HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_ERC_Determination_Applicant_Letter_180824.pdf August 24, 2018 Chip Vincent City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98056 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL THRESHOLD (SEPA) DETERMINATION Wolf Woods Annexation Prezoning, LUA18-000493 Dear Mr. Vincent: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) to advise you that they have completed their review of the subject project and have issued a threshold Determination of Non-Significance. Please refer to the enclosed ERC Report and Decision for more details. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on September 7, 2018, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk’s Office, (425) 430-6510. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, a public hearing date will be set and all parties notified. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at (425) 430-6576. For the Environmental Review Committee, Angie Mathias Long Range Planning Manager Enclosure cc: Summerfield, Zeelen, Casper, Strbiak, Donnelly / Parties of Record DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SIGNATURES: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Public Works Department Date Rick M. Marshall, Administrator Renton Regional Fire Authority Date Kelly Beymer, Administrator Community Services Department Date C.E. Vincent, Administrator Date Department Of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) PROJECT NUMBER: LUA18-000493 APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT NAME: Outside City Limits (APNs 0323059291, 0323059159, 0323059292, 0323059047, 0323059231, 0323059290) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PRE-ZONING FOR WOLF WOODS ANNEXATION AREA. PROJECT LOCATION: 2801 NE Sunset Blvd LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This Determination of Non-Significance is issued under WAC 197-11-340. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on September 7, 2018. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk’s Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: August 24, 2018 DATE OF DECISION: August 20, 2018 DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 8/20/2018 | 4:42 PM PDT 8/20/2018 | 2:09 PM PDT 8/20/2018 | 3:45 PM PDT 8/20/2018 | 2:33 PM PDT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ERC Report - Wolf Woods PDF Annexation ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC MEETING DATE: Project Name: Wolf Woods Annexation Prezone Owner: N/A Applicant: City of Renton Contact: Chip Vincent, Planning Division Director, City of Renton File Number: LUA-18-000493, A, ECF, P Project Manager: Angie Mathias, Long Range Planning Manager Project Summary: The Wolf Woods Annexation area is being prezoned in advance of annexation, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.330, so that zoning will be in place at the time the area comes into the City. The City is proposing Residential 4 (R-4) zoning consistent with the Residential Low Density (RLD) land use designation. Project Location: The area is generally located at the northeastern portion of the City limits in the East Plateau Community Planning Area. It is bordered to the south parcel lines located at approximately NE 18th St (if extended), parcel lines near Ilwaco Ave NE to the west, 145th Place SE to the north, and to the east by Nile Ave SE. Exist. Bldg. Area SF: N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): N/A N/A Site Area: 8 acres Total Building Area GSF: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS). August 20, 2018 DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report WOLF WOODS ANNEXATION PREZONE LUA-18-000493, A, ECF, P Report of August 20, 2018 Page 2 of 4 ERC Report - Wolf Woods PDF Annexation PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION / BACKGROUND The applicants for the proposed Wolf Woods Annexation have requested that the City prezone the subject site in advance of annexation, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.330, so zoning will be in place at the time the subject site comes into the City. Annexation is considered exempt from SEPA. However, the p rezoning of the subject area does require SEPA review as a non-project action. The existing King County Comprehensive Plan designation and zoning of the area is Urban Residential Medium 4-12 dwelling units per gross acre, with Residential, Four DU per gross acre. The City is proposing to prezone the area with Residential Four Dwelling Units per Net Acre (R-4). This zoning corresponds with the designation in Renton’s Comprehensive Plan, Residential Low Density (RLD) designation. There are three zones that implement Renton’s Residential Low Density designation: Resource Conservation (1 dwelling unit per net 10 acres), R-1 (1 dwelling unit per net acre), and R-4 (4 dwelling units per net acre). The City’s Comprehensive Plan policies (LU 15) call for land within the RLD designation to be zoned R-4 where there are not significant environmental constraints and that is suitable for larger lot housing compatible with the scale and intensity of the surrounding area. The surrounding area is built out with lots that range in size, but which are approximately between 7,000 and 9,000 square feet in size. The minimum lot size in the R-4 zone is 9,000 square feet. Therefore, R-4 is compatible with the scale and intensity of the surrounding area. Approximately 375 feet of Greenes Creek that runs through the site. According to the City’s online mapping tool, COR Maps, Greenes Creek is a type Ns stream. Type Ns streams are waters that do not contain fish or fish habitat and have intermittent flows; they