HomeMy WebLinkAboutM_Urban_Separator_Overlay_Proposed_Amendments_wMaps_050203.pdfLau reen Nicola - Urban Separator Overla 8 Feb-3.doc Pa e 1 Proposed New City of Renton Code Creating an Overlay District Amendments Responding to 1) Planning and Development Committee and 2)Public Comment 3) In House Staff Comments 4) Planning Commission recommendation Shown in bold) February 3, 2005 4-3-110 Urban Separator Overlay Regulations A. Purpose: The pgWose of this section is to implement the Urban Separators policies in the Community Design Element of the Comprehensive Plan and the King Coun Countywide Planning Policies. The intent is to provide physical and visual distinctions between Renton and adjacent communities define Renton's boundaries and create contiguous open space corridors within and between urban communities, which provide environmentalvisual recreational and wildlife benefits. Urban. Separators shall be permanent low-density lands, that protect resources and environmentally sensitive areas. B. Applicability: This section shall gpplyapplyto subdivisions and building permits on lands within designated Urban Separators as shown in the Urban Separators Map. C. Urban Separators Ma s D. Administration: 1. Review Process: Applications subiect to Urban Separator Regulations shall be processed as a component of the governing land use process, 2. Authori , : The Reviewing Official shall have the authority to approve with conditions or deLly pmposals based on the provisions of the Urban Separator Overlay Regulations. E. Urban Separator Overlay RewAations 1. Contiguous Open Space Corridor Established„ A designated contiguous open space corridor is established as shown on the Urban Separators Overlay Map in Section 4-3-110J. 2. Dedication of Open Space Required. a. Approval of a plat, and/or building permit on an undeveloped legal lot in the Urban Separator Overlay shall require dedication of 50% of the gross land area of the parcel or parcels included in the land use action as a non -revocable open space tract retained by property owner, or dedicated to a homeowners 1- H:IEDNSP\Title IVIR-1 ClusteringWrban Separator Overlay$ Feb-ldoc Laureen Nicola - Urban Se arator Overla 8 Feb-3.doc Pae 2 association or other suitable organization as determined by the Reviewing Official. Acreage in tracts may include critical areas and/or critical area buffers. b. Existing residencesexisting accessory uses and structures, and existing above ground utilities Iocated in the tract at the time of designation shall not count toward the 50% gross land area calculation except for un -fenced stormwater ponds enhanced per techniques and landscape requirements set forth in the publication the "Integrated Pond" King County Land and Water Resources Division. L. Approval of a buildins permit for an addition of 300 square feet for primary use structure or 500 square feet for an accessory structure shall require dedication of a conservation easement, protective easement or tract and deed restriction pursuant to Section 4-3-050G. Native Growth Protection Areas, on critical areas and critical area buffers located within the Contiguous Open Space Corridor. d. hand dedicated, as open space, shall be located within the mapped Contiguous Open Space Corridor unless a modification is approved pursuant to Section 4- 3-110B6.. 3. Uses Allowed In Contiguous Open Space a. Passive Recreation with no development of recreation facilities b. Natural surface pedestrian and equestrian trails c. Animal husbandry (small, medium and large) provided that fencing is subject to the conditions in 4-3-1103g. d. Existing residences and accessory uses and structures e. Underground_ utilities (small, medium, and Iarge) f Access Easements. Utilities easements and emergency service access roads may be located_ within Conti u pen Space Corridors for the limited purpose of providing service to parcels platted after March 2005, for which there is no practical alternative way to Rrovide service. Utilities and emergency service easements shall be developed with permeable surface treatment. Private access easements for ingress and egress may be located within Conti nous Open Space in the limited instance where there is no altemative access to a re-existin le al lot but shall not serve lots platted after March 2005. g. Fencing or similar structures and/or hedges or similar landscape features on portions of properties abuttin and within the Contiguous Open Space Corridor shall not create a solid barrier. Where required to protect wetlands pursuant to Section 4-3-050Me., fencing sball be the minimum necessary. 