HomeMy WebLinkAboutM_County_Property_Records_1980.09.10.pdfnorthpoint escrow + title The following document was not available at the time our Preliminary Commitment was processed. It has been requested from archives and will be forwarded to you when we have received it. Exception No.: 3 Recording No.: 4577286 Thank you for your patience. rPIONEER NAMONAL TITLE INSURANCE ATI[DR COMPAMY Fll,•d for i3meirtl at itequest of TO D V4– k f l L'h Statutory Wcaramty Deed Itvta+ut snWPI w Pa pO P n 8 FORM L58P v THE GRANTOR 5 OWEN RING and HELEN G. DING, his wifer for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($1o. 00) and other good and valuable consideration, In hand paid, convey, and warrsets to ROBERT D. WILSON and DORAVIN A. WILSON, his Wife, the followits described reml create, eltualed In the County or KING , SIM of Wsahinslon: The West 226 feet of the East 526 feet of the North 207 ft. of the South 525 ft. of the S.E. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of Section 31, T0M - ship 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, 14 TOGETHER WITI1 an easement for ingress, egress and utilities aver O the North 30 ft. of the following described property: The South 525 ft. of the S.E. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of Stiction 31, Township v4 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, except the East 526 ft. thereof, and Except County road. SUBJECT To: Easements, reservations and restrictions of record. txdu Tsx Paid Oa Ccrdrad Alf. No. -i 19 ti0 lecardl D Do" This deed le riven In fulfillment of that certain real estate contract between the parties hereto. dated July 1, , 19 75 , and conditioned for tbo conveyance of the above described property,and the covenants of warranty herein contained shall not apply to say title. interest or encumbrance arlsine by, through or ander the purchaser In said contract, rend shall not apply to any taxes, lasaesareante or other aharsea levied, aeaessed or becoatins due subsequent to the date of said contract. float Estato Exc11a rax w.I pold cn thio sale or Itampad enempc an 7-26-75 , nuc. No, E312621 5. Dated thl, / ri rine of . tleien G. sing STATE OF WASHINGTON,+ County of Hing On this day perranslly aypeered before pre Owen Bing and Helen G. Hing to me known to ba tba 1rdlviduls described is and who a:ecuted dw wfthfa cad fortpLq Inginmen:, and acknowledged that they slped des carne as their free and voluntary act sad deed, for this uses MW purposes dxwa ,nod -W. GIVEN under my bard sad eNkW sal this 0 f h- day of OF4,, 30tl. Navy PoNk in rnd a eke slat of WerAbglslr, nrid>tier ae ..,-Es i I- Description. Xing,RA Document -Year. Month. Day. DocID 1975.1022.588 Page: I of 3__ n-.4--- qnn9nign the Owners Of certain real Property situated in King County, Kash- ihgtm. hereby &-014xe and grant an easement for the puirposes of ingress, eg:7cess and to bring in and maintain utilities over and under the following described read property. situate in King Cotl6ty, Washington: That certain real pxuperty lyl" fift"n (15) feet G., aech aide of a liars140L feet VeWt of amd parallel to the PAWL bousdarY line of that portion of the folla%nng described Rmperiy lying 1162ft of QDMty AMA; The *mUft 324 beeWOk the 60a0uskal 'quarter of the Southeast qu&rt0r,, Section -31. Township 23 Voi-th, itange 5 VAjt,.W_m-.f in Xing Co=ty. vembiw1um; xam the vast L. 1003 feat thereof, and