HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole Packet for 06/18/2018 AGENDA Committee of the Whole Meeting 5:30 PM - Monday, June 18, 2018 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way 1. Police Training Space a) Presentations 2. Regional Issues Renton Police Department TRAINING SPACE AGENDA ITEM #1. a) TIMELINE 2014 potential of 200 Mill Ave S becoming unavailable Looking at private spaces and city owned property Little progress made (we didn’t know what we didn’t know) 2015 started to focus research -where do we go? Discussion with Facilities Discovered there were very few reliable sources for training center data 2017 contracted with Interact Business Group for strategic planning Detailed analysis of each and every type of training conducted Interviews and surveys from department trainers as well as surrounding agencies Existing training space conditions AGENDA ITEM #1. a) STUDY RESULTS Preliminary study covered Current training requirements Number of training hours completed Long term training demand Assets required for satisfactory training Over 40,000 total hours of police training conducted Vast majority of classroom training accomplished with a room capacity of 25-35 Simulator usage could be in excess of 1000 hours AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Industry standard for training is Safe, Secure and Consistent Deficiencies Current training-often unsafe environment or unsecure Often requires the assignment of armed officers to provide security, introducing live fire ammo adjacent to simulated weapon training Reality based Simunitions Training -no adequate training space Mat room is small, contains obstacles and is oddly shaped. High likelihood of injury No dedicated classroom space that allows simultaneous instruction (ie; FTO school or any training with breakout space needs) EXISTING TRAINING ISSUES AND CONCERNS AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Classroom training Post academy (pre-FTO) Advanced investigations Legal update Less lethal weapons Leadership development Surviving mass violence Lock picking New equipment fielding and certification Legal update First aid Community police academy Crisis intervention Defensive Tactics Firearms skills training and qualification Tactical emergency casualty care (TECC) Reality based training scenarios Emergency vehicle operations Police motor cycle course Undercover surveillance K9 training POLICE TRAINING AGENDA ITEM #1. a) CURRENT TRAINING SPACES 200 Mill Ave S, 2nd floor ~1800 square feet Bathrooms reduce useable space Brick walls Small, confined space rooms limits the number of participants Good location for building clearing training Any other available space located in the city 10130 SE Carr Road Fire stations 14 and 16 City facilities after hours when unoccupied Shops 4th floor Firearms Renton Fish & Game Club West Coast Armory/Bellevue Gun Club AGENDA ITEM #1. a) DEFENSIVE TACTICS AGENDA ITEM #1. a) REALITY BASED TRAINING (RBT) Training that utilizes tools, techniques or methodologies to approximate in a training setting a situation that might occur in an operational setting Experience otherwise intense, life-threatening situations in a non-lethal training environment Carefully scripted scenarios Future reference when they face a similar actual situation Allows officers to recognize the situation earlier and primes them to make a more relevant and legal response decision An example of recent training:AGENDA ITEM #1. a) REALITY BASED TRAINING AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 4TH FLOOR, 1055 S. GRADY WAY Secure, controlled access area to conduct training 3,465 square feet of space Dedicated classroom for 30 students for multi department use Safety area for downloading and securing police officer weapons Future space for a force response (decision making) simulator Open multipurpose space for: Defensive tactics skills training Reality based training area Overflow classroom 2 rooms to simulate locations officers respond to during calls (RBT rooms)AGENDA ITEM #1. a) INITIAL PLANNING CONCEPT North AGENDA ITEM #1. a) THIS SPACE WILL PROVIDE Defensive Tactics training in a space large enough to reduce secondary hazards from walls and windows Reality based training and lecture training conducted simultaneously in close proximity Reduce travel time to training location for approximately 60 percent of all training Provide access to safe and secure training space outside of traditional work hours for patrol officers on nights and weekends Allow training cadre to focus more on training development and less on logistics Sponsor/host training without relying on outside entities or conflicting priorities Community engagement opportunities to demonstrate police training in a safe and secure location with sufficient space for observers AGENDA ITEM #1. a) COST ESTIMATE Permit Center remodel cost per square foot Architect Permit Construction Change orders Furniture, fixtures and equipment Inflation Estimated cost per square foot $113.52 Estimated cost $391,545 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) QUESTIONS?AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Renton Police Department TRAINING SPACE AGENDA ITEM #1. a) TIMELINE 2014 potential of 200 Mill Ave S becoming unavailable Looking at private spaces and city owned property Little progress made (we didn’t know what we didn’t know) 2015 started to focus research -where do we go? Discussion with Facilities Discovered there were very few reliable sources for training center data 2017 contracted with Interact Business Group for strategic planning Detailed analysis of each and every type of training conducted Interviews and surveys from department trainers as well as surrounding agencies Existing training space conditions AGENDA ITEM #1. a) STUDY RESULTS Preliminary study covered Current training requirements Number of training hours completed Long term training demand Assets required for satisfactory training Over 40,000 total hours of police training conducted Vast majority of classroom training accomplished with a room capacity of 25-35 Simulator usage could be in excess of 1000 hours AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Industry standard for training is Safe, Secure and Consistent Deficiencies Current training-often unsafe environment or unsecure Often requires the assignment of armed officers to provide security, introducing live fire ammo adjacent to simulated weapon training Reality based Simunitions Training -no adequate training space Mat room is small, contains obstacles and is oddly shaped. High likelihood of injury No dedicated classroom space that allows simultaneous instruction (ie; FTO school or any training with breakout space needs) EXISTING TRAINING ISSUES AND CONCERNS AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Classroom training Post academy (pre-FTO) Advanced investigations Legal update Less lethal weapons Leadership development Surviving mass violence Lock picking New equipment fielding and certification Legal update First aid Community police academy Crisis intervention Defensive Tactics Firearms skills training and qualification Tactical emergency casualty care (TECC) Reality based training scenarios Emergency vehicle operations Police motor cycle course Undercover surveillance K9 training POLICE TRAINING AGENDA ITEM #1. a) CURRENT TRAINING SPACES 200 Mill Ave S, 2nd floor ~1800 square feet Bathrooms reduce useable space Brick walls Small, confined space rooms limits the number of participants Good location for building clearing training Any other available space located in the city 10130 SE Carr Road Fire stations 14 and 16 City facilities after hours when unoccupied Shops 4th floor Firearms Renton Fish & Game Club West Coast Armory/Bellevue Gun Club AGENDA ITEM #1. a) DEFENSIVE TACTICS AGENDA ITEM #1. a) REALITY BASED TRAINING (RBT) Training that utilizes tools, techniques or methodologies to approximate in a training setting a situation that might occur in an operational setting Experience otherwise intense, life-threatening situations in a non-lethal training environment Carefully scripted scenarios Future reference when they face a similar actual situation Allows officers to recognize the situation earlier and primes them to make a more relevant and legal response decision An example of recent training:AGENDA ITEM #1. a) REALITY BASED TRAINING AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 4TH FLOOR, 1055 S. GRADY WAY Secure, controlled access area to conduct training 3,465 square feet of space Dedicated classroom for 30 students for multi department use Safety area for downloading and securing police officer weapons Future space for a force response (decision making) simulator Open multipurpose space for: Defensive tactics skills training Reality based training area Overflow classroom 2 rooms to simulate locations officers respond to during calls (RBT rooms)AGENDA ITEM #1. a) INITIAL PLANNING CONCEPT North AGENDA ITEM #1. a) THIS SPACE WILL PROVIDE Defensive Tactics training in a space large enough to reduce secondary hazards from walls and windows Reality based training and lecture training conducted simultaneously in close proximity Reduce travel time to training location for approximately 60 percent of all training Provide access to safe and secure training space outside of traditional work hours for patrol officers on nights and weekends Allow training cadre to focus more on training development and less on logistics Sponsor/host training without relying on outside entities or conflicting priorities Community engagement opportunities to demonstrate police training in a safe and secure location with sufficient space for observers AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Decision making and force response (not just firearms) Fully immersive 180-degree environment Real-life scenarios and marksmanship training capability Seamless high resolution video Debrief and record a officer’s performance, judgment, and reaction time Multi-directional surround sound SIMULATOR EXAMPLE VIRTRA V-180 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) COST ESTIMATE Permit Center remodel cost per square foot Architect Permit Construction Change orders Furniture, fixtures and equipment Inflation Estimated cost per square foot $113.52 Estimated cost $391,545 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) QUESTIONS?AGENDA ITEM #1. a)