HomeMy WebLinkAboutM_RMC_4-2-110D_Revised_050201.pdfLaureen iVicalay - 4-2-110 DRevised2-3.doc PaR2 4-2-11 OD To be amended by the following changes Amended February 1, 2005 in Response to Planning and Development Committee public comments and In house Staff Review 4-2- I IOD CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TABLE FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS 1. a. Phasing, shadow platting, or land reserves may be used to satisfy the minimum density requirements if the applicant can demonstrate that the current development would not preclude the provision of adequate access and infrastructure to future development and would allow for the eventual satisfaction of minimum density requirements through future development. b. In the event the applicant can show that the minimum density cannot be achieved due to lot configuration, lack of access, environmental or physical constraints, minimum density requirements may be waived by the Reviewing Official. 2. Use -related provisions are not variable. Use -related provisions that are not eligible for a variance include: building size, units per structure/lot, or densities. Unless bonus size or density provisions are specifically authorized, the modification of building size, units per structure, or densities requires a legislative change in the code provisions and/or a Comprehensive Plan amendment/rezone. 3. Clustering is allowed to meet objectives such as preserving significant natural features, providing neighborhood open space, or facilitating the provision of sewer service. Within designated urban separators clustering is required, consistent with the provision of Section 4-3-110, Urban Separator Overlay Re lations. a. . d. a. The maximum net density requirement shall not be exceeded except within Urban Separators a density bonsus may be gg ted allowing the total denser to achieve 1 dwelling unitper oss acre for Rrojects that meet the followingcriteria. i. Provision of native vegetation cover on 65% of the gross land area including both the area within and outside the open saace corridor with either existing or new vegetative cover, and at least one of the following additional criteria. 1) Enhancement of wetlands is provided at a ratio of one-half acre enhanced for one acre delineated within the Urban Separator pursuant to Section 4-3-OSOM 12b. Evaluation Criteria, and Section 4-3- 050M 12.c. Wetlands Chosen for Enhancement. Enhancement proposed for a density bonus may not also be used for a mitigation for other wetland alterations. b) LegAl Non -conforming uses are removed from the site and/or brought into conformance with Renton standards. cc) Natural surface pedestrian and/or equestrian trails, with public access, HaEDNSnTitle IV1R-1 ClusteringA-2-110 Mvised2-1doc IRS Laureen Nicola5 - 4-2-140DRevised2-3.doc P Pae 2' are provided as part of an adopted trail system or, where there is no planned trail system, in a configuration approved by the Reviewing Official. In the absence of either wetlands or legal non -conforming uses on the site, public access and trails shall be required to the satisfaction of the Reviewing Official. b. The area of individual lots shall not be less than 10,000 sq. ft. d. Eaves: Eaves and cornices may project up to 24" into any required setback. 5. In order to be considered detached, a structure must be sited a minimum of 6' from any residential structure. 6. A front yard setback of less than 20' is allowed if equal to or greater than the average of the front yard setback of the existing, abutting primary structures; however, in no case shall a minimum setback of less than 20' be allowed for garages which access from the front yard strect(s). C. 7. For pre-existing legal lots having less C than the minimum lot width required by this Section, the following chart shall apply for determining the required minimum side yard width along a street: 4. Allowed Projections into Setbacks: a. Fireplace Structures, Windows: Fireplace structures, bay or garden windows, enclosed stair landings, and similar structures as Zoning Administrator may project 24" into any setback; provided, such projections are: i) Limited to 2 per fagade. ii) Not wider than 10'. b. Fences: See RMC 4-4-040. c. Steps and Decks: Uncovered steps and decks not exceeding 18" above the finished grade may project to any property line. Uncovered steps and decks having no roof