LESS CqDimty Rmd. This Declaration and Grant of Eammmut is for the use and benefit of the Prevent owners, their heirs, sucmugors and assigns Ir of the following described real Property, situate in Xing County, U0 East 526 feet of the Noxth 207 feet of the South 525 Emmet. or *be Sowibamt Of the BOUtbe46-t qWWW-tw SWU,= 31,01 23 Xorth, Mow 5 Rent, W12ma WmWW said GrAptars have caused thaLs instru- be execatewa this 4ay Of 7-4 STATE OF MSHINGTON J1 as. COUNTY OF XING On this day of -d C4.6ee 1975, before me, the undersigne , a Notary FublLc In and for the State of Washincfton, I- Description. Xing,RA Document -Year. Month. Day. DocID 1975.1022.588 Page: I of 3__ n-.4--- qnn9nign x 11ITKIISS my daed aDd official affimd the day J and ye" in this certificate abome f/ O FaAs 07 : N im of Mashingtun. rca3+at.; l e y W Description: I{ing,WA Docwuent-Yaar.Month. Day. DoclD 1975.1022.588 Page., 2 of 3 nmvio,-• al]Ii9a7+5n r.mn a„f I Is I I Description: Klng,FCA Document -Year. Month. Day. DocID 1975.1022.588 Page; 3 of 3 InnVIOIRtl r, ca . SHORT PLAT NO. 6 7 Z 1'7 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON s spare reserved lorl reeorder's use SOMM 3V I)aegol3w 91. HV Ez 91 11 +iii Filed for record at the request of: OWr4 SING Name i t r Feturn to: g Land Use !Management Div. V215, (ling Co. Courthouse Seattle, Mlashington 99104 APPR"L Department of Lo unity f EnvironN aAtal Dsvelapuer+t Division of Land Use Manageaent Eaasdrud and approved this / day of ZZ' X , s-/— ,//14 Director, Division of Land Use Nanapeeent Departsient of Public Vorks & 1.6Examinedandapprovedthisdayof 11197i Director AV fIF Deparcaent of Assel4aftts Examined and approved this ^ dell of HARLEM H. HOM As-Sa m ImputwNfisesircr LEGAL DESC FnON THE- NoKTH 7-o7 FP -Fr OF TIFF- <,auTr't $-Z5' FEET Cf -71.1E SF -OF THE S lU- I OF SUCTION 311 TOwNSH)P 2-514v AAM(FE sa) S+r(AXMO 1N K)N6- COUNTY, WA -M4 0A), 1z 2 @'PT -rNr WEST 3,o F &ET FoK 96 "k h vE , W. Map on File in Veull Page I of 3 1 r -- Description: Ring,14A Docent-Year.ldonth.Day. DocID 1976.317.525 Page. 1 of 3 n, -.,gar• nn u n r,,,..,on+ t r M CLARAT I ON : now all meta by these presents that we, the undersigned, owner(s) in Zee simple [and contract purchaser(s)] of the land herein described do Lereby sake a snort subdivision thereof pursuant to RGg 58.17.000 and declare this short plat to be the graphic representation of same, and that said abort subdivision is sada with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the owner(s). In witness whereof we have set our hat NCm Ln RAM AM O O RAM STATE OF fAUINGM y of King , as this doy peraosally Appeared begone ar ROBERT D. WILSON and DORAVYN A. tp me AnQWV to be the isdirldwl dweribed is and WW executed the rlUdn and fossyai" Inats" - -t, and arLsawIedged that they siFoed the Har as their fzw and m1ustarg ase and deed# fns the saws Aad pnrpw'ee therein . filIP seder my hand And offfoial e*&I day of tuber 29 75 ab" Pablfc in and for Cho State of NAehingtan. residing at Renton. STATS OF NAUINGION.j Aunty of Ring 1t on this day parsonal3y appwarad before w Z; BING and HELEN G. BINGE his wife, to err known to be the indirfdual deecx#bed in and w exrcutad the rirAin and ,faxOWIM iastrnawt, sad ackw*lwd0;d that they •-signed the saes as their free and aojuntaaV act and deed, for tba wee and P= ores therein sentioned. GIVEN wx%z ay hand and official anal day of Octoberdq Ig_ Am J9 11 A 74 Z14 C so xy Public In and for the State of UaehiaQtoa• residing at Menton. Short Plat Number o 4l page Z of 3 Description: King,WA Document -Year. Month. Day'.DocSD 1976.317.525 Page: 2 of 3 n-1— 'xnncaI sn NORTN [INE of THraum— f It$ F4at Of TRIC 5iAV OF SR 1 OF Sa[. 