HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_ERC_Decision_DNS_180709FDEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENTENVIRONMENTAL(SEPA)DETERMINATIONOFNON-SIGNIFICANCE(DNS)PROJECTNUMBER:LUA18-000446,ECFAPPLICANT:VickiSomppi,WorkplaceArchitects,3025112thAveNE,Suite110,Bellevue,WA98004PROJECTNAME:PuttsandPintsChangeofUse(formerlyImperialsBingo)PROJECTDESCRIPTION:TheapplicantisrequestingaSEPAaddendumfortheproposedPuttsandPintschangeofuseandtenantimprovementtotheexistingcommercialbuildinglocatedat3100EValleyRoad.Thepropertyis182,914squarefeet(4.2acres),andiscurrentlylocatedwithintheCommercialArterial(CA)zoneandEmploymentArea(EA)landusedesignation.Theoriginalapplicationforthesiteincludedaproposaltodevelopa20,000squarefootcommercialbuildingforanon-profitbingooperation(ImperialsBingo),andanonsitepavedparkinglot,withlandscaping,forapproximately375vehicles(sitecurrentlyhas315parkingstalls).Atthetimeofapplication,theproposalrequiredapprovalofaHearingExaminerConditionalUsePermit.Theproposalmettheheight,setback,parking,andlandscapingrequirementsofthezoneatthetimeofconstruction.PursuanttotheCityofRenton’sEnvironmentalOrdinanceandSEPA(RCW43.21C,1971asamended),onNovember24,1993,theEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeissuedaDeterminationofNon-Significance(DNS)fortheImperialsBingproject.ThepublicationdatewasDecember1,1993.The14-dayappealperiod(startingonpublicationdate)endedonDecember15,1993.Noappealsofthethresholddeterminationwerefiled.ImperialBingousedtheentirespaceofthebuildinguntil2004,whenthenorthside(10,600squarefeet)ofthebuildingwasremodeledfortheSilverDollarCasinoandRestaurant(underpermitnumberB040309).Theapplicantproposesatenantimprovementtothesouth9,400squarefeetofthebuildingforfutureoccupancybythenewtenant,PuttsandPints.Theproposeduse(PuttsandPints)includeseatinganddrinkingestablishment,aswellasindoorrecreationcomponents.PuttsandPintswillbeaseparateentityfromtheSilverDollarCasinoandRestaurant,butwillmaintainapartnershipwheretheRestaurantwillbepreparingfoodtosupportthemenuusedinPuttsandPints.Theproposalwillincludeabeerbar,openseating(foreatinganddrinking),twobocceballlanes,twogolfsimulators,threeTVviewingrooms(calledsportsarenas),tablegames,andminigolf.Otherthantheadditionofrequiredbicycleparking,nootherimprovementsareproposedoutsideoftheexistingsuitearea(9,400squarefeet)ofthebuilding.Therearenoproposedchangestotheexteriorofthebuildingforthistenant.Theapplicantproposessomeminordemolitionwork,anexpansionoftherestrooms,andsomenewpartial-heightwalls.PROJECTLOCATION:3100EastValleyRd,Renton,WA98057(APN3023059070)LEADAGENCY:CityofRentonEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopment TheCityofRentonEnvironmentalReviewCommitteehasdeterminedthatitdoesnothaveaprobablesignificantadverseimpactontheenvironment.AnEnvironmentalImpactStatement(ElS)isnotrequiredunderRCW43.21C.030(2)(c).ConditionswereimposedasmitigationmeasuresbytheEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeundertheirauthorityofSection4-9-070DRentonMunicipalCode.Theseconditionsarenecessarytomitigateenvironmentalimpactsidentifiedduringtheenvironmentalreviewprocess.Becauseotheragenciesofjurisdictionmaybeinvolved,theleadagencywillnotactonthisproposalforfourteen(14)days.Appealsoftheenvironmentaldeterminationmustbefiledinwritingonorbefore5:00p.m.onJuly27,2018.Appealsmustbefiledinwritingtogetherwiththerequiredfeewith:HearingExaminer,CityofRenton,1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.AppealstotheExamineraregovernedbyRMC4-8-110andmoreinformationmaybeobtainedfromtheRentonCityClerk’sOffice,(425)430-6510.PUBLICATIONDATE:DATEOFDECISION:July13,2018July9,2018SIGNATURES:PublicWorksDepartmentKeyrtratoECommunityServicesDepartment)‘Datç’fDateRentonRegionalFireAuthorityc:,C.E.Vincent,AdministratorDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentDate DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADDENDUM TO ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) Pursuant to WAC 197-11-600(4)(c) and WAC 197-11-625 Addendum to the Imperials Bingo (LUA-93-139, CU, ECF) as Addended by the City of Renton (LUA18-000446, ECF) Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) Date of Addendum: July 9, 2018 Date of Original Issuance of SEPA Threshold Determination: November 24, 1993 Proponent: Vicki Somppi, Workplace Architecture Project Numbers: LUA-93-139, CU, ECF, and LUA18-000446, ECF Project Name: Putts and Pints Change of Use (formerly Imperials Bingo) Proposal / Purpose of Addendum: The original SEPA threshold determination for Imperials Bingo was issued on November 24, 1993 (Exhibit 3). The original application included a proposal to develop a 20,000 square foot commercial building for a non-profit bingo operation, and an onsite paved parking lot, with landscaping, for approximately 375 vehicles (site currently has 315 parking stalls) on the property located at 3100 E Valley Road. The property is 182,914 square feet (4.2 acres), and is currently located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone and Employment Area (EA) land use designation. At the time of application, “Not for profit gambling casinos, including games of change and/or bingo” required approval of a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. The proposal met the height, setback, parking, and landscaping requirements of the zone at the time of construction. The approved landscaping including interior and perimeter parking lot landscaping, as well as street trees. The proposal included the removal of four (4) existing structures (previously used by Craig Taylor Equipment Company) on site as well as approximately 5,100 cubic yards of grading. In 1992, a site assessment was conducted at the subject site and found some contamination that occurred as a result of previous operations. A remediation program was approved for the site that included the removal of 20 cubic yards of contaminated soil during site preparation. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on November 24, 1993, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non- Significance (DNS) for the Imperials Bing project. The publication date was December 1, 1993. The 14- Addendum to Environmental (SEPA) Review Page 2 of 4 July 9, 2018 day appeal period (starting on publication date) ended on December 15, 1993. No appeals of the threshold determination were filed. Imperial Bingo used the entire space of the building until 2004, when the north side of the building was remodeled for the Silver Dollar Casino and Restaurant (under permit number B040309) and the south half (approximately 9,400 square feet) remained as Imperial Bingo. The Imperials Bingo business license has since expired. After the Bingo tenant closed, the property owner and Silver Dollar Casino and Restaurant both continued to use the southern half for storage and meetings while seeking a long-term tenant for the space. The intended purpose of this SEPA Addendum is to disclose any proposed changes to the project, and evaluate any impacts that may occur as a result of a change in use to the southern half of the building. The applicant proposes a tenant improvement to the south 9,400 square feet of the building for future occupancy by the new tenant, Putts and Pints. The proposed use (Putts and Pints) includes eating and drinking establishment, as well as indoor recreation components. Putts and Pints will be a separate entity in the building from Silver Dollar Casino and Restaurant, but will maintain a partnership where the Restaurant will be preparing food to support the menu used in Putts and Pints. The proposal will include a beer bar, open seating (for eating and drinking), two bocce ball lanes, two golf simulators, three TV viewing rooms (called sports arenas), table games, and mini golf. In regards to parking, the site currently exceeds code required parking minimum standards, which require a total of 200 parking stalls based on proposed use and building size. As stated above, there are a total of 315 existing parking stalls on site. The site does not currently comply with bicycle parking space regulations, which require a total of 20; however, the applicant states that there is