HomeMy WebLinkAboutERC Report 06-061.pdfCity of Renton STAFF Department of Planning / Building / Public Works | REPORT , � ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE A. BACKGROUND ERC MEETING DATE July 24.2O00 Project Name: Renton Village Storm System Improvement Project DwmmolAppAtent CityofRenton—SurfaueVVaterUd|ity Contact: Daniel Carey, Surface Water Utility File Number. LUA~OG-O01'ECF, CAR Project Manager. Vo|e/iaKinast Project Description: Project Location: Site Area: Project Location Map The City of Renton Surface Water Utility is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, and aCritical Areas Exemption for a proposal to replace an existing 42- and48'inoh stonnvvotersystem' classified in Renton as a class 3 stream, with 42- and/or72'inoh pipes and/or a4 -ft. x8ft. box culvert, to alleviate flooding problems. The replacement line vvoU|d be approx. 650 lineal ft., start at a point at the southeastern corner of the ThrNtway store in Renton Village shopping center and run vvonL than south to a point where the uu|vertedsegment outfalls into the open channel of Rolling Hills Creek. At the discharge point, damage from the old system would be repaired, and the banks would be stabilized and nsveUutatad. The applicant has also applied fora Critical Areas Exemption from the City and aJARPAfrom the Army Corps ofEngineers. (Please see the next page for amore lengthy deooripUon-) South of5O18Grady Way and north of| -4O5 Approx. 10acres /GG8lineal feet Area ofdisturbance same assite area Staff recommends that the Environmental Review Committee Issue a Determination of Non -Significance (DNS). ERC Repu doo City ofRenton PIBIPWDepartment Environmental Review Committee Staff Report Renton REPORT OF JULY 24, 2006 Page 2 of 5 Project description: The applicant isproposing toconstruct anew ohznnvmaba drainage system inthe Renton Village Shopping Center toreplace the existing 42 - and 48-nchstorm system. The purpose ofthe project istoincrease the capacity of the storm system so it is capable Vfcarrying the peak Mow from the 25 -year. 24-hour storm without flooding, and Coreplace the failing 48-inohcorrugated metal pipe. The new storm system would beapproximately 8OO to 700 feet long and would consist of one large pipe (54- to 72 -inches), two parallel pipes of equal or different sizes, a box culvert (4 foot x 8 foot), or some combination of those systems and sizes. The new storm system would be located in the southern portion of the Renton Village Shopping Center Complex. It would start in the street on the east side of the ThrifhwayQnocery store and run to the southwest into South Renton Village P|aum, and the parking lot west of the One Renton Place Building. It would end at the open channel along the south side ofRenton Village etornear the existing storm system outfall. The new storm system would be constructed in City ROW and permanent Utility Easements that have been obtained from the private property owners. The new storm system would be constructed below ground and the existing streets and parking lots will berestored atthe end ofconstruction. About 14OOto2UU0cubic yards ofsoil could be excavated and replaced with backfill for construction, The contractor would supply backfill from a licensed gravel pit orsource. The contractor may want to place a temporary job trailer in one of the parking lots during project construohon. The project site and adjacent properties are zoned CO and CA (Commercial Ofhuo' Connnueroio| Arterial). The project area is currently used as public and private streets, parking |ubm, and businesses. The private property uses include enoffice building, shopping center, and cinema. The project site is located in o Flood Hazard Area. Because the project is flood hazard reduction measure it is exempt from limitations of the critical areas flood regulations, and a Critical Areas Exemption for the projecthanbemn granted. The segment of the storm system that would be replaced is classified on the City of Renton Stream Map as a Class 3 stream. It is a segment of Rolling Hills Creek that is culverted and runs under parking lots. The ou|vert*dsegment of the creek discharges into an open channel, that continues on from there parallel to and very near to 1-405. As part of the .project, an approximately 30 ft. by 40 8- area of the open stream bunk would be disturbed in the area where the culvert discharges into the open stream segment. Both the open segment of the stream and the ou|vodad segment are subject to a 75 ft. buffer. A critical areas exemption maybe granted for projects that are being undertaken for public flood hazard reduction. The