HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 04 CAG-16-063 , Adden #4-18 ViWashington State Department of Transportation Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address Number 4 _ : _ Parametrix,Inc. Original Agreement Number 1019 39th Avenue SE,Suite 100,Puyallup,WA 98374 CAG-16-063 Phone: 253-604-6739 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date TIB-8-1-102(037) 6/21/2016 December 31,2019 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Duvall Avenue NE $701,408(this supplement increased by$99,941) IDescription of Work iEngineering services for design improvements on Duvall Avenue NE to restore the paved surface,and fill in missing non-motorized facilities such as sidewalks and bicycle lanes,illumination,and channelization. As outlined in attached Exhibit A-1,this Supplemental Agreement Number 4 will add water quality improvements to complete the design of the project. The Local Agency of Citi of Renton desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with Parametrix,Inc and executed on 6/21/2016 and identified as Agreement No. CAG-16-063 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: The Scope of Work described in Section II of the Agreement is amended to add the Scope of Services described in the attached Exhibit A-1. II Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: No change. III Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: Additional services added by this Supplemental Agreement Number 4 increase the maximum amount payable by$99,941 making a new maximum amount payable of$701,408.See attached Exhibits"A"through A-2. as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the Appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. By: Parametrix Inc. _w. By: ' Law Ma'or I _ . y QF�RFN s. r Consultant Signature / =y o f = _ •e. o• _ * SEAL * = ATTEST : L41, giro DOT Form 140-063 irgan Gregor, Deputy C t %,�� r,4„,�����0 ``s09 �.°'`�.� Revised 09/2005 �"i,,'4TED SEQ;.''..`� Exhibit "A" Summary of Payments Basic Supplement#4 ** Total Agreement * Direct Salary Cost $159,043 $19,972 $179,015 Overhead $299,057 $37,555 $336,612 (Including Payroll Additives) Direct Non-Salary Costs $90,933 $35,830 $126,763 Fixed Fee $52,434 $6,584 $59,018 Total $601,467 $99,941 $701,408 * Basic Agreement figures include Supplemental Agreements No. 1, 2, and 3. ** See Exhibits A-1 and A-2. DOT Form 140-063 Revised 0912005 Exhibit A-1 Scope of Work - Supplement No. 4 City of Renton Duvall Avenue NE, NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard PROJECT OVERVIEW The City of Renton Transportation Systems Division (AGENCY), as part of its Capital Improvement Program, has identified improvements on Duvall Avenue NE, NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard to restore the paved surface, and fill in missing non-motorized facilities,such as sidewalks and bicycle lanes, illumination, and channelization. The AGENCY has hired Parametrix (CONSULTANT) to provide design services. Since the time of the AGREEMENT, signed June 21, 2016, several key scope items have changed. SUPPLEMENTS No. 1,2 and 3 includes these changes to the scope and schedule. At the time of the preparation of this SUPPLEMENT,the project design is at an approximate 90% level. However, the AGENCY recently secured a Department of Ecology (DOE) grant that will fund sidewalk and Filterra design on the east side of Duvall Avenue. This SUPPLEMENT NO. 4 will include the design effort to include the new elements that will be funded by the Department of Ecology. The Scope of Services below includes new work only. SCOPE OF SERVICES The CONSULTANT will assist the AGENCY by providing the following services: • Design of a new east-side sidewalk, curb, gutter, and walls along the east side of Duvall Avenue between NE 10h Street and NE 12`h Street. • Preparation of a design report for the Department of Ecology • Revised Stormwater analysis and design, as the new sidewalk will likely trigger flow control and water quality facilities to the project. • New Filterras along the east and west side of Duvall Avenue between NE 10`h Street and NE 12th Street. Relocation of Filterras that were originally located south of NE 12th Street at the 90 percent design to fulfill grant requirements. • Geotechnical analysis along the new east sidewalk for pervious sidewalk design, and wall recommendations. Assumption(s) • The project schedule assumes that this design will complete by December 31, 2018 and right of way acquisition phase of the project will be completed by March 31, 2019. However, the overall completion date of this AGREEMENT is December 31, 2019 to account for future supplements to the AGREEMENT which may include construction assistance. City ofRenton 214-1779-045 Duvall Avenue NE Improvements: 1 June 2018 NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard Supplement No.4 Scope of Work • No additional