HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Compliance_Statement_180629_v1.pdf June 15, 2018 City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Re: Earlington Townhomes Preliminary Planned Urban Development & Preliminary Plat LUA-17-000390 CORE Project No. 18045 Dear City of Renton: We have received the City Hearing Examiner’s decision dated August 10, 2017. Below are listed the Conditions of Approval along with a statement of how this project will meet those Conditions. Conditions/Responses 1. The applicant shall comply with the mitigation measures issued as part of the Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated, dated May 8, 2017. Response: The mitigation measures will be followed as stated. 2. The applicant shall provide an Affordable Housing Restrictive Covenant and Agreement (the "Covenant") upon seven (7) units prior to certificate of occupancy. The Covenant is designed to satisfy the granting of the density bonus provision and shall remain affordable for fifty (50) years. The applicant shall submit to, and have approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager, the Covenant prior to or concurrent with building permit approval. Response: The covenant and agreement will be recorded as required. 3. The applicant shall limit the size of the lots to only include the dwelling unit, private driveway, private amenities, and private open space dimensions. The remainder of the parent site shall be platted as one or more tracts. Instead of tracts, pedestrian facilities may be placed in a pedestrian easement as authorized by staff. The plat plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit approval. Response: This project has been transferred from a plat structure to a condominium structure. The overall site will be the starting parcel and then it will be broken down from there. Each condo phase will be recorded as one building per phase. 6/15/2018 Earlington FPUD #4 Page 2 C:\Users\davenell\Desktop\Earlington Narrative for FPUD.docx 4. The applicant shall submit a detailed landscape plan that provides the species, quantity, planting notes, and plant spacing to comply with the intent and dimensions of the required visual barriers identified in the landscape code. In addition, all refuse and recycling pads shall maintain a minimum 10-foot separation from the west property line. The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building and/or construction permit approval. Response: There are approved landscape plans for this project. The permit # is C17004096. 5. The applicant shall submit a revised landscaping plan with the building permit application that meets the minimum tree density requirements of the tree retention and land clearing code (RMC 4-4-130C.9.d). The revised landscaping plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Response: The approved landscape plans satisfy this. Minimum tree density requirements have been met for this project. 6. The applicant shall be required to establish enforceable bylaws, within the Homeowners Association Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs), which require property owners to park their private vehicles within their garages. The applicant shall provide draft bylaws for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to issuance of any occupancy permit. Response: A draft of the CC&R’s for the Condominium have been provided with this FPUD submittal. All governing documents will be submitted and reviewed by the city prior to Certificate of Occupancy. 7. The applicant shall submit revised plans with the building permit application that identifies the location of bicycle parking meeting the standards of RMC 4-4-080F.11. The revised plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Response: Bicycle parking will be shown on building permit applications per standards of RMC 4-4- 080F.11. 8. The applicant shall submit a revised floor plan and landscaping plan with the building permit application that is appropriately sized to accommodate both vehicles and refuse and recycling carts, both inside and outside the garage. Storage space for carts shall measure at least two feet by six feet (2' x 6') in floor area and sixty inches (60") high. The refuse and recycling deposit areas located outside the unit for garbage pick-up day must also provide an area two feet by six feet (2' x 6') per unit. There shall be a direct connection constructed of a smooth surface that allows carts to be smoothly rolled to the specified pick-up location approved by Republic Services. The garage floor plan and storage pad areas shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit and/or building permit approval. Response: Refuse and recycling carts are shown on the building permit construction drawings for each building. Recycling, Garbage, and Compost are shown as 2’ x6’ and there is sufficient room for 60” height. Pick-up locations on-site will be shown on building permit applications. 6/15/2018 Earlington FPUD #4 Page 3 C:\Users\davenell\Desktop\Earlington Narrative for FPUD.docx 9. The applicant shall submit a revised grading plan that identifies the elevations of the top and bottom of each retaining wall to verify the height complies with the 6-foot height limitation. Additionally, the plans shall contain a cut sheet of wall materials. The revised grading plan shall be submitted with the construction permit application to be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager and Plan Reviewer prior to construction permit approval. Response: The approved civil plans show the heights of the walls with a detail. 10. The applicant shall submit detailed cut sheets with the revised landscape plan of the proposed picnic tables and benches. These amenities shall be durable and appropriate for northwest climate. The cut sheets shall be submitted with the construction permit application to be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager. Response: These are shown in the approved landscape plans. See sheet 48 for product information. 11. The applicant shall provide a lighting plan that includes a photometric calculation of average foot candles that adequately provides for public safety without casting excessive glare on adjacent properties. Pedestrian scale and down-lighting shall be used in all cases to assure safe pedestrian and vehicular movement. The lighting plan shall be submitted with the construction permit application to be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit approval. Response: Approved illumination plans show the site lighting with photometric calculations. This lighting plan does not cast excessive glare on adjacent properties. The approved landscape plan also has a pedestrian site lighting shown throughout the site and a lighting schedule listed on Sheet 54. Ph 12. The applicant shall establish a HOA for the development, which would be responsible for any common improvements. All common facilities, not dedicated to the City, shall be permanently maintained by the PUD HOA. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) shall provide that if the HOA fails to properly maintain the common facilities and integral elements of the City may do so at the expense of the association. The CC&Rs shall also provide that the provisions pertaining to the obligation to maintain common areas shall not be amended without approval of the City of Renton. The applicant shall provide draft CC&Rs and HOA incorporation documents for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to issuance of any occupancy permit. Response: The HOA will be responsible for common improvements. A draft of the CC&R’s for the Condominium have been provided with this FPUD submittal. 