applicant has requested and received a critical areas exemption in order to replace the culvert in the stream and stream buffer area as a flood reduction measure. B. RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINATION OF Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period. Issue DNS with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal period. XX I DETERMINATION OF XX I Issue DNS -M with 14 day Ageeal Period. Issue DNS -M with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGATION MEASURES 1. The applicant shall follow the recommendations of HWA Geosciences, Inc. in the geotechnical report that will be issued on the site; Z The applicant shall provide a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) designed pursuant to the Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume 11 of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual and provide staff with a Construction Mitigation Plan prior to issuance of Construction permits. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services ` __ R_-- ` City ufRenton FIBQPWDepartment Environmental Review Committee Staff Report Renton Village Storm R REPORT OF JULY 24, 2006 Page 3 of 5 3. The applicant shall provide bank protection and revegetation as proposed by the applicant in UheJARPA application Outfall Plan and Croon 8eotiona, except that more bioprob*oton, QootexU|e and plants shall be used and the amount ofrock shall be kept to the minimum amount necessary. The plantings mhu|| include native trees. A plan shall be submitted to the Development Services project manager at the time of submittal for construction permits. 4. The applicant shall follow the recommendations made in the Informal ESA Consultation (biologicalevaluation) completed on June 20, 2006 by Gray & Osborne, Inc. Advisory Notes fuApplicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning 1. The project requires an exemption from the City stream regulations and must meet the condition ofapproval of the critical areas exemption: Areas disturbed along the bank of Rolling Hills Creek shall be stabilized and revegetated with native trees and plants such that habitat restoration is achieved at a ratio of 1:1. The applicant shall submit acopy uf the plans illustrating how this will beachieved prior toproject begin. Sito[mprovemnente—VVatmr This projectba not located |nthe Aquifer Protection Zone. This project site in located in the 1@OWater Pressure Zone. The static pressure is approximately 70 psi atstreet level. 1. This project is not required to install a vvatermain extension. The conceptual utility plan shows o vvabarrnain relocation. The applicant shall submit the design of the waterlines proposed relocation for review and approval. This project shall coordinate with the Water Department to insure that the watermains are protected. Site Improvements —Sewer 1.Asanitary sewer main extension ianot required for this project. ThinpnojectoheAcoondinetevviththeVVautewaber Department to insure that the sewer system is protected. Sitm|mprovements—Streets There inan8^and an18^sanitary sewer main located nnthe site. 1.This project mj||notbenaquinedtodoanystneetimpnovonnentsforthiosde. 2.This project vviDootbor*quiredtodoanyadditiono|street|ighbsforthiaaita. 3, All trench restoration shall be per current City of Renton Trench Restoration and Overlay detail. Site Improvements - Surface Water There are existing storm drainage facilities on the site. Portions of the site are mapped as being in the FEMA 100 - year floodplain. There is existing flooding on the Renton Village property due to the presence of the FEMA 100 -year floodplain and insufficient conveyance capacity in existing storm systems on the Renton Village Shopping center area. 1. The conceptual drainage plan is in order. A full plan review of the drainage plan and drainage report will be required at the time of plan review submittal and plan review. Site Improvements — General 1. All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2. All civil engineering plans shall be tied into a minimum of two of the City of Renton current Horizontal and Vertical Control network. 3. Permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5% of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over $100,000 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Half of the fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permits, and the remainder when the permits are issued. There may be additional fees for water service related expenses. See Drafting Standards, Fire 1. Maintain emergena access at all times. ' ^ ` BC Repo¢doo City ofRenton FIBIPqWDepartment Environmental Review Committee Staff Report Renton Village Storm System Improvement Project LUA-06-061 ECF, CAR REPORT OF JULY 24, 2006 Page 4 of 5 D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RC0/43.2YC. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental 1. Earth Impacts: The site kalocated lnanarea nfseismic hazard. The applicant has consulted with a geotechnicalengineer aobothe soils and possible measures to reduce risks that may be osauoiab*d with constructing replacement storm water system in this area. The geotechnical engineering consultants HVVAGaosoienman o7nnp|eh*d borings in June and will be making recommendations in ag*oteohnims| report that has not yet been issued. Staff recommends that the applicant be required to follow the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant. Areas around the outfall of the ou|vert, where the Oovv discharges into the open segment of the otreann, would be disturbed for construction. Also, the excavating necessary for the project has the potential of causing erosion and sedimentation impacts to the creek. In the GEPAcheok|iot. the applicant explains that in order to avoid erosion and sedimentation, the water would bediverted around the work area and erosion control measures would beundertaken. Staff recommends as a mitigation measure, that the applicant be required to provide an erosion control plan according tothe Washington State Department ofEcology manual. The banks of the open channel, where the outfall discharges, would be disturbed by replacement of the culvert. This area would require measures toensure slope stability. It would need to be novogetated, and protective materials should be installed that vvuu|d provide interim slope stability until the plants mature. In design drawings created for the project's JARPAapp|1cation (attachment), the applicant proposes using ruuk, gootexti|o, and plantings to create slope stability around the outfall. Comments were received from the Muckleshoot tribe representative, on the design of the stabilization measures, in particular, the large amount of rock being used, and whether the applicant would be replanting trees. The applicant has stated that more bioprotectlVn would be provided and u more detailed planting plan would be provided as the project proceeds. Staff recommends as a mitigation measure, that the applicant provide bank protection and revegetaUoo as proposed in the JARPAapplication Outfall Plan and Croon Seotions, except that more bipproteciion, geotexd|e and plants shall be used and the amount of rock shall be kept to the minimum amount necessary. Mitigation Measures: 1. The applicant shall follow the recommendations of HWA Geosciences, Inc. in the geotechnical report that will be issued on the site. 2. The applicant ahe|| provide o Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan designed pursuant to the Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume 11 of the 2001 8hornlwmtmr Management Manual and provide staff with a Construction Mitigation Plan prior to iaouauo* of Construction permits. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 3. The applicant shall provide bank protection and revegotodionasproposed by the applicant in thnJAF<PA application Outfall Plan and Cross Sections, except that more bioproteotion, gmotexti|a and plants shall be used and the amount of rock shall be kept to the minimum amount necessary. The plantings shall include native trees. Abank protection and navegutadiVnplan shall bmsubmitted tothe Development Services project manager sdthe time ofsubmittal for construction permits. Policy Nexus: N/A 2. Water Impacts: The impacts to Rolling Hills Creek would be positive. The capacity for water flow in the culverted section of Rolling Hills Creek would be increased, which would reduce the flooding that has been occurring in the area. In the ' area where the culverted segment outfalls into the open channel of the stream, erosion has occurred during times of high water flow. The existing culvert outlet is damaged and would be replaced with a new system that would provide energy dissipation at the pipe outlet. The new design would also redirect the water flow at the pipe outlet, aligning it more closely with the existing channel to reduce erosion that is occurring on the south bank of the creek, opposite""= � ERC Report.