ample room on site to provide the required bicycle parking spaces. The applicant has proposed to include the additional bicycle parking as part of the building permit process. With the exception of the bicycle parking, no other improvements are proposed outside of the existing suite area (9,400 square feet) of the building. There are no proposed changes to the exterior of the building for this tenant. All existing exit pathways will be maintained. The applicant proposes some minor demolition work, an expansion of the restrooms to provide for more fixtures to comply with current Washington State Code Amendments, and some minimal new partial-height walls to provide for separate sports events “open” theater rooms for patrons to watch their favorite sporting events in a smaller, theater-like venue. The beer taps and bar will be centered and free standing in the space with the cooler/refrigerator adjacent. The bocce ball courts, 9-hole mini-golf course, and the golf simulators are all free standing equipment components. New signage related to the new tenant will be permitted and meet all current City of Renton code requirements. Based on the ITE Manual, the average trip rate for a “gambling establishment” is 13.49, and the average trip rate for a “drinking place” is 11.36 during PM peak hours. A traffic impact analysis is required when the estimated vehicular traffic generated from a proposed development exceeds 20 vehicles per hour in either the AM (6:00 – 9:00) or PM (3:00 – 6:00) peak periods. Since the average trip rate for a drinking establishment is less than that of a gambling establishment, a traffic impact analysis is not required. Transportation impact fees may be assessed for the proposed change in use. The current use of the building is a gambling establishment. Based on the ITE Manual, the proposed use of the building after Addendum to Environmental (SEPA) Review Page 3 of 4 July 9, 2018 the tenant improvements is a “drinking place”. Since a gambling establishment has a larger transportation impact than a drinking place the transportation impact fee will be waived. Analysis: It has been determined that the environmental impacts of the proposal were adequately addressed under the analysis of significant impacts contained within the previously adopted DNS. Based on WAC 197-11-600(4)(c), the addendum process may be used if analysis or information is added that does not substantially change the analysis of significant impacts and alternatives in the existing environmental document. The change of use would not change the analysis or impacts in the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Review. The City of Renton is hereby issuing a SEPA Addendum pursuant to WAC 197-11-600. This Addendum is appropriate because it contains only minor changes not included in the original Determination and there are no additional environmental impacts related to inclusion of the new information. Location: 3100 E Valley Road, Renton, WA 98055 (APN 3023059070) Lead Agency: City of Renton, Department of Community & Economic Development Review Process: Addendum to previously issued Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) Additional Information: If you would like additional information, please contact Angelea Weihs, Associate Planner, City of Renton Planning Division, Department of Community & Economic Development at (425) 430-7312. There is no comment period for this Addendum, dated July 9, 2018 issued by the City of Renton Environmental Review Committee. Exhibits Exhibit 1: DNS Addendum Exhibit 2: SEPA Addendum Request Exhibit 3: ERC Determination of Non-Significance (dated November 24, 1993) Exhibit 4: ERC Staff Report (dated November 24, 1993) Exhibit 5: SEPA Checklist (dated October 11, 1993) Exhibit 6: Hearing Examiner Decision and Appeal Decision (dated January 11, 1994, and February 9, 1994) Exhibit 7: Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner (dated December 21, 1993) Exhibit 8: Vicinity Map Exhibit 9: Construction Drawings Addendum to Environmental (SEPA) Review Page 4 of 4 July 9, 2018 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SIGNATURES: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Public Works Department Date Kelly Beymer, Administrator Community Services Department Date Rick M. Marshall, Administrator Renton Regional Fire Authority Date C.E. “Chip” Vincent, Administrator Department of Community & Economic Development Date workplace architecture workplace architecture/3025 112th NE, Suite 110, Bellevue, WA 98004/206.310.0827 June 7, 2018 City of Renton, Department of Community and Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Attn: Senior Planner 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 permits@cob.org RE: PRE 180000316: PUTTS AND PINTS – ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) THRESHOLD DETERMINATION REQUEST FOR NON-SIGNIFICANCE ADDENDUM TO MITIGATION Dear Angelea: This correspondence requests an addendum to the Determination of Non-Significance (DNSM) Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes previously prepared by the City of Renton, Department of Community and Economic Development for this property and project, located at 3100 West Valley Road. On May 17, 2018 we met with the Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division regarding the Putts and Pints Project. Our addendum request is to provide that information that demonstrates that the proposal for our interior tenant improvement project does not substantially change the analysis of significant impacts and alternatives in the existing environmental document done, when the building was constructed in 1994. Brief History The 20,000 square foot building was constructed in 1994 and a SEPA Environmental Review was completed prior to this construction and a determination of Non-Significance was issues on November 23, 1993. An appeal addendum was also issued February 9, 1994, which clarified that the parking space number had been an error and that the 200 spaces required was a minimum not a maximum. The Checklist, the Hearing Review, and the appeal are all included here as found in the City of Renton Records for your information as they apply to this process. The building was initially developed under by Imperial Bingo as a non-profit bingo facility. This tenant actually used the entire space of the building until 2004, when the north side of the building was remodeled for the Silver Dollar Casino and Restaurant and the south half remained as Imperial Bingo. Imperial Bingo and other not for profit Bingo tenants have always operated on the south side of the building was constructed in 1994 and their business license expired last year. Our request is in the effort to achieve approval of the remodel of this south side suite of approximately 9400 square feet where we are planning to locate the Putts and Pints tenant. After the Bingo tenant closed, the property owner and Silver Dollar Casino and Restaurant have both continued to use the south space for storage and meetings while seeking a long term tenant for the space. Putts and Pints will be a separate entity in the building from Silver Dollar Casino and Restaurant, but will workplace architecture workplace architecture/3025 112th NE, Suite 110, Bellevue, WA 98004/206.310.0827 maintain a separate relationship where the Restaurant will be preparing food to support the menu used in the Putts and Pints. Proposed Occupancy This 9402 square foot tenant space will be an Assembly (A2), occupancy per IBC C. 303.3, which includes both food and or drink consumption, but is not limited to casinos, gaming establishments or restaurants. The A3 occupancy does allow for assembly use for recreation, which is also provided here, but it also clearly excludes the eating and drinking component. Therefore, there is no change in the occupancy group for this use based on the IBC occupancy type descriptions. Since the suite no longer has a valid business license, the city is requiring that we provide information regarding the Environmental Review (SEPA) for the site since it is a “change” greater than 4000 square feet. The city of Renton considers