covering and not exceeding 42" high may be built within the front yard setback. WIDTH OF EXISTING LEGAL LOT MINIMUM SIDE YARD WIDTH ALONG A STREET RC ZONE 150 feet or less 1 25 ft. R-1 ZONE Less than or equal to 50 ft. 10 ft. 50.1 to 51 ft. 11 ft. 51.1 to 52 ft. 12 ft. 52.1 to 53 ft. 13 ft. 53.1 to 54 ft. 14 ft. 54.1 to 55 ft. 15 ft. 55.1 to 56 ft. 16 ft. 56.1 to 57 ft. 17 ft. 57.I to 58 ft. 18 ft. 58.1 to 59ft. 19 ft. 59.1ft. and grener I9 ft. R-4 or R-8 ZONE Less than or equal to 50 ft. 10 ft. 50.1 to 52 ft. 11 ft. 52.1 to 54 ft. 12 ft. 54.1 to 56 ft. 13 ft. 56.1 to 58 ft. 14 ft. H:TDNSP1Tit1e IVIR-1 Clusterino-2-110 DRevised2-3.doc M Ili reWr Nicola y - 4-2-110"DRevised2-3.—do c 58.1 ft, or geater 1 15 ft. However, in no case shall a structure over 42" in height intrude into the 20' clear vision area defined in RMC 4-11- 030. 8. 1n no case shall building height exceed the maximum allowed by the Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions, for uses located within the Federal Aviation Administration Airport Zones designated under RMC 4-3-020. 9. "Public Suffix" (P) properties arc allowed the following height bonus: Publicly owned structures shall be permitted an additional 15' in height above that otherwise permitted in the zone if "pitched roofs," as defined herein, are used for at least 60% or more of the roof surface of both primary and accessory structures. In addition, the height of a publicly owned structure may be increased as follows, up to a maximum height of 75' to the highest point of the building: a. When abutting a public street, I additional foot of height for each additional 1-112' of perimeter building setback beyond the minimum street setback required; and/or b. When abutting a common property line, 1 additional foot of height for each additional 2' of perimeter building setback beyond the minimum required along a common property line. 10. In order to serve as a transition between the lower density R4 zone and the higher density .R -g zone "small lot clusters" of up to a maximum of 50 lots shall be allowed within 600 feet of an R- S zone when at least 30% of the site is permanently set aside as "significant open space." Such open space shall be situated to act as a visual buffer between small lot clusters and other development in the zone. The percentage of open space required may be reduced by the reviewing official to 20% of the site when: a) Public access is provided to open space, b) Soft surface trails are provided within wetland buffers, and c) Store water ponds are designed to eliminate engineered slopes requiring fencing and enhanced to allow passive and/or active recreation. 11. a) Lot size midth and depth may be reduced by the reviewing official when, due to lot configuration or access, 4 - dwelling units per net acre cannot be achieved. The reduction shall be the minimum needed to allow 4 -dwelling units per net acre and shall be limited to the following minimum dimensions: Lot size - 7,200 sq. ft Lot depth — 70 feet Lot width - 60 feet 12. When lot size is reduced for the purpose of achieving maximum density, setbacks may also be reduced. Setback reductions shall be limited to the following: Front — 20 feet. Side yard along a street —15 feet primary structure, 20 feet attached garage with access from the side yard. Minimum side yard combined setback — 15 feet. Minimum for one yard — 5 feet. 13. For properties vested with a complete plat H:IEDNSPMt1e IV1R-1 Clustering14-2-110 DRevised2-3.doc 3- i Laureen Nicola - 4.2-110 DRevised2-3.doc' Page 4 application prior to Nov. 10, 2004, and for the Mosier Il, Maplewood East and Anthone, the following standards apply. Vested plats must be developed within 5 years of preliminary plat approval and/or annexation. Maximum Density - 5 dwelling units per net acre Minimum Lot Size - 7,200 sq. R Minimum Lot Width - 60 feet for interior lots, 70 feet for corner lots Minimum Lot Depth - 70 feet Minimum Front Yard - 15 feet for the primary structure, 20 feet for an attached or detached garage. For a unit with alley access garage, the front yard setback for the primary structure may be . reduced to 10 feet if all parking is provided in the rear yard of the lot with access from a public right of way or alley. Minimum Side Yard Along a Street - la feet Minimum Side Yard - 5 feet Amd. Ord. 4963, 5-13-2002) HA MNSATide IV1R-1 Clustering*2-110 DRevised2-3.doc 4-