HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/16/2018 - Minutes Parks,Trails and Community Facilitie� Initiative Community Ad�isary Committee�CAC� Meeting Summary for Meeting#9—May 16,2018 Attending: Aduisory Committee Members: AI Dieckman � Jeannie Seil �f Angelina Benedetti � leffrey Kelly ,f Bob Reeder {CAC Vice Chair) ,� Melody Kroeger � Brendan Armstrong Mij Charbonneau � Brian Kaelin � Mitc�5hepherd � Qana Rochex ,f Rocale Timmons De�in Malkin Ted Rodriguez � Dr. Linda Smith �f Tim Searing {CAC Chair) � City Staff and Others: Council President Ed Prince � Leslie Betlach ,f Carol Ann Witschi Steve Brown �f Jay Co�ington Stefanie Caleman Kelly Beymer � Cailin Hunsaker � Jan Hawn � Karen Reed ,f Dana Appel Maryjane Van Clea�e MiSty Baker Councilmember�uth Perez ,� Meeting Commenced: 4:OOpm 1. Tim Searing welcomed everyone. 2. Karen reviewed the agenda. This meeting will be the final review and defining of the CAC Report recommendation. Council President Prince addressed the committee and on behalf of the City Cauncil,thanked them for their time, energy and extensi�e deliberation on this issu�. 3. It mo�ed and seconded to approve Meeting 8 Summary. Motion carried. 4. Kar�n re�iewed the Next Steps handout.The repart will be presented to the City Council on June 4�h, at 5:30pm, with Cvunci! deliberation an June il�h. See handout for more details. After tonight, Karen will make edits (from tanight's discussion and decisians� and will email the committee a red-lined �ersion {showing track changes) for#heir final appro�al.Then Karen reviewed thQ next handout per t�e issues for discussion, and the approval criteria. Kelly pro�ided an explanation of the Operatians and three types of Maintenance (Operations & Maintenance, Major Maintenance, and Capital Improvement, and t�e streams of funding for these.� The a�erage annual increase in aperations and maintenance is roughly 3°�, while budget�und's average increase is also roughly 3�. Question was posed i�the Parks department cauld maintain operations and maintenance of the current assets, at the current rate of increase, if the $�.3M of deferred maintQnance was able to be funded with this package. Kelly responded that they would be able to (er►en with the fluctuating REET funding� but i#would be with no cushion of funds to take care af unexpected project needs. - �- Questian was posed if aperations and maintenance cost increase with population growth. Kelly responded, that it does, but le�el of service would change.The budget co�ers the expected and projected casts as evaluated with each 2-year budget cycfe.The 6-year Capital In�estmen# Program e�aluates and forecasts a�l possible projects and replacements, and additianal funds are requested in the budget cycles, but they're not always funded. The Chair and Vice Chair pre5ented a suggestion for discussion that an optian be included in the recommendatian that would follow the committee's strong support of a$70M package of projects. 7he option would be that if the counci! didn't choose#o mo�e forward with this package,that they would consider finding a way to fund the$13M major main#enance prajects with an addi#ional $1.5M cantingency far unforeseen or fncreased costs.T�is could be done by a couple different funding options, as seen fit by the counc�A. Discussron continued about the potential bad timing af asking the public to increase their taxes,and also whether to even offer the option, if the council initiat4y asked the committee ta specifical�y pro�ide a $7UM package of pro�ects. Council Presiden# Prince pro�ided some context to the purpose af this committee's mandate and shared that this ask of them is part of a three-legged strategic plan (that included the B &O tax and the Renton Regional Fire AuthorityJ. He greatly appreciates the community perspective and thoughtful deliberatian of these additional considerations. It was motioned to have the recommendation shaw a strong, confident support of the $70M project p�c�age and if in the case the council does not choose this,that they would conside�a $15M aption for only major maintenance pr�jectsf �nclud�ng contingency fundS. M�tion was mo�ed. Vote carried with 1�-�vating. Melody and Mij clarified that they do support parks, but do not feel this is the right time to go to the citizens with a $70M p�,ckage. Should the council decide not to choose the $70M option, they do support the $15M option. Aga�n th� issue of timing (of a IerryJ was discussed. Cauncil President Prince stated that this concern is valuable fflr council deliberatian as the committee shares the commun�ty's sentiment, but also,that there is ne�er a "good"time, even in the current en�ironment of muftiple patential tax increases on the horizon. Melody wanted