HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/13/2001 - Minutes City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
City Hall
Conference Room #511
November 13, 2001--4:30 p.m.
In AttendaRce:
Members StafF Others
Troy Wigestrand, Chair Syl�ia Alien AE Dieckman
Cynthia Burns Leslie Betlach
Ralph E�ans Sandy Pilat
Marge Richter Jerry Rerecich
Ron Regis Jim Shepherd
Tim Searing
Michael Q'Donin
The Novemb�r meeting was called #o order at 4:30 p.m.
Marge Richter made a motion seconded by Ron Regis to approve #he October
minutes as written. All were in fa�or, motion carried.
Jim extended an in�ita#ion to a cake and coffee being held for Glenn Kost, CIP
Manager, who had accepted a position with the City of B�Ile�ue.
Jim re�iewed correspondence for the board's re�iew and considera#ion as
a) Floyd Eldridge, Commander, Renton Police Department, requested
use of the Cedar Ri�er Park for the Retum to Renton Car Show on
Saturday, Ju1y 13, 2002. Staff recommends appro�al of this request
cantingent on the fo�lowing:
1. 5et-up may not begin until after 3:00 p.m. on July 12, 2002, due to
a sports camp that will be in progress.
2. A field use application must be filled ou# and retumed to Andy
O'Brien, Athletic Coordinator.
3, �"'he car sha�w must conclude by 4:00 p.m. on the i 3'h to provide
parking for community center guests for�he e�enmg.
b) Captain T�omas Nelson, US Army, requestEd wai�er of fees for 31
soldiers to use the gym ar�d showers on Fri�ays at the community
center. Staff recommends approval of the gym tee waiver. The group
does not use it �ery frequently and they w�ll be notified no one wili be
bumped out to accommodate their group. Staff does not recommend
waiving t'he shower feE but will in�oice the Army rather than have them
pay each time they come in. T�is arrangeme+�t will be re�iewed each
c) The Piazza volunteers are requesting assistance in th� 8t" annual
haliday tree lighting at the Piazza on December 8, 2001 fram 5:00-7:00
p.m. They are requ�sting 5Q chairs, 3 tables, and a sound system with
microphane, e�ctension cord, tent, extra garbage cans and a podium,
Additionally, they would tike use of the pa�ilion building; wai�er of t�e
hourly fee and a ba�ner hung over the street. Jerry Rerecich,
Recreation Manager, wi�l coordinate the requests fof in�ol�ement by
#acili#ies, parks and recreation. Staff recommends approval of the
portion of the request in�olving parks and recreation; however, the use
of t�e pavilion building must be coordinated with the fire department
and the hanging of the banner by the streEt department.
d} Terry CrisweEl requested eve�ing use of the skate par�c on No�ember
16th or �7t". This session would begin around 7:00 p.m. and she would
set up a portab�e generator to run fights. Ms. Criswell would like
exclusive use of the skate park therefore staff recommends denial of
this request.
e) Dar�ene Dobson requested to plant a tree with a memorial plaque in
memory of Andrew Vetter at the Cedar Ri�er Trail Park. S#aff
recommends appro�al and wiil coordinate t�e locatio� and purchase
witY� the applican#.
fiy Susan Giger requested a tree and plaque along the Cedar River trail in
memory of her son, Mark Vernon Read. Staff recommer�ds appro�al
and will work with Ms. Giger on location and purchase.
g) Cooperative Agreement Policy
h) Fiorini Ski School requested use of the parking area at Cedar River
Park for their ski bus pick up on Wednesday, January 9th, 16th, 23�' and
30'". They would utilize approximately 1-4 parkir�g stalls. Staff
recommends appro�al of this request.
i) Ajoy Varma requested to purchase a bench and plaque a# Gene
Coulon Memorial Beach Park in memory of Rameshwar Varna. Mr.
Vama was a Renton residen# for 20 years and enjoyed waiks at
Coulon Park. Staff recommends appro�al of#his request�
There was discussion regarding item D, the request for exc�usi�e e�ening use of
the 5kate Park.
Cynthia Burns made a motion to appro�e consent items A through f with
guidelines autlined by staff. Ron Regis seconded the mation, al1 were in fa�or,
mation carried.
Prior to t�e meeting the suggested changes to the park rules and regulations
were sent out to the board for their re�iew. There was one other c�ange in
language mere[y to clarify the restrictions on barbecues brought into the park.
Cynthia Bums made a motion to approve the changes in the park rules and
reguiations, seconded by Ralph Evans. All were in fa�or, the amendments to the
park rules and regufations as submitted were appro�ed.
ComprehEnsi�e Pian
Glenn Kost reviewed a handout of sections of the comprehensive plan. He
offered tentati�e dates to have an add€tional workshop to review the changes
with the consultant. The meeting was set up for Tuesday, December 4 fram 4:30
p.m.-6:30 p.m.
Syl�ia u�dated the board on the accreditation process and arri�al of#he team in
January. Dates for Clam Lights, the Christmas ship and the tree lighting at the
Piazza were announced.
Ron REgis made a motion seconded by Cynthia Burns to adjoum #he Novemb�r
meeti�g. All were in fa�or, motion carri�d, the Navember meeting was adjourned
at 5:10 p.m.
DECEMBER 11, 2001-4:30 P.M.