HomeMy WebLinkAbout25 RS_Sather_Geotechnical_Engineering_Report_20180220_v1 Corporate Office 17522 Bothell Way Northeast Bothell, Washington 98011 Phone 425.415.0551 ♦ Fax 425.415.0311 www.riley-group.com GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT PREPARED BY: THE RILEY GROUP, INC. 17522 BOTHELL WAY NORTHEAST BOTHELL, WASHINGTON 98011 PREPARED FOR: PATTY SATHER 532 SOUTHWEST 3RD PLACE RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 RGI PROJECT NO. 2017-035 SATHER SHORT PLAT 532 SOUTHWEST 3RD PLACE RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 APRIL 7, 2017 Geotechnical Engineering Report April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 1 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING ........................................................................... 1 4.0 SITE CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................................ 2 4.1 SURFACE .................................................................................................................................................. 2 4.2 GEOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................. 2 4.3 SOILS ....................................................................................................................................................... 2 4.4 GROUNDWATER ........................................................................................................................................ 2 4.5 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 3 4.6 GEOLOGIC HAZARD AREAS .......................................................................................................................... 3 5.0 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................... 4 5.1 GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................................. 4 5.2 EARTHWORK ............................................................................................................................................. 4 5.2.1 Erosion and Sediment Control ..................................................................................................... 4 5.2.2 Stripping ....................................................................................................................................... 5 5.2.3 Excavations................................................................................................................................... 5 5.2.4 Site Preparation ........................................................................................................................... 6 5.2.5 Structural Fill ................................................................................................................................ 7 5.2.6 Cut and Fill Slopes ........................................................................................................................ 9 5.2.7 Rockeries ...................................................................................................................................... 9 5.2.8 Wet Weather Construction Considerations ................................................................................. 9 5.3 FOUNDATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 9 5.4 RETAINING WALLS ................................................................................................................................... 10 5.5 SLAB-ON-GRADE CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................................... 11 5.6 DRAINAGE .............................................................................................................................................. 11 5.6.1 Surface ....................................................................................................................................... 11 5.6.2 Subsurface .................................................................................................................................. 11 5.6.3 Infiltration .................................................................................................................................. 12 5.7 UTILITIES ................................................................................................................................................ 12 5.8 PAVEMENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 12 5.9 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................................................... 13 6.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES .................................................................................................................. 13 7.0 LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 13 LIST OF APPENDICES Figure 1 ..................................................................................................................... Site Vicinity Map Figure 2 ............................................................................................... Geotechnical Exploration Plan Figure 3 ....................................................................................................................... Slope Fill Detail Figure 4 ............................................................................................................ Typical Rockery Detail Figure 5 ............................................................................................... Retaining Wall Drainage Detail Figure 6 ....................................................................................................Typical Footing Drain Detail Appendix A .......................................................................... Field Exploration and Laboratory Testing Geotechnical Engineering Report April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 Executive Summary This Executive Summary should be used in conjunction with the entire GER for design and/or construction purposes. It should be recognized that specific details were not included or fully developed in this section, and this GER must be read in its entirety for a comprehensive understanding of the items contained herein. Section 7.0 should be read for an understanding of limitations. RGI’s geotechnical scope of work included the advancement of four test pits to a maximum depth of 6 feet below ground surface (bgs). Based on the information obtained from our subsurface exploration, the site is suitable for development of the proposed project. The following geotechnical considerations were identified. Soil Conditions: The site is underlain by 5 feet of fill or surficial soils comprised of loose to medium dense silty sand with trace organics over very dense sandstone bedrock. Groundwater: Light groundwater was encountered at 3 and 5 feet bgs in one of the test pits during our subsurface exploration. Foundations: The proposed buildings can be supported on spread footing foundation bearing on native soil, bedrock or structural fill. Slab-on-grade: Slab-on-grade floors can be supported on dense to medium dense native soil or new structural fill. Pavements: The following pavement sections are recommended for new driveway areas:  For flexible pavements: 2 inches of HMA over 6 inches of Crushed Rock Base (CRB) over compacted subgrade.  