HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/12/2001 - Minutes City of Renton i�S �dL Park Board Minutes Maplewood Golf Course June 12, 2001--4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Marge Richter, Chair Sylvia Allen Amir Fakharzadeh Cynthia Burns Leslie Betlach Ralph Evans Glenn Kost Michael O'Donin Randy Leifer Ron Regis Sandy Pilat Tim Searing Jerry Rerecich Troy Wigestrand Jim Shepherd CALL TO ORDER The June meet�ng was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by Chair Marge Richter. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ron Regis made a motion seconded by Cynt�ia Burns to appra�e the minutes as written. Afl present were in fa�or, motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Shepherd a�nounced the con#inuation of the parks tour on Thursday, June 21, at 10:00 a.m. Anyone interested was invited. He also updated the Board on the outcome of the naming of the Senior Center Rotary Sun Room. The majority were in favor and Councit approved the name. The dedication ceremony would be held on Monday, June 18th at f 1:0� a.m. CONSENT Jim re�iewed the following consent items: a) Catherine Ward, USCAA, is hosting their national track and field championships at the Renton Stad�um on July 21-22nd (Saturday and Sunday). They would fike to use the same road racecourses that they used last year on the Cedar Ri�er Trail. This event has been approved for"Ci#y Right of Way" and city staff (from recreation and the street department) will coordinate. Additionally the group is holding a banque# on Sunday and has the community center banquet room reserved. They also request to serve alcaho� on the grounds adjoining the patio. A temporary fence will be erected and taken down at the coRclusion of the e�ent to set this area off. A certificate of insurance will be obtained naming Ci#y of Renton as a co- insured. Staff recomm�nded approval of this request. b) Sue Beeson, requested on behalf of Hazen, Lindbergh and Renton High Schools to re-instat� a high school golf program in the school district. The three schools have no district fu�nds delegated to this program and are asking use of Maplewood at no fee. They will raise funds to cover transportation, coaching and related expenses. Staff recommended appro�al of this request. City of Rc�ts�n Aark Board Minu�cs .lunc 12, 200� c) Brian Berend� Glenn Kost and Mitch Wasserman (former, fong-time racquetball partners w�th Sam Chastain) requested to purchase and install a plaque in front of racquetbal! court #1 at the Renton Community Center in i�is memory. The piaque would read: "Great memorres of Sam Chastain forever echo wifhin the wa!!s of court#1� Always watch your backside! Staff recom�nended approval of this request. d) Lori Gionnetti, The North Renton Neighborhood Association requested use of,�on�s Park on Saturday, June 23. The Neighborhood Association will be holding a pancake breakfast. The funds raised will be donatec� to local Renton c�arities. They also requestec� use of the party wagon. Staff recommended approval of the event. Norma McQuiller, Neighborhood Coordinator, will finalize the use of t�e `party wagon' with the group. This request was withdrawn. e) Ren#on Rotary 'sn partnership with the Centennial Ad�isory Committee is requesting to hold their Se��ember 6, 2001, luncheon at the Veterans Memorial Park followed with a#our of the museum as their program. Staff recommended appraval of this request. f} Mindy Lamberson requested use of Ri�er�iew Park for her wedding on S�ptember �5, 2001. Approxima�e time of use would be 10:15 a.m. until 12:30 with 50-65 guests in attendance. The shelter has been reserved and fees �aid. 5taff wiil advise Mindy of park ru�es and regulations and recommended ap�roval. g) Glories Thayer, Executive Administrator Sound Container, Inc., reques#ed September 1s1 or 15th to hold their company picnic at Liberty Park. Their expected attendanc� would be approximately 125. The September 15'h date is available. The group has been ad�ised amplifiers are not altowed in the park and a certificate of insurance must be ob#ained from tne company providing the inflatables. T�e field is scheduled for softball and the shelter is reserved pending park board approval. Staff recommended approval of this reques#. h) George Vanni, Athletic Director, Liberty High Schoo[ requested use of the Maplewood Golf Course for the 2001 boys golf season. Their season starts on August 20, 2Q01. Staff recommended denial of this request due to previous commitmen# to Hazen, Lindbergh and Renton High School. i) Review of three new policies and procedures 1) Disruptive Beha�ior Policy 2) Special E�ent Policy 3) General Security Policy �''Note: The reference materials at[ached to the three above-mentioned draR