this to be an “Eating and Drinking establishment” in the CA Zone, which is an outright permitted use in this CA Zone per RMC 4-2-060. It will be further noted below, that there is to be some minor demolition work, an expansion of the restrooms to provide for more fixtures to comply with current WA State Code Amendments, and some minimal new partial height walls to provide for separate sports events “open” theater rooms for patrons to watch their favorite sporting events in a smaller theater-like venue. The beer taps and bar will be centered and free standing in the space with the cooler/refrigerator adjacent. The Bocce ball courts, the 9-hole mini-golf course, and the golf simulators are all free standing equipment components. Proposed Addendum Request and Justifications: Per our meeting May 16, with the Planners, Public Works, and the Fire and Emergency Services Department Lead Plans Review Inspector and the Building Department Plans Examiner, our site and building meets or exceeds the current code criteria and infrastructure required for our building and site, except for the parking for bicycles on site. This improvement would be to provide parking for 20 bicycles, which is a current site requirement in the city, which our site does not have, and which we can readily provide. This is 10% of the required parking stall number for the site (200 stalls required and 315 provided). Per the reminder request from the Fire and Emergency Services Department, permits will be submitted for any changes in the fire alarm and sprinkler systems related to this tenant improvement. The annual permit, which is required from the Renton Regional Fire Authority will also be obtained and maintained, for this tenant. Building and King County Health Department Permits will be submitted and obtained for this work. Per the review of the Public Works, we do not have any requirements for more parking and actually have a proposed use that has a le sser impact fee for transportation than the previous use as a gaming establishment. Therefore, the transportation impact fees have been waived by the Public Works evaluation. This tenant improvement is completely within the existing suite area of the building, and there are no changes to the exterior of the building for this tenant. All existing exiting and exit pathways will be maintained. The only interior building infrastructure that will be updated for an Washington State Code amendment relates to the current requirement for the number of restroom fixtures for an A2 (Assembly) use, which has changed, since the initial construction. Additional fixtures for both men and women are being added to meet this workplace architecture workplace architecture/3025 112th NE, Suite 110, Bellevue, WA 98004/206.310.0827 current requirement. New signage related to the new tenant will be permitted and meet all current city of Renton code requirements. Our request for a determination that a SEPA addendum to the Determination of Non-Significance (DNSM) Mitigation Measures be issued to the existing 1994 review is based on the findings in the Putts and Pints Remodel report from May 16, 2018, reference included here where the City Department of Community and Economic Development Environmental Review Committee found no deficits in our site based on current codes that we need to update, except for the afore mentioned bicycle parking and a requirement for current code compliance for the restrooms. These items will be updated as part of the Tenant Improvement permit work. Sincerely, Vicki Somppi Vicki Somppi, AIA Assoc., LEED AP Tenant Improvement Principal Please refer to Meeting Notes May 16, 2018 cc. Bingo Enviro Checklist 10-26-93 cc Bingo Planning Hearing 12-21-93 cc Bingo Hearing final decisions 1-11-94 to 2-9-94 ••ci.:.L.1‘c‘,0CITYOFRENTONDETERMINATIONOFNON.SIGNIFCANCEAPLtCATIONNO(S):LUA93-139,CUECFAPPLtCANT:TomLee/Q’KeefeDevelopmentPROJECTNAME:tmperialsBingoDESCRIPTIONOFPROPOSAL:Fourexistingbuildingswouldberemovedandone20,000sfbuildingwouldbeconstructedasabingofacility.Approximately375parkingstallswouldbeprovided.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:3100E.ValleyRd.LEADAGENCY:CityofRentonDepartmentofPlanning/Building/PublicWorksDevelopmentPlanningSectionYoumayappealthisdeterminationinwritingtoRentonHearingExaminernolaterthan5:00p.m.,December15,1993.ToappealthisDeclaration,youmustfileyourappealdocumentwiththeHearingExaminerwithinfourteen(14)daysofthedatetheDeclarationofNon-SignificanceisfinalortheDeclarationofSignificancehasbeenpublishedintheofficialcitynewspaper.SeeCityCodeSection4-623,RCW43.21C.075andWACI97-i1-620forfurtherdetails.ThereshallbeonlyoneappealofaDeclarationofNon-SignificanceorDeclarationofSignificance,andifanappealhasalreadybeenfiled,yourappealmaybejoinedwiththeappealofthesubstantivedetermination.Youshouldbepreparedtomakespecificfactualobjections.ContactCityofRenton,DevelopmentServicesDivisiontoreadoraskabouttheproceduresforSEPAappeals.Decemberl,1993November24,1993-—;_—..—-------SamChastain,Adm;nistrarCommunityServiceDepartmentPUBUrATIONDATE:DATEOFDECISION:SIGNATURES:I‘DAThA/-%;:;_____LeTvefr,FireChief/Re3,FIreDepartmentUATh/DNSSIG.DOT .S.‘.CITYRENTONSL%Planning/Building/PublicWorksDepartment——EarlMayor.LynnGuttmami,AdministratorNovember24,1993TomLeeO’KeefeDovelopment7900SE28thSt.,Suite400Mercerfsland,WA98040SUBJECT:trnpenalsBingo1LUA-93.139CU5ECFDearMr.Lee:ThisletteriswrittenonbehalfoftheEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeandistoinformyouthattheyhavecompletedtheirreviewoftheenvironmentalimpactsoftheabovoreferencedproject.TheCommittee,onNovember24,1993,decidedthatyourprojectwillbeissuedaDeterminationofNon-Significance.TheCityofRentonEnvironmentalReviewCommitteehasdeterminedthatitdoesnothaveaprobablesignificantadverseimpactOhtheenvironment.Anenvironmentalimpactstatement(EIS)isnotrequiredunderRCW43.2fC.030(2)(c).ThisdecisionwasmadebytheEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeundertheauthorityofSection4-5-6,RentonMunicipalCode,afterrevIewofacompletedenvironmentalchecklistandotherinformation,onflieWiththeleadagency.Thisinformationisavailabletothepubliconrequest.Becausetherewerenomitigationconditions,thisDeterminationisfinalandmaybeappealedtotheCity’sHearingExaminernolaterthan5:00p.m.,December15,1993.Anyappealmuststateclearly,inwriting,whytheDeterminationshouldberevisedandmustbeaccompaniedbyanonrefudble$75.00filingfee.ToappealthisDeclaration,youmustfileyourappealdocumentwiththeHearingExaminerwithinfourteen(14)daysofthedatetheDeclarationofNon-SignificanceisfinalortheDeclarationofSignificancehasbeenpublishedintheofficialcitynewspaper.SeeCityCodeSection4-6-23,RCW43.2fC.075andWAC.;197-11-680forfurtherdetails.ThereshalllieonlyoneappealofaDeclarationofNon-Sig’ificanceorDeclaratior’ofSignificance,andifanappealhasalreadybeenfiled,yourappealmaybejoinedwiththeappealofthesubstantivedeermination.Followingtheendoftheappealperiod,theCitywithfinalizeitsDeterminationinlesscommentsreceivedrecuireareevaluation.ThedateofTuesday,Dacember21,1993,at9:30a.m.,hzsbeensetforaconditionalusepublichearingtoreviewtheabove-referencedmailer.Theheanng,beforeM.FredKaufman,RentonHearingExaminer,willbeheldintheCouncilChambersonthesecondfloorofCityHall,Rentn.Washington.Theapplicantorrepresentative(s)oftheanpcantisrequiredtobepresentatthepublichearing.Acopyofthestaffreprrtwillbemailedtoyouoneweekbeforethehearing.Ifyouprefertomakeotherarrangenentstoreceivethestaffreport,pleasecontactGeorgiaShives,277-5582,orSandiSeegier,277-5581.Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasecall235-2550.rtheEnvironrnntalReviewCimmittee,ProjectManagerCC:CraigTaylorEquipmentCo.DNSLTR.DOC200MiiiAvenueSout1-Renton,Washington98055Th!cPkPFRcotriSRECYCLEDMAflRIAL!cosrCONSUMER !::..ç:’....