For concrete driveways: 5 inches of concrete over 4 inches of CRB over compacted subgrade Construction Considerations: RGI recommends that the major earthwork be performed in dry season from May to September. Rock blasting may be needed during foundation excavation extending into bedrock. Geotechnical Engineering Report 1 April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 1.0 Introduction This Geotechnical Engineering Report (GER) presents the results of the geotechnical engineering services provided for the Sather Short Plat in Renton, Washington. The purpose of this GER is to assess subsurface conditions and provide geotechnical recommendations for short plat an existing tax parcel (King County Parcel #214370-0230) into 3 single-family residential lots. Our scope of services included field explorations, laboratory testing, engineering analyses, and preparation of this GER. The recommendations in the following sections of this GER are based upon our current understanding of the proposed site development as outlined below. RGI should review the proposed site grading and utility plans once they are developed in order to confirm the recommendations provided in this report are appropriate for the development as proposed. In addition, RGI requests to review the final site grading plans and specifications when available to verify that our project understanding is correct and that our recommendations have been properly interpreted and incorporated into the project design and construction. 2.0 Project Description The site is located 532 Southwest 3rd Place in Renton, Washington. The approximate location of the site is shown on Figure 1. The site is currently vacant. RGI understands that the client plans to divide the existing lot which is about 22,600 square feet into 3 single family residential lots. Our understanding of the project is based on a site plan provided by the client on February 22, 2017. RGI expects the proposed residences will be a two-story, light-weight structure with a maximum column load of less than 100 kips. RGI anticipates that grading with cut/fill less than 10 feet will be needed to reach the floor elevation. Slab-on-grade floor loading of 150 pounds per square foot (psf) are expected. 3.0 Field Exploration and Laboratory Testing On March 22, 2017, RGI performed subsurface exploration using an excavator. A total of four test pits were excavated in the proposed development area. The approximate exploration locations are shown on Figure 2. Field logs of each exploration were prepared by the geologist who completed the test pits. These logs included visual classifications of the materials encountered during excavation as well as our interpretation of the subsurface conditions between samples. The boring logs included in Appendix A represent an interpretation of the field logs and include modifications based on laboratory observation and analysis of the samples. Geotechnical Engineering Report 2 April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 4.0 Site Conditions 4.1 SURFACE The site is a rectangular-shaped property totaling about 22,600 square feet. The site is bound to the north by Southwest 3rd Street, to the east and west by residential properties, and to the south by Southwest 3rd Place. The site slopes generally to the south with an overall elevation difference of about 50 feet. The site has been graded with a series of benches extending across the site from east to west, separated by about 10-foot-high slopes. The site is vegetated with small- to medium-diameter trees, mixed brush, and blackberry brambles. 4.2 GEOLOGY Review of the Geologic Map of King County, Washington by Derek B. Booth, etc (2002) indicates that the site soil is mapped as Tukwila Formation (Map Unit Ept) which is volcanic breccia, conglomerate, sandstone, and massive volcanic rocks with intercalated feldspathic sandstone and impure coal beds. Tuff and breccia with clasts of porphyritic andesite and dacite and polymictic volcanic conglomerate appear to predominate, but massive volcanic rock from resistant layers. The soil encountered during field exploration appears to match the description. 4.3 SOILS The site is underlain by 5 feet of fill or surficial soils comprised of loose to medium dense silty sand with trace organics over very dense sandstone bedrock. More detailed descriptions of the subsurface conditions encountered are presented in the test pits are included in Appendix A. 4.4 GROUNDWATER Light groundwater was encountered at 3 and 5 feet bgs in test pit TP-1 during our subsurface exploration. The groundwater appears to be perched over the bedrock and in the surficial soils. It should be recognized that fluctuations of the groundwater table will occur due to seasonal variations in the amount of rainfall, runoff, and other factors not evident at the time the explorations were performed. In addition, perched water can develop within seams and layers contained in fill soils or higher permeability soils overlying less permeable soils following periods of heavy or prolonged precipitation. Therefore, groundwater levels during construction or at other times in the future may be higher or lower than the levels indicated on the logs. Groundwater level fluctuations should be considered when developing the design and construction plans for the project. Geotechnical Engineering Report 3 April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 4.5 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS Based on the 2012/2015 International Building Code (IBC), RGI recommends the follow seismic parameters in Table 1 be used for design. Table 1 IBC Seismic Parameters 2012/2015 IBC Parameter Value Site Soil Class1 C2 Site Latitude 47.47936 N Site Longitude 122.22523 W Maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration parameters (g) Ss = 1.450, S1 = 0.542 Spectral response acceleration parameters adjusted for site class (g) Sms = 1.450, Sm1 = 0.705 Design spectral response acceleration parameters (g) Sds = 0.967, Sd1 = 0.470 1 Note: In general accordance with the USGS 2012/2015 International Building Code. IBC Site Class is based on the average characteristics of the upper 100 feet of the subsurface profile. 2 Note: The 2012/2015 International Building Code requires a site soil profile determination extending to a depth of 100 feet for seismic site classification. The current scope of our services does not include the required 100 foot soil profile determination. Hand auger borings extended to a maximum depth of 6 feet, and this seismic site class definition considers that hard soil continues below the maximum depth of the subsurface exploration. Liquefaction is a phenomenon where there is a reduction or complete loss of soil strength due to an increase in water pressure induced by vibrations from a seismic event. Liquefaction mainly affects geologically recent deposits of fine-grained sands that are below the groundwater table. Soils of this nature derive their strength from intergranular friction. The generated water pressure or pore pressure essentially separates the soil grains and eliminates this intergranular friction, thus reducing or eliminating the soil’s strength. RGI reviewed the results of the field and laboratory testing and assessed the potential for liquefaction of the site’s soil during an earthquake in the area. Since the site is underlain by bedrock, bedrock is considered not liquefiable. 