right of way will be acquired for the proposed improvements. PHASE 2—DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY DESIGN WORK Task 3—Geotechnical Analysis —To be conducted by HWA Geosciences(NTP to three months post-NTP) HWA Geosciences has developed a separate scope of services,attached at the end of this document. Task 5—Design Report(NTP through four months post-NTP) 5.2 Department ofEcology Documentation Task Description: The CONSULTANT shall ensure the following items are completed and provide the associated deliverables to the AGENCY. • The CONSULTANT will develop a project Design Report. Projects must be designed in accordance with the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual. The CONSULTANT will submit one hard copy and one digital copy of the items listed below to ECOLOGY for review. The CONSULTANT agrees to respond to Ecology comments. The CONSULTANT must receive an Ecology Design Report Acceptance Letter prior to proceeding to 90 Percent design. Assumptions) Design report will be approximately 10 pages in length, not including graphics and appendices. Three phone calls, one meeting and 10 emails to the Department of Ecology is included for coordination effort. Deliverable(s) • Draft PreDesign Report — PDF format. (Delivered to the AGENCY within three months post- NTP) • Final PreDesign Report—PDF format. (Delivered to the AGENCY within two weeks after receipt of AGENCY and Ecology review comments) Task 6—Stormwater Analysis (One month post-NTP through five months post-NTP) Work will include update to the Technical Information Report (TIR) that reflects the stormwater management approach for project improvements on Duvall Avenue NE generally between NE 10th Street and NE 12th Street and associated access restoration on adjacent properties. Coordinate with AGENCY to obtain copies of stormwater TIRs for: City of Renton 214-1779-045 Duvall Avenue NE Improvements: 2 June 2018 NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard Supplement No.4 Scope of Work • AGENCY-owned stormwater management facilities within Duvall Avenue NE right-of-way. • AGENCY-owned stormwater management facilities within the NE 10th Street and NE 12th Street right-of-way. • Private stormwater management facilities within the adjacent properties Review the basis of de sign of the facility(ies) for contributing area, level of treatment, and level of flow control. Confirm if the facility(ies) was designed for any new impervious surface within the project area. Meet with the AGENCY up to one time to discuss the approach,on or around July 1,2018. Proceed with final design and analysis of the option selected by the AGENCY. Prepare the updated Draft TIR,based on Section of the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual. Meet with the AGENCY to discuss comments on the updated Draft TIR, on or around August 12,2018. Prepare the Final TIR. Assumption(s) • The project improvements will fall within four threshold discharge areas (TDAs), each having more than 2,000 square feet of new or redeveloped impervious surface and will require Full Drainage Review. • Stormwater mitigation within AGENCY right-of-way could be applied to an equivalent area rather than the actual new or redeveloped impervious areas. • Basic water quality treatment will be required. • Stormwater mitigation for the targeted areas will be provided. • The project is located in Aquifer Protection Zone 2. • Because of the roadway profile grades and the Zone 2 Aquifer Protection Zone, pervious pavement will not be used for any new or redeveloped roadway, but shall be used for sidewalk construction. • There may be more than 0.1 cfs increase in the runoff rate for the 100-year flow frequency between existing and proposed conditions. • The flow control duration standard for forested conditions will be required. • Any existing AGENCY-owned stormwater management facility will not be modified for any new or redeveloped impervious surfaces. • Existing storm system components will be added to the base map as part of the survey services. • New stormwater management facilities will be constructed within public right of way but the CONSULTANT will design the facilities to avoid the traveled way if possible. Deliverable(s) • One unbound copy of the updated draft TIR including an electronic copy(MS Word) of the report text and in PDF format. (Delivered to the AGENCY within 3 months post-NTP) City of Renton 214-1779-045 Duvall Avenue NE Improvements. 