‘.r••::..i•TomLeC)November24,1993Page-2AdvisoryNotestoApplicant:TheMkwIngnotesarsupplementalinformationprovidedInconjunctionwiththeenvironmentaldeMnnlnaUon.BecausathasQnOtOSrGprovidedasInformadononly,thcyarenotsubjecttothappealprocessforenvironmentaldeterminations.1.HoldHarmless:AnapplicantcomplyingwiththeseprovisionsandwItingtoholdtheCityharm’essforanyexpenseordamagesincurredforworkbegunpriortotheexhaustionofthe14-dayappealperiodand/orforworkwhichmayconsequentlybestoppedbyanappealorworkrequiredtobealteredorreturnedtoitsprecnstwctionstate,maybeginconstructionactivitieswiththeissuanceoftheproperpermits.2.FireMitigationFees:UnderResotution,2985,theapplicantisrequiredtopayaFireMitigationFeeof$0.52/sffornonresidenti&buildingsiriortotheissuanceofaBuildingPermit.Thatfeeiscalculatedtobe$10,400.00.3.RecyclablesStorageandCollectionAreas:TheappicantisrequiredtorevisetheproposaltoincludeareasfordepositandstorageofrecyclablesgeneratedbyresidentsofthethvelopmenUproject,consistentwiththeCity’sadoptedGarbageCodeAmendment.TherecyclabiesplanistobeapprovedbytheDevelopmentServicesDivisionpriortoissuanceofaBuildingPermit.4.SpecialUti1tyConnectionCharges:ThefollowingSpecialUtilityConnectionChargesforwater,seweranddrainagemustbepaidpñortotheissuanceofBuildIngPermits.Thesefeesareestimatedtobe:$10,263.58forWastewater,and$20,527.16forwater.5.UniformFireCode:InordertoaddressUniformFireCoderequirementsanapprovedauilicsprinklersystemisrequiredtoprotectthetotalstructure;allfiredepartmentaccessroadsaretobepavedadinstalledpriortoconstruction;allfirehydrantsarerequiredtobeinstalledandapprovedpnottoconstruction.6.StormDrainageandTreatmentSystemConstruction:Theconceptualdrainageplanisapproved.Nodetentionshallberequiredforthisdevelopment.Biofiltrationmeasuresarerequired,includingawaterqualityswateasshownonheconceptualplan.7.UniformBuildingCode:PreloadingsiterequiresBuildingPermitandongoinginspectionbythesoilsengineerasspecialinspector.8.TransportationBenefitZonefTBZ):TheproposedsiteislocatedinaTBZandissubjecttothea$14,800.OGfee($0.74X20,000SF=$14,800.00).ThisfeemustbepaidpriortotheissuanceofaBuildingPernilt.InadditiontotheTBZfee,thedeveloperisrequitedtobecommittedtoaRestrictiveCovenantregardingtheLID’sIand2participation.TheRestrictiveCovenantshallbeapprovedbytheCitypriortorecording.9.LandscapePlan:Priortothepublichearingtheapplicantshouldsubmitarevisedlandscapeplanforstaffapprovalthatincorporate3aplanteralongthefrontoftheproposedbuildingandreplacestheLondonPlanestreettreeswithadifhrsntspeciesiftreethatismoresuitableasastreettree.10.Signage:PriortothepubliChearingtheapplicantshouldsubmitasignplanforstaffapprovalthtdescribessize,location,materialsandcolorsforallproposedsignage.dnsltr.dot ....-...--...CitycfRentoriSTAFFDepartmentofPlanningIBuildingIPublicWorksREPORTENVIRONMENTALREWEWCOMMITTEEA.BACKGROUNDERCMEETINGDATENovember24,1993DECISION_DATE:_NOVEMBER_24,_1993APPLICATIONNO:LUA-93-13-CU;SP;ECFAPPUCANTThrnLee/cYKeefepomentMANAGE:]eiferThthHenningPROJECTY1TLE:1rnpriaIsBjpWORK‘ORDERNO:79709Rd.SiTEAREA:41acresIBULDNGAREA(gross)20000SFSUMMARYOFPFOPQSAL:EnvironmentalReviewfortheconstructionofa20000sfbuildingandparkingJotforapproximate’y375.vehicfes.Theproposedprojectinvo’vesremova’ftheexistingfourbuildngsandconstructionofasingle20000SFbuildingforanon-profitbingooperation.Theprojectreqi.iresnvironmeitalreviewandconditionaluseapproval.TheImperialsMusicandYouthOrganizationisproposingtorefocateti.rnrn-profitbingooperationatthesubjectsite.ThisnewfacilitywiltallowtheImperialsMusicandYouthOrganizationtoexpndtheircustomerbasewithalargerfacility(currettlocationisoffMapleValleyHighway,eastofStoneway).ThesiteiszonedCA(ArterialCommercial)andisdesignatedasEmploymentArea-CommercialintheCityofRenton’sComprehensivePlan.TheproposeduseofthesiteispermittedsubjecttotheHearingExaminer’sapprovalofaConditionalUsePermit.BecausethebuildingsizeandnumberofparkingstallsexceedthethresholdsalwedunderSEPAenviroAmentalreviewisalsorequired.ThesubjectpropertyhasbeenoperatedastheCraigTaylorEquipmentCompanyandusedforheavyequipmentsales,storage,shippingandrepair.Thesitehasatotaloffourbuildingswhichwillberemovedaspartofthisproject.Theapplicanthasindicatedthatapproximately5,100cubicyardsofsoilwillbeimportedinordertopreloadthesitepriortoconstruction.In1992asiteassessmentwasconductedatthesubjectsitetoinvestigatepossiblecontaminatiun.Contaminationwasfoundandapproximately300cubicyardsofimpactedsoilwasremoved.Monitoringwellswerealsoestablishedandsampled.Nocontaminationwasdetectedinanyofthefourwells.Approximately20cubicyardsofcontminatedsoilremainsunderafoundationwiichwillbrremovedduringsitepreparation.RECOMMENDATIONStaffRecommendthattheEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeissueaDeterminationofNon-SignificanceProjectLocationMapERCRPT.DOC 4:±--Czjc‘.%-,-./1f,%,::EnvironmentalReviewCommitteeStaffRet,AdvisoryNotestoApplicant:ThGfollowingnotesaresupplementalInfonnt1onprovidedInconjunctionwithth&environmentaldetexmlnaUon.acausethesenotesamprovidedasInfannadononly,theyarenotsubjecttotheappealprocessforenvironmentaldeterminallons.1.HoldHarmless:AnapplicantcomplyingwiththeseprovisionsandwillingtoholdtheCityharmlessforanyexpenseotdamagesincurredforworkbegunpriortotheexhaustionofthe14dayappea’periodandtorforworkwhichmayconsequentlybestoppedbyanappealorworkrequiredtobealteredorreturnedtoitspreconstructionstate,maybeginconstructionactivitieswiththeissuanceoftheproperpermits.2.FireMitigationFees:UnderResolution,2985,theapplicantisrequiredtopayaFireMitigationFeeof$0.52/sffornon-residentialbuildingspriortotheissuanceofaBuildingPermit.Thatfeeiscalcutatedtobe$10,400.00.3.RecyclabtesStorageandCottectionAreas:Theapplicontisrequiredtorevisetheproposaltoincludeareasfordepositandstorageofrecyclablesgeneratedbyresidentsofthedevelopment/project,consistentwiththeCity’sadoptedGarbageCodeAmendment.TherecydablesplanistobeapprovedbytheDevelopmentServicesDivisionpriortoissuanceofaBuildingPermit.6.Special1JtilityConnectionCharges:ThefollowingSpecialUtilityConnectionChargesforwater,seweranddrainagemustbepaidpriortotheissuanceofBuildingPermits.Thesefeesareestimatedtobe:$10,263.58forWastewater,and$20,527.16forwater.5.UniformFireCode:InordertoaddressUniformFireCoderequirementsanapprovedautomaticsprinklersystemisrequiredtoprotectthetotalstructure;allfiredepartmentaccessroadsaretobepavedadinstalledpriortoconstruction;allfirehydrantsarerequiredtobeinstalledandapprovedpriortoconstruction.6.StormDrainageandTreatmentSystemConstruction:Theconceptualdrainageplanisapproved.Nodetentionshallberequiredforthisdevelopment.Biofittrationmeasuresarerequired,includingawaterqualityswaleasshownontheconceptualplan.7,UniformBuildingCode:PreloadingsiterequiresBuildingPermitandongoinginspectionbythesoilsengineerasspecialinspector.lmpenatsBingoNovember24,1993B.RECOMMENDATIONSBasedonanalysisofprobableimpactsfromtheproposal,staffrecommendthattheResponsibleOfficialsmakeaDeterminationof.DETERMINATIONOFNON..SIGNIFICANCEWITHOUTCONDITiONS.IssueONSwith14dayAppealPeriod.—IssueDNSwith15dayCommentPeriodwithConcurrent14dayAppealPerod.—DETERMINATiONOFNON.SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATEDWITHCONDITJONSf—IssueDNS-Mwith15dayConnentPeriodwithConcurrent14dayAppealPerioc.—issueDNS..Mwith15dayCommentPeriodfollowedbya14dayAppealPeriod.—MOR’INFORMATIONI$REQUIREDTOMAKEANEKV1ROMMENTALDETERMINATION:C.MITIGATIONMEASURESMitigationMeasures:Nonerequited.ERCRPT.DOC L4ThIEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeStaffRep%.‘ImpehalsBingoINovembe1993—--------------D.ENVIRONMENTALIMPACTSWhethertheapplicanthasadequatelyidentifiedandaddressedenvironmentalImpactsanticipatedtooccurInconjunctionwiththeproposeddevelopment?1.EarthPrevioussiteinvestigationsrevealedsoIlcontamination.Thepropertyownerhadapproximately300cubicyardsexcavatedleavingapproximately18cubicyardsofimpactedsoIllocatedunderabuildingfoundation.Thecontaminatedsoilwillberemovedduringthesitepreparation.MitigationMeasures:NA2.AirImpacts:NAMitiqatonMeasures:NA3.Waterjrnn2.ts:MonitoringwellshavebeeninstalledandsampledasrecentlyasOctoberof‘93.Samplingresultsindicatethatwaterisnotcontaminated.NAE.COMMENTSOFREVIEWINGDEPARTMENTSTheproposalhasbeencwculatedtoCityDepartmentalIDivisiona’ReWewersfortheirreview.Whereapplicablethesecommentshavebeenincorporated‘ntothetextofthisreportasMitigationieasuresand/orNoiestoApphcant..±:_CopiesG:allReWewCommentsarecontainedintheOfficialFile.