4.6 GEOLOGIC HAZARD AREAS RGI reviewed the City of Renton Sensitive Areas dated November 12, 2014. The review indicates that the site is mapped as steep slope area with a slope gradient from 15 to 25 percent and high landslide hazard area. On March 22, 2017, RGI’s geologist performed a site reconnaissance to evaluate the stability of the site slope. During our field observations, we did not find any signs such as rotational failures, tension cracks or exposed slope surfaces indicating previous major Geotechnical Engineering Report 4 April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 landslide activities. No seeps or springs were observed on the slope face through most of the property. The slope is vegetated with blackberry brambles, vines, ferns, and mixed brush, with localized small- to medium-diameter deciduous trees scattered throughout the slope. Based on our observations, the slopes appear to be stable in their current configuration and condition. Based on our observations, the existing steep slopes are stable in their present configuration and condition. The proposed residences will be lightly loaded and supported by spread footing foundations that transfer the building load to bedrock below the surface. Based on the subsurface conditions encountered, the proposed development will not have any impact to the slope stability provided the recommendations in the report are incorporated into the development plans and followed during construction. Therefore, RGI recommends the project can be exempted for the setback requirements for the geologic hazard area. 5.0 Discussion and Recommendations 5.1 GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS Based on our study, the site is suitable for the proposed construction from a geotechnical standpoint. RGI recommends that proposed buildings be supported on spread footings bearing on medium dense native soil, bedrock or new structural fill. The slab-on-grade can be similarly supported on medium dense native soil or structural fill. Detailed recommendations regarding the above issues and other geotechnical design considerations are provided in the following sections. These recommendations should be incorporated into the final design drawings and construction specifications. 5.2 EARTHWORK RGI expects that site grading will consist of shallow cuts and fills to achieve building and pavement grades and excavation for utilities including storm, water, sanitary sewer, and other utilities. 5.2.1 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Potential sources or causes of erosion and sedimentation depend on construction methods, slope length and gradient, amount of soil exposed and/or disturbed, soil type, construction sequencing and weather. The impacts on erosion-prone areas can be reduced by implementing an erosion and sedimentation control plan. The plan should be designed in accordance with applicable city and/or county standards. RGI recommends the following erosion control Best Management Practices (BMPs): Geotechnical Engineering Report 5 April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035  Scheduling site preparation and grading for the drier summer and early fall months and undertaking activities that expose soil during periods of little or no rainfall  Establishing a quarry spall construction entrance  Installing siltation control fencing or anchored straw or coir wattles on the downhill side of work areas  Covering soil stockpiles with anchored plastic sheeting  Revegetating or mulching exposed soils with a minimum 3-inch thickness of straw if surfaces will be left undisturbed for more than one day during wet weather or one week in dry weather  Directing runoff away from exposed soils and slopes  Minimizing the length and steepness of slopes with exposed soils and cover excavation surfaces with anchored plastic sheeting (Graded and disturbed slopes should be tracked in place with the equipment running perpendicular to the slope contours so that the track marks provide a texture to help resist erosion and channeling. Some sloughing and raveling of slopes with exposed or disturbed soil should be expected.)  Decreasing runoff velocities with check dams, straw bales or coir wattles  Confining sediment to the project site  Inspecting and maintaining erosion and sediment control measures frequently (The contractor should be aware that inspection and maintenance of erosion control BMPs is critical toward their satisfactory performance. Repair and/or replacement of dysfunctional erosion control elements should be anticipated.) Permanent erosion protection should be provided by reestablishing vegetation using hydroseeding and/or landscape planting. Until the permanent erosion protection is established, site monitoring should be performed by qualified personnel to evaluate the effectiveness of the erosion control measures. Provisions for modifications to the erosion control system based on monitoring observations should be included in the erosion and sedimentation control plan. 5.2.2 STRIPPING Stripping efforts should include removal of vegetation, organic materials, and deleterious debris from areas slated for building, pavement, and utility construction. Topsoil and rootmass is generally less than 12 inches across the site. Deeper areas of stripping may be required in heavily vegetated areas of the site. 5.2.3 EXCAVATIONS All temporary cut slopes associated with the site and utility excavations should be adequately inclined to prevent sloughing and collapse. The shallow native soil is classified as Group C soil and bedrock is classified Group A. Geotechnical Engineering Report 6 April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 Accordingly, for excavations more than 4 feet but less than 20 feet in depth, the temporary side slopes should be laid back with a minimum slope inclination of 1.5H:1V (Horizontal:Vertical) in the upper 5 feet and 3/4H:1V in bedrock. If there is insufficient room to complete the excavations in this manner, or excavations greater than 20 feet in depth are planned, using temporary shoring to support the excavations should be considered. For open cuts at the site, RGI recommends:  No traffic, construction equipment, stockpiles or building supplies are allowed at the top of cut slopes within a distance of at least 5 feet from the top of the cut  Exposed soil along the slope is protected from surface erosion using waterproof tarps and/or plastic sheeting  Construction activities are scheduled so that the length of time the temporary cut is left open is minimized  Surface water is diverted away from the excavation  The general condition of slopes should be observed periodically by a geotechnical engineer to confirm adequate stability and erosion control measures In all cases, however, appropriate inclinations will depend on the actual soil and groundwater conditions encountered during earthwork. Ultimately, the site contractor must be responsible for maintaining safe excavation slopes that comply with applicable OSHA or WISHA guidelines. 