HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/08/2003 - Minutes City of Renton �f � Park Board Minutes City Hall 1455 South Grady Way Sth Floor Aprii S, 2003--4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Ralph E�ans, Chair Syl�ia Allen Bob ChamblE� Cynthia Bums Leslie Betlach AI Diec�Cman M�chael Q'Donin Terry Flatley Toni Nelson Marge Richter Sandy Pilat Christopher Walls Ron Regis Jerry Rerecich Cory Zeigler Troy Wigestrand Jim Shepherd ABSENT Tim Searin CALL TO ORDER The April meeting was cailed to order by Chair, Ralph Evans, at 4:31 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Marge Richter req��sted the March minutes reflect the correct spelling of her name on page 2. Cyn#hia Bums made a motion to accept the minutes, with the noted change, the motion was seconded. All were in fa�or, motion carried, March 2003 minutes appro�ed. AUDIENCE COMMENT Toni Nelsan, Renton Farmers' Market Committee C�air, requested assista�ce to host the Farmers Market at the Piazza again this year. T�e market would be held on Tuesdays, from June 10�" thru September 9t�'from 3:00-7:OD p.m. Toni noted the commiftee was aware of the impact on the grass iast year, so the s#all layout had been reconfigured to minimize any damage. The Committee and participants are committed to making very little impact on City staff and handle th�ir own se#-up and clean-up following the event. Cynthia Bums made a mo#ion seconded by Ron Regis #o accept the proposal to use the Piazza for the Farmers' Market. A�I were in favor, motion carried. City oF Renton Park Board Minutes Apri� 8, 2003 Page 2 of 4 Chris Walls, Chris Crafts Rentals, and #wo of his associates att�nded fi�e Board meefing to propose rentals of jet skis ar�d small pleasure boats at Gene Co�alon Memorial Beacl� Park. Parasailing was another consideration. They were willing to try a pilot program this summer. They answered ques#ions from the Baard members and staff regarding types of boats, �nvironmental issues, etc. They explained they operated a concession at Lake Tapps and were environmentally aware and addressed safety aspects. They were willing to try this on a limited basis to start and use only tour boats. Michael O'Donin made a motion to discuss this further with the board members and come to a decision on how to proceed. Troy Wigestrand abstained from voting, the remainder of the membership were in favor. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS A cake and coffee will be h��d for Jim Shepherd on Wednesday, April 3D"', at 1;30 p.m. in t�e Council Chambers. CORRESPONDENCE The Renton Municipal Arts Commission sent a card of appreciation thanking t�e parks maintenance crew for their professiona! work installing the "'Summerbreeze" and "Pettigrew Boy" scufptures at the Piazza and Library. CONSENT Jim reviewed the foliowing letters of request: A) The Highlands Community Association would like to use HighEands Park on Wednesday, August 20, 2003, from fi;00-8:3� p.m. for their annual cammunity picnic; Staff recommends appro�al of this e�ent, howe�ar, asks if any ten�s are used this is coordinated with our parks maintenance staff. B) Newfoundland Club of Seattle reques�ed use of Teasdale Park for June 22"d for their Fun Match. This event includes an educatior�al speech about training and preparation of a Water Rescue Dog. Staff recommends appro�al of this request. C) Lenny Baker, Race Chair, requested us� of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park on June 13, 14, 15p" 2003, for the 5t'' annua! hydropfane races. They are reques#ing waiver of fees for use of the boat launch, parking lot, launch lanes and the grassy area south of the beach fo�the cus#om car and hot rod show. Staff recommends approval and will coordinate the details with the group. City of Renton Park Board Minutes April S, 2003 Page 3 of 4 D) Allocation of unforecasted revenue from Ivars Per the current cantract with the Gene Coulon concessionaire, if the yearly sales exceed $1.� million, the City shall receive 12% of these sales. We have received $20,380 in unforecasted re�enue for the year 2002. The staff recommends these funds be allocated as follows: Finalize the automated lighting by installir�g $4,941.00 the necessary equipment at Ivar's to control +tax the lighting within the area north of Ivar's. This would fully automate C1am Lights. Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, install $fi,500.00 an electric fumace and ductwork at tne + tax restroom adjacent to the playground equipment, mak�ng this faci�ity operational on a year-round basis. Liberty Park Ball Field #2-renovation project $7,955.00 ta computerize irrigation and tighting +tax controls. TOTAL (withou# tax) $19,396.00 Ron Regis made a motion, seconded by Cynthia Bums to approve the consent agenda with staff recommendations. All present were in favor, the consent agenda was appror►ed. NEW BUStNESS Ralph E�ans opened discussion about the possibility of utilizing undeveloped park space in the City as an aff-leash area for dags in Renton. Leslie Be#lach, Parks Director, stated the matter had been brought up at the council meeting on Monday and �fi e-mails had been received regarding the same topic. She fur�her explained the City's involvement w�th the cities of Kent, Des Moines, Federal Way, Auburn and Tukwila on ident�fying an area for a regional park to serve this area. Grandview Park in SeaTac is a 37-acre parcel that had been designated as a site. EigF�t South County cities are contributing ta fence the park. The City of Renton has designated approximately $4,000 towards t�is cooperative effort. Ralph explained this question was raised at the H�ghlands Community Association meeting and the question was posed if Heather Dawns property could be considered until it is de�eloped. Staff explained that there would be a City of Renton Park Board Minutes April 8, 2003 Page 4 of 4 Iia�ility issue, the a�ea would have to be fenced, and at least a walking path would I�ave to exist. Additionally, during the Comprehensive Plan update a citizen survey had been taken and a dog park was not one o#the priorities of our citizens. It was the consensus of the Board to enco�rage Leslie and staff to focus on the regional park and not consider a� off-leash park within the City at this time. Syl�ia Allen, Recreation Director, requested a member of the Teen Council be allowed to attend the month Board members. All were in agreement this would be acceptable. Michael O'Donin initiated further discussion on the sUbject of rental o#jet skis, boats, etc, as proposed earlier in the meeting at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, Michae� felt there were too many negati�e factors co�ceming this request including the park already is too busy, we don't need to pro�ide this service and the impact on the boat launch. Staff indicatEd this letter was submitted on the day of the meeting, not allowing them ta do any research to submit a recommendation. A recommendation wauld warrant considerable staff time to re�iew to address risk management issues, contracts, logistics, etc. �on Regis made a motion, seconded by Michael O'Donin to deny the request to operate a boat, jet ski, parasailing rental operation out of Gene Couion Memorial BEach Park. AI� were in fa�or, motion carried. Leslie announced the grand opening of the playground equipment at Gene Coulon F�ark on Saturday, May 3�' at 11:00 a.m. OTHER Jim Shepherd noted this would be his last meeting be#ore his r�tirement and thanked t�e Board for e�erything and ��marked he had enjoyed working with them all o�er��e years. AUDIENCE C�MMENT AI Dieckman asked the status of Liberty Park and Leslie Betlach updated i�im or� the status af the construction. ADJOURNMENT Marge R�chter made a motion seconded by Michael O'Donin to adjoum the meeting. AI[ were in favor, meeting adjour�ed at 5:56 p.m. . Signat re