HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/19/2010 - Minutes MINUTES � crEy of City of Ren�on � (����0 � �� � Human SerVices AdVisory Commi'��ee Tuesday, Octot�er 19, Z010 City Hall, 7th �Ioor 3:04 p.m. Council Canference Rnom Commfttee members For your calendars: present: The ciate of the next regular meeting is Tuesday, Na�ember 16, at 3:�� p.rrt. in the Counci! Conference Room, 7th Floor, Renton City Hal[, Margie A[britton Rolf Dragseth Robin cal[ed the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Alicia G[enweli Charlie Gray Adr1a KraiE �-� Minutes from Au�ust 17, 201D, Meetin�: It was maved by Elizabeth an� Robin Jones, Chair secandecl by Alicia, and carried to approve the August minutes. �'he Linda Smith Septetnber meeting was cancelled. Rob Spier �lizabeth Stevens,Vice- 2. Ground Rules: Guidelines were �resented to assist members in exchanging Chair �iews and working constructi�ely to accomplish their objeeti�es. Mernf�ers Nicale Wicks were reminded to be professional at all times and treat each other with res�ect. They were as�ed ta avoid interrup�ing athers, and lister� carefully with an open mind. Everyone's viewpoint is�a[uable, and the common goal of the Carnrriittee is to work tog�ther to give the b�st infiormation passible A�75@l?f. t0 COU�IGI�. 3. Bvlaws: A subcommittee of L[nda, Aciria, and Rob was appointed to re�iew 5raff Con�acrs: and finalize the proposed char�ges to the bylaws. While most edits were minor to update terminology, a major change was made to Section Four, Karen �ergsv�k Attendance, The new warding is: Members who cannot a#ter�d a meeting 425-430-6652 must eontact t�e Human Services Manager, in advance af such abser�ces, khergsvik@rentonwa.gov This will f�e reported to the Chair. Attendanee is tracked o�er a calendar Dianne utecht year. Two unexcused absences and na more than four tataf absences per 425-430-6655 calendar year shall be cause far dismissal (except for the youth member}, dutecht@rentonwa.gov ��� ��� ►'ecommendat[on will be forwarded ta the Mayor. F'ollowing any absence, members must make arrangements with the Human 5ervices Carol Allread Manag�r to receive mat�rials and a brief o�erview of the missed meeting. 425-430-6650 callread@rentonwa.gov Failure to contact the Human Services Manager to r�part an absence prior to a regularly schedufed meeting will resu[t in an unexcu�sed absence. Itobin cafls for the motion. �ficofe tnotions to a�pro�e the changes as preser�ted, and Alicia seconded the motion. Motion approved. H:\Human Ser�ices\p9\Advisory Committee\Agenda-Handouts-Minutes�Minutes\2010 Minutes�tictober Minutes�Octoberlaminutes.doc 4. Bri,efin�.Should�he City become a direct entitlement for CDBG?: 7her� is an interdepartmen�al City team comprised of staff from Finance, Eeanomic Development, P�anning, an� Cammunity 5ervices. They wil[ b� making the recommendation as to if the City should beeome a direct entitlement or nat, when our current agreement wi�h King County �xpires at the end of 2011. The recorrimendation will be made in the first quarter of 20�.1., after the res�al#s of t�e 20�1 Census are a�ailable and it is deterrnined what King County is proposing if we remain a joint agreement city. At the same time we are doing this analysis, Karen is working with King Caunty and the other joint agreement cities to deterrnine what the agreement wau[d look like if we remained part of the King County ConsortiUm. Both Kirkland and Redmond now ha�e populations over#ifty thotasand, and can become a joint agreement ci�y, and/or ciir�ct entitlement city. Our current joint agreemer�t states that we pay King County 10%for admmistration, 2%for capita) setaside, 5%to the Housing Stability Program, and 25%to the King Caur�ty deferred home loan program. !f we beeome a direct entitlement we wauld get more funcis, but we would also ha�e more � responsibilities in adrr�inistering the funds.. � In the 2011 budget, $24,000 has been re�uested for the Consalidated Plan. �'his is a requirement ta become a direct entitlement. [n 2010, there fs �6,000 that is being used for a hausing stock in�entory that wifl be useful wheth�r the City elects to �ecotne a di�-ect entit[ement or not. If we do opt to become direct entitlement, the information wilf fo[d into the Consolidated Plan. ff we decide not to become a direct entitlement, it will �e used for the Wousing element of the City's Comprehensi�e Pfan. Kris Sorenson, City staff, is the lead on this; the City has chosen Jahn Epler and Associates to help on the inventory. John used to wark at the U.S. Department of Nousing and Urban Development (HUD) and is �ery farrtiliar with the Cansoli�ated P[an requirements. The Human Ser�ices Advisory Committee will ha�e a ro[e if the City becomes a direct entitlement, as HUD requir�s citizen participation. The Comtt�ittee will ser�e in that role. 5. Fundin� Recorr�me�tdations & Finance Committee: �ay Covington, Chief Adrr�inistrative Off�cer for City of�tenton, briefed the merrtbers an the funding recommendations. The Finance Cammittee was very appreciati�e of the wark done byfhe Committee, and did not intend to ehange the recorrimendations. They recognized that Committee mem�ers had diffieult chaices to make�his funcEing cyc[e, and they didn't want ta undo t��work �erformed, nar make Comrnittee members feel like they went through the process for nothing. The Committee members did ha�e eoncern, however, for Renton-base� agencies that were funded in the priar funding cycle and were not recommended #ar funding in 2011/2012, The Renton Clothes Bank, Communities in Schoals �CISR} Family l.iaison Program, CiSR Mentor Prograrn, The Ukrainian Center f2efugee Assistance Pragram, and the Domestic Abuse Women's Network Community Advocacy Pragram were the pragrams not �ecommended for funding in 2011/2012. Staff was asked to do an ar�alysis af how much it wou[d cast if the agencies were funded at 50%of what they requested ir� 2011, ar 50%of their 2a10 allocation. Funding af1 five programs at 5�%of their 20�.