5.2.4 SITE PREPARATION RGI anticipates that some areas of loose or soft soil will be exposed upon completion of stripping and grubbing. Proofrolling and subgrade verification should be considered an essential step in site preparation. After stripping, grubbing, and prior to placement of structural fill, RGI recommends proofrolling building and pavement subgrades and areas to receive structural fill. These areas should be proofrolled under the observation of RGI and compacted to a firm and unyielding condition in order to achieve a minimum compaction level of 95 percent of the modified proctor maximum dry density as determined by the American Society of Testing and Materials D1557-09 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (ASTM D1557). Proofrolling and adequate subgrade compaction can only be achieved when the soils are within approximately ± 2 percent moisture content of the optimum moisture content. Soils that appear firm after stripping and grubbing may be proofrolled with a heavy compactor, loaded double-axle dump truck, or other heavy equipment under the observation of an RGI representative. This observer will assess the subgrade conditions prior to filling. The need for or advisability of proofrolling due to soil moisture conditions should be determined at the time of construction. Geotechnical Engineering Report 7 April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 If fill is placed in areas of the site where existing slopes are steeper than 5:1 (Horizontal:Vertical), the area should be benched to reduce the potential for slippage between existing slopes and fills. Benches should be wide enough to accommodate compaction and earth moving equipment, and to allow placement of horizontal lifts of fill. A slope fill detail is shown on Figure 3. Subgrade soils that become disturbed due to elevated moisture conditions should be overexcavated to reveal firm, non-yielding, non-organic soils and backfilled with compacted structural fill. In order to maximize utilization of site soils as structural fill, RGI recommends that the earthwork portion of this project be completed during extended periods of warm and dry weather if possible. If earthwork is completed during the wet season (typically November through May) it will be necessary to take extra precautionary measures to protect subgrade soils. Wet season earthwork will require additional mitigative measures beyond that which would be expected during the drier summer and fall months. 5.2.5 STRUCTURAL FILL RGI recommends fill below the foundation and floor slab, behind retaining walls, and below pavement and hardscape surfaces be placed in accordance with the following recommendations for structural fill. The suitability of excavated site soils and import soils for compacted structural fill use will depend on the gradation and moisture content of the soil when it is placed. As the amount of fines (that portion passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve) increases, soil becomes increasingly sensitive to small changes in moisture content and adequate compaction becomes more difficult or impossible to achieve. Soils containing more than about 5 percent fines cannot be consistently compacted to a dense, non-yielding condition when the moisture content is more than 2 percent above or below optimum. Optimum moisture content is that moisture that results in the greatest compacted dry density with a specified compactive effort. Non-organic site soils are only considered suitable for structural fill provided that their moisture content is within about 2 percent of the optimum moisture level as determined by ASTM D1557. Excavated site soils may not be suitable for re-use as structural fill depending on the moisture content and weather conditions at the time of construction. If soils are stockpiled for future reuse and wet weather is anticipated, the stockpile should be protected with plastic sheeting that is securely anchored. Even during dry weather, moisture conditioning (such as, windrowing and drying) of site soils to be reused as structural fill may be required. Even during the summer, delays in grading can occur due to excessively high moisture conditions of the soils or due to precipitation. If wet weather occurs, the upper wetted portion of the site soils may need to be scarified and allowed to dry prior to further earthwork, or may need to be wasted from the site. Geotechnical Engineering Report 8 April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 The native soil contains a large percentage of fines and is moisture sensitive, it may necessary to import structural fill if the construction occurs in wet season. Import structural fill should meet the gradation requirements listed in Table 2 for wet weather conditions. For dry season earthwork, the percent passing the No. 200 may be increased to 10 percent maximum or materials meeting the 2012 Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, Section 9-03.14(1) may be used. Table 2 Structural Fill Gradation U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passing 4 inches 100 No. 4 sieve 75 percent No. 200 sieve 5 percent * *Based on minus 3/4 inch fraction. Prior to use, an RGI representative should observe and test all materials imported to the site for use as structural fill. Structural fill materials should be placed in uniform loose layers not exceeding 12 inches and compacted as specified in Table 3. The soil’s maximum density and optimum moisture should be determined by ASTM D1557. Table 3 Structural Fill Compaction ASTM D1557 Location Material Type Minimum Compaction Percentage Moisture Content Range Foundations On-site granular or approved imported fill soils: 95 +2 -2 Retaining Wall Backfill On-site granular or approved imported fill soils: 92 +2 -2 Slab-on-grade On-site granular or approved imported fill soils: 95 +2 -2 General Fill (non- structural areas) On-site soils or approved imported fill soils: 90 +3 -2 Pavement – Subgrade and Base Course On-site granular or approved imported fill soils: 95 +2 -2 Placement and compaction of structural fill should be observed by RGI. A representative number of in-place density tests should be performed as the fill is being placed to confirm that the recommended level of compaction is achieved. Geotechnical Engineering Report 9 April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 5.2.6 CUT AND FILL SLOPES All permanent cut and fill slopes should be graded with a finished inclination no greater than 2H:1V. Upon completion of construction, the slope face should be trackwalked, compacted and vegetated, or provided with other physical means to guard against erosion. All fill placed for slope construction should meet the structural fill requirements as described in Section 5.2.5. Final grades at the top of the slopes must promote surface drainage away from the slope crest. Water must not be allowed to flow in an uncontrolled fashion over the slope face. If it is necessary to direct surface runoff towards the slope, it should be controlled at the top of the slope, piped in a closed conduit installed on the slope face, and taken to an appropriate point of discharge beyond the toe of the slope. 