HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/06/2014 - Minutes CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � `''t���� � � MEETING MINUTES October 6, 2014 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Andee Jorgensen, Bill Larson,Jim Matthew, and Jim Phelan COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Richard Fisher POLICE DEPARTMENT: � FIRE& EMERGENCY SERVICES Chief Mark Peterson, Deputy Chief Erik Wallgren, Lieutenant Steve Winter, DEPARTMENT: Firefighters David Arends,James Ochs, Ryan Morgan,Josh Downing,Josh Brown, Luke Alvarado, Ryan Simonds, Mark dos Remedios, Mike Bain, Steve Trijullo STAFF MEMBERS: Brian Sandler, Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner) and Cathryn Laird, Human Resources Manager GUESTS: None CALL TO ORDER: Chair Jim Phelan called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. FIRE& EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT: Firefighter David Arends participated in the Lieutenant written exam on September 24, 2014. During the review period of the exam,the Civil Service Chief Examiner received an email from Firefighter Arends stating his concern that the written test questions were repeated from the previous exam,that a majority of the candidates had taken the same written test in 2013 and had access to the previous test and answer key with the ability to write down all of the questions during the review period in 2013. The Civil Service Chief Examiner compared the written exam that was facilitated in this process with the process in 2013 and realized that 90 of the questions were repeated. The Chief Examiner wrote a memorandum to the Commission recommending the test be invalidated and allowing all 18 candidates that participated in the written exam to participate in the tactical. There was a significant amount of discussion from the candidates that participated in the written exam and the Civil Service Commission. Chair Jim Phelan said that there should be safeguards for tests in the future so that candidates can't write down the entire test during the review period. Commissioner Bill Larson moved to send the top fourteen candidates that passed the Written Examination on to the Tactical as was indicated in the promotional exam job announcement. MOVED BY: Bill Larson SECOND BY: Andee Jorgensen MOTION CARRIED ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. MOVED BY: Bill Larson SECOND BY: Andee Jorgensen MEETINGADJOURNED CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Brian Sandler, Civil Service Secretary/ Date Chief Examiner 2