HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-05-089_Geomorphic Assessment Results.pdfMay 1,2006 Talasaea Consultants, Inc. 15020 Rear Cn:ek Road NW Woodinville, Washington 98077 Attention: Jason Walker Subject: Defoor Property Geomorphic Assessment Renton, Washington file No. 13495-001-00 GEoENGfNEER~ INTRODUCTION GeoEngineers, Tnc is pleased to provide this letter report summarizing the results of a geomorphic assessment regarding drainage channels located on the Defoor Property, in Renton. Washington. This report was requested by Jason Walker of Talasaea Consultants on April 26, 2006. The purpose of the requested services is to qualitatively assess the geomorphic character and origin for two streams, Stream B and Stream A, on the Property. The project work scope consists of reviewing reports and maps provided by Talasaea C()nsultants, and visiting the Defoor Property to observe the stream.... The Reports reviewed by GeoEngineers include: Hydrogeological Consultation; Stream B Corridor, dated March 24, 2006 and prepared by Icicle Creck Engineers (ICE); Coal Mine Hazard Assessment and l)rcliminary Geotechnical Evaluation, Renton Hill Property, dated June 10, 2005, prepared by ICE; and a section of a report entitled Defoor Property --- Wetland Study, Stream Assessment, Habitat Study, Watershed Restoration and Mitigation Plan, dated October 3, 2005, prepared by Talasaea Consultants. GcoEngineers also reviewed the Wetland and Stream Basin Restoration Plan, Existing Conditions and Overview Plan, dated 28 June .. 2005, prepared by Talasaea Consultants_ OBSERVED CHANNEL CONDITIONS The site visit was conducted on April 28, 2005. The reconnaissance included walking the length of Streams A and B from Renton A ve So to the base of the slope just east of wetland B. Stream A originates up-!,'Tuciient of Renton Ave S, passes through a culvert beneath the road and flows downstream in a well defined swale with side slopes inclined from 20 to 50 percent. The swale is reflected as a dip in Renton Ave So. The Stream A cross section dispJay au-shaped Hoor with side walls inclined to the angle of repose of the soils. Stream B conditions are well described in the ICE March 24 2006 report. The "stream" originates at a culvert outfall at Renton Ave S. No observable expression of a drainage appears to extend upslope from Renton Ave So. Thc culvert is situated on a topoh'Taphic high point on the right limb of the Stream A swale. Immediately do\vn gradient of the culvert outfall, the stream consists of two or three deeply incised channels with nearly vertical side walls. The channels do not reside in a topographic swale. TaLasaca Consultants. lnc. May 1,2006 Page 2 Roughly 125 to 150 feet down gradient from the culvert the channels merge to form a singlc channel. The dimension of the single channcl is uncharacteristically narrow and deep, with entire sections measuring 2 to 