3+,im* ?.LQ, "E tlap on Fila In Vault 'K0 AT Diractfon: WEST Scale. 0 Zoo' Short Plat Hoc L74 z 1 Description: King,RA Document -Year. Month. Day,DoclD 1976.317.525 Page. 3 of 3 96 th u So. Noit k 01JU (,r rM[ sauTN SzT S 4 of rrFa 5V f of S t3lrTwl'L3A'ATIE FtEr OF rH¢ SPhlorre or RaM) 132o s zz FMRL(L r ''' K z%# plata+ s•s fA11r1. r•• Oi a n, 6AII e C3 V= Stv'' 1061 uME,F taa LUES: 230 Rif 7a! do we St oc r' Eo'—A v m yy NN= 4F we iii l Sa 4 of sac j/, ,dSt• 1+ Sfr 19Z 5T i t5;0'al1 IINC OF SEY of E y OF O D ultVIA r pK1rM11 W NORTN [INE of THraum— f It$ F4at Of TRIC 5iAV OF SR 1 OF Sa[. 3+,im* ?.LQ, "E tlap on Fila In Vault 'K0 AT Diractfon: WEST Scale. 0 Zoo' Short Plat Hoc L74 z 1 Description: King,RA Document -Year. Month. Day,DoclD 1976.317.525 Page. 3 of 3 no ACS NO. F'ILEo FOR RECORD AT REQL2ST OF om ' O - KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 58 i rc IOR28 S. E. 176th "7 Renton, Washington 98055 m u5O - tr _ I O AGREEFENT AND COVENANT RELATING TO WATER DISTRICT CQNNfiCTYON CHARGE tiO N b. oti The undersigned, f r./firs. 0 fel ! J a n NA,(ME} OF pROYERTY OWNER a AL•DRESS OF PRCPERTY CWNER r does hereby covenant and agree with WATER DISTRICT No. 58, of King County, Washington, a municipal corporation, as follows: I. The undersigned property owner is the owner of the real property herein described under ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION. 2, said property owner does hereby request that the connection charge made by Water District No. 58 pursuant 'to RCW 57.08.010 and commpnly xe- ferred to as the area connection charge, be segregated as to said property; that propexty owner be permitted to pay said area connection charge as to Parcel A. and that the connection charge as to Parcel B be deferred and be payable when application is made for water service to said Parcel R. 31 The undersigned property o+%ner understands and agrees tiiat the area connection charge fpr Parcel__S will be levieO_at the rate applicable at the tire application for service is .made_ This Agxeement is binding on the undersigned, his heirs and his assignes, and is a covenant running ith the land. ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION T RQ r2-As'r SZG Fr -Er at Tt: JUOkTrl zo 7 rL a -MC Sou r r 52 6T DF TkV_ 5-k- dP T7f of SF0176,V 31 ow SHiP Z3N f f kNG S' fi_+1•rM, l 1C1NC- CUun1TY WA-V+1A)C-T-0A1 NPW DESC:RIPYIMS PAP.CEL A SQUARE FOOTAGE:S`14.+_ - Al"OUNT DUEw The 1tiest 169.06 feet of the East 309.08 feet of the North 207 feet of the South 525 feet of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5, F.W,N. in King County, lfashington. FAP.CFL 8 SQUARE FOOTAGE: 7 3 .,R $2 _ AREA CH.M1R:d. TO B$ LEVIED AT AN1j[_ICAPLE FATE, Tho East 526 feet of the North 207 feet of the South 525 feet of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section- 31, Township 23 Nortl Range 5 Bast, S9.A1., in King County, Washington LESS the West 169.03 feet of the Fast 309.08 feet thereof. ST5a '2"OF PROPERTY OhWEk- AGE 1 Description: King, WA Doetzment-Year. Month. Day. Doc= 1976. 709. 