—CopiesofallReviewCommentsareattachedtothisreport.a)DevelopmentPannipgadiressedthest.atusofcontarnin$edsoiLandgroundwateratthesite.TheapplicantrespondedtotheCity’sinquiriesbysubmittingareportwithipformationthatwiththeexceptionofapproximately25cubicyardsofimpactedsoilthatremainsbeneathabulIdtngfoundation,allofthecontaminatedsoilhasbeenremovedTromthesite.Onceconstructionisreadyobegintherematningsoilwillbeexcavatedandremovedfromthesite.GroundwaterwasrecentlysampieinOctoberof93andniicontaminationwasdetected.b)DevelopmentServicesnotecthaiLondonPlanetreesmaynotbeanappropriatestreettreesandrecommendedadditionalplantersagainstthefrontofthebuilainginorderttbreakup200ft.longfacade.cPolicenotecthatthebuitdinqshouldhavesecuritylightingandsolidcoreexteriordoorswithdead-bolts.P’arkinglotlightsneedtobekeptonduringallhoursofIarkness.NotestotheApplicantcontinued:8.TransportationBenefitZone(TBZ):TheproposedsiteislocatedinaTBZLndissubjecttothea$14,800.00fee($0.74X20,000SF=$14,eOO.00).ThisfeemustbepaidpriortotheissuanceofaBuildingPermit.InadditiontotheTBZfee,thedeveloperisrequiredtobecommiftedtoaRestrictiveCovenantregardingtheLID’s1and2participation.TheRestrictiveCovenantshallbeapprovedbytheCitypriortorecording.9.LandscapePlan:PriortothepublichearingtheapplicantshouldsubmitarevisedlandscapeplanforstaffapprovalthatincorporatesaplanteralongthefrontoftheproposedbuildingandreplacestheLondonPlanestreettreeswithadifferentspeciesoftreethatismoresuitableasastreettree.10.Signage:Priortothepublichearingtheapplicantshouldsubmitasignplanforstaffapprovalthatdescribessize,location,materialsandcolorsforallproposedsignage.ERCRPT.DOC EnvironmentalReviewCommitteeStaffRep1impenalsBingoNovember21993———--—--CommentsofReviewingDepa,tmentsContinued:d)WaterUtiiJtJesnotedthatanew8”watermainandhydtanttobeextendedontothesiteashownOpthecCnceptuautilityplantoproviderequiredpnmarvhydrantfortheproposedbuilding.NoadditionalmainextenSionsorupgradesarerequirecfinadjacentROWs.WaterSUCCfeesaredue.e)StormWatenotesthattheconceptualdrainaqeplanisapproved.Nqdetentionshallberequiredforthisdevelopment.iofiltrationmeasuresarerequtredincludingawaterqualityswteasshownonconceptualplan.fiParksu?stiondwhetherthesiteisinthelocationoftheplannedimprovementinrelationtoSpñgcreekFrail.tanInvesti9atedtheissueandresolvedthatthesitesnotwithintheareadesignatedforthepnngCreekTrail.g)WasteWaternotedthattheprojectissubjecttoSUCCfees.Nomainextensionisrequired.Ii)irePreventionnotedthatasecondmeansofapprovedaccessisrequired.Accessistobepavedaminimumof20feet.Twohydrantsarerequired.Anapprovedautomaticspnnklersystemisrequiredtoprotecttheentirestructure.All‘hydrantsaretobeinstalledpriortoconstructionandallFireaccessroadsaretoepavedpnortoconstruction.I)ConstiuctionServicesnotedthatpreloadactivityrequiresaBuildingPermitandongoinginspectionbythesoilsengineeractingasspecialinspector.1)LongRangenotesthattheprojectseemsconsistentwiththeEmploymentArea-Commercialpolicies,withoneexception,EA-1O.6recommendssideorrearparking.ERCRPTDOC 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APtF1ALS NGO ,!p.,‘..‘I.1c ..-I -cUto %Z ri rr t .—A.4.....t.IJTI1’fltE’Wt1.$1•“l•*$•J..np..‘iip..L’tw.1tWe’It’.1l•.I)T’•I.oi•1p.i..d.t.q.*lö..U•.*q*h.q•A•‘IaTd•.,qyL)•i1*AI..qAs.991991%J9J99999999øçtt•“999•s••p•6959’’1II’9t99•t•IIJ,....J.bi;.t4I’$1t1”’9:r9.b;•.q9w—flV’tt11h•9j99)999999%j9999•p4•q9J.399•99•999W9t’HAq9J%.Tll%;1l*.9‘•-91II994’(i1TtTr[IJI1i’\iIIiiIIN••re-CS6(9O3)qoi*‘.*)FU*SA$44P4C4$;••).c‘•:V,J’J7)J41%3c(a)_i_iLLLLLLLt.:t.z::-)jIIIIILLLLLLfIItItttI1LIIIIII1111,,-—.-.+H+H+H+HI.+IiHWHI•iiEI+1+4Hui:Lz•.1)1)d9m.,j_#IWZ7A4JV’/vi9I44Lh...mUk/Wh/iz’-#:22LMJ%IZ4’.#.IL&1.kAAI3’t1,/,1vbM1,I1ØWc.3?-—fImCrV424’,:3;4.%.6’yaZv’2V?PA?40Y:54L.I.U/r’*’024Jr,%iLrv/7,.,g,:-..‘III92.’.ZVy’rZt.&2nMId‘Ny-”4W.IL‘iZF’•i’riVv’.4.I9l5w.r/J5-.I•$,71Ik#?Td.c9IL71dI,JC!IN•?4’_,.WSNV•t-.4Iw7Wi1i+•1rL&UW’’/IsI/IrIIV—.--...——-——.—.—.--dVLJM9JS9VISt!.LNVId......,.,,.,..,,.......,,.i.-.•.•:..•...,:,:.. -.:‘-:.:•;‘:•:i--±::--y::;:-.--.---*‘__•-.—._____________________ PROJECT LOCATION: SUITE 200 SILVER DOLLAR CASINO3100 EAST VALLEY RD. SEE SHEET T1.2 FOR DETAILED SITE PLAN FROM BUILDING CONSTRUCTION.VICINITY MAP PROJECT DATALEGAL DESCRIPTION / TAX ID NUMBERPROJECT INFORMATIONREFLECTED CEILING PLAN INDEX OF DRAWINGSA1.3T1.1COVER SHEETT1.0A1.2ARCHITECTURALA1.0INDEX OF DRAWINGSSITE LOCATION/PARKING PLAN (NTS-SEE SHEET T1.1 FOR SITE PLAN WITH PARKING LAYOUT)OWNER/CONSULTANTSSCOPE OF WORK SCOPE OF WORK INCLUDES MINOR DEMO OF EXISTING WALLS AND DOORS AND CONSTRUCTION OF NEWPARTIAL HT WALLS TO FORM PARTIAL TV ROOMS, A MINI GOLF COURSE AND 2 BOCCI BALL LANES AT FLOORHT, SERVED BY A NEW FREE STANDING WALK UP BAR AND STORAGE COOLER FOR BEER KEGS PLACED INTHE CENTER OF THE SPACE. LIGHTING WILL BE RECONFIGURED TO FIT WITH THE THEME REPLACING THEEXISTING FLUORESCENT WITH LED . EXISTING ACCESSIBLE RESTROOMS WILL BE RETAINED AND A DEDICATEDJANITOR CLOSET WILL BE PROVIDED ADJACENT.DEFERRED SUBMITTALSOCCUPANCY SEPARATION (IBC C. 5):ZONING:SPRINKLERED:2-B (MASONRY/CONCRETE)CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTONTYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (IBC 602.5):BUILDING DEPARTMENT:PROPERTY SIZE: BUILDING CODES:CA182,914 SF/4.2 ACRESPARKING REQUIRED: 9327 SF (SEE SHEET T1.1)BUILDING SIZE: 20,000 SFTENANT OCCUPANCY (IBC C. 10): TAX ID NUMBER - 302305-9070LEGAL DESCRIPTION:PORTION OF N 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 LY ELY OF EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY & WLY OF SR 167PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO 5YEAR BUILT: 1994A2 (NO SEPARATIONS)CONSTRUCTION AREA: 200 REQUIRED/315 PROVIDEDOWNERE-Mail:VMENA@WAGOLDCASINOS.COM Phone:425.264.1050 Owner ID: CONTACT:Victor MeanVICINITY PLANBIDDER DESIGN (UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT)ELECTRICALMECHANICAL (IF REQ.)BIDDER DESIGN (UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT)SPRINKLERS (IF REQ.) BIDDER DESIGN (UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT)FIRE ALARM (IF REQ.)BIDDER DESIGN (UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT)DEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEERS OF RECORDWHO SHALL REVIEW AND PROVIDE NOTATION INDICATING DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED ANDFOUND TO BE IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE BUILDING DESIGN. SUBMITTAL MATERIALS SHALLINCLUDE PLANS, DETAILS AND CALCULATIONS PREPARED AND SIGNED BY A STATE REGISTEREDENGINEER. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER REVIEWED SUBMITTAL MATERIALSTO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL FOR REVIEW AND PERMIT APPROVAL. DEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALLNOT BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO OBTAINING THE BUILDING OFFICIAL'S APPROVAL OF THE SUBMITTAL.1. THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY BE REPRODUCEDONLY WITH THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE ARCHITECT. AUTHORIZED REPRODUCTIONSMUST BEAR THE NAME OF THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHT 2016 BY GELOTTE HOMMASARCHITECTURE, P.S. DBA WORKPLACE ARCHITECTURE. THESE DRAWINGS ARE FULLYPROTECTED BY FEDERAL AND STATE COPYRIGHT LAWS. ANY INFRINGEMENT WILL BEVIGOROUSLY PROSECUTED.2.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC)AND THE INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE (IBEC) AND ANY OTHER APPLICABLEREGULATORY CODES AS AMENDED BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND BE INACCORDANCE WITH WASHINGTON STATE LAWS, REGULATIONS AND VARIOUS CODES,INCLUDING THE ICC/ANSI 2009 HANDICAP CODE, IMPOSED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES. THECONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE FOR ALL REQUIRED NOTIFICATION OF AND COORDINATIONWITH THE CITY AND STATE AGENCIES AND PROVIDE REQUIRED PERMITS. ALL TESTS ANDINSPECTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE OBTAINING APPROVALS TO PROCEED ANDCOMPLETE THE WORK SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR.3.DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS OR DETAILS. USE GIVEN DIMENSIONS. CHECK DETAILS FORLOCATION OF ALL ITEMS NOT DIMENSIONED ON THE PLANS. DIMENSIONS ON THE PLANS ARETO FACE OF GYPSUM WALL BOARD UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.4.