwater calculations have not been included in this report. WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 16 TACOMA, WASHINGTON Appendix C – Construction BMPs WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 17 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 18 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 19 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 20 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 21 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 22 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 23 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 24 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 25 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 26 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 27 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 28 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 29 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 30 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 31 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 32 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 33 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 34 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 35 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 36 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 37 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 38 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 39 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 40 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 41 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 42 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 43 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 44 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 45 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 46 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 47 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 48 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 49 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 50 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 51 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 52 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 53 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 54 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 55 TACOMA, WASHINGTON Appendix D – Site Inspection Forms The results of each inspection and monitoring event shall be summarized in an inspection report or checklist that is entered into or attached to the site log book. An Inspection Report has been included in this appendix for reference. Completed inspection forms should be kept on-site at all times during construction. Inspections should be performed and documented as outlined below: Inspection date/times Weather information: general conditions during inspection, approximate amount of precipitation since the last inspection, and approximate amount of precipitation within the last 24 hours. A summary or list of all BMPs that have been implemented, including observations of all erosion/sediment control structures or practices. • Locations of BMPs that need maintenance, • The reason maintenance is needed, • Locations of BMPs that failed to operate as designed or intended, and • Locations where additional or different BMPs are needed, and the reason(s) why A description of stormwater discharged from the site. The presence of suspended sediment, turbid water, discoloration, and/or oil sheen shall be noted, as applicable. A description of any water quality monitoring performed during inspection, and the results of that monitoring. General comments and notes, including a brief description of any BMP repairs, maintenance or installations made as a result of the inspection. A statement that, in the judgment of the person conducting the site inspection, the site is either in compliance or out of compliance with the terms and conditions of the SWPPP and the NPDES permit. If the site inspection indicates that the site is out of compliance, the inspection report shall include a summary of the remedial actions required to bring the site back into compliance, as well as a schedule of implementation. Name, title, and signature of person conducting the site inspection; and the following statement: “I certify under penalty of law that this report is true, accurate, and complete, to the best of my knowledge and belief.” When the site inspection indicates that the site is not in compliance with any terms and conditions of the NPDES permit, the Permittee shall take immediate action(s) to: stop, contain, and clean up the unauthorized discharges, or otherwise stop the noncompliance; correct the problem(s); implement appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs), and/or conduct maintenance of existing BMPs; and achieve compliance with all applicable standards and permit WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 56 TACOMA, WASHINGTON conditions. In addition, if the noncompliance causes a threat to human health or the environment, the Permittee shall comply with the Noncompliance Notification requirements of the General Permit. WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 57 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 58 TACOMA, WASHINGTON REFERENCE 8-E CWSPPP WORKSHEET FORMS The CSWPPP Worksheet Forms included on the following pages will be completed per the 2017 Surface Water Design Manual. WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 59 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 60 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 61 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 62 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 63 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 64 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 65 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 66 TACOMA, WASHINGTON WSADA PARKING LOT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 67 TACOMA, WASHINGTON