13. The applicant shall construct the programmed recreation areas (garden plaza, play field, seating, and pathways) with amenities prior to Certificate of Occupancy of the first building. Response: The programmed recreation areas with amenities will be built prior to Certificate of Occupancy. 6/15/2018 Earlington FPUD #4 Page 4 C:\Users\davenell\Desktop\Earlington Narrative for FPUD.docx 14. The applicant shall provide a minimum of 250 square feet of private yard space (may include private balcony area) per lot. A revised site plan and floor plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Renton Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Response: The project when designed as a plat meet the minimum of 250 square feet of private yard space per lot. The site plan provided on the building application submittal (Sheet A2) shows these minimum private yard square footages by lot. Given that this plat is transitioning to a condominium these private yards will now be owned by the Condominium Association and have shared ownership among its members. One advantage of these common areas will be that the Condominium Association will be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of these landscaped areas. Due to this there will be consistency of landscaping standards throughout the site and it will not vary between homeowner in a standard plat structure. 15. The applicant shall add at a minimum one (1) additional architectural detail and one (1) additional exterior wall material to provide distinction between the buildings. A final architectural elevation plan and materials board shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Renton Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Response: Final architectural elevations are provided with this submittal. The materials board will be submitted during the review period for the FPUD. Milbrandt Architects is currently working on completing this materials board. Target date for completion is the week of July 2nd-6th. 16. The applicant shall provide a permanent four foot (4') tall fence along Renton Ave S that delineates between public and private space. A fencing detail and location shall be identified on the final landscaping plan. Response: This fence is shown on the approved landscape plans and a detail is included. 17. Where possible, the applicant shall maintain mountain views for properties north of project site. Response: To the best of our ability with site conditions and density, this has been satisfied. Applicant has had discussions with the adjacent neighbor to the north located at 8219 S. 130th St to discuss the potential impacts to her property. 18. The applicant shall submit a materials board with the building permit application for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval to confirm that siding materials are non-reflective to reduce the potential for light and glare. Response: The materials board will be submitted during the review period for the FPUD. Milbrandt Architects is currently working on completing this materials board. Target date for completion is the week of July 2nd-6th. 6/15/2018 Earlington FPUD #4 Page 5 C:\Users\davenell\Desktop\Earlington Narrative for FPUD.docx 19. The applicant's proposed construction traffic control plan shall be forwarded for comment to Phyllis Chandler and any other persons who request a copy within 30 days of this decision. Public comments shall be due within ten calendar days of mailing. Response: This requirement has been satisfied. 20. Prior to the issuance of any occupancy permit, the developer shall furnish a security device to the City in an amount equal to the provisions of RMC 4-9-060. Landscaping shall be planted within one year of the date of final approval of the planned urban development, and maintained for a period of two (2) years thereafter prior to the release of the security device. A security device for providing maintenance of landscaping may be waived if a landscaping maintenance contract with a reputable landscaping firm licensed to do business in the City of Renton is executed and kept active for a two (2) year period. A copy of such contract shall be kept on file with the Development Services Division. Response: This security device will be put in place in the form of a bond with city of Renton. 21. Prior to the issuance of any occupancy permits, all common facilities, including but not limited to utilities, storm drainage, streets, recreation facilities, etc., shall be completed by the developer or, if deferred by the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator or his/her designee, assured through a security device to the City equal to the provisions of RMC 4-9-060. Response: Common facilities will be secured or built prior to the issuance of any occupancy permits. 22. All proposed street names shall be approved by the City. Response: Agreed. 23. The applicant shall install cross-walks as determined by public works to be necessary for public safety and compliance with City development standards. Response: Per the approved civil plans, Polygon will install crosswalks in approved locations. Notably, at the intersection of S 132nd St and Renton Ave S there will be a crosswalk installed per Sheet RD-06 or the approve civil plans (Permit# C17004096). Additional curb ramps will be installed for a future connection to occur across Renton Ave S. The traffic islands and crosswalk that will span across Renton Ave S. will be constructed in the future by the City of Renton. 24. All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way, except alleys, shall have minimum radius of fifteen feet (15'). Response: All lot corners meet this requirement. 25. All utilities designed to serve the subdivision shall be placed underground. Any utilities installed in the parking strip shall be placed in such a manner and depth to permit the planting of trees. Those utilities to be located beneath paved surfaces shall be installed, including all service connections, as approved by the Department. Such installation shall be completed and approved prior to the application of any surface 6/15/2018 Earlington FPUD #4 Page 6 C:\Users\davenell\Desktop\Earlington Narrative for FPUD.docx material. Easements may be required for the maintenance and operation of utilities as specified by the Department. Response: The applicant intends to submit a Variance to staff concerning the requirement of undergrounding utilities across Renton Ave S. All utilities serving this project shall be placed underground depending on the outcome of this review. If requirements for underground across Renton Ave S are upheld then all standards for utility installation will be met. 26. Any cable TV conduits shall be undergrounded at the same time as other basic utilities are installed to serve each lot. Conduit for service connections shall be laid to each lot line by subdivider as to obviate the necessity for disturbing the street area, including sidewalks, or alley improvements when such service connections are extended to serve any building. The cost of trenching, conduit, pedestals and/or vaults and laterals as well as easements therefore required to bring service to the development shall be borne by the developer and/or land owner. The subdivider shall be responsible only for conduit to serve his development. Conduit ends shall be elbowed to final ground elevation and capped. The cable TV company shall provide maps and specifications to the subdivider and shall inspect the conduit and certify to the City that it is properly installed. Response: Understood, conduit will be placed during construction. 27. Street signs and survey markers and monuments shall be installed as required by RMC 4- 7-210. Response: All will be installed per RMC 4-7-210.