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department Environmental Review Committee Staff Repoil Renton Village Storm System Improvement Project LUA-06-061 ECF, CAR REPORT OF JULY 24, 2006 Page 5 of 5 Mitigation Measures: Nomitigation is recommended. Policy Nexus: N/A 3. Plants Impacts: Most of the project area is puved, but a section of approximately 30 fL bv4Oft, of the project area is vegetated. The plants along the stream bank include grasses, Himalayan biookbenY' red -osier dogwood, and small t[ees, including oottonvvood, and red alder. The vegetation is not mature. The area that would be disturbed to construct the replacement culvert is proposed to be replanted when the outfall has been completed. Under the Earth section above, staff recommends that a bank stabilization plan, which would include a replanting plan, be submitted to Development Services with the application for construction permits. In this vvay, staff can aoauns that impacts to plants are mitigated. Mitigation Measures: Nofurther mitigation recommended. ' Policy Nexus: .N/A 4. Animals Impacts: The submitted Informal ESA Consultation (biological evaluation) completed on June 20, 2006 by Gray & Osborne, Inc. states that Larry Fisher of the Department of Fish and Wildlife reports salmon ascending the creek system to the lower and of the Renton Village perking |cd. but not to the point vvbore the culvert would be replaced. Although fish are not likely present directly in the area of work, they could be affected by erosion and sedimentation as a result of the culvert nap|uoonneni The above recommended mitigation measures would address this possible impact. The biological evaluation recommends measures tnassure that the stream and puoaib|o downstream fish are not impacted by construction, including equipping construction vehicles with spill containment kits and rerouting traffic in o way that would avoid spills that could impact the creek. Staff recommends that the applicant be required to follow the recommendations made in the Informal ESA Consultation report. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall follow the recommendations made in the Informal ESA Consultation (biological evaluation) completed onJune 2U. 2006 byGray & Osborne, Inc. Policy Nexus: SEPA E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been circulated to City Departmental/Divisional Reviewers for their review. There were no comments by City Reviewers. Where applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures andlor Notes to Applicant. X Copies ofall Review Comments are contained /nthe Official File. Copies ofall Review Comments are attached hmthis report. Environmental Determination Appeal Process Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on August 7, 2006. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 O.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-651 O Attachments: Reductions of Project Plans Critical Areas Exemption BC Reportdoc ---mm'! -- ----m ifflial CA CA co a., -\ Co III 00 i -n 15th is St. a., -\ Co III RVA City 2s-Eff'aCsecemLeL, for Storm RVA Office LLC Renton Village M mt Co. t 520 Pike St, Suite 1500 Seattle, WA 9810 Thriftway Grocery Store City has Easement for Storm RVA Center LLC Renton Village Mgmt Co. 520 Pike St, Suite 1500 Seattle, WA 98101 V Ex. Parking Lot Proposed Replacement Storm System Existing Storm Pipes Ex, Parking Lot Ex. Parking Lot Ord nary High Water I Li e (approx.) I Opel, —/] Conc. Curb %n Existing Storm Pipes '�o�Ex. Parking Lot EX72-INCH CONC South Renton Village PL One Renton Place City has Easement for Ston Renton Properties LLC HAL Real Estate 2025 First Ave, Suite 700 Seattle, WA 98121 Replace Existing Outfall With New Outfall. Install Bank Protection and Revegetate. --riling Hills Creek Existing Storm Rolling 405 Pipes PROJECT SITE LATITUDE: 470 28' 8" LONGITUDE: 1220 12'42" 0 50 100 Datum: NAVD, 1988 t mama am= NORTH SCALE I" =`100 FT RENTON VILLAGE STORM SYSTEM Applicant: City of Renton IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Reference #: Replace a Failing Storm System, including Waterway: Rolling Hills Creek Rebuilding the Outfall to the Creek Sec. 19 T.23N R.5E Prepared: June 2006 Location: Renton Village Shopping Center 55 S Denton Village Place Sheet 4 of 7 Renton, Ding County, Washington, 98055 OUTALL PLAN VIE111 PROJECT SITE LATITUDE: 47° 28' 8" LONGITUDE: 122° 12'42" 0 5 10 Datum: NAVD 1988 FORTH SCALE 1"= 10 ET RENTON VILLAGE STORM SYSTEM Applicant City of Renton IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Reference #: Replace a Failing Storm System, including Waterway: Rolling Hills Creak Rebuilding the Ouffall to the Creek Sec. 19 T. 23 N R. 5 E Prepared: June 2006 Location: Renton Village Shopping Center 555 S Renton Village Place Sheet 5 of 7 Renton, ling County, Washington, 98055 _ GEOTEXTILE WRAPPED MATTRESSES 1'-1,5' THICK 4' MIw, D*wx EMBEDMENT LIVE BRANCH