3 June 2018 NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard Supplement No.4 Scope of Work • Two bound and one unbound copies of the final TIR. Submittal of the final TIR will include an electronic copy (MS Word and PDF format) of the final report, graphs, tables, and electronic versions of other information contained in the Final TIR. Submittal of the final TIR will also include an electronic copy of all computer modeling files used in the analysis including input and output files. (Delivered to the AGENCY within two weeks after receipt of AGENCY comments and/or review meeting with AGENCY) • The updated Draft and Final TIR will include the Downstream Analysis technical memorandum as an appendix. Task 9—Bid Documents(NTP through eight months post-NTP) Goal(s) To provide a complete package of bid-ready documents. Assumption(s) • Update to 33 plan sheets to include DOE elements for the 90%, 100%,and Mylar submittals. The updated plans include: Typical Sections (two sheets). y Right-of-Way, Alignment, and Site Preparation Plans (four sheets). • Plan and Profile Sheets(five sheets). • Storm Drainage Plans and Details (three sheets). • Wall Plan(two sheets). • Wall Profiles (two sheets). • Roadway and Wall Details (three sheets). • Channelization, Signing, and Illumination (three sheets). • Intersection Grading Details and Driveway Profiles (1 sheet) • Franchise Utility Conflict Plans(two sheets). • Planting Schedule, Plan,and Details (four sheets). • Only one type of wall will be evaluated. • All work will be constructed within existing right of way, with the exception of the two parcels located north of NE 12th Street on the west side of Duvall Avenue. Acquisition support for these two parcels is included under SUPPLEMENT No. 3. • The Franchise Utility Conflict Plans will be prepared for the AGENCY to forward to all franchise utility companies within the project area. The AGENCY shall be responsible for coordination with these companies for relocation efforts, if necessary. One utility coordination meeting is included. The meeting shall be at City Hall and arranged by the AGENCY. The CONSULTANT will facilitate the meeting and address conflicts in design, if necessary. • The AGENCY shall be responsible for all review submittals to be sent to the Department of Ecology. City ofRenton 214-1779-045 Duly!!Avenue NE Improvements' 4 June 2018 NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard Supplement No.4 Scope of Work Deliverable(s) The deliverables remain the same as the previous scope of work and include: • 90% Review Plans —PDF(CD) and five sets of half-size plans for AGENCY review. (Delivered to the AGENCY within five months post-NTP) • 90% Review Project Bid Documents — PDF (CD) and five paper copies for AGENCY review. (Delivered to the AGENCY within five months post-NTP) • 90% Review Opinion of Cost — PDF (CD) and five paper copies for AGENCY review. (Delivered to the AGENCY within five months post-NTP) • Submittal list to assist the AGENCY with project submittals during construction. (Delivered to the AGENCY within six months post-NTP) • 100% Plans — One set of full-size paper plans and AutoCAD files for AGENCY's project manager check print review. (Delivered to the AGENCY within three weeks after receipt of the AGENCY review comments) • 100% Bid Documents — One set of photo-ready specifications for AGENCY's project manager check print review. (Delivered to the AGENCY within three weeks after receipt of the AGENCY review comments) • Contract Documents — Upload to online Builders Exchange of Washington (BXWA) (plans /specifications in PDF format).(Delivered to the AGENCY within three weeks after receipt of the AGENCY review comments) City of Renton 214-1779-045 Duvall Avenue NE Improvements: 5 June 2018 NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard Supplement No.4Scope of Work Project Cost Estimate ���� HWA Rd: 2016090 Task 2 Exhibit A-1 B O Duvall Avenue NE HWAGEOSCIENCES INC Date: 16-May-18 Design Services YY�Yi Renton,Washini ton ' ,and : EKE Scope of Work Coordinate exploration locations with Client/City.Coordinate with driller,excavator,and paving contractor to schedule field work. Prepare Traffic Control Plans for drilled boreholes and Pilot Infiltration Test(PIT)and submit to City of Renton for approval. Mark the locations of 3 boreholes and I PIT in the field and arrange for utility locates. Log the drilling of 3 boreholes for retaining wall design.Boreholes will be abandoned per DOE requirements. Boreholes will be drilled in the NB shoulder to depths of about 20 feet each.Shallow excavations using hand augers will be performed on the slope above the roadway at each borehole location. Conduct Pilot Infiltration Test(PIT)at I location selected by Client to determine long-term stormwater infiltration rates. PIT will be performed in the shoulder of the NB lane and will require sawcuttmg and removing the asphalt prior to excavation and PIT. We anticipate a sawcut area about 5 feet long by 4 feet wide. PIT will be backfilled with excavated soils,and additional imported fill as necessary,and will be patched with a 3-inch thick layer of HMA. This estimate assumes that a rented water truck will be required for water source,and that no daggers will be required for traffic control. The PITs will be conducted and