HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole Packet for 03/19/2018 AGENDA Committee of the Whole Meeting 5:30 PM - Monday, March 19, 2018 7th Floor, Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way 1. Regional Issues 2. WSDOT I-405 Corridor Improvements Update a) Combined WSDOT/Sound Transit/ Metro Presentation 3. Sound Transit Update on BRT-related Projects in Renton 4. Metro update on Planned Transit Improvements in Renton Community I-405 Corridor Update Lisa Hodgson, P.E. Design Engineering Manager I-405/SR 167 Program Bill Bryant Service Development Managing Director King County Metro Transit Paul Cornish, P.E. Project Director Sound Transit AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Agenda •WSDOT update •I-405 Bellevue to Lynnwood express toll lanes performance •I-405/SR 167 Direct Connector construction update •I-405 Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes project •Sound Transit Bus Rapid Transit update •What is Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)? •BRT Program overview •Schedule and status •King County Metro update •Recent service investments •Service revisions by 2024 •Mobility options 2AGENDA ITEM #2. a) I-405 Master Plan Regional Consensus •EIS Record of Decision, 2002 •Multimodal, multiagency plan Roadways •2 new lanes in each direction •Local arterial improvements Transit & Transportation Choices •Bus Rapid Transit system •New transit centers •50% transit service increase •HOV direct access ramps and flyer stops •Potential managed lanes system •5000 new Park & Ride spaces •1700 new vanpools Environmental Enhancements 3AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Multimodal and making progress Local arterial improvements 50% complete Bus Rapid Transit stations 91% complete or funded Pedestrian/bicycle improvements 65% complete or funded Direct Access and Direct Connectors 19% complete or funded Park and Ride expansions 138% complete or funded Transit service increase 62% complete or anticipated Vanpool service increase 40% complete Transit center expansions 70% complete Add 2 lanes in each direction 45% complete or funded 4AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Interagency Coordination Sound Transit, King County Metro, and WSDOT collaborate to deliver I-405 Master Plan projects and improvements along the corridor. Coordinated outreach activities include: •Open houses •Neighborhood and community group meetings •City council briefings •Stakeholder advisory groups •Technical charrettes and committees I-405/SR 167 Executive Advisory Group Renton open house 5AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 40 Mile Corridor The existing I-405 express toll lanes between Bellevue and Lynnwood are part of a planned 40-mile corridor that will ultimately extend south to the Pierce County line. This system will provide drivers with an option for a faster, more reliable trip. Immediate next steps include: I-405 Bellevue to Lynnwood Express Toll Lanes •Opened September 2015 SR 167 HOT Lane Extension •Opened December 2016 I-405/SR 167 Direct Connector •Under construction •Open to traffic in 2019 Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes •Construction to begin in 2019 •Open to traffic in 2024 I-405 North End Improvements •Legislature authorized $5 million toward preliminary engineering (additional $15 million included in the 2018 supplemental budget) 6AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 7 Express toll lane basics •Opened Sept. 27, 2015 •15 miles of express toll lanes •Dual-lane section: Two express toll lanes each direction between Bellevue and Bothell •Single-lane section: One express toll lane each direction between Bothell and Lynnwood •Operation hours: 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mon –Fri •Tolls and exemptions •Single-occupancy vehicles use the lanes for a toll •Transit and vanpools always toll- exempt •Qualifying carpools are toll-exempt 24-month express toll lane data AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Legislative performance standards Generate sufficient revenue to cover operations costs Move vehicles 45 mph 90% of peak periods. 8 ETLs meet metric 85% of peak periods. Previous HOV lanes met metric 56% of peak periods. 