821 Page: i of 2 ACS N'O. 4 %, 74' STATE OF WAS"INGTpN ) S COUNTY OF KING ) f On -this day of before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in ad foror the State of nWashington,-dnly_comnis Dred aro sworn, per,q na ly appeared y I. It'l • -' '.dr i._---4Z J1 %L: A.V f -_rir, r r- to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, andaanowledged to me that signed and sealed the said instrument as free and voluntary act avfd deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS vy hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written, Notary y j .•LP1abl3cinandforth.StB,. 9 atWashingtonresiding ' 9 Approved by ' u1 'i4'4 — Pate 1 `e4 e Pistxitt Engineer Approved by r pater District Manager SEGREGATKN FEE:25.00) Date paid PkGE 2 Description: King, HA Document -Year. Month. Day.Doc2D 1976. 709. 621 Page: 2 of 2 n—l= • ann9R1 R!S r,r,,,,.or,!• K1: -G CM' -.TY MT!iR. DISTRICT NC. 5H e AGRF_S% . 7 'FGR =*ORAF, V W lrFR S RvICF wx - CM The undersigned, - ROS@RT D. WjL50-; A,'R DORAVIN A. WIL50N husband and :rife), owner (s) of the follot:'inr described real r roperty in King Counts', '''ashincton, towit: Tin East 526 fent n( the North 207 r'3 feet of the 5outh 525 fent of the SoutLneast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 - A of °ec'inn 31, Trnwsbip 29:4, Range 5, E.W.N., ir.nKindCounty, washinton. G. U a fc.r and in consideration of !later District nc. .58, King County, Washington, F_ hereinafter called "District", granting permission to connect a private ra temporary water line to said property pctrsuant to the terms and Conditions 0 of Resolutio: No. 1403, adopted by the J3oarrl of beater Coimissloners of o said Water District on ?arch 25, 1974, does hereby' agree as follows: 0 a 1. Water service shay] be for a single family hoiie only. 2. The undersigned shall obtain from others at his cost all easements which may be necessarj for the in5ta11at1c_s of A tea TaIy service line. 3. If required by the District and as part of the consideration for said r+ermission, the undersigned has granted and conveyed or nereby agrees to grant and convey to the District easements over, through, under and across the above described property for rater mains and appurtenances for the implementation of the comprehensive plan or for the improvement. of the water supply of the systenof the N 5triet_' 4. The undersigned agree to pay forthwiih the meter and service iristaliation charge, the general facilities charge and the special -to%,f,orar, service charge of the District and shall pay for warer service at the prevail.ipy rates Of the Aistiict under the same t^rns and conditions as the othor customers of the District, 5. The undersigned hereby agree that ne protests can be made by him (there) :r his (their) heirs, adsinistratrrs, executors and assigns, against the construction of or assessement for a pprmanent mater main which may be constxuctvd to serve said Property, E•. The undersigned further agree to their pro rata Ohara of the cost of tee vater line installed or to be instalird as a part of a utility heal improvement district or by a private party or parties, I (we) -hereby agree to pay the cost of novinn the met r from its nri9inal location to connect to the new rater main, tngether frith the cost of connectidn, if and when a cermanent main is installed to serve said property. This agregront shall he a covenant running with the land and shall be r•indinn u,Pon all parties and their heirs, rministratOTS, executors and assigns until the persanent tester Hain to serve the above described property has been constructs<t and acce;tterl by the District. IN kvi m,=S t•!NEPMR, I (we), ha -e hereunto set my hand and seal this day of 1 , ]9 , Description: Ning,AM Document—Year. Month. Day.DoclD 2976. 