policies are support documentation only. Nof lor review. J) Brian Espe, Maplewood Men's Club, requested to purchase a score board and plaque in memory of Ed McCaffrey for Maplewood Golf Course. The Men's Ciub would purchase and instafl both the scoreboard and plaque. Staff recammended appro�al. City or Renlon Park Board Minutcs June 12, 2001 K) Alisa For�es, Our Place After School Cenfer, has their an�ual summ�r kick-off picnic at Riverview Park on June 2fit". They have re�uested to rent a portable fun jump. Staff recommended approval contingent on coordination with our parks supervisor on location and pro�ision of a certificate of insurance naming the City as co-insured. L) Cascade Canoe & Kayak Centers, Inc. rEquested permission to hold a cano� and kayak regatta on June 21 and 22, 2001 in the Cedar Ri�er Trail Park betweer� the north and south bridges. The event is open to the public and expected attendance is about 80 competi#ors and 40 support personnel and officials. They requested to insta�l an officials' deck at the finish line and a floating dock at the boat launch. Both would be temporary structures and removed following the event. Approval is pending and m�ast be obtained #rom Develapment Services for temporary str�ctures a�d a shoreline exemption permit. Mr. Henderson did not include in his letter bu# he requested verbally that ti�e tumaround at the sou#h end of Ri�erside Drive be closed to traffic. This request is pending based on authorization from the police department. Staff recommended approval of this request cont�ngen# on coordination with Dave Perkins. M) Dan Henderson, President Cascade Canoe & Kayak Centers, Inc., is hosting a free public boat demo on Saturday, June 16 from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Some of the activities will take place on the northern-most grassy area of Cedar River Trail Park and the boat launch directly west. Staff recommended approval af this request. Further discussion on I#ems b, c, d and h and j were req�ested. On the golf course request for the high school leagues additional questions were raised conceming number of students involved, number of tee times, number of days per week and potential loss of revenue. Randy Leifer explained Liberty High School prEviously had been the only school requesting tee #imes, but now with 3 additional schools starting a program he felt we would compramise the teams in the amount of time they had on the course and also the pubfic. The Board voiced concems about excluding Liberty High School. Randy assured them if the board appro�ed all four of the requests the staff would do everyti�ing possible to make it a workable situation. Leslie Betlach and Randy Leifer answered questions regarding the propos�d memorial scoreboard for Ed McCaffrey. There was also discussion about the wording on the memorial plaque for the community center. A motior� was made to concur with staff recommendation on all items on the consent agenda with the exception of item H. Conceming item H the majority felt we should try to accammodate the Liberty High School golf program as well as Hazen, Lindbergh and Renton High. All were in fa�or, motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Relocation of donkey sculpture at Tonkin Park The members re�iewed the issues associated witF� this request by the Municipa! Arts Commission. Cynthia Burns made a motion to relocat� the donkey as staff recommended {between the two garbage cans between the two picnic tables). Ron Regis seconded the motion. Ralph Evans expressed opposition indicating he felt the donkey was fine at its present location. The remainder of the board was in fa�or. Mo#ion carried. City of Rcnto�Park Board M�r�utes lunc 12, 200I Rotation of Chair Ran Regis made a motion to nominate Troy Wiges#rand for Chair for the next year. Tim Seari�g seconded the motion, all were in favor. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Amir Fakharzadeh requested consideration be gjven by city officials to recognize the many contribtations that the late Sam Chastain made to its citizens by naming a facility after him. There was discussion and the matter was tabled for a later meeting wfien staff would bring suggestions back to the Board €or review. 4THER Glenn Kost noted that there would be a comprehensive pian meeting comprised or various user groups on Ju�e 28th and notices would be sent to the board members. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ralph E�ans commented on how nice hE tf�ought the ha�ging baske�s dow�town were. ADJOURNMENT Cynthia Burns made a motion, seconded by �on Regis to adjourn the meeting. All were in fa�or, meeting adjoumed at 5:50 p.m. Srgnature NEXT REGULAR MEETING JULY 1Q, 20��-4:30 P.M. BOATHOUSE-1060 No Riverside Drive