3 wide (top of channel) by 5 or 6 feet deep. The side walls of the single channel are generally vertical to overhanging, giving the channel cross section a tear drop shape, narrow at the top and wide at the basco CONCLUSIONS STREAM A The morphologic character of Stream A channel and swale features indicates that it has evolved over several thousand years. The cross sectional form of this swale is consistent with the long term adjustment of other Puget Sound drainage systems to climate, discharge, regional gradient, hillslope soils. The long term development of the drainage is panicularly apparent from the stability and inclination of the swale sidewalls. These slopes are inclined back to the apparent angle of repose and well stabilized by the growth ofmoderatcly dense deciduous trees and understory vegetation. STREAM B In contrast, the morphologic character of Stream B indicates that it is not a naturally fomled stream. We abrree with the conclusion of the Mary 24th ICE report that Stream B is an erosional gully formed in direct response to stonn water runoff (from residential development upslope of Renton Ave So) discharging from the culvert over the period of several decades. The morphologic character of the gully is consistent with numerous other gullies and ditches in the Puget Sound area that have formed similar gullies in similar soils and urbanized settings. The location of the gully is not consistent with the long term development of natural drainage channels, which otherwise form swales. in addition, the configuration of mUltiple gullies extending downstream from the culvert is typical of the dispersion of unmitig'dted storm water dispersing from the culvert. The depth of the single stem gully and cross sectional shape is a direct result of the high volumes of unmitigated (undetained) storm water runoff generated by urban development. The gully walls appear to be highly unstable and subject to failure. The faces of the walls are near vertical to overhanging and bear no vegetation. This characteristic indicates that the floor of the gully may still be undergoing incision, and the channel is still adjusting to storm discharge from the point source. We also agree with ICE that the gully represents a public health and safety risk. The gully is obscured by the local topography, in that there is no observable swale, and by ground cover vegetation, both of which make it difficult to see and easy to fall into. In our opinion, the physical condition of this gully should be modified to minimize or eliminate the risk of public injury. LIMITATIONS GeoEngineers has developed this report to support the geomorphic evaluation in general accordance with the scope and limitations of our proposal. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with the generally accepted practices [or slope stability evaluations in this area at the time this report was prepared. Filr No, 13495·00}·00 GeoENGINeeR~ aJ.asaea Consultant.s. Inc. May 1,2006 Page 3 This report has been prepared for the exclusive usc of Talasaea Consultant, Inc and their authorized agents. No other party may rely on the product of our services unless we agree in advance to such reliance in writing. The information contained herein should not be applied for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Any alteration, deletion or editing of this document without explicit ""Titten pennlSSlOn from GeoEngineers is strictly prohibited. Any other unauthorized use of this document is prohibited. This document is intended to be: used in its entirety. If an excerpt is quotcd or paraphrased, it must be properly referenced. Any electronic fonn. facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table. andlor figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. 'lbe original document is stored by GeoEngineers and will serve as the official document of record. Sincerely, GeoEngineers, Inc. .? A:.~ /1.; ./ Mary Ann Reinhart, LG, LHG Associate MAR:ja Redm:\(}O\Finai,\ 1349500 lOOLR.doc rile ,Vo. 13495-001-(}{) ! i / I ~ SOURCE: :;C( lI.J;lI.J ~It..o 10:: (J9TALASAEA CONSULTANTS, INC. Resource Be Environmental Plannin, 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast Woodinville. Washington 98077 Bus (425)661-7550 -Fax (425)861-7549 -- EXHIBIT -FIGURE I VICINITY MAP DEFOOR PROPERTY RENTON, WA C'<'21~ "-5 6Th 51 '" ..r .':>'~TH C1 _ PARI( 1'CIM OLiVrr rR 71: 51 "st .. ,. ~ ~ g VI' Sf aru Pl,.; I ..... ~ 0..0 S£. ..... > ./' Yen; Sf ., . -BTII __ _ ~""'IIHP.-~~I-\j't-pl ",' i!fARIrllW <t,C . 'b'\\1 "'C !:: z PAlIK q,. S~ GATf ~4R R/ = ~§ i.f:a. I -'" ~<! r=~ s(' 4.,. 1; DESIGN SCALE DATE 5/1/06 REVISED J '-. \' ~j ~ ( .. "II \ <-y, J NORTH ~ \ © Copyright -Talasaea Consultants. INC. / / \ ~ ~ ;! ,B /~ { i!::J:':<},' 'I'/~~· .. ,', <",I",,: I. ',,;, j "1',1, ., :!',' ',:r',,:;":',; 1'::".,-1,':". t :1,"'\" ,,' ..• "'" '0> .'" ,,' .1 ''"1' .'" J.; .'('" "I (1 \' I 11 ,:",r: A'" :": ..... ,.; ::.";,,1"!"~·' '\ ",,')1 ','.' Ii" l1li ",',;,;. .. #Wo' " '.' ." ' 't');' 'f7'i' ~~.c'" : ..... ' . 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'" ,,,,:t;' '\1' FANHOU&E) ~ -t---,,;"'" e.lon<e~ I i ",31451' / ~ 125' mER.! STREAM'6'~ YeTLAND 'A' ~(15' BlFFERJ I .... ~:~~,~ ~~ ~' C----;;;:d.'~ ~ " . ; ---.....:.. -~...., j:}~:::::::::::::::~>./A-5 \ ....•. ' .•...... ,tF:'-'3 .. , .. ,'. , . ..... ................. .;;. I ... ,.... ," ._ .... '," /. , ""t.; -.:.t ... ~ : ..:.. y' .: . .,,;.'" ~ II ... ,.. •• ~. ~,' .---.. ............ ' .. " ". EOXSfItol6 •. ....... ~., 5TR1JC;11JRE ...... ~,STREAM 'c' ,1 , ...... ' ' .. " . 'j';;" ' ... ol. ' 7It?"..:....' ---~TYLINE ~~ ................ "----~ .......... WeTLAND 'A'eNLA~eMeNT ;LA x""'" Ii".. >_ 1.. ki>EM PLAN L!c5!NC' --- ---I'ROf'ERTY LIrE EX1STIN6 GONTOJR c: ; , ... :' ::::J EX1STIN6 ~TLAND STREAM I ~AND Blf'FeR ..... SffiEAM II-ETLNID FLA6 _w-e TE5T PIT FLA6 = :t= = = AF'PROXIMAre OHl+f OF SmEAM +--AF'PROXIMAre GENreR LINE OF STREAM eW-4 '-Iffi 5ffiEAM 'A' ... '-AMEO STREAM GONTIIU3 • "~I "" .. -'0 Ofl'-Ore ~ ----'" \. ROLLIN5 GREEK) . / ... . ,.' .'. .;)' '> ~,'''' OVl:~'1IE:"" ~AN ,o'./ ~;'~ NOT!:5 sire PLAN PROVIDB:1 6'1' GORE DE51eN, 14111 NE 2<lTll PL. suire 101, 6ELLEWE. I!VI Q!lOO1 (425)005-1&11. 2. 5G\JRGE DRAHN5 IAAS MroIFIB:1 BY T ALASAEA CON5UI..TANT5 FOR VISUAL EI+lANG&lENT. eTALASAEA CONSULTANTS, INC. Rellource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeasl Woodinville, Washington 98077 Bus (425)861-7550 -Fax (425)861-7549 EXHIBIT _ FI6URE 2 DESIGN EXISTIN6 CONDITIONS FOR SCALE OVERALL SITE a WETLAND ENLAR6EMENT AS NOTED DEFOOR PROPERTY DATE RENTON, WA 5/1/06 REVISED PROJECT <131 © Copyright -Talasaea Consultants, INC. ---------------~--E:~r~lff~~---- 8UILDING -----ST-REAM'~~8-'---- .. ........................................... ····~El·C,A.Nt5··'Br···· ;t> .,. ,8IG-LEAF MAE?tE IN c;,HANNEL' ,. .. .. 4'\ FI$URE 1I~12 'B ' \~) . I ~'l. ..;.--~ \ __ ~. __ . _, I' ----....... ,,_._,. -='~J\ ~ ____ ..', ' ""," , ,7 ..... __ --~~. __ ....... " " " ,~;~r/"" --' ' ~ FIGURE 10 ' ' ....... ..j" • I I ,/" I _ ~c---__ ___~ I _ "":'-' ~ ~ __ ----EX. ,12" DIA ~ .. , 6' C8LVERll \. 1ft '. .". -~ ~ ~-__ ~ I \' ~ FIGURE 14 . \ J <111\ <It '" .. S~AM/~T~A~ 'e'!~AReeMeNT NOTES 511'1: PLAA PROVID8:) BY CORE DESlc;N. 141" IE 2'111-1 PL. SUITE 101, BELLEWE, IAA <15001 (4:25}MS-1&11. 2. ~E DRAHNtSlAA5 MODIFl8:) BY TALA5AEA c:.otat. T,AIoIT5 FOR Vl5UAL EI+lAIte1ENT. @TALASAEA CONSULTANTS, INC. Rellource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast Woodinville. Washington 98077 Bus (425)881-7550 -Fax (425)881-7549 EXHIBIT _ FIGURE 3 STREAM B DEFOOR PROPERTY RENTON, WA DESIGN SCALE AS NOTED DATE 5/1/06 REVISED PROJECT <131 © Copyright -Talasaea Consultants, INC. ,. r lil \~ I) \'V" /' ii ., I f ~' l' ~,'~ ~ . \ STReAM e \ \... -( I i / I '(. , , ~ ( '-\~I \ \ \ PLE~ I' I ,. / If: r' , \ , \' \. ", ", yJ \ .. /,/ h--- /' / HIMALAYAN BLACKBERRY UNDERSTORY (]) TALASAEA CONSULTANTS, INC. Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Ilear Creek Road Northeast Woodinville, Washington 98077 Ilus (425)861-7550 -Fax (425)861-7549 EXHIBIT _ FIGURE 4 STREAM B SECTION DEFOOR PROPERTY RENTON, WA \ ;// 'y, l-/ I ' ( \1 ~--1'" \ ' , .~' ~,;,~ INCISED CHANNELS WITH VERTiCAL SIDE-SLOPES DESIGN SCALE AS NOTED DATE 5/1/06 REVISED 6 1 PROJECT Cl31 © CopyrIght -TaIasaea Consultants, INC, / . . , (9TALASAEA CONSULTANTS, INC. Reeource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast Woodinville. Washington 98077 Bus (425)861-7550 -Fax (425)861-7549 ( <, I': t:c:,t.t:-~,~, f/') CVo-"- />. /.-" // ....... \ ) Vl OJ: c: o -") © Copyright -Talasaea Consultants. INC. 