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL PORTIONS OF THE WORK AS DESCRIBED INTHE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT FOR RESOLUTION OF ALLDISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONSAND STRUCTURAL MEMBER SIZES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND TO INFORM ARCHITECTOF ANY DISCREPANCIES IN THE DRAWINGS OR FROM THE CODES. ANY PERCEIVEDDISCREPANCIES ON THESE PLANS, OR ANY MITIGATING BUILDING OR SITE CONDITIONS THATMAY AFFECT PROJECT COSTS, ARE TO BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THECLIENT-OWNER TEAM AND THE ARCHITECT. SUCH DISCREPANCIES OR MITIGATINGCONDITIONS WILL BE ADDRESSED, IF NEEDED, BY THE ARCHITECT OR THE CLIENT-OWNERTEAM FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL BIDDERS INVOLVED. THE ARCHITECT WILL NOT BERESPONSIBLE FOR UNREPORTED DISCREPANCIES OR MITIGATING CONDITIONS AFTERCONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES OR BIDS ARE SUBMITTED. THE ARCHITECT IS NOT RESPONSIBLEFOR ANY SCOPE-OF-WORK EXCLUSIONS BY PARTICULAR BIDDERS.4.ALL PERMITS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FIRE SPRINKLER AND ALARM SYSTEMS,MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL TO BE 'FILED SEPARATELY. TENANT'S CONTRACTOR ISRESPONSIBLE FOR PHONE/DATA AND/OR SECURITY PERMITS.5.VERIFY FIELD CONDITIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF EACH PORTION OF THE WORK.6.ALL GYPSUM BOARD PARTITIONS SHALL BE TAPED, SPACKLED AND SANDED SMOOTHWITH NO VISIBLE JOINTS (MINIMUM TO LEVEL 4 FINISH FOR INTERIOR USE SPACES WHEREADDITIONAL FINISHES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PAINT WILL BE APPLIED). PATCH ANDREPAIR ALL AFFECTED SURFACES TO MATCH ADJACENT OR ADJOINING SURFACES WHEREREQUIRED. ALL SURFACES SHALL BE ALIGNED.7.DOOR AND CASED OPENINGS WITHOUT DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE 4" FROM FACE OFADJACENT WALL OR CENTERED BETWEEN WALLS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8.ALL FLOORS SHOULD BE LEVEL AND NOT VARY MORE THAN 1/4" IN 10'-0" THECONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT OF ANY CONDITIONS THAT DO NOT MEET THESTANDARD. MODIFY EXISTING SUBSTRATE AS REQUIRED TO RECEIVE NEW FLOORINGMATERIALS THUS PREVENTING NOTICEABLE LUMPS OR DEPRESSIONS. CONTRACTOR TOPROVIDE FLOOR LEVELING AS MAY BE REQUIRED AT SLIDING DOORS, RELITES WITHOUTBASE, CABINET WORK AND OTHER LOCATIONS REQUIRING LEVEL SUBSTRATE. FEATHERCHANGES IN ELEVATION OVER SUFFICIENT AREA TO LIMIT TRANSITION SLOPE TO 1/8" PERFOOT.9.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AND ADHERE TO ALL BUILDING STANDARDS. ANY CHANGES TOSAME SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER AND THE ARCHITECT IN WRITING FORAPPROVAL.10.ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE HIGHEST STANDARD OFWORKMANSHIP IN GENERAL AND WITH SUCH STANDARDS AS ARE SPECIFIED. ALL WORKSHALL BE ERECTED AND INSTALLED PLUMB, LEVEL, SQUARE AND TRUE.11.CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SAMPLES OF ALL FINISHES OF SUCH SIZE AND NUMBER THATTHEY REPRESENT A REASONABLE DISTRIBUTION OF COLOR RANGES AND PATTERNSPRIOR TO INSTALLATION FOR THE ARCHITECT'S APPROVAL. CONTRACTOR SHALLPROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS AND PROJECT DATA FOR ARCHITECT'S APPROVAL. ALLMATERIALS INDICATED TO MATCH EXISTING SHALL DO SO WITH RESPECT TO SIZE, SHAPE,COLOR, TEXTURE, PATTERN, QUALITY AND METHOD OF INSTALLATION INSOFAR ASPRACTICAL AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT BEFORE INSTALLATION. ONALL SPECIAL ITEMS REQUIRING CUSTOM FABRICATION. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOPDRAWINGS FOR HVAC, CARPET SEAMING, LIGHTING AND CASEWORK.14.ALL FIREPROOFING DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPLACED TO MATCHEXISTING ADJACENT FIRE PROTECTION LEVELS. (THIS IS TO INCLUDE REQUIRED LABELING,APPROVALS AND TESTING)15.ALL GLASS SHALL BE CLEAR, TEMPERED GLASS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, GLAZINGTONG MARKS SHALL NOT BE VISIBLE. CLEAN AND POLISH ALL GLASS PRIOR TO PROJECTDELIVERY. WHERE BUTT JOINED GLASS IS CALLED FOR, USE CLEAR SILICON SEALANTBETWEEN JOINTS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.16.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 18 GA SHEET METAL BACKING IN PARTITIONS FOR ALLWALL- MOUNTED FIXTURES AND DEVICES UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS.ALL MILLWORK IS TO BE FASTENED TO THE PARTITION. VERIFY BLOCKING LOCATIONS FORALL MILLWORK NOT SUPPORTED BY FLOOR OR ABOVE 4'-0" HT . ALL CONCEALEDLUMBER AND BLOCKING TO BE FIRE TREATED.CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO MILLWORKSHOP DRAWINGS FOR SPECIFIC DETAILS FOR COORDINATION BETWEENDRYWALL/MILLWORK CONDITIONS.17.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OPERATIONS WITH THE OWNER, INCLUDING AREASFOR WORK, MATERIALS STORAGE, AND ACCESS TO AND FROM THE WORK SITE ANDSPECIAL CONDITIONS SUCH AS TIMING OF THE WORK, NOISE, AND INTERRUPTION OFMECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SERVICES. DISRUPTIVE WORK SHALL BE SCHEDULED ATLEAST ONE WEEK OR A MUTUALLY AGREED UPON TIME AHEAD OF THE TIME WORK IS TOCOMMENCE. NOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY SCHEDULE CHANGES.18.ALL WORK SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OR APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEMANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN DIRECTIONS OR RECOMMENDATIONS.19.CONTRACTOR INITIATED CHANGES SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE OWNER /ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION OR CONSTRUCTION.20.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REQUIRED SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ANDTHE METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES OR PROCEDURES REQUIRED TO PERFORM THEWORK..21.CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE FRAMING LAYOUT WITH ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICALPLAN. TENANT (OR TENANT'S VENDOR) TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL THE TELEPHONE ANDDATA COMMUNICATION CABLING. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE SCHEDULING ANDOTHER REQUIREMENTS WITH TENANT (OR TENANT'S VENDOR).22.ALL LAY-IN ACOUSTICAL CEILING GRIDS AND LIGHTING INSTALLATIONS SHALL BEINSTALLED AND SECURED PER THE 2015 I.B.C. STANDARDS FOR EARTHQUAKE ZONE D,ASTM C635, C636, ASTM E 580/E 580M AND THE NORTHWEST WALL AND CEILING BUREAU(NWCB) TECHNICAL DOCUMENT SUSPENDED CEILINGS 401, DATED DECEMBER 2013.23.IF THE BUILDING STANDARDS ARE INCONSISTENT FOR DOORS, RELITES, HARDWARE RELITE FRAMES OR OTHER STANDARD DETAILS, THEN CONTRACTOR MUCHNOTIFY THE ARCHITECT AND THE OWNER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.GENERAL NOTES:ACAIR CONDITIONINGACTACOUSTICAL CEILING TILEAFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOORALTALTERNATEAPROXAPPROXIMATEBDBOARDBLDGBUILDINGBLKBLOCKBLKGBLOCKINGBOTBOTTOMB/SBUILDING STANDARDBUBUILT UPCABCABINETCLGCEILINGCOLCOLUMNCONCCONCRETECONSCONSTRUCTIONCONTCONTINUOUSCORRCORRIDORCPTCARPETCTCERAMIC TILECTRCENTERDDEEPDEMODEMOLTIONDTLDETAILDFDRINKING FOUNTAINDIADIAMETERDIMDIMENSIONDNDOWNDWGDRAWINGEEASTEAEACHELELEVATIONELECTELECTRICALELEVELEVATOREQEQUALEQUIPEQUIPMENTESTESTIMATEEXISTEXISTINGEXPEXPANSIONFECFIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINETFFFACTORY FINISHFHFULL HEIGHTFINFINISH(ED)FLRFLOORFOICFURNISH BY OWNER, INSTALLBY CONTRACTORFOSFACE OF STUDSFOCFACE OF CONCRETEFOFFACE OF FINISHFTFEET/FOOTGAGAUGEGCGENERAL CONTRACTORGLGLASS/GLAZINGGWBGYPSUM WALL BOARDHCHOLLOW COREHCPHANDICAPPEDHDWRHARDWAREHMHOLLOW METALHRHOURHORIZHORIZONTALHTHEIGHTHVACHEATING, VENTILATING, AIRCONDITIONINGHWHOT WATERIIBCINTERNATIONAL BLDG. CODEINCINCLUDEINFOINFORMATIONINSULINSULATE(D) (ING)INTINTERIORJANJANITORJTJOINTKITKITCHENLAMLAMINATEDLAVLAVATORYLHLEFT HANDABBREVIATIONS24.THE FLOORS MAY BE OCCUPIED DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALLPROTECT ALL PERSONNEL AND VISITORS TO THE SITE FROM HARM AND INJURY. BARRIERSSHALL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRE TO PROTECT EQUIPMENT INSTALLED DURINGCONSTRUCTION. CAREFULLY MAINTAIN AND PROTECT MONUMENTS, BENCH MARKS ANDTHEIR REFERENCE POINT FROM BEING DISTURBED OR DESTROYED AND REPLACE ASREQUIRED.25. COORDINATE WITH SUB-CONTRACTORS