2- HAMNSP17itle IVR -1 Clustering\Urban Separator Overlay$ Feb-3.doc Laureen Nicola - Urban Se arator Overly 8 Feb-3.dac • Page 3 4- Uses in Portions of the Urban Separator Outside the Established Contiguous Open Space Corridor a. Uses shall be consistent with Section 4-2-060 and 4-2-070B., Residential- 1 Zone One Dwelling unit per net acre. b. Development shall be clustered outside the Contiguous Open Space Corridor mapped in 2-3-110J. 5. Standards Within Entire Urban Se arator a. Forest/veeetation clearing shall be limited to a maximum of 35% of the gross acreage of the site except: 1). The percentage of forest/vegetation coverage may be increased to quaIi for the density bonus allowed in Section 4-2-11 OD. 2). The Reviewing Official mAy modify the percentage of forest/ye etation retention if determined necessary to meet the surface water retention/detention standards of Section 4-3-110 E.7. b. If the existing cleared area of a site, as of March, 2005 is treater than 35% approval of a plat shall require re -planting of forestive etative cover . c. Forest/ye etation cover mLiy include a combination of native vegetation including conifer, deciduous trees and shrubs sufficient to provide water retention and erosion control functions as determined qppLopriate by the Reviewing Official. The Reviewing Official shall determine whether existin,vevegetation provides functions to meet forest/vegetation coverage standards and shall require additional plantings if existing vegetation is found to be insufficient. d_ Stormwater man ement shall comply with the 2005 King Cggnq Surface Water Design Manual Conservation Flow Control Area Level 2 flow control standards e Private access easements and improvements shall be established at the minimum standard needed to meet public safety requirements. f Landscape plans re wired in Section 4-4-070 shall include retention/re- planting-plans etention/re- plantin plans as applicable, consistent with standards and plant lists in King Cojmjy Department of Natural Resources and Parks Water and Land Resources Division Publication "Goin; Native" 6. Modification of Mapped Contiguous Open Space_ The Reviewing Official may modify the open space configuration where: a. Site specific data confirms that the adopted Contiguous Open Space Corridor map includes more than the required gross area for any parcel, or b. The applicant can demonstrate a configuration of contiguous open space that provides better or equal provision of the open space requirement. At a minimum o en space shall be connected to another contiggous o ens ace parcel bya fifty foot corridor. Modifications to the Contiguous -Open Space Corridor shall be re-mgpped during the Ci 's annual Title IV review process. 3- HAMNSPUitle IVR -1 Clastering\Urban Separatordverlay8 Feb-ldoc I.Laureert, Nicola - Urban Se arator Overla 8 Feb-3.doc Pa e4 Proposed De inition Open space, contikuous, Urban Separator: Land permanently set aside as open space loeated in recorded tracts. Contiguous open space lands may include critical areas, such as wetlands and steep slopes, and wetland buffers, as well as stormwater ponds enhanced per the techniques and landscape requirements set forth in The Integrated Pond, King County Water and Land Resources Division. Cross references to Other Sections of City Code Section 4-4-040 Fences and Hedges Need to discuss further with development services Need to reference the Urban Separator Overlay requirements Section 4-4-130 C Allowable Tree Cutting Activities Tree cutting and associated use of mechanical equipment is permitted as follows, except as provided in subsection D2 of this Section, restrictions for Critical Areas, and in Section 4-3-110 E. 5b. Urban Separator Overlay Reaulations (section text continues) Do we need to add something in the section referencing the land development permit or will the standards in the overlay automatically take care of that? Section 4-6-030 F. Drainage Plan Design Criteria Drafting Standards and Contents The drainage plan shall be prepared in conformance with the Department's construction plan drafting standards and contents, the City's Standard Specifications for Municipal Construction and Standard Detail documents, and the design criteria, construction materials, practices and standard details contained in chapters 3, 4, and 5 of the current King County Surface water design manual; provided that the Department's standards and design criteria will take precedent and prevail in any interpretation of conflicting contradictory standards and design criteria, and provided that within designated Urban Separators regulated in Section 4=4-110 the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual Conservation Flow Control Area Level 2 flow control standards are required. 4- HAEDNSPITitle IVIR-1 Clustering\Urban Separator Overlay$ Feb-ldoc F -A pow-,