BUNDLES 6^ THICK, 5' MIN. BANK EMBANKMENT ORDINARY *IGH WATER MARK TOE OF BANK ELEYATION VARIES CREEK BOTTOM TOP OFBANK E|_ VARIES �V STAKES 4' MIN. LENGTH ALL /cTuwBEu AREAS SHALL BE LDED WITH NATIVE GRASSES ZD 6' NATIVE TOPSOIL FILL STAKED GE8TExTD-[ � `--�-----NATlYE TOPSOIL BACKFILL �-- BALLAST BACKFILL 3�D^ LL z' MIN. THICKNESS TYPICAL SECTION SCALE: NOT TO SCALE LIVE STAKES /ur OF BANK EL. VARIES ALL /umuEu AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED WITH NATIVE GRASSES ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK 6^ NATIVE TOE OF BANK- `` TOPSOIL FILL ELEVATION VARIES\ CREEK `�-STAKEDGEOTEXTILE j""ATIVE TOPSOIL BACKFILL ^--BALLAST BACKFILL y��RU�� l' MDu. THICKNESS J -How CMNECPON TO CREEK BANKTYPICAL SECTION SCALE: NUT TO SCALE . ~. RENTON VILLAGE STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Replace a Failing Storm System, including Rebuilding the Outfall to the Creek + L�o�catltion. Renton Village Shopping Center S Re 555 S Renton Village Place enton, King County, Washington, 98055 Applicant: City of Renton Reference #: Waterway: Rolling Hills Creek Sec. 19 T.23N R.5E PROJECT SITE LATITUDE: 47' 28' 8" LONGITUDE: 122' 12'42 - Prepared: June 2006 Sheet 7 of 7 DATE: July 20, 2006 LAND USE FILE NO.: LUA-06-061, SME, ECF PROJECT NAME: Renton Village Storm System Improvement Project OWNER: City of Renton Applicant: Daniel Carey, Surface Water Utility, City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: Valerie Kinast, Associate Planner PROJECT LOCATION: South of 501 S Grady Way and north of 1-405 PROPOSAL: The City of Renton Surface Water Utility is requesting a Critical Areas Exemption for a proposal to replace an existing 42- and 48 -inch stormwater system, classified in Renton as a class 3 stream, with 42- and/or 72 -inch pipes and/or a 4 -ft. x 8 ft. box culvert, to alleviate flooding problems. The replacement line would be approx. 650 lineal ft., start at a point at the southeastern corner of the Thriftway store in the Renton Village shopping center and run west, then south to a point where the culverted segment outfalls into the open channel of Rolling Hills Creek. At the discharge point, damage from the old system would be repaired, and the banks would be stabilized and revegetated. The applicant has also applied for a Critical Areas Exemption from the City and a JARPA from the Army Corps of Engineers. CRITICAL AREA: Rolling Hills Creek, Flood Hazard Area EXEMPTION JUSTIFICATION: Pursuant to RMC 4-3-05005d Sul -face Water of the Critical Areas Regulations an exemption is hereby granted for the following reason(s): X iii. Flood Hazard Reduction: Implementation of public flood hazard reduction and public surface water projects, where habitat enhancement and restoration at a 1:1 ratio are provided, and appropriate Federal and/or State authorization has been received. FINDINGS: The proposed development is consistent with the following findings pursuant to RMC section 4-3-050.C.4: 1. The activity is not prohibited by this or any other chapter of the RMC or state or federal law or regulation; 2. The activity will be conducted using best management practices as specified by industry standards or applicable Federal agencies or scientific principles; and, H:\Division.s\Develop.ser\Dev&plan.ing\PROJECTS\06-061.Valerie\CriticaI Area Exemption,doc Page 1 of 2 3. Impacts will be minimized and disturbed areas will be immediately restored, if submitted plans are followed and the conditions of approval of this exemption are met. 4. Where water body or buffer disturbance occurs during construction or other activities in accordance with this exemption, the site will be revegetated with native vegetation as is required in the Environmental Determination of Non -significance — Mitigated and the by the condition of this Critical Areas Exemption. DECISION: An exemption from the critical areas streams and flood hazard regulations is approved for the Renton Village Storm System Improvement Project subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall provide the City with a detailed planting plan for the area of disturbance around the culvert outfall. The plan must be submitted prior to or with the application for construction permit review and is subject to the approval of the Development Services project manager. 6*1 IM ki EA11% a 11 N Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator date PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department EXPIRATION: Five (5) years from the date of approval (signature date). H:\Division,s\Develop.ser\Dev&plan.ing\PROJECTS\06-061.Valerie\CriticaI Area Exempfion.doc Page 2 of 2