are seasonal non-habitat streams in which surface flow is not present for at least some portion of a year of normal rainfall. Ns Waters must be physically connected by an above-ground channel system to Type S, F, or Np Waters. Greenes Creek is physically connected to May Creek, which is a type F (or fish bearing) stream. Greenes Creek travels north from the subject site through the Stonegate subdivision in a tract, then through publicly owned land before terminating with May Creek nearly at the Newcastle city limits. Any future development would be required to comply with Critical areas regulations which require a 50 foot buffer from the stream and an additional 15 foot structure setback beyond the buffer. The City received comments that according to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Greenes Creek is a type F stream. Type F streams are fish bearing and would require a 115 foot buffer from the stream and an additional 15 foot structure setback beyond the buffer. With this non-project SEPA review the type of the stream does not need to be precisely identified. If development of the site is proposed in the future, a stream study will be conducted to accurately type the stream and determine the required buffer, as well as to identify the precise course the creek runs. The City also received comments regarding erosion from Greenes Creek and concerns this would be compounded with future development. The area is within the May Creek basin. In 2016, the City adopted new surface water requirements that will apply a stricter standard than what was required of previous development. The flow control standard to be applied to new construction in this area is Flow Control Duration Matching Forested Site Conditions as the pre -developed condition. A wetland that is protected in a tract is approximately 200 feet south of the southern boundary of the annexation area. The category of the wetland is unknown and therefore the buffer is not known at this time. There does not appear to be protected slopes (40% or greater) or other critical areas within or in close proximity to the annexation area. The presence of a stream, and a wetland in close proximity, does not constitute extensive or pervasive critical areas as characterized in the purpose and intent of the RC or R-1 zones or that are distinctly DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report WOLF WOODS ANNEXATION PREZONE LUA-18-000493, A, ECF, P Report of August 20, 2018 Page 3 of 4 ERC Report - Wolf Woods PDF Annexation different from other developed areas in close proximity of this annexation area. Therefore, R-4 zoning is appropriate for the area. The City also received comments about tree retention and protection and about the presence of wildli fe in the area. At this time, there is no development proposed. This is a non -project action. If development is proposed in the future, the City will require compliance with tree retention regulations, as well as, critical areas regulations. Currently, five single family houses exist in this area. There is approximately 5 acres of vacant land and 0 acres of redevelopable land within the annexation area. If developed, it is estimated there will be 8 additional homes. This is due to the anticipated buffer requirements from the critical areas and because Renton calculates density using net density. Critical areas are removed from the overall developable area. If the area is developed under King County’s zoning, it is anticipated there will be an additional 2 0 homes. This is because King County calculates gross density. The overall site is used to calculate the allowable density. However, this prezone is a non-project proposal, development of additional housing units will be subject to additional project specific review at the time of development. PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standard s and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS with a 14-day Appeal Period. B. Mitigation Measures 1. None for this non-project action. C. Exhibits Exhibit 1 ERC Report Exhibit 2 Map with Stream and Wetland Exhibit 3 Comments Received D. Environmental Impacts There are no environmental impacts that are anticipated to occur in conjunction with the propos ed zoning. E. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal will be circulated to City Department Division Reviewers and appropriate agencies. All substantive comments will be provided to the Responsible Officials for their consideration and possible recommendation that the comments be incorporated as “Advisory Notes to Applicant.” Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, September 7, 2018. DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report WOLF WOODS ANNEXATION PREZONE LUA-18-000493, A, ECF, P Report of August 20, 2018 Page 4 of 4 ERC Report - Wolf Woods PDF Annexation Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing at the City Clerk’s office along with the required fee. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, Renton City Hall - 7th Floor, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton WA 98057. DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE EXHIBITS Project Name: Wolf Woods Annexation Prezone Project Number: LUA18-000493, A, ECF, P Date of Meeting August 20, 2018 Staff Contact Angie Mathias Long Range Planner Project Contact/Applicant Chip Vincent 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Project Location Approx. NE 18th St, Ilwaco Ave NE to the west, 145th Place SE to the north, Nile Ave SE to the east. The following exhibits are included with the ERC Report: Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 2: Map with Stream and Wetland Exhibit 3: Comments Received DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 NE Sun s e t Bl v dHoquiamPlNE NE21stStNE21stSt IlwacoAveNEFie ld P l N E Hoquiam Ave NEIlwaco Ave NENE 20th St NE 17th St147th Ave SE151st Ave SENESuns et Bl vdNE17thStFieldAveNE LyonsAveNEHoquia m PlNENE 25th St NE 24th St FieldAveNENE24thCt SE 107th St NE 13th Pl NE 24th St NE20thPl SERentonIssaquahRd NE 23rd St NE 16th St Nile Ave NENE23rdSt Private Rd NE 13thPl NE 22ndCt KitsapPlNELyons Ave NEJerichoPlNENE 26th St 148th Ave SEField Pl NEFieldAveNEHon e y Cr e e k M a y C r e e k City of Renton Exhibit F.e. Wetlands and Streams Wolf Woods Annexation Area Unincorporated King County Source: City of Renton, 2018 °0 225 450 Feet Stream Piped Stream Waterbodies Wetlands Annexation Boundary Parcels City Limits 145th Pl SE SE 104th St SE 105th StGreenes CreekExhibit 2DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 1 Angie Mathias From:Kyle Wunderlin Sent:Friday, August 03, 2018 7:29 AM To:'Karen Walter'; Angie Mathias Cc:Chip Vincent Subject:RE: City of Renton LUA Acceptance: WOLF WOODS ANNEXATION PRE-ZONING, LUA18-000493 Hi Karen, Thank you for your input. I am ccing in Angie Mathias, the Long Range Planning Manager. She will be able to address your comments. Best, Kyle Wunderlin Ext. 6583 From: Karen Walter [mailto:KWalter@muckleshoot.nsn.us] Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2018 5:05 PM To: Kyle Wunderlin <KWunderlin@Rentonwa.gov> Cc: Chip Vincent <CVincent@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: RE: City of Renton LUA Acceptance: WOLF WOODS ANNEXATION PRE-ZONING, LUA18-000493 Kyle, Thank you for sending us the SEPA materials for the Wolf Woods Annexation Pre-zoning proposal referenced above. We have reviewed this information and have some questions/initial comments: 1. The checklist notes the presence of a stream onsite which is identified as “Greene’s Creek” , a tributary to May Creek (WRIA 08.0288). The checklist also notes that this stream is classified as a Type N, non-fish bearing stream. What is the basis for this classification? WDFW’s Salmonscape notes that it should be classified as Type F for most of its length (see attached and http://apps.wdfw.wa.gov/salmonscape/map.html ). The City needs to provide the data to support the Type N classification, including actual stream data and all known natural and artificial barriers downstream of the site in question. 2. Assuming that the stream is actually a Type F stream; can the project achieve the desired zoning without resulting in permanent stream buffer reductions and other impacts to the stream? 3. Is the stream daylighted for its length on the property in question? Are there culverts or other piping on site? We understand that this is a non-project action; however, if the underlying zoning sets up a situation where stream and stream buffer impacts cannot be avoided, then we would be concerned about this proposal’s impacts and would recommend a different zoning strategy that avoids these impacts per mitigation requirements. We appreciate the opportunity to review this proposal and look forward to the City’s responses. Best regards, Karen Walter Watersheds and Land Use Team Leader Exhibit 3DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 2 Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division Habitat Program 39015-A 172nd Ave SE Auburn, WA 98092 253-876-3116 From: Kyle Wunderlin [mailto:KWunderlin@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Friday, July 20, 2018 11:39 AM To: Karen Walter; Laura Murphy; 'separegister@ecy.wa.gov'; 'sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov'; 'misty.blair@ecy.wa.gov'; 'Sepadesk@dfw.wa.gov'; 'sepacenter@dnr.wa.gov'; 'Minnie.Dhaliwal@TukwilaWA.gov'; 'Gary.Kriedt@kingcounty.gov'; 'steveo@newcastlewa.gov'; 'andy.swayne@pse.com' Cc: Angie Mathias; Judith Subia Subject: City of Renton LUA Acceptance: WOLF WOODS ANNEXATION PRE-ZONING, LUA18-000493 Hello, Please see attached documents for City of Renton LUA acceptance for the following project: WOLF WOODS ANNEXATION PRE-ZONING LUA18-000493 Attached are the Notice of Application and the Environmental Checklist. As the project progresses, more information will be available by request and through our online Public Notice of Land Use Applications Map. Thank you, Kyle Wunderlin | Planning Technician | she/her/hers City of Renton | CED | Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way | 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 430-6583 | Fax: (425) 430-7300 | kwunderlin@rentonwa.gov DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 (Drum-<rrr-.,<rnzrnZ—1DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 April27,2018i::———-V.-*1*.r-StateDepartmentofNaturalResourcesForestPractices1111WashingtonStreetSEOlympia,WA98501-7010*:;RE’cityofRentonCommentsRegardingForestPracticesApplication/Notification#26Z01UDearSirorMadam:TheCityofRentonIsherebysubmittingcommentsonForestPracticesApplication/Notification#2420111madebyDalpayPropertiesLLCanddatedAprIl20,2018,TheapplicationIstoharvest28acresoftimberontwoadjacentparcelsonCougarMountain,onelocatedIntheCityofNewcastle,andonelocatedInunincorporatedKingCounty.TheCityofRentoWboundary*jItsthewestendofthe.KingCountyparcel.Stream‘A.aType‘F’fishbearingstream,fIowsthreNewcat1eiffiW’emptiesIntoMayCreek,aShorelineoftheStatethatsupportsthe‘ingspeciesofaImo,UChinook,Sockeye,Coh,Stnlhaad,CutthroattroutandKokanu(firmedwithinthelasttwoyearsimmediatelyupstreamoftheI-4yCreekBridge).MayCreekflowswestthroughRentonandemptiesIntoLakeWashington.fVVTheCityofRentonsveryconcem‘terlousImpactsthispoposVeontheFVdownstreamenvironmentandth;‘-jfjeekBashi.5pedflcatIZjypedaboutIImpactsonsteep,unstableslopes,hIPaKorsift-bearingrunandthnMayCreekleadingtotakesofthesimonidsthatlivethatwouldbefilledtocreatetheaccessroad,theInstallationofaculveithatintroduceafishpassagebarrierandotherassociatedImpacts.eseun___________yV,Vtheapplication,andthereIsnoevaluationormitigationoffered.TheseVspecificallyasfollowsRentonurgesthattheDNRdisapprovetheapplicationbecause,amongotherreasons,thelnten4edtimberharvestIsmisclassifiedasaClassHIforestpractices,Ataminimum,thisapplication.whichwassubmittedasaClassIllforestpractices,shouldbereclassifiedtoaClassIV-spedalandsubjedSEPAreview,andshouldbereviewedbytheDepartmentofFishandWildlifeasahydrauflàiüThVV’V-VVV.