HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/09/2000 - Minutes City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
Renton Senior Activity Center
May 9, 200Q--4:30 p.m.
!n Attendance:
Members Staff Otf�ers
Ron Regis, Chair Sylvia Allen Diane Dobson
Cynthia Burns Leslie Betlach Wyman Dobson
Robert Logue A� Dieckman Doug Kyes
Joan Moffatt 5onja Mejfaender Nancy Hoben
Michael 4'Donin Tom Malphrus
Marge Richter Sandy Pilat
Tim Searing Bonnie Rerecich
Jerry Rerecich
Jim Shepherd
Kris Stim son
Chair, Ron Regis, called the May meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Robert Logue made a motion secanded by Joan Moffatt to approve the March
2000 minutes as written. A!I were in favor, motion carried.
Wyman Dobsor� submitted a petition with 146 signatures endorsing the �ame for
the downtown park as Dobson Park. He resubmitted letters and related articles
referencing the Dobson family and their ties to Renton. The site of the downtown
park is the homestead site of his parents, one of the first pioneers of Renton.
Nancy Hoban addressed the Board as a member of the Piazza Group. She
explain�d the group had been formed o�er 7 years ago with �ario�s community
members interested in a park for the downtawn area where people could 'meet or
gather.' She felt Piazza was the most appropriate name since Piazza means
heart of the city. Many people had spent ho�rs of volunteer time and given ti�eir
input on making this downtown park a reality and all strongly supported the name
as "Piazza."
Doug Key�s, Piazza cammittee member, also attended the original mee#ings and
felt the citizens had gi�en their input and Piazza was the fa�ored name by the
Ron Regis, Chair, elected to mov� directly to the consent agenda item
addressing this issue for further discussion and cail for a vote on a
recammendation to council.
City of Rcnton
Park$oard Minutcs
May 9, 200d
Pagc 2 of 3
Discussion followed r�garding how many people actually participated in these
Piazza meetings, t�e di��rsity of the represen#ation, the invol�ement of the
Downtown Renton Associations and downto+,+vn: businesses.
Marg� Richter made a motion to concur with staff recommendativn and name the
park "Piazza". Joan Moffatt seconded the motion. A[I members were in
agreement mo#ion carried. The Board w�ll make a recommendation to the City
Council to name the downtown park "Piazza."
Joan Moffatt made a motion to erect a plaque at an appropriate location wi#hin
the Piazza designating it as the original homest�ad of th�e Dobson family. The
wording on the plaque should ha�e input from the Dobson family. Cynthia Burns
seconded the ma#ion. All were in fa�or, motion carried.
Mr. Shepherd announced the Maplewood Golf Course recei�ed a certificate from
the South County Journaf. The course was voted by t�e readers of the
newspaper as "Bes# municipal golf course." CyntY�ia Burns thanked Leslie for the
fine job she has dane with the golf course. Leslie stated all the thanks should go
to Randy Leifer, Gal# Course Manager, the pro shop and main#enance staff. A
commen# was made that not only €s the golf caurse a great caurse bu# it is always
improving. Leslie informed the board m�mbers that our revenue was increasing
on th� driving range and cart rentals.
Jim introduced our new Recreation Supervisor, Kris Stimpson.
Jim reviewed a thank you note acknowledging what a great time all the
participants at the Seatt�e Womer�'s Tournament on April 13, 2000 had at the
Maplewood Golf Course,
5ylvia Allen, REcreation Director, commented on th� recreation programs' annual
Easter Egg hunt and alE the positive feedback from it, It was well attended and
enjoyed by paren#s and children alike.
Mr. Shepherd reviewed the River Days activity schedu�e and reqtaes# for specific
park sites for those acti�ities made by Sonja M�jlaender, Renton River Days
Festival Coordinator. Robert Logue made a rriotion seconded by Cynthia Bums
to approve the requests. All present were in favor, motion carried. Sonja
answered questions about the festival dates and conflicts wi#h other acti�ities
going on in other communities at the same time. There was also discussion
about Cirque de Soieil and t�e impact it would have on Coulon Par�c, traffic in the
area etc. Mr. Shepherd offered to have a guest speaker come to the next park
board meeting and make a presentation.
City oF Rcnton
Park Board Minutes
May 9,20Q0
Page 3 of 3
Tom Maplrus, Water Utiiity Engineer, was present to request approva! for the
design of a new strt�cture lacated in Liberty Park. Leslie Betlach, Parks Director,
I�as been coordinating with the water department on the demolition of the existing
s#ructure and design of the new. The new building will be larger and they are
planning to use tF�e same design as the current restrooms. make some
impro�ements on #he iandscaping. Where the streets, Houser and Bronson meet
could also possibly be a futur� gateway corner. Robert Logue made a motion
seconded by Marge Richter to concur with staff recommendation and approve
this project contingent on coordination with our Parks Director. Ali were in fa�or,
mo#ion carried.
Jerry Rerecich reminded e�eryane of the hydroplane races coming up this
Cynthia Burns commented on how good the Ser�ior Re�ue was and what a
quality performance the Renton Youth Symphony had. Their improvemen# was
Diane Dobson thanked the Board for considering her submittal.
Cynthia Burns made a mation seconded by Robert Logue to adjoum #he meeting.
AI� present were in favar, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.
Si at
J U N E 13, 2000-4:30 P M