709. 822 Page: 3 of 2 Amor• ann->41rri r'.vmnarrt p - Notary 7ub] is in -and iror the tfttQ_-p'*- Wa5Y7qnqtcn' resddlpq at Description: Riz2g,WA Doc=ent -Year. Month. Day. DocID 1976.709.822 Page: 2 of 2 Inn9a75M r-4.. TO! OP !TfV S rs A notary l'uLA iv h- and for the WasliingVm, do hereby Z2, r%j that qrsAhis da -,of persnia)iy 00 a-l beft;re mp D knmn t, '.,- lh,- ineii-id,jal t*] hu—in and whn executed the ID I' ithin instr;,.-W and ackncvvledCeF4 that si ncri and sealed the same as a free and v aluritar,, -ct anr; rk-vtl ED- thF e5 and rjurpn."s therein -Hznt- ioncd. G717T !W)RP !.'Y W'D AND UFFlCTAI. SEAi this day of 19_1. Notary 7ub] is in -and iror the tfttQ_-p'*- Wa5Y7qnqtcn' resddlpq at Description: Riz2g,WA Doc=ent -Year. Month. Day. DocID 1976.709.822 Page: 2 of 2 Inn9a75M r-4.. til tTaN jF1a (0 I t,-- ref, E,is£MENT FOR Uf UCRGROUND ELECTRIC SYSTEM 11OVFr-t W Wtho" Aft Wti- t [,rentor heretrn grants con% -t sa l+sareanLS m 1$LGrT 5001) PowER m LLGtf7 C0%1Pntiy o 14asnhrytron 001" rlln t C,rantm herema for twWrpase%ho,xrtndltrr MAlrrth I Ptrprtvat ea,mW under acyo55 +rid otiwr the talleming drxrltied vprealproper[) Mw Prerlr h- M '~CI N S 7 _ Cratnt5 %ashlagios T1tC EAST" SZb I=SC&7 OF -I+t NorvrO -0 7 PECT DF- '01 CL i'G ow 3 r TJt.t,rl1.1 S ti•+P ' hnjG ,S' W SNI. 1 n.! IN G C o W Wry ! Gv!*i1! l,u t-rtoiL. . ceps a ma} 6L mher+,ae 3.+ (13'171 herein {]tantr-s riot.' shall t%. LisefClitti apart that portion of the Proorrry Itlic Rtght-afita5 herenntdaserlbrnasfr,10as l A RIF.ht-of aid) 5 4'aw., fret in %Idth Ila%W4 --- Z _feet W such wroth on ash 3ttie el artelrritne desrnb,t),u Nov— Aie CEAA(I)trrz PF &ILlirJTit 5yT PAC11_tt-Il?y 4S "'JUL SE irDiy TnttCTriO vmbF.k A-r-a0tS, l-7uj Dvtr TWE 1r6DVZ iaSCO-W LD PRDPIMTY . 1 purpoas, Greaten shall hate the r!$!tt to construct operate. matnlaLrl. rapalr reptacz and eaiarge an nnderaround lectnc transmission areiror distribution system upon and under rhe R1ghl-of-War together with all necessary or COMMIMt appurtenances dserelar which may tnc]We but are riot limited to the echoing, underground crwldua;s, cables c4MM'JDWa11on Ines vaults manholes 9%ltdlets seed transformers, and seml-burltdar groeod mwntLd fac,lltWil Fdam,lna, the Initlat rxtn- w-uCtlan of its facilities Granite may from lime to time tonne ct such. addliloaal lacllittes as 11 may require a across GraateS Wil have tht rIght-IFA 'S9to the P1101-01 WaY over Will across the Property to emble Grantee w moreiso lts rt&5as hrrnotdar provided 7ha14ranLeeshaliwmpM sale Grantor ror any damspe to the property caused by the eservkse of said r1A & of Poong E altsh,trtlass. f,aodscagina. Granter may frQZ lime to time rmnc%,c Trees hushes or atter 0MUCIWA4 wIM11 the RWE-of Way and may level apt grade the 111ghPof Way to the to MIL reasonably lfeeeas*Ty to carry aut the patpoaos •e, f forth In paragraph L I+ereol Provided Mat r*11 w112 airy ach Mkrk Grwtee shall. to the glen+ reasonably practicable restore the R191 of way to the raondltlan it was Immedtateiy prior W such work rdllawing (hit Installation of Gto"W's underground