HomeMy WebLinkAboutHandout - Eastside Rail Corridor Ki,kkaikA-- a/S/I3 Eastside Rail Corridor History • Prior to Port of Seattle conveying the rail corridor to King County, Deputy Sheriff Steve Maxwell would park his cruiser adjacent to the rail. As a result, very little vandalism, or crime. • Shortly after the cruiser left, the neighborhood was flooded with refuse, overnight parking, home break-ins, trespassing on private property and late-night activities including drugs, fights, and alcohol. Fifty percent of the homes had an incident & several had multiple incidents. Due to the increase in crime and concern for the neighborhood, several steps were taken: o Renton police gave a briefing to the neighborhood, o Block Watch was formed o Police department became more aware of the activities because of numerous calls o Cameras were installed at homes and along the street o No parking signs installed o Cleaned up and groomed the parking areas • Over time and with the efforts mentioned above, the street has quieted down with almost zero complaints or issues Looking Ahead • Issues of concern include: ❖ Increased vehicular traffic volume on a very tight road with no turn-around and no outlet ❖ Increasing vehicular conflicts as well as vehicle-pedestrian conflicts ❖ Potentially return to days of: • Trash • Disruption • Stressful & dangerous interactions ■ Frequent police involvement ❖ Becoming an informal park & ride ❖ Lack of turn-around for UPS, garbage trucks, & constructions trucks Neighborhood Objectives • We want to maintain the peaceful environment that we have worked so hard to attain • We want to feel secure in our homes and have our privacy and property respected • We do not want: abandoned vehicles, motor home residences, drug paraphernalia, & any other illegal or undesired activities • We value being able to park across the street for visitors and guests, especially since the street is not built to code & cannot accommodate on street parking. If there is parking permitted under special use permits, for which permitees must pay land use fees, Mountain View residents desire to discuss this & clarify the particulars. Specific Key Issues: • Signage & instructions for trail users at the intersection of new trail & Mountain View Ave N. We would like to have a voice in the creation of signage design and language. • Trail connection directly into Gene Coulon Park to divert pedestrians off the tightest section of Mountain View Ave N • ESRC Resources for trash pickup & removal on a regular basis • Parking strip: Use management control with enforcement methods • Prior to formalizing any parking arrangement on Mountain View Ave N., the neighborhood would like to have input & review any final plans. We the undersigned agree and support all the above. As a community, we stand together and look forward to this future asset becoming part of our neighborhood without becoming a negative impact. Name Address Wl4Wtklei 21 0-1 kArr,\littALeoe .1• , lk• ---,Ird,,-- 0! teg7 Mouark,;-) 'L.) Aie_d, 2II: iir Ai: Zgol M&.,. ,-n O ti -41111.7: i. / ----- 7'o3 Drok./rr tJftof A/ Tica= 4 7/Z`(jam`_` &Ic-. floe Vc w-A-r /J 1 i Imo- .$t o 7 l(�,8 �-k �t si,icor , j / (/A4.0. aAkc 11. . i T. C A:r. 1-52-0S 111/4,i t)-.. 9,-C_A) i I i S 1 1 k I- N)- 43e-0 S w1,-., \jc„ A1-9- k3 . i ' t k.AA V\'v ,,,_\,,\J, ;, o0 11 iF I /. / s\ 3 ) . ri , At , „ , /, Kok..„"_ 2�v 1 T Vow kf 4...v________- 7,40”? tvtr0:�kr N Ae.,;_i_ri., 3OD( ill . . Name Address 1-1FA Z7-- wiouK fiq v 01. 4 a7-a. 7 Meakt ,;, vow 4v4- 541/ 2* 444 Ld7 LI 11/ Wee'llYer P V,r nd,OcA) `2e/f--.,o y� 30055' 14 @Ktikkt\ VI;ek Going Forward Coulon Park Access In addition to the paper presented, it is very important to relocate the access to Coulon Park. The access should be from the new trail to a new gate inside Coulon Park. How to accomplish this: • The rails and ties have been removed to allow for a path from the trail to a new gate • The distance from the trail to the paved area at the gate is approximately 20' • Please see photos to understand where the connection between the trail and the new gate could be accomplished RESULTS: • By making this path a reality, it would address item #2 in the Specific Key Issues section. THIS IS A REAL CONCERN FOR ALL RESIDENTS OF MOUNTAIN VIEW AVENUE N. 'S ?;f2,7/ N. � • \t h� ttpf ttb CONNECTION • j ♦ ♦♦♦♦ • GATE ♦♦♦ 1 Google