•VVinvolvingTypeFwaters.--RentonCityHali,7thFloor1055SouthGradyWay.Renton,WA98057.rentonwa.govDocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 StateDepartmentofNaturalResourcesForestPracticesPa6e2of4ApriL27,2018DisturbanceofSteep,UnstableSlopesandLandforms1.ForestPracticesApplication2420111isself-contradictoryaboutsteep,unstableslopes.Whileitstatesthattherewillbeground-basedequipmentplacedonslopesgreaterthan40%andtheEPAindicatesthatunstableslopesorlandformsconsistentwithWAC222-16-O5Ofd)fi)maybepresentwithintheharvestarea,question11statestherearenopotentiallyunstableslopesintheareaoftheforestpracticesactivity.2.Thesteepestslopeintheharvestareaisstatedtobe65%inquestion21.3.WAC222-16-050,Classesofforestpractices,statesinProvisIon(1)thataClassIV-speciatclassificationshouldbeusedandSEPAreviewappliedIfthefollowingprovisionsapply.Provision(1)(d)fi)fA)statesthatpotentiallyunstableslopesareoneofthefollowing:innergorges.TheEnlargedForestPracticesActivityMapforthisapplicationshowsthatStream‘A’(TypeFwater)passesthroughan‘Innergorge’wherea210-footlengthofthestreamisproposedtobeconfinedina24-inchby30-inchculvert.ProvisionfE)statesanyareascontainingfeaturesIndicatingthepresenceofpotentialslope1nstabiIywhichcumuIathaindicatethepresenceofunstableslopesmakestheprojecteligibleforSEPAreview.4.WAC222-10-030statesthatSEPApoliciesforotentIallyunstableslopesshouldbeappliediftheproposal“woulddelivsedimentordebristoapublicresurce.”Silt-ladenrunofffromthisprojectwoulddeliversedimenttosalmon-bearingMayCreek,whichreceivestheflowofStream‘A’.Italsorequiresadditionalinformation,providedbyaqualifiedexpert,describingthepotentiallyunstablelandforms,thelikelihoodthattheprojectwoulddeliversedimentordebristoapublicresourceandanypossiblemitigationfortheidentifiedhazardsandrisks.TheapplicationappearstolackthisrequiredadditionalInformation.5.Bythesecriteria,thisapplicationshouldbedisapprovedasaClassillforestpractices,reclassifiedasaClasslV-specialforestpractices,SEPAshouldbeappliedandtherequiredadditionalJnformatlonshouldbesubmittedbytheapplicant.6.Sincethereappearstobenoanalysisbyaqualifiedexpert,theapplicationisincomplete.E1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057•rentonwa.govDocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 StateDepartmentofNaturalResourcesforestPracticesPage3of4April27,2018ImpactonSpecialThreatenedandEndangeredSpecies1.WAC222-10-040ClassIV-SpecialthreatenedandendangeredspeciesSEPApoliciespestablishesthatduetopotentialimpactsofsediment-ladenrunofffroVt-thisprojectintodownstreamMayCreekthatservesasthehomeofsalmonidsincludingthreateedspecies,VthatinadditiontoSEPApolicies,thedepartmentshallconsultwiththedepartmentoffishWandwildlifetheragencieswithexpertise,affectedlandowners,affectedIndiantribesandotherswifpertlsewhenevaluatingtheimpactsofforestpractices.2.WAC222-20-017,ApplicationsthatIncludeforestpractIceshydraulicprojects,Provision(4)requiresconcurrencereviewforculvertInstallationatorbelowthebankfullwidthinTypeFwaters.Thisproposalincludestheinstallationofa210footlongculvertforStream‘A,’whichisaTypeFwater.ThisrequireshydraulicprojectreviewbytheDepartmentofFishandWildlife.Provision(5)statesthatanapplicationwillbedisapprovedIfthedepartmentdetermines,afterconsultationwiththeDepartmentofFishandWildlife,thataforestpracticeashydraulicprojectintheapplicationwillresultIndirectorindirectharmtofishlife,unlessadequatemitigationcanbeassuredbyconditioningtheapplicationfortheproject.ApplicationincompleteandContradictory1.TheFPAismisclassifiedasaClassIllforestpracticesbecausethereisnoapplicableapprovedwatershedanalysis.Reference:WAC222-16-050(1)(d)(ii)(A).2.Item20intheapplicationindicatesthat0.7acresofforestedwetlandswillbeharvestedfortheroad,andtheEnlargedForestPracticesActivityMapshowsthattheaccessroadwillbebuiltthroughthewetlands.ThisIsInexcessof0.5acresofwetlandateabeingfilledordrained.Accordingly,theFPAcannotbeapprovedasaClassIllforestpcactices.Reference:WAC222-16-050(1)(h).3.TheapplicationlacksInformation,providedbyaqualifiedexpert,describingthepotentiallyunstablelandforms,thelikelihoodthattheprojectwoulddeliversedimentordebristoapublicresource,andanypossiblemitigationfortheidentifiedhazardsandrisks.4.Question14a.ontheapplicationstatesthattheproposalwillnotinstallaculvertatorbelowthebankfullwidthofTypeFwatersthatexceeds5%gradient.Italsostatesinitem31thatthe24-inchby30-inchculvertinstallationisproposedforaroadcrossingacrossStream‘B,’whichisanon-typedwaterfeature.However,theEnlargedForestPracticesActivityMapclearlyshowsthatitisStream‘A’thatwillbeplacedintheculvert.Stream‘A’isaTypeFwaterbeatingfish,andtheculvertmaypresentafishpassagebarrier.1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.rentonwa.govDocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 