ieeilItley. Grantor may undertake any drdlttdry tr,>prowernems to the Iand..eaping of the NZI-of Way pravidot Ihet no lreas or other plants shall he placid thereon whteh would be imreasoriably f1PM61%* ar Impraeflcal for Grantee to remove bed rt!swfe 4. Graator-s Use or i114t-of•WS) Grintor reserves the right to use thn Hlglrrmr,Way ror any purpose in; Inaonsta,ent wllh rh& rights herein gmatW pratitded That GrenLor shall not constrYCL or mahttain any building: or ether atructara on the Right-af-Way which would imerfsre wM 1110 elterelseofihe rirl xts herein srautled, that no d0sipinR, Mweling ar Mher form or construeuon art Wiry shall be Carlo on the PrypertY [['Meir w9vid dlsturh Lhe a3nWortion or ummorth Cranlee's facilities on Oa fthl-or- ay or ertdanger the lateral ntppart to said facilities unto that no blasting shall be nolle wlthln IS iccl of Lha Rlghl-of Way S. Indenatll) 1lr acceptlna and retarding thta casenit0l Grantee agrees to htdaonity and hold harmless Graunwr from any and all claims for damWs suffered by any person[ whch may ba rouged by Grmitee'e eYtrelse W the rights herein ranted. provided 1141 Grantee sha)1 not be responalbie to Grantor far M1W damages rosailna ham laprries to any perstirs caused by acts or omis%ions cf Grantor 6. Abardoomsnl, The rlgho herein granted shall elMtlMc LwIll sato[ trine as {,reatee ccs. H to use the Rrylrt•of-Wgy ror a period off1ve461 anoeesalva yeara In which evtsot this easetneat shall terminate and all rlahta hereunder Shall revert to Grantor pravrded that no abainknMknt %hail be6ec4i(A Lo hlv++ 0MCfed by reasarl 8f Grantee I !ansae to IOIUM11Y Minfia its faculties on the Right of Kay wlihin art) perloi of Ilmo ream the date he-rtMf 7 Suecessa a and A,salt s, Thu rigtis mai obilgeilorns Of iM paruea shall Lrwre to die Ix"19 Of a,t,1 ho bladIR9 upon[ their respccatve sur tames tsrd 41111 RM t S sC1 I)A'rF77 this . S _ )sY or t 1`--6A i s GRA470R t I s, A4 77i ,5 o PTT V`/ Description: K.ing,TM Doctimtent–Year.M=th.Day. Doc -TD 1976.736.539 mage: 1 of 2— n—,4--. . Rn07A7 Fn a STATE OF Wk$M; YGT6N Si Cr7t `"t'Y DF r _ on this day per3aeA y &Wwred r -[ora me rte+..-.,} - 'n` L.f{ w me known to be Ehe trdivtdoal 5- described In aid wed estcuM Slee rithtn arra turegDOR18xlrumert and cknow WILed that iplrid •he same as r .r free r W weltintmry act and d"4 rnr thea56 and purpwvs therein mesitloWd. GIVEN UNDER KY HA.%D pti•D OFFICIAL SfiAf. MI! -I daY wf yfftt4t f, NOTARY PUBLIC to u+d !or ehe alar. tS 17aiMatttrn. restdht¢rt A nyy`` STATE iXri • 7 YlL' atititi• i3 6m his day Of _ 14 _ btfaro nre- the wderaigned, pefwiafly mpp¢ared to me known r,P he at and - -- respeclIMY of — tive corpor Mm that newted thetareetrlvs lnatru Wnt. Wid a kWWl• edged the sat'J Ift3tmment to be lbe fret and vvkltJry ad and drvd Of 3ald miporntoa, for rhe uses Wd parpmwe thtrdA nieatiaaed mud e0 OmtN stated that _ - _ muElrortxad to exetirre dro said hLstrr stat and th e dw scat fruLed to rhe aarpmrmte Beet Cl SOLE oarporatloe WLT14M MY H&ND AND 0FRCIAL SFAt heretic affixed the dry and yerr first Shave written. NOTARY PUBLIC Ln and for div biateof Waahlrigimn. remdlnm at .. 0 Et fILED FrP f,':ORD AT REQUEST OF PUGe r ; ML r I - _ ' • ,Itii1 o O. 90A ot.U.E' C, yfa':trn:+.r.7"f 98 9 ET:F ^ Lf.ti. i oWD A 57F--0 Description: King,WA Doatmment—Year. Month,Day.DOCXD 1976,716.539 Page: 2 Of 2 nr.4ar • irFA9RT 5A f"r-nrirrimn t • a