THE LOCATIONS OF ELECTRICAL AND VOICE/DATA OUTLETS, PLUMBING AND OTHER DEVICES WITH LAYOUT AND DESIGN OFCUSTOM CASEWORK. ALL CASEWORK SHALL CONFORM TO AWI CURRENT STANDARDS.26.EXISTING WORK DAMAGED AS A RESULT OF WORK DONE UNDER THIS CONTRACT SHALL BEREPAIRED TO ORIGINAL CONDITION AND FINISHED TO MATCH ADJACENT FINISHES, SUBJECTTO OWNERS OR ARCHITECT'S APPROVAL, AND AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER.. ALLREPLACEMENT MATERIALS REQUIRED TO MATCH EXISTING MATERIALS SHALL DO SO WITHRESPECT TO TYPE, PATTERN, TEXTURE, SIZE, SHAPE, 'PCOLOR AND METHOD OFINSTALLATION, INSOFAR AS IS PRACTICAL AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECTOR THE OWNER.27.ALL EXISTING MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES DISRUPTEDDURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RESTORED AND REPLACED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.FIRE/LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS ARE TO BE CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAINED DURING CONSTRUCTION.INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS WILL REQUIREOPENING OF SOME EXISTING WALLS, CEILING OR FLOOR CAVITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALLBE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPAIR OF THESE OPENINGS TO MATCH EXISTING ADJACENTSURFACES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. FILL ALL HOLES AND VOIDS IN FLOORS, WALLS ANDCEILINGS WHICH RESULT FROM THE WORK AND REMOVAL OF EXISTING MATERIAL ANDEQUIPMENT BY THIS CONTRACT. PATCH AND REPAIR ALL AREAS TO MATCH ADJACENTFINISHES, MATERIALS AND LEVELS OR PUT IN THE PROPER CONDITION TO RECEIVE THEFINISH INDICATED.28.MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL FIXTURES, OUTLETS, ETC, WHEN SHOWN ON THEARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS ARE FOR LOCATIONS INFORMATION ONLY. MECHANICAL ANDELECTRICAL ARE DESIGNED BY OTHERS,. ALL CIRCUITING COORDINATION TO BE BYOTHERS.29.ANY CHANGE IN LIGHT FIXTURE PLACEMENT DUE TO INTERFERENCE OF MECHANICAL ORSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT OR BUILDINGMANAGEMENT/OWNER'S PROJECT MANAGER.30.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE DRAWINGS FOR THE ARCHITECTS APPROVAL SHOWING THELOCATIONS OF ALL THERMOSTATS, GRILLES, DIFFUSERS, FIRE AND SMOKE DETECTIONDEVICES INCLUDING SPRINKLERS, FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND HOSE CABINETS, PLUMBINGAND PLUMBING EQUIPMENT.31.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE FOR ALL WORK REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN COMPLIANCE WITHLOCAL FIRE CODES. PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED SHOP DRAWINGS AND APPROVALS.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AUDIBILITY.32.CONTRACTOR TO CLEAN AND REPAIR ALL PERIMETER BLINDS AS REQUIRED TO BE IN AFULLY FUNCTIONING AND OPERATIONAL MANNER. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY OWNERIMMEDIATELY IF BLINDS NEED REPLACING.33.MOISTURE TEST-REQUIRED FOR ALL ON GRADE SLAB CONDITIONS DURING THECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATING/DUDGETING PROCESS. THE GC SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOROBTAINING FROM THE BUILDING OWNER DOCUMENTATION AS TO THE VAPOR EMISSION RATE(MOISTURE TEST) FOR ALL ON GRADE SLAB CONDITIONS. THIS INFORMATION SHOULD THENBE IMMEDIATELY SHARED BETWEEN THE ARCHITECT, THE FLOORING REPRESENTATIVE ANDTHE FLOORING SUUB-CONTRACTOR FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF APPLICABLEMATERIALS AND ANCILLARY INSTALLATION/FINISH PROJECTS. IF NO MOISTURE TEST CAN BEFURNISHED OR IF THE FINDINGS ARE IN QUESTION, THE GC SHALL PERFORM THE FOLLOWINGTESTS:CALCIUM CHLORIDE MOISTURE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF ASTM F 1869STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR MEASURING VAPOR EMISSIONS RATE OF CONCRETESUB-FLOOR USING ANHYDROUS CALCIUM CHLORIDE. PROVIDE A WRITTEN REPORT TO THEARCHITECT AND THE OWNER AS NOTED.ORPROVIDE A PH PENCIL TEST AT ALL FLOORS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF WORK PROVIDE AWRITTEN REPORT TO THE ARCHITECT AND THE OWNER AS NOTED.IF REQUIRED, BY THE CALCIUM CHLORIDE TEST, A WATERPROOF MEMBRANE SHALL BE APPLIED TO ALL FLOORS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF WORK. THE WATERPROOF MEMBRANESHALL BE APPROPRIATED FOR EACH FINISH FLOORING APPLICATION AS SPECIFIED BY THEFLOORING MANUFACTURER VIA THE ARCHITECT. A LICENSED INSTALLER SHALL BE UTILIZED FOR INSTALLATION/APPLICATION OF EACH SPECIFIC MEMBRANE AS APPLICABLETO THE FINISH FLOORING PRODUCT AND WRITTEN WARRANTY SHALL BE PROVIDEDDOCUMENTING STRICT CONFORMANCE TO THE SPECIFIED MFG INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS TO ENSURE AND UPHOLD ALL PERFORMANCE AND LIFE CYCLEGUARANTEES.34.FOR CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE REPAIRS - SCOPE LESS THAN 100 SF: WHEN CONCRETESLAB ON GRACE INFILL AND TRENCHING MUST OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHOULDCONDUCT THE APPROPRIATE UNDER THE SLAB INVESTIGATIONS NECESSARY TO INSURETHE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES OR OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS THAT SHOULD NOT BEDAMAGED. SAW CUT SLAB AT REQUIRED AREA(S) AND PULL BACK THE EXISTING VAPORBARRIER, IF PRESENT, AND PROTECT FOR REINSTALLATION. EXECUTE THE REQUIRED UNDERTHE SLAB WORK INCLUDING THE EXCAVATION, BACKFILL, AND RE-COMPACT THE AREAWITH THE PREVIOUSLY HELD MATERIALS OR PROVIDE NEW TO COMPLY WITH THE ASTM D1557 TEST PROCEDURE. REINSTALL A VAPOR BARRIER AND BIND SEAMS AS REQ. TOENSURE AN AIR/MOISTURE RESISTANT BOND. ATTACH NEW INFILL CONCRETE TO EXISTINGCONCRETE SLAB LONG #4 REBAR AT 24 INCHES O.C. EMBEDDED 8" INTO THE EXISTINGCONCRETE SLAB WITH HILTI HY-150 ADHESIVE OR SIMPSON SET ADHESIVE. REINFORCEMENTSHALL BE INSTALLED PER ADHESIVE MFG RECOMMENDATIONS. PROVIDE W2XW2X6X6WELDED WIRE FABRIC WITHIN SUBJECT AREA. INFILL SLAB TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACESBUT NOT LESS THAN FOUR INCHES THICK, AND CENTER #4 DOWELS IN SLAB. THE CONCRETESHALL HAVE MINIMUM 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI WITH A MAXIMUMWATER CEMENT RATIO OF 0.58 AND IS TO BE PLACED LEVEL WITH ADJACENT SURFACES.LET CURE AND PROVIDE MOISTURE TESTING AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. IF SCOPE OF WORKINCLUDES STRUCTURAL OR ELEVATED SLABS CONSULT A STRUCTURAL ENGINEER.. REFERTO STRUCTURAL PLANS, APPLICABLE, FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS ANDREQUIREMENTS.35.ANY SITE IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION SHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS ISINTENDED AS INFORMATION TO BE FURTHER ADDRESSED AND CLARIFIED BETWEEN THEGENERAL CONTRACTOR AND THE BUILDING LANDLORD AND/OR AFFECTED TENANT.UNLESS OTHERWISE DEVELOPED AND DETAILED SEPARATELY BY A REGISTEREDENGINEER, LANDSCAPE DESIGNER, OR OTHER RECOGNIZED SITE DEVELOPMENTPROFESSIONAL, THE ARCHITECT MAKES NO GUARANTEES AS TO THE ACCURACY OF (A) ANYSITE IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON ANY ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING INCLUDED HERE, OR (B)THE EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS IN THE IMPROVEMENT AREA.36.PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SHALL BE PROVIDED PER SECTION 906 2012 IFC. TABLE906.3(1): FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 75FT OF AN PORTION OF THEBUILDING. IF CABINETS ARE RECESSED INTO FIRE RATED WALLS/PARTITIONS, THEN SUCHCABINETS SHALL BE AFFORDED A FIRE RATING TO MAINTAIN THE REQUIRED INTEGRITY. SEEADJACENT PLANS FOR LAYOUT OF FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINETS (FEC). FIELD APPROVALREQUIRED PRIOR TO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY.MAXMAXIMUMMECHMECHANICALMTLMETALMEZZMEZZANINEMFRMANUFACTURE(R)MINMINIMUMMISCMISCELLANIOUSMTDMOUNTEDMULMULLIONMWMICROWAVENNORTHNICN0T IN CONTRACTNONUMBERNTSNOT TO SCALEOCON CENTEROFFOFFICEOFCIOWNER FURNISHED, CONTRACTOR INSTALLEDPARTPARTITIONP-LAMPLASTIC LAMINATEPRPAIRPNLPANELPTPAINTRADRADIUSRBRESILIENT BASERTRESILIENT TILEREFREFRIGERATORREQREQUIREDREVREVISIONRHRIGHT HANDRMROOMRRRESTROOMROROUGH OPENINGSSOUTHSCSOLID