StateDepartmentofNaturalResourcestorestPracticesPage4of4Apul27,2018WeconcludethatthisapplicationpresentsatimberharvestingproposalthatcouldposesignificantadverseenvironmentalImpactsonsteep,unstableslopes,potentiallycausesilt-ladenrunofftoenter%Stream‘A’andthenMayCreekwhichprovideshabitatforthreatenedsalmonids,bringabouttheunmitigatedfillingof0.7acresofforestedwetlands,andincludesinstallationofa210-footculverttocattyaTypeFstream,whichcouldpresentabarriertofishpassage.Theapplicationisself-contradictory,incompleteandindicatesthattheintendedtimberharvesthasbeenmisclassifiedasaClassliiforestpractices.WeurgethatItbedisapprovedforthesereasons,butIfitIstobeconsidered,itshouldbereclassifiedasaclassjy-specialapplication,andsubjectedtoSEPAandhydraulicprojectreviewbytheDepartmentofFislfldWildlife,aswellasreviewbyotheragencieswithexpertiseaffectedlandowners,affectedIndiantribesandotherswithexpertisewhenevaluatingtheimpactsofforestpractices(WAC222-10-040).Inaddition,theapplicantshouldberequiredtosubmitthemissingstudiesanddocumentation,andrevisetheapplicationtoremovethecontradictionsandimproveitsaccuracy.Thankyouforyourconsideration.cc:MembersoftheRentoncityCouncilBobHarrison,ChiefAdministrativeOfficerGreggZimmerman,PublicWorksAdministratorXeiiyBeymer,CommunityServicesAdministratorChipVincent,CommunityandEconomicDevelopmentAdministratorShaneMoloney,CityAttorneyPreetiShridhar,DeputyPublicAffairsAdministratorLeslieBetlach,ParksPlanning/NaturalResourcesDirectorLysHornsby,UtiiitySystemsDirectorJenniferHenning,PlanningDirectorLesheClark,SeniorAssistantCityAttorneyJasonSeth,CityClerkAprilAlexander,ExecutiveSecretaryJuliaMedzegian,CouncilLiaison€incerely,DenisLawMayor1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057•rentonwa.govDocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 1 Angie Mathias From:Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Sent:Friday, August 10, 2018 8:58 AM To:Angie Mathias Subject:more info for you Ms. Mathias: You said that all info is due next Friday. I have some more stories for you. I have a small aviary in my back yard. Over the last 3 years, we’ve had a visit from 3 yearling hawks — who grew up in the woods that the Wolf’s want to cut down in some of the trees. I don’t know the species, but I’ve seen them and had to chase them away. So someone needs to speak for the wildlife that will loose their homes. Next concerns May Creek that Renton may not want to save the fish in it. I have seen Sockeye, Silver and Chinook salmon at the bridge over Nile. I have also seen hawks down there — doing their own fishing. I have seen a Bald Eagle down in the area where Greenes Stream enters May Creek and by the bridge on Nile. In addition, we have seen a blue heron in the area of the bridge, and close to the mouth of Greenes Stream. So maybe when Renton officials work to prezone the woods, you will also work to protect the wildlife that live out here. In addition, we have seen raccoons,possums, deer, and other wildlife. Thank you. Claudia Donnelly 10415 - 147th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98059 DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 1 Angie Mathias From:Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Sent:Friday, July 27, 2018 9:40 AM To:Chip Vincent; Angie Mathias Subject:ERC Dear Mr. Vincent: Dear Ms. Mathias: In September, 2017, I submitted pictures to the Council about flooding that occurred in 1990-1997 on our property caused by Charles Luck — who annexed to Renton for the Windstone project. Did those pictures make it to the review committee before the DNS was approved? I don’t expect an answer but I will be sending another set of pictures to Ms. Mathias for comment and to the BRB for their review. Thank you for any information you can provide. Claudia Donnelly DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 1 Angie Mathias From:Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Sent:Tuesday, July 31, 2018 12:25 PM To:Angie Mathias Cc:Chip Vincent; Jennifer T. Henning Subject:SEPA On Jul 31, 2018, at 9:26 AM, Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> wrote: > Dear Ms. Mathias: > > I came to city hall yesterday and left you a number of documents — I hope you got them. One was a copy of the April 2018 letter Mayor Law signed and sent to DNR about DeLeo Wall on Cougar Mountain. > > In the letter, he suggested for the city of Renton that SEPA reports be done for the streams on DeLeo Wall that could impact May Creek. I have copied the letter and highlighted areas where Mayor Law has asked for a SEPA study — and will be bringing it to you tomorrow. One example states “WAC222-10-030 states that SEPA policies for potentially unstable slopes (Wolf property slopes approximately 11%) should be applied if the proposal “would deliver sediment or debris to a public resource”. “Silt-laden runoff from this project would deliver sediment to salmon-bearing May Creek which receives the flow of Greenes Stream”. > > As you saw with the pictures I enclosed taken in 1990 - 97, we had silt-laden runoff from the Luck Annexation site. We also had silt-laden water from the 2004 Windstone detention pond break. > > There is an old saying that also applies to this request: “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander”. People in Renton who wanted to protect DeLeo Wall on Cougar Mountain wrote the letter and had Mayor Law sign it. All I am trying to do is protect my property, Greenes Stream, May Creek and Lake Washington from potential damage. If it was good enough for Mayor Law to sign, it’s good enough for the city to do this same SEPA request for the Wolf Annexation/development. > > Thank you. > > > Claudia Donnelly DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 zu1wUiCQ1I>Go—4\ThJ,DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 