5.2.7 ROCKERIES Rockeries may be used on the site for grade changes, however, rockeries are not retaining walls and do require periodic maintenance. RGI can provide supplemental information for the construction of rockeries once the location and height of the walls has been determined. Generally, we don’t recommend rockery more than 8 feet in height be used. A general fill rockery section detail is included on Figure 4. Cut rockeries may also be feasible and the reinforced section would be replaced with stable native soils. Rockeries should be constructed by an experienced rockery contractor in accordance with Associated Rockery Contractors (ARC) guidelines. 5.2.8 WET WEATHER CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS RGI recommends that preparation for site grading and construction include procedures intended to drain ponded water, control surface water runoff, and to collect shallow subsurface seepage zones in excavations where encountered. It will not be possible to successfully compact the subgrade or utilize on-site soils as structural fill if accumulated water is not drained prior to grading or if drainage is not controlled during construction. Attempting to grade the site without adequate drainage control measures will reduce the amount of on-site soil effectively available for use, increase the amount of select import fill materials required, and ultimately increase the cost of the earthwork phases of the project. Free water should not be allowed to pond on the subgrade soils. RGI anticipates that the use of berms and shallow drainage ditches, with sumps and pumps in utility trenches, will be required for surface water control during wet weather and/or wet site conditions. 5.3 FOUNDATIONS Following site preparation and grading, the proposed building foundations may be supported on conventional spread footings bearing on medium dense native soil, bedrock Geotechnical Engineering Report 10 April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 or new structural fill. Where loose soils or other unsuitable soils are encountered in the proposed building footprint, they should be overexcavated and backfilled with structural fill. Perimeter foundations exposed to weather should be at a minimum depth of 18 inches below final exterior grades. Interior foundations can be constructed at any convenient depth below the floor slab. Finished grade is defined as the lowest adjacent grade within 5 feet of the foundation for perimeter (or exterior) footings and finished floor level for interior footings. Table 4 Foundation Design Design Parameter Value Allowable Bearing Capacity 2,500 psf1 Friction Coefficient 0.25 Passive pressure (equivalent fluid pressure) 250 pcf2 Minimum foundation dimensions Columns: 24 inches Walls: 16 inches 1 psf = pounds per square foot 2 pcf = pounds per cubic foot The allowable foundation bearing pressures apply to dead loads plus design live load conditions. For short-term loads, such as wind and seismic, a 1/3 increase in this allowable capacity may be used. At perimeter locations, RGI recommends not including the upper 12 inches of soil in the computation of passive pressures because it can be affected by weather or disturbed by future grading activity. The passive pressure value assumes the foundation will be constructed neat against competent soil or backfilled with structural fill as described in Section 5.2.5. The recommended base friction and passive resistance value includes a safety factor of about 1.5. With spread-footing foundations designed in accordance with the recommendations in this section, maximum total and differential post-construction settlements of 1 inch and 1/2 inch, respectively, should be expected. 5.4 RETAINING WALLS RGI recommends cast-in-place concrete walls be used for basement wall (if needed). The magnitude of earth pressure development on retaining walls will partly depend on the quality of the wall backfill. RGI recommends placing and compacting wall backfill as structural fill. Wall drainage will be needed behind the wall face. A typical retaining wall drainage detail is shown on Figure 5. With wall backfill placed and compacted as recommended, and drainage properly installed, RGI recommends using the values in the following table for design. Geotechnical Engineering Report 11 April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 Table 5 Retaining Wall Design Design Parameter Value Allowable Bearing Capacity 2,500 psf Active Earth Pressure (unrestrained walls) 35 pcf At-rest Earth Pressure (restrained walls) 50 pcf For seismic design, an additional uniform load of 7 times the wall height (H) for unrestrained walls and 14H for restrained walls should be applied to the wall surface. Friction at the base of foundations and passive earth pressure will provide resistance to these lateral loads. Values for these parameters are provided in Section 5.3. 5.5 SLAB-ON-GRADE CONSTRUCTION Once site preparation has been completed as described in Section 5.2, suitable support for slab-on-grade construction should be provided. Immediately below the floor slab, RGI recommends placing a 4-inch-thick capillary break layer of clean, free-draining pea gravel, washed rock, or crushed rock that has less than 5 percent passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve. This material will reduce the potential for upward capillary movement of water through the underlying soil and subsequent wetting of the floor slab. Where moisture by vapor transmission is undesirable, an 8- to 10-millimeter-thick plastic membrane should be placed on a 4-inch-thick layer of clean gravel or rock. For the anticipated floor slab loading, we estimate post-construction floor settlements of ¼- to ½- inch. 5.6 DRAINAGE 5.6.1 SURFACE Final exterior grades should promote free and positive drainage away from the building area. Water must not be allowed to pond or collect adjacent to foundations or within the immediate building area. For non-pavement locations, RGI recommends providing a minimum drainage gradient of 3 percent for a minimum distance of 10 feet from the building perimeter. In paved locations, a minimum gradient of 1 percent should be provided unless provisions are included for collection and disposal of surface water adjacent to the structure. 5.6.2 SUBSURFACE RGI recommends installing perimeter foundation drain as shown on Figure 6. The retaining wall drains, perimeter foundation drain, and roof downspouts should be tightlined separately to an approved discharge facility. Subsurface drains must be laid Geotechnical Engineering Report 12 April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 with a gradient sufficient to promote positive flow to a controlled point of approved discharge. 