'i1!I>, '~ .. -- .. "" !'II) ,iIft • "" , I \ ,i\ '. ~ \ lIIl> STPU!AM-AcNL.A~eM~T NOTes SIT<: PLAN PROVIDED 61' CORE DE5I~, 141" IE 2<lTli PL, !lIJ1T<: 101, 6ELLE\'\E, ~ QI}OO1 (425)005-len. 2. 5OJRC.E DRAHN6 "'-'S MODIFIED 6Y TAl-ASAE" c.oN9JL TANTS FOR VI~ EKl/>.NC.8"IENT. STR.EAM' 'A' \ .. .. .. '/ %'" :, : ,', ',\' . " " ,',." , , \ . ' .. / , .'-/~ I ~, ~ -------~. ------- " '----.. . ~ ~ FI6URE 15 IDTALASAEA CONSULTANTS, INC. Re!!ource & Environmenlal Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast Woodinville, Washington 98077 BUB (425)861-7550 -Fax (425)861-7549 - .. I~ " / / .... / EX. 12" DIA C;ULVERT ·',r' "'" .. ',~ I fllfi PR@iP~R;Y, L,IN, E,I ~,'"/, .... ,, 'I , I RON i ',;'/ ",-, , 1, .. ~:/: ~ .. DRAINAGE ,I ~. '" ;,. \ 4lt,,\' .. EXHIBIT _ FIGURE 6 STREAM A DEFOOR PROPERTY RENTON, rlA ,. " , .,' '., I .. • I I I I , I DESIGN SCALE AS NOTED DATE 5/1/06 REVISED "z () I~ Z ill ,~ PROJECT ct31 © Copyright -Talasaea Consultants, INC, '" t. / / " I \ t"' "~' 10-'1 l-~ ( \,,_.t"" :;;.) .~r"~W'f. .~\ ~ /-' ~ '\(,'I\JlYf/ \." '-------~-~'-' .' " .. A 5T~AM A_ <5RAPHIC. SCALE CD (IN FEET1-, , , ,-I tl I :1 4 o eTALASAEA CONSULTANTS, INC. Rel!ource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast Woodinville. Washington 98077 Bus (425)861-7550 -Fax (425)861-7549 EXHIBIT _ FIGURE 1 STREAM A SECTION DEFOOR PROPERTY RENTON, HA ~~)" q: '\\ \ \~\ \\ \ \ \ ) ri "'"(.../l I, ~;r:d!!::'-; AI NATIVE FOREST UNDERSTORY SCALE AS NOTED DATE 5/1/06 REVISED PROJECT '131 © Copyright -Talasaea Consultants, INC. \ . . \ \ ~ - U' , , / / ~ <' •• ...... / ', ......• /. ( / :/ . ./ / 7' \ '. " . ----------,/ , ," \ J I . .' .\\>~~: -. \ 1 \ '/' • ~ l/i~ '--lif\c-~c I I I --------I I I I ~ I 1 I I I ~ '-- "'-...., I .................. I ...................... I ____ ........ -...L....... J--'~ "-<J ~ ~ / '-...." PL.ANTINS PL.AN rn GRAPHIC SCALE GDNOR ( IN FEET) I I t I o 15 30 60 ~ / .............. -~ e TALASAEA CONSULTANTS, INC. Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear" rreek Road Northeast Woodirn-ille, Washiugton 98077 Bus (.125)861-7550 -Fax (425)861-7519 STREAMB ---- PROVIDE HILlOW FA5c.itEs~' AT STREAM BANKS, (SEE DETAIL B AND BA ON 5I£Et 1.1) • LIMIT OF GLEARIN5'-.2., (APPROXIMATE ED6E OF' ' EXI5TIN6 VEGETATION TO REMAIN) '! \, ':.. \ [~.~.;:~.'" ; .~' ::' :~ ,',.' EXHIBIT FIGURE 8 PLANTING PLAN DEFOOR PROPERTY RENTON, HA "(~' \., ....... ' " '. ' . '. SCALE AS NOTED DATE 5/1/06 REVISED -t ./ / , © Copyright -Talasaea ConslIlt.anls, INC. , \. PI-ANT SCHE:DUI-E: TREES SYMBOL SCIENnFIC NAME 1il2\.":'" V ~ A(;ER CIRCINAn.t1 @~ FRAXlttIS LAn FOLIA ~--RHAHHJ5 AJRSHIANA ~ .. --PICEA SITCHENSIS a. ~. --PlttIS CONTORTA V" -----THUJA PlICATA ®----THUJAPlICATA SHRUBS SYMBOL SCIENTIFIC NAME 0-CORIV5 SERICEA ®---MAHONIA AGlJIFOLIUM COMMON NAME VINE MAPlE OREeoNASH CAScARA SITKA 5PR1JC.E SHORE PINE HESTERN RED CEDAR HESTERN RED CEDAR COMMON NAME RED-05IER D06HOOD 0REe0N 6RAPE H.. STAI1J5 SPA(;IN6 Glrr. SIZE (MINJ NOTES FA(;-AS StIC>Yf.I 4 