24-month express toll lane data AGENDA ITEM #2. a) I-5 and I-405 peak hour performance comparison 9 I-5 (Northbound at NE 130th St) Daily Volume: 105,000 Tuesday, July 12, 2017 4:50 p.m. Daily Volume: 107,000 I-405 (Northbound at NE 85th St) Tuesday, July 25, 2017 4:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #2. a) I-5 and I-405 peak hour performance comparison 10 I-5 (Northbound at NE 130th St) Daily Volume: 105,000 Tuesday, July 12, 2017 4:50 p.m. Daily Volume: 107,000 I-405 (Northbound at NE 85th St) Tuesday, July 25, 2017 4:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 11 Comparison of volumes moved in five-lane sections of I-405 and I-5 with similar traffic AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 12 *I-5 person estimates based on TRAC occupancy data (2012).I-405 person estimates based on occupancy sampling (2017).Transit ridership not included in person estimates. * Comparison of people moved in five-lane sections of I-405 and I-5 with similar traffic AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Surveys say drivers like having an option 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 2013 2015 2016 2017 Support Increases Over Time 60% 40% Yes No Do you like having the option of using the express toll lanes for faster trip? 13 Should the express toll lanes be extended from Renton to Bellevue? I-405 express toll lane customers* *All respondents had traveled between Renton and Bellevue I-405 express toll lane business users* WSDOT emailed an online survey to about 24,000 Good To Go! customers who had business name associated with account. Received 1,020 responses between late August and early September 2017. WSDOT conducted two surveys on public opinion of the I-405 express toll lanes. One survey focused on Good To Go!customers and the other targeted I-405 drivers, including drivers who self reported that they do not use the lanes. AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 14 I-405 delivery schedule: Current funding AGENDA ITEM #2. a) I-405/SR 167 Direct Connector: Winter construction progress 15 Pouring concrete bridge decks Fish culvert construction Flyover ramp crossbeams Girders AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Status: •Fully funded by Connecting Washington and express toll lane revenue •In preliminary engineering and environmental review phase •Construction scheduled to start in 2019 •Open to traffic 2024 Major multimodal project elements •New capacity and interchange improvements •Dual express toll lane system •Bus Rapid Transit infrastructure (with Sound Transit) •Direct access ramps and park and ride at Northeast 44th Street in Renton •Eastside Rail Corridor Regional Trail segments (with King County) •Coordination with Mountains to Sound Greenway trail 16 Next steps: Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes project AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Renton to Bellevue capacity improvements 17AGENDA ITEM #2. a) NE 44th Street Interchange Improvements 18AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 19 1.Close Renton Ave South bridge and divert traffic to Cedar Ave South bridge 2.Remove and replace Renton Ave South bridge 3.Divert traffic to Renton Ave South bridge and close Cedar Ave South bridge 4.Remove and replace Cedar Ave South bridge 5.Both bridges open to traffic and widen I-405. Maintaining neighborhood access during bridge construction AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Partnering on the Eastside Rail Corridor Regional Trail As part of the I-405 Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes project, the WSDOT is working closely with King County to build portions of the Eastside Rail Corridor Regional Trail. The project includes the following elements: Building a 2.5 mile segment of paved trail south of I-90 •Extends the paved trail between Coal Creek Parkway in south Bellevue and Ripley Lane in Renton •Replaces sections of existing Lake Washington Loop trail 20AGENDA ITEM #2. a) I -405 Bus Rapid Transit Renton City Council March 19, 2018 21AGENDA ITEM #2. a) •What is Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)? •BRT Program overview •Schedule and status What we’ll cover today 22AGENDA ITEM #2. a) What is Bus Rapid Transit or BRT? Bus Rapid Transit is a bus-based high capacity transit system that delivers fast, frequent, accessible and reliable bus service connections. 23AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Combines the following elements: •Speed, reliability and access •Dedicated running ways, including managed lanes •Dedicated and specialized vehicles •Off-board fare collection •Innovative station design •Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) •Operations (dwell and service times) •Unique branding A successful BRT system… 24AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Begins running in 2024 •Shares many features of light rail •Service every 10-15 minutes •Estimated 25,000-30,000 riders daily by 2040 Bus Rapid Transit overview 25AGENDA ITEM #2. a) •Opens in 2024 •Two corridors (I-405 and SR 522/SR 523) •Transit speed, reliability and access improvements •BRT stations (signage, shelter, amenities) •Parking facilities •New BRT bus fleet •Bus operations and maintenance facility •Branding •Rider information system A new line of service Example BRT –Community Transit Swift Source: Community Transit Blogspot Example BRT –Minneapolis Metro A Line 26AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Connecting the region LINK connections I-405 BRT Redmond-Seattle-Lynnwood Lynnwood City Center &Bellevue Downtown Issaquah-Bellevue-South Kirkland Bellevue Downtown Everett-Seattle-West Seattle Lynnwood City Center Ballard-Tacoma Tukwila International Boulevard Station SR 522 BRT Redmond-Seattle-Lynnwood Shoreline South/145th Everett-Seattle-West Seattle Shoreline South/145th 27AGENDA ITEM #2. a) I-405 BRT infrastructure designed for fast, frequent and reliable service •10-minute peak,15-minute off-peak headways for I-405 BRT •Up to 19 hours of service Monday through Saturday •Up to 17 hours on Sunday Fast, frequent, reliable service 28AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Travel time upon opening will be similar to 2040 travel time with use of Express Toll Lanes I-405 BRT Travel times 29AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Common elements •Speed, reliability and access •Branding •BRT fleet •BRT station design •Bus operations and maintenance facility Station design and branding BRT dedicated fleet Precision docking rub rails Passive restraint ADA Off-board fare Onboard bike parking Example: Community Transit common elements 30AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Operations & maintenance facility •Supports BRT program •Accommodate 60 buses, 80 in future •Coordination with ST Express bus base Project development activities •Right-of-way and property acquisition •Preserve option for Bothell/Canyon Park bus base Facility amenities Maintenance Offices and support areas Repair shop Parts storage Fuel, wash, service areas Bus operations, dispatching,and employee facilities Bus parking Employee and visitor parking 1 percent for art Illumination Landscaping 31AGENDA ITEM #2. a) I-405 BRT highlights 37-mile corridor: Lynnwood to Burien •North Corridor: Lynnwood to Bellevue •South Corridor: Bellevue to Burien, via Renton •11 BRT stations across 7 cities •3 parking facilities •1 transit center 32AGENDA ITEM #2. a) I-405 north corridor Lynnwood to Bellevue •Builds upon I-405 Corridor Master Plan •Relies on managed lanes for transit speed and reliability •Uses general purpose lanes from Lynnwood to Canyon Park •Connects to SR 522 BRT at 195th Street near UW Bothell/Cascadia College •Serves Brickyard and Totem Lake Inline Station, Central Kirkland with new 85th Street Inline Station and bus only lanes •Serves Bellevue Transit Center via NE 6th HOV direct access Totem Lake 33AGENDA ITEM #2. a) •Builds upon I-405 Corridor Master Plan •Relies on express toll lanes from Bellevue to South Renton* •Builds new surface parking at NE 44th Street Station* •Builds new transit center and parking garage in South Renton near SR 167 •Uses HOV lanes between South Renton to SR 518 •Uses general purpose lanes to Tukwila International Blvd Station •Builds new bus-only lanes along SR 518 to Burien Transit Center * included in WSDOT’s Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes Project Bellevue Transit Center I-405 south corridor Bellevue to Burien 34AGENDA ITEM #2. a) WSDOT Renton to Bellevue Project •Freeway station and direct access ramps BRT station •BRT station elements Parking facility •200-stall surface lot near BRT station •Non-motorized and motorized mode access •No or minimized relocations Project development activities •WSDOT environmental review •WSDOT preliminary engineering phase NE 44th Street BRT station NE 44th Street BRT Station 35AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Transit center elements •Bus layover and circulation •Non-motorized mode access •Adjacent to South Renton Park & Ride •King County Metro integration BRT station •BRT station elements Parking facility •700-stall parking garage Project development activities •Right-of-way and property acquisition to preserve option South Renton Transit Center South Renton Transit Center (Representative Project) 36AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Project schedule Q4 2017 •Consultant selection •Key issue identification Q1 2018-Q1 2019 •Partnering agreements •ST3 representative project refinement •Facility siting Q1 2019 -Q4 2019 •Environmental review and Conceptual Engineering Q1 2020 •ST Board selects project to be built •Preliminary Engineering begins PE consultant procurement NTP Issued Advance design & determine project delivery method Overall schedule 24-month look-ahead 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ST3 Representative Project Refinement Environmental Conceptual Engineering Preliminary Engineering Final Design Construction Opens for Service 37AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Partnering Collaborative process •Partnering agreements •Elected leadership group •Interagency group •Stakeholder involvement •Streamline permitting •Land use approvals 38AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Transit connections across the system Walking paths Bike paths Transfers Pick-up/drop off Ride share Parking 39AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 206-398-5470 brt@soundtransit.org soundtransit.org/system 40AGENDA ITEM #2. a) King County Metro Service in Renton Renton City Council March 19, 2018 AGENDA ITEM #2. a) RECENT SERVICE INVESTMENTS 2017-2018 42 AGENDA ITEM #2. a) March 2017 Hours added to reduce crowding Route 101: between Renton and Seattle Route 102: between Renton, Fairwood, and Seattle Hours added to improve reliability Route 101: between Renton and Seattle Route 102: between Renton, Fairwood, and Seattle Route 107: between Renton, West Hill, Rainier Beach, Beacon Hill Route 111: between Renton Highlands, Newcastle, Newport Hills, Seattle Route 143: Renton, Black Diamond, Maple Valley, and Seattle Route 148: between Renton and Fairwood Route 153: between Renton and Kent, via Lind Av SW/East Valley Hwy September 2017 Route 169: between Renton and Kent via Benson Hill/East Hill Improved to operate every 15 minutes at peak and mid-day •Previously every 30 minutes •Future RapidRide 1033 with Route 180 (2021-2022) 43 Service investments: 2017 AGENDA ITEM #2. a) March 2018 Route 153: between Renton and Kent via Lind Av SW/E Valley Hwy Introduced service every 30 minutes mid-day weekdays, on a route that was previously peak only Route 143: between Seattle, Renton, Black Diamond Added hours to the schedule to improve reliability Route 101 & 102: between Renton and Seattle Improved Route 101 to every 15 minutes mid-day (previously 30) Changed routing and trips to move layover out of Renton Transit Center Potential September 2018 F Line: Burien, SeaTac, Tukwila, Renton, The Landing Planning underway to determine investments possible given operational capacity May improve to operate every 15 min in the evening 8-10 p.m. (currently 30) 44 Service investments: 2018 AGENDA ITEM #2. a) South RentonP&R 45 March 2018: Routes 101 & 102 Changes Renton Transit Center Downtown Seattle Fairwood $200-225k Metro capital expense atS Renton P&R Prior to March 2018 Starting March 2018 AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 46 SERVICE REVISIONS BY 2024 METRO CONNECTS AGENDA ITEM #2. a) METRO CONNECTS –Renton Frequent Service Today Longacres Highlands Hospital / East Valley Southport 47 RapidRideFrequent (every 5-15 min)Link Light RailST BRT The frequent service network in METRO CONNECTS includes growing areas in Renton like the Highlands, Longacres, and the East Valley.AGENDA ITEM #2. a) METRO CONNECTS –Renton Longacres