p—IDocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITY&ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTPlanningDivision1055SouthGradyWay,6thFloorIRenton,WA98057I425-430-7200,ext.2wwwjentonwa.gov1776400020DONNELLYMICHAELF+CLAUDIA10415147THAVESERENTON,WA98059IOTICEOFAPPLICATIONAMasterApplicationhasbeenfiledandacceptedwiththeDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopment(CED)—PlanningDivisionoftheCityofRenton.ThefollowingbrieflydescribestheapplicationandthenecessaryPublicApprovals.DATEOFNOTICEOFAPPLICATION:PROJECTNAME/NUMBER:PROJECTLOCATION:APPLICANT/PROJECTCONTACTPERSON:LOCATIONWHEREAPPLICATIONMAYBEREVIEWED:PROJECTDESCRIPTION:•DATEOFAPPLICATION:NOTICEOFCOMPLETEAPPUCATION:July20,2018PR18-000002LandUseNon-Projects,WolfWoodsAnnexationPrezoningILUA18-000493WolfWoodsAnnexationArea(APNs0323059292,0323059291,0323059290,0323059231,0323059047,0323059159)ChipVincent,CityofRenton/cvincent@rentonwa.gov/1055SGradyWay,Renton,WA98057ApplicantdocumentswillsoonbeavailableonlinethroughtheCityofRentonDocumentCenterwebsitePre-zoningforwolfwoodsannexationarea.July12,2018July20,2018OPTIONALDETERMINATIONOFNON-SIGNIFICANCEfDNS):AstheLeadAgency,theCityofRentonhasdeterminedthatsignificantenvironmentalimpactsareunlikelytoresultfromtheproposedproject.Therefore,aspermittedundertheRCW43.21C.110,theCityofRentonisusingtheOptionalDNSprocesstogivenoticethataDNSislikelytobeissued.CommentperiodsfortheprojectandtheproposedDNSareintegratedintoasinglecommentperiod.TherewillbenocommentperiodfollowingtheissuanceoftheThresholdDeterminationofNon-Significance(DNS).Thismaybetheonlyopportunitytocommentontheenvironmentalimpactsoftheproposal.A14-dayappealperiodwillfollowtheissuanceoftheDNSPERMITS/REVIEWREQUESTED:Environmental(SEPA)ReviewDocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 CONSISTENCYOVERVIEW:Zoning/LandUse:EnvironmentalDocumentsthatEvaluatetheProposedProject:DevelopmentRegulationsUsedForProjectMitigation:ThesubjectsiteisdesignatedResidentialLowDensitontheCityofRentonComprehensiveLandUseMapandIsnotyetzonedontheCity’sZoningMap.Environmental(SEPA)ChecklistTheprojectwillbesubjecttotheCity’sSEPAordinance,listoutregulationsandotherapplicablecodesandregulationsasappropriate.ProposedMitigationMeasures:Nomitigationmeasuresareproposedatthetimeofthisposting.CommentsontheaboveapplicationmustbesubmittedinwritingtoAngieMathias,LongRangePlanningManager,CED—PlanningDivision,1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057,by5:00PMonAugust3,2018.Ifyouhavequestionsaboutthisproposal,orwishtobemadeapartyofrecordandreceiveadditionalnotificationbymail,contacttheProjectManager.Anyonewhosubmitswrittencommentswillautomaticallybecomeapartyofrecordandwillbenotifiedofanydecisiononthisproject.Acopyofthesubsequentthresholddeterminationisavailableuponrequest.Ifyouwouldliketobemadeapartyofrecordtoreceivefurtherinformationonthisproposedproject,completethisformandreturnto:CityofRenton,CED—PlanningDivision,1055So.GradyWay,Renton,WA98057.Name/FileNo.:PR18-000002LandUseNon-Projects,WolfWoodsAnnexationPrezoning/LUA18-000493NAME:MAILINGADDRESS:City/State/Zip:CONTACTPERSON:AngieMathias,LongRangePlanningManagerTel:(425)430-6576;Email:AMathias@Rentonwa.govIAFIAMiDocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 RentonReporterFriday,August3,2IAnnouncementsHOMESECURITY.LeadingsmarthomeproviderVivintSmartHomehasanofferjustforyou,Call866-387-2013togetaprofessionallyinstalledhomesecuritysystemwith$0activation.PROMOTEYOURREGIONALEVENTstatewidewitha$325classifiedlistingor$1,575foradisplayad.C—”snewspaperor3-1-2936fordetails.—AnnouncementsWASHINGTONDIVORCE-SEPARATION,$155.$175withchildren,NOCOURtAPPEARANCES.Includesproperty,bills,custody,support.Completepreparafionofdocuments.LegalAlternatives,503-772-5295.www.paralegalalternatives.comLgalNotices-VALLEYMEDICALCENTERDistrictHealthcareSystemNOTICEOFBOARDCOMMITTEESCHEDULESNoticeIsherebygiventhattheValleyMedicalCenterBoardofTrusteesCompensationCommitteewillbeheldonTuesday,August14,2018,at10:30am.InConferenceRoomBatValleyMedicalCenter,Renlon,Washington.BOARDOFTRUSTEES(DistrictHealthcareSystem)By:KathrynHollandExecutiveAssistanttotheBoardofTrustees#8183668/3/78,8/10/18CITYOFRENTONRENTONCITYCOUNCILNOTICEOFPUBUCHEARINGNOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthattheRentonCityCouncilhasfixedthe13thdayofAugust,2018,at7p.m.asthedateandtimeforapub-LegalNoticesLegalNotlcasLegalNoticesLegalNoticesLegalNoticesichearingtobeheldinalPermit.Permits/ReviewRe-AUgUSt17,2018.ityoSEPAreviewtotheseventhfloorCouncilTheproposedproject,quested:EnvironmentalhavequestIonsaboutstruda64,935squChamberaofRentonBounShortPlat,islocat-(SEPA)Reviewthisproposal,orwishtofootautodealersCityHall,1055S.Gradyedat1024DuvailAveLOCSOIwiereapppbemadeapartyThesubjectpropertyWay,Renton,WANEinRontonInKingtionmaybereviewed:recordandreceiveaddi-locatedat3400E98057,toconsidertheCOUnty.clionalnotification.tyValleyRoad(Afollowing:Thisprojectinvolves1.3nityandEconomicDe-mail,contactAngie3023059067).ThecEstablishinganInterimacresofsoildisturbanceopnt1055Mathias.AnyonewhoJectsitetotals5.65accontrolprohibitingtheforResidential,UtilitiesGradyWay,Renton,WAsubmitswrittencorn-inarea.iszonedacceptanceofapphca-constructionactivities.98057merItswillautomaticallyandislocatedinthelionsforfeewaiversandThereceivingwaterbod-DevelopmentReguia-becomeapartyoftomallAreaCOverapplicationsforpropertyesareHoneyDewnsUsedforProjectrecordandwillbenob-District.Twoexistitaxexemptionsformulti-Creek,LakeWashing-Mitigation:Thisnon-pro-fledofanydecisiononbuildingsonthesitefamilyhousinginresi-ton.jectactionwiltbesubjectthisproject,proposedfordemolitkdentialtargetedareas.AnypersonsdesiringtoctheCity’sSEPAOrdi-CONTACTNUMBER:TheprevioususelockAllinterestedpartiesarepresenttheirviewstonanceandotherappli-425.430.6576edontheproperty,aICinvitedtoattendthepub-theWashingtonStatecablecodesandregula-babOflDate:yard,resultedinasiichearingandpresentDepartmentofEcology.tonsasappropriate.3,2018officantunountofCOwrittenororalcommentsregardingthis,pplica-ProposedMitigatIon#819702tatiatedduetothedcompositionofthejutregardingtheproposal.tion,orInterestedInMeasures:TheanalysisNOTICEOFvehicles.TheapplicaiWrittencommentssub-Ecology’sactiononthisOfthenon-projectactionENViRONMENTALenterintotheVolunta,miffedtotheCityClerkApplrcat:or.,mayflOtltyofprezoningan.areaDETERMINATIONClewn.ipProgramwby5:00p.m.onthedayEcologyinwritingnolat-doesnotrevealanyad-ENVIRONMENTALDOEforthesitedearofthehearingwillbeen-erthan30daysoftheverseenvironmentalREVIEWCOMMITTEEup.AccessIsproposeteredintothepubliclastdaleofpublicationofpactsrequiringmitiga-‘•roN1’-viattveenewivewayhearingrecord.thisnotice.Ecologyte-tionaboveandbeyond.WASHINGTONoftofEastValleyRoacRentonCityHallisInviewspubliccommentsexistingcodeprovision.DEPARTMENTOFThe’siteismappedwftlcompliancewiththeandconsiderswhetherHowever,mitigationmayCOMMUNITYahighseismichazard.,AmericanDisabilitiesdischargesfromthist°benecessaryandmayANDECONOMICCategoryIllwetlandsiAct,andinterpretiveset-jetwouldcauseamea-beimposedatthetimeDEVELOPMENTlocateddirectlyadjacenivicesfortheheatingrn-sUt5blechangeinre-ofasitespecificdevel-TheEnvironmentalRe-tothesite.pairedwillbeprovidedcervingwaterquality,opmentproposalontheviewCommitteehasIs-OftheDNSMuponpriornotice.Calland,ifso,whetherthesubjectsite,suedaDeterminationOfmustbefiledinwriting(425)430-6510foraUdi-projectisnecessaryaridCommentsontheaboveNonSignificanCe‘Mitigat-onorbefore5:00p.m.tionalinformation,intheoverridingpublicapplicationmustbesub-adtDNSM)forthefol-onAugust17,2018.ApJasonA.Seth‘interestaccordingtoTiermittedinwritingtoAngielowingprojectunderthemustbefiledinCityClerkIIantidegradationre-Mathias,LongRangeauthorityoftheRentonwritingtogetherwiththePublishedRentonRe-quirementsunderWAGPlanningManager,De-municipalcode.requiredfeewith:Hear-porter173-201A-320.partmentofCommunityWalkerAutoDealershipIngExaminercfoCityAugust3,2018Commentscanbesub-andEconomicDevelop-LUA18000305Clark,#819507miffedto:ment,1055SouthGradyLocation:3400East‘telDepartmentofEcologyWay,Renton,WAfeyRd.TheapplicantisICoatinuedonKantKhnor,845106thAttn:WaterQualityPro-AveNESte200Belie-gram,Construction98057,by5.00p.m.on‘requestingSitePlanandvue,WA98004,Isseek-StormwateringcoverageundertheP.O.Box47696,OlymWashingtonStateDe-pia,WA98504-7696partmentofEcology’s#618359ConstructionStormwater7/27/18,8/3/18NPDESandStateWasteDischargeGenerCORPORATEASSETSINCPUBUCAUCTIONSurplustotheNeedsofaMajorHotWalerHeaterManufacturer(LargeTankFabricatingFacility)-Wed.,August1at9:30AM.820SW41stSt.,Renton,WA,98057www.corpassets.comServiceDirectoryPUBLICVEHICLEAUCTIONINoTIceAPPLICATIONANDPROPOSEDDETERMINATIONOFNON-SIGNIFICANCERENTON,WASHINGTONApplicationName:WolfWoodsZoningLandUseNumber:LUA18-000493,ECFProjectDescriptionandLocation:PrezoninganannexationareawithproposedResidentialFourDwellingUnitsperAcre.TheareaisintheLowDensityLandUsedesignation.Theapproximately8-acreareaisgenerallylocatedatthenortheasternportionoftheCitylimitsintheEastPlateauCommunityPlanningArea.ItisborderedtothesouthparcellineslocatedatapproximatelyNE18thSt(ifextended),parcellinesnearliwacoAveNEtothewest,145thPlaceSEtothenorth,andtotheeastbyNileAveSE.Application.Date:July12,20t8Friday,August10th,201$@12:00p.m.--Governmentvehicles,includingcars,trucks,SUVs,vans&morei75+unitsAUCTIONPREVIEWDATE:Thursday,August9thI9:00a.m.-4:00p.m.Sale#ACFBFCI68I2www.autoauctions.gsa.govtopreviewDAASeattle’sGSAInventoryonlineNochildrenunder18-DMSEATTLE3130DStreetSE,Auburn,WA253.737.2200daaseattle.comHomeServicesGeneralContractorselloBilililFlootin&AewodeIinOfferingawiderangeofserVIces.Fromsimplefaucet&sinkreplacement,tofullbathroom&kitchenremodelingandflooringInstallation.-206-753-7919Ucense4bosdetwwedOwnenAdrianChagay10%SenIorDiscotmtHomeServicesHomeServicesLandscapeServicesRoofing/SidingA-iSHEERROOFING&GARDENING&REMODELINGLANDSCAPINGSeniorDiscounts*CleanupTrimFreeEstimates•Weed*PruneSod-Seed*BarkExpertWork*Rockery253-850-5405*Badthoe•PatiosMwicanGin.Canado425-226-3911e.e.cBue,.uBqcesjhG.AMEeIGcS23e.206-722-2043L.kNAISHEGLO34JU___________________DomesticServicesAdult/ElderCare24HourElderlyCarePrIvateRoomwithprivatebathtoomANDLANDSCAPINGavailable.$,QffExcellentCaregivers.CalfMarcetaFull-Cleanup(206)369-4984Mowing,Thatching___________________&Weeding.BlackberryRernovaGutter&rLATINO’SLAWN&GARDENT.pVIT,..,,,rs’SOUNDPUELISHINCizmir.:..:..,i..‘s’V.ten,c.clJt‘S.5FeatwEDITOR(FederalWay,WA)InDocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 1 Angie Mathias From:Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Sent:Monday, August 06, 2018 2:45 PM To:Angie Mathias Cc:Chip Vincent; Clark Close Subject:Wolf Woods notification Dear Ms. Mathias: Thank you for your letter telling me I am a party of record. I need to correct some of your statements, however: First off, Renton does have a “tree ordinance”. However, you don’t enforce it. You might want to drive the East Renton Plateau to see the groves of trees that are missing. The developments where clear cutting took place include: Piper’s Bluff, Windstone, Myer’s Ranch, Renton 14, Tiffany Park (1300 trees on site and the developer saved “X” number), Alpine Nursery and the many developments on 160th Avenue SE. Also there is the American Classic Development at the bottom of 156th Avenue SE. And where it takes trees 50-60 years to get to the size they are now and caliper that they are now — and they are to be replaced with 1-2” caliper trees. I will take a pictre of the bare ground once the trees in this property are gone. And then maybe you can tell me that “Renton protects the trees”. And as for Renton’s Surface Water policy, in 1990, Renton officials allowed the flooding, sediment