HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR_Tree_Rentention_Worksheet_091123.pdfurr ovr .VVP '"Y iu: 40 t, RA 4 1V r7VV City or Renton 0o/B N&H City of Renton TREE RETENTION WORKSHEET 1. Total number of trees over W in diameter' bn project site, 1. (D ( trees 2. Deductions: Cedain trees are excluded frcrn the retention calculation: Trees that are dead, diseased or dangerou.4 trees Trees In proposed public streets 1 L trees Trees in proposed private access easements/tracts %.5 trees Trees in critical areasa and buffers _Q trees Total number of excluded trees: 2. 2-(0 trees 3, Subtract Byre 2 from fine 1: 3. ,,,,,, Y:15 trees 4. Next, to determine the number of trees that must be retained, rrlultipiy line 3 by' 0,3 in zones RC, R-1, R-4, or R-8 0.1 In all other residentlal zones 0.05 In all commercial and industrial zones 4. 23 trees 5. List the number of 6" or iargor trees that you are proposing5 to retain: 5, trees 6. Subtract line 5 from line 4 for trees to be replaced 6. trees It line 6 is loss than zero, stop here. No repleeamant trees are required), 7. Multiply fine S by 12" for number of required replacement Inches: r( 7,Z inches ZOO 2/002 B. Proposed size of trees to meet additional planting requirement, Mlnfmum V caliper tree® required) 2- inches per trey; g. Divide fine T by line A for number of replacement trews: if remainder Is Z or greater, round up, to the next whole number) y g, Maesumd at Chart helght. 4sad, dlsaaW or dangerous trees must be eerVIled as such by a forester, registered landscapa archlteaa, or certified arborist, and approved by the Cfty. ClUcal Areas, such as wogiop , Streams, floodptalns and protected Slopes, are defined in Section 4.3.050 of the Renton Munldpal Cade (R6AC). 4. Count only those trees to be retained outside of cftal areas and been. 6. The cty may requlre modirrcatlon of the tree raton don plan to ensure reiandon of the maximum number of trees per RMG 4.4.1301-17a Incites of Meet (rasa, Inches or trees added to Ghfcal areas/butfers, and Inches of trees retained on site that WO 100 than S' but are greater than 2' can be Vsed to meet the tree replacement requirement. lisUivisia,V!'orcrulfteeltetcsttiottworksl,4ct ity of Renton 11107 Pj,.,lI ing Division Ntl' `! 3 . i