5.6.3 INFILTRATION At the time of performing this study, RGI understands that infiltration systems are being considered for the on-site disposal of storm water run-off by the design team. Based on the soil encountered, the native soil or bedrock is not suitable for infiltration. 5.7 UTILITIES Utility pipes should be bedded and backfilled in accordance with American Public Works Association (APWA) specifications. For site utilities located within the right-of-ways, bedding and backfill should be completed in accordance with City of Renton specifications. At a minimum, trench backfill should be placed and compacted as structural fill, as described in Section 5.2.5. Where utilities occur below unimproved areas, the degree of compaction can be reduced to a minimum of 90 percent of the soil’s maximum density as determined by ASTM D1557. The native soil is not suitable for structural fill. Imported structural fill will be necessary for trench backfill as recommended in Section 5.2.5. 5.8 PAVEMENTS RGI recommends that the driveway to the new garage be stripped and repaved. Pavement subgrades should be prepared as described in Section 5.2 of this GER and as discussed below. Regardless of the relative compaction achieved, the subgrade must be firm and relatively unyielding before paving. This condition should be verified by proofrolling with heavy construction equipment or hand probe by inspector. With the pavement subgrade prepared as described above, RGI recommends the following pavement section with flexible asphalt concrete surfacing.  For private asphalt driveways: 2 inches of hot mix asphalt over 6 inches of crushed rock base (CRB) over compacted subgrade; The asphalt paving materials used should conform to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) specifications for Hot Mix Asphalt Class 1/2 inch and CRB surfacing. If concrete driveway is preferred, the following section can be used.  For concrete driveways: 5 inches of concrete over 4 inches of CRB over compacted subgrade Long-term pavement performance will depend on surface drainage. A poorly-drained pavement section will be subject to premature failure as a result of surface water infiltrating into the subgrade soils and reducing their supporting capability. Geotechnical Engineering Report 13 April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 For optimum pavement performance, surface drainage gradients of no less than 2 percent are recommended. Also, some degree of longitudinal and transverse cracking of the pavement surface should be expected over time. Regular maintenance should be planned to seal cracks when they occur. 5.9 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS An important construction consideration is the weather and its impact on construction scheduling. Although it is not impossible, winter construction will be more difficult and will increase construction costs. RGI highly recommends that the major earthwork be performed in dry season from May to September. Rock blasting may be needed during foundation excavation extending into bedrock. Detailed design of excavation operation is usually the responsibility of the earthwork contractor, while the principal duty of the owner’s representative is to ensure that the designed results are being produced. We recommend that an experienced geotechnical engineer or geologist be present on- site to observe site grading, excavation cut slopes, structural fill placement, and the foundation subgrade preparation. 6.0 Additional Services RGI is available to provide further geotechnical consultation throughout the design phase of the project. RGI should review the grading and utilities plans in order to verify that earthwork and foundation recommendations in this report are appropriate and provide supplemental recommendations as necessary. RGI should be contracted to provide geotechnical engineering and construction monitoring services during. The integrity of the earthwork and construction depends on proper site preparation and procedures. In addition, engineering decisions may arise in the field in the event that variations in subsurface conditions become apparent. Construction monitoring services are not part of this scope of work. RGI can provide an estimate for these services once the construction plans and schedule have been developed. 7.0 Limitations This GER is the property of RGI, Ms. Sather and her designated agents. Within the limits of the scope and budget, this GER was prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices in the area at the time this report was issued. This GER is intended for specific application to the Sather Short Plat at 532 Southwest 3rd Place in Renton, Washington, and for the exclusive use of Ms. Sather and her authorized Geotechnical Engineering Report 14 April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 representatives. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Site safety, excavation support, and dewatering requirements are the responsibility of others. The scope of services for this project does not include either specifically or by implication any environmental or biological (for example, mold, fungi, bacteria) assessment of the site or identification or prevention of pollutants, hazardous materials, or conditions. If the owner is concerned about the potential for such contamination or pollution, we can provide a proposal for these services. The analyses and recommendations presented in this GER are based upon review of the previous explorations on the site by Geotechnical Investigations Group. Variations in soil conditions can occur, the nature and extent of which may not become evident until construction. If variations appear evident, RGI should be requested to reevaluate the recommendations in this GER prior to proceeding with construction. It is client’s responsibility to see that all parties to the project, including the designers, contractors, subcontractors, are made aware of this GER in its entirety. The use of information contained in this GER for bidding purposes should be done at the contractor’s option and risk. USGS, 2014, Renton, Washington 7.5-Minute Quadrangle Approximate Scale: 1"=1000' 0 500 1000 2000 N Site Vicinity Map Figure 1 04/2017 Corporate Office 17522 Bothell Way Northeast Bothell, Washington 98011 Phone: 425.415.0551 Fax: 425.415.0311 Sather Short Plat RGI Project Number 2017-035 Date Drawn: Address: 532 Southwest 3rd Place, Renton, Washington 98057 SITE TP-4 TP-3 TP-1 TP-2 N Geotechnical Exploration Plan Figure 2 Approximate Scale: 1"=40' 0 20 40 80 = Test pit excavated by RGI, 3/22/17 = Site boundary 04/2017 Corporate Office 17522 Bothell Way Northeast Bothell, Washington 98011 Phone: 425.415.0551 Fax: 425.415.0311 Sather Short Plat RGI Project Number 2017-035 Date Drawn: Address: 532 Southwest 3rd Place, Renton, Washington 98057 04/2017 Corporate Office 17522 Bothell Way Northeast Bothell, Washington 98011 Phone: 425.415.0551 Fax: 425.415.0311 Sather Short Plat RGI Project Number 2017-035 Date Drawn: Address: 532 Southwest 3rd Place, Renton, Washington 98057 General Slope Fill Detail Figure 3 Not to Scale Slope should be stripped of topsoil and unsuitable soils prior to placing any fill. in 1 cu.ft. 3/4" Drainage Gravel 4" Diameter Perforated Pipe Enveloped Key Cute and Toe Drain - ASTM D-698 (standard proctor). All structural fill should be compacted to 95% of soils maximum dry density per Plant or hydroseed slope face to reduce erosion potential. Final slope face should be densified by compaction. "Key" should be minimum 2 feet deep and 6 feet wide, extending the full length of "Benches" should be a minimum of 6 feet wide. 1. the slope face. 4. 