CORESECTSECTIONSIMSIMILARSPECSPECIFICATIONSQSQUARESSSTAINLESS STEELSTLSTEELSTORSTORAGESUSPSUSPENDEDTELTELEPHONETEMPTEMPERATURETFTITENANT FURNISHED, TENANTINSTALLEDTHKTHICKNESSTYPTYPICALULUNDERWRITER'S LABSUNOUNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEDUPCUNIFORM PLUMBING CODEVCTVINYL COMPOSITION TILEVERTVERTICALVERVERIFYVWCVINYL WALL COVERINGWWESTW/WITHWWIDEWDWOODWHWATER HEATERW/OWITHOUTWTWEIGHTPROJECT ADDRESSBEER BAR AND GAMES3100 EAST VALLEY HIGHWAYRENTON, WA 98005EXITING/CODE INFORMATION/ACCESSIBILITY DETAILSNORTHNORTHPROJECT SITENUMBER OF STORIES:1COVER SHEET PROJECT INFOMATION SYMBOL LEGEND:PREVIOUS TENANT OCCUPANCY/USE (IBC C. 10): A2 (BINGO-ADULT GAMING)DETAIL REFERENCEFIRE EXTINGUISHER IN CABINETOR WALL MOUNTED KEYNOTE REFERENCE#ALIGN THESE SURFACESROOM NUMBER REFERENCENEW DOOR/NUMBEREQUIPMENT TAGXXXXX#/#FECFEELEVATION REFERENCEX-XX####DEMOLITION PLAN711 Powell Ave. SW, Renton, WA 98057 T1.0SUITE SIZE: 9327 SFSPRINKLERED-NFP13AREA OF CONSTRUCTIONNG WASHINGTON II LLCBUILDING HEIGHT: +/-18' (VARIES)A1.1PARTITION PLAN/EQUIPMENT PLAN/RESTROOM PLANSSHEET:REGISTRATIONJOB NUMBER:PM:NO. DATE PURPOSE/REVISION 3025 112th Ave. NE, Suite 110 Bellevue, Washington 98004 206.310.0827 T www.workplacearchitecture.com the art of architecture for the work place environment VSSRENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 PUTTS AND PINTS WP-17-061 3.28.18 - ISSUED FOR REV.1 3100 EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY 4.5.18 - ISSUED FOR REV2 4.9.18 - ISSUED FOR REV. 3 4.13.18 - ISSUED FOR REVIEW 4.17.18 - ISSUED FOR PERMIT GOLF SIMULATOR DETAILSA1.52015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE 2015 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE 2015 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE (STATE OF WASHINGTON AMENDMENTS)2015 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE 2015 WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODEICC A117.1 2009 (ACCESSIBILITY CODE)RENTON LOCAL AMENDMENTS AND REGULATIONS GENERAL CONTRACTORE-Mail: XXXXXXXXATTN:XXXXSTATE LICENSE:XXRENTON CITY BUSINESS LICENSE:WALL SECTIONS AND DETAILSA1.4REFLECTED CEILING DETAILSELECTRICAL, PHONE, DATA PLANA1.6A2 (GAMES AREA AND BEER BAR-8327/15=555 OCC)A2 (BAR PREP/STORAGE - 515/200=2.6 OCC)B (RESTROOMS - 560/100=6 OCC )TOTAL OCCUPANCY 564 OCCUPANTSCODE YEAR OF CONSTRUCTION: 1992T1.2SITE AND PARKING PLANNORTH S MWMINIGOLF12349867START END DW+30''+42''3'-0" TYP.FRFR8'-0"30'-0" 23'-4"MIN 3'-0'',TYP.60'-0"FSFSFSFDFS6'-1"5'-0" ±4'-0" 3'- 6 " 11'-4 1/8"EQEQ(EQ-±14'-5")18'-6"18'-6"14'-6"1'-6"6'-0"3'-0"3'-0"15'-0"3'-0"HW4'-11"5'-9"48'-4 1/2"BOCCELANE 2SPORTSARENA 115'-6" 5'-6"±5'-0"(EQ-±14'-5")3'-0" TYP.BOCCELANE 1TABLEGAMESMINIGOLFSPORTSARENA 3SPORTSARENA 2GOLFSIMULATOR2GOLFSIMULATOR2COOLERBEERBARENTRYB B BFDFDBOPEN SEATINGSMJSM30'-0"23'-4"FSFSFSFDFS6'-1"5'-0"±4'-0"3'-6"15'-6"JJJJJJJJJJJJJMWBFDHW FDSHEET:JOB NUMBER:PM:NO. DATE PURPOSE/REVISION 3025 112th Ave. NE, Suite 110 Bellevue, Washington 98004 206.310.0827 T www.workplacearchitecture.com the art of architecture for the work place environment VSSRENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BEER, BAR & GAMES WP-17-061 1.22.18 - ISSUED FOR REV.1 3100 EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY 1.25.18 - ISSUED FOR REV2 2.22.18 - ISSUED FOR REV. 3 3.21.18 - ISSUED FOR REV. 4 3.26.18 - ISSUED FOR CITY REV.WALL LEGENDPROJECT INFO.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS. ALL DISCREPANCIES MUST BEBROUGHT TO THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT FOR DIRECTION.ALL PARTITIONS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHMETAL STUDS AT 24" O.C. WITH 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYPSUM WALLBOARD EACH SIDE.THERE SHALL BE NO EXPOSED PIPE, CONDUIT, DUCTS, VENTS, ETC. ALL SUCHLINES SHALL BE CONCEALED OR FURRED AND FINISHED, UNLESS OTHERWISENOTED AS EXPOSED CONSTRUCTION ON DRAWINGS.OFFSET STUDS AS REQUIRED, TO INSURE THAT FINISHED PARTITION SURFACESWILL BE FLUSH, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PROVIDE FURRING AT EXISTINGPARTITIONS AS REQUIRED TO INSTALL ELECTRICAL OR PLUMBING ITEMS ASINDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS.DOOR AND CASED OPENINGS WITHOUT LOCATION DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE 4"INCHES FROM FACE AT HINGE SIDE OF DOOR TO ADJACENT PARTITIONS.ALL EXIT DOORS SHALL BE OPERABLE FROM THE INSIDE WITHOUT USE OF KEYOR ANY SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT.PROVIDE SHEET METAL REINFORCING (8" HORIZONTALLY MOUNTED STRIP OF20 GA. GALVANIZED SHEET METAL) IN PARTITIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF WALLHUNG CABINET WORK AND PANELING, PLUMBING FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIESWHERE INDICATED ON DRAWINGS INCLUDING ALL OWNER PROVIDED ITEMS.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS FOR ALL PLUMBING PARTITIONS.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE WATER AND MOISTURE RESISTANT FIBERBOARDFOR ALL WET WALL LOCATIONS IN RESTROOMS AND BREAK AREAS ASREQUIRED.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR DESIGNER AND TENANTAPPROVAL PRIOR TO MANUFACTURE OF ANY CABINET WORK, MILLWORK, ANDANY OTHER SPECIAL ITEMS REQUIRING CUSTOM SHOP FABRICATED WORK.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL ACCESSORY MOUNTING HEIGHTS WITH 2015 iBCC. 11 AND ICC A117.1 2009 ACCESSIBILITY CODES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OFMILLWORK OR ACCESSORIES.GENERAL NOTES: PARTITIONSKEY NOTES: NEW CONSTRUCITION NOTESB/S RESTROOM PARTITION - B/S ( OR 3 1/2") METAL STUDS @ 24"O.C.WITH 5/8" TYPE 'X' GWB ON BOTH SIDES FROM FLOOR TOUNDERSIDE OF MATCHING HUNG CEILING SEE DETAILS SHEET A1.4,PROVIDE MAX. BATT INSULATION IN WALLS AND CEILING ANDPROVIDE EXTRA SHEET OF GWB ON OUTSIDE WALL OF MEN'SRESTROOM FACING SPORTS ARENA 3.EXISTING PARTITION TO REMAIN.AREA DEFINING THE SPORTS ARENAS/GOLF SIMULATORSALIGN WALLS FOR RESTROOM ADDITIONS AS INDICATED.RELOCATED DRINKING FOUNTAIN, INSTALL PER ACCESSIBILITY CODESICC 117.3, SEE SHEET T1.1 FOR DETAILS.PROVIDE NEW JAN. SINK AND HOT WATER HEATER WITH DRIP PAN,SEISMIC BRACING AND ENERGY BLANKET TO COMPLY WITH ALL STATEAND LOCAL CODES AND HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENTS.PROVIDE NEW H.C. STALL AND TOILET FIXTURE WITH ALL REQ.ACCESSORIES PER ICC A 117.3 CODES FOR ACCESSIBILITY. SEE SHEETT1.1 FOR DETAILS.PROVIDE 2 NEW URINALS AND INSTALL THE 2 EXISTING RELOCATEDURINALS TO MEET CURRENT OCCUPANCY REQ. FOR A2 OCCUPANCYFIXTURE NUMBERS. SEE SHEET T1.1 FOR INSTALLATION DETAILS FOR H.C.ACCESS PER ICC A117.3. CODES.TENANT PROVIDED SEATING FURNITURE, POOL AND PING PONGTABLES, BOCCI BALL COURTS, AND MINI GOLF LAYOUT. NOTE: ALLAREAS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE PER ICC 1117.3 REQUIREMENTS.PREFABRICATED FREE STANDING GOLF SIMULATORS PERMANUFACTURER, SEE SHEET A1.6 FOR DETAIL SHEETS.VIDEO SPORTS VIEWING ROOMS: PROVIDE WALL MOUNTED LARGESCREEN CENTERED ON WALL WITH SURROUND SOUND SYSTEMSPROVIDED BY OWNER. SPORTS TURF CARPETING FOR FLOORS,CHAIRS AND "BAR" AT ENTRY. SEE WALL/CEILING DETAIL ON SHEET A1.5.FREESTANDING COOLER UNIT AND COMPRESSOR SET INSIDE 40' CUTDOWN TO 30' SIZE SHIPPING CONTAINER. PROVIDE RAMP INTO COOLERW/ SLOPE TO BE DETERMINED BY FLOOR HT. (10" LENGTH PER 1" HT IFLESS THAN 6" OF HT).PROVIDE MIN. 4 FLOOR SINKS FOR DRAINS AT BAR. SEE SINK DETAILSHEET A1.5.PROVIDE HAND WASH SINKS PER PLAN. SEE EQUIPMENT PLAN DETAIL.NEW ELECTRICAL PANEL - VERIFY FINAL LOCATION.2'-10" BAR COUNTER FOR H.C. ACCESS TYPICAL. SEE SHEET A1.4 FORGENERAL BAR STYLE INTENTION. FINAL DESIGN IS T.B.D.123456789101112PARTITION PLAN, EQUIP. PLAN A1.1RESTROOM ENLARGED PLANS BAR/COOLER PLAN11234456778889PARTITION PLAN5'-0"5'-0"min.3'-0"min.3'-0"min.2'-6"min.2'-6"min.3- 3 " mi n . 5'-0"MEN'S RR PLAN5'-9"4'-11"5'-11" (EXISTING)49X6138X417171X3217161733227151412# INDICATED NUMBERB/S PARTIAL ARENA PARTITION - B/S ( OR 3 1/2") METAL STUDS @24"O.C. WITH 5/8" TYPE 'X' GWB ON BOTH SIDES FROM FLOOR TOUNDERSIDE OF HUNG CEILING SET TO MATCH TOP OF GOLFSIMULATOR. SEE DETAIL SECTION SHEET A1.4, PROVIDE MAX. BATTINSULATION IN WALLS AND CEILINGWOMEN'S RR PLAN13131313131313