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Park Board Minutes
]anuary 8, 2Q02
City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
City Hall
1055 South Grady Way
5`'' Floor
Apri19, 20Q2--4:30 p.m.
Members Staff Others
In Attendance
Cynthia Bums, Pro Tem 5ylvia AIlen Al Dieckman
Ralph Evans Leslie Be#lach Sandel DeMastus
Marge Richter Terry Flatley
Ron Regis 5andy Pilat
Jerry Rerecich
Jim Shepherd
Michael O'Donin
Tim Searing
Troy Wigestrand
Cynthia Bums, Chair Pro Tem, called the April meeting to order at 4:3Q p.m.
Ralph Evans made a motion seconded by Marge Richter to appro�e ti�e March minutes
as written. Motion carried, minutes approved.
Sandel DeMastus, Highlands Community Association, was present to discuss cancems
regarding Sunset Court Park. Ms. DeMastus reviewed a letter she wro#e to the Park
Board. She cited incidents inc�uding �andalism, use of the park late at night, a broken
basketball haop and paor lighting. Leslie Betlach, Parks Director, visited the park and
noted the basketball hoop was minus a net but not braken and the I�ght was operating,
City of Renton
Purk Board Minutes
danuary 8, 2002
�ust not to capacity, and would be fixed. Leslie requested a listing of asl police reports
€i[ed since 1999. They totaled 5, which is not excessi�e in comparison to other parks in
our system. Signage has been posted at all three entrances defining park rules and
�egu[ations, litter is picked up daily and the park is mowed on a regular schedule, Jim
Shepherd, Community Sesvices Administrator, noted some of the problems Sande�
d�scussed, such as t�e homeless camp and abandaned v�hicles were no# on park
property, therefore, out of our jurisdiction. Jim encouraged Sandel and her neighbors to
call 911 anytime they felt someone was �iolating the park rules and regulations. lf the
homeless camps reappeare� on the private property next to the park or abandoned
vehicles wEre left there she should contact our code compl'iance officer, Bob Arthur_
Ralp� Evans, Park Board Member, noted F�e felt that everything that could be done by
staff was being dane.
Marge Cochran, Secretary at the 5enior Activity Center, is retiring and a reception will
be he�d in her honor on Friday, Apri[ 26t� from 1 until 3.0� p.m.
Ti�e letter submitted by 5andel DeMastus was discussed during audier�ce �omment.
Jim revie�ved the following consent letters and recommendations:
a. Myugkee Min, President of NWKSA, requested permissivn to use Gene
Coulon Memarial Beach Park on Saturday, June 1, 2002, for their annual
picnic. T�e expected attendance is 200-250 attendees. Staff recommends
approval of this event and will encourage the attendees to car pool due to
parking limitations.
b. Highlands Soccer Club requested to dispfay a 4'X8' v�nyl banner on t�e
chain link�ence during their registration for 2002 saccer s�ason at Kiwanis
clubf�ouse one Saturday in May and the first two weekends in June. The
board members will promp#ly remove the signage after each day of use.
Staff recommends appror►al.
c. The Seattle Drag and Ski Club requested pErmission to con�uct the
annual limited hydroplane race at Gene Coulon MemoriaE Beach Park with
setup on June 14'h and racing on June 15th and 1 fith. The boat faunch parking
lot and boat ramps will be the staging area of the event. All ather areas of the
park will be open to the public� Staff recommends appro�al and Jerry will
work with #he group to ensure a�l park rules ar�d regulations are followed.
d. The German Shept�erd Dog Club of Washington State is requesting to
ha�e an RV park in the parking [ot of Cedar River Park ovemight May 10jh
and �1th for secur€ty during their annual specialty show on May 11'" and 12�n
City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
January S, 2002
This group has held this event for several years and does a great job of
c�eaning up after and po�icing themselves. Staff recommends appro�al.
e. Valley Mothers of M�Itiples Club requested a donation for their fund
raising auction to b� hefd in May. Staff has been advised by the city attomey
that "state constitutional law dictates the city not lend its credit, which includes
making donations," and therefore recommends denying tF�is request.
Ron Regis made a motior� to concur with staff recomme�dation and appro�e the
consent agenda. Ralph E�ans secanded the motion, all were in favor, the consent
agenda was appro�ed.
Staff re�iewed a letter from Denis Law that had been submitted at t�e pre�iaus meetEng
requesting park rules and regulation �e modified to allow dogs on a leash at Gene
Coulon Memorial Beach Park. If that was not acceptable he requested that the rules be
en#orced and violators ticketed.
Staff recommended leaving the park rules and regulations as they are and not to allow
dogs at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Staff felt additional enforcement issues
wauld arise if we allowed dogs even limited access to t�e park. Other considerations
could be giving a limited cammission to park staff to issue tickets, but that would bring
up compensatian issues and additional liability and it would be too late to implement this
season. Ralph E�ans commented he felt that even if the pofice are present in the park
patrol�ing tl�ey do not issue ticke#s to #hose in Wiofation. Ran Regis made a motion #o
not c�ange any of the current park rules but req�Est the police department to be more
aggressi�e in ci#ing offenders when they are present in the park. The motion was
seconded, all present were in fa�or. The motion carried.
City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
.�anuary $, 2002
Jim Shept�erd notified the Board members of the upcomi�,g Committee vf the Whole
and Council meeting where public comment woutd be heard regarding the alsocation of
surp�us funds for Veterans Memarial Park or possibly a new pool.
Jerry Rerecich pres�nted the �inalized Liberty Park concession contract for sig�a#ure.
Ralph Evans made a motion seconded by Ron Regis to adjoum the meeting. All
present were in favor. Motion carried, meeting adjourned at 5:i5 p.m.
Signatu e
M�� 12� 2�4� 4�:3� �. r�.
Ci�y Ha�l
Fi�� �loor-Room �11