�. allocatian wou[d f�e approximate[y$28,000, anct furtding at 50%of the requested total for 2011/2�12 is H:�Human Services�09�Advisory Com�nittee�Agenda-Handouts-Minutes�lVlinutes�2010 Niinutes�October Minutes\Octaberl0min�tes.doc $�5,250. The Finance Committee wEll need to find the funds for this, as it is rtot irt the Mayor's proposed budget. They discussed cutting the proposed funding recommendations or finding the funding elsewhere. Elizabeth and Robin requested that�he �inance Committee not refer it back to the Human Services Advisory Committee to cEecide where the funding would come from. Karen explained that Robin and �lizabeth went to the Communi�y Services Committee a�the beginning of th�funding process and asked if�here was anything that should be done clifferentfy than what was planned. They were told no. The Finance Committee commer�ted that they are not the Community Services Committee, and that they did not ha�� input into the funding pracess. It was asked if the Cauncil hacf seen the applicatiorts, artd Jay said no. He clarified that CISR has a �ery long and special relationship with the City, as do�s the Renton Clothes BanK. The question is how these relationships are weighed as part of the funding process. �inance Committee.members also feft that it was tao abrupt to cut ageneies off without notice and that if they are partialiy funded, they would have the opportunity to irnpra�e with the he[p of staff. Charlie clarified the Human Ser�ice Ad�isory Cort�rr�ittee's role from his p�rspective: "We are an advisory body not subject to political pressures. If Council does nat accept the Committee's recommendations, ctor�'t give them baek to the Committee to make changes, for if they do, the Committee becomes paliticized". ft was as[�ed if all of�he five �rograrns labbied CouneiL Or�ly two agencies did. Nicole asked if Council has asked the agencies if they could make it on the amaunt of funding that 50%wauld gi�e thern, It was pointed out that 50%of the 201�allocation wauld �u't DAWN at less than the $5,000 minimum. The point was raised that the$5,000 setaside for Capacity Builciing could be usecf to help those agenci�s not recommended for funding, The agenc�es may b� daing a great job, but it doesn't show up in their app[ication. Linda shared her beli�f that the Council is an entity that is responsibfe far laoking at the greatest needs in our community. The ht�man element has to kiek in at some point regardless of how the application is filled aut. If the Finance Corrttnittee recognizes these as important needs in t�e corr�rnur�ity,they should be taking action to reflect those needs, it wouEd be a disservice to the community if they ru�ber-stam�ed e�erything that the Human Services Advisory Committee recomrnends. Next steps: Jay will take his notes from this meeting to the Finance Committee meeting. He cautior�ed not to expec� a decisinn or� Manday, as Council will need to consider this inpu�with al[ of the other chat�ges to the budget. He hearcl that the pr�ferenee wou[d be to try to find anotl�er source of funding, not take a percentage away from each funded agency, 6) Draft uestionnaire to A encies: `fhe draft questionnaire for agencies that ap�fied ta Renton for funding was delayed due ta time constraints af Ka�en's. The goal of the questionnaire is to deterrnine what car� be cfone better in the next funding cycle. Karen wil[ pro�ide results frorr� the survey�hat was on HS Cannect to the Committee, Committee members expressed the desire to revie • the applieatian questions at a future meeting. Nico[e offered to do the agency survey. H:�Humar�Servlces�09�AdvisoryCommittee�Agenda-Handouts-flifinutes\Minutes�2p10 Minutes�flctober Ninuies�OctoheriOminutes.dac � 7} Updates• a) Summer Lunch Pro�ram: 7he partnership between City af Rentan staff,the Rentan School Dist�'ict, and community si�es was highly successful again this year. 7here were 11,579 meals served at ten sites this surnmer. A recommendation was made to return to��e park sites as it is mare of a neutraf setting and attracts more kids, Charlie suggested that the community sites be �resented with an award as recognition for their participation in t�e prograrn. b) Com�ass Veteran's Center: Margie atter�ded the grand opening af the Campass Veteran's Center on Su�day, October 10. St�e was�ery impressed with the facility. The Center pro�ides 58 new housing units for homeless veterans an� their farrtilies, and offers a range of onsi#e support services, a chifdren's playground, and mee�ing spaces. The rrteeting w �j�urned at 4:30 p.m, �_� Robin Jones, Chair H:�Human 5ervices�09�Ad�isoryCommittee�Agenda Handouts-Minutes�Mfnutes�2010 iNinutes�OctoUer Minutes�Octo6erlUminutes.doc