to include a minor+ty statement so the councit would hear the voice�f concern about the timing, even t�augh `#iming`wasn'# in the mandate for the committee, 5. Karen proceeded to summarize each section by page asking for any questions or suggestions. It was asked that the ward "di�erse" not be used in Section II on page 1.Without c�iteria of what `di�erse' means, it could cause confusion. Kelly exp�ained how the committee members were selected by Council and tried to repr�sent geographic and cultural di�ersity. In addition,task forces and public input for the 2q11 Parks, Recreatian and Natural Areas Plar� �PRNA�,the 2D17 Downtowr� Ci�ic Core Visian and Action Plan, and #he 2018 Trails and Bicycle Plan proeess did include di�ersity. It wa� motioned and seconded to remave the highlighted text regarding di�ersity on membership in Section II on the bottom of page 1. Motion car�ied. It was noted to include the map of"Locatians af CAC Praposed Projects�' into the recommendatian packet. -z- It was 5uggested to include on page 12, a footnote to the list of projects by project area to state#hat all were in agreement of t�e projec#s to support the Tri-Park Master Plan, 6ut not to inclucfe the acquisition of the Merlino pro�erty. It was naticed that Project 18—Philip Arnald Park has zera in Estimated Marginaf Increase in Annual Maintenance. �It was verified after�he meeting that there was zero cast identified 2011 PRNA plan for p�o�o5ed cost increase in operations and maintenance at this location as a result of this project.) It was verified that#he grand total cost of all identified �rojec#s was $ZO more than the $70M, council requested cap.This was deemed accepta6le by Kelly and Jan. There was a motion to approve#he draft recommendation as amended. Motion carried 11-1 for the motion. The declining�ote was in disagreemen#of the project list and that the�e were no identified projects in the southern portion of the Talbat neighborhood area. Two park land areas (Edfund property anc!the Cleveland/Richardson praperty) were identified in that area, but staff explained that thase areas would not be viable for neighborhoQd parks (playgrounds, etc� due to being classified as predominately wetlands. One of t�e partions may 3�e suitahle as an open space/natural area with a limited soft-surface trail. It was proposed that maybe a community garden or dog park could be considered in that area. It was explained that not all projects that were proposed recei�ed a second and �ut on the list for�ote, thus not being included in cansideration tor a�ote. All projects seconded, were put to vote, and some not passing with a majority. Discussion concluded tha# a minority statement not he included far the gap in Talbot as many projects were not voted through, rather a statement stating that gap in service �emains in many areas intluding Benson, Talbot, and East Plateau and all underserrred areas would ha�e high priority fo�a community garden or dag parEc. Decliner was agreeable to this amendment. It was noted that a statement be included at the end of page 1D, in the "CAC Recommended P�oject List" sectian that the group attempted to select projects to create geographic equity, b�t some projects didn't make the selected list. Motion and seconded to accept#h�f�ll committee recommendation as amenr�ed. Motion carried. Karen and Kelly ga�e a `huge thanks' ta the committee chair, �ice-chair for attending all ti�e planning meetings and all the members who put in so much time and energy to re�iew the mountain of clocument5 and deliberate the issues these past five mant�s. 7hey also thanked the staff wF�a worked hard to pro�ide the information and make this a �aluable experience. Karen will email flut the final draft, in red-line format for final approval. Melody spoke up and asked fo�a minority statement to be included in the recommendation to the effect that sF�e believes the $7Qm pacicage is c�rrect, but that she's not supportive and would like to offer her rationale in the statement. Karen asked her to share her rationale with the group. Melody shared that she op�oses funding because it will fall disproportionately on the low and fixed income because praperty taxes are regressive, and tha# other sen►ices are mare important ta fund. Karen will work wi#h Melody to craft her statement. Melody requested a braader table on tax impacts on households af various sizes be added to the -3- �eport. I�ar�n said that since the report has now been appro�ed by two�otes today, we should not be talking about further edits. Ted wanted it nated that he agreed wit�Jeff that ther� are gaps in parks in the south end of Talbot area. Jeff added h�s�hanks t�the group for the whole effart. The meetyng was adj�urned at 5:57pm. � � C�,; � ..�-