6. 5. 3. 2. Notes New Structural Fill Maximum Slope Gradient: 2:1(H:V) Grade Existing Topsoil and Other Loose Soils Grade After the Removal of Conditions are Indicated May Require Subdrain if Seepage Typical Bench - 1 2 Slope to Drain Keyway down towards the face Keyway should be sloped being protected 18 in. min. by Geotechnical Engineer soil to be verified Firm undisturbed H/3 gravel clean washed 3/4" drain drain pipe surrounded by 4 in. minimum diameter 12 in. min. 3 in. min. gravel bedding Swale for surface drainage control 1 6 Crushed rock filter material, between 2 and 4 inch size with L 1.5' 1.5' 1.5' Slope 2:1(H:V) max. 1 2 1.5' less than 2% fines. 0.5' (typ.) 3' (min.) NOT TO SCALE H = 8' Reinforcement (Mirafi 7XT) L > 2/3 of rockery height 0.5' 04/2017 Corporate Office 17522 Bothell Way Northeast Bothell, Washington 98011 Phone: 425.415.0551 Fax: 425.415.0311 Sather Short Plat RGI Project Number 2017-035 Date Drawn: Address: 532 Southwest 3rd Place, Renton, Washington 98057 Typical Rockery Section Detail Figure 4 Incliniations) 12" Over the Pipe 3" Below the Pipe Perforated Pipe 4" Diameter PVC Compacted Structural Backfill (Native or Import) 12" min. Filter Fabric Material 12" Minimum Wide Free-Draining Gravel Slope to Drain (See Report for Appropriate Excavated Slope 04/2017 Corporate Office 17522 Bothell Way Northeast Bothell, Washington 98011 Phone: 425.415.0551 Fax: 425.415.0311 Sather Short Plat RGI Project Number 2017-035 Date Drawn: Address: 532 Southwest 3rd Place, Renton, Washington 98057 Retaining Wall Drainage Detail Figure 5 Not to Scale 3/4" Washed Rock or Pea Gravel 4" Perforated Pipe Building Slab Structural Backfill Compacted Filter Fabric 04/2017 Corporate Office 17522 Bothell Way Northeast Bothell, Washington 98011 Phone: 425.415.0551 Fax: 425.415.0311 Sather Short Plat RGI Project Number 2017-035 Date Drawn: Address: 532 Southwest 3rd Place, Renton, Washington 98057 Typical Footing Drain Detail Figure 6 Not to Scale Geotechnical Engineering Report April 7, 2017 Sather Short Plat, Renton, Washington RGI Project No. 2017-035 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING On March 22, 2017, RGI performed field explorations using an excavator. RGI explored subsurface soil conditions at the site by observing the excavation of four test pits to a maximum depth of 6 feet below existing grade. The test pit locations are shown on Figure 2. The test pit locations were approximately determined by measurements from existing site features and topography. A geologist from our office conducted the field exploration and classified the soil conditions encountered, maintained a log of each test exploration, obtained representative soil samples, and observed pertinent site features. All soil samples were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Representative soil samples obtained from the explorations were placed in closed containers and taken to our laboratory for further examination and testing. As a part of the laboratory testing program, the soil samples were classified in our in-house laboratory based on visual observation, texture, plasticity, and the limited laboratory testing described below. Moisture Content Determinations Moisture content determinations were performed in accordance with ASTM D2216-10 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass (ASTM D2216) on representative samples obtained from the exploration in order to aid in identification and correlation of soil types. The moisture content of typical samples were measured and is reported on the test pit logs. Grain Size Analysis A grain size analysis indicates the range in diameter of soil particles included in a particular sample. Grain size analyses was determined using D6913-04(2009) Standard Test Methods for Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils Using Sieve Analysis (ASTM D6913) on two of the samples. Project Name:Sather Short Plat Project Number:2017-035 Client:Patty Sather Test Pit No.: TP-1 Date(s) Excavated:3/22/2017 Excavation Method:Trackhoe Excavator Type:Tracked Excavator Groundwater Level:Seepage at 3' and 5' Test Pit Backfill:Cuttings Logged By ELW Bucket Size:N/A Excavating Contractor:Kelly's Excavating Sampling Method(s)Grab Location 532 Southwest 3rd Place, Renton, Washington Surface Conditions:Mixed Brush Total Depth of Excavation:6 feet bgs Approximate Surface Elevation 178 Compaction Method Bucket USCS SymbolTopsoil SM Sandstone REMARKS AND OTHER TESTS 23% moisture, 33% fines 14% moistureGraphic LogMATERIAL DESCRIPTION 8" topsoil Tan to brown mottled silty SAND, loose, moist to wet Becomes medium dense, wet Light groundwater seepage at 3' Becomes medium dense to dense, light seepage at 5' Tan SANDSTONE, very dense, moist Test Pit terminated at 6' due to refusal in bedrockDepth (feet)0 5 10 Sample NumberSample TypeElevation (feet)178 173 168 Sheet 1 of 1 The Riley Group, Inc. 17522 Bothell Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011 Project Name:Sather Short Plat Project Number:2017-035 Client:Patty Sather Test Pit No.: TP-2 Date(s) Excavated:3/22/2017 Excavation Method:Trackhoe Excavator Type:Tracked Excavator Groundwater Level:Not encountered Test Pit Backfill:Cuttings Logged By ELW Bucket Size:N/A Excavating Contractor:Kelly's Excavating Sampling Method(s)Grab Location 532 Southwest 3rd Place, Renton, Washington Surface Conditions:Mixed Brush Total Depth of Excavation:6 feet bgs Approximate Surface Elevation 190 Compaction Method Bucket USCS SymbolTopsoil Fill SM Sandstone REMARKS AND OTHER TESTS 17% moisture 18% moisture 14% moistureGraphic LogMATERIAL DESCRIPTION 12" topsoil Light brown silty SAND, loose, moist to wet (Fill) Tan mottled silty SAND, medium dense, ,moist Tan SANDSTONE, very dense, moist Iron oxide staining Test Pit terminated at 6' due to refusal in bedrockDepth (feet)0 5 10 Sample NumberSample TypeElevation (feet)190 185 180 Sheet 1 of 1 The Riley Group, Inc. 17522 Bothell Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011 Project Name:Sather Short Plat Project Number:2017-035 Client:Patty Sather Test Pit No.: TP-3 Date(s) Excavated:3/22/2017 Excavation Method:Trackhoe Excavator Type:Tracked Excavator Groundwater Level:Not encountered Test Pit Backfill:Cuttings Logged By ELW Bucket Size:N/A Excavating Contractor:Kelly's Excavating Sampling Method(s)Grab Location 532 Southwest 3rd Place, Renton, Washington Surface Conditions:Mixed Brush Total Depth of Excavation:5.5 feet bgs Approximate Surface Elevation 190 Compaction Method Bucket USCS SymbolTopsoil Fill SM Sandstone REMARKS AND OTHER TESTS 21% moisture 23% moisture, 21% fines 13% moistureGraphic LogMATERIAL DESCRIPTION 10" topsoil