Highlands Hospital / East Valley Southport 48 RapidRideFrequent (every 5-15 min)Link Light RailST BRT The frequent service network in METRO CONNECTS includes growing areas in Renton like the Highlands, Longacres, and the East Valley. Frequent Service in 2025 AGENDA ITEM #2. a) METRO CONNECTS –Renton The frequent service network in METRO CONNECTS includes growing areas in Renton like the Highlands, Longacres, and the East Valley. Longacres Highlands Hospital / East Valley Southport 49 RapidRideFrequent (every 5-15 min)Link Light RailST BRT Frequent Service in 2040 AGENDA ITEM #2. a) How far you can go Today In 2040Starting From: 50 15 minutes 30 minutes 45 minutes 60 minutes The travel sheds shown on the maps above include walking time, average amount of time waiting for the bus (assumed to be half the frequency), travel time, and any transfer time between buses. Downtown Renton AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 51 METRO CONNECTS changes in Renton by 2024 DOWNTOWN RENTON SOUTH RENTON P&R By year 2018 2024 2018 2024 Routes 1 RapidRide 6 Frequent all day 4 Local all day 3 Peak only 2 DART 16 Total 3 RapidRide 5 Frequent all day 4 Local all day 1 Peak only 1 DART 14 Total 2 Frequent all day 2 Local all day 2 Peak only _______ 6 Total 4 RapidRide + ST BRT 3-4 Frequent all day* 3-5 Local all day* 2 Peak only 1 DART 13-15 Total Peak buses per hour 48 51 (estimated)18 51 (estimated) Layover need 11 6 revised estimate from MetroConnects -Could revise further to 1-2 with extra operating cost to reach S Renton P&R or additional layover at The Landing 4 10 estimated in MetroConnects *Could revise to 14 with extra operating cost to extend routes from downtown Renton Preliminary planning estimates of 2024 service levels AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 52 RapidRide 1033 –Renton-Kent -Auburn •Route 169 + 180•Extend Route 169 pathway to Renton Landing instead of Renton Transit Center•Implementation target 2021-2022 AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 53 RapidRide 1030 –Renton-Newcastle-Overlake •Route 240•Extend Route 240 pathway to S Renton P&R instead of Renton Transit Center•Implementation target 2021-2022 AGENDA ITEM #2. a) METRO CONNECTS –Renton Highlands Routes 105/106: By 2025: Frequent Route 1075 By 2040: Becomes RapidRide 54 AGENDA ITEM #2. a) MOBILITY OPTIONS Connecting to Transit and Rideshare 55 AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 56 Improving customer access to transit Parking –more park & ride management and enforcement plus new parking locations Bike and Walk –new bike parking and improved bike and walk connections to transit Innovative Mobility –leveraging emerging mobility services and technologies to improve mobility throughout the County What's coming in Renton Potential new leased parking locations (negotiations pending) Potential additions to existing secure bike parking at Renton Transit Center and S. Renton P&R (currently 8 on-demand at RTC, 4 SRP&R) •RTC lockers are well-used among all in Metro’s system New on-demand, first/last mile service to/from the S. Renton P&R (coming Q3 2018) Connecting to Transit AGENDA ITEM #2. a) VanShare Shared van to/from a transportation hub for bus, train, or ferry Flat fare of $185/month, split among riders 20 VanShares currently operate from Tukwila Sounder Station, to Boeing, City of Renton, Kaiser Permanente, Providence TripPool App-based, on-demand shared van to a park & ride or transit center Pilot currently available to/from Auburn Sounder Station VanPool Shared van between home and worksites, fare split among riders 66 VanPools currently operate to Renton employers, including Boeing, City of Renton, Kaiser Permanente, Kenworth, Providence RideshareOnline.com Free online self-serve ridematching service for carpools and vanpools Contact:vanpool.information@kingcounty.gov 57 Rideshare Programs AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Contact Lisa Hodgson, P.E. HodgsoL@wsdot.wa.gov WSDOT I-405 Project Office 600 -108th Avenue NE, Suite 405 Bellevue, WA 98004 Bill Bryant Bill.Bryant@kingcounty.gov King Street Center 201 South Jackson Street, Room 426 Seattle, WA 98104 Paul Cornish Paul.Cornish@soundtransit.org Sound Transit Office 705 -5th Avenue South Bellevue, WA 98004 58AGENDA ITEM #2. a)