problem that occurred for 7 years — 1990 - 97 on our property to May Creek by Charles Luck. And Renton allowed the Piper’s Bluff detention pond to break 3 times sending yellow muddy water into Honey Creek and May Creek and a wetland. I saw it and reported it to DOE. In addition, in August 2004, we had yellow water flowing down Greenes Stream from Windstone Detention Pond — that broke — to May Creek; Thanksgiving we had white water and December 2004, more yellow water that caused me to go to DOE to get help stopping the flow. ,Don’t tell me that Renton cares about the environment. I made a copy of the paper’s legal notice and the notice we were mailed last week and mailed it to you. This other note said the deadline was August 3, 2018 at 5 pm. Ms. Mathias: I have lived out here 32 years and have seen Renton do alot of stuff. It will be an interesting hearing examiner’s meeting whenever that is held. I look forward to bringing copies of all the stuff I provided to you to Mr. Close. Thank you — Have a good day. Claudia Donnelly DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 1 Angie Mathias From:Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Sent:Thursday, August 02, 2018 9:51 AM To:Angie Mathias Cc:Chip Vincent Subject:two more stories as evidence Dear Ms. Mathias: I thought of 2 more stories that I think should be used in your planning. 1. In April 2018, there was an article in the Renton Reporter about DeLeo Wall proposed clear cut. I read the article and called and talked to the Newcastle City Manager — Rob Wyman about the pictures I had. He was interested in seeing them, so I made copies and delivered them to Newcastle City Hall. I attended the May 1 city council meeting and testified about what I did. I got a standing ovation for caring for our environment. As I was leaving, Mr. Wyman told me that he gave the pictures to the city attorney who would be using them in the quest for a restraining order to prevent the logging. As far as I know, the pictures were used in court. 2. You have stated that Greenes Stream is dry during the summer and doesn’t sustain fish in it. That is correct. Over the years, May Creek has flooded over Nile and the wetlands. I was told by Larry Fisher, Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Biologist that during the high water period — that the fish would leave the stream — because they didn’t like the swiftness of the water and go into the grassy area when Greenes Stream enters May Creek — to protect themselves — and once the water level went down and swiftness was gone, that they would return to the Creek channel. If you believe me, talk to Larry. Thank you. Claudia Donnelly DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 1 Angie Mathias From:Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Sent:Thursday, August 02, 2018 12:57 PM To:Angie Mathias Subject:Re: SEPA My address is: 10415 - 147th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98059 You can also use it for the notes I’ve sent you. Thank you. Claudia Donnelly On Aug 2, 2018, at 11:21 AM, Angie Mathias <AMathias@Rentonwa.gov> wrote: > Ms. Donnelly, > > I have received the highlighted letter you reference below. It does not include your address. If you would like the highlighted letter to be entered into the record as part of the SEPA comments for the prezoning of the Wolf Woods Annexation, will you please provide your address? This can be done in email if you prefer. > > Thank you, > Angie > > Angie Mathias > Long Range Planning Manager > City of Renton > 1055 South Grady Way > Renton, WA 98057 > 425.430.6576 > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Claudia Donnelly [mailto:thedonnellys@oo.net] > Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 12:25 PM > To: Angie Mathias <AMathias@Rentonwa.gov> > Cc: Chip Vincent <CVincent@Rentonwa.gov>; Jennifer T. Henning <Jhenning@Rentonwa.gov> > Subject: SEPA > > > On Jul 31, 2018, at 9:26 AM, Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> wrote: > >> Dear Ms. Mathias: >> >> I came to city hall yesterday and left you a number of documents - I hope you got them. One was a copy of the April 2018 letter Mayor Law signed and sent to DNR about DeLeo Wall on Cougar Mountain. DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691 2 >> >> In the letter, he suggested for the city of Renton that SEPA reports be done for the streams on DeLeo Wall that could impact May Creek. I have copied the letter and highlighted areas where Mayor Law has asked for a SEPA study - and will be bringing it to you tomorrow. One example states "WAC222-10-030 states that SEPA policies for potentially unstable slopes (Wolf property slopes approximately 11%) should be applied if the proposal "would deliver sediment or debris to a public resource". "Silt-laden runoff from this project would deliver sediment to salmon-bearing May Creek which receives the flow of Greenes Stream". >> >> As you saw with the pictures I enclosed taken in 1990 - 97, we had silt-laden runoff from the Luck Annexation site. We also had silt-laden water from the 2004 Windstone detention pond break. >> >> There is an old saying that also applies to this request: "What's good for the goose is good for the gander". People in Renton who wanted to protect DeLeo Wall on Cougar Mountain wrote the letter and had Mayor Law sign it. All I am trying to do is protect my property, Greenes Stream, May Creek and Lake Washington from potential damage. If it was good enough for Mayor Law to sign, it's good enough for the city to do this same SEPA request for the Wolf Annexation/development. >> >> Thank you. >> >> >> Claudia Donnelly > DocuSign Envelope ID: F5B74C81-B23E-4444-94C0-56D524865691