HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_Affidavit_of_Posting_091102.pdfCity of SIA NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON -SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS -M) DATE: November 2, 2GC5 LAND U5E NUMBER: LUAU? -1417, ECF, Pa PROJECT NAME: Nilson Park Prelim;rary Plat PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting an Environmemal (SEPA) Review and approval ( aePreliminaryPiatfarthesubdivisionofaIOA,884 square foot parcel in the R-1Se , H -g and H-14 nines and in the UrbanSer, arator OverlayT he proposal encompasses 13 lots and 4 ,rads Ror open spare and sti detenlionj, Thelots "loge in size from 4,639 square feet to 6.512 square feet wfl. a density of 7. 9proposed 9 dwelling units per acre, The semnoary proposed lots are intended for the fuwre construction of single family residences . The southwestern psiteortionofthecontains y small area of steep slopes. Access to the proposed lots would be via a new street offaccessforemergencyvehiclesisalsoproposedu(5 55th Street a PROJECT LOCATION: 720 5 5S" Street OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NDN -SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED lbi Ili : As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton hasdeterminedthatsignificantenvironmentalimpactsereunlikelytoresultfromtheproposedprojectTherefore, aspermittedundertheRCW43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNSM process to give notice that a OW comment is eat to he issued. Comment periods for the project and U,e propused ONS -M are integrated into a singlecommentperiod. There will be no commenf period fnyowine the issuance of the Threshold Determination of NiSignificance -Mitigated (DN5-Mi. A 14 day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS -f.4. PERMITAPPLICATION DATE: October 16, 2009 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLCATION: November 2, 2005 APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT: Shupe Holmberg, 8aima & Holmberg Inc.; 200 From Street S: Issaquah, WA 98027 Permit,/Review Requested: Environmental ISEPA Review, Preliminary Plat approval Other Permits which may be required: Building and Construction Permits Requested Studies: Geotechnfcai Report, Drainage Report, Traffic Study, WetlandReconnaissance Location where application may be reviewed: Department of Community & Economic Development (CED; - PlanningDivision, Sixth poor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA59057 PUBLIC REARING, Public hcarrrr is rant ely scheduled for oe mber 2 2ROy efor th mon Hearin Examiner inRemon Cou nu! Charrshers, Hearings begin ar 9:00AMonthe71hFlourofthenewRenninCityhalllocatedat145550u:h Gradyways CONSi5TENCy OVERVIEW: 7oningJLand Use: The subjecr sire is designated Residential Low Density IRLD), Residential SingleFamilyjRSF;, Residentialand Medium Density (RMD( on the City of RentonCOmpreheh5lveLandUseMapandResidential - t IF 1;, Residential and Residential 14 (0-74; on the Cit,,', Coning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Prapased Proi EmSrmaacm,u ISEPA; Checklist Development Regulatior, Used For Project Mitigation: The nrofect will he subiecl to the City's SFPA ordinance, R62C 42-11GA, AiNC 4- 2JtoE, RMC 43-110 and ocher aPpllretle roles andaregula bons aspProprrate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: The fcllnwing rvthh aLgon rdeasures wi!I likely be unposed on the proposed prnject. These recommended rigation Measuresrir address project ;lnE s netcoveredbyexfshngcodesandregulationsascitedabove. The npp;irnnl will rSe: equireJ [o pop rhe app'oirrinre r•mrsparrorion M„"hgnt-, Fee; the nopilcont will be required 4, poy rhe oppm—ote Fire Mihporiun Fee, he uppiiconr vrlf be requrrcd to pay rhe nppropnnte Forks Mitigc:iun Fec, mrd rhe epp,';1u twill be required to comply with recemmendutions o{rhe Georechrtira! Engmeerhrg 5Tudy, prepored5ytil & tissociotes, 1pt, dated Febnrnry 20, W09. Comments on the above application must be submttted in writing to Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner, CED - piadoing Division, 2055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on November 26, 2009. This matter is alsotentativelyscheduledforapublichearingonDecember15, 2005, at 9:Oo a.m.. Council Chambers, Si2VEIN, Floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 5611th Gradv Way, Renton If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact theDevelopment5ervicesUNisiontoensurethatthehearinghasnotbeenrescheduledat (4251 430 7282. H commentscantrorbesubmittedinwritingbythedateindicatedabove, you may stlNcoappear at the hearing and present your d pay ty of receo mments ; he proposal before roc Rearing Examiner. If you have questions aboul this proposai, of wish to be madeordandreceiveatltlitioualinformationbymail, please contact the project rnanagec Anyone who suhuutswrittencommentswillautomaticallybecomeapallyofrecordandwillbenotifiedofanydecisiononthisproject. CONTACT PERSON: Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7382; Emr: gwasser@rentonwa.gov PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMEER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION It you would like to he made a party of record to receive further informationn onthisproposed project, rornplete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED - Planning Division, 1455 So, Grady Way, Renton, WA98057- Name/File Ne.: Wllsnn Park Preliminary PlatJL UA09-140, ECF, PP NAME MAILING, ADDRE55: TELEPHUNE NO.: CERTIFICATION IT hereby certify tha>E cop- of the above docu " sul were posted by me in, conspicuous places or nearby e scribe e wR” DATE: SIGNED; IV 7V ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn before me.. a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing in, P L1 lir•-19- `:CSC on the r day of NOTARY PUBLIC SIGN