HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/11/1999 - Minutes City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
Renton Senior Activity Center
May 11, 1999---4:30 p.m.
In Attendance:
Members Staff Others
Tim Searing, Chair Sy�via Allen Gary Bagnefl
Cynthia Burns Leslie Betlach Brad Landon
Joan Moffatt Sandy Pilat Sonja Majfaender
Michaei O'Donin Jim Shepherd
Ron Regis
Marge Richter
Tim Searing
Rabert l.o ue
Tim Searing, Chair, called the May 11, 1999, meeting to order at 4:32 p.m.
Ron Regis made a motion seconded by Marge Richter to appro�e t�e April
minutes as written. All were in ta�or, minutes approved.
Mr. Shep�erd announced the New Musician Showcase a# Carca Theatre on May
1 fit'' and the Renton Concert Band Conc�rt on June 3"� at 7:30 p.m.
The following correspondence was �ecei�ed and reviewed by Mr. Shepherd:
➢ Lew Newton wrote a letter to Mayor Tan�er expressing his t�anks to t�e
City for assisting him in establishing a memorial for his wife at Gen�
Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Jof�n Slaney, Parks Maintenance
Supervisor, assisted and coordinated Mr. Newton's purchases.
➢ Mr. Carter e-mailed us to say #hanks for the beautifu! day he and his wife
had watching the hydroplane races at Co�alon Park.
➢ Michaei Judge wrote a letter asking for the Board's support in the matter
in�olving the dock used by the Sailing Club.
Ms. Sonja Majlaender, Coordinator, was present to request exclusive use
of Liberty Park July 27'h thru August 1 St for Ri�er Days activities. The
community center would also be used for Senior Day Juiy 29'h and for the
annual art show. Joan Moffatt made a motion seconded by Marge Richter
City of Renton Par$:$oard Minutes
May I I, I 449
Pagc 2 o f 3
to appro�e this request. A�I present were in fa�or, motion carried request
The Renton Sailing Club requested usage of tY�e kayak Iaunch dock at the
north tum�around throughout the summer for the �urpase of conducting
sailing classes. Th� c�asses would be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays
in the evenings from May thru August. There wouZd not be an impac# to
public access of �he launch. They also requested reservation of two
parking s#alls in the turnaround far their truck and trailer used to haul the
b�ats for #hese classes. Discussion followed regarding accessibility for
emergency �ehicles if the truck and trailer were in this turnaround space.
5taff a�so noted that this would be an increase in our present level of
service and was only an interim solution. The approval of this request is
only recommended for the remainder af the 1999 class year. Marge
Rich#er made a mation seconded by Ron Regis to appro�e the request to
reserve a parking spot for four days a week instead of the current two for
the truck and trailer used to transpor� boats for their classes. Motion
carried, request approved.
David Wright requested to plant a tree and plaque in memory of this wife
at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Staff noted there currently is a
waiting list for open spots for #rees. Cynthia Burns made a motion
second�d by Joan Moffatt to appro�e Mr. Wright's request but he would be
placed on a waiting list. All were in favor, motion carried.
Shannon MacDanald, SKIF�RALL Foundation, requested permission to
use the Cedar Ri�er trail and the access raad locat�d near the baseball
field of Cedar River Park for three (3} SKIF�RALI. in-line skating e�ents.
SKIFORALL pro�ides year-round outdoor recreation for people with
disabilities in #he Puget Sound Area.
The access road would serve as their meeting place and beginner
instruction, More ad�anced skaters would use the trail. These e�ents are
scheduled for August �2, 19 and 2fi�h from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Staff
explained the trail could have possible construction in the area they
reques#ed #or the ad�anced skaters, therefore cau2d not recommend
appro�al. The staff offered alternate areas suitable and safer, such as
Ron Regis Park and using Riverview Par�c. Joan Moffatt made a motion to
propose tY�e necessary c�anges in location for the group for tY�eir
consideration, if acceptable staff would coordinate the e�ent. Ron Regis
seconded the motion, all were in fa�or, mo#ion approved.
Gary Bagnell, Renton Sailing Club, asked to moor two boats insidE the log
boom and for the city to waive parking a�d launch fees for club acti�ities.
Staff recommended approval of moorage of the boats contingent on
presentation of an insurance certificate. Howe�er, coufd not recommend
City aF Rentort Park Board Minutcs
May 12, I999
Page 3 of 3
waiver of fees for cl�b activities as requested. Cynthia Bums made a
motion seconded by Ron Regis ta deny the request for waiver of fees but
appro�e the moorage of boats as requested. Motion carried.
Linda Hamm, Permit Coordinator, Best of the NortF�west Bike Ride,
requested to use Riverview Park as a rest stop for their 100-mile bike
route on June 19. They plan to use the trail and city streets for their
scheduled rid� involving up to 400 riders. Staff pointed out further
coardination was needed with other city departments as an event involving
this large of a group would impact traffic, police, #ire etc. Joan Moffatt
made a motion to appro�e the request to use Riverview Park as a rest
stop and the portions of the trail the staff appro�es. All w�re in fa�or
motion carried for use of Riv�rvi�w Park. Howe�er, speciai note was
made that t�is group had to contact the mayor's office for a right-of-way
permit form to process thru the other city departments.
Sy�via Allen ga�e a brief �eport highlighting the hydroplane races held at
Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Staff had not received any bad
reports to date with the exception of one neighbor complaining about the
noise. For the mos# part we got glowing comments.
Ron Regis Park is expected to be finished mid-June and the "dedication"
will be held in conjunction with a champianship softhall game schedulea
there. Invitations wiEl be sent out.
Joan Moffatt made a motion seconded by Ran Regis to adjourn the May meeting.
All were i vor, meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
J U N E 8, 1999--4:30 P.M.
Renton Senior Acti�i#y Center