3' HT. t-U.TI-STEM (3 MINJ FA(;H AS SHOHN 5 5-6' HT. SIN6LE ~ HELL tlRANCHED FA(; AS SHOHN 5 4' HT. B4B, RJLL I BUSHY FA(; AS SHOHN 10 2-3' HT. B. B, RJLL • BUSHY FA(; AS SHOI+I 4 4-5' HT. B. B, RJLL • ElUSHY FA(; AS SHOHN 2 4-5' HT. B4 B, RJLL • BUSHY FA(; AS SHOHN q 2-3' HT. BI B, RJLL • BUSHY H.. STAT1J5 SPA(;IN5 Glrr. SIZE (MIN) NOTES FA(;H 3' O.C. Isq I~· HT. t-U. TI-GANE (3 MINJ NL 3'0.C. 135 I~· HT. R.U. • ElUSHY @--.. SALIX LASIANDRA PA(;IFIC HILLOH FACH 3/sYMBOL 4 4' ClITTIN6 ~r;';~E5OBTAINED FROM ON-5ITE CLEARIN5 0------. SALIX SCOULERIANA SCOULER HILLOH FA(; 3/SYMBOL 3M 4' ClITTIN6 HALF INCH DIAMETER, BARK INTACT SYHPHORICARPOS ALaJ5 COMMON 5NOIoeERRY FAOJ 3'0.C. 140 I~· HT. I'tJLTI-GANE (3 MINJ EROSION CONTROL SEED MIX (PROVIDE AT ALL EXPOSED SOIL. A1>J:AS) SCIENnFIC NAME COMMON NAME H.. STAT1J5 SPACIN6 FE5 T1JCA RlJBRA A6R0Sns TEltJIS RED FESCUE FA(;. SOlI> APPLICATION RATE PER ACRE, COLONIAL BENT6RASS FA(; SOlI> 400 SEED MIX 1201 HILBUR aLis FERTILIZER, 5-10-10 50.\1 IBRI, OR EGlUIV. r STALASAEA CONSULTANTS, INC. Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 neal" Creek Road Northeast Woodin\'ille, Washington 98077 BIIS 1·125)8GI-7G50 -Fax 1·125)B61-75~9 EXHIBIT FIGURE <1 PLANT LEGEND DEFOOR PROPERTY RENTON, WA DESIGN J DRAWN CL SCALE AS NOTED DATE 5/1/06 REVISED "" J PROJECT <131 ~ © Copyright -Talasaea Consult ants, INC'. eTALASAEA CONSULTANTS, INC. Rel!ource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast Woodinvllle, Washington 98077 Bus (425)861-7550 -Fax (425)861-7549 EXHIBIT _ FIGURE 10 PHOTO #10, STREAM B CORRIDOR DEFOOR PROPERTY RENTON, WA SCALE N.T,S, DATE 5/1/06 REVISED © Copyright -TaIasaea Consultants, INC. mTALASAEA CONSULTANTS, INC. Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast Woodinville, Washington 98077 Bus (425)861-7550 -Fax (425)861-7549 EXHIBIT _ FIGURE II PHOTO #11, INCISED STREAM B CHANNEL DEFOOR PROPERTY RENTON, riA SCALE N.T,S, DATE 5/1/06 REVISED © Copyright -Talasaea Consultants. INC, IDTALASAEA CONSULTANTS, INC. Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast Woodinville, Washington 98077 BUB (425)661-7550 -Fax (425)861-7549 EXHIBIT _ FI6URE 13 PHOTO #13, CULVERT AT RENTON AVE S. DEFOOR PROPERTY RENTON, iI'IA SCALE N.T.s. DATE 5/1/06 REVISED © Copyright -Talasaea Consultants, INC. {j9TALASAEA CONSULTANTS, INC. Resource Be Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast Woodinville, Washington 98077 Bus (425)861-7550 -Fax (425)861-7549 EXHIBIT _ FIGURE 13 PHOTO ltl4, STREAM B CHANNEL DEFOOR PROPERTY RENTON, /AlA SCALE N.T's, DATE 5/1/06 REVISED © Copyright -TaIasaea Consultants, INC, eTALASAEA CONSULTANTS, INC. Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast Woodinville, Washington 98077 BUB (425)861-7550 -Fax (425)861-7549 EXHIBIT _ FIGURE 15 PHOTO #15, STREAM A CORRIDOR DEFOOR PROPERTY RENTON, WA SCALE N.T's. DATE 5/1/06 REVISED © Copyright -Talasaea Consultants. INC'.