analyzed in general accordance with the 2014 Ecology Stormwater Manual. HWA will log excavation through each PIT the day atter running the test to view/sample receptor soils. Create logs of all explorations and assign laboratory testing. Perform engineering analyses related to retaining wall design parameters and infiltration. U.date the.revious draft re.ort for this.roject.resenting the results of the subsurface investigations and our design recommendations. ESTIMATED HWA LABOR: PERSONNEL&2018 HOURLY RATES WORK TASK Principal IX Engr.VI Geo.Engr.I Geologist I Geol.II CAD Clerical TOTAL TOTAL DESCRIPTION $275.00 $200.00 $105.00 $85.00 $95.00 1125.00 $75.00 HOURS AMOUNT Project Setup/Coordination 8 8 11,600 Traffic Control Plans for Drilling&PITs 4 4 $380 Mark Exploration Locations&Arrange Utility Locates 4 4 $380 Log Drilled Boreholes 10 10 $950 Prepare Borehole Logs&Assign Lab Testing 2 4 6 $780 Obtain Rental Equipment and Water Truck for PITs 8 8 $760 Oversee shoulder sawcutting and asphalt removal at PIT location. 6 6 $570 Log Test Pit Excavations and conduct PIT;backfill;Return Equipment 20 20 $1,900 Prepare PIT Exploration Log 4 4 $380 Perform Hydrogeologic Analyses to Evaluate Design Infiltration Rates 4 8 12 $1,780 Engineering Analyses 2 8 16 26 $3,830 Update Previous Draft Report 2 8 16 2 4 2 34 $4,670 Consultation/Project Management/QA/QC 8 8 $1,600 TOTAL LABOR CHARGES: 8 34 32 8 62 4 2 150 $19,580 GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY TEST SUMMARY: ESTIMATED DIRECT EXPENSES: Est.No. Unit Total Mileage @ IRS rate $400 Test Tests Cost Cost Drilling Subcontractor $6,000 Grain Size Distribution 12 $100 11,200 FWD Testing(@$250/hr for testing) SO Grain Size with Hydrometer 2 $240 $480 Pavement Coring('$50/core) $0 Atterberg Limits(plasticity index) 2 $185 $370 Traffic Control Rental(Arrowboard&Signs) $600 Consolidation 0 1750 $0 Laboratory Testing $2,050 LABORATORY TOTAL: $2,050 Excavation Subcontractor $5,000 Water Truck Rental $1,500 PIT Rental Equipment(hoses,valves,etc.) $500 TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES: I $16,050 I 2016-090 Task 2 Scope&Estimate PROJECT TOTALS AND SUMMARY: Direct Salary Cost(DSC) $19,580 Direct Expenses $16,050 Assumed Conditions: GRAND TOTAL: $35,630, L This cost estimate assumes no fees associated with street use permits will be required. 2. Geotechnical evaluation includes physical soil properties only,does not include evaluation of potentially contaminated soils,fill,or ground water,or the identification of wetland areas.In the event contaminated soils appear to be present, HWA will collect samples and contact the Owner/Designer for directions. 3. All hours and items are estimated,and may be shifted between tasks within the limits of the total budget at the discretion of HWA's project manager. • • 2016-090 Task 2 Scope 8 Estimate Client:City of Renton ExhibitA-2 Project:Duvall Avenue NE,10th to 12th Street Prime Consultant Cost Computations BUDGET ESTIMATE a 2 2 2 2 r '-° t c c n v Duvall Avenue NE- g 0o 1t <-I to m3 Supplement No.4 - - DOE Elements 'T z E amm`w mow` -Jo (`nw 3a ii a:8 ._ inw as Salaried Rates: $75.24 $50.48 $36.06 $55.91 $30.87 $59.81 $36.44 $66.97 $27.95 Project Rates: $241.52 $162.04 $115.75 $179.47 $99.09 $191.99 $116.97 $214.97 $89.72 Phase Task Description Labor Dollars Labor Hours 29 40 160 118 9 8 0 40 0 2 DOE DESIGN 864,111.34 2 $3 ,GEOTECHNICAL;ANALYSES' $0 0$ 0, 0''< D 0 0 0` 0 0 0 0 See Subconsultant Cost(Below) $0.00 0 2 ':05 DESIONREPORT. $16,943.62 125 7 2 56 56 4 0 0 0 .. 0 Draft DOE PreDesign Report $10,695.46 74 2 40 30 2 DOE coordination&meeting $2,760.79 14 4 10 Final PreDesign Report $5,487.37 37 1 2 16 16 2 2 06 STORMWAYV TERANALYSIS $10,466;78 57 9, 0 0 44 4 0 0 0 0 Update Offsite Analysis $1,435.77 8 8 Meeting with City $1,683.97 8 4 4 Prepare Draft TIR $3,787.61 22 20 2 Meeting with City $1,683.97 8 4 4 Prepare Final TIR $1,875.47 11 1 8 2 $0.00 0 2 ,09. BID DOCUMENTS- ..634,700.93 221 13 38 104 18 - 0 8 0 40 0 Typical Sections $1,111.17 8 4 4 Demo $704.53 5 1 4 Plan&Profile Sheets 84,130.50 25 1 24 Storm Drainage Plans $5,891.12 41 1 24 16 Storm Drainage Details $2,452.50 19 1 16 2 Wall Plan $9,005.78 51 1 20 30 Wall Profiles 84,706.31 31 1 20 10 Channelization,Signing&Illumination $473.03 3 1 2 Utility Conflict Plans $555.59 4 2 2 Planting Plans&Details $1,777.44 9 1 8 Update Opinion of Cost $1,815.70 13 1 4 8 One More Utility Coordination Meeting 82,077.26 12 4 4 4 Labor Totals: $64,111.34 403 $7,004.09 $6,481.63 $18,520.42 $21,177.59 $891.83 81,535.92 $0.00 $8,598.95 $0.00 TOTAL LABOR Labor Total $64,111 SUBCONSULTANTS Subconsultant Name Applied Professional Services,Inc. HWA $35,630 Subconsultant Total: $35,630 DIRECT EXPENSES: Description Amount Plotter Bond Mileage $200 WA Survey Equipment Wa Survey Vehicle Expenses(non-survey) Reserve Fund Expense Total: $200 Project Total: $99,941 Page 1 of 1 7/2/2018