Brown silty SAND, loose, moist to wet (Fill) Trace organics Tan mottled silty SAND, medium dense, moist to wet Tan SANDSTONE, very dense, moist Test Pit terminated at 5.5' due to refusal in bedrockDepth (feet)0 5 10 Sample NumberSample TypeElevation (feet)190 185 180 Sheet 1 of 1 The Riley Group, Inc. 17522 Bothell Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011 Project Name:Sather Short Plat Project Number:2017-035 Client:Patty Sather Test Pit No.: TP-4 Date(s) Excavated:3/22/2017 Excavation Method:Trackhoe Excavator Type:Tracked Excavator Groundwater Level:Not encountered Test Pit Backfill:Cuttings Logged By ELW Bucket Size:N/A Excavating Contractor:Kelly's Excavating Sampling Method(s)Grab Location 532 Southwest 3rd Place, Renton, Washington Surface Conditions:Mixed Brush Total Depth of Excavation:4.5 feet bgs Approximate Surface Elevation 198 Compaction Method Bucket USCS SymbolTopsoil SM Sandstone REMARKS AND OTHER TESTS 18% moisture 14% moistureGraphic LogMATERIAL DESCRIPTION 12" topsoil Tan mottled silty SAND, loose, moist to wet Becomes medium dense Tan SANDSTONE, very dense, moist Oron oxide staining Test Pit terminated at 4.5' due to refusal in bedrockDepth (feet)0 5 10 Sample NumberSample TypeElevation (feet)198 193 188 Sheet 1 of 1 The Riley Group, Inc. 17522 Bothell Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011 Project Name:Sather Short Plat Project Number:2017-035 Client:Patty Sather Key to Logs USCS SymbolREMARKS AND OTHER TESTSGraphic LogMATERIAL DESCRIPTIONDepth (feet)Sample NumberSample TypeElevation (feet)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS 1 Elevation (feet): Elevation (MSL, feet). 2 Depth (feet): Depth in feet below the ground surface. 3 Sample Type: Type of soil sample collected at the depth interval shown. 4 Sample Number: Sample identification number. 5 USCS Symbol: USCS symbol of the subsurface material. 6 Graphic Log: Graphic depiction of the subsurface material encountered. 7 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: Description of material encountered. May include consistency, moisture, color, and other descriptive text. 8 REMARKS AND OTHER TESTS: Comments and observations regarding drilling or sampling made by driller or field personnel. FIELD AND LABORATORY TEST ABBREVIATIONS CHEM: Chemical tests to assess corrosivity COMP: Compaction test CONS: One-dimensional consolidation test LL: Liquid Limit, percent PI: Plasticity Index, percent SA: Sieve analysis (percent passing No. 200 Sieve) UC: Unconfined compressive strength test, Qu, in ksf WA: Wash sieve (percent passing No. 200 Sieve) MATERIAL GRAPHIC SYMBOLS AF Sandstone Silty SAND (SM) TYPICAL SAMPLER GRAPHIC SYMBOLS Auger sampler Bulk Sample 3-inch-OD California w/ brass rings CME Sampler Grab Sample 2.5-inch-OD Modified California w/ brass liners Pitcher Sample 2-inch-OD unlined split spoon (SPT) Shelby Tube (Thin-walled, fixed head) OTHER GRAPHIC SYMBOLS Water level (at time of drilling, ATD) Water level (after waiting) Minor change in material properties within a stratum Inferred/gradational contact between strata ?Queried contact between strata GENERAL NOTES 1: Soil classifications are based on the Unified Soil Classification System. Descriptions and stratum lines are interpretive, and actual lithologic changes may be gradual. Field descriptions may have been modified to reflect results of lab tests. 2: Descriptions on these logs apply only at the specific boring locations and at the time the borings were advanced. They are not warranted to be representative of subsurface conditions at other locations or times. Sheet 1 of 1 The Riley Group, Inc. 17522 Bothell Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011 THE RILEY GROUP, INC. 17522 Bothell Way NE Bothell, WA 98011 PHONE: (425) 415-0551 FAX: (425) 415-0311 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS ASTM D421, D422, D1140, D2487, D6913 PROJECT TITLE Sather Short Plat SAMPLE ID/TYPE TP-1 PROJECT NO.2017-035 SAMPLE DEPTH 2' TECH/TEST DATE ELW 3/22/2017 DATE RECEIVED 3/22/2017 WATER CONTENT (Delivered Moisture) Total Weight Of Sample Used For Sieve Corrected For Hygroscopic Moisture Wt Wet Soil & Tare (gm) (w1)255.6 Weight Of Sample (gm)211.0 Wt Dry Soil & Tare (gm)(w2)211.0 Tare Weight (gm) 15.7 Weight of Tare (gm)(w3)15.7 (W6) Total Dry Weight (gm)195.3 Weight of Water (gm)(w4=w1-w2)44.6 SIEVE ANALYSIS Weight of Dry Soil (gm) (w5=w2-w3)195.3 Cumulative Moisture Content (%) (w4/w5)*100 23 Wt Ret (Wt-Tare) (%Retained)% PASS +Tare {(wt ret/w6)*100}(100-%ret) % COBBLES 0.0 12.0"15.7 0.00 0.00 100.00 cobbles % C GRAVEL 0.0 3.0"15.7 0.00 0.00 100.00 coarse gravel % F GRAVEL 0.8 2.5" coarse gravel % C SAND 2.3 2.0" coarse gravel % M SAND 6.7 1.5"15.7 0.00 0.00 100.00 coarse gravel % F SAND 57.8 1.0" coarse gravel % FINES 32.5 0.75"15.7 0.00 0.00 100.00 fine gravel % TOTAL 100.0 0.50" fine gravel 0.375"15.7 0.00 0.00 100.00 fine gravel D10 (mm)#4 17.2 1.50 0.77 99.23 coarse sand D30 (mm)#10 21.6 5.90 3.02 96.98 medium sand D60 (mm)#20 medium sand Cu #40 34.7 19.00 9.73 90.27 fine sand Cc #60 fine sand #100 124.6 108.90 55.76 44.24 fine sand #200 147.6 131.90 67.54 32.46 fines PAN 211.0 silt/clay DESCRIPTION Silty SAND USCS SM Prepared For: Patty Sather Reviewed By:RW 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.11101001000 % P A S S I N G Grain size in millimeters 12"3"2"1".75".375"#4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 THE RILEY GROUP, INC. 17522 Bothell Way NE Bothell, WA 98011 PHONE: (425) 415-0551 FAX: (425) 415-0311 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS ASTM D421, D422, D1140, D2487, D6913 PROJECT TITLE Sather Short Plat SAMPLE ID/TYPE TP-3 PROJECT NO.2017-035 SAMPLE DEPTH 4' TECH/TEST DATE ELW 3/22/2017 DATE RECEIVED 3/22/2017 WATER CONTENT (Delivered Moisture) Total Weight Of Sample Used For Sieve Corrected For Hygroscopic Moisture Wt Wet Soil & Tare (gm) (w1)289.7 Weight Of Sample (gm)238.9 Wt Dry Soil & Tare (gm)(w2)238.9 Tare Weight (gm) 15.7 Weight of Tare (gm)(w3)15.7 (W6) Total Dry Weight (gm)223.2 Weight of Water (gm)(w4=w1-w2)50.8 SIEVE ANALYSIS Weight of Dry Soil (gm) (w5=w2-w3)223.2 Cumulative Moisture Content (%) (w4/w5)*100 23 Wt Ret (Wt-Tare) (%Retained)% PASS +Tare {(wt ret/w6)*100}(100-%ret) % COBBLES 0.0 12.0"15.7 0.00 0.00 100.00 cobbles % C GRAVEL 0.0 3.0"15.7 0.00 0.00 100.00 coarse gravel % F GRAVEL 0.4 2.5" coarse gravel % C SAND 4.8 2.0" coarse gravel % M SAND 14.8 1.5"15.7 0.00 0.00 100.00 coarse gravel % F SAND 59.4 1.0" coarse gravel % FINES 20.5 0.75"15.7 0.00 0.00 100.00 fine gravel % TOTAL 100.0 0.50" fine gravel 0.375"15.7 0.00 0.00 100.00 fine gravel D10 (mm)#4 16.6 0.90 0.40 99.60 coarse sand D30 (mm)#10 27.4 11.70 5.24 94.76 medium sand D60 (mm)#20 medium sand Cu #40 60.5 44.80 20.07 79.93 fine sand Cc #60 fine sand #100 167.8 152.10 68.15 31.85 fine sand #200 193.1 177.40 79.48 20.52 fines PAN 238.9 silt/clay DESCRIPTION Silty SAND USCS SM Prepared For: Patty Sather Reviewed By:RW 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.11101001000 % P A S S I N G Grain size in millimeters 12"3"2"1".75".375"#4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200